Compilation of Periodical Literature: 2017
Current Issues
- Volume 44, Number 1, January-March, 2017
- Volume 44, Number 2, April-June, 2017
- Volume 44, Number 3, July-September, 2017
- Volume 44, Number 4, October-December, 2017
- See also the Previous Years of the Quarterly Compilation of Periodical Literature.
- For subject access to Quarterly Compilations, see Compiled Citations by Record Group Clusters.
Volume 44, Number 1, January-March, 2017
Aiello, Thomas. "'The Shot That Was Heard in Nearly Two Million Negro Homes': The 1934 Murder of William Alexander Scott". Georgia Historical Quarterly 100, no.4 (2016): 367-403.
RG029 -
Blevins, Brooks. "Life on the Margins: The Diaries of Minnie Atteberry". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 75, no.4 (Winter 2016): 289-318.
RG029 -
Blumberg, Arnold. "Rainy Sky, Bloody Ground". Vietnam 29, no.6 (April 2017): 32-39.
NARA photos -
Casari, Robert. "Discovering the Fake Navy Aircraft Record Cards". Over the Front 31, no.4 (Winter 2016): 350-353.
RG072 -
Cool, Paul. "Desert Manhunt: Tucson's 1934 June Robles Kidnapping". Journal of Arizona History 57, no.4 (Winter 2016): 347-378.
RG065 -
Coombs, Jan Gregoire. "Indentured Children of the Wisconsin Public School". Wisconsin Magazine of History 100, no.3 (Spring 2017): 40-53.
RG029 -
Davis, Stephen. "Would P.G.T. Lead the A.o.T.?". Civil War Times 56, no.2 (April 2017): 36-41.
NARA photos -
Domagalski, John J. "Prewar Voyage Down Under". Naval History 31, no.1 (February 2017): 38-43.
RG038 -
Drew, Benjamin. "Lenah Sutcliffe Higbee: Navy Nurse Corps Pioneer". Naval History 31, no.2 (April 2017): 38-43.
NARA photos -
Eames, Anthony. "The Trident Sales Agreement and Cold War Diplomacy". Journal of Military History 81, no.1 (January 2017): 163-186.
JC Library -
Ellis, Catherine H. and David F. Boone. "What We Learned from Editing Roberta Flake Clayton's Pioneer Women of Arizona". Journal of Arizona History 57, no.4 (Winter 2016): 379-404.
RG029 -
Faini, Matteo. "The US Government and the Italian Coup Manque of 1964: The Unintended Consequences of Intelligence Hierarchies". Intelligence and National Security 31, no.7 (December 2016): 1011-1024.
RG059/LBJ Library -
Finnegan, Terrence J. "Lieutenant Kenneth P. Culbert: The First USMC Aviator in the Pantheon of US Army Air Heroes". Over the Front 31, no.4 (Winter 2016): 315-328.
RG111/RG120 -
Hanni, Adrian. "When Casey's Blood Pressure Rose: A Case Study of Intelligence Politicization in the United States". Intelligence and National Security 31, no.7 (December 2016): 963-977.
GHWB Library/CREST -
Hellman, Susan and Maddy McCoy. "Soil Tilled by Free Men: The Formation of a Free Black Community in Fairfax County, Virginia". Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 125, no.1 (2017): 39-67.
RG015/RG029/RG123/RG217/RG233 -
Hisano, Ai. "The Rise of Synthetic Colors in the American Food Industry, 1870-1940". Business History Review 90, no.3 (Autumn 2016): 483-504.
RG088/RG097 -
Howard, Josh. "The Edith Lett Papers: The Federal Writers' Project, West Virginia, and the Everyman Writer". West Virginia History 10, no.2 (Fall 2016): 111-132.
RG069 -
Isenberg, Andrew C. "An Empire of Remedy: Vaccination, Natives, and Narratives in the North American West". Pacific Historical Review 86, no.1 (February 2017): 84-113.
RG075 -
Karl, Robert A. "Reading the Cuban Revolution from Bogota, 1957-62". Cold War History 16, no.4 (November 2016): 337-358.
RG059/JFK Library -
Kilduff, Peter. "Cowboys of the Air: A History of the 88th Aero Squadron, USAS". Over the Front 31, no.4 (Winter 2016): 291-304.
RG120 -
Knight, Frederick. "The Many Names for Jarena Lee". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 141, no.1 (January 2017): 58-68.
RG029 -
Kranjc, Gregor. "Fight or Flight: Desertion, Defection, and Draft-Dodging in Occupied Slovenia, 1941-1945". Journal of Military History 81, no.1 (January 2017): 133-162.
RG226 -
Laliberte, Daniel A. "Twilight of the Gulf Coast Pirates". Naval History 31, no.2 (April 2017): 51-55.
RG021 -
Linn, Brian McAllister. "The US Army's Postwar Recoveries". Parameters 46, no.3 (Autumn 2016): 13-22.
RG338 -
Marchio, Jim. "'How good is your batting average?' Early IC Efforts to Assess the Accuracy of Estimates". Studies in Intelligence 60, no.4 (December 2016): 3-13.
McCormick, David. "The First Korean Conflict". Naval History 31, no.2 (April 2017): 44-49.
NARA photos -
McCoy, Carol Prescott. "Rediscovering David Mitchell (ca. 1800-1829) of Troy, Maine". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 104, no.4 (December 2016): 283-293.
RG015/RG029 -
Montgomery, Erick. "Finding Christina Hogan and Her Husbands in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Indiana". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 104, no.4 (December 2016): 295-308.
RG029/RG094 -
Moye, Elizabeth Reynolds. "Which William H. Harrison Married Mary Ann Burns of Central Georgia?". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 104, no.4 (December 2016): 257-266.
RG029 -
Noack, Thorsten. "William L. Shirer and International Awareness of the Nazi 'Euthanasia' Program". Holocaust and Genocide Studies 30, no.3 (Winter 2016): 433-457.
RG059 -
Polmar, Norman. "A Lackluster Performance: Part 1". Naval History 31, no.2 (April 2017): 24.
NARA photos -
Robertson, Thomas. "Cold War Landscapes: Towards an Environmental History of US Development Programmes in the 1950s and 1960s". Cold War History 16, no.4 (November 2016): 417-441.
HST Library -
Roesler, Alan L. "A Spring Day Like No Other: The Victory Loan Flying Circus Comes to Springfield, April 15, 1919". Journal of Illinois History 18, no.1 (Spring 2015): 41-60.
RG018 -
Ruffner, Malissa. "Indirect Evidence Corrects the Parentage of Lemuel Offutt of Baltimore County, Maryland". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 104, no.4 (December 2016): 267-282.
RG029 -
Scott, Michelle R. "These Ladies Do Business with a Capital B: The Griffin Sisters as Black Businesswomen in Early Vaudeville". Journal of African American History 101, no.4 (Fall 2016): 469-503.
RG029 -
Sears, David L. "Flying the Empire Express". Naval History 31, no.1 (February 2017): 26-31.
RG038/NARA photos -
Sears, David L. "Pipeline to Freedom". Naval History 31, no.1 (February 2017): 32-37.
NARA photos -
Smith, Shannon M. "'They Met Force with Force': African American Protests and Social Status in Louisville's 1877 Strike". Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 115, no.1 (Winter 2017): 1-37.
RG094 -
Spurgeon, Ian Michael. "The Fallen of Operation Iceberg: U.S. Graves Registration Efforts and the Battle of Okinawa". Army History 102 (Winter 2017): 6-20.
RG092/RG407 -
Tillman, Barrett. "The Plane That Won the War". Naval History 31, no.1 (February 2017): 14-19.
NARA photos -
Vego, Milan. "Learn and Use History's Lessons". Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute 143, no.2 (February 2017): 58-63.
RG457 -
Weems, Robert E., Jr. "A Man in a Woman's World: Anthony Overton's Rise to Prominence in the African American Personal Care Products Industry". Journal of African American History 101, no.4 (Fall 2016): 407-435.
RG029 -
Wefald, Susan. "On with the Show! WPA Repertory Theater in 1930s North Dakota". North Dakota History 81, no.4 (Winter 2016): 3-15.
RG069 -
Wingo, Rebecca S. "Picturing Indian Health: Dr. Ferdinand Showmaker's Traveling Photographs from the Crow Reservation, 1910-1918". Montana: The Magazine of Western History 66, no.4 (Winter 2016): 24-45.
RG075 -
Wood, Nicholas P. "A 'class of Citizens': The Earliest Black Petitioners to Congress and Their Quaker Allies". William and Mary Quarterly 74, no.1 (January 2017): 109-144.
RG233 -
Woods, Fred E. "More Precious Than Gold: Mormonism Comes to Nome, 1900-1913". Alaska History 31, no.2 (Fall 2016): 29-45.
Volume 44, Number 2, April-June, 2017
Amerman, Annette D. "Devil Dogs with Army Wings: Marines with the AEF Air Service in the First World War". Army History 103 (Spring 2017): 29-42.
RG120/NARA photos -
Amos, Alcione M. and Patricia Brown Savage. "Frances Eliza Hall: Postbellum Teacher in Washington, D.C.". Washington History 29, no.1 (Spring 2017): 42-54.
RG029/RG101 -
Anderson, Eric. "The Battle of Chantilly, 1 September 1862: 'A Terrific, Horrible, Phantasmagoria'". On Point 22, no.4 (Spring 2017): 6-13.
NARA photos -
Ashton, Nigel. "Taking Friends for Granted: The Carter Administration, Jordan, and the Camp David Accords, 1977-1980". Diplomatic History 41, no.3 (June 2017): 620-645.
RG059/JC Library -
Ballantyne, David T. "'Whenever the Yankees Were Gone, I Was a Confederate': Loyalty and Dissent in Civil War-Era Rapides Parish, Louisiana". Civil War History 63, no.1 (March 2017): 36-67.
RG029/RG105/RG217/RG233/RG393 -
Barrett, David M. "JFK, FBI, and CIA: Playing Hardball over an Intelligence Leak to the New York Times". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.1 (January 2017): 37-53.
JFK Library/CREST -
Becker, Marc. "Ecuador's Early No-foreign Military Bases Movement". Diplomatic History 41, no.3 (June 2017): 518-542.
RG059 -
Bell, Raymond E. "Fort Ontario, New York". On Point 22, no.4 (Spring 2017): 46-49.
NARA photos -
Belmonte, Peter L. "'I wanted to go over the top': Pfc. Michael Metagrano, a Doughboy's Story". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.4 (Winter 2015): 374-380.
RG029/RG036/RG147 -
Blower, Brooke L. "Nation of Outposts: Forts, Factories, Bases, and the Making of American Power". Diplomatic History 41, no.3 (June 2017): 439-459.
RG111 -
Bozo, Frederic. "'We Don't Need You': France, the United States, and Iraq, 1991-2003". Diplomatic History 41, no.1 (January 2017): 183-208.
GHWB Library/WJC Library -
Brenckle, Matthew. "The Sailor and Marine Portraits of Edward C. Young, 1831-1832". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.4 (Winter 2015): 304-308.
RG045/RG125 -
Bruce, James. "'A Shadowy Entity': M.I.1(b) and British Communications Intelligence, 1914-1922". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.3 (April 2017): 313-332.
RG120/RG457 -
Cahill, William. "Thirteenth Air Force Radio Countermeasures Operations, 1944-45". Air Power History 64, no.2 (Summer 2017): 9-28.
RG111/RG342/RG496 -
Cantoni, Roberto. "What's in a Pipe? NATO's Confrontation on the 1962 Large-Diameter Pipe Embargo". Technology and Culture 58, no.1 (January 2017): 67-96.
RG059 -
Chang, Jason Oliver. "Four Centuries of Imperial Succession in the Comprador Pacific". Pacific Historical Review 86, no.2 (May 2017): 193-227.
RG084/RG360 -
Chapin, Christy Ford. "The Politics of Corporate Social Responsibility in American Health Care and Home Loans". Business History Review 90, no.4 (Winter 2016): 647-670.
RG047 -
Chavanne, Jonathan Blackshear. "Collision in Manchuria: Rescue, Intelligence, and the Cold War in Asia, August-September 1945". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.1 (January 2017): 26-36.
RG226/RG389 -
Craft, Stephen G. "Deadly Catch: Shrimp Boat Captains as United States Naval Intelligence Informants, 1942-1945". Intelligence and National Security 4, no.3 (32): 494-505.
RG038/RG181/RG313 -
Crawford, John W. "Seven Days at Midway". Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute 143, no.6 (June 2017): 66-68.
NARA photos -
Cushman, Barry. "The Missing Justice in Coleman v. Miller". Journal of Supreme Court History 42, no.1 (2017): 67-76.
FDR Library -
Davis, Charles L. "Confronting a Petty Tyrant: Patriarchy and Protest at Millersburg Female College, 1880-1884". Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 115, no.3 (Summer 2017): 349-376.
RG029 -
Davis, Sara Lyons. "American by Birth, Alien by Marriage: Harriot Stanton Blatch, Expatriation, and Derivative Citizenship". Social Education 81, no.3 (May-June 2017): 142-147.
RG011/RG021/RG029 -
De Witte, Ludo. "The Suppression of the Congo Rebellions and the Rise of Mobutu, 1963-5". International History Review 39, no.1 (February 2017): 107-125.
LBJ Library -
De Wolfe, Elizabeth. "More Than a Congressman's Mistress: Ambition and Scandal in the Life of Madeleine Pollard". Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 115, no.3 (Summer 2017): 313-348.
RG029/RG048/RG059/RG085 -
Dorais, Genevieve. "Missionary Critiques of Empire, 1920-1932: Between Interventionism and Anti-imperialism". International History Review 39, no.3 (June 2017): 377-403.
RG059 -
Ebright, Malcolm. "Making Water Run Uphill: The Mora Acequias de la Sierra vs. Picuris Pueblo; A Tale of Two Watersheds and the Mora Land Grant". New Mexico Historical Review 92, no.2 (Spring 2017): 117-155.
RG075 -
Emerson, William K. "A 1901 U.S. Army Shirt Chevron". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.4 (Winter 2015): 292.
RG092 -
Engerman, David C. "Development Politics and the Cold War". Diplomatic History 41, no.1 (January 2017): 1-19.
RG059/DDE Library/LBJ Library -
Fahey, John H. "Fort Buchanan and the Origins of Arizona Territory". Journal of Arizona History 58, no.2 (Summer 2017): 111-156.
RG094/RG393 -
Feng, Patrick. "The M1 Carbine". On Point 22, no.4 (Spring 2017): 14-17.
NARA photos -
Finnegan, Toby. "Encounter at Vung Lam: New Hampshire Businessman Edmund Roberts and America's First Diplomatic Negotiation with an Asian Country". Historical New Hampshire 70, no.1 (Spring 2017): 3-35.
RG059 -
Fujioka, Masaki. "Science Research and Diplomacy in the United States: Its Development from the 1920s to the 1950s". Kwangaku Seiyoshi Ronshu 40, no. (March 2017): 5-11.
RG227 -
Fuss, Norman. "Billy Flora - Forgotten Black Hero of the American Revolution". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.4 (Winter 2015): 320-328.
RG093 -
Gerits, Frank. "Hungry Minds: Eisenhower's Cultural Assistance to Sub-Saharan Africa, 1953-1961". Diplomatic History 41, no.3 (June 2017): 594-619.
RG059/RG084/RG306/RG469/DDE Library -
Germano, Nancy M. "Negotiating for the Environment: LBJ's Contributions to the Environmental Movement". Federal History Journal 9, no. (April 2017): 48-68.
LBJ Library -
Glock, Judge. "The Rise and Fall of the First Government-Sponsored Enterprise: The Federal Land Banks, 1916-1932". Business History Review 90, no.4 (Winter 2016): 623-645.
RG103/RG233 -
Goldberg, Barry. "'A Revolution in Rising Expectations': School Activism and Interracial Politics on the Lower East Side, 1963-1966". Journal of Policy History 29, no.1 (2017): 140-176.
JFK Library -
Gonzalez, Fredy. "Chinese Braceros? Chinese Mexican Workers in the United States during World War II". Western Historical Quarterly 48, no.2 (Summer 2017): 137-157.
RG084/RG211 -
Green, William Carbine. "Operation Hardtack's Hard-Luck Target Sub". Naval History 31, no.3 (June 2017): 42-47.
NARA photos -
Haley, Heather M. "Defoliating Fence and Foxhole: An Unconventional Response to an Irregular Threat along the Korean DMZ, 1967-1969". Federal History Journal 9, no. (April 2017): 69-86.
RG011/NARA photos -
Heefner, Gretchen. "'A Fighter Pilot's Heaven': Finding Cold War Utility in the North African Desert". Environmental History 22, no.1 (January 2017): 50-76.
RG059/RG084 -
Heefner, Gretchen. "'A Slice of their Sovereignty': Negotiating the U.S. Empire of Bases, Wheelus Field, Libya, 1950-1954". Diplomatic History 41, no.1 (January 2017): 50-77.
RG059/RG084 -
Heger, Kenneth. "Researching the Grand Duchy of Hesse-Darmstadt on MAGS Site". Der Kurier 35, no.1 (March 2017): 3-10.
RG059/RG084 -
Heimann, Gadi. "Divide and Rule: Israel's Tactics Regarding the Jerusalem Question and America's Response, 1949-1950". Cold War History 17, no.1 (February 2017): 21-38.
RG059 -
Herdegen, Lance J. "'Long Sol': The Pugnacious 6-Foot-Seven Solomon Meredith Cast a Long Shadow over the Iron Brigade". Civil War Times 56, no.4 (August 2017): 23-29.
NARA photos -
Herring, George C., Jr. "'Glad I Was In It': An Iowa Doughboy in the Great War, 1918-1919". Army History 103 (Spring 2017): 7-23.
NARA photos -
Hordler, Stefan. "Sichtbarmachen: Moglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Analyse von NS-Tater-Fotografien". Vierteljahrshefte fur Zeitgeschichte 65, no.2 (April 2017): 259-271.
RG153/RG549 -
Jackson-Abernathy, Brenda. "Adelicia Acklen: Beyond the 'Belmont' Legend and Lore". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 76, no.1 (Spring 2017): 2-43.
RG094 -
Jeans, Roger B., Jr. "Ghost Guerillas: The CIA and 'Tiger General' Li Zongren's Third Force during the Early Cold War". Journal of Military History 81, no.2 (April 2017): 491-512.
Jurdem, Laurence R. "'The Mad Hatter's Tea Party on the East River': Conservative Journals of Opinion and the United Nations, 1964-1981". Cold War History 17, no.1 (February 2017): 39-59.
RR Library -
Kapur, Nick. "Mending the 'Broken Dialogue': U.S.-Japan Alliance Diplomacy in the Aftermath of the 1960 Security Treaty Crisis". Diplomatic History 41, no.3 (June 2017): 489-517.
DDE Library/JFK Library -
Karafantis. Layne. "NORAD's Combat Operations Center: A Distinctly Cold War Environment". Information & Culture 52, no.2 (2017): 139-162.
NARA photos -
King-O'Brien, Kelly. "'Names and Appearances are often Indeterminate': Quandries over Identifying Jews in Chicago, 1953-1961". Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society 110, no.1 (Spring 2017): 9-58.
RG220/DDE Library -
Klann, Mary. "Babies in Baskets: Motherhood, Tourism, and American Identity in Indian Baby Shows, 1916-1949". Journal of Women's History 29, no.2 (Summer 2017): 38-61.
RG075 -
Kuo, Laureen. "Improving French Competitiveness through American Investment following World War II". Business History Review 91, no.1 (Spring 2017): 129-155.
RG059/RG426 -
Larsen, Daniel. "British Codebreaking and American Diplomatic Telegrams, 1914-1915". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.2 (March 2017): 256-263.
RG059 -
Lawrence, Dan. "Two Circa 1840 Tangent Scale Sights". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.4 (Winter 2015): 309-312.
RG156 -
Leogrande, William M. "Anger, Anti-Americanism, and the Break in U.S.-Cuban Relations". Diplomatic History 41, no.1 (January 2017): 104-127.
RG059/RG084 -
Loureiro, Felipe Pereira. "The Alliance for Progress and President Joao Goulart's Three-Year Plan: The Deterioration of U.S.-Brazilian Relations in Cold War Brazil (1962)". Cold War History 17, no.1 (February 2017): 61-79.
RG059/RG084/JFK Library -
McCallum, John. "U.S. Censorship, Violence, and Moral Judgement in a Wartime Democracy, 1941-1945". Diplomatic History 41, no.3 (June 2017): 543-566.
RG216/RG225/RG313/RG331/RG428 -
McGovern, Rory M. "The School of Experience: George W. Goethals and the U.S. Army, 1876-1907". Journal of Military History 81, no.2 (April 2017): 395-424.
RG077/RG094/RG165 -
McNatt, Mary Clare. "Taking a Stand for Integrated Housing". Social Education 81, no.2 (March-April 2017): 118-122.
RG302 -
Melbourne, Wolf. "The Midway Story Is Incomplete". Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute 143, no.6 (June 2017): 62-65.
NARA photos -
Mitchell, M.X. "Offshoring American Environmental Law: Land, Culture, and Marshall Islanders' Struggles for Self-Determination during the 1970s". Environmental History 22, no.2 (April 2017): 209-234.
RG021/RG276 -
Moskowitz, Daniel B. "No, I Will Not Move to the Back of the Bus". American History 52, no.3 (August 2017): 40-47.
WJC Library -
Mrazek, Robert J. "Torpedo Eight's Celebrated Survivor". Naval History 31, no.3 (June 2017): 22-27.
RG038/NARA photos -
Oda, Meredith. "Masculinizing Japan and Reorienting San Francisco : The Osaka-San Francisco Sister City Affiliation during the Early Cold War". Diplomatic History 41, no.3 (June 2017): 460-488.
RG084/RG306 -
Pacino, Nicole. "Stimulating a Cooperative Spirit? Public Health and U.S.-Bolivia Relations in the 1950s". Diplomatic History 41, no.2 (April 2017): 305-335.
RG059/RG469 -
Page, Sebastian N. "'A Knife Sharp Enough to Divide Us': William H. Seward, Abraham Lincoln, and Black Colonization". Diplomatic History 41, no.2 (April 2017): 362-391.
RG048/RG056/RG059 -
Palmer, W. Raymond. "The Role of Oscar Cox in the Creation of the War Refugee Board, 1943-1944". Federal History Journal 9, no. (April 2017): 26-47.
RG059/FDR Library -
Perlman, Susan McCall. "Contesting France: French Informants and American Intelligence in the Dawning Cold War". Cold War History 17, no.1 (February 2017): 81-98.
RG059/RG218/RG226 -
Peterson, Gary. "A Closer Look at Allen". Journal of Supreme Court History 42, no.1 (2017): 28-48.
RG021 -
Prince, K. Stephen. "Remembering Robert Charles: Violence and Memory in Jim Crow New Orleans". Journal of Southern History 83, no.2 (May 2017): 297-328.
RG029 -
Rasmussen, Anders Bo. "The Spoils of the Victors: Captain Ferdinand Winslow and the 1863 Curtis Court of Inquiry". Annals of Iowa 76, no.2 (Spring 2017): 161-179.
RG094/RG159 -
Raz, Mical. "Treating Addiction or Reducing Crime? Methadone Maintenance and Drug Policy under the Nixon Administration". Journal of Policy History 29, no.1 (2017): 58-86.
RG060 -
Rems, Alan. "Semper Fidelis: Defending the Marine Corps". Naval History 31, no.3 (June 2017): 36-41.
HST Library -
Rezk, Dina. "Re-evaluating the Yom Kippur 'Intelligence Failure': The Cultural Lens in Crisis". International History Review 39, no.3 (June 2017): 470-495.
RG059/RMN Library -
Roberts, George. "The Assassination of Eduardo Mondlane: FRELIMO, Tanzania, and the Politics of Exile in Dar es Salaam". Cold War History 17, no.1 (February 2017): 1-19.
RG059 -
Santese, Angela. "Ronald Reagan, the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign and the Nuclear Scare of the 1980s". International History Review 39, no.3 (June 2017): 496-520.
RR Library -
Schlombs, Corinna. "A Cost-Saving Machine: Computing at the German Allianz Insurance Company". Information & Culture 52, no.1 (2017): 31-63.
RG469 -
Scott, James M. "The Spy Ship Left Out in the Cold". Naval History 31, no.3 (June 2017): 28-35.
LBJ Library/NARA photos -
Setzekorn, Eric. "Eisenhower's Mutual Security Program and Congress: Defense and Economic Assistance for Cold War Asia". Federal History Journal 9, no. (April 2017): 7-25.
RG080 -
Smoot, Betsy Rohaly. "Impermanent Alliances: Cryptologic Cooperation between the United States, Britain, and France on the Western Front, 1917-1918". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.3 (April 2017): 365-377.
RG120/RG457 -
Stocker, James R. "A Historical Inevitability?: Kissinger and US Contacts with the Palestinians (1973-76)". International History Review 39, no.2 (April 2017): 316-337.
RG059/RMN Library/GRF Library -
Stout, Mark. "World War I and the Birth of American Intelligence Culture". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.3 (April 2017): 378-394.
RG038/RG059/RG120/RG165/RG319 -
Tiemeyer, Phil. "Launching a Nonaligned Airline: JAT Yugoslav Airways between East, West, and South, 1947-1962". Diplomatic History 41, no.1 (January 2017): 78-103.
RG059 -
Toprani, Anand. "An Anglo-American 'Petroleum Entente'?: The First Attempt to Reach an Anglo-American Oil Agreement, 1921". Historian 79, no.1 (Spring 2017): 56-79.
RG059/HH Library -
Tyler, Robert Llewellyn. "Culture Maintenance, Occupational Change, and Social Status: The Welsh in San Francisco, 1880-1930". California History 94, no.1 (Spring 2017): 6-25.
RG029 -
Underhill, Lonnie E. "Army Life in a Small Place: Revisiting Camp John A. Rucker, 1878-1880". Journal of Arizona History 58, no.2 (Summer 2017): 157-182.
RG393 -
Wang, Dong. "Grand Strategy, Power Politics, and China's Policy toward the United States in the 1960s". Diplomatic History 41, no.2 (April 2017): 265-287.
RG059/RMN Library -
Watt, Lori. "The 'Disposition of Japanese Civilians': American Wartime Planning for the Colonial Japanese". Diplomatic History 41, no.2 (April 2017): 392-414.
RG313 -
Weicksel, Sarah Jones. "The Dress of the Enemy: Clothing and Disease in the Civil War Era". Civil War History 63, no.2 (June 2017): 133-150.
RG109 -
Wenzer, Kenneth C. "Theodore Roosevelt and the United States Battleship Maine". Federal History Journal 9, no. (April 2017): 111-130.
RG045/RG080/RG313 -
Whalen, Kevin. "Indian School, Company Town: Outing Workers from Sherman Institute at Fontana Farms Company, 1907-1930". Pacific Historical Review 86, no.2 (May 2017): 290-321.
RG075 -
Winslow, D. Rex. "Operation Sussex: Your Worst Enemy is Your Ally". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.2 (March 2017): 208-221.
RG226 -
Wolf, Nikita. "'This Secret Town': British Intelligence, the Special Relationship, and the Vietnam War". International History Review 39, no.2 (April 2017): 338-367.
HST Library/LBJ Library -
Wright, Erik J. "'Nervy' Phil Foote: Hell-Raiser of the High Desert and the Amargosa". Journal of the West 55, no.4 (Fall 2016): 58-63.
RG029/RG094 -
Wylie, Neville. "Allied Special Forces and Prisoner of War Recovery Operations in Europe, 1944-1945". Journal of Military History 81, no.2 (April 2017): 469-489.
RG084/RG226/RG331 -
Young, Kevin A. "From Open Door to Nationalization: Oil and Development Visions in Bolivia, 1952-1969". HAHR 97, no.1 (February 2017): 95-129.
RG059/RG306 -
Zelden, Charles L. "'How Do You Feel About Writing Dissents'? Thurgood Marshall's Dissenting Vision for America". Journal of Supreme Court History 42, no.1 (2017): 77-100.
RR Library -
Zeledon, Jason. "'As Proud as Lucifer': A Tunisian Diplomat in Thomas Jefferson's America". Diplomatic History 41, no.1 (January 2017): 155-182.
Volume 44, Number 3, July-September, 2017
"Ratifying the Bill of 1939". Prologue 48, no.4 (Winter 2016): 72.
RG233 -
"The Day of Infamy". Prologue 48, no.4 (Winter 2016): 30-33.
RG080/RG111/RG330 -
Abrams, Michelle. "95th Infantry Division". On Point 23, no.1 (Summer 2017): 23-26.
NARA photos -
Adams, Stephen B. "Arc of Empire: The Federal Telegraph Company, The U.S. Navy, and the Beginnings of Silicon Valley". Business History Review 91, no.2 (Summer 2017): 329-359.
RG019/RG038/RG080/RG167 -
Anderson, Pam Pracser. "Indirectly Identifying Relatives of Michael Kerns of Blair County and Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.2 (June 2017): 93-91.
RG015/RG029 -
Arnett, Jessica Leslie. "Unsettled Rights in Territorial Alaska: Native Land, Sovereignty, and Citizenship from the Indian Reorganization Act to Termination". Western Historical Quarterly 48, no.3 (Autumn 2017): 233-254.
RG126/HST Library -
Beaird, Tina. "Recreating a World War I Veteran's Service History". NGS Magazine 43, no.2 (April-June 2017): 11-15.
RG092/RG120/RG393 -
Begley, Andrew J. "Searching for Captain Blye". Prologue 49, no.1 (Spring 2017): 58-65.
RG0329/RG036 -
Bellamy, Jay. "The Zimmermann Telegram and Other Events Leading to America's Entry into World War I". Prologue 48, no.4 (Winter 2016): 18-27.
RG045/RG059/RG111/RG334/RG457 -
Bilka, Monica. "Klamath Tribal Persistence, State Resistance: Treaty Rights Activism, the Threat of Tribal Sovereignty, and Collaborative Natural Resource Management in the Pacific Northwest, 1954-1981". Western Historical Quarterly 48, no.3 (Autumn 2017): 255-275.
RG075 -
Bredhoff, Stacey. "JFK 100 - Milestones & Mementoes". Prologue 49, no.1 (Spring 2017): 48-57.
JFK Library -
Burrows, Geoff. "Rural Hydro-Electrification and the Colonial New Deal: Modernization, Experts, and Rural Life in Puerto Rico, 1935-1942". Agricultural History 91, no.3 (Summer 2017): 293-319.
RG077/RG181/RG323/JFK Library -
Camp, Richard. "The Cactus Air Force's Humble Home". Naval History 31, no.4 (August 2017): 20-21.
NARA photos -
Charles, Patrick J. "Dissecting the Origins of Air-Centric Special Operations Theory". Journal of Military History 81, no.3 (July 2017): 803-828.
FDR Library -
Chua, Daniel Wei Boon. "America's Role in the Five Power Defence Arrangements: Anglo-American Power Transition in South-East Asia, 1967-1971". International History Review 39, no.4 (August 2017): 615-637.
RG059/LBJ Library -
Ciglioni, Laura. "Italian Public Opinion in the Atomic Age: Mass-market Magazines Facing Nuclear Issues (1963-1967)". Cold War History 17, no.3 (August 2017): 205-221.
RG306 -
Cohen, Robert. "Out of the Closet and into History? The Eleanor Roosevelt-Lorena Hickock Affair". Reviews in American History 45, no.2 (June 2017): 314-322.
FDR Library -
Cooper-Rompato, Christine. "The Earliest Patent by a Woman in New Mexico: Eunice Trim's Combination Comfort Canteen". New Mexico Historical Review 92, no.3 (Summer 2017): 311-341.
RG029 -
DeSantis, John. "Tracing an Atrocity: How an Obscure Affidavit in the National Archives Unraveled a Historical Mystery". Prologue 49, no.2 (Summer 2017): 42-52.
RG015 -
Domby, Adam H. "Captives of Memory: The Contested Legacy of Race at Andersonville National Historic Site". Civil War History 63, no.3 (September 2017): 253-294.
RG105 -
Fardella, Enrico. "A Significant Periphery of the Cold War: Italy-China Bilateral Relations, 1949-1989". Cold War History 17, no.2 (May 2017): 181-197.
GRF Library/JC Library -
Finley, Alexandra. "'Cash to Corinna': Domestic Labor and Sexual Economy in the 'Fancy Trade'". Journal of American History 104, no.2 (September 2017): 410-430.
RG029 -
Freund, Lawrence S. "Pathmakers: James and Mary Jane McCleery". Ohio History 124, no.2 (Fall 2017): 28-48.
RG015/RG059/RG105 -
Geschwind, Carl-Henry. "The Federal Sales Tax That Was: American Miscellaneous Exise Taxes, 1940-1971". Journal of Policy History 29, no.3 (2017): 490-516.
RG046/RG056/RG233/FDR Library/LBJ Library -
Gessler, Anne M. "Warriors for Lower Prices: The New Orleans Housewives' League and the Consumer Cooperative Movement, 1913-1921". Journal of Southern History 83, no.3 (August 2017): 573-616.
RG029 -
Glasby, Heather. "Testing the 15th Amendment: Milton Claiborne Nicholas and the Legacy of the First Black Voters". Prologue 48, no.4 (Winter 2016): 50-58.
RG021/RG029/RG105/LBJ Library -
Green, Shannon. "Parents for Cynthia (Parker) Wilcoxon of Ohio and West Virginia". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.2 (June 2017): 93-100.
RG029 -
Greiner, Bob. "Deaths of American Citizens Reported at Bremen, Germany, 1877-1901". Der Kurier 35, no.2 (June 2017): 43-45.
RG084 -
Greiner, Bob. "Estate Cases from the United States Consulate in Frankfurt, Germany (1889-1905)". Der Kurier 35, no.2 (June 2017): 46-51.
RG084 -
Greiner, Robert C. "12,000 Marks for Texas". Prologue 49, no.1 (Spring 2017): 18-27.
RG024/RG027/RG059/RG084 -
Hall, Ryan. "Before the Medicine Line: Blackfoot Trade Strategy and the Emergence of the Northwest Plains Borderlands, 1818-1846". Pacific Historical Review 86, no.3 (August 2017): 381-406.
RG075 -
Hardin, David R. "Official Military Personnel Files of World War I Veterans". NGS Magazine 43, no.2 (April-June 2017): 23-27.
RG026/RG127/RG319 -
Hazelton, Andrew J. "Farmworker Advocacy through Guestworker Policy: Secretary of Labor James P. Mitchell and the Bracero Program". Journal of Policy History 29, no.3 (2017): 431-461.
RG174/LBJ Library -
Heger, Kenneth W. "Baden, Palatinate, Alsace-Lorraine Resources on MAGS Site". Der Kurier 35, no.2 (June 2017): 34-42.
RG059/RG084 -
Hunter, Joan A. "The Misattributed Military History of Amos Parsons - Mariner, Farmer, and Soldier - of Gloucester, Ipswich, Rowley, Newbury, Sutton, Oxford, and Ward, Massachusetts". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.2 (June 2017): 101-108.
RG093 -
Isby, David C. "Voyage to War". Naval History 31, no.4 (August 2017): 34-39.
RG019/RG024/RG038 -
Johnson, Mark W. "Emory Upton's Twenty-Six: Desertion and Divided Loyalty of U.S. Army Soldiers, 1860-1861". Journal of Military History 81, no.3 (July 2017): 747-774.
RG094/RG109/RG393 -
Jones, T. Cole. "'The rage of tory-hunting': Loyalist Prisoners, Civil War, and the Violence of American Independence". Journal of Military History 81, no.3 (July 2017): 719-746.
RG360 -
Jones-Minsinger, Elizabeth. "'Our Rights Are Getting More & More Infringed Upon': American Nationalism, Identity, and Sailors' Justice in British Prisons during the War of 1812". Journal of the Early Republic 37, no.3 (Fall 2017): 471-505.
RG094 -
Kedar, Claudia. "The World Bank-United States-Latin American Triangle: The Negotiations with Socialist Chile, 1970-1973". International History Review 39, no.4 (August 2017): 667-690.
RG059 -
Kennedy, Greg. "Filling the Void?: Anglo-American Strategic Relations, Philippine Independence, and the Containment of Japan, 1932-1937". International History Review 39, no.5 (October 2017): 836-859.
FDR Library -
Kirby, James. "'Our Bantustans are Better than Yours': Botswana, the United States, and Human Rights in the 1970s". International History Review 39, no.5 (October 2017): 860-884.
RG059 -
Kirchhoff, M.J. "Lynch Law in Klondike". Alaska History 32, no.1 (Spring 2017): 32-42.
RG048 -
Kiser, William S. "The Politics of Slavery and Social Hierarchies in Colonial, Mexican, and Territorial New Mexico". New Mexico Historical Review 92, no.3 (Summer 2017): 285-309.
RG059/RG075/RG393 -
Kluskens, Claire Prechtel. "Internment of Enemy Aliens During World War I". NGS Magazine 43, no.2 (April-June 2017): 35-39.
RG021/RG059/RG060/RG131/RG165/RG407 -
Kratz, Jessie. "The Bill of Rights at 225". Prologue 48, no.4 (Winter 2016): 34.
RG064 -
Kratz, Jessie. "The First Records". Prologue 49, no.2 (Summer 2017): 40.
RG064 -
LaRue, Nicole Gilkison. "Parents for Greene Garrison of Ringgold, Iowa". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.2 (June 2017): 109-119.
RG015/RG029/RG049 -
Lawrence, Kerri. "Hidden Treasure: Uncovering Panoramic Photographs of Alaska". Prologue 49, no.2 (Summer 2017): 28-39.
RG057 -
Lewis, Richard. "General Lovell's Coat". Civil War Times 56, no.5 (October 2017): 46-51.
NARA photos -
Limneos, Samuel. "Death from Within: The Destruction of the Far East Air Force: Strategy vs. Feasibility". Army History 104 (Summer 2017): 7-28.
RG165/RG407/FDR Library -
Magness, Phillip W. "Between Evidence, Rumor, and Perception: Marshal Lamon and the 'Plot' to Arrest Chief Justice Taney". Journal of Supreme Court History 42, no.2 (2017): 133-153.
RG021/RG059/RG094/RG527 -
McMillen, David. "JFK in Congress". Prologue 49, no.1 (Spring 2017): 36-47.
RG306/JFK Library/RMN Library -
McMillen, David. "Moving Out, Moving In: The National Archives' Important Role When the Presidency Changes Hands". Prologue 48, no.4 (Winter 2016): 36-46.
DDE Library/LBJ Library/RMN Library/WJC Library/GWB Library -
McMillen, David. "When the World Went to War". Prologue 49, no.2 (Summer 2017): 6-17.
RG019/RG111/RG165 -
Needell, Allan A. "James E. Webb, Technocracy, and the New Deal Roots of 'Space Age Management'". Technology and Culture 58, no.3 (July 2017): 790-814.
HST Library -
Nevin, Mark. "Nixon Loyalists, Barry Goldwater, and Republican Support for President Nixon during Watergate". Journal of Policy History 29, no.3 (2017): 401-430.
RMN Library -
O'Bannon, Patrick W. "Neighbors and Fences: Land, Conflict, and Community on a Maine Island during the Eighteenth Century". Maine History 51, no.2 (Summer 2017): 177-202.
RG029 -
Ohmae, Toshikazu. "Leading the Charge at Savo Island". Naval History 31, no.4 (August 2017): 22-27.
NARA photos -
Orr, Tabitha. "Clifford Minton's War: The Struggle for Black Jobs in Wartime Little Rock, 1940-1946". Arkansas Historical Review 76, no.1 (Spring 2017): 23-48.
RG228 -
Patch, Nathaniel. "Silently. Quickly. By Sea, in Darkness". Prologue 48, no.4 (Winter 2016): 6-17.
RG038/RG080/RG306/RG313 -
Pechlivanis, Paschalis. "Between Detente and Differentiation: Nixon's Visit to Bucharest in August 1969". Cold War History 17, no.3 (August 2017): 241-258.
RG059/RMN Library -
Peterson, Allen R. "Samuel Williamson's Disconnected Origin and Emigration to England". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.2 (June 2017): 121-130.
RG029/RG058/RG093 -
Petlewski, Kathy. "World War I and the Hyphenated Americans on the Homefront". NGS Magazine 43, no.2 (April-June 2017): 29-34.
RG165 -
Polmar, Norman. "What's Out There?". Naval History 31, no.4 (August 2017): 12-13.
NARA photos -
Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "Houses of Worship and Religious Activities in Federal Records". NGS Magazine 43, no.1 (January-March 2017): 47-50.
RG021/RG029/RG075/RG095/RG181/RG418 -
Prince, Justin. "'Getting Our Equipment Soon - I Hope So Anyway': Camp Doniphan, Fort Sill, and American Artillery in World War I". Chronicles of Oklahoma 95, no.1 (Spring 2017): 72-91.
HST Library -
Randall, Ruth. "Robert Stanhope: Dehumanized-Ignored-Reinvented". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.2 (June 2017): 131-138.
RG015/RG029/RG094 -
Robertson, Brian. "The Forgotten Man: Richard Nixon, Masculinity, and the Path to Power in Southern California". California History 94, no.2 (Summer 2017): 22-40.
RMN Library -
Setzekorn, Eric. "The Office of Naval Intelligence in World War I: Diverse Threats, Divergent Responses". Studies in Intelligence 61, no.2 (June 2017): 49-60.
RG038 -
Sewell, Bevan. "John Foster Dulles, Illness, Masculinity and US Foreign Relations, 1953-1961". International History Review 39, no.4 (August 2017): 713-747.
DDE Library -
Smith, G. Stuart. "Elizebeth Friedman's Security and Career Concerns Prior to World War II". Cryptologia 41, no.3 (2017): 239-246.
RG026/RG056/FDR Library -
Snyder, Christina. "The Rise and Fall and Rise of Civilizations: Indian Intellectual Culture during the Removal Era". Journal of American History 104, no.2 (September 2017): 386-409.
RG075 -
Spears, Ellen Griffith. "(Re)Writing Histories of Environmentalism in Alabama". Alabama Review 70, no.2 (April 2017): 171-188.
RG016/RG310 -
Stein, Gary C. and Virginia L. Scammell-Tinling. "Captain John Wesley White and the Lincoln's 1867 Alaska Cruise". Alaska History 32, no.1 (Spring 2017): 1-30.
RG026/RG076/NARA photos -
Symonds, Craig. "For Want of a Nail: The Impact of Shipping on Grand Strategy in World War II". Journal of Military History 81, no.3 (July 2017): 657-666.
RG313/FDR Library -
Topping, Simon. "Racial Tensions and U.S. Military (In)Justice in Northern Ireland during World War II". Journal of African American History 102, no.2 (Spring 2017): 157-183.
RG084/RG338/RG498 -
Watson, Nolan A. (Andy). "Joseph H. Stevens". On Point 23, no.1 (Summer 2017): 19-22.
NARA photos -
Weare, Bryan C. "Slaves and Free Blacks in Mid-Eighteenth to Mid-Nineteenth-Century Cape Neddick, Maine". Maine History 51, no.2 (Summer 2017): 203-227.
RG029 -
Wehner, Nancy Niles. "Parents for Richard M. Vaughan (1844-1921) of Howell County, Missouri". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.2 (June 2017): 139-148.
RG029/RG109 -
Wellock, Thomas R. "A Figure of Merit: Quantifying the Probability of a Nuclear Reactor Accident". Technology and Culture 58, no.3 (July 2017): 678-721.
RG128/RG220/RG412 -
White, Cody. "'General Condition: Fairly Good': Researching Tuberculosis Patients at an Army Hospital in New Mexico". Prologue 49, no.2 (Summer 2017): 56-65.
RG112 -
Worsham, James. "Where Our WWII Leaders Spent WWI". Prologue 49, no.2 (Summer 2017): 18-25.
RG080/RG111/RG181/FDR Library/HST Library/DDE Library -
Yockelson, Mitchell. "America Enters the Great War". Prologue 49, no.1 (Spring 2017): 6-17.
RG111/RG165 -
Yockelson, Mitchell. "General John J. Pershing and His Quest to Form the American First Army". On Point 23, no.1 (Summer 2017): 36-43.
NARA photos -
Zombek, Angela M. "Paternalism and Imprisonment at Castle Thunder: Reinforcing Gender Norms in the Confederate Capital". Civil War History 63, no.3 (September 2017): 221-252.
Volume 44, Number 4, October-December, 2017
"Remembering Vietnam". Vietnam 30, no.4 (December 2017): 50-55.
NARA photos -
Akiboh, Alvita. "Pocket-Sized Imperialism: U.S. Designs on Colonial Currency". Diplomatic History 41, no.5 (November 2017): 874-902.
RG053 -
Albanese, David C.S. "'It Takes a Russian to Beat a Russian': The National Union of Labor Solidarists, Nationalism, and Human Intelligence Operations in the Cold War". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.6 (October 2017): 782-796.
RG226/RG263 -
Ammon, Claire E. "Parents for John Perkins (1788-1852) of Granby, Connecticut". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.3 (September 2017): 219-228.
RG015/RG029 -
Bohannon, Keith. "'No Man Wavered'". Civil War Times 56, no.6 (December 2017): 50-56.
NARA photos -
Bowling, Kenneth. "Thank You, General Ross: How Washington Won the Battle to Keep the Federal Government in 1814". Washington History 29, no.2 (Fall 2017): 42-49.
RG059/RG233 -
Breland, Claudia C. "Alias Smith and Crawford: Kubiaks of Manistee and Saginaw, Michigan". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.3 (September 2017): 191-198.
RG029/RG163 -
Burtness, Paul S. and Warren U. Ober. "Provocation and Angst: FDR, Japan, Pearl Harbor, and the Entry into War in the Pacific". Hawaiian Journal of History 51, no. (2017): 91-114.
FDR Library -
Buswell, Carol. "Using the Indian Removal Act to Teach Critical Thinking". Social Education 81, no.6 (November-December 2017): 346-350, 360.
RG233 -
Bynum, Victoria E. "Newt Knight and the Free State of Jones: Myth, Memory, and Imagination". Journal of Mississippi History 75, no.4 (Winter 2013): 27-36.
RG123/RG233 -
Champlin. Byron O. "Under a Foreign Flag: Concord Men in Foreign Service during the First World War". Historical New Hampshire 70, no.2 (Fall 2017): 70-93.
RG029/RG059/RG085 -
Choi, Lyong. "Human Rights, Popular Protest, and Jimmy Carter's Plan to Withdraw U.S. Troops from South Korea". Diplomatic History 41, no.5 (November 2017): 933-958.
JC Library -
Cockrell, Thomas D. "Unionism in Civil War North Mississippi". Journal of Mississippi History 75, no.4 (Winter 2013): 57-69.
RG094 -
Conis, Elena. "Polio, DDT, and Disease Risk in the United States after World War II". Environmental History 22, no.4 (October 2017): 696-721.
RG442 -
Crandell, Jill N. "Adelia (Lockwood) Morey Booher: From Eight Birthplaces to One". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.3 (September 2017): 211-218.
RG029/RG049 -
Cutler, Thomas J. "A Final Embrace". Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute 143, no.9 (September 2017): 94.
NARA photos -
David, James Edward. "How Much Detail Do We Need to See? High and Very High Resolution Photography, GAMBIT, and the Manned Orbiting Laboratory". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.6 (October 2017): 768-781.
Desmarais, Catherine Becker Wiest. "From Baltimore, Maryland, to Burlington, Vermont: Hazen P. Day's Neighbors Bring Him Home". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.3 (September 2017): 181-190.
RG029 -
Dorfman, Robert, Emily Berquist Soule, and Sukumar Desai. "Smiling through a Personal Apocalypse: FDR Got Polio, but Polio Didn't Get Him". American History 52, no.5 (December 2017): 52-59.
NARA photos -
Emerson, William K. "Black U.S. Army School Detachments". Journal of America's Military Past 42, no.3 (Fall 2017): 22-46.
RG094 -
Engle, Stephen D. "'Under Full Sail': John Andrew, Abraham Lincoln, and Standing by the Union". Massachusetts Historical Review 19, no. (2017): 43-81.
RG094/RG107 -
Fitzsimmons, Matthew. "U.S. Army Shotguns". On Point 23, no.2 (Fall 2017): 14-17.
NARA photos -
Giambrone, Jeff T. "'The Colored Troops Fought Like Tigers': Black Mississippians in the Union Army, 1863-1866". Journal of Mississippi History 75, no.4 (Winter 2013): 81-91.
RG094 -
Gross, Woolf. "The Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps: A Hundred Years Old and Still Going Strong". On Point 23, no.2 (Fall 2017): 6-13.
NARA photos -
Haase, Camela. "Early Social Workers as Disaster Relief Workers: The Minnesota Fires of 1918 and the Work of the Red Cross". Minnesota History 65, no.7 (Fall 2017): 248-259.
RG200 -
Heger, Kenneth W. "Adding State Department Official Consular Correspondence to Your Research". Der Kurier 35, no.3 (September 2017): 57, 61-70.
RG059/RG084 -
Heger, Kenneth W. "Women and Children First - Special Consulate Registrations, 1909-1916". Der Kurier 35, no.3 (September 2017): 75-78.
RG084 -
Heurtebize, Frederic. "Eurocommunism and the Contradictions of Superpower Detente". Diplomatic History 41, no.4 (September 2017): 747-771.
RG059/GRF Library/JC Library/CREST -
Hobson, Charles F. "The Yazoo Lands Sale Case: Fletcher v. Peck (1810)". Journal of Supreme Court History 42, no.3 (2017): 239-255.
RG021 -
Hone, Trent. "Guadalcanal Proved Experimentation Works". Naval History 31, no.6 (December 2017): 38-37.
RG038/RG080/NARA photos -
Huebner, Timothy S. "Memphis and the Making of Judge Fortas". Journal of Supreme Court History 42, no.3 (2017): 314-336.
RG029 -
Humalajoki, Reetta. "'What Is It to Withdraw?': Klamath and Navajo Tribal Councils' Tactics in Negotiating Termination Policy, 1949-1964". Western Historical Quarterly 48, no.4 (Winter 2017): 415-438.
HST Library -
Kalk, Bruce H. "The Making of 'Mr. Justice Haynsworth'? The Rise, Fall, and Revival of Judge Clement F. Haynsworth Jr.". South Carolina Historical Magazine 117, no.1 (January 2016): 4-29.
DDE Library/RMN Library -
Kerr-Ritchie, Jeffrey R. "Alt-Borders to Freedom". Journal of African American History 102, no.3 (Summer 2017): 362-373.
RG036 -
Kluskens, Claire Prechtel. "Butter Makers and More: Revelations of the 1929 Census of Manufacturers". NGS Magazine 43, no.3 (July-September 2017): 61-63.
RG029/RG142 -
Kovner, Sarah. "A War of Words: Allied Captivity and Swiss Neutrality in the Pacific, 1941-1945". Diplomatic History 41, no.4 (September 2017): 747-746.
RG059/RG084/RG153/RG331 -
Lago, Don. "John Wesley Powell and the Naming of the Canyon of Lodore". Journal of the West 56, no.2 (Spring 2017): 47-55.
NARA photos -
Langellier, John P. "Buffalo Soldiers in Big Sky Country, 1888-1898". Montana: Magazine of Western History 67, no.3 (Autumn 2017): 41-56.
RG111/RG393 -
Lehman, Christopher P. "Slaveholder Investment in Territorial Minnesota". Minnesota History 65, no.7 (Fall 2017): 264-274.
RG029 -
Lew-Williams, Beth. "'Chinamen' and 'Delinquent Girls': Intimacy, Exclusion, and a Search for California's Color Line". Journal of American History 104, no.3 (December 2017): 632-655.
RG029 -
Loza, Mireya. "The Japanese Agricultural Workers' Program: Race, Labor, and Cold War Diplomacy in the Fields, 1956-1965". Pacific Historical Review 86, no.4 (November 2017): 661-690.
RG174 -
Lyttle, Annette Burke. "Uncovering the Stories of Farming Ancestors". NGS Magazine 43, no.3 (July-September 2017): 31-34.
RG029 -
MacKenzie, Paul. "Superstition and F-105 Pilots in Operation Rolling Thunder". Historian 79, no.4 (Winter 2017): 777-793.
RG342 -
MacKinnon, William P. "Uninvited, Unwelcome, and Uncomfortable: Utah Assignments of Colonels E.J. Steptoe and C.F. Smith". Utah Historical Quarterly 85, no.2 (Spring 2017): 186-192.
RG393 -
Macpherson, Anne S. "Birth of the U.S. Colonial Minimum Wage: The Struggle over the Fair Labor Standards Act in Puerto Rico, 1938-1941". Journal of American History 104, no.3 (December 2017): 656-680.
RG126/RG155/FDR Library -
McCune, Meghan Menard and John Maxwell Hamilton. "'My Object Is to Be of Service to You': Carl Ackerman and the Wilson Administration during World War I". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.6 (October 2017): 743-757.
RG063 -
Mehta, Harish. "'Moonshiners, Black Marketers, and Thieves among Us': Economic Crime in Wartime North Vietnam". Historian 79, no.3 (Fall 2017): 523-559.
RG306/LBJ Library -
Minami, Kazushi. "Oil for the Lamps of America? Sino-American Oil Diplomacy, 1973-1979". Diplomatic History 41, no.5 (November 2017): 959-984.
RG059/GRF Library/JC Library -
Moe, Todd. "Coast Guard at War: The Cutter Sherman in Vietnam". Naval History 31, no.6 (December 2017): 38-42.
NARA photos -
Nakamura, Kelli Y. "Bishop Mitsumyo Tottori: Patriotism through Buddhism during World War II". Hawaiian Journal of History 51, no. (2017): 115-145.
RG566 -
Nash, Douglas E., Sr. "The 147th Infantry Regiment at Iwo Jima". Army History 105 (Fall 2017): 6-19.
NARA photos -
Ngoei, Wen-Qing. "'A Wide Anticommunist Arc': Britain, ASEAN, and Nixon's Triangular Diplomacy". Diplomatic History 41, no.5 (November 2017): 903-932.
RG059/LBJ Library/RMN Library -
O'Neil, Floyd A. and Shauna O'Neil. "The Park City to Fort Thornburgh Road". Utah Historical Quarterly 85, no.2 (Spring 2017): 180-185.
RG075 -
Obert, Jonathan. "A Fragmented Force: The Evolution of Federal Law Enforcement in the United States, 1870-1900". Journal of Policy History 29, no.4 (2017): 640-675.
RG028/RG060 -
Otjen, Nathaniel. "Creating a Barrio in Iowa City, 1916-1936: Mexican Section Laborers and the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company". Annals of Iowa 76, no.4 (Fall 2017): 406-432.
RG029/RG085/RG147/RG163 -
Precht, Jay. "Asserting Tribal Sovereignty through Compact Negotiations: A Case Study of the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana". AIQ 41, no.1 (Winter 2017): 67-92.
RG075 -
Pyszka, Kimberly and Maureen Hays. "Dixie Plantation's Rising Tide: A History of Saint Paul's Parish in Microcosm". South Carolina Historical Magazine 117, no.1 (January 2016): 30-61.
RG029/RG059 -
Rasmussen, Nicolas. "Controlling 'America's Opium': Barbiturate Use, Pharmaceutical Regulation, and the Politics of Public Health in the Early Postwar United States". Journal of Policy History 29, no.4 (2017): 543-568.
RG088/RG170/HST Library -
Reckner, Paul E., Tamara Thomsen, and Richard J. Boyd. "Solving the Mystery of the SS Lakeland". Wisconsin History 101, no.1 (Autumn 2017): 14-23.
RG021/RG070 -
Redix, Erik M. "'Our Hope and Our Protection': Misko-biiwaabik (Copper) and Tribal Sovereignty in Michigan". AIQ 41, no.3 (Summer 2017): 224-249.
RG075 -
Reid, Chipp. "The Early Marine Corps Fight for Survival". Naval History 31, no.5 (October 2017): 48-53.
RG127 -
Reiter, Tonya. "Redd Slave Histories: Family, Race, and Sex in Pioneer Utah". Utah Historical Quarterly 85, no.2 (Spring 2017): 108-126.
RG029 -
Russell, Judy G. "George Washington Cottrell of Texas: One Man or Two?". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.3 (September 2017): 165-179.
RG015/RG029/RG094 -
Sanko, Marc. "The Gift of Empire: Maltese Migrants to Detroit, 1919-1924". Michigan Historical Review 43, no.2 (Fall 2017): 37-54.
RG059 -
Shufelt, Gordon H. "Elusive Justice in Baltimore: The Conviction of a White Policeman for Killing a Black Man in 1875". Journal of Southern History 83, no.4 (November 2017): 773-814.
RG029 -
Siebold, John. "Seaborn Hill: Trader in the Creek Nation and Frontier Businessman, 1808-44". Chronicles of Oklahoma 95, no.3 (Fall 2017): 282-303.
RG075 -
Simontis, Nicholas R. "In Defense of the Theater Army". Military Review 97, no.5 (September-October 2017): 30-36.
NARA photos -
Smith, Martin Ferguson. "The British Connection: The Secret Son of Brig. Gen. Daniel Harris Reynolds". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 76, no.2 (Summer 2017): 144-176.
RG029 -
Stejskal, James. "133d Engineer Combat Battalion and One Soldier's Sketches of Its Operations". On Point 23, no.2 (Fall 2017): 36-43.
NARA photos -
Sumner, Raymond V. "The Powell Sesquicentennial - Is There Anything Left to Be Said?". Journal of the West 56, no.2 (Spring 2017): 9-12.
NARA photos -
Sumner, Raymond V. (ed.). "Letters from the Powell Expedition". Journal of the West 56, no.2 (Spring 2017): 30-46.
NARA photos -
Toner, Simon. "Imagining Taiwan: The Nixon Administration, the Developmental States, and South Vietnam's Search for Economic Viability, 1969-1975". Diplomatic History 41, no.4 (September 2017): 772-798.
RG059/RMN Library/GRF Library -
Tsipursky, Gleb. "Domestic Cultural Diplomacy and Soviet State-Sponsored Popular Culture in the Cold War, 1953-1962". Diplomatic History 41, no.5 (November 2017): 985-1009.
RG059/RG306 -
Viets, Breck. "Champagne with Ernest Hemingway". Naval History 31, no.5 (October 2017): 44-47.
JFK Library -
Vigil, Kiara M. "Who Was Henry Standing Bear? Remembering Lakota Activism from the Early Twentieth Century". Great Plains Quarterly 37, no.3 (Summer 2017): 157-182.
RG075 -
Villard, Erik. "The NVA's Plan for a Great Escape". Vietnam 30, no.5 (February 2018): 30-35.
NARA photos -
Wadle, Ryan. "First Rate Ideas: The Hidden History of Navy Day". Naval History 31, no.5 (October 2017): 34-37.
RG024/RG038/RG080 -
Weeks, Michael. "Sugar State: Industry, Science, and the Nation in Colorado's Sugar Beet Fields". Western Historical Quarterly 48, no.4 (Winter 2017): 367-391.
RG054 -
Weimer, Daniel. "The Politics of Contamination: Herbicides, Drug Control, and Environmental Law". Diplomatic History 41, no.5 (November 2017): 847-873.
RG059/RG060/RG170/JC Library -
Weis, Julianne. "Medicalization and Maternal Health: The Use of Female Health Auxiliaries to Modernize Ethiopia under Haile Selassie, 1930-1974". Journal of Women's History 29, no.4 (Winter 2017): 61-84.
RG469 -
Welky, David. "'A World Film Fight': Behind the Scenes with Hollywood and Fascist Italy". Film & History 47, no.1 (Summer 2017): 4-17.
RG059/RG151 -
Wellum, Caleb. "The Ambivalent Aesthetics of Oil: Project Documerica and the Energy Crisis in 1970s America". Environmental History 22, no.4 (October 2017): 723-742.
RG412 -
Willbanks, James H. "The War's Decisive Event". Vietnam 30, no.5 (February 2018): 22-29.
NARA photos -
Zetts, Andrew. "Debating the Civil Rights Act of 1875". Social Education 81, no.5 (October 2017): 323-327.
RG233 -
Zimmer, Eric Steven. "A President in Indian Country: Calvin Coolidge and Lakota Diplomacy in the Summer of 1927". Great Plains Quarterly 37, no.3 (Summer 2017): 215-234.
RG075 -
Ziobro, Melissa. "369th Sustainment Brigade". On Point 23, no.2 (Fall 2017): 23-26.
NARA photos