About the Select List of Publications
This section includes many types of publications, including finding aids to the records in the National Archives of the United States.
- Copies of out-of-print publications may be available for use at a National Archives facility or a depository library.
- Many out-of-print publications prepared before 1981 have been included on the 24 rolls of M248, Publications of the National Archives.
- NARA is currently updating M248 and hopes to have all its out-of-print finding aids available on microfilm soon. Please call the number shown below to find if a specific publication is now available on microfilm.
The National Archives and Records Administration publishes part of its holdings on microfilm, often with an accompanying descriptive pamphlet. A list of these microfilm publications and descriptive pamphlets is available in Microfilm Resources for Research: A Comprehensive Catalog.
Please note: Some of the publications included in this select list are free; others must be purchased. Fee items are indicated by a dollar sign ($) following the entry.