Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO)

ISOO Notices

*Please note the table headers are clickable, sort the table by the clicked column header.

Number Date Title Status Date of Change
2024-03 7/23/2024 Changes to ISOO Liaison Program    
2024-02 02/29/2024 Agencies Eligible to Receive Referrals from Automatic Declassification at 25, 50, and 75 Years Cancels Notice 2019-01 6/5/2024
2024-01 10/05/2023 Joint Ventures and Entity Eligibility Determinations    
2023-02 06/23/2023 Handling NATO Information Identified during Automatic Declassification Processing Cancels Notice 2009-06 6/23/23
2023-01 06/21/2023 Classified Records Found Outside Government Control    


Black Label Letter



General Services Administration (GSA) Approved Security Equipment

Clarification Regarding GSA/IACSE Black Label Phase Out Plan

Amends Notice 2021-01

Rescinds approval in accordance with the phase-out plan listed in ISOO NOTICE 2021-01



2022-02 5/23/2022 Declassification Guide Review Requirements    
2022-01 05/10/2022 Digital Signatures on Standard Form (SF) 312, Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement      
2021-03 10/05/2021 Applying to the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) to support classification and declassification improvements    
2021-02 07/16/2021 Partial Waiver for the Declassification Review of Certain White House, National Security Council (NSC) and Homeland Security Council (HSC) Records Cancels Notice 2017-03 7/16/2021


Black Label Letter



Rescinding Approval of Pre-1989 General Services Administration (GSA)-Approved Containers

Clarification Regarding GSA/IACSE Black Label Phase Out Plan

Amended by Notice 2022-03

Rescinds approval in accordance with the phase-out plan listed in ISOO NOTICE 2021-01



2020-02 08/24/2020 Transmitting Classified Information    
2019-01 09/27/2019 Agencies Eligible to Receive Referrals from Automatic Declassification at 25, 50, and 75 Years Cancels Notice 2015-05  09/27/2019
2018-01 01/16/2018 Declassification Date or Event Markings Clarification     
2017-04  09/14/2017 Security Classification Guides    
2017-02 04/17/2017 Clarification of Classification by Compilation     
2015-01 06/05/2015 Withholding Authorities for Mandatory Declassification Review    
2014-03 08/27/2014 U.S. Protection of Information Shared by the Government of the United Kingdom    
2014-02 04/04/2014 Procurement of Security Equipment    
2014-01 03/26/2014 Appeal Rights for Mandatory Declassification Review Requests and the Rejection of Requests for Specific Reasons    
2013-06 09/18/2013 Changes in Express Mail    
2013-05 08/19/2013 Revision of the Standard Form (SF) 312, “Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement”    
2013-03 04/10/2013 Processing of Mandatory Declassification Review Requests Appealed to the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel    
2013-01 11/01/2012 Further Marking Guidance on Commingling North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Classified National Security Information (NSI)    
2012-04 10/12/2012 Additional Guidance on Standards for Security Equipment    
2012-03 04/02/2012 Additional Guidance on Supplemental Controls Required for Safeguarding Classified National Security Information    
2012-02 12/23/2011 Classification Marking Instructions on the Use of "50X1-HUM" vs "25X1-human" as a Declassification Instruction    
2012-01 12/08/2011 Requirements for Derivative Classifier Training    
2011-02 05/18/2011 Further Guidance and Clarification on Commingling Atomic Energy Information and Classified National Security Information    
2009-07 01/08/2009 Mandatory Declassification Review – Inappropriate Citation of Section 6.2(d) of E.O. 13526
2009-04 10/10/2008 “Best Practices” for Declassification Review Record Keeping
Reviewed 04/26/2010


10/10/2008 Notification, Coordination, and Documentation Related to Subsequent Reviews Conducted by Primary Reviewing Agencies 
[Related to Automatic Declassification] 
Reviewed 04/26/2010
2009-02 10/10/2008 Initial Instructions on the Use of the SF 715, "Declassification Review Tab" Revised 09/30/2010
2009-01 10/10/2008 Use of Standard Form 715, "Declassification Review Tab" Revised 09/30/2010

*The following Notices have been canceled:
2009-05, 2009-06, (2009-08 through 2009-16), 2010-02, 2011-01, 2013-02, 2013-04, 2014-04, (2015-02 through 2015-05), 2017-01, 2017-03, 2020-01, 2020-03. 
