About the Archives.gov Redesign
1. Redesign Goals were identified
The goal was to make Archives.gov a participatory user-focused website. The Archives.gov 2010 redesign would:
- Streamline Navigation
- Improve Access to Holdings
- Simplify Content
- Update Visual Design
- Focus on Customer's Tasks
2. A Project Plan was developed
This multi-phase project plan meets NARA's internal goals and ensures the site design reflects optimal user experience for the largest number of users:
Phase I
- Redesign the home page and top task pages to focus on primary customers.
- Implement a new search interface.
Phase II
- Address sections related to the other top user tasks.
- Centralize similar content to improve access to holdings.
Phase III
- Continue to improve access to holdings.
- Continue to make improvements to focus on the user and their top tasks.
- Migrate into a Content Management System (CMS).
3. User Data was Collected
To prepare for the Archives.gov redesign, we continually gathered website data and user feedback from WebTrends reports, American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) survey data, site search data, and visitor comments. The following reports helped us gather information about visits, customers, and tasks.
Card Sort Results
Online card sorts were used to help us learn how citizens would organize the site. In April, 2010, public and staff were invited to participate in Card Sorts during the Archives Genealogy Fair and online via Facebook and the NARAtions blog.
A summary of the results for each type of card sort is listed below. (There were 372 card sort participants.) These documents are in PDF format:
- General Information
- Genealogy
- Historical Topics
- Historical Research
- Resources for Veterans
- All Comments
In May, we asked for input on how to refer to the documents, photos, and videos that the National Archives stores.
Who Are Our Customers and What Do They Want?
How frequently do you visit this site?
69% First time
14% Every 6 months or less
9% About once a month
5% About once a week
In what role are you using the website today?
30% Veteran or Veteran's family
23% Genealogist or family historian
14% Educator or student
14% Researcher
What were you primarily looking for today?
28% Historical Documents
25% Veterans' Service Records
19% Genealogy or family history information
9% Other
How would you most like to interact with this site?
41% Bookmark or tag pages
35% None
15% Receiving newsletters/email updates
8% Watching Vodcasts or video
Data above is based on the January 1-June 30, 2010 ACSI Survey Results - the survey randomly pops up for Archives.gov visitors.
Statistical Data Reports
- Archives.gov 2009 Statistics Report
- Google Analysis: July 2009 - January 24, 2010 - these are the most common keywords Google found when crawling Archives.gov and reflect the subject matter of the site during the specified timeframe.
Strategy and Results
The redesign goals and how they were met are outlined in these documents.
- Redesign Strategy Overview: PDF | PowerPoint
- Archives.gov website Analysis and Recommendations
- Redesign Participation and Results: PDF | PowerPoint
- Usability Test Results - these tests were used to determine how visitors navigate the site, define labels, etc. The results were used for redesign recommendations.
- Home Page Usability Test Findings - based on the testing of 3 wireframe versions of the Archives.gov home page in 2009.
- Graphic Design Usability Test Findings - based on a graphical representation of the top-level Archives.gov redesign pages in August 2010.
4. A Design was Selected

5. Improvements Continue
A website is never done!
- Address sections related to the other top user tasks.
- Centralize similar content to improve access to holdings.