Open Government at the National Archives

Flagship Initiative

The flagship initiative component of the plan is a specific transparency, participation, or collaboration initiative that can be implemented within two years. We want to hear your recommendations for this component of NARA’s Open Government Plan. Please visit the NARAtions Blog to submit your ideas for improving participation at NARA.

The Open Government Directive requires a plan to follow these guidelines:

Each agency's Open Government Plan should describe at least one specific, new transparency, participation, or collaboration initiative that your agency is currently implementing (or that will be implemented before the next update of the Open Government Plan). That description should include:

  1. An overview of the initiative, how it addresses one or more of the three openness principles, and how it aims to improve agency operations;
  2. An explanation of how your agency engages or plans to engage the public and maintain dialogue with interested parties who could contribute innovative ideas to the initiative;
  3. If appropriate, identification of any partners external to your agency with whom you directly collaborate on the initiative;
  4. An account of how your agency plans to measure improved transparency, participation, and/or collaboration through this initiative; and
  5. An explanation of the steps your agency is taking to make the initiative sustainable and allow for continued improvement.