
Finding Aids: Reference Information Paper 90 Appendix M

Reference Information Paper 90

A Finding Aid to Records Relating to American Prisoners of War and Missing in Action from the Vietnam War Era, 1960-1994

Table of Contents

Appendix M: Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs - Videotapes

[For more information about the records described in Appendix M, contact the Center for Legislative Archives, National Archives and Records Administration, 7th and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20408. Telephone: 202-357-5350]

Hearings and Committee Business
  • Nov. 5, 1991 Hearings: 8:58 - 13:33 (Item 1)
  • Nov. 5, 1991 Hearings: 14:14 - 19:01 (Item 2)
  • Nov. 6, 1991 Hearings: 9:58 - 13:28 (Item 3)
  • Nov. 6, 1991 Hearings: 14:13 - 19:35 (Item 4)
  • Nov. 7, 1991 Hearings: 9:30 - 13:18 (Item 5)
  • Nov. 7, 1991 Hearings: 13:59 - 19:35 (Item 6)
  • Nov. 15, 1991 Hearings: 9:30 - 3:30 (Item 7)
  • Nov. 15, 1991 Hearings: 3:30 - 16:17 (Item 8)
  • Nov. 13, 1991 Hearings: Chris and Jim Borah, Southeast Asia; Mr. D and Bouachy (Item 9)
  • Nov. 23, 1991 Hearings: Borah; Mr. Ahroe (Item 10)
  • Jan. 21, 1992 Hearings (no audio for first 2 minutes) (Item 11)
  • Jan. 22, 1992 Hearings (Item 12)
  • Feb. 5, 1992 Hearings (first part of tape is "Larry King Live"; hearings follow) (Item 13)
  • Feb. 13, 1992 Hearings: Envoye Special (French A2) "The Camp 230D: A Camp of Re-Education in Vietnam, Feb. 13, 1992" (in French) (Item 14)
  • Sept. 24, 1992 Hearings: Part 1 (Item 15)
  • Sept, 24, 1992 Hearings: Part 2 (Item 16)
  • April 29, 1992 Senate Floor Coverage 9:30 - 11:00 (Item 17)
  • No date Hearings: "April trip segment" (Item 18)
  • July 27, 1992 Committee Field Trip: Ly Nam De Prison Visit (Item 19)
  • July 31, 1992 Committee Field Trip: Ly Nam De Prison Visit: Final (Item 20)
  • Aug. 4, 1992 Hearings, morning session: Live sighting reports (Item 21)
  • Aug. 4, 1992 Hearings: 13:00 to 18:00 (Item 22)
  • Aug. 5, 1992 Hearings, afternoon: Live sighting reports (Item 23)
  • Aug. 11, 1992 Hearings: 9:30 - 16:30, Perot (Item 24)
  • Aug. 11, 1992 Hearings: 16:30 - 18:45, Perot (Item 25)
  • Aug. 11, 1992 Hearings: Perot (Item 26)
  • Aug. 11, 1992 Hearings: Perot (Item 27)
  • Aug. 12, 1992 Hearings: Baker, Armitage, Shields, Peroots, Childress (Item 28)
  • Aug. 12, 1992 Hearings: Baker, Armitage, Shields, Peroots, Childress (Item 29)
  • Sept. 21, 1992 Hearings: morning (Item 30)
  • Sept. 22, 1992 Hearings, morning: Paris Peace Accords (Item 31)
  • Sept. 22, 1992 Hearings: afternoon (Item 32)
  • Sept. 22, 1992 Hearings: evening (Item 33)
  • Oct. 15, 1992 Hearings (Item 34)
  • Nov. 10, 1992 Hearings: World War II, Korea and Cold War POWs (Item 35)
  • Nov. 11, 1992 Hearings (Item 36)
  • Nov. 12, 1992 Hearings: Part 1 (Item 37)
  • Nov. 12, 1992 Hearings: Part 2 (Item 38)
  • Dec. 1, 1992 Hearings: DIA Efforts (Item 39)
  • Dec. 1, 1992 Hearings: DIA Efforts (Item 40)
  • Dec. 1, 1992 Hearings: DIA Efforts (Item 41)
  • Dec. 4, 1992 Hearings: part 1 (Item 42)
  • Dec. 4, 1992 Hearings: part 2 (Item 43)
  • Dec. 21, 1992 Committee Field Trip; Hanoi Visit in December, part 1 (Item 44)
  • Dec. 21, 1992 Committee Field Trip; Hanoi Visit in December, part 2 (Item 45)
  • Dec. 21, 1992 Committee Field Trip; Hanoi Visit in December, part 3 (Item 46)
  • No date Tapes separated from the series "Investigator's Case Files: Hilton Foster," Sound Off #064-066 (Item 47)
  • No date Tapes separated from the series "Investigator's Case Files: Hilton Foster," Sound Off #067-071 (Item 48)
  • No date Tapes separated from the series "Investigator's Case Files: Hilton Foster," Sound Off #016-019 (Item 49)
  • No date Tapes separated from the series "Investigator's Case Files: Hilton Foster," Sound Off #050-052 (Item 50)
  • No date Tapes separated from the series "Investigator's Case Files: Hilton Foster," ad segment: "Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc.- Free Our Heroes" (Item 51)
  • No date Tapes separated from the series "Investigator's Case Files: Hilton Foster," "Red River Fighter Pilot's Association" (Item 52)
  • No date Tapes separated from the series "Investigator's Case Files: Hilton Foster," "Alan Goetsch and Jim Shea with unidentified male on 26 July 1992" (Item 53)
  • 1992 Tapes removed from the series "Working Files of Deborah Deyoung, Press Secretary" box 5, tape 1, 12-17 trip (Item 54)
  • 1992 Tapes removed from the series "Working Files of Deborah Deyoung, Press Secretary" box 5, tape 2, 12-17/18 trip (Item 55)
  • 1992 Tapes removed from the series "Working Files of Deborah Deyoung, Press Secretary" box 5, tape 3, meeting with Foreign Minister - Laos/Kerry side trip (Item 56)
  • 1992 Tapes removed from the series "Working Files of Deborah Deyoung, Press Secretary" box 5, tape 4, Hanoi - meeting with President Leduc Anh/press conference at government guesthouse (Item 57)
  • 1992 Tapes removed from the series "Working Files of Deborah Deyoung, Press Secretary" box 5, tape 5, "Last tape"-Kerry sidetrip - visit to museum in Saigon - visit to Saigon prison (Item 58)
Television News Coverage of POW/MIA Issues
  • Sept. 20, 1991 ABC "Nightline," POW/MIA opening package (Item 59)
  • Nov. 19, 1991 "MacNeil/Lehrer" compilation, 11/19/91-11/22/91 (Item 60)
  • Dec. 1991 "In Focus" with Hank Brown (Item 61)
  • Jan. 7, 1992 "MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour," part 1 (Item 62)
  • No date "MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour," part 2 (Item 63)
  • Jan. 6, 1992 "Today Show" segment (Item 64)
  • Feb. 11, 1992 ABC News segment (Item 65)
  • Feb. 12, 1992 ABC News segment (Item 66)
  • Feb. 21, 1992 "C-SPAN" viewer call-in on POW/MIA (Item 67)
  • March 6, 1992 ABC News segment re: KAL 007 (Item 68)
  • April 19, 1992 CBS, CNN and FOX news segments (Item 69)
  • April 29, 1992 "C-SPAN II" 5:30-6:30 a.m. (Item 70)
  • June 8, 1992 ABC, CBS, 20/20 (Item 71)
  • June 17, 1992 C-SPAN, Kerry (Item 72)
  • June 17, 1992 ABC News, POW segments 6/16 and 6/17 (Item 73)
  • June 29, 1992 ABC "Nightline"; Perot Town Meeting (Item 74)
  • June 24, 1992 NBC News, AM FOX, NBC, CBS, PM NBC (Item 75)
  • June 15, 1992 News coverage, week of June 15 (Item 76)
  • June 27, 1992 CNN Carver/Liddy,Toon/Volkogonov (Item 77)
  • July 2, 1992 CBS and ABC News segments (Item 78)
  • July 3, 1992 CNN "World Today" 6:00 p.m. (Item 79)
  • July 27, 1992 ABC, NBC, CBS news segments (Item 80)
  • July 30, 1992 Fox interview with Sen. Kerry (Item 81)
  • Aug. 11, 1992 Network news segments on POW/MIA hearings (Item 82)
  • Aug. 13, 1992 "Nightline" program of August 11 and Perot Interview on AM CBS (Item 83)
  • July 8, 1992 Pat Robertson "700 Club" (Item 84)
  • No date Pat Robertson "700 Club" (Item 85)
  • Aug. 4, 1992 CNN 5:00-5:30 p.m. (Item 86)
  • Aug. 12, 1992 "Larry King Live" (Item 87)
  • Sept. 11, 1992 NBC - Jaynes Reynolds Howard (Item 88)
  • Sept. 11, 1992 ABC - "20/20 - The Men We Left Behind" (Item 89)
  • Sept. 16, 1992 PBS: MacNeil/Lehrer - Kerry and McCain (Item 90)
  • Sept. 21, 1992 Miscellany from week of 21 September (Item 91)
  • Sept. 25, 1992 Nixon presidential speeches on POW issues, recorded from con- temporary news broadcasts of 1973, with commentaries (Item 92)
  • Sept. 1992 Miscellaneous coverage from month of September (Item 93)
  • Sept. 25, 1992 Network news segments from the week of 9/21-25 (Item 94)
  • Oct. 6, 1992 NBC "Dateline" promo (Item 95)
  • Oct. 7, 1992 NBC "Dateline - A Cry for Help" (Item 96)
  • Oct. 19, 1992 Segments from week of 10/19 (Item 97)
  • Sept. 1-3, 1992 C-SPAN "Vietnam Revisited" (Item 98A)
  • May 23-24, 1992 C-SPAN "Vietnam Revisited" (copies by Purdue University Public Affairs Archives" (Item 98B)
  • Oct. 23, 1992 Copy of C-SPAN "Vietnam Revisited" (Item 98C)
  • No date Promotional copy of C-SPAN "Vietnam Revisited" (Item 99)
  • Feb. 27, 1992 GMA news segment (Item 100)
  • Feb. 28, 1992 Australian 60 minutes program entitled "Missing in Action - The Sequel" (Item 101)
  • Oct. 18, 1992 PBS: MacNeil/Lehrer news segments 10/18 to 10/23 (Item 102)
  • Oct. 23, 1992 CNN Pres. Bush speech on POW/MIA's (Item 103)
  • Oct. 27, 1992 "Donahue" (Item 104)
  • Nov. 1992 Network news coverage (Item 105)
  • Nov. 4, 1992 CBS "48 Hours" (Item 106)
  • Nov. 11, 1992 "Unsolved Mysteries - Charles Shelton" (Item 107)
  • Nov. 20, 1992 News segments for the week of 11/12 to 11/20 (Item 108)
  • Dec. 1, 1992 News segments for the week of 12/1 (Item 109)
  • Nov. 19, 1992 NBC news segments (Item 110)
  • No date BBC: "We Can Keep You Forever" (Item 111)
  • No date Bravo Veterans Forum: "POW Update #052" (Item 112)
  • 1992 Bravo Veterans Forum: "Gorbachev Tele-marathon Moscow 1992" (Item 113)
  • May 25, 1992 C-SPAN interview with author of "Fortunate Son: An Autobiogra- phy" (Item 114A)
  • May 25, 1992 Copy of C-SPAN interview with author of "Fortunate Son: An Autobiography" (Item 114B)
  • No date Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc. "Free Our Heroes" - 60 second TV spot (Item 115)
  • July 23, 1992 Public organization produced video: Meeting of National Alliance of Families (Item 116)
  • No date "Unsolved Mysteries - Baron 52" (Item 117)
  • Jan. 11, 1988 Handleman Filmworks: "Our Missing in Action" (Item 118)
  • No date "Re-entry Interview with David Hendrix" (Item 119)
  • No date Public organization produced video: "American Legion: with Bob B.?" (Item 120)
  • 1983-1992 George Schlatter Productions: "Real People" (Item 121)
  • April 26, 1990 C-SPAN interview with former congressman Bill Hendon, chair- man of the "POW Publicity Fund" (Item 122)
  • July 2 & 8, 1992 CBS: Segment on Bill Hendon (Item 123)
  • Nov. 28-29, 1989 & Feb. 15, 1990 KIRO-TV of Seattle: Report on Korea Era POWs (Item 124)
  • 1986 Asia Resource Center: "A Journey to Laos" (Item 125)
  • No date James "Bo" Gritz: "Winning the War on Drugs - Reflections on a Nation Betrayed (Item 126)
  • 1989 and 1992 James "Bo" Gritz: "Khun Sa - 1989" and "Bo Gritz for President -1992" (Item 127)
  • No date CNN: "Sonja Live" (Item 128)
  • 1988 The Empowerment Project: "Cover-up: Behind the Iran Contra Affair" (Item 129)
  • Oct. 27, 1991 Australian TV program "60 Minutes" - promo (Item 130)
  • No date Australian TV program "60 Minutes": "Missing in Action - The Soviet Connection" (Item 131)
  • No date PBS: "Frontline - Guns, Drugs, and the CIA" (Item 132)
  • No date Interview of former ambassador Malcom Toon in Russian (Item 133)
  • No date CNN: Report on Toon's mission to Russia in search of MIA's (contains portions of interview in Item 133] (Item 134)
  • No date Untitled and unlabeled video tape (Item 135)

Note: Compiled by Charles E. Schamel. Published by the National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC, 1996.

Web version prepared 1999. Additions and changes incorporated in the Web version are between brackets [] and in italics.
