Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)

Compilation of Periodical Literature: Science and Technology Cluster

Record Groups 23, 27, 167, Former 189, 227, 241, 255, 307, 370, 422

  1. "'Our Documents' Captures America's Milestones". Prologue 34, no.4 (Winter 2002): 285-290.
    RG046/RG094/RG241/RG326/RG360/JFK Library

  2. "Making Their Mark: Signatures, Famous and Ordinary, Set America's Course and Revealed Their Owners". Prologue 46, no.1 (Spring 2014): 6-17.
    RG046/RG065/RG075/RG094/RG129/RG147/ RG153/RG204/RG210/RG233/RG255/RG306/RG360/FDR Library/HST Library/DDE Library/LBJ Library

  3. "Pieces of History: Eli Whitney's Patent for the Cotton Gin". Prologue 36, no.3 (Fall 2004): 72.

  4. Adams, Margaret O. "Electronic Records and the Environment". Agricultural History 66, no.2 (Spring 1992): 339-344.

  5. Adams, Stephen B. "Arc of Empire: The Federal Telegraph Company, The U.S. Navy, and the Beginnings of Silicon Valley". Business History Review 91, no.2 (Summer 2017): 329-359.

  6. Ahern, Joseph-James. "'We Had the Hose Turned on Us!': Ross Gunn and the Naval Research Laboratory's Early Research into Nuclear Propulsion, 1939-1946". Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 33, no.2 (2003): 217-236.

  7. Ahern, Joseph-James. "The United States Navy's Early Atomic Energy Research, 1939-1946". International Journal of Naval History 1, no.1 (April 2002): 1-8.

  8. Amidon, Audrey. "Women of the Polar Archives: The Films and Stories of Marie Peary Stafford and Louise Boyd". Prologue 42, no.2 (Summer 2010): 38-45.

  9. Arns, Robert G. "The High-Vacuum X-Ray Tube: Technological Change in Social Context". Technology and Culture 38, no.4 (October 1997): 852-890.

  10. Avery, Donald. "Allied Scientific Co-operation and Soviet Espionage in Canada, 1941-45". Intelligence and National Security 8, no.3 (July 1993): 100-128.

  11. Baron, W.R. "Retrieving American Climate History: A Bibliographic Essay". Agricultural History 63, no.2 (Spring 1989): 7-35.

  12. Bellido, Jose. "Patents in Miniature: The Effects of Microfilm as an Information Technology, 1938-1968". Technology and Culture 64, no.2 (April 2023): 407-433.

  13. Bernstein, Barton J. "An Analysis of 'Two Cultures': Writing about the Making and Using of the Atomic Bombs". Public Historian 12, no.2 (Spring 1990): 83-107.
    RG059/RG077/RG165/RG200/RG227/RG243/RG319/RG457/HST Library

  14. Bernstein, Barton J. "Reconsidering the 'Atomic General': Leslie R. Groves". Journal of Military History 67, no.3 (July 2003): 883-920.
    RG059/RG107/RG200/RG218/RG227/HH Library/HST Library

  15. Bernstein, Barton J. "Seizing the Contested Terrain of Early Nuclear History: Stimson, Conant, and Their Allies Explain the Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb". Diplomatic History 17, no.1 (Winter 1993): 35-72.
    RG077/RG107/RG165/RG227/DDE Library/FDR Library/HST Library

  16. Black, Megan. "Prospecting the World: Landsat and the Search for Minerals in Space Age Globalization". Journal of American History 106, no.1 (June 2019): 97-120.
    RG255/LBJ Library

  17. Blanpied, William A. "Science Policy in the Early New Deal, and Its Impacts in the 1940s". Federal History 1 (January 2009): 9-24.
    RG255/FDR Library

  18. Bothwell, Robert. "Radium and Uranium: Evolution of a Company and a Policy". Canadian Historical Review 64, no.2 (June 1983): 127-146.

  19. Bowling, Kenneth R. "Neither in a Wigwam nor the Wilderness: Competitors for the Federal Capital, 1787-1790". Prologue 20, no.3 (Fall 1988): 163-179.

  20. Brady, Kevin M. "NASA Launches Houston into Orbit: How America's Space Program Contributed to Southeast Texas's Economic Growth, Scientific Development, and Modernization during the Late Twentieth Century". Journal of the West 57, no.4 (Fall 2018): 13-54.
    RG255/LBJ Library/NARA photos

  21. Branigar, Thomas. "No Villains - No Heroes: The David Eisenhower - Milton Good Controversy". Kansas History 15, no.3 (Autumn 1992): 168-179.

  22. Burton, Shirley J., Susan H. Karren, and Joseph D. Suster. "Following the Paper Trail West: Using Archival Sources for Nuclear History". Pacific Northwest Quarterly 85, no.1 (January 1994): 35-38.

  23. Bustard, Bruce I. "20 July 1969". Prologue 35, no.2 (Summer 2003): 7-9.
    RG255/RG306/RG472/RMN Library

  24. Bustard, Bruce. "Discovering the Civil War". Prologue 42, no.1 (Spring 2010): 36-41.

  25. Bustard, Bruce. "Spirited Republic: Alcohol's Evolving Role in U.S. History". Prologue 46, no.4 (Winter 2014): 14-22.
    RG045/RG054/RG058/RG092/RG241/RG306/RG511/GRF Library

  26. Butler, Stuart L. and Graeme McCluggage. "Taking Measure of America: Records in the Cartographic and Architectural Branch". Prologue 23, no.1 (Spring 1991): 41-57.
    RG019/RG023/RG026/RG028/RG029/ RG037/RG042/RG046/RG048/RG049/ RG054/RG057/RG066/RG074/RG075/ RG076/RG077/RG083/RG092/RG096/ RG114/RG115/RG121/RG145/RG196/ RG233/RG241/RG313/RG328/RG331/ RG370/RG373/RG393/RG456

  27. Byram, R. Scott. "The Work of a Nation: Richard D. Cutts and the Coast Survey Map of Fort Clatsop". Oregon Historical Quarterly 106, no.2 (Summer 2005): 254-271.

  28. Candee, Richard M. "'Old Portsmouth... Home of the Stocking Business': A Forgotten Nineteenth-Century Industry and Its Inventors". Historical New Hampshire 57, no.3 & 4 (Fall/Winter 2002): 85-107.

  29. Candee, Richard M. "The 'Shaker Sock': A New Hampshire Contribution to Nineteenth-Century Machine Knitting". Historical New Hampshire 52, no.3 & 4 (Fall-Winter 1997): 60-77.

  30. Candee, Richard M. "The Hibbert-Townsend Latch Needle Mystery Unraveled: Patent Control and Nineteenth-Century American Knitting Machines". Annual Proceedings: Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife 24 (1999): 113-134.

  31. Capshew, James H. "Engineering Behavior: Project Pigeon, World War II, and the Conditioning of B. F. Skinner". Technology and Culture 34, no.4 (October 1993): 835-857.

  32. Carter, Kent. "Moon Rocks and Moon Germs: A History of NASA's Lunar Receiving Laboratory". Prologue 33, no.4 (Winter 2001): 234-249.

  33. Chenoweth, M. and C.J. Mock. "Hurricane 'Amanda': Rediscovery of a Forgotten U.S. Civil War Florida Hurricane". Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 94, no.11 (November 2013): 1735-1742.

  34. Clark, Mark and Henry Nielsen. "Crossed Wires and Missed Connections: Valdemar Poulsen, the American Telegraphone Company, and the Failure to Commercialize Magnetic Recording". Business History Review 69, no.1 (Spring 1995): 1-41.

  35. Cloud, John. "The 200th Anniversary of the Survey of the Coast". Prologue 39, no.1 (Spring 2007): 24-33.

  36. Conlin, Michael F. "The Popular and Scientific Reception of the Foucault Pendulum in the United States". Isis 90, no.9 (June 1999): 180-204.

  37. Conway, Erik M. "The Politics of Blind Landing". Technology and Culture 42, no.1 (January 2001): 81-106.

  38. Cooper, Carolyn C. "Social Construction of Invention through Patent Management: Thomas Blanchard's Woodworking Machinery". Technology and Culture 32, no.4 (October 1991): 960-998.

  39. Cooper, Carolyn C. "The Evolution of American Patent Management: The Blanchard Lathe as a Case Study". Prologue 19, no.4 (Winter 1987): 244-259.

  40. Daen, Laura. "Creating a User-Inventor Community: How Disabled People Innovated and Marketed in Early Nineteenth-Century America". Technology and Culture 65, no.1 (January 2024): 117-141.

  41. Derickson, Alan. "'No Such Thing as a Night's Sleep': The Embattled Sleep of American Fighting Men from World War II to the Present". Journal of Social History 47, no.1 (Fall 2013): 1-26.

  42. Dobak, William A. "Quartermasters, Commerce, and Railroads: Fort Riley, Kansas, in the Nineteenth Century". Prologue 30, no.3 (Fall 1998): 208-219.

  43. Downs, Charles F., II. "Celebrating the Wright Brothers' First Flight: The International Civil Aeronautics Conference of 1928". Prologue 35, no.4 (Winter 2003): 12-18.
    RG059/RG237/RG255/RG342/HH Library

  44. Eckert, Michael. "Strategic Internationalism and the Transfer of Technical Knowledge: The United States, Germany, and Aerodymanics after World War I". Technology and Culture 46, no.1 (January 2005): 104-131.

  45. England, J. Merton. "Dr. Bush Writes a Report: 'Science - The Endless Frontier'". Science 191, no.4222 (January 9, 1976): 41-47.

  46. England, J. Merton. "The National Science Foundation and Curriculum Reform: A Problem of Stewardship". Public Historian 11, no.2 (Spring 1989): 22-36.

  47. Erlick, David P. "The Peales and Gas Lights in Baltimore". Maryland Historical Magazine 80, no.1 (Spring 1985): 9-18.

  48. Fleming, James Rodger. "Storms, Strikes, and Surveillance: The U.S. Army Signal Office, 1861-1891". Historical Studies in Physical and Biological Sciences 30, no.2 (Spring 2000): 315.

  49. Fujioka, Masaki. "Science Research and Diplomacy in the United States: Its Development from the 1920s to the 1950s". Kwangaku Seiyoshi Ronshu 40 (March 2017): 5-11.

  50. Fuzonie, Alan and William Hauser. "Climate History at the National Agricultural Library". Agricultural History 63, no.2 (Spring 1989): 36-50.

  51. Geschwind, Carl-Henry. "Embracing Science and Research: Early Twentieth-Century Jesuits and Seismology in the United States". Isis 89, no.1 (March 1998): 27-49.

  52. Gibson, Emily K. "Strengthening American Scientific Manpower: The National Science Foundation's Postwar Science Education Programs and the Limitations of Federal Desegregation Policy". Federal History 12 (2020): 53-74.
    RG079/RG307/DDE Library

  53. Goldberg, Stanley. "Groves Takes the Reins". Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 48, no.10 (December 1992): 32-39.
    RG200/RG227/NARA photos

  54. Gondos, Victor, Jr. "The Era of the Woodruff File". American Archivist 19, no.4 (October 1956): 303-320.

  55. Goree, John A. "Mapping Fort Holmes: A Search for Confederate Ruins at Bald Head". North Carolina Historical Review 83, no.4 (October 2006): 411-446.

  56. Greiner, Robert C. "12,000 Marks for Texas". Prologue 49, no.1 (Spring 2017): 18-27.

  57. Grier, David Alan. "The Math Tables Project of the WPA: The Reluctant Start of the Computing Era". IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 20, no.3 (July-September 1998): 33-50.

  58. Grossman, Sara J. "Gendering Nineteenth-Century Data: The Women of the Smithsonian Meteorological Project". Journal of Women's History 33, no.1 (Spring 2021): 85-109.

  59. Gruber, Carol S. "Manhattan Project Maverick: The Case of Leo Szilard". Prologue 15, no.2 (Summer 1983): 73-88.

  60. Gruber, Carol. "The Overhead System in Government Sponsored Academic Science: Origins and Early Development". Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 25, no.2 (1995): 241-268.

  61. Guise, Holly Miowak. "Who Is Doctor Bauer?: Rematriating a Censored Story in Internment, Wardship, and Sexual Violence in Wartime Alaska, 1941-1944". Western Historical Quarterly 53, no.2 (Summer 2022): 145-165.

  62. Guise-Richardson, Cai. "Redefining Vulcanization: Charles Goodyear, Patents, and Industrial Control, 1834-1865". Technology and Culture 51, no.2 (April 2010): 357-387.

  63. Guston, David H. "Congressmen and Scientists in the Making of Science Policy: The Allison Commission, 1884-1886". Minerva 32, no.1 (Spring 1994): 25-52.

  64. Gwiazda, Henry J., II. "In Search of the Big One: Earthquakes in United States History". Prologue 21, no.4 (Winter 1989): 359-371.
    RG018/RG023/RG027/RG030/RG046/RG048/RG054/RG057/RG059/RG077/ RG080/RG092/RG095/RG111/RG126/RG151/RG168/RG268/RG287/RG306/ RG350/RG023, Rocky Mountain Region/RG075, Pacific Southwest Region/RG077, Pacific Southwest Region/RG021, Pacific Sierra Region/RG075, Pacific Sierra Region/RG112, Pacific Sierra Region/RG181, Pacific Sierra Region/RG220, Pacific Northwest Region

  65. Hagan, Barry J. "'Save the Gun at All Hazzerds!'". Periodical 10, no.4 (Winter 1978-1979): 35-47.

  66. Harris, C.M. "Specimens of Genius and Nicknacks: The Early Patent Office and Its Museum". Prologue 23, no.4 (Winter 1991): 406-417.

  67. Harrison, John P. "Science and Politics: Origins and Objectives of Mid-Nineteenth Century Government Expeditions to Latin America". Hispanic American Historical Review 35, no.2 (May 1955): 175-202.

  68. Hart, David M. "Herbert Hoover's Last Laugh: The Enduring Significance of the 'Associative State' in the United States". Journal of Policy History 10, no.4 (1998): 419-444.
    RG179/RG227/HH Library

  69. Hendrickson, Kenneth E., Jr. "The Civilian Conservation Corps in Pennsylvania: A Case Study of a New Deal Relief Agency in Operation". Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 100, no.1 (January 1976): 66-96.

  70. Hershberg, James G. "'Explosion in the Offing': German Rearmament and American Diplomacy, 1953-1955". Diplomatic History 16, no.4 (Fall 1992): 511-549.
    RG084/RG227/DDE Library/HST Library

  71. Hollyday, Thomas. "The China Trade Brig John Gilpin". American Neptune 52, no.3 (Summer 1992): 187-194.

  72. Huebner, Stefan. "Tackling Climate Change, Air Pollution, and Ecosystem Destruction: How US-Japanese Ocean Industrialization and the Metabolist Movement's Global Legacy Shaped Environmental Thought (circa 1950s-Present)". Environmental History 25, no.1 (January 2020): 35-61.

  73. Hulse, James W. "The California - Nevada Boundary: The History of a Conflict. Part II". Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 23, no.3 (Fall 1980): 157-178.

  74. Hulse, James W. "The California-Nevada Boundary: The History of a Conflict". Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 23, no.2 (Summer 1980): 87-109.

  75. Hussey, Michael. "The Technology of Unequal Rights for Women: Patent Drawings of a Voting Machine". Social Education 72, no.3 (April 2008): 118-123.

  76. Kamps, Alice. "What's Cooking, Uncle Sam?". Prologue 43, no.2 (Summer 2011): 6-13.
    RG016/RG044/RG054/RG088/RG136/RG241/LBJ Library

  77. Kevles, Daniel J. "The National Science Foundation and the Debate over Postwar Research Policy, 1942-1945". Isis 68, no.1 (March 1977): 5-26.
    RG051/RG107/RG227/RG250/RG298/FDR Library

  78. Kirk, Robert G. W. "'Standardization through Mechanization': Germ-Free Life and the Engineering of the Ideal Laboratory Animal". Technology and Culture 53, no.1 (January 2012): 61-93.

  79. Kline, Adam with Robyn Dexter. "Secret Weapons, Forgotten Sacrifices: Scientific R&D in World War II". Prologue 48, no.1 (Spring 2016): 24-33.

  80. Kratz, Jessie. "'P.S.: You Had Better Remove the Records': Early Federal Archives and the Burning of Washington during the War of 1812". Prologue 46, no.2 (Summer 2014): 36-44.

  81. Kreisberg, Adam and Jacob Kowall. "US-Soviet Fisheries Research during the Cold War: Data Legacies". Archival Science 23, no.1 (March 2023): 7-28.

  82. Lamoreaux, Naomi R., Kenneth L. Sokoloff, and Dhanoos Sutthiphisal. "Patent Alchemy: The Market for Technology in U.S. History". Business History Review 87, no.1 (Spring 2013): 3-38.

  83. LaMotta, Greg. "Electronic Records in the National Archives Relating to the History of Agriculture and Rural America". Agricultural History 70, no.2 (Spring 1996): 439-448.

  84. Lassman, Thomas C. "Government Science in Postwar America: Henry A. Wallace, Edward U. Condon, and the Transformation of the National Bureau of Standards, 1945-1951". Isis 96, no.1 (March 2005): 25-51.

  85. Launius, Roger D. "'Never Was Life More Interesting': The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1936-1945". Prologue 24, no.4 (Winter 1992): 360-373.

  86. Launius, Roger D. "Eisenhower, Sputnik, and the Creation of NASA". Prologue 28, no.2 (Summer 1996): 126-143.
    RG011/RG111/RG255/RG306/DDE Library/LBJ Library

  87. Levitt, Ruth. "Tin Cans & Patents". Prologue 45, no.3/4 (Fall/Winter 2013): 58-63.

  88. Lewis, Tab. "Records Pertaining to Contracts and the Activities of Firms in the National Archives: An Overview". Journal of Law & Economics 34, no.2 (October 1991): 453-475.
    RG002/RG009/RG013/RG018/RG021/RG025/RG026/RG028/RG029/RG032/ RG040/RG046/RG048/RG060/RG079/RG122/RG123/RG134/RG155/RG172/ RG173/RG202/RG217/RG220/RG227/RG233/RG234/RG237/RG246/RG267/ RG276/RG280/RG287/RG403

  89. Lubar, Steven. "Culture and Technological Design in the 19th-Century Pin Industry: John Howe and the Howe Manufacturing Company". Technology and Culture 28, no.2 (April 1987): 253-282.

  90. MacDonald, Maureen. "Looking Back on the Twentieth Century: 1900-1925 in Photographs". Prologue 31, no.1 (Spring 1999): 53-57.

  91. Malloy, Sean L. "'A Very Pleasant Way to Die': Radiation Effects and the Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb against Japan". Diplomatic History 36, no.3 (June 2012): 515-545.

  92. Mathews, Jane De Hart. "Arts and the People: The New Deal Quest for a Cultural Democracy". Journal of American History 62, no.2 (September 1975): 316-339.

  93. Maxwell, M. Marie. "Discovering your Neighborhood: How to Use National Archives Records to Find Out More about Where You Live". Prologue 47, no.3 (Fall 2015): 54-62.

  94. McMillen, David. "Finding a Misplaced Piece of History at the Archives". Prologue 48, no.2 (Summer 2016): 22-23.

  95. Mercelis, Joris. "Leo Baekeland's Transatlantic Struggle for Bakelite: Patenting Inside and Outside of America". Technology and Culture 53, no.2 (April 2012): 366-400.

  96. Mergen, Bernard. "Seeking Snow: James B. Church and the Beginnings of Snow Science". Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 35, no.2 (Summer 1992): 75-104.

  97. Mihm, Stephen. "Inching toward Modernity: Industrial Standards and the Fate of the Metric System in the United States". Business History Review 96, no.1 (Spring 2022): 47-76.

  98. Miller, Franklin G. "The Stateville Penitentiary Malaria Experiments: A Case Study in Retrospective Ethical Assessment". Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 56, no.4 (Autumn 2013): 548-567.

  99. Miri, Johnny. "The Fall of Vannevar Bush: The Forgotten War for Control of Science Policy in Postwar America". Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 51, no.4 (2021): 507-541.
    RG227/FDR Library/HST Library

  100. Mokotoff, Gary. "Soundexing Multi-ethnic Computer Databases: A Proposed Solution". National Genealogical Society Quarterly 86, no.2 (June 1998): 87-93.

  101. Monnett, John H. "Cheyenne Sexuality, Violence, and the Genesis of Stereotyping Indians on the Central Plains". Journal of the West 61, no.3 (Summer 2022): 9-21.

  102. Moon, John Ellis van Courtland. "Chemical Weapons and Deterrence: The World War II Experience". International Security 8, no.4 (Spring 1984): 3-35.
    RG160/RG165/RG175/RG218/RG319/RG331/RG370/RG407/RG457/FDR Library

  103. Nelson, Glenn K. "A Century of WWV". Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology 124 (2019): 1-31.

  104. Nicholson, Claudia J. "Patriotic Patents". Prologue 20, no.3 (Fall 1988): 201-205.

  105. Oreskes, Naomi. "Laissez-tomber: Military Patronage and Women's Work in Mid-20th-Century Oceanography". Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 30, no.2 (2000): 373-392.

  106. Orton, Philip, Eric W. Sanderson, Stefan A. Talke, Mario Giampieri, and Kytt MacManus. "Storm Tide Amplification and Habitat Changes Due to Urbanization of a Lagoonal Estuary". Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 20, no.9 (2020): 2415-2432.

  107. Owens, Larry. "The Counterproductive Management of Science in the Second World War: Vannevar Bush and the Office of Scientific Research and Development". Business History Review 68, no.4 (Winter 1994): 515-576.

  108. Paul, Marilyn. "Designs for Democracy: 200 Years of Drawings from the National Archives". Prologue 30, no.1 (Spring 1998): 54-61.

  109. Pfeiffer, David A. "Riding the Rails Up Paper Mountain: Researching Railroad Records in the National Archives". Prologue 29, no.1 (Spring 1997): 52-61.
    RG048/RG059/RG134/RG229/RG234/RG241/RG336/RG399/Donated Materials

  110. Pietruska, Jamie L. "'A Tornado is Coming!': Counterfeiting and Commercializing Weather Forecasts from the Gilded Age to the New Era". Journal of American History 105, no.3 (December 2018): 538-562.

  111. Pietruska, Jamie L. "Hurricanes, Crops and Capital: The Meteorological Infrastructure of American Empire in the West Indies". Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 15, no.4 (October 2016): 418-445.

  112. Post, Robert C. "'Liberalizers' versus 'Scientific Men' in the Antebellum Patent Office". Technology and Culture 17, no.1 (January 1976): 24-54.

  113. Potter, Constance. "De Smet, Dakota Territory, Little Town in the National Archives". Prologue 35, no.4 (Winter 2003): 68-75.
    RG027/RG028/RG049/HH Library

  114. Potter, Lee Ann. "Connecting with the Past". Social Education 67, no.7 (November/December 2003): 372-377.
    RG109/RG255/HST Library

  115. Potter, Lee Ann. "". Social Education 66, no.7 (November/December 2002): 390-398.

  116. Potter, Lee Ann. "The Constitution in Action". Social Education 71, no.5 (September 2007): 224-230.
    RG046/RG241/DDE Library

  117. Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "Documenting the Career of Federal Employees". Prologue 26, no.3 (Fall 1994): 180-185.

  118. Price, Matt. "Roots of Dissent: The Chicago Met Lab and the Origins of the Franck Report". Isis 86, no.2 (June 1995): 222-244.

  119. Rainger, Ronald. "Patronage and Science: Roger Revelle, the U.S. Navy, and Oceanography at the Scripps Institution". Earth Sciences History 19, no.1 (2000): 58-89.

  120. Rasmussen, Nicholas. "Of 'Small Men', Big Science and Bigger Business: The Second World War and Biomedical Research in the United States". Minerva 40, no.2 (2002): 115-146.

  121. Rasmussen, Nicolas. "Medical Science and the Military: The Allies' Use of Amphetamine during World War II". Journal of Interdisciplinary History 42, no.2 (Autumn 2011): 205-233.

  122. Rasmussen, Nicolas. "Steroids in Arms: Science, Government, Industry, and the Hormones of the Adrenal Cortex in the United States, 1930-1950". Medical History 46, no.3 (July 2002): 299-324.

  123. Reingold, Nathan. "Alexander Dallas Bache: Science and Technology in the American Idiom". Technology and Culture 11, no.2 (April 1970): 163-177.

  124. Reinhardt, Carsten. "A Lead Use of Instruments in Science: John D. Roberts and the Adaptation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to Organic Chemistry, 1955-1975". Isis 97, no.2 (June 2006): 205-236.

  125. Richter, William L. "Tyrant and Reformer: General Griffin Reconstructs Texas, 1865-66". Prologue 10, no.4 (Winter 1978): 224-241.

  126. Roland, Alex. "The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics". Prologue 10, no.2 (Summer 1978): 68-81.

  127. Ruamcharoen, Boyd. "Tropicalizing the Portable Radio: Electronics and the U.S. Military's Battle against Fungi in the Pacific War". Technology and Culture 65, no.2 (April 2024): 497-529.

  128. Rudolph, John L. "Teaching Materials and the Fate of Dynamic Biology in American Classrooms after Sputnik". Technology and Culture 53, no.1 (January 2012): 1-36.

  129. Rush, James S., Jr. "War of Attrition: Textual Records Relating to the Environment in the National Archives - Arizona, a Case Study". Agricultural History 66, no.2 (Spring 1992): 331-338.

  130. Ryan, Mary C. "Aviation Records Take Flight at NARA: The First Twenty-Five Years". Prologue 35, no.4 (Winter 2003): 20-29.
    RG018/RG021/RG023/RG024/RG026/RG027/RG028/RG038/RG045/RG046/ RG063/RG064/RG072/RG080/RG094/RG106/RG111/RG120/RG125/RG153/ RG165/RG167/RG181/RG217/RG233/RG237/RG241/RG255/RG287/RG306/ RG342/RG428

  131. Schatzberg, Eric. "Ideology and Technical Choice: The Decline of the Wooden Airplane in the United States, 1920-1945". Technology and Culture 35, no.1 (January 1994): 34-69.

  132. Schiffer, Michael Brian. "A Cognitive Analysis of Component-Stimulated Invention: Electromagnet, Telegraph, and the Capitol Dome's Electric Gas-Lighter". Technology and Culture 49, no.2 (April 2008): 376-398.

  133. Schneider, Richard E. "An Expanded View: Panoramic Photographs at the National Archives". Prologue 29, no.3 (Fall 1997): 244-254.
    RG032/RG075/RG092/RG151/RG165/RG241/NARA photos

  134. Schneider, Richard E. "The Alaskan Frontier in Panorama". Prologue 41, no.4 (Winter 2009): 38-43.

  135. Seyer, Sean. "From Conspiracy to Policy: James V. Martin, the 'Air Trust' Narrative, and the 1926 Air Commerce Act". Federal History Journal 14 (April 2022): 38-62.

  136. Shein, Karsten A., Dennis P. Todey, F. Adnan Akyuz, et al. "Revisiting the Statewide Climate Extremes for the United States: Evaluating Existing Extremes, Archived Data, and New Observations". Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 94, no.3 (March 2013): 393-402.

  137. Slatta, Richard W. and Maxine P. Atkinson. "Using Primary Sources Online: An Inquiry-guided Learning Approach to Teaching Western History". Journal of the West 46, no.2 (Spring 2007): 14-21.
    RG027/RG030/RG048/RG057/NARA photos

  138. Slotten, Hugh Richard. "'Rainbow in the Sky': FM Radio, Technical Superiority, and Regulatory Decision-Making". Technology and Culture 37, no.4 (October 1996): 686-720.

  139. Slotten, Hugh Richard. "Radio Engineers, the Federal Radio Commission, and the Social Shaping of Broadcast Technology: Creating 'Radio Paradise'". Technology and Culture 36, no.4 (October 1995): 950-986.

  140. Solovey, Mark. "Senator Fred Harris's National Social Science Foundation Proposal: Reconsidering Federal Science Policy, Natural Science - Social Science Relations, and American Liberalism during the 1960s". Isis 103, no.1 (March 2012): 54-82.

  141. Stewart, Phillip W. "Frame after Frame: Taking a Look at the Motion Picture Collections in the National Archives". Prologue 42, no.2 (Summer 2010): 34-37.

  142. Strum, Harvey. "Eisenhower's Solar Energy Policy". Public Historian 6, no.2 (Spring 1984): 37-50.
    RG307/DDE Library

  143. Strum, Harvey. "The Association for Applied Solar Energy/Solar Energy Society, 1954-1970". Technology and Culture 26, no.3 (July 1985): 571-578.
    RG307/DDE Library

  144. Sullivan, David M. "A Man of Honor and Remorse: Excerpts From the Journal Kept by Francis Hawks Cameron: Acting Master's Mate, U.S. Coast Survey and Lieutenant, C.S. Marine Corps". Military Collector & Historian 67, no.2 (Summer 2015): 105-117.

  145. Turchetti, Simone. "The (Science Diplomacy) Origins of the Cold War". Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 50, no.4 (September 2020): 411-432.

  146. Turchetti, Simone; Dean, Katrina; Naylor, Simon; Siegert, Martin. "Accidents and Opportunities: A History of the Radio Echo-Sounding of Antarctica, 1958-79". British Journal for the History of Science 41, no.3 (September 2008): 417-444.

  147. Tuttle, William M. "The Birth of an Industry: The Synthetic Rubber 'Mess' in World War II". Technology and Culture 22, no.1 (January 1981): 35-67.
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