Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)

Compilation of Periodical Literature: 2017

Current Issues

Volume 44, Number 1, January-March, 2017

  1. Aiello, Thomas. "'The Shot That Was Heard in Nearly Two Million Negro Homes': The 1934 Murder of William Alexander Scott". Georgia Historical Quarterly 100, no.4 (2016): 367-403.

  2. Blevins, Brooks. "Life on the Margins: The Diaries of Minnie Atteberry". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 75, no.4 (Winter 2016): 289-318.

  3. Blumberg, Arnold. "Rainy Sky, Bloody Ground". Vietnam 29, no.6 (April 2017): 32-39.
    NARA photos

  4. Casari, Robert. "Discovering the Fake Navy Aircraft Record Cards". Over the Front 31, no.4 (Winter 2016): 350-353.

  5. Cool, Paul. "Desert Manhunt: Tucson's 1934 June Robles Kidnapping". Journal of Arizona History 57, no.4 (Winter 2016): 347-378.

  6. Coombs, Jan Gregoire. "Indentured Children of the Wisconsin Public School". Wisconsin Magazine of History 100, no.3 (Spring 2017): 40-53.

  7. Davis, Stephen. "Would P.G.T. Lead the A.o.T.?". Civil War Times 56, no.2 (April 2017): 36-41.
    NARA photos

  8. Domagalski, John J. "Prewar Voyage Down Under". Naval History 31, no.1 (February 2017): 38-43.

  9. Drew, Benjamin. "Lenah Sutcliffe Higbee: Navy Nurse Corps Pioneer". Naval History 31, no.2 (April 2017): 38-43.
    NARA photos

  10. Eames, Anthony. "The Trident Sales Agreement and Cold War Diplomacy". Journal of Military History 81, no.1 (January 2017): 163-186.
    JC Library

  11. Ellis, Catherine H. and David F. Boone. "What We Learned from Editing Roberta Flake Clayton's Pioneer Women of Arizona". Journal of Arizona History 57, no.4 (Winter 2016): 379-404.

  12. Faini, Matteo. "The US Government and the Italian Coup Manque of 1964: The Unintended Consequences of Intelligence Hierarchies". Intelligence and National Security 31, no.7 (December 2016): 1011-1024.
    RG059/LBJ Library

  13. Finnegan, Terrence J. "Lieutenant Kenneth P. Culbert: The First USMC Aviator in the Pantheon of US Army Air Heroes". Over the Front 31, no.4 (Winter 2016): 315-328.

  14. Hanni, Adrian. "When Casey's Blood Pressure Rose: A Case Study of Intelligence Politicization in the United States". Intelligence and National Security 31, no.7 (December 2016): 963-977.
    GHWB Library/CREST

  15. Hellman, Susan and Maddy McCoy. "Soil Tilled by Free Men: The Formation of a Free Black Community in Fairfax County, Virginia". Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 125, no.1 (2017): 39-67.

  16. Hisano, Ai. "The Rise of Synthetic Colors in the American Food Industry, 1870-1940". Business History Review 90, no.3 (Autumn 2016): 483-504.

  17. Howard, Josh. "The Edith Lett Papers: The Federal Writers' Project, West Virginia, and the Everyman Writer". West Virginia History 10, no.2 (Fall 2016): 111-132.

  18. Isenberg, Andrew C. "An Empire of Remedy: Vaccination, Natives, and Narratives in the North American West". Pacific Historical Review 86, no.1 (February 2017): 84-113.

  19. Karl, Robert A. "Reading the Cuban Revolution from Bogota, 1957-62". Cold War History 16, no.4 (November 2016): 337-358.
    RG059/JFK Library

  20. Kilduff, Peter. "Cowboys of the Air: A History of the 88th Aero Squadron, USAS". Over the Front 31, no.4 (Winter 2016): 291-304.

  21. Knight, Frederick. "The Many Names for Jarena Lee". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 141, no.1 (January 2017): 58-68.

  22. Kranjc, Gregor. "Fight or Flight: Desertion, Defection, and Draft-Dodging in Occupied Slovenia, 1941-1945". Journal of Military History 81, no.1 (January 2017): 133-162.

  23. Laliberte, Daniel A. "Twilight of the Gulf Coast Pirates". Naval History 31, no.2 (April 2017): 51-55.

  24. Linn, Brian McAllister. "The US Army's Postwar Recoveries". Parameters 46, no.3 (Autumn 2016): 13-22.

  25. Marchio, Jim. "'How good is your batting average?' Early IC Efforts to Assess the Accuracy of Estimates". Studies in Intelligence 60, no.4 (December 2016): 3-13.

  26. McCormick, David. "The First Korean Conflict". Naval History 31, no.2 (April 2017): 44-49.
    NARA photos

  27. McCoy, Carol Prescott. "Rediscovering David Mitchell (ca. 1800-1829) of Troy, Maine". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 104, no.4 (December 2016): 283-293.

  28. Montgomery, Erick. "Finding Christina Hogan and Her Husbands in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Indiana". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 104, no.4 (December 2016): 295-308.

  29. Moye, Elizabeth Reynolds. "Which William H. Harrison Married Mary Ann Burns of Central Georgia?". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 104, no.4 (December 2016): 257-266.

  30. Noack, Thorsten. "William L. Shirer and International Awareness of the Nazi 'Euthanasia' Program". Holocaust and Genocide Studies 30, no.3 (Winter 2016): 433-457.

  31. Polmar, Norman. "A Lackluster Performance: Part 1". Naval History 31, no.2 (April 2017): 24.
    NARA photos

  32. Robertson, Thomas. "Cold War Landscapes: Towards an Environmental History of US Development Programmes in the 1950s and 1960s". Cold War History 16, no.4 (November 2016): 417-441.
    HST Library

  33. Roesler, Alan L. "A Spring Day Like No Other: The Victory Loan Flying Circus Comes to Springfield, April 15, 1919". Journal of Illinois History 18, no.1 (Spring 2015): 41-60.

  34. Ruffner, Malissa. "Indirect Evidence Corrects the Parentage of Lemuel Offutt of Baltimore County, Maryland". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 104, no.4 (December 2016): 267-282.

  35. Scott, Michelle R. "These Ladies Do Business with a Capital B: The Griffin Sisters as Black Businesswomen in Early Vaudeville". Journal of African American History 101, no.4 (Fall 2016): 469-503.

  36. Sears, David L. "Flying the Empire Express". Naval History 31, no.1 (February 2017): 26-31.
    RG038/NARA photos

  37. Sears, David L. "Pipeline to Freedom". Naval History 31, no.1 (February 2017): 32-37.
    NARA photos

  38. Smith, Shannon M. "'They Met Force with Force': African American Protests and Social Status in Louisville's 1877 Strike". Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 115, no.1 (Winter 2017): 1-37.

  39. Spurgeon, Ian Michael. "The Fallen of Operation Iceberg: U.S. Graves Registration Efforts and the Battle of Okinawa". Army History 102 (Winter 2017): 6-20.

  40. Tillman, Barrett. "The Plane That Won the War". Naval History 31, no.1 (February 2017): 14-19.
    NARA photos

  41. Vego, Milan. "Learn and Use History's Lessons". Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute 143, no.2 (February 2017): 58-63.

  42. Weems, Robert E., Jr. "A Man in a Woman's World: Anthony Overton's Rise to Prominence in the African American Personal Care Products Industry". Journal of African American History 101, no.4 (Fall 2016): 407-435.

  43. Wefald, Susan. "On with the Show! WPA Repertory Theater in 1930s North Dakota". North Dakota History 81, no.4 (Winter 2016): 3-15.

  44. Wingo, Rebecca S. "Picturing Indian Health: Dr. Ferdinand Showmaker's Traveling Photographs from the Crow Reservation, 1910-1918". Montana: The Magazine of Western History 66, no.4 (Winter 2016): 24-45.

  45. Wood, Nicholas P. "A 'class of Citizens': The Earliest Black Petitioners to Congress and Their Quaker Allies". William and Mary Quarterly 74, no.1 (January 2017): 109-144.

  46. Woods, Fred E. "More Precious Than Gold: Mormonism Comes to Nome, 1900-1913". Alaska History 31, no.2 (Fall 2016): 29-45.

Volume 44, Number 2, April-June, 2017

  1. Amerman, Annette D. "Devil Dogs with Army Wings: Marines with the AEF Air Service in the First World War". Army History 103 (Spring 2017): 29-42.
    RG120/NARA photos

  2. Amos, Alcione M. and Patricia Brown Savage. "Frances Eliza Hall: Postbellum Teacher in Washington, D.C.". Washington History 29, no.1 (Spring 2017): 42-54.

  3. Anderson, Eric. "The Battle of Chantilly, 1 September 1862: 'A Terrific, Horrible, Phantasmagoria'". On Point 22, no.4 (Spring 2017): 6-13.
    NARA photos

  4. Ashton, Nigel. "Taking Friends for Granted: The Carter Administration, Jordan, and the Camp David Accords, 1977-1980". Diplomatic History 41, no.3 (June 2017): 620-645.
    RG059/JC Library

  5. Ballantyne, David T. "'Whenever the Yankees Were Gone, I Was a Confederate': Loyalty and Dissent in Civil War-Era Rapides Parish, Louisiana". Civil War History 63, no.1 (March 2017): 36-67.

  6. Barrett, David M. "JFK, FBI, and CIA: Playing Hardball over an Intelligence Leak to the New York Times". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.1 (January 2017): 37-53.
    JFK Library/CREST

  7. Becker, Marc. "Ecuador's Early No-foreign Military Bases Movement". Diplomatic History 41, no.3 (June 2017): 518-542.

  8. Bell, Raymond E. "Fort Ontario, New York". On Point 22, no.4 (Spring 2017): 46-49.
    NARA photos

  9. Belmonte, Peter L. "'I wanted to go over the top': Pfc. Michael Metagrano, a Doughboy's Story". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.4 (Winter 2015): 374-380.

  10. Blower, Brooke L. "Nation of Outposts: Forts, Factories, Bases, and the Making of American Power". Diplomatic History 41, no.3 (June 2017): 439-459.

  11. Bozo, Frederic. "'We Don't Need You': France, the United States, and Iraq, 1991-2003". Diplomatic History 41, no.1 (January 2017): 183-208.
    GHWB Library/WJC Library

  12. Brenckle, Matthew. "The Sailor and Marine Portraits of Edward C. Young, 1831-1832". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.4 (Winter 2015): 304-308.

  13. Bruce, James. "'A Shadowy Entity': M.I.1(b) and British Communications Intelligence, 1914-1922". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.3 (April 2017): 313-332.

  14. Cahill, William. "Thirteenth Air Force Radio Countermeasures Operations, 1944-45". Air Power History 64, no.2 (Summer 2017): 9-28.

  15. Cantoni, Roberto. "What's in a Pipe? NATO's Confrontation on the 1962 Large-Diameter Pipe Embargo". Technology and Culture 58, no.1 (January 2017): 67-96.

  16. Chang, Jason Oliver. "Four Centuries of Imperial Succession in the Comprador Pacific". Pacific Historical Review 86, no.2 (May 2017): 193-227.

  17. Chapin, Christy Ford. "The Politics of Corporate Social Responsibility in American Health Care and Home Loans". Business History Review 90, no.4 (Winter 2016): 647-670.

  18. Chavanne, Jonathan Blackshear. "Collision in Manchuria: Rescue, Intelligence, and the Cold War in Asia, August-September 1945". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.1 (January 2017): 26-36.

  19. Craft, Stephen G. "Deadly Catch: Shrimp Boat Captains as United States Naval Intelligence Informants, 1942-1945". Intelligence and National Security 4, no.3 (32): 494-505.

  20. Crawford, John W. "Seven Days at Midway". Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute 143, no.6 (June 2017): 66-68.
    NARA photos

  21. Cushman, Barry. "The Missing Justice in Coleman v. Miller". Journal of Supreme Court History 42, no.1 (2017): 67-76.
    FDR Library

  22. Davis, Charles L. "Confronting a Petty Tyrant: Patriarchy and Protest at Millersburg Female College, 1880-1884". Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 115, no.3 (Summer 2017): 349-376.

  23. Davis, Sara Lyons. "American by Birth, Alien by Marriage: Harriot Stanton Blatch, Expatriation, and Derivative Citizenship". Social Education 81, no.3 (May-June 2017): 142-147.

  24. De Witte, Ludo. "The Suppression of the Congo Rebellions and the Rise of Mobutu, 1963-5". International History Review 39, no.1 (February 2017): 107-125.
    LBJ Library

  25. De Wolfe, Elizabeth. "More Than a Congressman's Mistress: Ambition and Scandal in the Life of Madeleine Pollard". Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 115, no.3 (Summer 2017): 313-348.

  26. Dorais, Genevieve. "Missionary Critiques of Empire, 1920-1932: Between Interventionism and Anti-imperialism". International History Review 39, no.3 (June 2017): 377-403.

  27. Ebright, Malcolm. "Making Water Run Uphill: The Mora Acequias de la Sierra vs. Picuris Pueblo; A Tale of Two Watersheds and the Mora Land Grant". New Mexico Historical Review 92, no.2 (Spring 2017): 117-155.

  28. Emerson, William K. "A 1901 U.S. Army Shirt Chevron". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.4 (Winter 2015): 292.

  29. Engerman, David C. "Development Politics and the Cold War". Diplomatic History 41, no.1 (January 2017): 1-19.
    RG059/DDE Library/LBJ Library

  30. Fahey, John H. "Fort Buchanan and the Origins of Arizona Territory". Journal of Arizona History 58, no.2 (Summer 2017): 111-156.

  31. Feng, Patrick. "The M1 Carbine". On Point 22, no.4 (Spring 2017): 14-17.
    NARA photos

  32. Finnegan, Toby. "Encounter at Vung Lam: New Hampshire Businessman Edmund Roberts and America's First Diplomatic Negotiation with an Asian Country". Historical New Hampshire 70, no.1 (Spring 2017): 3-35.

  33. Fujioka, Masaki. "Science Research and Diplomacy in the United States: Its Development from the 1920s to the 1950s". Kwangaku Seiyoshi Ronshu 40, no. (March 2017): 5-11.

  34. Fuss, Norman. "Billy Flora - Forgotten Black Hero of the American Revolution". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.4 (Winter 2015): 320-328.

  35. Gerits, Frank. "Hungry Minds: Eisenhower's Cultural Assistance to Sub-Saharan Africa, 1953-1961". Diplomatic History 41, no.3 (June 2017): 594-619.
    RG059/RG084/RG306/RG469/DDE Library

  36. Germano, Nancy M. "Negotiating for the Environment: LBJ's Contributions to the Environmental Movement". Federal History Journal 9, no. (April 2017): 48-68.
    LBJ Library

  37. Glock, Judge. "The Rise and Fall of the First Government-Sponsored Enterprise: The Federal Land Banks, 1916-1932". Business History Review 90, no.4 (Winter 2016): 623-645.

  38. Goldberg, Barry. "'A Revolution in Rising Expectations': School Activism and Interracial Politics on the Lower East Side, 1963-1966". Journal of Policy History 29, no.1 (2017): 140-176.
    JFK Library

  39. Gonzalez, Fredy. "Chinese Braceros? Chinese Mexican Workers in the United States during World War II". Western Historical Quarterly 48, no.2 (Summer 2017): 137-157.

  40. Green, William Carbine. "Operation Hardtack's Hard-Luck Target Sub". Naval History 31, no.3 (June 2017): 42-47.
    NARA photos

  41. Haley, Heather M. "Defoliating Fence and Foxhole: An Unconventional Response to an Irregular Threat along the Korean DMZ, 1967-1969". Federal History Journal 9, no. (April 2017): 69-86.
    RG011/NARA photos

  42. Heefner, Gretchen. "'A Fighter Pilot's Heaven': Finding Cold War Utility in the North African Desert". Environmental History 22, no.1 (January 2017): 50-76.

  43. Heefner, Gretchen. "'A Slice of their Sovereignty': Negotiating the U.S. Empire of Bases, Wheelus Field, Libya, 1950-1954". Diplomatic History 41, no.1 (January 2017): 50-77.

  44. Heger, Kenneth. "Researching the Grand Duchy of Hesse-Darmstadt on MAGS Site". Der Kurier 35, no.1 (March 2017): 3-10.

  45. Heimann, Gadi. "Divide and Rule: Israel's Tactics Regarding the Jerusalem Question and America's Response, 1949-1950". Cold War History 17, no.1 (February 2017): 21-38.

  46. Herdegen, Lance J. "'Long Sol': The Pugnacious 6-Foot-Seven Solomon Meredith Cast a Long Shadow over the Iron Brigade". Civil War Times 56, no.4 (August 2017): 23-29.
    NARA photos

  47. Herring, George C., Jr. "'Glad I Was In It': An Iowa Doughboy in the Great War, 1918-1919". Army History 103 (Spring 2017): 7-23.
    NARA photos

  48. Hordler, Stefan. "Sichtbarmachen: Moglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Analyse von NS-Tater-Fotografien". Vierteljahrshefte fur Zeitgeschichte 65, no.2 (April 2017): 259-271.

  49. Jackson-Abernathy, Brenda. "Adelicia Acklen: Beyond the 'Belmont' Legend and Lore". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 76, no.1 (Spring 2017): 2-43.

  50. Jeans, Roger B., Jr. "Ghost Guerillas: The CIA and 'Tiger General' Li Zongren's Third Force during the Early Cold War". Journal of Military History 81, no.2 (April 2017): 491-512.

  51. Jurdem, Laurence R. "'The Mad Hatter's Tea Party on the East River': Conservative Journals of Opinion and the United Nations, 1964-1981". Cold War History 17, no.1 (February 2017): 39-59.
    RR Library

  52. Kapur, Nick. "Mending the 'Broken Dialogue': U.S.-Japan Alliance Diplomacy in the Aftermath of the 1960 Security Treaty Crisis". Diplomatic History 41, no.3 (June 2017): 489-517.
    DDE Library/JFK Library

  53. Karafantis. Layne. "NORAD's Combat Operations Center: A Distinctly Cold War Environment". Information & Culture 52, no.2 (2017): 139-162.
    NARA photos

  54. King-O'Brien, Kelly. "'Names and Appearances are often Indeterminate': Quandries over Identifying Jews in Chicago, 1953-1961". Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society 110, no.1 (Spring 2017): 9-58.
    RG220/DDE Library

  55. Klann, Mary. "Babies in Baskets: Motherhood, Tourism, and American Identity in Indian Baby Shows, 1916-1949". Journal of Women's History 29, no.2 (Summer 2017): 38-61.

  56. Kuo, Laureen. "Improving French Competitiveness through American Investment following World War II". Business History Review 91, no.1 (Spring 2017): 129-155.

  57. Larsen, Daniel. "British Codebreaking and American Diplomatic Telegrams, 1914-1915". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.2 (March 2017): 256-263.

  58. Lawrence, Dan. "Two Circa 1840 Tangent Scale Sights". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.4 (Winter 2015): 309-312.

  59. Leogrande, William M. "Anger, Anti-Americanism, and the Break in U.S.-Cuban Relations". Diplomatic History 41, no.1 (January 2017): 104-127.

  60. Loureiro, Felipe Pereira. "The Alliance for Progress and President Joao Goulart's Three-Year Plan: The Deterioration of U.S.-Brazilian Relations in Cold War Brazil (1962)". Cold War History 17, no.1 (February 2017): 61-79.
    RG059/RG084/JFK Library

  61. McCallum, John. "U.S. Censorship, Violence, and Moral Judgement in a Wartime Democracy, 1941-1945". Diplomatic History 41, no.3 (June 2017): 543-566.

  62. McGovern, Rory M. "The School of Experience: George W. Goethals and the U.S. Army, 1876-1907". Journal of Military History 81, no.2 (April 2017): 395-424.

  63. McNatt, Mary Clare. "Taking a Stand for Integrated Housing". Social Education 81, no.2 (March-April 2017): 118-122.

  64. Melbourne, Wolf. "The Midway Story Is Incomplete". Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute 143, no.6 (June 2017): 62-65.
    NARA photos

  65. Mitchell, M.X. "Offshoring American Environmental Law: Land, Culture, and Marshall Islanders' Struggles for Self-Determination during the 1970s". Environmental History 22, no.2 (April 2017): 209-234.

  66. Moskowitz, Daniel B. "No, I Will Not Move to the Back of the Bus". American History 52, no.3 (August 2017): 40-47.
    WJC Library

  67. Mrazek, Robert J. "Torpedo Eight's Celebrated Survivor". Naval History 31, no.3 (June 2017): 22-27.
    RG038/NARA photos

  68. Oda, Meredith. "Masculinizing Japan and Reorienting San Francisco : The Osaka-San Francisco Sister City Affiliation during the Early Cold War". Diplomatic History 41, no.3 (June 2017): 460-488.

  69. Pacino, Nicole. "Stimulating a Cooperative Spirit? Public Health and U.S.-Bolivia Relations in the 1950s". Diplomatic History 41, no.2 (April 2017): 305-335.

  70. Page, Sebastian N. "'A Knife Sharp Enough to Divide Us': William H. Seward, Abraham Lincoln, and Black Colonization". Diplomatic History 41, no.2 (April 2017): 362-391.

  71. Palmer, W. Raymond. "The Role of Oscar Cox in the Creation of the War Refugee Board, 1943-1944". Federal History Journal 9, no. (April 2017): 26-47.
    RG059/FDR Library

  72. Perlman, Susan McCall. "Contesting France: French Informants and American Intelligence in the Dawning Cold War". Cold War History 17, no.1 (February 2017): 81-98.

  73. Peterson, Gary. "A Closer Look at Allen". Journal of Supreme Court History 42, no.1 (2017): 28-48.

  74. Prince, K. Stephen. "Remembering Robert Charles: Violence and Memory in Jim Crow New Orleans". Journal of Southern History 83, no.2 (May 2017): 297-328.

  75. Rasmussen, Anders Bo. "The Spoils of the Victors: Captain Ferdinand Winslow and the 1863 Curtis Court of Inquiry". Annals of Iowa 76, no.2 (Spring 2017): 161-179.

  76. Raz, Mical. "Treating Addiction or Reducing Crime? Methadone Maintenance and Drug Policy under the Nixon Administration". Journal of Policy History 29, no.1 (2017): 58-86.

  77. Rems, Alan. "Semper Fidelis: Defending the Marine Corps". Naval History 31, no.3 (June 2017): 36-41.
    HST Library

  78. Rezk, Dina. "Re-evaluating the Yom Kippur 'Intelligence Failure': The Cultural Lens in Crisis". International History Review 39, no.3 (June 2017): 470-495.
    RG059/RMN Library

  79. Roberts, George. "The Assassination of Eduardo Mondlane: FRELIMO, Tanzania, and the Politics of Exile in Dar es Salaam". Cold War History 17, no.1 (February 2017): 1-19.

  80. Santese, Angela. "Ronald Reagan, the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign and the Nuclear Scare of the 1980s". International History Review 39, no.3 (June 2017): 496-520.
    RR Library

  81. Schlombs, Corinna. "A Cost-Saving Machine: Computing at the German Allianz Insurance Company". Information & Culture 52, no.1 (2017): 31-63.

  82. Scott, James M. "The Spy Ship Left Out in the Cold". Naval History 31, no.3 (June 2017): 28-35.
    LBJ Library/NARA photos

  83. Setzekorn, Eric. "Eisenhower's Mutual Security Program and Congress: Defense and Economic Assistance for Cold War Asia". Federal History Journal 9, no. (April 2017): 7-25.

  84. Smoot, Betsy Rohaly. "Impermanent Alliances: Cryptologic Cooperation between the United States, Britain, and France on the Western Front, 1917-1918". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.3 (April 2017): 365-377.

  85. Stocker, James R. "A Historical Inevitability?: Kissinger and US Contacts with the Palestinians (1973-76)". International History Review 39, no.2 (April 2017): 316-337.
    RG059/RMN Library/GRF Library

  86. Stout, Mark. "World War I and the Birth of American Intelligence Culture". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.3 (April 2017): 378-394.

  87. Tiemeyer, Phil. "Launching a Nonaligned Airline: JAT Yugoslav Airways between East, West, and South, 1947-1962". Diplomatic History 41, no.1 (January 2017): 78-103.

  88. Toprani, Anand. "An Anglo-American 'Petroleum Entente'?: The First Attempt to Reach an Anglo-American Oil Agreement, 1921". Historian 79, no.1 (Spring 2017): 56-79.
    RG059/HH Library

  89. Tyler, Robert Llewellyn. "Culture Maintenance, Occupational Change, and Social Status: The Welsh in San Francisco, 1880-1930". California History 94, no.1 (Spring 2017): 6-25.

  90. Underhill, Lonnie E. "Army Life in a Small Place: Revisiting Camp John A. Rucker, 1878-1880". Journal of Arizona History 58, no.2 (Summer 2017): 157-182.

  91. Wang, Dong. "Grand Strategy, Power Politics, and China's Policy toward the United States in the 1960s". Diplomatic History 41, no.2 (April 2017): 265-287.
    RG059/RMN Library

  92. Watt, Lori. "The 'Disposition of Japanese Civilians': American Wartime Planning for the Colonial Japanese". Diplomatic History 41, no.2 (April 2017): 392-414.

  93. Weicksel, Sarah Jones. "The Dress of the Enemy: Clothing and Disease in the Civil War Era". Civil War History 63, no.2 (June 2017): 133-150.

  94. Wenzer, Kenneth C. "Theodore Roosevelt and the United States Battleship Maine". Federal History Journal 9, no. (April 2017): 111-130.

  95. Whalen, Kevin. "Indian School, Company Town: Outing Workers from Sherman Institute at Fontana Farms Company, 1907-1930". Pacific Historical Review 86, no.2 (May 2017): 290-321.

  96. Winslow, D. Rex. "Operation Sussex: Your Worst Enemy is Your Ally". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.2 (March 2017): 208-221.

  97. Wolf, Nikita. "'This Secret Town': British Intelligence, the Special Relationship, and the Vietnam War". International History Review 39, no.2 (April 2017): 338-367.
    HST Library/LBJ Library

  98. Wright, Erik J. "'Nervy' Phil Foote: Hell-Raiser of the High Desert and the Amargosa". Journal of the West 55, no.4 (Fall 2016): 58-63.

  99. Wylie, Neville. "Allied Special Forces and Prisoner of War Recovery Operations in Europe, 1944-1945". Journal of Military History 81, no.2 (April 2017): 469-489.

  100. Young, Kevin A. "From Open Door to Nationalization: Oil and Development Visions in Bolivia, 1952-1969". HAHR 97, no.1 (February 2017): 95-129.

  101. Zelden, Charles L. "'How Do You Feel About Writing Dissents'? Thurgood Marshall's Dissenting Vision for America". Journal of Supreme Court History 42, no.1 (2017): 77-100.
    RR Library

  102. Zeledon, Jason. "'As Proud as Lucifer': A Tunisian Diplomat in Thomas Jefferson's America". Diplomatic History 41, no.1 (January 2017): 155-182.

Volume 44, Number 3, July-September, 2017

  1. "Ratifying the Bill of 1939". Prologue 48, no.4 (Winter 2016): 72.

  2. "The Day of Infamy". Prologue 48, no.4 (Winter 2016): 30-33.

  3. Abrams, Michelle. "95th Infantry Division". On Point 23, no.1 (Summer 2017): 23-26.
    NARA photos

  4. Adams, Stephen B. "Arc of Empire: The Federal Telegraph Company, The U.S. Navy, and the Beginnings of Silicon Valley". Business History Review 91, no.2 (Summer 2017): 329-359.

  5. Anderson, Pam Pracser. "Indirectly Identifying Relatives of Michael Kerns of Blair County and Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.2 (June 2017): 93-91.

  6. Arnett, Jessica Leslie. "Unsettled Rights in Territorial Alaska: Native Land, Sovereignty, and Citizenship from the Indian Reorganization Act to Termination". Western Historical Quarterly 48, no.3 (Autumn 2017): 233-254.
    RG126/HST Library

  7. Beaird, Tina. "Recreating a World War I Veteran's Service History". NGS Magazine 43, no.2 (April-June 2017): 11-15.

  8. Begley, Andrew J. "Searching for Captain Blye". Prologue 49, no.1 (Spring 2017): 58-65.

  9. Bellamy, Jay. "The Zimmermann Telegram and Other Events Leading to America's Entry into World War I". Prologue 48, no.4 (Winter 2016): 18-27.

  10. Bilka, Monica. "Klamath Tribal Persistence, State Resistance: Treaty Rights Activism, the Threat of Tribal Sovereignty, and Collaborative Natural Resource Management in the Pacific Northwest, 1954-1981". Western Historical Quarterly 48, no.3 (Autumn 2017): 255-275.

  11. Bredhoff, Stacey. "JFK 100 - Milestones & Mementoes". Prologue 49, no.1 (Spring 2017): 48-57.
    JFK Library

  12. Burrows, Geoff. "Rural Hydro-Electrification and the Colonial New Deal: Modernization, Experts, and Rural Life in Puerto Rico, 1935-1942". Agricultural History 91, no.3 (Summer 2017): 293-319.
    RG077/RG181/RG323/JFK Library

  13. Camp, Richard. "The Cactus Air Force's Humble Home". Naval History 31, no.4 (August 2017): 20-21.
    NARA photos

  14. Charles, Patrick J. "Dissecting the Origins of Air-Centric Special Operations Theory". Journal of Military History 81, no.3 (July 2017): 803-828.
    FDR Library

  15. Chua, Daniel Wei Boon. "America's Role in the Five Power Defence Arrangements: Anglo-American Power Transition in South-East Asia, 1967-1971". International History Review 39, no.4 (August 2017): 615-637.
    RG059/LBJ Library

  16. Ciglioni, Laura. "Italian Public Opinion in the Atomic Age: Mass-market Magazines Facing Nuclear Issues (1963-1967)". Cold War History 17, no.3 (August 2017): 205-221.

  17. Cohen, Robert. "Out of the Closet and into History? The Eleanor Roosevelt-Lorena Hickock Affair". Reviews in American History 45, no.2 (June 2017): 314-322.
    FDR Library

  18. Cooper-Rompato, Christine. "The Earliest Patent by a Woman in New Mexico: Eunice Trim's Combination Comfort Canteen". New Mexico Historical Review 92, no.3 (Summer 2017): 311-341.

  19. DeSantis, John. "Tracing an Atrocity: How an Obscure Affidavit in the National Archives Unraveled a Historical Mystery". Prologue 49, no.2 (Summer 2017): 42-52.

  20. Domby, Adam H. "Captives of Memory: The Contested Legacy of Race at Andersonville National Historic Site". Civil War History 63, no.3 (September 2017): 253-294.

  21. Fardella, Enrico. "A Significant Periphery of the Cold War: Italy-China Bilateral Relations, 1949-1989". Cold War History 17, no.2 (May 2017): 181-197.
    GRF Library/JC Library

  22. Finley, Alexandra. "'Cash to Corinna': Domestic Labor and Sexual Economy in the 'Fancy Trade'". Journal of American History 104, no.2 (September 2017): 410-430.

  23. Freund, Lawrence S. "Pathmakers: James and Mary Jane McCleery". Ohio History 124, no.2 (Fall 2017): 28-48.

  24. Geschwind, Carl-Henry. "The Federal Sales Tax That Was: American Miscellaneous Exise Taxes, 1940-1971". Journal of Policy History 29, no.3 (2017): 490-516.
    RG046/RG056/RG233/FDR Library/LBJ Library

  25. Gessler, Anne M. "Warriors for Lower Prices: The New Orleans Housewives' League and the Consumer Cooperative Movement, 1913-1921". Journal of Southern History 83, no.3 (August 2017): 573-616.

  26. Glasby, Heather. "Testing the 15th Amendment: Milton Claiborne Nicholas and the Legacy of the First Black Voters". Prologue 48, no.4 (Winter 2016): 50-58.
    RG021/RG029/RG105/LBJ Library

  27. Green, Shannon. "Parents for Cynthia (Parker) Wilcoxon of Ohio and West Virginia". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.2 (June 2017): 93-100.

  28. Greiner, Bob. "Deaths of American Citizens Reported at Bremen, Germany, 1877-1901". Der Kurier 35, no.2 (June 2017): 43-45.

  29. Greiner, Bob. "Estate Cases from the United States Consulate in Frankfurt, Germany (1889-1905)". Der Kurier 35, no.2 (June 2017): 46-51.

  30. Greiner, Robert C. "12,000 Marks for Texas". Prologue 49, no.1 (Spring 2017): 18-27.

  31. Hall, Ryan. "Before the Medicine Line: Blackfoot Trade Strategy and the Emergence of the Northwest Plains Borderlands, 1818-1846". Pacific Historical Review 86, no.3 (August 2017): 381-406.

  32. Hardin, David R. "Official Military Personnel Files of World War I Veterans". NGS Magazine 43, no.2 (April-June 2017): 23-27.

  33. Hazelton, Andrew J. "Farmworker Advocacy through Guestworker Policy: Secretary of Labor James P. Mitchell and the Bracero Program". Journal of Policy History 29, no.3 (2017): 431-461.
    RG174/LBJ Library

  34. Heger, Kenneth W. "Baden, Palatinate, Alsace-Lorraine Resources on MAGS Site". Der Kurier 35, no.2 (June 2017): 34-42.

  35. Hunter, Joan A. "The Misattributed Military History of Amos Parsons - Mariner, Farmer, and Soldier - of Gloucester, Ipswich, Rowley, Newbury, Sutton, Oxford, and Ward, Massachusetts". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.2 (June 2017): 101-108.

  36. Isby, David C. "Voyage to War". Naval History 31, no.4 (August 2017): 34-39.

  37. Johnson, Mark W. "Emory Upton's Twenty-Six: Desertion and Divided Loyalty of U.S. Army Soldiers, 1860-1861". Journal of Military History 81, no.3 (July 2017): 747-774.

  38. Jones, T. Cole. "'The rage of tory-hunting': Loyalist Prisoners, Civil War, and the Violence of American Independence". Journal of Military History 81, no.3 (July 2017): 719-746.

  39. Jones-Minsinger, Elizabeth. "'Our Rights Are Getting More & More Infringed Upon': American Nationalism, Identity, and Sailors' Justice in British Prisons during the War of 1812". Journal of the Early Republic 37, no.3 (Fall 2017): 471-505.

  40. Kedar, Claudia. "The World Bank-United States-Latin American Triangle: The Negotiations with Socialist Chile, 1970-1973". International History Review 39, no.4 (August 2017): 667-690.

  41. Kennedy, Greg. "Filling the Void?: Anglo-American Strategic Relations, Philippine Independence, and the Containment of Japan, 1932-1937". International History Review 39, no.5 (October 2017): 836-859.
    FDR Library

  42. Kirby, James. "'Our Bantustans are Better than Yours': Botswana, the United States, and Human Rights in the 1970s". International History Review 39, no.5 (October 2017): 860-884.

  43. Kirchhoff, M.J. "Lynch Law in Klondike". Alaska History 32, no.1 (Spring 2017): 32-42.

  44. Kiser, William S. "The Politics of Slavery and Social Hierarchies in Colonial, Mexican, and Territorial New Mexico". New Mexico Historical Review 92, no.3 (Summer 2017): 285-309.

  45. Kluskens, Claire Prechtel. "Internment of Enemy Aliens During World War I". NGS Magazine 43, no.2 (April-June 2017): 35-39.

  46. Kratz, Jessie. "The Bill of Rights at 225". Prologue 48, no.4 (Winter 2016): 34.

  47. Kratz, Jessie. "The First Records". Prologue 49, no.2 (Summer 2017): 40.

  48. LaRue, Nicole Gilkison. "Parents for Greene Garrison of Ringgold, Iowa". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.2 (June 2017): 109-119.

  49. Lawrence, Kerri. "Hidden Treasure: Uncovering Panoramic Photographs of Alaska". Prologue 49, no.2 (Summer 2017): 28-39.

  50. Lewis, Richard. "General Lovell's Coat". Civil War Times 56, no.5 (October 2017): 46-51.
    NARA photos

  51. Limneos, Samuel. "Death from Within: The Destruction of the Far East Air Force: Strategy vs. Feasibility". Army History 104 (Summer 2017): 7-28.
    RG165/RG407/FDR Library

  52. Magness, Phillip W. "Between Evidence, Rumor, and Perception: Marshal Lamon and the 'Plot' to Arrest Chief Justice Taney". Journal of Supreme Court History 42, no.2 (2017): 133-153.

  53. McMillen, David. "JFK in Congress". Prologue 49, no.1 (Spring 2017): 36-47.
    RG306/JFK Library/RMN Library

  54. McMillen, David. "Moving Out, Moving In: The National Archives' Important Role When the Presidency Changes Hands". Prologue 48, no.4 (Winter 2016): 36-46.
    DDE Library/LBJ Library/RMN Library/WJC Library/GWB Library

  55. McMillen, David. "When the World Went to War". Prologue 49, no.2 (Summer 2017): 6-17.

  56. Needell, Allan A. "James E. Webb, Technocracy, and the New Deal Roots of 'Space Age Management'". Technology and Culture 58, no.3 (July 2017): 790-814.
    HST Library

  57. Nevin, Mark. "Nixon Loyalists, Barry Goldwater, and Republican Support for President Nixon during Watergate". Journal of Policy History 29, no.3 (2017): 401-430.
    RMN Library

  58. O'Bannon, Patrick W. "Neighbors and Fences: Land, Conflict, and Community on a Maine Island during the Eighteenth Century". Maine History 51, no.2 (Summer 2017): 177-202.

  59. Ohmae, Toshikazu. "Leading the Charge at Savo Island". Naval History 31, no.4 (August 2017): 22-27.
    NARA photos

  60. Orr, Tabitha. "Clifford Minton's War: The Struggle for Black Jobs in Wartime Little Rock, 1940-1946". Arkansas Historical Review 76, no.1 (Spring 2017): 23-48.

  61. Patch, Nathaniel. "Silently. Quickly. By Sea, in Darkness". Prologue 48, no.4 (Winter 2016): 6-17.

  62. Pechlivanis, Paschalis. "Between Detente and Differentiation: Nixon's Visit to Bucharest in August 1969". Cold War History 17, no.3 (August 2017): 241-258.
    RG059/RMN Library

  63. Peterson, Allen R. "Samuel Williamson's Disconnected Origin and Emigration to England". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.2 (June 2017): 121-130.

  64. Petlewski, Kathy. "World War I and the Hyphenated Americans on the Homefront". NGS Magazine 43, no.2 (April-June 2017): 29-34.

  65. Polmar, Norman. "What's Out There?". Naval History 31, no.4 (August 2017): 12-13.
    NARA photos

  66. Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "Houses of Worship and Religious Activities in Federal Records". NGS Magazine 43, no.1 (January-March 2017): 47-50.

  67. Prince, Justin. "'Getting Our Equipment Soon - I Hope So Anyway': Camp Doniphan, Fort Sill, and American Artillery in World War I". Chronicles of Oklahoma 95, no.1 (Spring 2017): 72-91.
    HST Library

  68. Randall, Ruth. "Robert Stanhope: Dehumanized-Ignored-Reinvented". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.2 (June 2017): 131-138.

  69. Robertson, Brian. "The Forgotten Man: Richard Nixon, Masculinity, and the Path to Power in Southern California". California History 94, no.2 (Summer 2017): 22-40.
    RMN Library

  70. Setzekorn, Eric. "The Office of Naval Intelligence in World War I: Diverse Threats, Divergent Responses". Studies in Intelligence 61, no.2 (June 2017): 49-60.

  71. Sewell, Bevan. "John Foster Dulles, Illness, Masculinity and US Foreign Relations, 1953-1961". International History Review 39, no.4 (August 2017): 713-747.
    DDE Library

  72. Smith, G. Stuart. "Elizebeth Friedman's Security and Career Concerns Prior to World War II". Cryptologia 41, no.3 (2017): 239-246.
    RG026/RG056/FDR Library

  73. Snyder, Christina. "The Rise and Fall and Rise of Civilizations: Indian Intellectual Culture during the Removal Era". Journal of American History 104, no.2 (September 2017): 386-409.

  74. Spears, Ellen Griffith. "(Re)Writing Histories of Environmentalism in Alabama". Alabama Review 70, no.2 (April 2017): 171-188.

  75. Stein, Gary C. and Virginia L. Scammell-Tinling. "Captain John Wesley White and the Lincoln's 1867 Alaska Cruise". Alaska History 32, no.1 (Spring 2017): 1-30.
    RG026/RG076/NARA photos

  76. Symonds, Craig. "For Want of a Nail: The Impact of Shipping on Grand Strategy in World War II". Journal of Military History 81, no.3 (July 2017): 657-666.
    RG313/FDR Library

  77. Topping, Simon. "Racial Tensions and U.S. Military (In)Justice in Northern Ireland during World War II". Journal of African American History 102, no.2 (Spring 2017): 157-183.

  78. Watson, Nolan A. (Andy). "Joseph H. Stevens". On Point 23, no.1 (Summer 2017): 19-22.
    NARA photos

  79. Weare, Bryan C. "Slaves and Free Blacks in Mid-Eighteenth to Mid-Nineteenth-Century Cape Neddick, Maine". Maine History 51, no.2 (Summer 2017): 203-227.

  80. Wehner, Nancy Niles. "Parents for Richard M. Vaughan (1844-1921) of Howell County, Missouri". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.2 (June 2017): 139-148.

  81. Wellock, Thomas R. "A Figure of Merit: Quantifying the Probability of a Nuclear Reactor Accident". Technology and Culture 58, no.3 (July 2017): 678-721.

  82. White, Cody. "'General Condition: Fairly Good': Researching Tuberculosis Patients at an Army Hospital in New Mexico". Prologue 49, no.2 (Summer 2017): 56-65.

  83. Worsham, James. "Where Our WWII Leaders Spent WWI". Prologue 49, no.2 (Summer 2017): 18-25.
    RG080/RG111/RG181/FDR Library/HST Library/DDE Library

  84. Yockelson, Mitchell. "America Enters the Great War". Prologue 49, no.1 (Spring 2017): 6-17.

  85. Yockelson, Mitchell. "General John J. Pershing and His Quest to Form the American First Army". On Point 23, no.1 (Summer 2017): 36-43.
    NARA photos

  86. Zombek, Angela M. "Paternalism and Imprisonment at Castle Thunder: Reinforcing Gender Norms in the Confederate Capital". Civil War History 63, no.3 (September 2017): 221-252.

Volume 44, Number 4, October-December, 2017

  1. "Remembering Vietnam". Vietnam 30, no.4 (December 2017): 50-55.
    NARA photos

  2. Akiboh, Alvita. "Pocket-Sized Imperialism: U.S. Designs on Colonial Currency". Diplomatic History 41, no.5 (November 2017): 874-902.

  3. Albanese, David C.S. "'It Takes a Russian to Beat a Russian': The National Union of Labor Solidarists, Nationalism, and Human Intelligence Operations in the Cold War". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.6 (October 2017): 782-796.

  4. Ammon, Claire E. "Parents for John Perkins (1788-1852) of Granby, Connecticut". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.3 (September 2017): 219-228.

  5. Bohannon, Keith. "'No Man Wavered'". Civil War Times 56, no.6 (December 2017): 50-56.
    NARA photos

  6. Bowling, Kenneth. "Thank You, General Ross: How Washington Won the Battle to Keep the Federal Government in 1814". Washington History 29, no.2 (Fall 2017): 42-49.

  7. Breland, Claudia C. "Alias Smith and Crawford: Kubiaks of Manistee and Saginaw, Michigan". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.3 (September 2017): 191-198.

  8. Burtness, Paul S. and Warren U. Ober. "Provocation and Angst: FDR, Japan, Pearl Harbor, and the Entry into War in the Pacific". Hawaiian Journal of History 51, no. (2017): 91-114.
    FDR Library

  9. Buswell, Carol. "Using the Indian Removal Act to Teach Critical Thinking". Social Education 81, no.6 (November-December 2017): 346-350, 360.

  10. Bynum, Victoria E. "Newt Knight and the Free State of Jones: Myth, Memory, and Imagination". Journal of Mississippi History 75, no.4 (Winter 2013): 27-36.

  11. Champlin. Byron O. "Under a Foreign Flag: Concord Men in Foreign Service during the First World War". Historical New Hampshire 70, no.2 (Fall 2017): 70-93.

  12. Choi, Lyong. "Human Rights, Popular Protest, and Jimmy Carter's Plan to Withdraw U.S. Troops from South Korea". Diplomatic History 41, no.5 (November 2017): 933-958.
    JC Library

  13. Cockrell, Thomas D. "Unionism in Civil War North Mississippi". Journal of Mississippi History 75, no.4 (Winter 2013): 57-69.

  14. Conis, Elena. "Polio, DDT, and Disease Risk in the United States after World War II". Environmental History 22, no.4 (October 2017): 696-721.

  15. Crandell, Jill N. "Adelia (Lockwood) Morey Booher: From Eight Birthplaces to One". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.3 (September 2017): 211-218.

  16. Cutler, Thomas J. "A Final Embrace". Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute 143, no.9 (September 2017): 94.
    NARA photos

  17. David, James Edward. "How Much Detail Do We Need to See? High and Very High Resolution Photography, GAMBIT, and the Manned Orbiting Laboratory". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.6 (October 2017): 768-781.

  18. Desmarais, Catherine Becker Wiest. "From Baltimore, Maryland, to Burlington, Vermont: Hazen P. Day's Neighbors Bring Him Home". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.3 (September 2017): 181-190.

  19. Dorfman, Robert, Emily Berquist Soule, and Sukumar Desai. "Smiling through a Personal Apocalypse: FDR Got Polio, but Polio Didn't Get Him". American History 52, no.5 (December 2017): 52-59.
    NARA photos

  20. Emerson, William K. "Black U.S. Army School Detachments". Journal of America's Military Past 42, no.3 (Fall 2017): 22-46.

  21. Engle, Stephen D. "'Under Full Sail': John Andrew, Abraham Lincoln, and Standing by the Union". Massachusetts Historical Review 19, no. (2017): 43-81.

  22. Fitzsimmons, Matthew. "U.S. Army Shotguns". On Point 23, no.2 (Fall 2017): 14-17.
    NARA photos

  23. Giambrone, Jeff T. "'The Colored Troops Fought Like Tigers': Black Mississippians in the Union Army, 1863-1866". Journal of Mississippi History 75, no.4 (Winter 2013): 81-91.

  24. Gross, Woolf. "The Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps: A Hundred Years Old and Still Going Strong". On Point 23, no.2 (Fall 2017): 6-13.
    NARA photos

  25. Haase, Camela. "Early Social Workers as Disaster Relief Workers: The Minnesota Fires of 1918 and the Work of the Red Cross". Minnesota History 65, no.7 (Fall 2017): 248-259.

  26. Heger, Kenneth W. "Adding State Department Official Consular Correspondence to Your Research". Der Kurier 35, no.3 (September 2017): 57, 61-70.

  27. Heger, Kenneth W. "Women and Children First - Special Consulate Registrations, 1909-1916". Der Kurier 35, no.3 (September 2017): 75-78.

  28. Heurtebize, Frederic. "Eurocommunism and the Contradictions of Superpower Detente". Diplomatic History 41, no.4 (September 2017): 747-771.
    RG059/GRF Library/JC Library/CREST

  29. Hobson, Charles F. "The Yazoo Lands Sale Case: Fletcher v. Peck (1810)". Journal of Supreme Court History 42, no.3 (2017): 239-255.

  30. Hone, Trent. "Guadalcanal Proved Experimentation Works". Naval History 31, no.6 (December 2017): 38-37.
    RG038/RG080/NARA photos

  31. Huebner, Timothy S. "Memphis and the Making of Judge Fortas". Journal of Supreme Court History 42, no.3 (2017): 314-336.

  32. Humalajoki, Reetta. "'What Is It to Withdraw?': Klamath and Navajo Tribal Councils' Tactics in Negotiating Termination Policy, 1949-1964". Western Historical Quarterly 48, no.4 (Winter 2017): 415-438.
    HST Library

  33. Kalk, Bruce H. "The Making of 'Mr. Justice Haynsworth'? The Rise, Fall, and Revival of Judge Clement F. Haynsworth Jr.". South Carolina Historical Magazine 117, no.1 (January 2016): 4-29.
    DDE Library/RMN Library

  34. Kerr-Ritchie, Jeffrey R. "Alt-Borders to Freedom". Journal of African American History 102, no.3 (Summer 2017): 362-373.

  35. Kluskens, Claire Prechtel. "Butter Makers and More: Revelations of the 1929 Census of Manufacturers". NGS Magazine 43, no.3 (July-September 2017): 61-63.

  36. Kovner, Sarah. "A War of Words: Allied Captivity and Swiss Neutrality in the Pacific, 1941-1945". Diplomatic History 41, no.4 (September 2017): 747-746.

  37. Lago, Don. "John Wesley Powell and the Naming of the Canyon of Lodore". Journal of the West 56, no.2 (Spring 2017): 47-55.
    NARA photos

  38. Langellier, John P. "Buffalo Soldiers in Big Sky Country, 1888-1898". Montana: Magazine of Western History 67, no.3 (Autumn 2017): 41-56.

  39. Lehman, Christopher P. "Slaveholder Investment in Territorial Minnesota". Minnesota History 65, no.7 (Fall 2017): 264-274.

  40. Lew-Williams, Beth. "'Chinamen' and 'Delinquent Girls': Intimacy, Exclusion, and a Search for California's Color Line". Journal of American History 104, no.3 (December 2017): 632-655.

  41. Loza, Mireya. "The Japanese Agricultural Workers' Program: Race, Labor, and Cold War Diplomacy in the Fields, 1956-1965". Pacific Historical Review 86, no.4 (November 2017): 661-690.

  42. Lyttle, Annette Burke. "Uncovering the Stories of Farming Ancestors". NGS Magazine 43, no.3 (July-September 2017): 31-34.

  43. MacKenzie, Paul. "Superstition and F-105 Pilots in Operation Rolling Thunder". Historian 79, no.4 (Winter 2017): 777-793.

  44. MacKinnon, William P. "Uninvited, Unwelcome, and Uncomfortable: Utah Assignments of Colonels E.J. Steptoe and C.F. Smith". Utah Historical Quarterly 85, no.2 (Spring 2017): 186-192.

  45. Macpherson, Anne S. "Birth of the U.S. Colonial Minimum Wage: The Struggle over the Fair Labor Standards Act in Puerto Rico, 1938-1941". Journal of American History 104, no.3 (December 2017): 656-680.
    RG126/RG155/FDR Library

  46. McCune, Meghan Menard and John Maxwell Hamilton. "'My Object Is to Be of Service to You': Carl Ackerman and the Wilson Administration during World War I". Intelligence and National Security 32, no.6 (October 2017): 743-757.

  47. Mehta, Harish. "'Moonshiners, Black Marketers, and Thieves among Us': Economic Crime in Wartime North Vietnam". Historian 79, no.3 (Fall 2017): 523-559.
    RG306/LBJ Library

  48. Minami, Kazushi. "Oil for the Lamps of America? Sino-American Oil Diplomacy, 1973-1979". Diplomatic History 41, no.5 (November 2017): 959-984.
    RG059/GRF Library/JC Library

  49. Moe, Todd. "Coast Guard at War: The Cutter Sherman in Vietnam". Naval History 31, no.6 (December 2017): 38-42.
    NARA photos

  50. Nakamura, Kelli Y. "Bishop Mitsumyo Tottori: Patriotism through Buddhism during World War II". Hawaiian Journal of History 51, no. (2017): 115-145.

  51. Nash, Douglas E., Sr. "The 147th Infantry Regiment at Iwo Jima". Army History 105 (Fall 2017): 6-19.
    NARA photos

  52. Ngoei, Wen-Qing. "'A Wide Anticommunist Arc': Britain, ASEAN, and Nixon's Triangular Diplomacy". Diplomatic History 41, no.5 (November 2017): 903-932.
    RG059/LBJ Library/RMN Library

  53. O'Neil, Floyd A. and Shauna O'Neil. "The Park City to Fort Thornburgh Road". Utah Historical Quarterly 85, no.2 (Spring 2017): 180-185.

  54. Obert, Jonathan. "A Fragmented Force: The Evolution of Federal Law Enforcement in the United States, 1870-1900". Journal of Policy History 29, no.4 (2017): 640-675.

  55. Otjen, Nathaniel. "Creating a Barrio in Iowa City, 1916-1936: Mexican Section Laborers and the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company". Annals of Iowa 76, no.4 (Fall 2017): 406-432.

  56. Precht, Jay. "Asserting Tribal Sovereignty through Compact Negotiations: A Case Study of the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana". AIQ 41, no.1 (Winter 2017): 67-92.

  57. Pyszka, Kimberly and Maureen Hays. "Dixie Plantation's Rising Tide: A History of Saint Paul's Parish in Microcosm". South Carolina Historical Magazine 117, no.1 (January 2016): 30-61.

  58. Rasmussen, Nicolas. "Controlling 'America's Opium': Barbiturate Use, Pharmaceutical Regulation, and the Politics of Public Health in the Early Postwar United States". Journal of Policy History 29, no.4 (2017): 543-568.
    RG088/RG170/HST Library

  59. Reckner, Paul E., Tamara Thomsen, and Richard J. Boyd. "Solving the Mystery of the SS Lakeland". Wisconsin History 101, no.1 (Autumn 2017): 14-23.

  60. Redix, Erik M. "'Our Hope and Our Protection': Misko-biiwaabik (Copper) and Tribal Sovereignty in Michigan". AIQ 41, no.3 (Summer 2017): 224-249.

  61. Reid, Chipp. "The Early Marine Corps Fight for Survival". Naval History 31, no.5 (October 2017): 48-53.

  62. Reiter, Tonya. "Redd Slave Histories: Family, Race, and Sex in Pioneer Utah". Utah Historical Quarterly 85, no.2 (Spring 2017): 108-126.

  63. Russell, Judy G. "George Washington Cottrell of Texas: One Man or Two?". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105, no.3 (September 2017): 165-179.

  64. Sanko, Marc. "The Gift of Empire: Maltese Migrants to Detroit, 1919-1924". Michigan Historical Review 43, no.2 (Fall 2017): 37-54.

  65. Shufelt, Gordon H. "Elusive Justice in Baltimore: The Conviction of a White Policeman for Killing a Black Man in 1875". Journal of Southern History 83, no.4 (November 2017): 773-814.

  66. Siebold, John. "Seaborn Hill: Trader in the Creek Nation and Frontier Businessman, 1808-44". Chronicles of Oklahoma 95, no.3 (Fall 2017): 282-303.

  67. Simontis, Nicholas R. "In Defense of the Theater Army". Military Review 97, no.5 (September-October 2017): 30-36.
    NARA photos

  68. Smith, Martin Ferguson. "The British Connection: The Secret Son of Brig. Gen. Daniel Harris Reynolds". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 76, no.2 (Summer 2017): 144-176.

  69. Stejskal, James. "133d Engineer Combat Battalion and One Soldier's Sketches of Its Operations". On Point 23, no.2 (Fall 2017): 36-43.
    NARA photos

  70. Sumner, Raymond V. "The Powell Sesquicentennial - Is There Anything Left to Be Said?". Journal of the West 56, no.2 (Spring 2017): 9-12.
    NARA photos

  71. Sumner, Raymond V. (ed.). "Letters from the Powell Expedition". Journal of the West 56, no.2 (Spring 2017): 30-46.
    NARA photos

  72. Toner, Simon. "Imagining Taiwan: The Nixon Administration, the Developmental States, and South Vietnam's Search for Economic Viability, 1969-1975". Diplomatic History 41, no.4 (September 2017): 772-798.
    RG059/RMN Library/GRF Library

  73. Tsipursky, Gleb. "Domestic Cultural Diplomacy and Soviet State-Sponsored Popular Culture in the Cold War, 1953-1962". Diplomatic History 41, no.5 (November 2017): 985-1009.

  74. Viets, Breck. "Champagne with Ernest Hemingway". Naval History 31, no.5 (October 2017): 44-47.
    JFK Library

  75. Vigil, Kiara M. "Who Was Henry Standing Bear? Remembering Lakota Activism from the Early Twentieth Century". Great Plains Quarterly 37, no.3 (Summer 2017): 157-182.

  76. Villard, Erik. "The NVA's Plan for a Great Escape". Vietnam 30, no.5 (February 2018): 30-35.
    NARA photos

  77. Wadle, Ryan. "First Rate Ideas: The Hidden History of Navy Day". Naval History 31, no.5 (October 2017): 34-37.

  78. Weeks, Michael. "Sugar State: Industry, Science, and the Nation in Colorado's Sugar Beet Fields". Western Historical Quarterly 48, no.4 (Winter 2017): 367-391.

  79. Weimer, Daniel. "The Politics of Contamination: Herbicides, Drug Control, and Environmental Law". Diplomatic History 41, no.5 (November 2017): 847-873.
    RG059/RG060/RG170/JC Library

  80. Weis, Julianne. "Medicalization and Maternal Health: The Use of Female Health Auxiliaries to Modernize Ethiopia under Haile Selassie, 1930-1974". Journal of Women's History 29, no.4 (Winter 2017): 61-84.

  81. Welky, David. "'A World Film Fight': Behind the Scenes with Hollywood and Fascist Italy". Film & History 47, no.1 (Summer 2017): 4-17.

  82. Wellum, Caleb. "The Ambivalent Aesthetics of Oil: Project Documerica and the Energy Crisis in 1970s America". Environmental History 22, no.4 (October 2017): 723-742.

  83. Willbanks, James H. "The War's Decisive Event". Vietnam 30, no.5 (February 2018): 22-29.
    NARA photos

  84. Zetts, Andrew. "Debating the Civil Rights Act of 1875". Social Education 81, no.5 (October 2017): 323-327.

  85. Zimmer, Eric Steven. "A President in Indian Country: Calvin Coolidge and Lakota Diplomacy in the Summer of 1927". Great Plains Quarterly 37, no.3 (Summer 2017): 215-234.

  86. Ziobro, Melissa. "369th Sustainment Brigade". On Point 23, no.2 (Fall 2017): 23-26.
    NARA photos
