NARA and Declassification

ISCAP Decisions Table 2015

2008-032 NSA Technical Journals

Location: National Security Agency

(October 1, 2014- September 30, 2015)

*Please note the table headers are clickable, sort the table by the clicked column header.

Document Title or Subject [PDF] Document
Creator Appeal
Intercept of USSR Missile Transmissions 1959/07 National Security Agency 2008-032-doc2
Soviet Communication Journals as Sources of Intelligence 1964/08 National Security Agency 2008-032-doc3
Notes of Missile Terminal Ballistics (Soviet) 1964 National Security Agency 2008-032-doc4
SIGINT Implications of Military Oceanography Fall 1967 National Security Agency 2008-032-doc5
An Investigation of Techniques for Analyzing the [Classified Portion] Vocoder Fall 1975 National Security Agency 2008-032-doc6
Spacecraft Passenger Television from Laika to Gagarin Spring 1986 National Security Agency 2008-032-doc7


Updated December 17, 2015
