Select List of Publications: Technical Publications
Technical Information Papers report on archival innovations resulting from studies made at the National Archives or for NARA under contract. Publications are available in hard copy and on microfiche. Unless otherwise noted, they may be purchased from:
National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
Department of Commerce
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA 22161
Telephone: (toll-free) 800-553-6847
(When ordering, be sure to include PB number.)
Please note: Some of the publications included in this select list are free; others must be purchased. Fee items are indicated by a dollar sign ($) following the entry.
1. Technology Assessment Report: Speech Pattern Recognition, Optical Character Recognition, Digital Raster Scanning, by Charles M. Dollar and William L. Hooton (1984), 139 pp. (PB125217/AS) $
2. The MARC Format and Life Cycle Tracking at the National Archives: A Study, by Edie Hedlin and Thomas E. Weir, Jr. (1986), 383 pp. (PB87126256) $
3. Cold Storage for Color Film Materials, by William T. Murphy (1986), 12 pp. (PB87125225) $
4. 3480 Class Tape Cartridge Drives and Archival Data Storage, by Thomas E. Weir, Jr. (1988), 32 pp. (PB88 233135/AS) $
5. Archival Copies of Thermofax, Verifax, and Other Unstable Copies, by Norvell M. Jones (1990), 22 pp. (PB90 171836) $ (No longer available)
6. Preservation of Archival RecordsTechnical Information Paper Number 6, by Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler (1990), 24 pp.
7. Preservation Research Priorities: Past and Present, by Kenneth E. Harris, Alan R. Calmes, William M. Holmes, Susan Lee-Bechtold, William K. Wilson, and Charles W. Mayn (1990), 19 pp. (PB90 206244/AS) $
8. A National Archives Strategy for the Development and Implementation of Standards for the Creation, Transfer, Access, and Long-Term Storage of Electronic Records of the Federal Government, by Archival Research and Evaluation Staff (1990), 22 pp. (PB90 226556) $
9. Optical Digital Image Storage System Project. Report by Archival Research and Evaluation Staff (1991), 378 pp. (PB91 191791) $
10. Expert Systems Technology and Its Implications for Archives, Avra Michelson (1991), 41 pp. (PB91 191783) $
12. Digital Imaging and Optical Digital Data Disk Storage Systems: Long-term Access Strategies for Federal Agencies, by Barry Roginski et al. (1994), 295 pp. (PB95 142105) $
13. Archives II, National Archives at College Park: Using Technologies to Safeguard Archival Records (1997).
14. Making Archives Accessible for People with Disabilities by Frank H. Serene.