National Historical Publications & Records Commission

New Hampshire

Records Projects

James W. Foley Legacy Foundation, Portsmouth, NH
$350,000 to support the processing of the James Wright Foley Archives at Marquette University in Milwaukee. Foley was a freelance journalist publicly executed in 2014 at the hands of ISIS militants in Syria. The project will process the collection and publish selected items online for greater access. (ED-104969-24)

Dartmouth College, Dartmouth, NH
$319,964 to support the development of a suite of digital tools to use with oral history collections to aid researchers to accurately discover and use these records. Using the Dartmouth Vietnam Project archive of 133 interviews, a project will devise new methods for adding metadata to digital oral history interviews, including a TEI-conformant tag library, as well as techniques for adding geospatial data to the interviews. The project will then test the methodology by encoding 100 selected interviews held by the online archive of the Oral History Project at the Vietnam Center and Archive at Texas Tech University, and developing open-source plugs-ins for content management systems using this technology. (RM102735-19)

Keene State College, Keene, NH
$44,601 to support a Citizen Archivist Initiative, in collaboration with the Historical Society of Cheshire County and Keene High School, a two-year project to place 300-500 18th- and 19th-century documents online and teach students and the public to read, interpret, and transcribe them. (DH50007-15)

New Hampshire State Historical Records Advisory Board, Concord, NH
$11,654 in partial support of the New Hampshire Board's administrative expenses. (2003-019)

Trustees of Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
$117,573 for its New Hampshire Local Records Project to conduct training in preservation techniques, access issues, collection development, and community documentation for municipal clerks, public librarians, historical society members, and court clerks throughout the state. (2001-089)

New Hampshire State Historical Records Advisory Board, Concord, NH
$15,000 in partial support of the board's administrative expenses for two years. (2001-008)

City of Manchester, Manchester, NH
$35,489 for a one-year project to continue an archival project to process and rehouse over 150 years of municipal records dating from the mid-19th century. (97-046)

New Hampshire State Historical Records Advisory Board, Concord, NH
$4,000 to hire a consultant to provide the board with information on how to approach strategic planning. Following the consultancy, the board can then develop a plan of work and staffing pattern for its own strategic planning effort. (94-044)

University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
$93,517 to establish a university archives and records management program. Activities will include surveying records, developing retention schedules, transferring and processing archival materials, holding workshops, and processing materials already housed in the university archives. (92-142)

Portsmouth Athenaeum, Portsmouth, NH
$30,125 for an archivist to process the collections of the Athenaeum and the Strawbery Banke Museum. The records document Portsmouth's role in local, state, and national history. (88-109)

Peterborough Historical Society, Peterborough, NH
$9,750 to arrange and describe the manuscript holdings of the society. The materials relate to Peterborough's history since 1700, and include Revolutionary War documents and early 19th-century textile mill records. (86-118)

Manchester Historic Association, Manchester, NH
$28,500 to arrange and describe materials in its Industrial Collection. Included are the records of the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company (1831-1936), the largest producer of cotton cloth in the world for almost 75 years. (85-036)

New Hampshire State Historical Records Advisory Board, Concord, NH
$25,000 to analyze the current condition of historical records in the state, identify problems, frame potential solutions, and outline actions that can be taken. (83-089)

New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord, NH
$29,185 to arrange and describe a portion of its manuscript collections. The collections contain material on New Hampshire's social, political, and economic history. (81-069)

New Hampshire Division of Records Management and Archives, Concord, NH
$47,250 for a project to arrange and describe early New Hampshire government records. (77-052, 79-123)

Strawbery Banke, Portsmouth, NH
$10,884 to preserve, reproduce, and catalog historic photograph collections, primarily glass plate negatives produced by early New Hampshire photographers. (77-028)

Subtotal (Records Projects)   $1,072,492


Publications Projects

Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH

$23,845 for the Journal of Benjamin Brown French. (1985-87)


Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH

$251,883 for the Papers of Daniel Webster. (1965-85)


New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord, NH

$41,843 for the William Plumer Papers, 1778-1854. (1978-79)


New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord, NH

$68,875 for the Papers of Josiah Bartlett. (1974-76)


Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH

$1,700 for the Eleazar Wheelock Papers. (1970)



University Press of New England, Hanover, NH

$194,015 for subvention support for the Correspondence of Ethan, Ira, and Levi Allen; the Journal of Benjamin Brown French; the Papers of Daniel Webster; and the Papers of Roger Williams. (1970-97)


Subtotal (Publications Projects)   $582,161


Total     $1,654,653



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