Records Projects
Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT
$11,996 to support the Montana Historical Records Advisory Board, including scholarships for archival training, a workshop in conjunction with the Montana History Conference, the Montana Archivist newsletter and Archives Month poster, an Archives Blitz, and the Traveling Student Archivist program. (RC103117-21)
Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT
$11,996 to support the Montana Historical Records Advisory Board’s programming, including scholarships for professional and amateur archivists to attend training, a one-day workshop to be held in conjunction with the Montana History Conference, distribution of two editions of the Montana Archivist newsletter and an Archives Month poster, a Traveling Student Archivist program that provides on-site assistance to an underserved archival repository, and an Archives Blitz to help process collections at a small, underserved archival repository. (RC102962-20)
Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT
$15,321 to support the work of the Montana State Historical Records Advisory Board, including scholarships for training, a one-day workshop at the Montana History Conference, an electronic newsletter distributed to institutions with archival holdings, an Archives Month poster, an Archives Blitz that will bring together several archivists to help process collections at a small and underserved repository, and the Student Traveling Archivist program to provide several weeks of on-site assistance to underserved archival repositories. (RC102725-19)
Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT
$13,721 to support one year of the Montana Historical Records Advisory Board’s programs, including training scholarships for archivists, a one-day workshop on archives at the annual Montana History Conference, two editions of the Montana Archivist newsletter, an Archives Month poster, the Student Traveling Archivist program, and an Archives Blitz for processing collections at small and underserved repositories. (RC100239-18)
Butte-Silver Bow Public Archives, Butte, MT
$67,480 to support a two‑year project to preserve and describe the C. Owen Smithers Photograph Collection, containing 25,000 images documenting the rise and development of Butte as a mining city. (RH100014-17)
Montana Historical Records Advisory Board, Helena, MT
$17,245 to support one year of the Montana Historical Records Advisory Board’s programs, including training scholarships for archivists, a one-day workshop on archives at the annual Montana History Conference, two editions of the Montana Archivist newsletter, an Archives Month poster, the Student Traveling Archivist program, an Archives Blitz for processing collections at small and underserved repositories, and travel funds. (RC100017-17)
Montana Historical Records Advisory Board, Helena, MT
$12,045 to support a one-year project focused on outreach, education, and hands-on assistance. In addition to distributing an Archives Month poster, publishing a newsletter, awarding scholarships for training, and offering a workshop, the board will continue its Traveling Student Archivist Program. (RC10271-16)
Montana Historical Records Advisory Board, Helena, MT
$10,045 to support basic funding, including a Traveling Student Archivist Program and training opportunities. (RC10239-15)
Montana Historical Records Advisory Board, Helena, MT
$12,560 to support basic funding, including a Traveling Student Archivist Program, two board meetings, scholarships for attending training opportunities, and participation in a national archival organization. (RC10209-14)
Montana Historical Records Advisory Board, Helena, MT
$13,260 to support basic funding, including a Traveling Student Archivist Program, two board meetings, a newsletter and Archives Month poster, scholarships for attending training opportunities, and participation in a national archival organization. (RC10177-13)
Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT
$13,140 to support the Montana State Historical Records Advisory Board and its traveling student archivist program. (RC10136-12)
Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT
$165,732 to support a two-year project to process 1,580 linear feet of records created by five state agencies, covering the period 1902-2007, and documenting topics of historical interest such as the environment, water rights, public health care, education, and transportation. (RB50158-11)
Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT
$16,640 to support basic activities, provide workshops and a training scholarship, and continue its successful Traveling Student Archivist program. (RC10077-10)
Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT
$18,695 to support the state historical records advisory board, including its Traveling Student Archivist Program to provide onsite assistance to small, underserved institutions across the state. (RC10052-09)
Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT
$9,990 in partial support of the Montana Board's activities for one year. (RS10011-07)
Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT
$9,275 in partial support of the Montana Board's activities for one year. (RS10011-07)
Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT
$9,967 in partial support of the Montana Board's activities for one year. (2006-009)
Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT
$30,005 to support Montana's Electronic Records strategic plan for the creation, management, and preservation of the state's electronic records. (2005-001)
Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT
$9,570 in partial support of the Montana Board's activities for one year. (2005-022)
Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT
$8,715 in partial support of the Montana Board's activities for one year. (2004-014)
Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT
$9,320 in partial support of the Montana Board's activities. (2003-027)
Montana Historical Records Advisory Board, Helena, MT
$57,746 ($20,000 matching) for the board's Local Records Regrant Project to help local historical societies, museums, counties, or other historical records repositories identify and preserve historically valuable records and make them accessible to Montana citizens and other researchers. (2000-034)
Montana State Historical Records Advisory Board, Helena, MT
$5,841 for a one-year project to complete planning efforts which are presently underway. (97-006)
Blackfeet Tribe, Browning, MT
$51,177 for a one-year project to develop a records program for the tribe. (94-093)
Montana State Historical Records Advisory Board, Helena, MT
$5,420 to conduct a planning project over a two-year period. During a series of six meetings, the board will review its responsibilities, reestablish contacts with constituent groups across the state, revise the board's list of funding priorities, investigate means of broadening its role beyond reviewing grant proposals, and conduct a preliminary review of the state's 1982 assessment report in preparation for a future comprehensive planning effort. (94-008)
Little Big Horn College, Crow Agency, MT
$32,202 to create an ongoing oral history program. After conducting a needs assessment study and creating a training handbook, faculty members will train students at the college to travel to the various reservation districts, conduct interviews, and prepare abstracts of the interviews. A transcriber will be responsible for transcribing and translating into English 50 of the planned 140 interviews. The interviews will be catalogued and the descriptions entered into the Western Library Network (WLN). (92-134)
Little Big Horn College, Crow Agency, MT
$22,142 to survey the records of the Crow tribal government. (90-104)
City of Great Falls, Great Falls, MT
$55,670 to hire a records manager to survey, appraise, and establish retention schedules for the city's records, and to develop a records manual for the city. (88-110)
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
$7,463 to preserve and make available the M.L. Wilson photograph collection. Produced by agricultural economist M.L. Wilson and his assistants, the photos depict agriculture and rural life in Montana during the 1920s. (84-130)
Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT
$38,427 to initiate a local public records program in the state. (84-092)
Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT
$5,818 for a technical consultant and a historian of technology to review and evaluate technological information in the records of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company. (83-076)
Montana State Historical Records Advisory Board, Helena, MT
$22,872 to analyze the current condition of historical records in the state, identify problems, frame potential solutions, and outline actions that can be taken. (81-121)
Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT
$38,438 to arrange, describe, and preserve the F. Jay Haynes and Jack E. Haynes collection of photographs (1876-1960) of several northwest and north-central states, Alaska, and two Canadian provinces. (79-086)
Subtotal (Records Projects) $829,934
Publications Projects
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, St. Ignatius, MT
$46,066 for History of the Sqelixw. (1994)
Subtotal (Publications Projects) $46,066
Total $876,000
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