Compilation of Periodical Literature: Roosevelt Library Cluster
"A Classroom Called NARA". Prologue 34, no.3 (Fall 2002): 224-229.
FDR Library/GHWB Library/HST Library -
"ER's Wallet: A Treasure Trove". Prologue 47, no.1 (Spring 2015): 72.
FDR Library American Heritage 60, no.3 (Fall 2010): 10.
FDR Library-
"FDR's 'Day of Infamy' Speech: Crafting a Call to Arms". Prologue 33, no.4 (Winter 2001): 278-287.
RG046/RG080/FDR Library -
"FDR's Global View". Prologue 36, no.4 (Winter 2004): 80.
FDR Library -
"FDR's Podium". Prologue 44, no.1 (Summer 2012): 72.
FDR Library -
"Making Their Mark: Signatures, Famous and Ordinary, Set America's Course and Revealed Their Owners". Prologue 46, no.1 (Spring 2014): 6-17.
RG046/RG065/RG075/RG094/RG129/RG147/ RG153/RG204/RG210/RG233/RG255/RG306/RG360/FDR Library/HST Library/DDE Library/LBJ Library -
"School House to White House: The Education of Presidents". Prologue 39, no.1 (Spring 2007): 34-43.
DDE Library/FDR Library/GHWB Library/GRF Library/HH Library/HST Library/JC Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RR Library/WJC Library -
"WPA Display of Arts and Craft Projects in Kansas". Kansas History 37, no.4 (Winter 2014-2015): 209.
FDR Library -
Abrams, Douglas Carl. "Irony of Reform: North Carolina Blacks and the New Deal". North Carolina Historical Review 66, no.2 (April 1989): 149-178.
RG009/RG035/RG069/RG119/RG145/FDR Library -
Accinelli, Robert D. "Pro U. N. Internationalists and the Early Cold War: The American Association for the United Nations and U.S. Foreign Policy, 1947-52". Diplomatic History 9, no.4 (Fall 1985): 347-362.
RG059/FDR Library -
Accinelli, Robert D. "The Roosevelt Administration and the World Court Defeat, 1935". Historian 40, no.3 (May 1978): 463-478.
RG059/FDR Library -
Adamson, Michael R. "'Must We Overlook All Impairment of Our Interests?' Debating the Foreign Aid Role of the Export-Import Bank, 1934-41". Diplomatic History 29, no.4 (September 2005): 589-623.
RG056/RG059/RG275/FDR Library -
Adler, Selig. "The United States and the Middle Eastern Dilemma: 1917-1939". Maryland Historian 7, no.1 (Spring 1976): 1-17.
RG059/FDR Library -
Alacevich, Michele. "The World Bank and the Politics of Productivity: The Debate on Economic Growth, Poverty, and Living Standards in the 1950s". Journal of Global History 6, no.1 (March 2011): 53-74.
FDR Library -
Aldrich, Richard J. "American Intelligence and the British Raj: The OSS, the SSU and India, 1942-1947". Intelligence and National Security 13, no.1 (Spring 1998): 132-164.
RG059/RG218/RG226/RG457/FDR Library/HST Library -
Aldrich, Richard. "Imperial Rivalry: British and American Intelligence in Asia, 1942-46". Intelligence and National Security 3, no.1 (January 1988): 5-55.
RG226/FDR Library -
Allen, Ernest, Jr. "Waiting for Tojo: The Pro-Japan Vigil of Black Missourians, 1932-1943". Gateway Heritage 15, no.2 (Fall 1994): 16-33.
RG021/RG165/FDR Library -
Allen, Ernest, Jr. "Waiting for Tojo: The Pro-Japan Vigil of Black Missourians, 1932-1943". Gateway Heritage 16, no.2 (Fall 1995): 38-55.
RG021/RG165/FDR Library -
Alvarez, David J,. "The Vatican and the War in the Far East, 1941-1943". Historian 40, no.3 (May 1978): 508-523.
FDR Library -
Anderson, Carol. "International Conscience, the Cold War, and Apartheid: The NAACP's Alliance with the Reverend Michael Scott for South West Africa's Liberation, 1946-1951". Journal of World History 19, no.3 (September 2008): 297-325.
RG059/FDR Library -
Anderson, Carol. "Rethinking Radicalism: African Americans and the Liberation Struggles in Somalia, Libya, and Eritrea, 1945-1949". Journal of the Historical Society 11, no.4 (December 2011): 385-423.
RG043/RG059/FDR Library/HST Library -
Anderson, Claudia Wilson. "Training and Dispersing Young Jews Fleeing Hitler: The National Youth Administration Refugee Program and the South". Southern Jewish History 26 (2023): 13-81.
RG029/RG064/RG119/RG147/FDR Library/LBJ Library -
Anderson, Irvine H. "Lend-Lease for Saudi Arabia: A Comment on Alternative Conceptualizations". Diplomatic History 3, no.4 (Fall 1979): 413-423.
RG059/RG218/RG234/RG253/FDR Library -
Anderson, Kathryn. "Practicing Feminist Politics: Emily Newell Blair and U.S. Women's Political Choices in Early Twentieth Century". Journal of Women's History 9, no.3 (Autumn 1997): 50-73.
RG062/FDR Library -
Anderson, Margo. "Public Management of Big Data: Historical Lessons from the 1940s". Federal History 7 (2015): 17-34.
RG029/RG040/RG051/RG059/RG210/RG220/RG338/FDR Library -
Arrington, Leonard J. "Utah's Great Drought of 1934". Utah Historical Quarterly 54, no.3 (Summer 1986): 245-264.
RG069/RG135/FDR Library -
Atwell, Mary Welek. "Notes and Comments: Eleanor Roosevelt and Cold War Consensus". Diplomatic History 3, no.1 (Winter 1979): 99-113.
FDR Library -
Auel, Lisa B. "Prologue Portfolio: Tokens and Treasures: Gifts to Twelve Presidents". Prologue 28, no.2 (Summer 1996): 152-161.
DDE Library/FDR Library/GRF Library/HH Library/HST Library/JC Library/LBJ Library/GHWB Library/RMN Library -
Avena, Kristine. "'The Good of the Country Rises Above Party': Roosevelt, La Guardia, and O'Connor and the Works Progress Administration in New York City During the Great Depression". Voces Novae: Chapman University Historical Review 8 (2016): np.
RG069/FDR Library -
Bailey, Fred Arthur. "A Virginia Scholar in Chancellor Hitler's Court: The Tragic Ambassadorship of William Edward Dodd". Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 100, no.3 (July 1992): 323-342.
FDR Library -
Bailey, Gavin J. "'An Opium Smoker's Dream': The 4000-Bomber Plan and Anglo-American Aircraft Supply Diplomacy at the Atlantic Conference, 1941". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 11, no.3 (September 2013): 292-307.
RG107/FDR Library -
Baker, Gladys L. "'And to Act for the Secretary': Paul H. Appleby and the Department of Agriculture, 1933-1940". Agricultural History 45, no.4 (October 1971): 235-258.
RG016/RG145/FDR Library -
Baker, Kevin. "Nevermore: Old-Style Politics and the Death of Edgar Allan Poe". American Heritage 51, no.7 (November 2000): 13-14.
FDR Library -
Balmer, Randall. "Traitors and Papists: The Religious Dimensions of Leisler's Rebellion". New York History 70, no.4 (October 1989): 341-372.
FDR Library -
Barnes, William R. "A National Controversy in Miniature: The District of Columbia Struggle over Public Housing and Redevelopment, 1943-46". Prologue 9, no.2 (Summer 1977): 91-104.
RG302/RG328/FDR Library -
Barrett, John Q. "Attorney General Robert H. Jackson and President Franklin D. Roosevelt". Journal of Supreme Court History 44, no.1 (2019): 90-108.
FDR Library -
Bartels, Andrew H. "The Office of Price Administration and the Legacy of the New Deal, 1939-1946". Public Historian 5, no.3 (Summer 1983): 5-29.
RG188/FDR Library -
Bartlett, Merrill and Robert William Love, Jr. "Anglo-American Naval Diplomacy and the British Pacific Fleet, 1942-1945". American Neptune 42, no.3 (July 1982): 203-216.
RG218/FDR Library -
Bartlett, Merrill L. "Ben Hebard Fuller and the Genesis of a Modern United States Marine Corps, 1891-1934". Journal of Military History 69, no.1 (January 2005): 73-91.
RG080/RG127/RG225/FDR Library/HH Library -
Bartlett, Merrill L. "The Inside Track to Commandant". Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute 121, no.1 (January 1995): 58-63.
RG080/RG127/FDR Library/HH Library -
Bassanese, Lynn A. "'Joy Ride in a Paint Box'". Prologue 25, no.2 (Summer 1993): 170-173.
FDR Library -
Batie, Sandra S. "Soil Conservation in the 1980s: A Historical Perspective". Agricultural History 59, no.2 (April 1985): 107-123.
FDR Library -
Batvinis, Raymond. "The Strange Wartime Odyssey of Louis C. Beck". World War II Quarterly 5, no.2 (Spring 2008): .
RG059/FDR Library -
Bauman, John F. "Safe and Sanitary without the Costly Frills: The Evolution of Public Housing in Philadelphia, 1929-1941". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 101, no.1 (January 1977): 114-128.
RG044/RG048/RG196/FDR Library -
Bauman, John F. and Thomas H. Coode. "Depression Report: A New Dealer Tours Eastern Pennsylvania". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 104, no.1 (January 1980): 96-109.
RG073/FDR Library -
Baylor, Christopher A. "First to the Party: The Group Origins of the Partisan Transformation on Civil Rights, 1940-1960". Studies in American Political Development 27, no.2 (October 2013): 111-141.
FDR Library/HST Library/JFK Library -
Bazer, Gerald and Steven Culbertson. "When FDR Said 'Play Ball'". Prologue 34, no.1 (Spring 2002): 58-63.
RG127/RG208/FDR Library -
Beasley, Maurine Hoffman. "Life as a Hired Girl in South Dakota, 1907-1908: A Woman Journalist Reflects". South Dakota History 12, no.2 and 3 (Summer/Fall 1982): 147-162.
FDR Library -
Beddow, James B. "Depression and New Deal: Letters from the Plains". Kansas Historical Quarterly 43, no.2 (Summer 1977): 140-153.
RG016/RG059/FDR Library -
Beecher, Lloyd N., Jr. "The Second World War and U. S. Politico-Economic Expansionism: The Case of Liberia, 1838-1945". Diplomatic History 34, no.4 (Fall 1979): 391-412.
RG059/RG080/RG169/FDR Library -
Beede, Benjamin R. "Foreign Influences on American Progressivism". Historian 45, no.4 (August 1983): 529-549.
FDR Library -
Beito, David T. "New Deal Mass Surveillance: The 'Black Inquisition Committee,' 1935-1936". Journal of Policy History 30, no.2 (2018): 169-201.
RG046/FDR Library -
Belknap, Michal R. "Alarm Bells from the Past: The Troubling History of American Military Commissions". Journal of Supreme Court History 28, no.3 (November 2003): 300-322.
FDR Library -
Bell, Peter. "Uncle Sam Prepares: The Presentation of the United States in British Newsreels before the Second World War". Film and History 30, no.2 (2000): 50-58.
FDR Library -
Bell, Roger. "Testing the Open Door Thesis in Australia, 1941-1946". Pacific Historical Review 51, no.3 (August 1982): 283-311.
RG059/RG084/RG169/RG266/RG336/FDR Library -
Bellamy, Jay. "The Scottsboro Boys: Injustice in Alabama". Prologue 46, no.1 (Spring 2014): 26-34.
RG060/RG087/RG306/FDR Library -
Benjamin, Jules R. "The Framework of U. S. Relations with Latin America in the Twentieth Century: An Interpretive Essay". Diplomatic History 11, no.2 (Spring 1987): 91-112.
RG059/RG353/FDR Library -
Benjamin, Jules R. "The New Deal, Cuba, and the Rise of a Global Foreign Economic Policy". Business History Review 51, no.1 (Spring 1977): 57-78.
RG059/RG084/RG151/FDR Library -
Bennett, Andy D. "Guarding FDR: A Tennessean's Experience". Tennessee Historical Quarterly 65, no.3 (Fall 2006): 268-276.
FDR Library -
Bennett, Todd. "Culture, Power, and Mission to Moscow: Film and Soviet-American Relations during World War II". Journal of American History 88, no.2 (September 2001): 489-518.
RG059/RG084/RG208/FDR Library -
Bennett, Todd. "The Celluloid War: State and Studio in Anglo-American Propaganda Film-Making, 1939-1941". International History Review 24, no.1 (March 2002): 64-102.
RG059/RG084/FDR Library -
Berger, Mark L. "Franklin D. Roosevelt and Cason J. Callaway: An Enduring Friendship". Georgia Historical Quarterly 79, no.4 (Winter 1995): 904-919.
FDR Library -
Bernstein, Barton J. "Roosevelt, Truman and the Atomic Bomb: A Reinterpretation". Political Science Quarterly 90, no.1 (Spring 1975): 23-70.
RG077/FDR Library/HST Library -
Bernstein, Barton J. "Seizing the Contested Terrain of Early Nuclear History: Stimson, Conant, and Their Allies Explain the Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb". Diplomatic History 17, no.1 (Winter 1993): 35-72.
RG077/RG107/RG165/RG227/DDE Library/FDR Library/HST Library -
Bernstein, Barton J. "The Challenges and Dangers of Nuclear Weapons: Foreign Policy and Strategy, 1941". Maryland Historian 9, no.1 (Spring 1978): 73-99.
RG059/RG077/RG218/RG263/RG319/FDR Library/HST Library -
Bernstein, Michael A. "The Great Depression as Historical Problem". OAH Magazine of History 16, no.1 (Fall 2001): 3-10.
FDR Library -
Beschloss, Michael. "Knowing What Really Happened". Presidential Studies Quarterly 32, no.4 (December 2002): 642-646.
DDE Library/FDR Library/JFK Library -
Biemer, Linda. "Business Letters of Alida Schuyler Livingston, 1680-1726". New York History 63, no.2 (April 1982): 183-207.
FDR Library -
Biles, Roger. "Nathan Straus and the Failure of U.S. Public Housing, 1937-1942". Historian 53, no.1 (Autumn 1990): 33-46.
FDR Library -
Biles, Roger. "The Persistence of the Past: Memphis and the Great Depression". Journal of Southern History 52, no.2 (May 1986): 183-212.
RG009/FDR Library -
Biles, Roger. "The Urban South in the Great Depression". Journal of Southern History 56, no.1 (February 1990): 71-100.
FDR Library -
Billington, Monroe and Cal Clark. "Catholic Clergymen, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the New Deal". Catholic Historical Review 79, no.1 (January 1993): 65-82.
FDR Library -
Billington, Monroe and Cal Clark. "Nebraska Clergymen, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the New Deal". Nebraska History 72, no.2 (Summer 1991): 78-88.
FDR Library -
Billington, Monroe and Cal Clark. "Rabbis and the New Deal: Clues to Jewish Political Behavior". American Jewish History 80, no.2 (Winter 1990-1991): 193-212.
FDR Library -
Billington, Monroe. "The Alabama Clergy and the New Deal". Alabama Review 32, no.3 (July 1979): 214-225.
FDR Library -
Birkner, Michael J. "The Battle FDR Lost: The Failed Nomination of Boss Ed Flynn as Minister to Australia". Passport 49, no.1 (April 2018): 33-38.
FDR Library -
Black, Allida M. "Championing a Champion: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Marion Anderson 'Freedom Concert'". Presidential Studies Quarterly 20, no.4 (Fall 1990): 719-736.
RG048/FDR Library -
Black, Allida M. "Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights". Magazine of History 22, no.2 (April 2008): 34-37.
FDR Library -
Black, Allida M. "Human Rights Declaration Turns 50". CRM 21, no.11 (1998): 42-43.
FDR Library -
Black, Allida. "Struggling with Icons: Memorializing Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt". Public Historian 21, no.1 (Winter 1999): 63-72.
FDR Library -
Blain, Harry. "No Gestapo: J. Edgar Hoover's World-Wide Intelligence Service and the Limits of Bureaucratic Autonomy in the National Security State". Studies in American Political Development 35, no.2 (October 2021): 214-222.
FDR Library/HST Library -
Blanpied, William A. "Science Policy in the Early New Deal, and Its Impacts in the 1940s". Federal History 1 (January 2009): 9-24.
RG255/FDR Library -
Blayney, Michael S. "Herbert Pell, War Crimes, and the Jews". American Jewish Historical Quarterly 65, no.4 (June 1976): 335-352.
RG059/FDR Library -
Blower, Brooke L. "New York City's Spanish Shipping Agents and the Practice of State Power in the Atlantic Borderlands of World War II". American Historical Review 119, no.1 (February 2014): 111-141.
RG021/RG029/RG059/RG060/RG084/RG163/RG165/RG319/FDR Library -
Boland, Beth M. "Keeping Women in Their Historic Places: Bringing Women's Stories to the Classroom". CRM 20, no.3 (1997): 35-38.
FDR Library -
Boland, Beth. "Keeping Women in Their Historic Places: Bringing Women's Stories to the Classroom". OAH Magazine of History 12, no.1 (Fall 1997): 21-25.
FDR Library -
Boon, Adam. "'A Dear and Hoped-For Guest': Eisenhower's Cancelled Trip to the Soviet Union and the Final Year of His Presidency". Diplomacy & Statecraft 32, no.3 (September 2021): 509-530.
RG059/FDR Library/DDE Library/LBJ Library -
Borch, Fred L. "A Heart of Purple: The Story of America's Oldest Military Decoration and Some of Its Recipients". Prologue 44, no.4 (Winter 2012): 16-25.
RG111/RG330/FDR Library/JFK Library -
Borgwardt, Elizabeth. "FDR's Four Freedoms as a Human Rights Instrument". Magazine of History 22, no.2 (April 2008): 8-13.
FDR Library -
Boris, Eileen. "Fair Employment and the Origins of Affirmative Action in the 1940s". NWSA Journal 10, no.3 (Fall 1998): 142.
RG228/FDR Library -
Boughton, James M. "New Light on Harry Dexter White". Journal of the History of Economic Thought 26, no.2 (June 2004): 179-195.
RG056/RG118/FDR Library -
Bower, Kevin P. "'A Favored Child of the State': Federal Student Aid at Ohio Colleges and Universities, 1934-1943". History of Education Quarterly 44, no.3 (Fall 2004): 364-387.
RG119/FDR Library -
Boyd, Carl. "Significance of MAGIC and the Japanese Ambassador to Berlin: (V) News of Hitler's Defense Preparations for Allied Invasion of Western Europe". Intelligence and National Security 4, no.3 (July 1989): 461-481.
RG457/FDR Library -
Boyd, Donald C. "The Book Women of Kentucky: The WPA Pack Horse Library Project, 1936-1943". Libraries & the Cultural Record 42, no.2 (2007): 111-128.
RG069/FDR Library -
Boyett, Patricia Michelle. "Master of Racial Myths & Massive Resistance: Governor Paul B. Johnson, Jr. (1964-1968)". Journal of Mississippi History 81, no.1-2 (Spring-Summer 2019): 97-119.
FDR Library -
Bradsher, Greg. "The President's Archivist Goes to War: Fred W. Shipman in Italy in 1944". Prologue 46, no.2 (Summer 2014): 46-57.
RG111/RG165/RG218/RG331/FDR Library -
Brandes, Stuart D. "America's Super Rich, 1941". Historian 45, no.3 (May 1983): 307-323.
FDR Library -
Bredhoff, Stacey. "DRAW! Political Cartoons from Left to Right". Prologue 23, no.1 (Spring 1991): 86-91.
RG065/DDE Library/FDR Library/GRF Library/HST Library/LBJ Library -
Breen, William J. "Labor-Market Statistics and the State: The United States in the Era of the Great War, 1914-1930". Journal of Policy History 8, no.3 (1996): 310-334.
RG001/RG016/RG020/RG032/RG061/RG062/RG174/FDR Library -
Breihan, John R. "Between Munich and Pearl Harbor: The Glenn L. Martin Aircraft Company Gears up for War, 1938-1941". Maryland Historical Magazine 88, no.4 (Winter 1993): 388-419.
RG018/RG107/RG179/RG342/FDR Library -
Breitman, Richard and Shlomo Aronson. "The End of the 'Final Solution'?: Nazi Plans to Ransom Jews in 1944". Central European History 25, no.2 (1992): 177-203.
RG200/RG226/RG238/RG242/FDR Library -
Brinkley, Alan. "Dilemmas of Modern Liberalism". Prologue 22, no.3 (Fall 1990): 286-294.
FDR Library -
Brinkley, Alan. "The Antimonopoly Ideal and the Liberal State: The Case of Thurman Arnold". Journal of American History 80, no.2 (September 1993): 557-579.
RG144/FDR Library -
Brodkin, Kimberly. "'We are neither male nor female Democrats:' Gender Difference and Women's Integration within the Democratic Party". Journal of Women's History 19, no.2 (Summer 2007): 111-137.
FDR Library/HST Library/JFK Library -
Brower, Charles F., IV. "Sophisticated Strategist: General George A. Lincoln and the Defeat of Japan, 1944-45". Diplomatic History 15, no.3 (Summer 1991): 317-337.
RG059/RG107/RG165/RG218/FDR Library -
Brown, D. Clayton. "Modernizing Rural Life: South Carolina's Push for Public Rural Electrification". South Carolina Historical Magazine 99, no.1 (January 1998): 66-85.
FDR Library -
Brown, D. Clayton. "North Carolina Rural Electrification: Precedent of the REA". North Carolina Historical Review 59, no.2 (Spring 1982): 109-124.
RG221/FDR Library -
Brown, Jonathan. "'No One Knows - Or Will Say': Revisiting the State Department's Handling of the Belmonte-Wendler Letter". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.4 (December 2022): 656-680.
RG059/RG084/FDR Library -
Brown, Norman D. "Garnering Votes for 'Cactus Jack': John Nance Garner, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the 1932 Democratic Nomination for President". Southwestern Historical Quarterly 104, no.2 (October 2000): 149-188.
FDR Library -
Browning, Robert M., Jr. "'Go Ahead, Go Ahead'". Naval History 23, no.6 (December 2009): 28-36.
RG045/FDR Library -
Brune, Lester H. "Considerations of Force in Cordell Hull's Diplomacy, July 26 to November 26, 1941". Diplomatic History 2, no.4 (Fall 1978): 389-405.
RG059/RG080/RG165/RG225/FDR Library -
Buchanan, Andrew N. "Washington's 'Silent Ally' in World War II? United States Policy Towards Spain, 1939-1945". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 7, no.2 (June 2009): 93-117.
FDR Library -
Budreau, Lisa M. "The Politics of Remembrance: The Gold Star Mothers' Pilgrimage and America's Fading Memory of the Great War". Journal of Military History 72, no.2 (April 2008): 371-411.
RG092/RG111/RG117/RG159/RG233/RG407/FDR Library -
Bungert, Heike. "Deutsche Emigranten im Amerikanischen Kalkul: Die Regierung in Washington, Thomas Mann und die Grundung eines Emigrantenkomitees 1943". Vierteljahrshefte fur Zeitgeschichte 46, no.2 (1998): 253-268.
RG059/RG226/FDR Library -
Bungert, Heike. "The OSS and Its Cooperation with the Free Germany Committees, 1944-45". Intelligence and National Security 12, no.3 (July 1997): 130-144.
RG038/RG059/RG084/RG107/RG226/RG331/FDR Library -
Burgess, Charles J. "Pacific Fleet to Singapore?: Deterrence, Warfighting, and Anglo-American Planning for the Defense of Southeast Asia, 1937-1941". Diplomacy & Statecraft 34, no.2 (June 2023): 256-295.
RG038/RG107/RG165/RG313/FDR Library -
Burt, Sally. "High and Low Tide: Sino-American Relations and Summit Diplomacy in the Second World War". Diplomacy & Statecraft 29, no.2 (2018): 167-186.
RG043/FDR Library -
Burt, Sally. "The Ambassador, the General, and the President: FDR's Mismanagement of Interdepartmental Relations in Wartime China". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 19, no.3/4 (2012): 288-310.
FDR Library -
Burtness, Paul S. and Warren U. Ober. "Provocation and Angst: FDR, Japan, Pearl Harbor, and the Entry into War in the Pacific". Hawaiian Journal of History 51 (2017): 91-114.
FDR Library -
Burton, Shirley J. and Kellee Green. "Oaths of Allegiance, Acts of Treason: The Disloyalty Prosecutions of Max Stephan and Hans Haupt". Prologue 23, no.3 (Fall 1991): 236-246.
RG021/RG276/RG118/RG200/FDR Library -
Bustard, Bruce I. "A New Deal for the Arts". Prologue 29, no.1 (Spring 1997): 62-69.
RG016/RG069/FDR Library -
Bustard, Bruce I. "Timberline Lodge: Oregon's WPA Masterpiece". Prologue 29, no.1 (Spring 1997): 6-15.
RG069/FDR Library -
Butow, R.J.C. "A Notable Passage to China: Myth and Memory in FDR's Family History". Prologue 31, no.3 (Fall 1999): 158-177.
FDR Library -
Butow, R.J.C. "How Roosevelt Attacked Japan at Pearl Harbor: Myth Masquerading as History". Prologue 28, no.3 (Fall 1996): 208-221.
RG080/RG208/RG457/FDR Library -
Butow, R.J.C. "Pearl Harbor Jitters: Defending the White House against Attack". Prologue 23, no.4 (Winter 1991): 382-391.
FDR Library -
Byrnes, Mark. "Unfinished Business: The United States and Franco's Spain, 1944-47". Diplomacy and Statecraft 11, no.1 (March 2000): 129-162.
RG059/FDR Library/HST Library -
Cameselle-Pesce, Pedro. "Italian-Uruguayans for Free Italy: Serafino Romualdi's Quest for Transnational Anti-Fascist Networks during World War II". The Americas 77, no.2 (April 2020): 247-273.
RG059/FDR Library -
Cammack, Bruce. "'A Wondrous, Free Life This': The Texas Adventures of Elliott Roosevelt". Journal of the West 58, no.2 (Spring 2019): 62-72.
FDR Library -
Campbell, D'Ann. "Women in Combat: The World War II Experience in the United States, Great Britain, Germany, and the Soviet Union". Journal of Military History 57, no.2 (April 1993): 301-323.
RG160/RG165/DDE Library/FDR Library -
Cantu, D. Antonio. "'Happy Days Are Here Again': A Left and Right Brain 4MAT Approach to Teaching Depression-Era Presidential Elections". OAH Magazine of History 16, no.1 (Fall 2001): 46-51.
RG069/FDR Library -
Carlin, John W. "FDR, His Library, and the National Archives". Prologue 35, no.4 (Winter 2003): 4-5.
FDR Library -
Carlisle, Rodney. "William Randolph Hearst's Reaction to the American Newspaper Guild: A Challenge to New Deal Labor Legislation". Labor History 10, no.1 (Winter 1969): 74-99.
RG009/RG025/FDR Library -
Carlson, Peter. "FDR's Loyal Mistress". American History 45, no.5 (December 2010): 44-47.
FDR Library -
Caron, Vicki. "The Politics of Frustration: French Jewry and the Refugee Crisis in the 1930s". Journal of Modern History 65, no.2 (June 1993): 311-356.
FDR Library -
Carroll, Francis M. and Franklin R. Raiter. "The People versus the Government: The 1918 Cloquet Fire and the Struggle for Compensation". Journal of Forest History 29, no.1 (January 1985): 4-21.
RG014/FDR Library/HH Library -
Carty, Winthrop P. "FDR: Latin America's Good Neighbor". Americas 34, no.4 (July-August 1982): 3-8.
FDR Library -
Casey, Steven. "The Campaign to Sell a Harsh Peace for Germany to the American Public, 1944-1948". History 90, no.1 (January 2005): 62-92.
RG044/RG059/RG107/RG165/RG200/RG208/FDR Library/HST Library -
Casto, William R. "Advising Presidents: Robert Jackson and the Destroyers-for-Bases Deal". American Journal of Legal History 52, no.1 (January 2012): 1-136.
RG0529/RG107/FDR Library -
Cervantez, Brian. "'For the Exclusive Benefit of Fort Worth': Amon G. Carter, the Great Depression, and the New Deal". Southwestern Historical Quarterly 119, no.2 (October 2015): 120-147.
FDR Library -
Chambers, John Whiteclay, II. "The Movies and the Antiwar Debate in America, 1930-1941". Film & History 36, no.1 (Fall 2006): 44-7.
RG165/FDR Library -
Charles, Douglas M. "Informing FDR: FBI Political Surveillance and the Isolationist-Interventionist Foreign Policy Debate, 1939-1945". Diplomatic History 24, no.2 (Spring 2000): 211-232.
FDR Library/NARA photos -
Charles, Patrick J. "Dissecting the Origins of Air-Centric Special Operations Theory". Journal of Military History 81, no.3 (July 2017): 803-828.
FDR Library -
Chessman, G. Wallace. "Thanksgiving: Another FDR Experiment". Prologue 22, no.3 (Fall 1990): 273-283.
FDR Library -
Childs, William R. "Texas, the Interstate Oil Compact Commission, and State Control of Oil Production: Regionalism, States' Rights, and Federalism During World War II". Pacific Historical Review 64, no.4 (November 1995): 567-598.
RG253/FDR Library/LBJ Library -
Chiles, Robert. "Working-Class Conservationism in New York: Governor Alfred E. Smith and 'The Property of the People of the State'". Environmental History 18, no.1 (January 2013): 157-183.
FDR Library -
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FDR Library -
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FDR Library -
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FDR Library -
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FDR Library -
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FDR Library -
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FDR Library -
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FDR Library -
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FDR Library -
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George, James H., Jr. "Another Chance: Herbert Hoover and World War II Relief". Diplomatic History 16, no.3 (Summer 1992): 389-407.
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FDR Library -
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FDR Library -
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FDR Library -
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FDR Library -
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FDR Library -
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FDR Library -
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