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Classification 62: Miscellaneous Subversive

Classification 62, Miscellaneous Subversive, was established in about 1921 to serve as a catch-all classification. It was originally titled Miscellaneous Subversive and Non-Subversive. Over the years, Classification 62 has changed, primarily as subsequent classifications were established to handle a principal type of material originally filed in classification 62. For example:

  • Classification 63: Miscellaneous Non-Subversive (HQ files) did not become a repository for miscellaneous non-subversive files until 1953, and therefore Classification 62 (HQ files) contains non-subversive materials dated before 1953. Classification 63 was not established for Field Offices, so miscellaneous subversive material for Field Offices is found in Classification 62.
  • Classification 66: Administration, was established shortly after Classification 62, and as the central file for administrative matters; therefore the number of early administrative records in Classification 62 is quite limited.
  • Classification 190: Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act was established to maintain FOIA/Privacy Act records.
  • Classification 197: Civil Actions or Claims Against the Government was established for civil suits.

Since closed, and in some instances pending cases were not transferred to the new categories, the following types of records are found in Classification 62. Although firm documentation is not available it appears that Classification 62 may also be the predecessor for early efforts at domestic security of the type now found in Classification 100: Subversive Matters, Internal Security, Domestic Security Investigations.

According to the Manual of Investigative Operations and Guidelines, Classification 62 consists of 16 major types of files:

1. Misconduct investigations of FBI employees, officers and employees of the Department of Justice and the Federal judiciary.
2. Census matters, et al.
3. Domestic police cooperation, et al.
4. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Ace.
5. Fair Credit Reporting Act, et al.
6. Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act, et al.
7. Federal judiciary investigations, et al.
8. Kickback Racket Act, et al.
9. Lands Division Matter, et al.
10. Other violations and/or matters.
11. Civil Suits-miscellaneous, et al.
12. Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940, et al.
13. Tariff Act of 1930, et al.
14. Unreported Interstate Shipment of Cigarettes, et al.
15. Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (Wage and Hour Law), et al.
16. Conspiracy.

In addition, both Headquarters and Field Office files contain case files on violations for which a classification has now been established; files on liaison activities with other parts of the Federal government and with foreign governments; letters from chronic correspondents ("nut" files); files maintained "for information" on persons and organizations; Congressional mail (including constituent referral mail); GAO reviews of operations; and such Congressional studies as the Senate study of intelligence activities.

It appears that files on confidential informants and on sources were filed in Classification 62 in the early years of the Bureau. In 1948 Headquarters instructed the field that the "SAC File," said to contain "confidential data or information which pertains to no particular file or case and which due to its nature should be retained under the exclusive control of the Special Agent in Charge such as information coming to the attention of the office relating to public officials or individuals with whom the Bureau has official business contracts and concerning whom no investigation is contemplated," should "bear a 62 classification." However, Headquarters reclassified informant files into classification 66 during the 1950-1952 period, but the field did not make that change and continued to use 62 and others until the 134 and 137 classes were established in 1953.

NARA ARC descriptions of holdings for Classification 62: Miscellaneous Subversive

National Archives IdentifierSeries Title
567664Classification 62 (Administrative Inquiry--Miscellaneous Subversive and Non-subversive) Released Under The Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Acts

Some records under Classification 62: Miscellaneous Subversive are not yet described in the National Archives Catalog. Please contact NARA’s Special Access Program at with your reference request.

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