Federal Records Management

Frequently Asked Questions about GRS 2.2, Employee Management Records

Updated: April 2024

1. In item 030, why do records of department-level awards need agency-specific schedules?

Department-level awards are often given for exceptional service. These awards are sometimes of interest to researchers. They are not included in the GRS because their value is not the same from agency to agency. Each agency must schedule these records themselves.


2. Why are Official Personnel Folders (OPFs) for employees who separated before December 31, 1973, excluded in item 040?

NARA does not provide disposition authority for pre-1973 OPFs because their value has not been determined. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is the owner of the records. So, it is OPM's responsibility to schedule them. Agencies may have physical possession of such records, but they do not need to schedule them.


3. Why are long-term OPF records, item 040, kept for so long?

OPM uses long-term OPF records when deciding retirement, death, and survivor benefits. Employees may seek benefits based on federal service until the age of 115 years old. A beneficiary may seek benefits up to 30 years from the death of the employee. (See 5 U.S.C. 8466.) We based the retention on the assumption that a federal employee would not start working until at least age 16. They could seek benefits until age 115, which would be 99 years. A beneficiary could then seek benefits up to 30 years after that. The 129-year retention ensures records exist as long as needed.


4. Why are performance records of Presidential appointees excluded in item 070?

Researchers often are interested in records related to Presidential appointees. They are not included in the GRS because their value is not the same from agency to agency. Each agency must schedule these records themselves.


5. Why are records held at the Department of State excluded in items 090 through 092?

The Department of State maintains requests for passports from federal employees and their dependents as part of its mission. Agencies must schedule their mission-related records.


6. Why are service records for certain volunteers excluded in item 110? Does the GRS cover these individuals?

The GRS excludes the records of volunteers that later enter federal service. The volunteer service records of these individuals become part of their Official Personnel Folder (OPF). Items 040 and 041 of this schedule cover OPFs.

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