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Records Move of District Courts of the United States (RG 21) and United States Bankruptcy Courts (RG 578)

Effective September 12, 2024, the following series from Record Group 21 (RG 21), Records of the District Courts of the United States and Record Group 578 (RG 578), Records of the United States Bankruptcy Courts will be temporarily closed to prepare for relocation to the National Archives at Kansas City. Similar records are already located in the Kansas City area. The relocation will facilitate more efficient archival research and public access to these records.

Records to be relocated are:

Series Title National Archives Identifier Cubic Footage
Criminal Case Files 2669144 15.998
Commissioner's Dockets 123865284 12.69
Law Registers 171480577 5.98
Bankruptcy Act of 1898 Referee's Dockets 123852163 8.724
Civil Case Files 55248869 16.155
Civil Case Files 55317977 16.155
Minutes 158558406 0.46
Bankruptcy Act of 1867 Transcripts of Testimony 170106769 5.52
Bankruptcy Act of 1867 Minutes 157656889 0.46
Bankruptcy Act of 1898 Referees' Cash Books 148030475 2
Equity Case Files 2576604 265
Equity Case Files Related to the Enforcement of the Volstead Act 2663327 71
Case Files Pertaining to Receivership of National Banks 6210602 32.817
Law and Equity Case Files 2602590 176.276
Law Case Files 2602407 160.39
Civil Case Files 4576717 963.562
Enrolled Decrees 120365665 11.847
Admiralty Case Files and Transcripts 119564683 17.94
Rolls of Attorneys and Counselors 146925248 1.055
Cash Books 138282636 2.38
Minute Books 133876067 58.158
Bankruptcy Act of 1898 Ancillary Dockets 157656905 0.657
Equity Receivership Case Files and Transcripts 75574631 48.3
Miscellaneous Case Files 75509887 110.744
Law Records 171472351 0.219
Chancery Records 142699228 0.438
Journals 160896654 0.438
Criminal Record Docket 171471184 0.219
Law Journals 77165466 5.037
Criminal Transcripts 220301593 1.077
Law Journals 148180158 0.438
Chancery Records 171471157 0.219
Order Books 77165481 0.219
Chancery Records 142699229 0.438
Law Records 171472350 0.876
Order Books 138659099 0.438
Bankruptcy Act of 1898 Referee Record Books 218518729 3.011
Clerk's Memorandums for Bookkeeping Statistics 221953159 0.657
Calendars of Referee in Bankruptcy, A. J. Hoffman 6201850 0.92
Admiralty Case Files 5917742 23.309
Civil Case Files 582654 4.308
Criminal Calendars 157656862 0.459
Subpoena Return Book 171480542 0.207
Admiralty Registers 124450993 5.385
Bankruptcy Act of 1867 Register's Dockets 171030959 0.362
Bankruptcy Act of 1867 Minutes 141225368 0.219
Bankruptcy Act of 1867 Assignments of Bankrupts' Effects 171030949 0.219
1898 Bankruptcy Act Referee's Record Books for Closed Bankruptcy Cases 160920748 3.066
Law Case Files 68141939 1.077
Judgment Registers 218518691 0.46
Clerk's Ledgers 157663411 0.724
Clerk's Cash Books 124450957 0.657
Commissioners' Criminal Records 124450937 7.008
Attorney Admissions 110119850 0.858
Registers of Fees and Expenses 171480551 0.438
Daily Receipt Book 171478692 0.143
Judgment Docket 171478691 0.219
Bankruptcy Act of 1867 Bonds of Assignees 171030954 0.143
Law Calendars 218720704 0.219
General Minutes 75814905 2.154
Oaths of Attorneys 157656884 0.286
Orders Forfeiting Recognizances 167059356 0.286
Lists of Jurors 171480575 0.143
Bankruptcy Act of 1898 Referee's Claims Dockets 124450972 7.09
Rolls of Attorneys 6036969 0.61318
Index to Attorney Rolls 171480831 0.15318
Equity Case Files 67501046 6.411
Criminal Dockets 6087778 28.871
Minutes 157650192 20.475
Criminal Case Files 582173 356.57
Civil Case Files 595418 4.527
Miscellaneous Case Files 57222151 7.999
Minutes and Orders 124067512 2.3
Equity Case Files 583885 1.075
Civil Case Files 595418 1.077
Law Minutes 93961849 0.876
Register of Lis Pendens 221945946 0.219
Cost Books 4670584 1.135
Records of Monies Deposited on Composition 171392423 0.286
Commissioners' Dockets 4670602 2.862
Warrants to Apprehend 4713421 0.43
Criminal Minutes 170539375 1.34
Office Files of Garrett W. Cotter 4713729 2.531
Office Files of Clarence S. Houghton 4713730 0.46
Commissioners' Dockets 120091517 29.079
Index to Judgments and Decrees 169135464 0.219
Index to Admiralty Case Files 6210365 0.38
Orders for Process in Admiralty Cases 171472379 0.219
Admiralty Registry Fund Books 171472380 0.657
Bankruptcy Minutes 169135465 1.38
Term Minutes 6210350 15.249
Engrossing Registers 124046898 6.373
Law Minutes 169135395 0.219
Records of Sentences Issued 171474837 0.657
Register of Arraignments and Indictments 221150791 0.219
Final Record Books 171474833 0.657
Orders Approving Accounts 221969885 0.143
Admiralty Bonds 169820736 0.219
Rolls of Attorneys 171474836 0.219
Registry Ledger 218518693 0.219
Equity Order Books 158684157 3.486
Equity Journals 157688014 2.829
Civil Order Books 75625434 24.538
Admiralty Dockets 6210367 0.219
Rough Minutes 170539369 1.537

Estimated Closure Date at the National Archives at Philadelphia: September 12, 2024
Estimated Date Available to Researchers at the National Archives at Kansas City: October 15, 2024

Please keep in mind that the dates listed above are an estimate. If there is a significant change to this schedule we will post it in the consultation areas at the National Archives at Philadelphia and the National Archives at Kansas City.

You can check the status of the records by contacting the National Archives at Kansas City in one of the following ways:



Send a letter to:
National Archives at Kansas City 
400 West Pershing Road
Kansas City, MO 64108

Please contact the National Archives at Kansas City at least two business days in advance.
