Privacy Program Resources

NARA Privacy Act Systems: NARA 14

SYSTEM NAME: Payroll, Attendance, Leave, Retirement, Benefits, and Electronic Reporting System Records.



  1. Payroll, attendance, leave, retirement, benefits, and electronic reporting system of records for current employees are located in the Office of Human Capital (Labor Employee Relations Benefit Branch) and NARA organizational units nationwide that employ timekeepers;
  2. The Interion Business Center (IBC) maintains an electonic record-keeping system for NARA in Denver, CO; and
  3. Retired personnel files are located at NARA's National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) in St. Louis, MO.

CATEGORIES OF INDIVIDUALS COVERED BY THE SYSTEM: Individuals covered by this system include current and former NARA employees.

CATEGORIES OF RECORDS IN THE SYSTEM: Payroll, attendance, leave, retirement, benefits, and electronic reporting system files may include: Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Form 71, Request for Leave or Approved Absence; GSA Form 873, Annual Attendance Record; NA Forms 3004, Intermittent Employees Attendance Record; NA Form 3032A or B, Time and Attendance Log; leave restriction documents; medical and other documentation for Family and Medical Leave Act and voluntary leave transfer program applications; teleworking agreements and supporting documentation; prior government service records and "buy-back" documents; retirement documents; student loan repayment program documents; direct deposit information; other benefits information; various summary materials received in computer printout form; awards information; recruitment, relocation, or retention bonuses; training information; and the electronic system. These paper and electronic records may contain some or all of the following information about an individual: Name; address; correspondence symbol; telephone number; social security number; birth date; position title; grade; hours and location of duty; salary, payroll, related information (e.g., withholding status, voluntary deductions, allotments, financial institution, union dues, taxes, charities, wage garnishments, Flexible Spending Account, Long Term Care Insurance, Thrift Savings Plan, and other benefit information), attendance information, medical diagnoses, treatments, and limitations, payment receipts, government service record verifications, and other information provided by the employee. This system does not include the official pesonnel records maintained by NARA, which are described in the system notices published by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM/GOVT-1 and OPM/GOVT-2).

AUTHORITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM: 5 U.S.C., 2101 through 8901 is the authority for the overall system. Executive Order 9397, 26 CFR 31.6011(b)2, and 26 CFR 31.6109-1 contain specific authority for use of social security numbers. Additional authorities: 4 U.S.C. Ch. 63, 5 U.S.C. 83-84, 5 CFR Part 630, and 29 CFR Part 825.

ROUTINE USES OF RECORDS MAINTAINED IN THE SYSTEM, INCLUDING CATEGORIES OF USERS AND THE PURPOSES OF SUCH USES: NARA and IBC maintain payroll, attendance, leave, retirement, benefits, and electronic reporting system records on individual NARA employees to conduct NARA's fiscal operations for payroll, time and attendance, leave, insurance, tax, retirement, qualifications, and benefits; to prepare related reports to other Federal agencies; and to carry out labor/employee relations and benefits functions.

To the extent necessary, NARA and IBC may disclose information in these records to outside entities as part of grievance proceedings, EEO complaints, adverse actions, and mediation counseling sessions. NARA, IBC, and other NARA agents may disclose information in the files to state unemplyment offices in connection with unemployment compensation filed by NARA employees, to the Department of Labor for worker's compensation cases; to any Federal, state, or local government entity compiling tax witholding, retirement contributions, or allotments to charities, labor unions, wage garnishments, and other authorized recipients; to the Office of Child Support Enforcement, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services, the Federal Parent Locator System and the Federal Tax Offset System to (a) locate individuals, (b) identify income sources, (c) establish paternity, (d) verify social security numbers or employment, (e) issue, modify, or enforce orders of support, or (f) administer the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit Program; and to a commercial contractor in connection with benefits programs administered by the contractor or NARA's behalf, including, but not limited to, supplemental health, dental, disability, life and other benefit programs. NARA and IBC may disclose information in this system of records to the Office of Management and Budget in connection with the review of private relief legislation. NARA and IBC may disclose information in these records to the Office of Personnel Management for its production of summary descriptive statistics or for related work studies; while published statistics and studies do not contain individual identifiers, the selection of elements of data included in studies may be structured in a way that makes individuals identifiable by inference. The routine use statements A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I described in Appendix A, also apply to this system of records.


STORAGE: Paper, microfiche, and electronic records.

RETRIEVABILITY: Information in payroll, attendance, leave, retirement, benefits, and electronic reporting system records may be retrieved by the name of the individual, office, supervisor, or by social security number.

SAFEGUARDS: During business hours, paper records are maintained in areas accessible only to authorized NARA personnel. Electronic records are accessible via password-protected workstations located in attended offices or through a secure remote access network. After business hours, buildings have security guards and/or secured doors, and all entrances are monitored by electronic surveillance equipment. Records maintained by IBC are managed in accordance with government-wide security rules.

RETENTION AND DISPOSAL: Payroll, attendance, leave, retirement, benefit paper records are temporary records and are destroyed in accordance with the disposition instructions in the NARA Records Schedule (a supplement to the NARA Files Maintenance and Records Disposition Manual). Electronic records are temporary records whose disposition is governed by the General Records Schedules. Individuals may request a copy of the disposition instructions from the NARA Privacy Act Officer.


The system managers for payroll, attendance, leave, retirement, benefits, and electronic reporting systems are:

  1. For Washington, DC,-area employees: executives and staff directors of individual offices and staffs;
  2. For Presidential library employees: director of individual library;
  3. For Federal Records Center employees and Research Services employees outside the Washington, DC area, and for unemployment compensation records: Executive for Business Support Services;
  4. For Office of the Chief Records Officer employees outside the Washington, DC, area: Chief Records Officer; and
  5. For records located in the Office of Human Capital (Labor/Employee Relations and Benefit Branch): Chief Human Capital Officer.

The business addresses for these system managers are listed in Appendix B.

NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE: People interested in inquiring about their records should notify the NARA Privacy Act Officer at the address listed in Appendix B.

RECORD ACCESS PROCEDURES: People who wish to access their records should submit a request in writing to the NARA Privacy Act Officer at the address given in Appendix B.

CONTESTING RECORD PROCEDURES: NARA rules for contesting the contents of a person's records and appealing initial determinations are found in 36 CFR part 1202.

RECORD SOURCE CATEGORIES: Information in payroll and time and attendance reporting system records is obtained from: current and former NARA employees themselves, timekeepers, supervisors of employees, payroll specialists, and other Federal agencies for which the individual worked.

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