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Compilation of Periodical Literature: George H. W. Bush Library Cluster

  1. "A Classroom Called NARA". Prologue 34, no.3 (Fall 2002): 224-229.
    FDR Library/GHWB Library/HST Library

  2. "A Half-Century of America in Space". Prologue 40, no.4 (Winter 2008): 34-37.
    LBJ Library/GHWB Library

  3. "Camp David". Prologue 40, no.4 (Winter 2008): 28-33.
    HST Library/DDE Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/JC Library/RR Library/GHWB Library/WJC Library

  4. "First Dogs: The Presidents' Best Friends". Smithsonian 28, no.3 (June 1997): 62-67.
    GHWB Library/GRF Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RR Library

  5. "School House to White House: The Education of Presidents". Prologue 39, no.1 (Spring 2007): 34-43.
    DDE Library/FDR Library/GHWB Library/GRF Library/HH Library/HST Library/JC Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RR Library/WJC Library

  6. Alsobrook, David E. "A Portrait of the Archivist as a Young Man". Alabama Review 71, no.4 (October 2018): 283-319.
    JC Library/GHWB Library/WJC Library

  7. Auel, Lisa B. "Prologue Portfolio: Tokens and Treasures: Gifts to Twelve Presidents". Prologue 28, no.2 (Summer 1996): 152-161.
    DDE Library/FDR Library/GRF Library/HH Library/HST Library/JC Library/LBJ Library/GHWB Library/RMN Library

  8. Bergmane, Una. "'Is This the End of Perestroika?' International Reactions to the Soviet Use of Force in the Baltic Republics in January 1991". Journal of Cold War Studies 22, no.2 (Spring 2020): 26-57.
    GHWB Library

  9. Bozo, Frederic. "'I Feel More Comfortable with You': France, the Soviet Union, and German Reunification". Journal of Cold War Studies 17, no.3 (Summer 2015): 116-158.
    GHWB Library

  10. Bozo, Frederic. "'We Don't Need You': France, the United States, and Iraq, 1991-2003". Diplomatic History 41, no.1 (January 2017): 183-208.
    GHWB Library/WJC Library

  11. Bozo, Frederic. "'Winners' and 'Losers': France, the United States, and the End of the Cold War". Diplomatic History 33, no.5 (November 2009): 927-956.
    GHWB Library

  12. Brands, H. W. "George Bush and the Gulf War of 1991". Presidential Studies Quarterly 34, no.1 (March 2004): 113-131.
    GHWB Library

  13. Brands, H. W. "The Road to Baghdad: The United States and the Persian Gulf". OAH Magazine of History 20, no.3 (May 2006): 23-25.
    GHWB Library

  14. Brands, Hal and David Palkki. "'Conspiring Bastards': Saddam Hussein's Strategic View of the United States". Diplomatic History 36, no.3 (June 2012): 625-659.
    RG059/JC Library/RR Library/GHWB Library

  15. Budjeryn, Mariana. "Non-Proliferation and State Succession: The Demise of the USSR and the Nuclear Aftermath in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine". Journal of Cold War Studies 24, no.2 (Spring 2022): 46-94.
    RR Library

  16. Cangemi, Michael J. "'We need the closest possible cooperation with the Church': Catholic Activists, Central America, and the Reagan Administration, 1981-1982". U.S. Catholic Historian 37, no.1 (Winter 2019): 167-191.
    RR Library/GHWB Library

  17. Colbourn, Susan. "NATO as a Political Alliance: Continuities and Legacies in the Enlargement Debates of the 1990s". International Politics 57, no.3 (June 2020): 491-508.
    GHWB Library/CREST

  18. Conley, Richard S. "George Bush and the 102d Congress: The Impact of Public and 'Private' Veto Threats on Policy Outcomes". Presidential Studies Quarterly 33, no.4 (December 2003): 730-750.
    GHWB Library

  19. Crean, Jeffrey. "War on the Line: Telephone Diplomacy in the Making and Maintenance of the Desert Storm Coalition". Diplomacy & Statecraft 26, no.1 (March 2015): 124-138.
    GHWB Library

  20. Cull, Nicholas J. "Speeding the Strange Death of American Public Diplomacy: The George H.W. Bush Administration and the U.S. Information Agency". Diplomatic History 34, no.1 (January 2010): 47-69.
    RG306/GHWB Library

  21. D'Haeseleer, Brian. "Paving the War for Baghdad: The US Invasion of Panama, 1989". International History Review 41, no.6 (December 2019): 1194-1215.
    GHWB Library/GWB Library

  22. Dobson, Alan P. "Not the Third World War: The Heathrow Succession Rights Affair and Anglo-American Relations 1990-1991". Diplomacy & Statecraft 25, no.3 (September 2014): 529-549.
    GHWB Library

  23. Dobson, Alan, and Steve Marsh. "Anglo-American Relations: End of a Special Relationship?". International History Review 36, no.4 (August 2014): 673-697.
    RG059/LBJ Library/GHWB Library

  24. Domber, Gregory F. "Skepticism and Stability: Reevaluating U.S. Policy during Poland's Democratic Transformation in 1989". Journal of Cold War Studies 13, no.3 (Summer 2011): 52-82.
    RR Library/GHWB Library

  25. Engel, Jeffrey A. "A Better World...but Don't Get Carried Away: The Foreign Policy of George H.W. Bush Twenty Years On". Diplomatic History 34, no.1 (January 2010): 25-46.
    RG059/GHWB Library

  26. Engel, Jeffrey A. "Bush, Germany, and the Power of Time: How History Makes History". Diplomatic History 37, no.4 (September 2013): 639-663.
    GHWB Library

  27. Felker-Cantor, Max. "DARE to Say No: Police and the Cultural Politics of Prevention in the War on Drugs". Modern American History 5, no.3 (November 2022): 313-337.
    RR Library/GHWB Library/WJC Library

  28. Fitzgerald, David. "Support the Troops: Gulf War Homecomings and a New Politics of Military Celebration". Modern American History 2, no.1 (March 2019): 1-22.
    RMN Library/GHWB Library

  29. Foglesong, David Scott. "When the Russians Really Were Coming: Citizen Diplomacy and the End of Cold War Enmity in America". Cold War History 20, no.4 (November 2020): 419-440.
    GHWB Library

  30. Foglesong, David. "How American and Soviet Women Transcended the Cold War". Diplomatic History 46, no.3 (June 2022): 527-548.
    GHWB Library

  31. Fried, Ellen. "Found at the Presidential Libraries: Dr. Seuss, Air Force One, and the San Diego Chicken". Prologue 35, no.4 (Winter 2003): 6-11.
    RG208/DDE Library/FDR Library/GHWB Library/GRF Library/HH Library/HST Library/JC Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RMN Library/RR Library

  32. Gasbarri, Flavia. "From the Sands of the Ogaden to Black Hawk Down: The End of the Cold War in the Horn of Africa". Cold War History 18, no.1 (February 2018): 73-89.
    RR Library/GHWB Library

  33. Geohegan, Kate. "A Policy in Tension: The National Endowment for Democracy and the U.S. Response to the Collapse of the Soviet Union". Diplomatic History 42, no.5 (November 2018): 772-801.
    RR Library/GHWB Library

  34. Geselbracht, Raymond and Timothy Walch. "The Presidential Libraries Act after 50 Years". Prologue 37, no.2 (Summer 2005): 48-53.
    DDE Library/FDR Library/GHWB Library/GRF Library/GWB Library/HH Library/JC Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RR Library/WJC Library

  35. Golland, David Hamilton. "Poverty in a Sea of Wealth: Arthur Fletcher in California, 1959-1965". California History 91, no.2 (Summer 2014): 58-73.
    RMN Library/GRF Library/GHWB Library

  36. Greenwell, Regina. "The Oral History Collections of the Presidential Libraries". Journal of American History 84, no.2 (September 1997): 596-603.
    DDE Library/FDR Library/GHWB Library/GRF Library/HH Library/HST Library/JC Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RR Library/RMN Library

  37. Hall, Wynton C. "'Reflections of Yesterday': George H. W. Bush's Instrumental Use of Public Opinion Research in Presidential Discourse". Presidential Studies Quarterly 32, no.3 (September 2002): 531-558.
    GHWB Library

  38. Hanni, Adrian. "When Casey's Blood Pressure Rose: A Case Study of Intelligence Politicization in the United States". Intelligence and National Security 31, no.7 (December 2016): 963-977.
    GHWB Library/CREST

  39. Jones, Frank Leith. "Dismantling the Soviet Threat: Senator Sam Nunn and the Problem of Loose Nukes". Federal History 11 (2019): 13-38.
    GHWB Library

  40. Kieninger, Stephan. "The Bush and Clinton Administrations and Ukraine's Nuclear Dismantlement, 1991-1994". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.3 (September 2022): 566-588.
    GHWB Library

  41. Kluver, Randolph. "Rhetorical Trajectories of Tiananmen Square". Diplomatic History 34, no.1 (January 2010): 71-94.
    GHWB Library

  42. Kotlowski, Dean J. "Alcatraz, Wounded Knee, and Beyond: The Nixon and Ford Administrations Respond to Native American Protest". Pacific Historical Review 72, no.2 (May 2003): 201-227.
    GHWB Library/GRF Library/JC Library/RMN Library

  43. Kramer, Mark. "The Collapse of East European Communism and the Repercussions within the Soviet Union (Part 2)". Journal of Cold War Studies 6, no.4 (Fall 2004): 3-64.
    GHWB Library

  44. Kramer, Mark. "The Demise of the Soviet Bloc". Journal of Modern History 83, no.4 (December 2011): 788-854.
    GHWB Library/CREST

  45. Little, Douglas. "The United States and the Kurds: A Cold War Story". Journal of Cold War Studies 12, no.4 (Fall 2010): 63-98.
    RG059/RMN Library/GRF Library/RR Library/GHWB Library/CREST

  46. Liu, Zhaokun. "P'yongyang's Posthumous Hostages: The Repatriation of U.S. Service Members' Remains from North Korea, 1991-2018". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 30, no.3 (August 2023): 310-338.
    GHWB Library/WJC Library

  47. Lundestad, Ingrid. "Turning Foe to Friend? US Objectives in Including Russia in Post-Cold War Euro-Atlantic Security Co-operation". International History Review 38, no.4 (August 2016): 694-718.
    GHWB Library

  48. MacDonald, Maureen. "Looking Back on the Twentieth Century: 1976-1999 in Photographs". Prologue 31, no.4 (Winter 1999): 274-289.
    RG306/GHWB Library/GRF Library/JC Library/RR Library

  49. Malley, Nisreen. "The Taif Accord: A Diplomatic Solution to Lebanon's 15-Year Civil War". Texas Historian 72 (2011-2012): 12-16.
    GHWB Library

  50. McAndrews, Lawrence J. "Choosing 'Choice': George Bush and Federal Aid to Nonpublic Schools". Catholic Historical Review 88, no.3 (July 2001): 453-468.
    GHWB Library

  51. McGarr, Paul Michael. "'Quiet Americans in India': The CIA and the Politics of Intelligence in Cold War South Asia". Diplomatic History 38, no.5 (November 2014): 1046-1082.
    RG059/LBJ Library/RMN Library/GRF Library/GHWB Library

  52. Miles, Simon. "The War Scare that Wasn't: Able Archer 83 and the Myths of the Second Cold War". Journal of Cold War Studies 22, no.3 (Summer 2020): 86-118.
    RR Library/GHWB Library/CREST

  53. Miller, Eric A. and Steve A. Yetiv. "The New World Order in Theory and Practice: The Bush Administration's Worldview in Transition". Presidential Studies Quarterly 31, no.1 (March 2001): 56-68.
    GHWB Library

  54. Minchin, Timothy J. "The Crompton Closing: Imports and the Decline of America's Oldest Textile Company". Journal of American Studies 47, no.1 (February 2013): 231-260.
    RR Library/GHWB Library

  55. Moger, J. Travis. "The Gulf War at 30". Army History 118 (Winter 2021): 6-25.
    GHWB Library/NARA photos

  56. Nelson, W. Dale. "Company in Waiting: The Presidents & Their Guests at Camp David". Prologue 28, no.3 (Fall 1996): 222-231.
    DDE Library/FDR Library/GHWB Library/GRF Library/HST Library/JC Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RR Library/RMN Library

  57. O'Brien, Liam David. "Winning Back the Peace: The George H.W. Bush Administration and the Creation of Operation Southern Watch, August 1992". International History Review 43, no.2 (April 2021): 362-380.
    GHWB Library

  58. Odinga, Sobukwe. "'The Privileged Friendship': Reassessing the Central Intelligence Agency Operation at Zaire's Kamina Airbase". Diplomacy & Statecraft 29, no.4 (2018): 692-715.
    RR Library/GHWB Library

  59. Patch, Nathaniel S. "Mission: Lifeguard". Prologue 46, no.3 (Fall 2014): 12-21.
    RG038/RG080/RG313/GHWB Library

  60. Potter, Lee Ann. "Buttons to Bumper Stickers: Political Campaign Memorabilia". Social Education 68, no.6 (October 2004): 382-387.
    DDE Library/FDR Library/GHWB Library/GRF Library/HH Library/HST Library/JC Library/JFK Library/RR Library/WJC Library/RMN Library

  61. Preston, Andrew. "The Politics of Realism and Religion: Christian Responses to Bush's New World Order". Diplomatic History 34, no.1 (January 2010): 95-118.
    GHWB Library

  62. Ray, Timothy. "Nomination of George H. W Bush as DCI". Studies in Intelligence 65, no.4 (December 2021): 39-49.
    GRF Library/GHWB Library

  63. Raymond, Emilie. "The Agony and the Ecstasy: Charlton Heston and the Screen Actors Guild". Journal of Policy History 17, no.2 (2005): 217-239.
    GHWB Library/RR Library

  64. Ribuffo, Leo P. "The Discovery and Rediscovery of American Conservatism Broadly Conceived". OAH Magazine of History 17, no.2 (January 2003): 5-10.
    GHWB Library/RR Library

  65. Rome, Henry. "United States Iran Policy and the Role of Israel, 1990-1993". Diplomacy & Statecraft 30, no.4 (December 2019): 729-754.
    GHWB Library

  66. Russell, Richard L. "CIA's Strategic Intelligence in Iraq". Political Science Quarterly 117, no.2 (Summer 2002): 191-207.
    GHWB Library

  67. Schofield, Julian and Benjamin Zyla. "The AfPak Campaign and the Limits of Canadian Diplomacy". Diplomacy & Statecraft 25, no.3 (September 2014): 509-528.
    GHWB Library

  68. Schuster, Natalie. "'This 'Who Shot John Thing' ': Disaster Relief as an Entitlement in the 20th Century". Federal History 6 (January 2014): 84-107.
    HH Library/FDR Library/LBJ Library/GHWB Library

  69. Shifrinson, Joshua R. "NATO Enlargement and US Foreign Policy: The Origins, Durability, and Impact of an Idea". International Politics 57, no.3 (June 2020): 342-370.
    GHWB Library

  70. Sidey, Hugh S. "Walker's Point: A Visit to the Maine Retreat of President George H. W. Bush". White House History 18 (Spring 2006): 66-89.
    GHWB Library

  71. Smith, Nancy Kegan. "Escorting a Presidency into History: NARA's Role in a White House Transition". Prologue 40, no.4 (Winter 2008): 38-45.
    RG269/HST Library/DDE Library/LBJ Library/GRF Library/JC Library/GHWB Library/WJC Library

  72. Snyder, Sarah B. "Beyond Containment? The First Bush Administration's Sceptical Approach to the CSCE". Cold War History 13, no.4 (November 2013): 463-484.
    GHWB Library

  73. Sparrow, Bartholomew H. "Realism's Practitioner: Brent Scowcroft and the Making of the New World Order, 1989-1993". Diplomatic History 34, no.1 (January 2010): 141-175.
    GHWB Library

  74. Spohr, Kristina and Kaarel Piirimae. "With or without Russia? The Boris, Bill and Helmut Bromance and the Harsh Realities of Securing Europe in the Post-Wall World, 1990-1994". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.1 (March 2022): .
    GHWB Library/WJC Library

  75. Spohr, Kristina. "NATO Enlargement and Putin's War in Ukraine: Policy and History between Myth and Reality, 1989-2022". Cold War History 23, no.1 (February 2023): 180-193.
    GHWB Library

  76. Stieb, Joseph. "U.S. Financial Aid for Iraq under the Engagement Policy, 1988-1990". International History Review 41, no.6 (December 2019): 1325-1340.
    GHWB Library

  77. van Wyck, Martha. "Sunset over Atomic Apartheid: United States-South African Nuclear Relations, 1981-83". Cold War History 10, no.1 (February 2010): 51-79.
    RR Library/GHWB Library

  78. Vaughn, Justin S. and Jose D. Villalobos. "Conceptualizing and Measuring White House Staff Influence on Presidential Rhetoric". Presidential Studies Quarterly 36, no.4 (December 2006): 681-688.
    GHWB Library

  79. Woroszylo, Casper. "Solidarity: The Polish Spirit". Texas Historian 64 (2003-2004): 9-12.
    GHWB Library

  80. Zhang, Lei. "The Chinese Student Protection Act of 1992: Student Immigration and the Transpacific Neoliberal Model Minority". Journal of Asian American Studies 24, no.3 (October 2021): 443-470.
    GHWB Library

  81. Zubok, Vladislav, Michael Cox, Vladimir O. Pechatnov, "Round Table: A Cold War Endgame or an Opportunity Missed? Analysing the Soviet Collapse Thirty Years Later". Cold War History 21, no.4 (November 2021): 541-599.
    RG059/GHWB Library/WJC Library
