Federal Records Management

NARA Bulletin 2019-02

NARA Bulletin 2019-02

September 25, 2019

TO: Heads of Federal Agencies

SUBJECT: Agency Records Officer Credential Training and Renewal Policy

EXPIRATION DATE: Expires when revoked or superseded

1.  What is the purpose of this bulletin?

This Bulletin describes the replacement of NARA’s Certificate of Federal Records Management Training with the Agency Records Officer Credential (AROC) and establishes the requirement for Agency Records Officers to periodically renew the credential.

This Bulletin supersedes any prior guidance, instructions, or communications about the Certificate of Federal Records Management Training and Renewal Policy for Agency Records Officers.

2.  What training is required by OMB/NARA Memorandum M-19-21 for Agency Records Officers?

OMB/NARA Memorandum M-19-21 (June 28, 2019) includes requirements for NARA and Federal agencies to reform Government-wide records management policies and practices. Target 1.4 of the Memorandum indicates agencies must designate an Agency Records Officer who holds the Certificate of Federal Records Management Training.

The Agency Records Officer Credential replaces the Certificate of Federal Records Management Training effective January 1, 2020

3. Who does this requirement apply to?

This requirement applies to all formally appointed Agency Records Officers. An Agency Records Officer is appointed by the agency’s Senior Agency Official for Records Management (SAORM) in accordance with M-19-21 and NARA Bulletin 2017-02.

4.  How do Agency Records Officers meet the new AROC requirement?

NARA requires new Agency Records Officers to complete the AROC curriculum to gain the knowledge needed to perform their roles and fulfill their responsibilities. Agency Records Officers must complete learning activities and pass tests to obtain the AROC. NARA provides AROC training and testing at no fee to the individual or Agency.

5.  When must a newly appointed Agency Records Officer start the AROC training and how long does it take to obtain the credential?

Newly appointed Agency Records Officers that have not previously completed the Certificate of Federal Records Management Training or the AROC must email rmt1@nara.gov within 60 days of appointment to initiate the AROC training. Agency Records Officers will have one year from the date of appointment to obtain the credential.

6.  Will exemptions from AROC training be offered?

No exemptions to the training requirements outlined in this Bulletin will be offered.

7.  What about Agency Records Officers that completed the Certificate of Federal Records Management Training prior to January 1, 2020?

NARA will consider the Certificate of Records Management Training completed prior to January 1, 2020 and certificate exemptions that were granted per NARA Bulletin 2014-03 as equivalent to the AROC.

8.  Will Agency Records Officers be required to renew their AROC?

Yes. AROC renewal verifies that individuals who hold the credential have kept their knowledge of Federal records management policies and procedures current. Each credential granted after January 1, 2020 is valid for three years before it must be renewed. Agency Records Officers that completed the Certificate of Records Management Training or received an exemption prior to January 1, 2020 must complete the AROC renewal. For those personnel, NARA will use January 1, 2020 as the beginning date of the three year period. NARA will begin sending renewal instructions on January 1, 2023 to all Agency Records Officers who obtained their certificate or exemption prior to January 1, 2020.

9.  How do Agency Records Officers renew their AROC?

Agency Records Officers will take a test to renew the credential. NARA will send instructions to credential holders on how to access the renewal test and references that may be used to prepare for the test. If an Agency Records Officer does not pass the test, he/she will complete online training and then retake the test.

10.  How long will Agency Records Officers have to renew the AROC?

Agency Records Officers will have a six month grace period to complete the renewal. For example, a credential awarded on January 1, 2020 is valid until December 31, 2022. The renewal must be completed by June 30, 2023.

11.  What if I am not an appointed Agency Records Officer, can I still obtain the Certificate of Federal Records Management Training or the Agency Records Officer Credential?

FY 2019 is the last year that NARA offered the Certificate of Federal Records Management Training to all Federal employees. The AROC curriculum is replacing the Certificate of Federal Records Management Training. Beginning in FY 2020, NARA will only allow SAORM-appointed Agency Records Officers to complete the AROC training and tests. However, NARA will make the course materials available online for anyone to review and for agencies to use when they conduct training for their own records management staff.

12.  Whom should I contact for more information?

If additional information is needed, or if you have questions about any part of this Bulletin, please contact rmt1@nara.gov.

For additional information about NARA’s Records Management Training Program, please see our website at https://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/training.



Archivist of the United States
