Federal Records Management

About Records Control Schedules

The Records Control Schedule (RCS) repository provides access to scanned versions of records schedules, or Standard Forms 115, Request for Records Disposition Authority, that have been developed by Federal agencies and approved by the Archivist of the United States. Also included in the RCS are records schedules that have been closed without further action, or withdrawn, and are not approved by the Archivist of the United States.

All Federal records, in all formats, must be covered by a NARA-approved records schedule.  In addition to these agency-specific records schedules, NARA also maintains the General Records Schedules (GRS), which cover records common to several or all agencies of the Federal Government.

The RCS repository currently contains all SF 115s approved since 1973 for Federal agency records not covered by the GRS. All recently approved schedules will be added to the site on a rolling basis. In addition, while the repository does contain all approved records schedules for the stated period, many of these records schedules are no longer in effect having been superseded by an updated or more recent schedule. Schedules that NARA has confirmed have been superseded in its entirety and thus inactive are marked with red text next to the title stating it is inactive.

The SF 115s have been converted to PDF file format and are listed by agency name and NARA-assigned record group number. The repository can be searched by:

  • NARA job number (e.g., N1-423-09-001),
  • Agency name (Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs),
  • NARA record group (RG 423), or
  • keyword or subject (e.g. grants).

For more information about Records Control Schedules, see Records Schedules Frequently Asked Questions.

Contact & Feedback:

If you need assistance in using the RCS repository, please email LSSP_Team@nara.gov for additional information.
