NARA Privacy Act Systems: NARA 6
SYSTEM NAME: Mailing List Files.
SYSTEM LOCATION: Mailing lists may be maintained in the following NARA locations:
(1) National Historical Publications and Records Commission;
(2) Office of Human Capital;
(3) Office of Business Support Services;
(4) Office of Legislative Archives, Presidential Libraries, and Museum Services;
(5) Individual Presidential libraries;
(6) Center for Legislative Archives;
(7) Office of Research Services;
(8) Office of Agency Services; and
(9) Office of the Federal Register.
CATEGORIES OF INDIVIDUALS COVERED BY THE SYSTEM: Individuals covered by this system may include: Members of the media; members of Congress; members of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission; members of the Foundation for the National Archives; members of a Federal advisory committee or advisory board; members of a private local support foundation for a Presidential library; volunteers; local, political, and other dignitaries; researchers and records managers; historians, archivists, librarians, documentary editors, and other professionals in related fields; educators; authors; subscribers to free and fee publications and newsletters; buyers of NARA products; vendors; and other persons with an interest in National Archives programs, exhibits, conferences, training courses, and other events.
CATEGORIES OF RECORDS IN THE SYSTEM: In addition to names and addresses, mailing lists may include any of the following information about an individual: home/business telephone number; Home/business email address; position title; name of employer; organization; and/or institutional affiliation; events attended; and subscription information.
AUTHORITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM: 44 U.S.C. 2104, 2307 and 2904(c).
ROUTINE USES OF RECORDS MAINTAINED IN THE SYSTEM, INCLUDING CATEGORIES OF USERS AND THE PURPOSES OF SUCH USES: NARA maintains mailing lists to: disseminate electronic and regular mailings of NARA publications, newsletters, press releases, and announcements of meetings, conferences, workshops, training courses, public and educational programs, special events, and procurements; send invitations for exhibit openings, lectures, and other special events; and send customers updated information about NARA holdings and about methods of requesting copies of accessioned and non-current records. The routine use statements F, H, and I described in Appendix A also apply to this system of records.
STORAGE: Electronic records from which paper records may be printed.
RETRIEVABILITY: Information about individuals maintained in mailing lists may be retrieved by: The individual's name; an employer or institutional/organizational affiliation name; the individuals/organization category on mailing lists; the city or zip code; or by any other of the other categories of information that the individual provided.
SAFEGUARDS: During business hours, paper records are maintained in areas accessible to authorized NARA personnel. Electronic records are accessible via password-protected workstations located in attended offices or through a secure remote access network. After business hours, buildings have security guards and/or secured doors, and all entrances are monitored by electronic surveillance equipment.
RETENTION AND DISPOSAL: When maintained for programs and functions for which the records have been scheduled, mailing lists are categorized as temporary records and are destroyed in accordance with the instructions in the NARA Records Schedule (a supplement to the NARA Files Maintenance and Records Disposition Manual). Organizational units update these lists and purge outdated information as needed for the purposes previously cited. For those programs and functions for which mailing lists and all other records have not yet been scheduled, NARA is in the process of identifying and scheduling these records. Individuals may request a copy of the disposition instructions from the NARA Privacy Act Officer
SYSTEM MANAGER(S) AND ADDRESS: The system managers for mailing list files are:
(1) For files located at the National Hisorical Publications and Records Commission: Executive Director, National Historical Publications and Records Commission;
(2) For files located in the Human Capital Office: Chief Human Capital Officer;
(3) For files located in the Office of Business Support Services: Executive for Business Support Services;
(4) For files located in the Office of Legislative Archives, Presidential Libraries, and Museum Services: Executive for Legislative Archives, Presidential Libraries, and Museum Services;
(5) For files located a Presidential library: director of the individual library;
(6) For files located at the Center for Legislative Archives: Director of the Center for Legislative Archives;
(7) For files located in the Office or Research Services: Executive for Research Services;
(8) For files located in the Office of Agency Services: Executive for Agency Services; and
(9) For files located at the Office of the Federal Register: Director of the Federal Register.
The business addresses for these system managers are listed in Appendix B.
NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE: People interested in inquiring about their records should notify the NARA Privacy Act Officer at the address listed in Appendix B.
RECORD ACCESS PROCEDURES: People who wish to access their records should submit a request in writing to the NARA Privacy Act Officer at the address listed in Appendix B.
CONTESTING RECORD PROCEDURES: NARA rules for contesting the contents of a person's records and appealing initial determinations are found in 36 CFR part 1202.
RECORD SOURCE CATEGORIES: Information in mailing lists is obtained from individuals whose names are recorded on mailing lists for the purposes previously cited or from NARA employees who maintain the lists.
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