National Archives at Chicago

Record Groups 309 - Donated Materials

This information from the Archival Holdings Guide comprises Record Groups 309 through the Donated Materials Group. (Go to the Numerical List of Record Groups)

Record Group 309
Records of the Small Business Administration

Administrative History
The Small Business Administration (SBA), an independent agency, was established by the Small Business Act of July 30, 1953. The functions of the SBA, which were expanded by subsequent legislation and various Executive orders, are to counsel, assist, and protect the interests of small businesses; ensure that a fair proportion of Government purchases and contractsare placed with small businesses; make loans to small businesses and investment companies, victims of floods or other catastrophes, and State and local development companies; license and regulate small business investment companies; and assist small business owners in improving managerial skills.

Records Description
: 1974-1977
Volume: 1 cubic foot

Records of the Agricultural Research Service

Administrative History
The Agricultural Research Administration was established in the Department of Agriculture by an Executive order of February 23, 1942, to coordinate the activities of several scientific bureaus. It was consolidated with these bureaus on November 2, 1953, to form the Agricultural Research Service, which plans, administers, and conducts research and related regulatory programs.

Records Description
Volume: 48 cubic feet

Records of the following offices:

  • Northern Regional Research Laboratory (NRRL), Peoria, Illinois, 1937-1967
  • Northern Utilization Research and Development Division, Peoria, Illinois, 1963-1969
  • Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, Ohio, 1917-1966
  • Upper Mississippi Valley Conservation Experiment Station, La Crosse, Wisconsin, 1932-1965

The records relate to the manufacture of synthetic fuels from corn and soybeans, development of animal feed from alcohol by-products, horticulture research, and the production of textile fibers from agricultural products. Included are copies of agreements, correspondence, field notes, histories, memorandums, progress reports, summaries of meetings, and technical data. Nontextual records include maps and a few photographs.

Finding Aid

Record Group 311
Records of the Federal Emergency Management Agency

Administrative History
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was established, effective April 1, 1979, in order to unify key Federal emergency management and assistance functions. It consolidated emergency preparedness, mitigation, and response activities of five agencies and added other emergency functions. They include the disaster relief, civil defense, flood insurance, civilian fire protection and control, and Federal mobilization programs. Statutory functions were either transferred to the Director, FEMA, by the Reorganization Plan NO. 3 of 1978 or delegated by Executive Order 12148 effective July 15, 1979. FEMA is headed by a Director and has headquarters staff in Washington, DC, and 10 regional office locations in the 10 Federal Regional Centers. See RG 304 and RG 396 for related records.

Records Description
: 1980-1985
Volume: 8 cubic foot

Records of the Natural and Technological Hazards Division. The records results from flood insurance studies conducted by FEMA and show land elevations and flood prone area in New England. They are maps.

Finding Aids

Record Group 319
Records of the Army Staff

Administrative History
The Army Staff, dating from 1947, is the military staff of the Secretary of the Army and includes the Chief of Staff and his immediate assistants, the Army General Staff, the Special Staff, and the Administrative and Technical Staffs. Its duties include preparing plans, investigating and reporting on Army efficiency and readiness, preparing instructions for and supervising Army operations, and representing the Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Staff to all Department of Defense organizations. It is also responsible for administrative support such as financial services. The Chief of Finance, part of various subdivisions of the Army Staff, has operated field offices including finance offices and schools.

Records Description
: 1948-1955
Volume: 1 cubic foot

Record Group 326
Records of the Atomic Energy Commission

Administrative History
The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) was established in 1946 to control the development and use of atomic energy, including the encouragement of private participation in research and practical uses of atomic energy. The AEC had responsibility to regulate the use of nuclear materials in order to protect the health and safety of the public. It was concerned with fissionable material supply, development of reactors, development and testing of nuclear weapons, basic and applied research, dissemination of information relating to atomic energy, and development and administration of international cooperation for peaceful uses of atomic energy. The AEC was discontinued on October 11, 1974, and was replaced by two new agencies: the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA, see RG 430) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC, see RG 431). The functions of ERDA were later incorporated into the Department of Energy when that Department was created in 1977 (see also RG 434).

Records Description
: 1942-1988
Volume: 396 cubic feet

Records of the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Lemont, Illinois. The records document scientific research and development conducted at its relationship with University of Chicago administrators and faculty members and with scientists in the United States and Europe. They relate to the exchange of technical data and studies, personnel placement, and the role of the ANL as an experimental laboratory and a training ground for teachers and scientists. Included are case files, correspondence, narrative and statistical reports, and publications. Nontextual records include engineering drawings, photographs, and sound recordings (oral histories).

Related Microfilm Publications
M1108, Harrison-Bundy Files Relating to the Development of the Atomic Bomb, 1942-1946;
M1109, Correspondence ("Top Secret") of the Manhattan Engineer District, 1942-1946,
A1218, Manhattan Engineer District History.

Record Group 336
Records of the Office of the Chief of Transportation

Administrative History
The Office of the Chief of Transportation was established in the Services of Supply, War Department, on March 2, 1942, to head the Transportation Division. It was abolished by General Order 39 of December 1, 1964. Within the United States, the Office administered a variety of field installations and functions, including ports of embarkation, port agencies, transportation depots, offices, and zones.

Records Description
Volume: less than 1 cubic foot

Records of the 5th Transportation Zone, Columbus. The records relate to administrative operations and personnel. They are general orders, memorandums, organizational charts, and reports.

Finding Aid

Record Group 338
Records of the U.S. Army Commands, 1942-

Administrative History
The present system of U.S. Army commands, which are organized both functionally and geographically, emerged from a War Department reorganization of February 28, 1942. The system has a complex administrative structure including massive domestic and overseas operations.

Records Description
: 1946-1969
Volume: 13 cubic feet

Records of the following facilities:

  • Fifth U.S. Army Advisor Groups, 1956-1969
  • Advisor Group Headquarters were located in Springfield, Indianapolis, Lansing, St. Paul, Columbus, and Madison
  • Fifth U.S. Army Area Food Service School, Fort Sheridan, Illinois, 1951-1952
  • Lordstown Ordnance Depot, Warren, Ohio, 1946-1957
  • Medical Service Veterinary School, Chicago, 1957-1963
  • Ordnance Field Activity, Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois, 1961
  • Public Information Office, Decatur, Illinois, 1948-1961
  • U.S. Army Procurement Agency, Chicago, 1967-1969
  • U.S. Army Transportation Corps Road Test Support Activity, Ottawa, Illinois, 1959

The records document administrative operations, assumption of command, awards, ceremonies, construction, organization, research, and training. They are budgets, correspondence, general orders, questionnaires, subject files, and worksheets. Nontextual records include a few maps (Lordstown Depot) and oversized, bound volumes containing photographs and newspaper clippings (Public Information Office). The records also include selected issues of base newspapers, The Depot News, July 1946-May 1948, and The Decatur Signal Depot Communicator, December 1955-April 1961 (Public Information Office).

Finding Aids
For the Medical Service Veterinary School and the Fifth Army Area Food Service School: folder title lists.

Record Group 355
Records of the National Agricultural Statistics Service

Administrative History
The Bureau of Agricultural Economics was established within the Department of Agriculture on July 1, 1922. It continued the work of conducting studies and disseminating information relating to agricultural production, crop estimates, marketing, finance, labor, and other agricultural programs begun as early as 1903 by several other bureaus. In 1953, it was replaced by the Agricultural Marketing Service and Agricultural Research Service, which were merged in 1961 to form the Economic Research Service. The latter service then became the Statistical Reporting Service in 1981.

Records Description
: 1919-1972
Volume: 10 cubic feet

Records of offices in Chicago and Springfield, Illinois; and Madison, Wisconsin. The records document farm labor and income statistics, and production and prices of agricultural commodities nationwide and by State and region. Included are narrative and statistical reports, and weather reports. See RG 83 for related records.

Record Group 361
Records of the Defense Logistics Agency

Records Description
Dates: 1963-1987
Volume: 50 cubic feet
Publication record sets for the following facilities:

  • Defense Logistics Information Service (DLIS), Battle Creek, Michigan;
  • Defense Electronics Supply Center (DESC), Dayton, Ohio;
  • Defense Supply Center Columbus (DSCC), Columbus, Ohio.

The records are publications.

Record Group 362
Records of ACTION

Administrative History
Established as an independent agency as of July 1, 1971, ACTION administers and coordinates domestic volunteer programs sponsored by the Federal Government. A number of previously existing programs were consolidated under ACTION including: domestic volunteer programs such as VISTA, National Student Volunteers, Foster Grandparents, Retired Senior Volunteers, the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), and the Active Corps of Executives (ACE); and international volunteer programs such as the Peace Corps. The Office of Voluntary Action, formerly part of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, also became part of ACTION. The agency's responsibility for SCORE and ACE terminated in 1976.

Records Description
: 1974-1976
Volume: 7 cubic feet

Record Group 369
Records of the Employment and Training Administration

Administrative History
The Employment and Training Administration was established in the Department of Labor on November 12, 1975, as a successor to the Manpower Administration. The latter had been created in 1963 to consolidate all departmental organizations and activities that directed, coordinated, or supported manpower programs or operations. The Employment and Training Administration consists of the U.S. Employment Service, the Office of Comprehensive Employment Development Programs, the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, and the Unemployment Insurance Service. It conducts work experience and work training programs, funds and oversees programs conducted under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973, and administers the Federal-State Employment Security System.

Records Description
: 1966-1981
Volume: 36 cubic feet

Records of offices in Chicago, Cincinnati, and Cleveland for the States in Region 5 (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin). The records relate to public information programs and job training centers and include descriptions of individuals, types of classwork and on-the-job training, problems ecountered during the training period, and placement results after leaving the center. Included are administrative files concerning organization, personnel, and training; correspondence; narrative and statistical reports; and work incentive (WIN) contracts.

Record Group 370
Records of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Administrative History
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration inherited the functions of the Environmental Science Services Administration (ESSA), established in the Department of Commerce, as a consolidation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Weather Bureau. ESSA studied the ocean, the lower and upper atmosphere, and the size and shape of the earth, to further the safety and welfare of the public, enhance and improve the nation's economy, and assist those Federal departments concerned with national defense, exploration of outer space, and management of natural resources. Its operations included basic and applied research, observations, processing data, and disseminating weather forecasts and warnings and information about other phenomena within its areas of study. ESSA consisted of staff offices and the Environmental Data Service, the Weather Bureau, the Research Laboratories, and the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Its field organizations included Weather Bureau regional offices, Coast and Geodetic Survey field directors and marine centers.

Records Description
: 1946
Volume: negligible

Records of the U.S.S. Peary. The records are The Peary Log a weekly newsletter produced by a survey team on Lake Michigan.

Record Group 381
Records of the Community Services Administration

Administrative History
The Community Services Administration (CSA), 1976-1981, was established by the Headstart, Economic Opportunity, and Community Partnership Act of 1974 to assume some of the antipoverty functions of the Office of Economic Opportunity. It was headed by a director assisted by the National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity. Funding (grants and loans) and job training programs under various titles of the 1974 act were administered regionally through two organizational units, the Office of Community Action and the Office of Economic Development. The CSA was abolished by an Executive order of September 30, 1981, and its functions transferred to other Federal agencies, particularly the Department of Health and Human Services and the Office of Management and Budget.

Records Description
: 1968-1981
Volume: 15 cubic feet

Records of the Regional Director and Deputy Regional Director for Administration, Great Lakes Region, Chicago. The records document administrative operations, organization, and planning. The records consist of correspondence, memorandums, and reports.

Finding Aid
Box contents list.

Record Group 397
Records of the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency

Administrative History
The Defense Civil Preparedness Agency was established in the Department of Defense (DOD) by DOD Directive 5105.43, May 5, 1972, inheriting functions previously undertaken by the Office of Civilian Defense within the Department of the Army. The functions of the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency were to coordinate and direct Federal, State, and local civil defense program activities, including fallout shelters; chemical, biological, and radiological warfare defense; emergency communications and warning systems; post attack assistance and damage assessment; preparedness planning; and government continuity. It was abolished by Executive Order 12148 on July 20, 1979, retroactive to July 15, 1979, and its duties were transferred to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Records Description
: 1962-1972
Volume: 19 cubic feet

Record Group 403
Records of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Administrative History
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was established as an independent agency by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 253) to monitor compliance with and enforce provisions of statutes to end discrimination in employment. The Commission's field offices receive charges of job discrimination under Title VII, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Equal Pay Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967. Field offices may also initiate charges alleging that a violation of Title VII or the ADA has occurred.

Records Description
Volume: 106 cubic feet

Records of the Chicago district office. The records document litigation against the following companies:

  • Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad, 1975-1984
  • Economy Fire & Casualty Company, 1979-1982
  • Hiram Walker, Inc., 1969-1982
  • Mexicana Airlines, 1974-1982
  • Motorola, Inc., 1974-1982
  • Standard Brands, 1974-1982

The records are case files.

Finding Aid
Box contents list.


Record Group 406
Records of the Federal Highway Administration

Administrative History
The Department of Transportation Act of 1966 established the Federal Highway Administration (FHA) and transferred to it the Bureau of Public Roads (see RG 30). The FHA administers Federal financial assistance to the States for highway construction and conducts research and programs relating to highway safety.

Records Description
: 1966-1977
Volume: 145 cubic feet

Records of the following offices:

  • Indianapolis, Indiana, 1966-1970
  • Lansing, Michigan, 1967-1972
  • Madison, Wisconsin, 1969
  • St. Paul, Minnesota, 1975-1977

The records document acquisition of rights of way and construction. They are project case files, which include correspondence, Federal aid agreement forms, field inspection summaries, final inspection reports, laboratory test results, status reports, and vouchers. Nontextual records include drawings and right-of-way maps with references to survey lines and printed annotations about land ownership, physical features, and existing structures. See RG 30 for related records.

Record Group 407
Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1917-

Administrative History
The Adjutant General's Office was given authority to assign, promote, transfer, retire, and discharge all Army officers and enlisted men under the National Defense Act of 1916. In 1942, it was placed under the Commanding General, Services of Supply (later Army Service Forces). It has responsibility for administrative services including records accounting, management, and publications. The Office's responsibilities were transferred in 1946 to the General Staff, and in 1947 to the new Department of the Army, Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel. By memorandum, U.S. Army Chief of Staff, November 17, 1986, the Adjutant General was removed from the Army Staff, and title and lineage were transferred to the Director of Personnel Service Support, Military Personnel Center.

The AGO had responsibility for such administrative services as operation of the Army personnel statistical and accounting system, records management, publications, postal services, and special and heraldic services of the Army. The field offices of the AGO within the United States include publication centers.

Records Description
: 1 cubic foot

Records of the following offices:

  • Adjutant General's Regional Office, Chicago, ca. 1946
  • Adjutant General's Depot, Columbus, ca. 1942-1946
  • Adjutant General's Regional Office, Columbus, ca. 1947-1948

The records document administrative operations, assumption of command, the consolidation of the Chicago Adjutant General's Depot with the Columbus Adjutant General's Depot, establishment and organization, a brief history of the Columbus Adjutant General's Depot, and record-keeping practices. They are correspondence, general orders, memorandums, organizational charts, and reports.

Record Group 412
Records of the Environmental Protection Agency

Administrative History
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established in the Executive Branch as an independent agency pursuant to Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1970, effective December 2, 1970. The EPA was created to coordinate Federal action in cooperation with State and local governments to abate and control pollution in the areas of air, water, solid waste, pesticides, radiation, and toxic substances. It conducts research, monitoring, standard setting, and enforcement activities.

Records Description
: 1956-1992
Volume: 1186 cubic feet

Records of the Office of Mobile Source Air Pollution Control, Certification Division, Ann Arbor, Michigan, and Region 5 Office, Chicago. The records relate to fuel additives; the certification and testing of vehicle emissions; and Superfund Site-Removal sites. The records include correspondence, specifications, test results, and results of a study. Nontextual records include engineering drawings.

Finding Aids

Record Group 414
Records of Regional Committees and Commission

Administrative History
The Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 authorized the Secretary of Commerce to designate Economic Development Regions (EDRs). These regions were portions of a State or States that were culturally, historically, and economically similar, and that had suffered from slower than average economic development. Each State that accepted the Secretary's recommendation for establishment of an EDR within its borders appointed a representative to a regional commission, to be co-chaired by a Presidential appointee and a State appointee. The commissions were to encourage and coordinate the economic development of their EDR, under the terms of the Act.

Records Description
: less than 1 cubic foot

Record Group 434
General Records of the Department of Energy

Administrative History
The Department of Energy was established October 1, 1977 by the DOE Organization Act (91 Stat. 569), August 4, 1977 and EO 12009, September 13, 1977, consolidating functions formerly vested in the Energy Research and Development Administration, the Federal Energy Administration, the Federal Power Commission, and other agencies. DOE administers and coordinates federal energy programs, including the nuclear weapons program. The department engages in energy technology research and development. It also markets power generated by federal hydroelectric projects. DOE promotes energy conservation.

Records Description
Dates: ca.1892-1993
Volume: 1,914 cubic feet

Records of the Center for Human Radiobiology, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois. The records document the medical tracking of the health of individuals exposed to radioactive substances as a result of their occupations. The project, Records of Health Effects of Exposure to Internally Deposited Radioactivity, commonly referred to as the Internal Emitter Project, comprise three studies brought together at Argonne National Laboratory. The studies are:

  • New Jersey Radium Research Project;
  • Argonne National Laboratory and Argonne Cancer Research Hospital;
  • Radioactivity Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Included are administrative files, case files, reports and studies. Nontextual records include microfiche, photographs, and X-rays.

Finding Aid
For case files: name index and numerical case list.

Record Group 435
Records of the Indian Arts and Crafts Board

Administrative History
The Indian Arts and Crafts Board was established by an act of August 27, 1935 (49 Stat. 891), to serve Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, and the general public as an informational, promotional, and advisory clearinghouse for all matters pertaining to the development of authentic Indian and Eskimo arts and crafts. It receives administrative support from the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Records Description
Volume: less than 1 cubic foot

Records of the Area Office, Minneapolis. The records document the production and marketing of Indian arts and crafts for the following Bureau of Indian Affairs jurisdictions:

  • Consolidated Chippewa Agency
  • Great Lakes Agency
  • Great Lakes Consolidated Agency
  • Menominee Agency

The records are primarily correspondence, memorandums, and reports. Nontextual records include a few photographs.

Finding Aid
Folder title list.

Record Group 442
Records of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Administrative History
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the Federal agency charged with protecting the public health of the nation by providing leadership and direction in the prevention and control of diseases and other preventable conditions and by responding to public health emergencies. The agency began in the World War II era as Malaria Control in War Areas. It has since undergone numerous reorganizations as part of the Public Health Service. The present name was assigned by the Preventive Health Amendments of 1992.

Records Description
: 21 cubic feet

Records of the National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety, Division of Surveillance, Hazard Evaluations and Field Studies. The records are manuscripts and presentations.

Record Group 452
Records of the American Revolution Bicentennial Administration

Administrative History
The American Revolution Bicentennial Administration (ARBA) was established by an act of December 11, 1973, to stimulate, coordinate, schedule, and facilitate the planning and implementation of projects, events, and activities to celebrate 200 years of American life. It replaced the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission, which was established by an act of July 4, 1966. The ARBA worked closely with State Bicentennial Commissions to plan and conduct a wide variety of programs and provided grants-in-aid for various activities. The ARBA was terminated on June 30, 1977, pursuant to the terms of the 1973 act.

Records Description
: 6 cubic feet

Record Group 463
Records of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Administrative History
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) conducts regulatory and control programs to protect and improve animal and plant health for the benefit of man and the environment. The current research and control programs are based on work first conducted by the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Biological Survey (BBS) in 1885. BBS was responsible for humanely deterring predatory threats to livestock and controlling the degree of damage to agriculture, forests, and industry caused by wildlife. The BBS program was incorporated into the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 1939, and the Denver Wildlife Research Center (DWRC) was established in 1940. The DWRC and the Animal Damage Control Program were transferred from the Department of the Interior to the Department of Agriculture, APHIS, in 1985.

In cooperation with State governments, APHIS now administers Federal laws and regulations pertaining to animal and plant health and quarantine, humane treatment of animals, and the control and eradication of pests and diseases. Regulations to prevent the introduction or interstate spread of certain animal or plant pests or diseases are enforced by APHIS. It also carries out research and operations to reduce crop and livestock depredations caused by birds, predators, and rodents.

Records Description
: 1919-1973
Volume: 13 cubic feet

Records of the Central Region Regional Office, Minneapolis, 1919-1970. The Central Region included Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. The records document estimates of crop production and damage by disease and insects. Included are correspondence, reports, surveys, and a few newspaper clippings.

Records of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Chicago, 1967-1973. The records document agency educational and outreach programs, and public relations. They are newsletters, press releases, and public service announcements.

Finding Aid

Record Group 489
Records of the International Trade Administration

Administrative History
The International Trade Administration (ITA) was established by the Secretary of Commerce on January 2, 1980. It is the successor to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. The mission of the agency and its predecessors is to promote world trade and strengthen the international trade and investment position of the United States. ITA investigates foreign commercial and industrial conditions, and administers U.S. antidumping and countervailing duty laws.

Records Description
17 cubic feet

Records of the Chicago office. The records document Federal contract awards, procurement, and sales. They are copies of the Commerce Business Daily.

Finding Aid

Record Group 527
Records of the United States Marshals Service

Administrative History
The Judiciary Act of September 24, 1789, made provision for U.S. attorneys and marshals who are appointed by the President and have functioned under the general supervision of the Department of Justice since its creation in 1870.
U.S. marshals execute and serve writs, processes, and orders issued by U.S. courts, U.S. commissioners or magistrates, and commissions. They also notify the Department of Justice of defiance of Federal authority.

Records Description
: 1893-1915

: 3.6 cubic feet

Records of the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis. The records relate to administration, appointments, Chinese immigration and exclusion act cases, and payment of accounts and salaries. Included are correspondence, reports, requisitions, vouchers, and telegrams. See RG 21, RG 85, RG 118, and RG 276 for related records.

Finding Aids
Box contents lists.

Related Microfilm Publications
M699, Letters Sent by the Department of Justice: General and Miscellaneous, 1818-1904;
M700, Letters Sent by the Department of Justice Concerning Judiciary Expenses, 1849-1884;
M1362, Letters Received by the Department of Justice from the State of Kentucky, 1871-1884.

Donated Materials Group

Papers of the Civil Affairs Training School, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

Records Description
Dates: 1930-1945
Volume: 5 cubic feet (12 boxes)

Papers of the Civil Affairs Training School at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. The collection relates to the training of Civil Affairs officers for occupation duty during the Second World War. The records are publications.

Finding Aids
Box contents list.

Papers of Federal Judges

Records Description
Dates: 1911-93
: 397 cubic feet

Papers of the following individuals:

  • William J. Campbell, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, Chicago, 1927-71
  • Maurice Donahue, U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Circuit, Cincinnati, 1919-28
  • Noel P. Fox, U.S. District Court, Western District of Michigan, Grand Rapids, 1951-80
  • John S. Hastings, U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit, Chicago, 1964-77
  • Gunnar Hans Nordbye, U.S. District Court, District of Minnesota, Minneapolis, ca. 1931-74
  • James B. Parsons, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, Chicago, 1961-93
  • Patrick T. Stone, U.S. District Court, Western District of Wisconsin, Madison, 1936-56
  • James H. Wilkerson, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, Chicago, 1911-41

These collections related to Federal judges document significant cases, administrative matters, and in some instances other activities in which the judge was involved, such as charitable work or education. Included are copies of significant case files with related notes, correspondence, and news clippings. Nontextual records include photographs and scrapbooks. See RG 21, RG 118, and RG 276 for related records.

Finding Aids
For William J. Campbell, Maurice H. Donahue, Noel P. Fox, Patrick T. Stone, and James H. Wilkerson: box contents lists.

Papers of Albert Wattenberg

Records Description

: less than l cubic foot

Papers of Albert Wattenberg, physicist, University of Chicago (1942-1946), and Argonnne National Laboratory (1947-1950), 1992. The collection relates to Wattenberg's work at the Metallurgical Laboratory of the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory. The records are an oral history with transcript.

Related Microfilm Publications
, Harrison-Bundy Files Relating to the Development of the Atomic Bomb, 1942-1946;
M1109, Correspondence ("Top Secret") of the Manhattan Engineer District, 1942-1946;
M1392, Bush-Conant File Relating to the Development of the Atomic Bomb, 1940-1945;
A1218, Manhattan Engineer District History.

Some records may be restricted because of provisions in the deed of gift.
