Frequently Asked Questions about GRS 4.1, Records Management Records
Updated: April 2024
1. Does item 010 cover tracking and control records for unscheduled records?
No. We treat unscheduled records as permanent records until they are scheduled. (See 36 CFR 1225.14(c)(2).)
2. May we keep some records under item 020 longer than 6 years, but destroy others once the 6 years is up?
Yes. As long as you keep records for at least 6 years, you may keep certain records longer if needed for business use. For example, your agency may want to keep information about records destruction longer than 6 years.
3. Why does item 031 cover copies of vital/essential records? Aren’t such copies non-records?
Not all copies are non-record. Any copy that has its own business purpose is a record. While vital/essential records may be copies, they have a specific purpose. Agencies create them for emergency preparedness. They are therefore records in their own right.