Compilation of Periodical Literature: 2020
Current Issues
- Volume 47, Number 1, January-March, 2020
- Volume 47, Number 2, April-June, 2020
- Volume 47, Number 3, July-September, 2020
- Volume 47, Number 4, October-December, 2020
- See also the Previous Years of the Quarterly Compilation of Periodical Literature.
- For subject access to Quarterly Compilations, see Compiled Citations by Record Group Clusters.
Volume 47, Number 1, January-March, 2020
Anbinder, Tyler, Cormac Ó Gráda, and Simone A. Wegge. "Networks and Opportunities: A Digital History of Ireland's Great Famine Refugees in New York". American Historical Review 124, no.5 (December 2019): 1591-1629.
RG029/RG036 -
Bamba, Abou B. "'Mightier Than Marx': Hassoldt Davis and American Cold War Politics in Postwar Ivory Coast". International History Review 41, no.6 (December 2019): 1123-1144.
Bowman, Winston. "Feat of Clay: Muhammad Ali's Legal Fight against the Vietnam Draft". Journal of Supreme Court History 44, no.3 (2019): 307-324.
RG021 -
Boyett, Patricia Michelle. "Master of Racial Myths & Massive Resistance: Governor Paul B. Johnson, Jr. (1964-1968)". Journal of Mississippi History 81, no.1-2 (Spring-Summer 2019): 97-119.
FDR Library -
Brunet, Luc-Andre. "Unhelpful Fixer? Canada, the Euromissile Crisis, and Pierre Trudeau's Peace Initiative, 1983-1984". International History Review 41, no.6 (December 2019): 1145-1167.
RR Library -
Burroughs, Tony. "How Old was 'Old Uncle Davie' Truman of Fayette County, Pennsylvania?". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 107, no.4 (December 2019): 245-258.
RG029 -
Capozzola, Christopher. "Body and Soul: The Selective Draft Law Cases and World War I". Journal of Supreme Court History 44, no.3 (2019): 295-306.
RG163 -
Constantino, Carlyle. "Emerging from the Archive: Helen M. Post's Photographs of Twentieth-Century Navajos". Utah Historical Quarterly 87, no.4 (Fall 2019): 316-332.
RG075 -
D'Haeseleer, Brian. "Paving the War for Baghdad: The US Invasion of Panama, 1989". International History Review 41, no.6 (December 2019): 1194-1215.
GHWB Library/GWB Library -
Dziennik, Matthew P. "New York's Refugees and Political Authority in Revolutionary America". William and Mary Quarterly 77, no.1 (January 2020): 65-96.
RG360 -
Garcia-Muniz, Humberto. "The U.S. Alien Property Custodian vs. German Business in New York and Puerto Rico during the First World War". Centro Journal 31, no.3 (Fall 2019): 93-121.
RG059/RG060/RG131 -
Gardner, Trevor George. "Immigrant Sanctuary as the 'Old Normal': A Brief History of Police Federalism". Columbia Law Review 119, no.1 (January 2019): 1-83.
RG010 -
Green, Shannon. "Two Probates and Three Richards: Who Was Richard Bedell of Hempstead, Queens County, New York?". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 107, no.4 (December 2019): 259-270.
RG029 -
Griggs, R. Smith, Jacob Haider, and Luke Flatebo. "The Small-Team Replacement System: Wartime Replacement Systems in Large-Scale Combat Operations". Military Review 100, no.1 (January-February 2020): 22-28.
NARA photos -
Hedquist, Seth. "'Boost the Farm Bureau': Agricultural Leaders, Progressive Musicians, and Social Orchestration in Iowa, 1921-1937". Agricultural History 93, no.2 (Spring 2019): 264-287.
RG029 -
Heger, Kenneth. "Researching Bavaria, Part V: The American Consulate in Nuremberg, 1833-1912". Der Kurier 37, no.4 (December 2019): 147-155.
RG084 -
Hosler, Roderick A. "The American Intervention in North Russia, 1918-1919". On Point 25, no.3 (Winter 2020): 18-25.
NARA photos -
Johnson, Danny M. "Camp McQuaide, California". On Point 25, no.3 (Winter 2020): 46-49.
NARA photos -
Johnstone, Andrew. "Spinning War and Peace: Foreign Relations and Public Relations on the Eve of World War II". Journal of American Studies 53, no.1 (February 2019): 223-251.
FDR Library -
Kichen, Lee F. "The Brave Rifles in World War II: The 3d Cavalry Group's Dash from Normandy's Hedgerows to the Austrian Alps". On Point 25, no.3 (Winter 2020): 36-43.
NARA photos -
Lebonick, Cara Moore. "WPA Personnel Records at the National Archives". NGS Magazine 45, no.4 (October-December 2019): 50-56.
RG069/RG146 -
Looney, Dallas. "William J. Donovan". On Point 25, no.3 (Winter 2020): 8-13.
NARA photos -
McCormick, David. "A Novel Proposition: Indian Regulars in the U.S. Army in the 1890s". Army History 114, (Winter 2020): 6-16.
NARA photos -
McGovern, William. "'City of Refuge': Child Refugees and Soldiers' Orphans in Civil War St. Louis". Civil War History 65, no.4 (December 2019): 342-372.
RG029 -
Moran, Christopher. "Nixon's Axe Man: CIA Director James R. Schlesinger". Journal of American Studies 53, no.1 (February 2019): 95-121.
RMN Library/CREST -
Nunley, Tamika. "African American Women and the Borderlands of Emancipation in Civil War-Era Washington, DC". Civil War History 65, no.4 (December 2019): 381-384.
RG217 -
Rogers, Jim. "The M1 Helmet". On Point 25, no.3 (Winter 2020): 14-17.
NARA photos -
Seelinger, Matthew J. "The 43d Infantry Division". On Point 25, no.3 (Winter 2020): 26-29.
NARA photos -
Shotts, Constance T. "Dr. Peter Trisler and the Younger Woman: Parents of John Trisler of Kentucky and Indiana?". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 107, no.4 (December 2019): 286-306.
RG015/RG029 -
Stenger, Dieter. "Guides to the West: Enlisted Native American United States Scouts". Army History 114, (Winter 2020): 20-21.
NARA photos -
Stieb, Joseph. "U.S. Financial Aid for Iraq under the Engagement Policy, 1988-1990". International History Review 41, no.6 (December 2019): 1325-1340.
GHWB Library -
Underhill, Lonnie E. "Hamlin Garland and the Native Americans of the Mountain Northwest". Journal of the West 58, no.4 (Fall 2019): 59-70.
NARA photos -
Urofsky, Melvin I. "The Great War, the Constitution, and the Court". Journal of Supreme Court History 44, no.3 (2019): 251-266.
NARA photos -
Waxman, Matthew C. "Constitutional War Powers in World War I: Charles Evan Hughes and the Power to Wage War Successfully". Journal of Supreme Court History 44, no.3 (2019): 267-277.
NARA photos -
Wilkes, Kristen. "All Aboard: The Influence of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad on Sectionalism and Statehood in West Virginia". West Virginia History 13, no.2 (Fall 2019): 47-72.
RG029 -
Williams, Callie. "Arkansas Listings in the National Register of Historic Places: McDaniel and McDaniel, Hot Springs Architects". Arkansas Historical Quarterly 78, no.3 (Autumn 2019): 302-311.
Volume 47, Number 2, April-June, 2020
"How the Rough Riders Got Their Name". MHQ 30, no.4 (Summer 2018): 32-37.
HH Library -
Aboitiz, Nicole Cuunjieng. "Fantasy, Affect, and Pan-Asianism: Mariano Ponce, the First Philippine Republic's Foreign Emissary, 1898-1912". Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 67, no.3-4 (September-December 2019): 489-520.
RG350 -
Addams, R. Jean. "The History and Acquisition of the Original Temple Lot Property in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri". Mormon Historical Studies 20, no.1 (Spring 2019): 1-76.
RG028 -
Barker, Stuart. "The Oregon Skyline Trail: Evolving Attitudes Toward Nature Tourism". Oregon Historical Quarterly 120, no.1 (Spring 2019): 46-73.
RG095 -
Barrett, David M. "The Bay of Pigs Fiasco and the Kennedy Administration's Off-the-Record Briefings for Journalists". Journal of Cold War Studies 21, no.2 (Spring 2019): 3-26.
RG059/JFK Library/LBJ Library/CREST -
Bateman, Aaron. "Technological Wonder and Strategic Vulnerability: Satellite Reconnaissance and American National Security during the Cold War". International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 33, no.2 (2020): 328-353.
GRF Library/JC Library/CREST -
Bell, Jonathan. "Between Private and Public: AIDS, Health Care Capitalism, and the Politics of Respectability in 1980s America". Journal of American Studies 54, no.1 (February 2020): 159-183.
RR Library -
Benvenuti, Andrea and David Martin Jones. "With Friends Like These: Australia, the United States, and Southeast Asian Detente". Journal of Cold War Studies 21, no.2 (Spring 2019): 27-57.
RG059/RMN Library -
Beyreis, David. "The Chaos of Conquest: The Bents and the Problem of American Expansion, 1846-1849". Kansas History 41, no.2 (Summer 2018): 74-89.
RG059/RG075 -
Blazich, Frank A., Jr. "Neptune's Oracle: Admiral Harry E. Yarnell's Wartime Planning, 1918-1920". Naval War College Review 73, no.1 (Winter 2020): 113-140.
RG038/RG045/RG080 -
Blue, Ethan. "Building the American Deportation Regime: Governmental Labor and the Infrastructure of Forced Removal in the Early Twentieth Century". Journal of American Ethnic History 38, no.2 (Winter 2019): 36-64.
RG085 -
Bradford, Anita Casavantes. "'Another foothold in our fight against communism': Race, Religion, and Public Relations in the Hungarian and Cuban Refugee Programs, 1956-1961". U.S. Catholic Historian 37, no.3 (Summer 2019): 43-76.
DDE Library/NARA photos -
Braff, Paul. "Moving From the National Negro Health Week to the National Public Health Week in the United States". American Journal of Public Health 110, no.4 (April 2020): 470-477.
RG235/RG287 -
Brandimarte, Cynthia and Jennifer Carpenter. "Bringing the Texas New Deal into Focus: Record Group 69's Photographic Collection". Southwest Historical Quarterly 120, no.3 (January 2017): 332-349.
RG069 -
Brands, Hal. "The Lost Art of Long-Term Competition". Washington Quarterly 41, no.4 (November 2018): 31-51.
JC Library -
Brewer, Joseph P., Jr., and Mary Kate Dennis. "A Land Neither Here nor There: Voices from the Margins & the Untenuring of Lakota Lands". GeoJournal 84, no.3 (2019): 571-591.
RG075 -
Burlbaw, Lynn M. "The CWA in Anderson County, Texas, 1933-1934". East Texas Historical Journal 56, no.1 (Spring 2018): 25-39.
RG069 -
Campbell, Randolph B. "'A Sea of Blood and Smoking Ruin': Reflections on Sam Houston and Slavery". Southwestern Historical Quarterly 122, no.2 (October 2018): 134-142.
RG029 -
Cangemi, Michael J. "'We need the closest possible cooperation with the Church': Catholic Activists, Central America, and the Reagan Administration, 1981-1982". U.S. Catholic Historian 37, no.1 (Winter 2019): 167-191.
RR Library/GHWB Library -
Carter, Susan Boslego. "Oong (Charles) Ar Showe: Navigating Chinese Stereotypes and Making a Fortune in Mid-Nineteenth-Century New England". Chinese America: History and Perspectives (2019): 1-28.
RG085 -
Catterson, Lauren D. "The Case of the Waylaid Immigrant Inspector: Authority, Respectability, and Sexual Misconduct, 1921". Journal of American Ethnic History 38, no.1 (Fall 2018): 34-61.
RG085 -
Cavoski, Jovan. "'Yugoslavia's Help Was Extraordinary': Political and Material Assistance from Belgrade to the MPLA in Its Rise to Power, 1961-1975". Journal of Cold War Studies 21, no.1 (Winter 2019): 125-150.
RG059 -
Cigarran, Jane. "The Case of Cheryl D. James: Institutionalized Racism and Police Violence Against Black Women in Portland, Oregon (1968-1974)". Oregon Historical Quarterly 121, no.1 (Spring 2020): 40-67.
RG276 -
Clabough, Jeremiah and John H. Bickford III. "Freedom Summer and the Foot Soldiers of the Civil Rights Movement: Bottom-Up Historical Inquiry to Combat the Master Narrative". History Teacher 53, no.2 (February 2020): 319-353.
JFK Library -
Clappin, Elizabeth A. "Primus Inter Pares: The Character-Defining Contextual Design of the John F. Kennedy Gravesite". Markers 35 (2019): 83-107.
JFK Library -
Colman, Jonathan. "Toward 'World Support' and 'The Ultimate Judgment of History': The U.S. Legal Case for the Blockade of Cuba during the Missile Crisis, October-November 962". Journal of Cold War Studies 21, no.2 (Spring 2019): 150-173.
RG059/RG084 -
Compton, John W. "Why the Covenant Worked: On the Institutional Foundations of the American Civil Religion". Religions 10, no.6 (June 2019): n.p.
Online version
FDR Library -
Coulter, Matthew Ware. "Taming the East Texas 'Black Giant': Ernest O. Thompson and Illusions of Independence, 1930-1935". Southwestern Historical Quarterly 123, no.3 (January 2020): 292-315.
RG232/RG233 -
Dalleo, Peter T. "John Tillman of Delaware and Pennsylvania: Freedom Seeker, Agricultural Laborer, Soldier in the U.S. Colored Troop, and Family Man". Delaware History 35, no.1 (Fall 2018/Winter 2019): 1-23.
RG015 -
Daves, Doyle. "Las Vegas Transformed: Under Military Occupation - 1846 to 1851". Wagon Tracks 33, no.2 (February 2019): 20-26.
RG094 -
de Sa, Tiago Moreira. "'The World Was Not Turning in Their Direction': The United States and the Decolonization of Angola". Journal of Cold War Studies 21, no.1 (Winter 2019): 52-65.
RG059 -
Delsescaux, Jeffrey R. "California's 'Aquatic Assassin' - the Ex-German U-Boat UB-88: An Archaeological Resource from a World War I Naval Battlefield". Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology 33 (2019): 23-38.
RG045/RG242 -
Donne, George. "Lee vs. Hooker: The Utility of Intelligence in the Gettysburg Campaign". Gettysburg Magazine 58 (January 2018): 74-84.
NARA photos -
Dossett, Kate. "Writing to Stay in History: Women, Politics and New Deal Archives". Journal of American Studies 52, no.1 (February 2018): 1-25.
FDR Library -
Douma, Michael, Anders Bo Rasmussen, and Robert Faith. "The Impressment of Foreign-Born Soldiers in the Union Army". Journal of American Ethnic History 38, no.3 (Spring 2019): 76-106.
RG059/RG107 -
Dowd, Gregory Evans. "Custom, Text, and Property: Indians, Squatters, and Political Authority in Jacksonian Michigan". Early American Studies, an Interdisciplinary Journal 18, no.2 (Spring 2020): 195-228.
RG011/RG075 -
Dunsworth, Edward. "Race, Exclusion and Archival Silences in the Seasonal Migration of Tobacco Workers from the Southern United States to Ontario". Canadian Historical Review 99, no.4 (December 2018): 563-593.
RG033/RG183 -
Durkin, Hannah. "Uncovering the Hidden Lives of Last Clotilda Survivor Matilda McCrear and Her Family". Slavery & Abolition (awaiting issue info) (2020): .
RG029/RG163 -
Engel, Benjamin A. "Aiding and Abetting: Role of Foreign Missionaries in the South Korean Democracy Movement". Korea Observer 51, no.1 (Spring 2020): 1-26.
RG059 -
Fava, Valentina. "Between Business Interests and Ideological Marketing: The USSR and the Cold War in Fiat Corporate Strategy, 1957-1972". Journal of Cold War Studies 20, no.4 (Fall 2018): 26-64.
RG059 -
Field, Thomas C., Jr. "Union Busting as Development: Transnationalism, Empire and Kennedy's Secret Labour Programme for Bolivia". Journal of Latin American Studies 52, no.1 (February 2020): 27-51.
JFK Library/LBJ Library -
Fitzpatrick-Behrens, Susan. "The Catholic Roots of U.S. Foreign Assistance: From Good Neighbors to Allies for Progress". U.S. Catholic Historian 37, no.1 (Winter 2019): 123-145.
JFK Library -
Flatt, Horace P. "John G. Scott: A Bargain with the Devil during Reconstruction Texas". East Texas Historical Journal 57, no.2 (Fall 2019): 29-78.
RG029 -
Fordan, Robert C. and Todd M. Schaefer. "An Overlooked Campaign Pioneer? Thomas Dewey and Television in the 1950 New York Governor's Race". New York History 100, no.2 (Winter 2019): 209-227.
HST Library -
Foster, Gaines M. "What's Not in a Name: The Naming of the American Civil War". Journal of the Civil War Era 8, no.3 (September 2018): 416-454.
RG094 -
Gallagher-Cohoon, Erin. "Despite Being 'Known, Highly Promiscuous and Active': Presumed Heterosexuality in the USPHS's STD Innoculation Study, 1946-48". Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 35, no.2 (Fall/Autumn 2018): 337-356.
RG442 -
Gesch, Marilyn J. "Wartime Policies on the Home Front and the Brief Career of an Early Kansas Aviator". Kansas History 41, no.2 (Summer 2018): 90-105.
RG065/NARA photos -
Gisolfi, Monica R. "The Southern History of the Chicken McNugget: The Georgia Poultry Industry and the Rise of Fast Food, 1929 to 1983". Southern Studies 25, no.2 (Fall-Winter 2018): 9-31.
RG033 -
Glende, Philip M. "Victor Riesel: Labor's Worst Friend". Journalism History 44, no.4 (Winter 2019): 241-251.
HH Library -
Gribble, Richard. "'Am I on God's side?': U.S. Military Chaplains and the Dilemma of the Vietnam War". U.S. Catholic Historian 37, no.1 (Winter 2019): 73-96.
NARA photos -
Griffith, Aaron. "'The Real Victim of Lynch Law Is the Government': American Protestant Anti-Lynching Advocacy and the Making of Law and Order". Religions 10, no.2 (February 2019): n.p.
Online version
FDR Library -
Grube, Eric. "Casualties of War? Refining the Civilian-Military Dichotomy in World War I". Madison Historical Review 16 (2019): n.p.
Online version
RG059 -
Hakanson, Kaitlin C. and Karen J. Bucher. "Rocks, Bombs, and Astronauts: Aeronautical Training on the Klamath National Forest". Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology 33 (2019): 223-238.
JFK Library -
Hamilton, John A. "'Upon No Account Were They to Undertake an Invasion of Mexico': American Troops and the Third Battle of Ciudad Juarez, June 1919". Southwestern Historical Quarterly 122, no.4 (April 2019): 418-442.
RG391/RG393 -
Hammersmith, Jack. "Ohio's John A. Bingham in Meiji Japan: The Politician as Diplomat". Ohio History 126, no.1 (Spring 2019): 58-71.
RG084 -
Harrington, Joseph F. and Matthew C. Romano. "The Visionary and the Realist: President Ronald Reagan and Secretary of State George Schultz". New England Journal of History 75, no.1 (Fall 2018): 23-68.
RR Library -
Hartmann, Annika. "Shaping Reproductive Freedom -- Family Planning and Human Rights in Cold War Guatemala, 1960s-1970s". FIAR: Forum for Inter-American Research 11, no.3 (December 2018): 124-139.
RG286 -
Hirth, Colin. "Doctors for Hire at the Battle of Gettysburg". Gettysburg Magazine 59 (July 2018): 66-76.
RG013/RG094/RG561 -
Holt, Marilyn Irvin. "Women as Casualties of World War I and Spanish Influenza: A Kansas Study". Kansas History 40, no.1 (Spring 2017): 2-19.
RG075 -
Hong, Jane. "Manila Prepares for Independence: Filipina/o Campaigns for US Citizenship and the Reorienting of American Ethnic Histories". Journal of American Ethnic History 38, no.1 (Fall 2018): 5-33.
RG059/RG233 -
Hussain, Hamid. "Eye in the Sky - United States, Pakistan and Reconnaissance during the Cold War". Defence Journal 23, no.6 (January 2020): 57-70.
RG059 -
Iatrides, John O. "Assassination and Judicial Misconduct in Cold War Greece: The Polk/Staktopoulos Case in Retrospect". Journal of Cold War Studies 20, no.4 (Fall 2018): 65-126.
RG059/RG165 -
Janney, Caroline E. "Free to Go Where We Liked: The Army of Northern Virginia after Appomattox". Journal of the Civil War Era 9, no.1 (March 2019): 4-28.
RG109 -
Jones, Matthew. "Prelude to the Skybolt Crisis: The Kennedy Administration's Approach to British and French Strategic Nuclear Policies in 1962". Journal of Cold War Studies 21, no.2 (Spring 2019): 58-109.
RG059/JFK Library -
Kane, Liam. "Paving the Way to a 'Good Understanding': Recreation and Australian-American Cooperation in the South West Pacific Area, 1941-1945". Australasian Journal of American Studies 37, no.2 (December 2018): 27-52.
RG407/RG496 -
Keeley, Theresa. "Not above the Fray: Religious and Political Divides' Impact on U.S. Missionary Sisters in 1980s Nicaragua". U.S. Catholic Historian 37, no.1 (Wintero 2019): 147-166.
RR Library -
Kekki, Saara. "Entangled Histories of Assimilation: Dillon S. Myer and the Relocation of Japanese Americans and Native Americans (1942-1953)". American Studies in Scandinavia 51, no.2 (2019): 25-48.
RG075/HST Library -
Kelly, Brendan. "'Six mois a Hanoi': Marcel Cadieux, Canada, and the International Commission for Supervision and Control in Vietnam, 1954-5". Canadian Historical Review 99, no.3 (September 2018): 394-427.
RG059 -
Kelly, William R., Jr. "Humanizing the Enslaved of Fort Monroe's Arc of Freedom". Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies 6 (2019): n.p.
Online version
RG029/RG077 -
Klingenberg, Mitchell G. "Of Cupolas and Sharpshooters: Major General John Fulton Reynolds and Popular Gettysburg Myths". Gettysburg Magazine 59 (July 2018): 49-65.
NARA photos -
Knowlton, Steven A. "The Minute Man Flag and the Army-Navy "E" Flag: Unifying Symbols for the American Home Front in World War II". Raven: A Journal of Vexillology 26 (2019): 45-104.
RG056/RG080/RG107/NARA photos -
Kotlowski, Dean. "Ratifying Greatness: Franklin D. Roosevelt in Film and Television". Journal of American Studies 53, no.1 (February 2019): 252-279.
FDR Library -
Kwon, Peter Banseok. "Beyond Patron and Client: Historicizing the Dialectics of US-ROK Relations amid Park Chung Hee's Independent Defense Industry Development in South Korea, 1968-1979". Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 30, no.2 (December 2017): 186-216.
LBJ Library/GRF Library/JC Library/CREST -
Kwon, Peter Banseok. "Building Bombs, Building a Nation: The State, Chaebol, and the Militarized Industrialization of South Korea, 1973-1979". Journal of Asian Studies 79, no.1 (February 2020): 51-75.
JC Library -
Lagendijk, Vincent. "Streams of Knowledge: River Development Knowledge and the TVA on the River Mekong". History and Technology 35, no.3 (2019): 316-337.
RG059/LBJ Library -
Leeman, William P. "One Giant Leap: John F. Kennedy, the Apollo Program, and the Political Culture of the New Frontier". New England Journal of History 75/76, no.2/1 (Spring-Fall 2019): 101-128.
JFK Library -
Lewis, David. "White American Violence On Tribal Peoples on the Oregon Coast". Oregon Historical Quarterly 120, no.4 (Winter 2019): 368-379.
RG075 -
Li, Hongshan. "Building a Black Bridge: China's Interaction with African-American Activists during the Cold War". Journal of Cold War Studies 20, no.3 (Summer 2018): 114-152.
RG059 -
Long, Tom. "Historical Antecedents and Post-World War II Regionalism in the Americas". World Politics 72, no.2 (April 2020): 214-253.
HST Library -
Malley, Muadth. "The Lebanese Civil War and the Taif Accord: Conflict and Compromise Engendered by Institutionalized Sectarianism.". History Teacher 52, no.1 (November 2018): 121-159.
GRF Library -
Mathison, Erik. "The Second Slavery, Capitalism, and Emancipation in Civil War America". Journal of the Civil War Era 8, no.4 (December 2018): 677-699.
RG059 -
McGee Deutsch, Andra. "The New School Lecture: 'An Army of Women': Communist-Linked Solidarity Movements, Maternalism, and Political Consciousness in 1930s and 1940s Argentina". The Americas 75, no.1 (January 2018): 95-125.
FDR Library -
Mills, Roger. "The President and the Poet:". Massachusetts Review 59, no.2 (Summer 2018): 271-280.
JFK Library -
Morahn, Michelle Killion. "Kate Debs: The Other Radical?". Indiana Magazine of History 114, no.4 (December 2018): 296-310.
RG085 -
Morrison, Charles W. "'It Made the Federal Cavalry': The Emergence of the Union Cavalry during the Gettysburg Campaign". Gettysburg Magazine 57 (July 2017): 29-45.
NARA photos -
Moss, Richard A. "Transatlantic Relations and the Sino-US opening". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 18, no.1 (March 2020): 59-79.
RMN Library -
Nagy, Andras. "Shattered Hopes amid Violent Repression: The 1956 Hungarian Revolution and the United Nations (part 2)". Journal of Cold War Studies 20, no.4 (Fall 2018): 127-153.
RG059 -
Nalezyty, Susan. "The History of Enslaved People at Georgetown Visitation". U.S. Catholic Historian 37, no.2 (Spring 2019): 23-48.
RG011/RG021/RG029/RG217 -
Norpoth, Helmut. "The American Voter in 1932: Evidence from a Confidential Survey". PS, Political Science & Politics 52, no.1 (January 2019): 14-19.
HH Library -
Norville, Charles R. "'I Cannot Think What Has Become of Stuart': The Impact of Stuart's Absence on Confederate Operations, June 25 to July 2, 1863". Gettysburg Magazine 56 (January 2017): 37-52.
NARA photos -
Norville, Charles. "Blueprint for Glory, Part II: The May 1863 Reorganization of the Army of Northern Virginia". Gettysburg Magazine 58 (January 2018): 22-57.
NARA photos -
Ordaz, Jessica. "Protesting Conditions Inside El Corralon: Immigration Detention, State Repression, and Transnational Migrant Politics in El Centro, California". Journal of American Ethnic History 38, no.2 (Winter 2019): 65-93.
RG085/RR Library -
Patterson, Alexander. "The Zimmerman Telegram". Student Researcher: A Phi Alpha Theta Publication 3 (2018): n.p.
Online version
RG011/RG059 -
Pehl, Matthew. "Between the Market and the State: The Problem of Prison Labor in the New Deal". Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas 16, no.2 (May 2019): 77-97.
RG009 -
Pellizzari, Peter. "Charles Dickens, Cairo, and the Panic of 1837". Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society 111, no.4 (Winter 2018): 10-42.
RG059 -
Perkins, Andrew R. "Not Written In Letters of Blood: The Forgotten Legacy of the Army of the Cumberland". Grand Valley Journal of History 5 (2018): n.p.
Online version
NARA photos -
Petit, Jeanne. "'We must not fail either the Church or the nation': Mobilizing Catholic Laywomen in the World War I Era". U.S. Catholic Historian 37, no.1 (Winter 2019): 23-45.
RG165 -
Pinchis-Paulsen, Mona. "Trade Multilateralism and U.S. National Security: The Making of the GATT Security Exceptions". Michigan Journal of International Law 41, no.1 (Spring 2020): 109-193, 109A.
RG043/RG059/RG353/HST Library -
Pottroff, Christy L. "Circulation". Early American Studies, an Interdisciplinary Journal 16, no.4 (Fall 2018): 621-627.
RG028 -
Pula, James S. "'A Promiscuous Fight': The Defense of Cemetery Hill". Gettysburg Magazine 59 (July 2018): 15-29.
RG393/NARA photos -
Quinney, Kimber M. "Teaching the History of the Cold War through the Lens of Immigration". History Teacher 51, no.4 (August 2018): 661-696.
HST Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library -
Rankin, Monica. "The United States in El Oro: the OCIAA and the Diplomacy of Emergency Rehabilitation during WWII". Latin Americanist 63, no.2 (June 2019): 163-188.
FDR Library -
Rauchway, Eric. "The New Deal Was on the Ballot in 1932". Modern American History 2, no.2 (July 2019): 201-213.
HH Library/FDR Library -
Reed, Katherine. "'The prison, By God, Where I Have Found Myself': Graffiti at Ellis Island Immigration Station, New York, c. 1900-1923". Journal of American Ethnic History 38, no.3 (Spring 2019): 5-35.
RG085 -
Rein, Christopher M. "The Second Colorado Cavalry and the Conquest of the Central Plains". Kansas History 42, no.4 (Winter 2019): 243-256.
RG094 -
Reis, Bruno C. "Decentering the Cold War in Southern Africa: The Portuguese Policy of Decolonization and Detente in Angola and Mozambique (1874-1984)". Journal of Cold War Studies 21, no.1 (Winter 2019): 3-51.
GRF Library -
Ress, David. "Nation or State: US Army Officers' Conflicting Loyalties at the Start of the Civil War". Australasian Journal of American Studies 3, no.1 (July 2019): 3-16.
RG094 -
Riehle, Kevin P. "The Defector Balance Sheet: Westbound Versus Eastbound Intelligence Defectors from 1945 to 1965". International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 33, no.1 (2020): 68-96.
RG059/RG263/RG306/RG319/RG330 -
Risk, James. "The Fresnel Afair: Manufacturing, Technology Transfer, Republicanism, and the Adoption of the Fresnel Lighthouse Lens in the United States, 1819-1852". Northern Mariner/Le Marin du Nord 28, no.4 (Autumn 2018): 363-384.
RG026/RG045 -
Rohrlich, Elisabeth. "An Attitude of Caution: The IAEA, the UN, and the 1958 Pugwash Conference in Australia". Journal of Cold War Studies 20, no.1 (Winter 2018): 31-57.
RG059/RG084/RG326 -
Rom-Jensen, Byron Z. "Yellow-Blue Collars: American Labor and the Pursuit of Swedish Policy, 1961-1963". American Studies in Scandinavia 50, no.2 (2018): 43-68.
RG059/RG084/RG220 -
Rosenblum, Thomas. "Liberty in the Line of Fire: The Topeka Antidraft Conspiracy during World War I". Kansas History 41, no.2 (Summer 2018): 106-123.
RG021/RG065/NARA photos -
Ryan, Thomas J. "Learning the Hard Lessons of Army Command! Maj. Gen. George G. Meade during the Gettysburg Campaign". Gettysburg Magazine 58 (January 2018): 58-73.
RG393/NARA photos -
Ryan, Thomas J. and Richard R. Schaus. ""Our Task Is Not Yet Accomplished": Meade's Decision Making after Victory at Gettysburg, July 4, 1863". Gettysburg Magazine 59 (July 2018): 30-48.
RG393/NARA photos -
Sarkar, Jayita. "U.S. Policy to Curb West European Nuclear Exports, 1974-1978". Journal of Cold War Studies 21, no.2 (Spring 2019): 110-149.
RG059/RG084/LBJ Library/GRF Library/CREST -
Sisavath, Davorn. "The Construction of Race and Space in Thomas Dooley's Writings: 'What kind of place was Laos?'". Journal of Transnational American Studies 10, no.2 (2019): 207-236.
RG059/RG200 -
Skoufos, Emmanouil. "Early Contemporary Accounts on the Fate of Confederate Brig. Gen. Richard Brooke Garnett in the Battle of Gettysburg". Gettysburg Magazine 58 (January 2018): 85-94.
NARA photos -
Smiley, Will. "Lawless Wars of Empire? The International Law of War in the Philippines, 1898-1903". Law & History Review 36, no.3 (August 2018): 511-550.
RG094/RG153 -
Soares, John. "'If we had more men like you...': Enlightened Business Leaders as Corporate Statesmen". Midwest Quarterly 61, no.2 (Winter 2020): 204-223.
HST Library/DDE Library -
Sobers, Candace. "Independence, Intervention, and Internationalism: Angola and the International System, 1974-1975". Journal of Cold War Studies 21, no.1 (Winter 2019): 97-124.
RG059/RMN Library/CREST -
Stofan, Ellen. "Why the Moon? Why Mars? For Earth". Wilson Quarterly (Winter 2019): 5.
JFK Library -
Szalontai, Balazs. "'The Sole Legal Government of Vietnam': The Bao Dai Factor and Soviet Attitudes toward Vietnam, 1947-1950". Journal of Cold War Studies 20, no.3 (Summer 2018): 3-56.
RG059/RG330 -
Taparata, Evan. "'Refugees as You Call Them': The Politics of Refugee Recognition in the Nineteenth-Century United States". Journal of American Ethnic History 38, no.2 (Winter 2019): 9-35.
RG092/RG105/RG279/RG360 -
Thommpson, Jerry. "'A Chicken for Breakfast at the Expense of Mr. Rebel': The Journal of Sergeant Nelson Howard, Company E, 13th Maine Infantry on the Texas Coast, 1863-1864". Southwestern Historical Quarterly 123, no.3 (January 2020): 316-344.
RG015/RG029/RG094 -
Townsend, Brad. "Strategic Choice and the Orbital Security Dilemma". Strategic Studies Quarterly 14, no.1 (Spring 2020): 64-90.
DDE Library -
Tromblay, Darren E. "From Old Left to New Left: The FBI and the Sino-Soviet Split". International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 33, no.1 (2020): 97-118.
RG065 -
Tropp, Jacob. "'Intertribal' Development Strategies in the Global Cold War: Native American Models and Counterinsurgency in Southeast Asia". Comparative Studies in Society and History 62, no.2 (April 2020): 421-452.
HST Library -
Ural, Susannah H. "'Every Comfort, Freedom, and Liberty': Case Study of Mississippi's Confederate Home". Journal of the Civil War Era 9, no.1 (March 2019): 55-83.
RG029 -
van Dijk, Boyd. "'The Great Humanitarian': The Soviet Union, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the Geneva Conventions of 1949". Law & History Review 37, no.1 (February 2019): 209-235.
RG043/RG389 -
van Wyk, Anna-Mart. "Apartheid's Bomb and Regional Liberation: Cold War Perspectives". Journal of Cold War Studies 21, no.1 (Winter 2019): 151-165.
GRF Library/JC Library -
Verovsek, Peter J. "Screening Migrants in the Early Cold War: The Geopolitics of U.S. Immigration Policy". Journal of Cold War Studies 20, no.4 (Fall 2018): 154-179.
RG059 -
Vong, Sam. "'Assets of War': Strategic Displacements, Population Movements, and the Uses of Refugees during the Vietnam War, 1965-1973". Journal of American Ethnic History 39, no.3 (Spring 2020): 75-100.
RG472/LBJ Library -
Walker, Andrew. "Illegal Under the Laws of All Nations? The Courts of Haiti and the Suppression of the Atlantic Trade in African Captives". Law & History Review 37, no.2 (May 2019): 539-569.
RG076 -
Walker, James V. "'Providence will take care of me...I will wear a crown': Frontier Circuit Rider, James O. Rayner, and the Land Laws of Early Oregon". Oregon Historical Quarterly 120, no.3 (Fall 2019): 245-275.
RG049 -
Watts, Robert C., IV. "A Double-Edged Sword: Ballistic-Missile Defense and U.S. Alliances". Naval War College Review 73, no.1 (Winter 2020): 55-89.
RG059 -
White, G. Edward. "Looking Backward and Forward at the Suspension Clause". Michigan Law Review 117, no.6 (April 2019): 1313-1332.
FDR Library -
Wiseman, Matthew S. "Canadian Scientists and Military Research in the Cold War, 1947-60". Canadian Historical Review 100, no.3 (September 2019): 439-463.
RG319/DDE Library -
Witt, John Fabian. "A Lost Theory of American Constitutionalism". Law & History Review 36, no.3 (August 2018): 551-591.
RG153 -
Wynstra, Robert J. "For a Few Minutes the Fighting Was Terrific: Dodson Ramseur's Forgotten Attack at Oak Ridge on July". Gettysburg Magazine 58 (January 2018): 2-21.
NARA photos -
Wyss, Marco. "The Challenge of Western Neutralism during the Cold War: Britain and the Buildup of a Nigerian Air Force". Journal of Cold War Studies 20, no.2 (Spring 2018): 99-128.
RG059 -
Zander, Patrick G. "Change in the Air: TWA, African Development, and Breaking the Color Line in 1950s Kansas City". Journal of the Georgia Association of Historians 35 (2019): 19-44.
HST Library
Volume 47, Number 3, July-September, 2020
"Medevac in Korea". On Point 25, no.4 (Spring 2020): 45.
NARA photos -
"Writer, Warrior, Witness". American History 55, no.2 (June 2020): 26-33.
JFK Library/NARA photos -
Andersson, Magnus Seland and Hilde Henriksen Waage. "Stew in Their Own Juice: Reagan, Syria and Lebanon, 1981-1984". Diplomatic History 44, no.4 (September 2020): 664-691.
RR Library -
Andersson, Rani-Henrik, Francis Flavin, and Saara Kekki. "Sugar Island Finns: Introducing Historical Network Analysis to Study an American Immigrant Community". American Studies in Scandinavia 52, no.1 (2020): 3-32.
RG029 -
Bamford, Tyler R. "United in a Great Cause: U.S. and Allied Military Relations in World War I". Army History 116 (Summer 2020): 28-49.
NARA photos -
Bell, Raymond E., Jr. "'Tough 'Ombres': The 90th Infantry Division". On Point 25, no.4 (Spring 2020): 36-43.
NARA photos -
Bennett, David C. "'A Thorn in Their Side': The 1st United States Infantry during the Sortie of Fort Erie, 17 September 1814". Military Collector & Historian 72, no.1 (Spring 2020): 25-35.
RG094/RG098/RG153 -
Border, Matt and Joe Stahl. "Early Service Images of Three 35th Massachusetts Infantry Officers". Military Collector & Historian 71, no.4 (Winter 2019): 353-357.
RG094 -
Brockett, Charles D. "Disturbing Secrets": US-Costa Rican Relations during the Nixon Administration". Cold War History 20, no.3 (August 2020): 253-271.
RG059/RMN Library -
Brown, Robert T. "The Payton Family of Westfield: An African American Success Story, 1845-1954". Historical Journal of Massachusetts 8, no.1 (Winter 2020): 97-125.
RG029 -
Brown, Russell K. "A Family Tragedy in the Mexican War: Major Levi Twiggs, U.S.M.C., and His Son". Journal of America's Military Past 45, no.2 (Spring-Summer 2020): 11-19.
NARA photos -
Burgess, Anika. "The Painstaking Process behind Those Wild World War I Naval Paint Jobs". Military Collector & Historian 71, no.4 (Winter 2019): 336-338.
NARA photos -
Burnham, Philip. "'We consider ourselves human beings': The Education of Clarence Three Stars". South Dakota History 50, no.2 (Summer 2020): 146-179.
RG075 -
Butkiewicz, James L. and Mihaela Solcan. "The Original Operation Twist: The War Finance Corporation's War Bond Purchases, 1918-1920". Financial History Review 23, no.1 (April 2016): 21-46.
RG154 -
Camprubi, Lino. "'No Longer an American Lake': Depth and Geopolitics in the Mediterranean". Diplomatic History 44, no.3 (June 2020): 428-446.
RG059 -
Capps-Tunwell, David, David G. Passmore, and Stephan Harrison. "An Evaluation of Allied Intelligence in the Tactical Bombing of German Supply Depots during the Normandy Campaign, 1944". Journal of Military History 84, no.3 (July 2020): 825-842.
RG242 -
Carvalho, Joseph, III. "Slavery in Westfield: The Documentary Record, 1713-1790". Historical Journal of Massachusetts 47, no.2 (Summer 2019): 74-97.
RG029 -
Chang, Kornel. "Independence without Liberation: Democratization as Decolonization Management in U.S.-Occupied Korea, 1945-1948". Journal of American History 107, no.1 (June 2020): 77-106.
RG059/RG165/RG338/RG554/HST Library/NARA photos -
Ciotola, Nicholas P. "The Flag of the 111th Machine Gun Battalion, 29th Division, American Expeditionary Force, World War I". Military Collector & Historian 72, no.1 (Spring 2020): 3-8.
RG165 -
Clavin, Patricia and Madeleine Dungy. "Trade, Law, and the Global Order of 1919". Diplomatic History 44, no.4 (September 2020): 554-579.
RG256 -
Colby, Jason M. "Conscripting Leviathan: Science, Cetaceans, and the Cold War". Diplomatic History 44, no.3 (June 2020): 466-478.
NARA photos -
Coleman, Billy. "Confederate Music and the Politics of Treason and Disloyalty in the American Civil War". Journal of Southern History 86, no.1 (February 2020): 75-116.
RG109 -
Craig, Malcolm M. "The 'Islamic Bomb': Perceptions of Middle Eastern Nuclear Proliferation, 1979-1989". Diplomatic History 44, no.4 (September 2020): 580-608.
RG059/JC Library/RR Library -
Daddis, Gregory A. "Planning for a War in Paradise: The 1966 Honolulu Conference and the Shape of the Vietnam War". Journal of Cold War Studies 21, no.3 (Summer 2019): 152-184.
RG472/LBJ Library -
Davies, Gareth. "Lyndon Johnson and Disaster Politics". Presidential Studies Quarterly 47, no.3 (September 2017): 529-551.
LBJ Library -
Dennis, William G. "The Battle for Brest, France". On Point 25, no.4 (Spring 2020): 18-25.
NARA photos -
Dickinson, Ephriam D., III and Stephen E. Osman. "Callender Irvine and the U.S. Army's First Issued Greatcoat, 1817-1818". Military Collector & Historian 71, no.4 (Winter 2019): 373-383.
RG092/RG094/RG107/RG391/NARA photos -
Dickinson, Joseph. "A War to Save Civilization: African American Soldiers in Britain during the Second World War". Voces Novae: Chapman University Historical Review 12 (2020): np.
Online version
RG107 -
Dymydiuk, Jason. "RUBICON and Revelation: The Curious Robustness of the 'Secret' CIA-BND Operation with Crypto AG". Intelligence and National Security 35, no.5 (August 2020): 641-657.
RR Library/CREST -
Eastwood, Mark. "Anti-Nuclear Activism and Electoral Politics in the 1963 Test Ban Treaty". Diplomatic History 44, no.1 (January 2020): 133-156.
JFK Library -
Ellinghaus, Katherine. "'You are not really free, you are just turned loose': Settler Colonialism, Survivance and Competency at the Osage Agency". Settler Colonnial Studies 8, no.1 (2018): 16-29.
RG075 -
Field, Ron. "Clothing the Confederate Soldier in South Carolina". Military Collector & Historian 71, no.3 (Fall 2019): 219-223.
RG109 -
FitzSimonds, James R. "Aircraft Carriers versus Battleships in War and Myth: Demythologizing Carrier Air Dominance at Sea". Journal of Military History 84, no.3 (July 2020): 843-865.
RG080 -
Folse, Mark R. "The (R)Evolutionary Tenure of Commandant Lejeune". Naval History 34, no.4 (August 2020): 36-41.
RG127 -
Fredman, Zack. "GIs and 'Jeep Girls': Sex and American Soldiers in Wartime China". Journal of Modern Chinese History 13, no.1 (2019): 76-101.
RG084/RG127/RG208/RG493 -
Fuquea, David C. "Advantage Japan: The Imperial Japanese Navy's Superior High Seas Refueling Capability". Journal of Military History 84, no.1 (January 2020): 213-235.
RG059 -
Gaede, Frederick C. "Pocket Pin and Lariat for the 2d Dragoons". Military Collector & Historian 71, no.3 (Fall 2019): 246-247.
RG156 -
Galler, Robert W., Jr. "Converting the Missionaries: The Transformation of Benedictine Priests at Crow Creek". South Dakota History 50, no.1 (Spring 2020): 48-79.
RG075 -
Gasiorowski, Mark J. "U.S. Perceptions of the Communist Threat in Iran during the Mossadegh Era". Journal of Cold War Studies 21, no.3 (Summer 2019): 185-221.
RG059/RG084/RG218/HST Library -
Gero, Anthony. "African American Soldiers at the Normandy Landings, 6 June 1944 to D+15". Military Collector & Historian 71, no.3 (Fall 2019): 250-252.
NARA photos -
Goldman, David I. "'Charlie' Chaplains in the Great War: Chaplains' Experiences in the U.S. Army, 1917-1919". Journal of Military History 84, no.2 (April 2020): 395-426.
RG247 -
Gorenfeld, Will. "Two Letters from Antebellum Dragoons". Military Collector & Historian 71, no.3 (Fall 2019): 230-232.
RG391 -
Gorenfeld, Will. "Winfield Scott's Attempted Pacification through Military Commissions and Councils of War and the
American Star ". Military Collector & Historian 72, no.1 (Spring 2020): 63-68.
RG094/RG153 -
Hammerson, Michael. "'No Better Soldier, No Truer Patriot': General John Coppinger". Military Collector & Historian 72, no.2 (Summer 2020): 179-192.
RG015/RG093 -
Hartnett, Stephen J. "Avoiding 'A Chain of Disaster': A Reappraisal of the Eisenhower White House's Handling of the 1954-1955 Quemoy Crisis". Presidential Studies Quarterly 48, no.4 (December 2018): 768-803.
DDE Library -
Hobbins, Peter. "Engineering the Fighter Pilot: Aviators, Anti-G Suits, and Allied Air Power, 1940-53". Journal of Military History 84, no.1 (January 2020): 115-149.
RG342 -
Hodge, Homer. "The Story of Company C, 2d Rangers, on D-Day". Military Collector & Historian 71, no.4 (Winter 2019): 361-366.
NARA photos -
Holden, Charles J. "Frank Porter Graham, World War II, and the Southport Petroleum Ruling: Making a New Case for Racial Justice". North Carolina Historical Review 97, no.2 (April 2020): 143-167.
FDR Library/HST Library/NARA photos -
Hone, Trent. "Countering the Kamikaze". Naval History 34, no.5 (October 2020): 28-35.
NARA photos -
Huebner, Stefan. "Tackling Climate Change, Air Pollution, and Ecosystem Destruction: How US-Japanese Ocean Industrialization and the Metabolist Movement's Global Legacy Shaped Environmental Thought (circa 1950s-Present)". Environmental History 25, no.1 (January 2020): 35-61.
RG370 -
Hunter, Antwain K. "'Patriots,' 'Cowards,' and 'Men Disloyal at Heart': Labor and Politics at the Springfield Armory, 1861-1865". Journal of Military History 84, no.1 (January 2020): 51-81.
RG029/RG156 -
Hurtado-Torres, Sebastian. "The Chilean Moment in the Global Cold War: International Reactions to Salvador Allende's Victory in the Presidential Election of 1970". Journal of Cold War Studies 21, no.3 (Summer 2019): 26-55.
RG059 -
Jacobs, Nicholas F. "After the White House: The Politics of the Postpresidency". Presidential Studies Quarterly 48, no.4 (December 2018): 711-740.
DDE Library/JFK Library -
Johnson, Matthew P. "Swampy Sugar Lands: Irrigation Dams and the Rise and Fall of Malaria in Puerto Rico, 1898-1962". Journal of Latin American Studies 51, no.2 (May 2019): 243-271.
RG126/RG323/RG350 -
Juarez, Miguel. "From Buffalo Soldiers to Redlined Communities: African American Community Building in El Paso's Lincoln Park Neighborhood". American Studies 58, no.3 (2019): 107-124, 126.
RG195 -
Justesen, Benjamin R. "Henry P. Cheatham: Revisiting His Life and Legacy". North Carolina Historical Review 97, no.1 (January 2020): 32-71.
RG029 -
Kaufman, David A. "1125th Armored Field Artillery Battalion". On Point 25, no.4 (Spring 2020): 26-29.
NARA photos -
Keenan, Bethany S. ""The US Embassy Has Been Particularly Sensitive about This": Diplomacy, Antiwar Protests, and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs during 1968". French Historical Studies 41, no.2 (April 2018): 253-273.
LBJ Library -
Keller, Renata. "The Revolution Will Be Teletyped: Cuba's Prensa Latina News Agency and the Cold War Contest over Information". Journal of Cold War Studies 21, no.3 (Summer 2019): 88-113.
RG059/RG263/CREST -
Kemmerly, Phillip R. "Rivers, Rails, and Rebels: Logistics and Struggle to Supply U.S. Army Depot at Nashville, 1862-1865". Journal of Military History 84, no.3 (July 2020): 713-746.
RG063/RG393 -
Kent, Robert 'Bo'. "Banking On Belgrade: Nixon's Foreign Aid Policy With Yugoslavia (1970-1974)". Voces Novae: Chapman University Historical Review 12 (2020): np.
Online version
JFK Library/RMN Library/GRF Library -
Ketcham, Sallie. "'It was in Armenia that I learned fear': Rose Wilder Lane and the Armenian Genocide". South Dakota History 50, no.2 (Summer 2020): 91-117.
RG059/HH Library -
Kieninger, Stephan. "Diplomacy beyond Deterrence: Helmut Schmidt and the Economic Dimension of Ostpolitik". Cold War History 20, no.2 (May 2020): 179-196.
RG059 -
Kim, Ilnyun. "The Vital Center for United States-China Relations in the 1950s". Diplomatic History 44, no.4 (September 2020): 609-635.
JFK Library/RM Library -
Kohl, Mira. "Between Louisiana and Latin America: Oil Imperialism and Bolivia's 1937 Nationalization". Diplomatic History 44, no.2 (April 2020): 210-236.
RG059 -
Kolakowski, Christopher L. "Gallantry, Courage, and Devotion to Duty: Merrill's Marauders in Burma". Army History 116 (Summer 2020): 6-23.
NARA photos -
Lacroix, Patrick. "An All-American Town? Ethnicity and Memory in the Barre Granite Strike of 1922". Vermont History 88, no.1 (Winter-Spring 2020): 35-56.
RG029 -
Larsen, Daniel. "Creating an American Culture of Secrecy: Cryptography in Wilson-Era Diplomacy". Diplomatic History 44, no.1 (January 2020): 102-132.
RG059 -
Larson, Zeb. "The Sullivan Principles: South Africa, Apartheid, and Globalization". Diplomatic History 44, no.3 (June 2020): 479-503.
RG059/RG084/JFK Library/LBJ Library -
Lawlor, Ruth. "Contested Crimes: Race, Gender, and Nation in Histories of GI Sexual Violence, World War II". Journal of Military History 84, no.2 (April 2020): 541-569.
RG331/RG498 -
Lopez, Miguel A. "The Survival of Auftragstaktik during the Soviet Counterattack in the Battle for Moscow, December 1941 to January 1942". Journal of Military History 84, no.1 (January 2020): 187-212.
RG242 -
Lukasik, Sebastian H. "Doughboys, the YMCA, and the Moral Economy of Sacrifice in the First World War". Journal of Military History 84, no.3 (July 2020): 774-797.
RG120/RG127/RG165 -
Luther, Matt. "Fort Jackson, South Carolina". On Point 25, no.4 (Spring 2020): 46-49.
NARA photos -
Margolies, Daniel. "Jurisdiction in Offshore Submerged Lands and the Significance of the Truman Proclamation in Postwar U.S. Foreign Policy". Diplomatic History 44, no.3 (June 2020): 447-465.
RG057/RG059 -
Matzko, Paul. "'Do Something about Life Line': The Kennedy Administration's Campaign to Silence the Radio Right". Presidential Studies Quarterly 48, no.4 (December 2018): 817-831.
JFK Library -
Millikan, Neal. "The Historical Presidency: The First President and the Federal City: George Washington and the Creation of Washington, DC". Presidential Studies Quarterly 47, no.2 (June 2017): 365-377.
RG042/RG046/RG059/RG233 -
Morris, Michael F. "Invading North Vietnam". Naval History 34, no.5 (October 2020): 40-45.
RG127/RG472/NARA photos -
Nevins, Susan. "'For colored people [they] had a great many friends': The Pnillips-Lynde Family of Windham, Connecticut and Brookfield, Vermont". Vermont History 88, no.1 (Winter-Spring 2020): 1-34.
RG015/RG029/RG049/RG093/RG217 -
Nisa, Richard. "Capturing the Forgotten War: Carceral Spaces and Colonial Legacies in Cold War Korea". Journal of Historical Geography 64 (2019): 13-24.
RG319/RG338/RG554/NARA photos -
Nishikawa, Masaru. "The Origin of the U.S.-Japan Dispute over the Whaling Moratorium". Diplomatic History 44, no.2 (April 2020): 315-336.
RMN Library -
Novo, Andrew. "Birth of the Cold War: Irregular Warfare First Blood in Greece". Small Wars & Insurgencies 30, no.1 (2019): 31-61.
RG049/RG059/CREST -
Nurisso, George C. and Edward Simpson Prescott. "Origins of Too-Big-to-Fail Policy in the United States". Financial History Review 27, no.1 (April 2020): 1-15.
GRF Library -
Oakley, David P. "Organizing for the 'Gray Zone' Fight: Early Cold War Realities and the CIA's Directorate of Operations". Small Wars & Insurgencies 30, no.1 (2019): 62-80.
RG059 -
Parker, Deborah. "JFK's Dante". Presidential Studies Quarterly 48, no.2 (June 2018): 357-372.
JFK Library -
Phillips, Rufus. "Counterinsurgency in Vietnam - Schizophrenia until Too Late". Small Wars & Insurgencies 30, no.1 (2019): 81-100.
JFK Library -
Piller, Elisabeth. "Managing Imponderables: The Rise of U.S. Tourism and the Transformation of German Diplomacy, 1890-1933". Diplomatic History 44, no.1 (January 2020): 47-75.
RG059 -
Reynolds, William W. "More than Mere Duty: Brig. Gen. Henry Knox's Contribution to the Yorktown Campaign". Military Collector & Historian 72, no.2 (Summer 2020): 179-192.
RG015/RG093 -
Ruggles, Steven and Diana L. Magnuson. "Census Technology, Politics, and Institutional Change, 1790-2020". Journal of American History 107, no.1 (June 2020): 19-51.
RG029 -
Schuhrke, Jeff. "Agrarian Reform and the AFL-CIO's Cold War in El Salvador". Diplomatic History 44, no.4 (September 2020): 527-553.
RG059 -
Shannon, Kelly J. "Bernath Lecture: 'Approaching the Islamic World'". Diplomatic History 44, no.3 (June 2020): 387-408.
RG059 -
Sheppard, Thomas. "There Will Still Remain Heroes and Patriots: The Politics of Resignation in the Early American Navy, 1794-1815". Journal of Military History 84, no.2 (April 2020): 369-394.
RG045 -
Smith, Mark A. "A Crucial Leavening of Expertise: Engineer Soldiers and the Transmission of Military Proficiency in the American Civil War". Civil War History 66, no.1 (March 2020): 9-44.
RG077/RG094 -
Stanfield, W. Rick. "The Last Indian Scouts of Fort Huachuca". Military Collector & Historian 71, no.3 (Fall 2019): 283-285.
RG111 -
Streifer, Bill and Irek Sabitov. "Vindicating the USS Swordfish". Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia 32 (2019): 43-60.
LBJ Library -
Sullivan, David M. "Marines of the Fleet Brigade: The Battles of Honey Hill and Deveaux's Neck, November-December 1864". Military Collector & Historian 71, no.3 (Fall 2019): 253-272.
RG015/RG045/NARA photos -
Tepperman, Alex. "Marked Men: Masculinity, Mobility, and Convict Tattoos, 1919-1940". Social Justice 46, no.4 (2019): 53-79.
RG129 -
Tobin, Conor. "The Myth of the 'Afghan Trap': Zbigniew Brzezinski and Afghanistan, 1978-1979". Diplomatic History 44, no.2 (April 2020): 237-264.
RG059/JC Library/CREST -
Toth, Gyorgy. "'Red' Nations: Marxists and the Native American Sovereignty Movement of the Late Cold War". Cold War History 20, no.2 (May 2020): 197-221.
RG059 -
Venable, Heather. "Rescuing a General: General Haywood 'Possum' Hansell and the Burden of Command". Journal of Military History 84, no.2 (April 2020): 487-509.
RG018 -
Verney, Michael A. "'The Universal Yankee Nation': Proslavery Exploration in South America, 1850-1860". Diplomatic History 44, no.2 (April 2020): 337-364.
RG045 -
Wehrle, Edmund F. "'Syndromes' and 'Solutions': The Korean War and the Vietnam War, 1950-1973". Diplomatic History 44, no.4 (September 2020): 636-663.
RG059/LBJ Library/NARA photos -
Wellum, Caleb. "'A Vibrant National Preoccupation': Embracing an Energy Conservation Ethic in the 1970s". Environmental History 25, no.1 (January 2020): 85-109.
GRF Library/JC Library -
Whittlesey, Lee H. "Abundance, Slaughter and Resilience of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem's Mammal Population: A View of the Historical Record, 1871-1885". Montana: The Magazine of Western History 70, no.1 (Spring 2020): 3-26.
RG048/RG079 -
Wolfe, Mikael. "'A Revolution Is a Force More Powerful Than Nature': Extreme Weather and the Cuban Revolution, 1959-64". Environmental History 25, no.3 (July 2020): 469-491.
RG218 -
Yordanov, Radoslav A. "Warsaw Pact Countries' Involvement in Chile from Frei to Pinochet, 1964-1973". Journal of Cold War Studies 21, no.3 (Summer 2019): 56-87.
York, Maurice C. "'A State of Shock': The Desegregation of the Public Schools of Franklin County, North Carolina, 1965-1968". North Carolina Historical Review 97, no.1 (January 2020): 72-110.
Volume 47, Number 4, October-December, 2020
Bartho, Jonathan. "Reagan's Southern Comfort: The 'Boll Weevil' Democrats in the 'Reagan Revolution' of 1981". Journal of Policy History 32, no.2 (2020): 214-238.
RR Library -
Beach, Jim and James Bruce. "British Signals Intelligence in the Trenches, 1915-1918: Part 1, Listening Sets". Journal of Intelligence History 19, no.1 (January 2020): 1-23.
RG120 -
Cain, Frank. "America's Trade Embargo against China and the East in the Cold War Years". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 18, no.1 (March 2020): 19-35.
RG059/RG286/RG330/RG469/RG489 -
Carland, John M. "A Practical Guide to the Kissinger-LeDuc Tho Negotiations Volume: Commentary". Passport 51, no.1 (April 2020): 40-42.
RMN Library -
Chiampan, Andrea. "The Reagan Administration and the IMF Controversy, 1981-83". Diplomatic History 44, no.5 (November 2020): 860-884.
RR Library -
Daly-Groves, Luke. "Control not Morality? Explaining the Selective Employment of Nazi War Criminals by British and American Intelligence Agencies in Occupied Germany". Intelligence and National Security 35, no.3 (April 2020): 331-349.
RG059/RG319/RG549 -
Danielsen, Helge. "'A Military ERP'? Military Assistance and US Public Diplomacy in Norway in the Early 1950s". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 15, no.4 (December 2017): 313-330.
RG059/RG084/RG306/RG330/RG334/RG469 -
Del Pero, Mario. "Henry Kissinger's Three Europes". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 17, no. (2019): 5-21.
RG059 -
Din, Grant and Linda Harms Okazaki. "Paper Sons and Picture Brides: Asian Immigrant Case Files, 1884-1944". NGS Magazine 46, no.1 (January-March 2020): 12-25.
RG085/RG566 -
Dudek, Debra M. "Immigrant Ancestors in World War I Military Naturalizations". NGS Magazine 46, no.2 (April-June 2020): 34-40.
RG021/RG085/RG165/RG393 -
Ellis, Mark. "T.J. Woofter Jr. and Government Social Science Research during the New Deal, World War II, and the Cold War". Journal of Policy History 32, no.3 (2020): 241-272.
RG069/RG235 -
Ellis, Sylvia. "British Public Opinion and the Vietnam War". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 18, no.3 (September 2020): 314-332.
LBJ Library -
Freund, Lawrence S. "Abraham Lincoln and Levi Cohen: Jewish Attitudes in the North during the Civil War". American Jewish Archives 71, no.2 (2019): 39-65.
RG029/RG153 -
Gallicchio, Mark. "Review of Jennifer Miller, Cold War Democracy: The United States and Japan". Passport 51, no.1 (April 2020): 27-29.
DDE Library -
Godfrey, Matthew C. "'Much Suffering Among Mexicans': Migrant Workers in Idaho and the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, 1917-1921". Agricultural History 94, no.4 (Fall 2020): 600-628.
RG085 -
Gould, Kevin A. "The Old Militarized Humanitarianism: Contradictions of Counterinsurgent Infrastructure in Cold War Guatemala". Critical Military Studies 4, no.2 (2018): 140-160.
JFK Library/LBJ Library -
Greene, Jeremy A., Victor Braitberg, and Gabriella Maya Bernadett. "Innovation on the Reservation: Information Technology and Health Systems Research among the Papago Tribe of Arizona, 1965-1980". Isis 111, no.3 (September 2020): 443-470.
RG513 -
Grillot, Thomas, Pauline Peretz, and Yann Philippe. "'Wherever the Authority of the Federal Goverenment Extends': Banning Segregation in Veterans Hospitals (1945-1960)". Journal of American History 107, no.2 (September 2020): 388-410.
RG015/RG146/RG220/RG228 -
Guthrie, Jason Lee. "Ill-Protected Portraits: Mathew Brady and Photographic Copyright". Journalism History 45, no.2 (2019): 135-156.
RG021 -
Haigh, Thomas and Mark Priestley. "Contextualizing Colossus: Codebreaking Technology and Institutional Capabilities". Technology and Culture 61, no.3 (July 2020): 871-900.
RG457 -
Hirst, Samuel J. and Onur Isci. "Smokestacks and Pipelines: Russian-Turkish Relations and the Persistence of Economic Development". Diplomatic History 44, no.5 (November 2020): 834-859.
Hora, Jennifer. "'Happy Birthday' and Other Awkward Sentiments: Nixon's Social Interactions as Part of Congressional Relationship Building". Congress & the Presidency 46, no.2 (2019): 280-305.
RMN Library -
Imlay, Talbot. "Clarence Streit, Federalist Frameworks, and Wartime American Internationalism". Diplomatic History 44, no.5 (November 2020): 808-833.
DDE Library -
Johnston, Susan Goss. "An Underutilized Treasure: Bounty Land Warrant Applications". NGS Magazine 46, no.2 (April-June 2020): 18-24.
RG015 -
Jones, Charles B. "The True Story of Todd City". Naval History 34, no.6 (December 2020): 30-35.
RG024/RG038/NARA photos -
Kelso, Mark. "The President as Legislative Leader: The Use of Veto Power in Environmental Policy Making". Congress & the Presidency 46, no.1 (2019): 135-158.
WJC Library -
Ki, Youn and Yongwoo Jeung. "Ideas, Interests, and the Transition to a Floating Exchange System". Journal of Policy History 32, no.2 (2020): 151-182.
RMN Library -
Kieninger, Stephan. "A Preponderance of Stability: Henry Kissinger's Concern over the Dynamics of Ostpolitik". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 17, no. (2019): 42-60.
RG059/RMN Library/GRF Library -
Kirby, James. "Between Two Chinas and Two Koreas: African Agency and Non-Alignment in 1970s Botswana". Cold War History 20, no.1 (February 2020): 21-38.
RG059 -
Koford, Rebecca Whitman. "Buried Treasure: Voter Lists and Registrations". NGS Magazine 46, no.3 (July-September 2020): 34-39.
RG306 -
Krupar, Jason. "The Disappearing Nuclear Landscape: Snapshots of Lost Atomic Technologies". Technology and Culture 61, no.2 (April 2020): 512-548.
RG326 -
Lamb, Charles M., Joshua Boston and Jacob R. Neiheisel. "Power Plus Persuasion: The Anatomy of Kennedy's Housing Order". Congress & the Presidency 46, no.1 (2019): 109-134.
JFK Library -
Langbart, David. "Allen Dulles on Political Reporting, 1925". Studies in Intelligence 64, no.4 (December 2020): 21-30.
RG059 -
Levin, Yaroslav. "US Internal Security Policy with a British Accent: The Influence of Decolonisation on FBI Activities". Journal of Intelligence History 19, no.2 (June 2020): 167-183.
RG065 -
Lewis, Su Lin. "Asian Socialism and the Forgotten Architects of Post-Colonial Freedom, 1952-1956". Journal of World History 30, no.1/2 (June 2019): 55-88.
RG084 -
Lialiouti, Zinovia. "American Cultural Diplomacy in Greece, 1953-1968". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 15, no.3 (September 2017): 229-250.
RG084/RG306/LBJ Library -
Long, Stephen. "CIA-MI6 Psychological Warfare and the Subversion of Communist Albania in the Early Cold War". Intelligence and National Security 35, no.6 (October 2020): 787-807.
RG263 -
Low, Michael Christopher. "Desert Dreams of Drinking the Sea, Consumed by the Cold War: Transnational Flows of Desalination and Energy from the Pacific to the Persian Gulf". Environment and History 26, no. (May 2020): 145-174.
RG380 -
Luff, Jennifer. "The Anxiety of Influence: Foreign Intervention, U.S. Politics, and World War I". Diplomatic History 44, no.5 (November 2020): 756-785.
RG065 -
Lumcombe, Anya. "Eleanor and Juliana: A Right Royal Transatlantic Friendship". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 17, no.3 (September 2019): 290-309.
FDR Library -
Mayers, David. "The Lure of Ethiopia and the Saga of Colonel John Robinson, 1935-1937". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 17, no.4 (December 2019): 481-505.
RG084 -
Moseman, Scott A. "Truman and the Formation of the Central Intelligence Agency". Journal of Intelligence History 19, no.2 (June 2020): 149-166.
HST Library -
Mound, Josh. "Stirrings of Revolt: Regressive Levies, the Pocketbook Squeeze, and the 1960s Roots of the 1970s Tax Revolt". Journal of Policy History 32, no.2 (2020): 105-150.
RMN Library/JC Library/RR Library -
Narvaez, Benjamin N. "Abolition, Chinese Indentured Labor, and the State: Cuba, Peru, and the United States during the Mid Nineteenth Century". The Americas 76, no.1 (January 2019): 5-40.
RG059 -
Nobbs-Thiessen, Ben. "Farmers of Fishermen? Imagining Agrarian Pathways to Immigrant Inclusion in Dekel-Chen's "Putting Agricultural History to Work"". Agricultural History 94, no.4 (Fall 2020): 545-552.
RG260 -
Novosejt, Aurelie Basha i. "Searching for Bob McNamara". Passport 51, no.2 (September 2020): 58-59.
LBJ Library -
Petlewski, Kathy. "Finding Veterans in Federal Census Records". NGS Magazine 46, no.2 (April-June 2020): 41-46.
RG015/RG029 -
Petlewski, Kathy. "The Rise of Railroads and the Records of Railroaders". NGS Magazine 46, no.1 (January-March 2020): 42-47.
RG029/RG163/RG184 -
Petlewski, Kathy. "Was Grandmother a Suffragist?". NGS Magazine 46, no.3 (July-September 2020): 26-33.
RG046/RG233 -
Riley, Dave. "Similar Impressions? Anglo-American Relations and South Asia, Autumn 1971". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 16, no.2 (June 2018): 165-180.
RG059/RMN Library -
Rizas, Sotiris. "Henry Kissinger and the Transition to Democracy in Southern Europe". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 17, no.1 (March 2019): 61-80.
RG059/RMN Library/GRF Library -
Roady, Peter. "The Ford Administration, the National Security Agency, and the 'Year of Intelligence': Constructing a New Legal Framework for Intelligence". Journal of Policy History 32, no.3 (2020): 325-359.
GRF Library -
Rosenberg, Gabriel N. "No Scrubs: Livestock Breeding, Eugenics, and the State in the Early Twentieth-Century United States". Journal of American History 107, no.2 (September 2020): 362-387.
RG016/RG017 -
Ryan, David and Elizabeth Tanner. "Forgetting Kissinger: Re-membering Credibility and World Order?". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 17, no.1 (March 2019): 81-109.
RMN Library/GRF Library -
Schmitt, Tobias. "U.S. Intelligence and the Nascent Transatlantic Security Architecture of the Cold War: The Case of the 'Gesellschaft fur Wehrkunde'". Journal of Intelligence History 19, no.1 (January 2020): 103-121.
RG059/RG263/RG466 -
Sheehan, Charles J. "Kumezo Kawato and 'Justice Court'". Journal of Supreme Court History 45, no.2 (2020): 194-206.
RG085/RG267/NARA photos -
Simon, Eszter and Agnes Simon. "The Soviet Use of the Moscow-Washington Hotline in the Six-Day War". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 15, no.3 (September 2017): 284-305.
LBJ Library -
Spinak, Abby. "'Not Quite So Freely as Air': Electrical Statecraft in North America". Technology and Culture 61, no.1 (January 2020): 71-108.
RG221/FDR Library -
Sun, Jodie Yuzhou. "'Now the Cry Was Communism': The Cold War and Kenya's Relations with China, 1964-70". Cold War History 20, no.1 (February 2020): 39-58.
RG059 -
Topping, Simon. "'A Hundred Thousand Welcomes'? Unionism, Nationalism, Partition, and the Arrival of Amerian Forces in Northern Ireland in January 1942". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 16, no.1 (March 2018): 81-100.
RG084 -
Torres, Jennifer, Jennifer Mandel, Ira Pemstein, Randle Swan and Gina Risetter. "The Special Relationship Revealed: US-UK Materials in the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 18, no.4 (December 2020): 498-521.
RR Library -
Venezia, Rich. "Native-Born Aliens: The Laws and Records of Expatriated Women". NGS Magazine 46, no.3 (July-September 2020): 42-49.
RG021 -
Wadle, Ryan. "Failing to Speak the Same Language: The Roots of 'Jointness' in the United States, 1919-1941". Journal of Military History 84, no.4 (October 2020): 1097-1126.
RG038/RG080/RG165/RG225/RG407 -
Wegener, Jens. "Order and Chaos: The CIA's HYDRA Database and the Dawn of the Information Age". Journal of Intelligence History 19, no.1 (January 2020): 77-91.
RG060 -
Zboray, Ronald J. and Mary Saracino Zboray. "Recovering Disabled Veterans in Civil War Newspapers: Creating Heroic Disability". Journalism History 45, no.1 (2019): 3-25.