Mandatory | Repeatable | Data Type | Authority | Level Available | A/V Only | Public Element |
No | Yes | Variable Character Length (700) | Microform Publication Title List | Series File Unit Item |
No | Yes |
Definition: |
The unique title associated with a microform publication. Microform publications are reproductions of archival materials, which are made available in research rooms for consultation and sometimes marketed and sold. |
Purpose: | Provides identifying information for microform publications. Alerts users when microform copies of some or all of the archival materials are available. |
Relationship: | This element and Microform Publication Identifier are dependent on each other. For each microform publication, Microform Publication Title and Microform Publication Identifier must both be included. To have Microform Publication Note, both Microform Publication Title and Microform Publication Identifier must be created. |
Guidance: |
Choose the appropriate publication title from the Microform Publication Title List. |
Examples: |
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Lifecycle Data Requirements Guide