Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)

The Robert Wolfe Collection

Of books primarily on World War II, captured German records, and postwar Germany

  1. 50 Jahre Institut fur Zeitgeschichte: eine Bilanz. Munchen: Oldenbourg, 1999. xxv, 598 pages.
    DD 256.48 A15 1999

  2. America and the shaping of German society, 1945-1955. Providence, RI: Berg, 1993. viii, 228 pages.
    DD 257.4 A63 1993

  3. Berlin in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Berlin: Landesarchiv Berlin, [1982?- v.
    DD 851 B415

  4. Die Bevormundete Nation: Osterreich und die Alliierten, 1945-1949. Innsbruck: Haymon, 1988. 463 pages, [48] pages of plates.
    DB 99.1 B42 1988

  5. Brandenburg in der NS-Zeit: Studien und Dokumente. 501 pages.
    DD 801 B685 B735 1993

  6. Common values, common cause: German statesmen in the United States, American statesmen in Germany 1953-1983 : statements and speeches. New York, N.Y.: German Information Center, 1983. 202, [2] pages.
    E 183.8 G3 C59 1983

  7. The Crucial decade: East Central European society and national defense, 1859-1870. [New York]: Social Science Monographs, Brooklyn College Press: Distributed by Columbia University Press, 1984. xv, 633 pages.
    UA 646.8 W36 vol. 14

  8. East Central European society and war in the era of revolutions, 1775-1856. New York: Social Science Monographs, Brooklyn College Press: Distributed by Columbia University Press, 1984. xvii, 651 pages, [14] pages of plates.
    UA 646.8 W36 vol. 4

  9. East Central European society in World War I. Boulder: Social Science Monographs; Highland Lakes: Atlantic Research and Publications; New York: Distributed by Columbia University Press, 1985. xi, 623 pages, 5 pages of plates.
    UA 646.8 W36 vol. 19

  10. The effects of World War I: the class war after the Great War: the rise of Communist parties in East Central Europe, 1918-1921. [New York]: SSM: Distributed by Columbia University Press], 1983. xv, 282 pages.
    UA 646.8 W36 vol. 13

  11. Entscheidung 1870: der deutsch-franzosische Krieg. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1970. 403 pages.
    DC 291 E54

  12. The first war between socialist states: the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and its impact. New York: Social Science Monographs, Brooklyn College Press: Distributed by Columbia University Press, 1984. ix, 608 pages.
    UA 646.8 W36 vol. 11

  13. Funfzig Jahre Luftwaffen- und Luftkriegs-Geschichtsschreibung. [Freiburg im Breisgau] Militargeschichtliches Forschungsamt, Abteilung Luftwaffen- und Luftkriegsgeschichte [1970?] 31 pages.
    UG 632 F83

  14. Geheime Kommandosache: hinter den Kulissen des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Verlag das Beste [1969] 2 volumes (695 pages).
    D 743 G274 1969

  15. Germans in America: aspects of German-American relations in the nineteenth century. New York: Social Science Monographs, Brooklyn College Press: Distributed by Columbia University Press, 1983. ix, 203 pages.
    E 183.8 G3 G475 1983

  16. Germany and Europe in the era of the two world wars: essays in honor of Oron James Hale. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1986. ix, 271 pages.
    DD 235 G47 1986

  17. Hajo Holborn: Inter Nationes Preis, 1969. Bonn: Inter Nationes, 1969.
    D 443 H627

  18. Heidelberg 1945. Stuttgart: Steiner, 1996. 438 pages.
    DD 901 H56 H42 1996

  19. Hessische Streiflichter: Beitrage zum 50. Jahrestag des Landes Hessen. Frankfurt am Main: Eichhorn, 1995. 439 pages.
    DD 801 H58 H48 1995

  20. The history of the US Army Corps of Engineers. Alexandria, Va.: Office of History, Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1998. 159 p.
    UG 23 H68 1998

  21. The Holocaust and the Neo-nazi mythomania. New York: B. Klarsfeld Foundation, 1978. xvii, 215 pages.
    D 810 J4 H643

  22. Insurrections, wars, and the Eastern crisis in the 1870s. Boulder: Social Science Monographs; New York: Distributed by Columbia University Press, 1985. xxii, 421 pages, 3 pages of plates.
    UA 646.8 W36 vol. 17

  23. KL Auschwitz seen by the SS. New York: Howard Fertig, 2007. 331 pages.
    D 805.5 A96 K555 2007

  24. Konzentrationslager Buchenwald post Weimar/ThuIr.: Katalog zu der Ausstellung aus der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik im Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlin (West), April-Juni 1990. Buchenwald: Nationalen Mahn- und GedenkstaItte Buchenwald, [1990] 176 pages.
    D 805 G3 K65 1990

  25. Kurt Waldheim's wartime years: a documentation. Vienna: Carl Gerold's Sohn, 1987. 1 online resource (299 pages).
    DB 98 W35 1987

  26. The Legacy of Jewish migration: 1881 and its impact. New York: Social Science Monographs, Brooklyn College Press: Distributed by Columbia University Press, 1983. 187 pages.
    E 184 J5 L57118 1983

  27. Lexikon Archivwesen der DDR. Berlin: Staatsverlag der Deutsen Demokratischen Republik, 1979. 319 pages.
    CD 945 L49

  28. New Hungarian peasants: an east central European experience with collectivization. New York: Social Science Monographs-Brooklyn College Press: Distributed by Columbia University Press, 1983. ix, 341 pages.
    HN 420.5 A8 N486 1983

  29. New records, new perspectives: lectures on the Holocaust, the birth of Israel and the contemporary Middle East: published in honor of Emmanuel Sella. Israel: Ben-Gurion Research Center, Sede Boqer Campus, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press, 2002. 208 pages.
    D 804.3 N49 2002

  30. Order of battle of the Italian Army. Washington, D.C.: Military Intelligence Service, 1943. vii, 311 pages.
    UA 742 O72 1943

  31. Remembering for the future: working papers and addenda. Oxford; New York: Pergamon Press, 1989. 3 volumes (xxv, 3202 pages).
    D 804.3 R46 1989

  32. Totenbuch Theresienstadt: damit sie nicht vergessen werden. Wien: Junius, 1987. 1 volume (unpaged).
    D 805 C9 T68 1987

  33. The Wannsee Protocol and a 1944 Report on Auschwitz by the Office of Strategic Services. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1982. 278 pages.
    D 810 J4 H655 vol. 11

  34. Der Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus: die deutsche Gesellschaft und der Widerstand gegen Hitler. xxxviii, 1185 pages.
    DD 256.3 W53 1994

  35. Ackermann, Werner. Matteotti besiegt Mussolini. Karlsruhe: Schwerdtfeger, 1947. 247 pages.
    PT 2601 A182 M377 1947

  36. Andreas-Friedrich, Ruth. Berlin underground, 1938-1945. New York, Holt, 1947. 312p.
    DD 256 A6 1947

  37. Artz, Frederick Binkerd. Reaction and revolution, 1814-1832. New York: Harper, 1934. xiii, 317 pages, [33] pages of plates.
    D 383 A7 1934b

  38. Barnouw, David. Van NIVO tot Reichsschule: nationaal-socialistische onderwijsinstellingen in Nederland; Nederlandse meisjes in Duitse vakantiekampen, zomer 1940. 's-Gravenhage: Staatsuitgeverij, 1981. 112 pages.
    LA 825 B37 1981

  39. Birse, A. H. Memoirs of an interpreter. New York, Coward-McCann [1967] 254 pages.
    D 734 A1 B5 1967b

  40. Black, Edwin. The Farhud: roots of the Arab-Nazi alliance in the Holocaust. Washington, DC: Dialog Press, 2010. xvi, 448 pages.
    DS 63.2 G4 B58 2010

  41. Brandt, Willy. Erinnerungen. Zurich: Propylaen, 1989. 512 pages, [34] pages of plates.
    DD 260.8 B74 1989

  42. Burden, Hamilton T. The Nuremberg Party rallies: 1923-39. New York, Praeger [1967] xv, 206 pages.
    DD 253.27 B8

  43. Chary, Frederick B. The Bulgarian Jews and the final solution, 1940-1944. [Pittsburgh] University of Pittsburgh Press [1972] xiv, 246 pages.
    DS 135 B8 C53 1972

  44. Chayes, Abram. The Cuban missile crisis. [London]; [New York]: Oxford University Press, 1974. viii, 157 pages.
    E 841 C48

  45. Cobb, Richard. French and Germans, Germans and French: a personal interpretation of France under two occupations, 1914-1918/1940-1944. Hanover: Published for Brandeis University Press by University Press of New England, 1983. xxxiv, 188 pages.
    D 548 C69 1983

  46. Conze, Werner. Die deutsche Nation: Ergebnis der Geschichte. Gottingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht [1963] 167 pages.
    DD 112 C68

  47. Cudahy, John. The armies march: a personal report. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1941. xi, 304 pages.
    D 811.5 C77 1941

  48. Czernin, Ferdinand. Versailles, 1919: the forces, events, and personalities that shaped the treaty. New York, Putnam [1964] x, 437 pages.
    D 643 A7 C9

  49. Delarue, Jacques. The Gestapo: a history of horror. New York, Morrow, 1964. xxviii, 384 pages.
    HV 8208 D413

  50. Diel, Louise. Mussolini mit offenem Visier. Essen, Fels-verlag dr. W. Spael kg. 1943. 560 pages.
    DG 575 M8 D5

  51. Dietrich, Otto. Mit Hitler in die Macht: personliche erlebnisse mit meinem fuhrer. Munchen, F. Eher nachf., g.m.b.h., 1934. 209 pages.
    DD 247 H5 D5

  52. Dokumentationsarchiv des Osterreichischen Widerstandes.. Kataloge des DOW. Wien: Das Archiv, 1996- volumes.
    CD 1128 O3

  53. Douglas, Gregory. Gestapo Chief: the 1948 interrogation of Heinrich Muller: from secret U.S. intelligence files. Los Angeles, Calif.: R. James Bender Pub., 1995- volumes <1-3.
    DD 256.5 D69 1995

  54. Elser, Johann Georg. Autobiographie eines Attentaters.: Aussage zum Sprengstoffsanchlag im Burgerbraukeller, Munchen am 8. November 1939. Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt [1970] 166 pages.
    DD 247 E6 A3

  55. Exenberger, Herbert. Guide to Vienna in resistance, 1938-1945. Wien: Zentralsparkasse Z-Bank, 1986. 78 pages.
    DB 855 E95 1985

  56. Fest, Joachim C. Staatsstreich: der lange Weg zum 20. Juli. Berlin: Siedler, 1994. 415 pages.
    DD 256.3 F38 1994

  57. Fink, Carole. The Genoa Conference: European diplomacy, 1921-1922. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1984. xviii, 365 pages.
    D 727 F55 1984

  58. Fleming, Gerald. Hitler und die Endlosung: "Es ist des Fuhrers Wunsch--". Wiesbaden: Limes, 1982. 218 pages, [8] pages of plates.
    D 810 J4 F54 1982

  59. Frederik, Hans. Die Rechtsradikalen.: Zusammengestellt und bearb. Munchen-Inning, Humboldt-Verlag [1965] 142 pages.
    JN 3971 A979 F7

  60. Frey, Linda. A question of empire: Leopold I and the War of Spanish Succession, 1701-1705. Boulder: East European Monographs; New York: Distributed by Columbia University Press, 1983. ix, 165 pages.
    DD 190.4 F73 1983

  61. Gauck, Joachim. Die Stasi-Akten: das unheimliche Erbe der DDR. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1991. 139, [2] pages.
    HV 8210.5 A45 M564 1991

  62. Gershoy, Leo. From despotism to revolution, 1763-1789. New York; London: Harper & Bros., 1944. xvi pages, 1 1., 355 pages.
    D 295 G47 1944

  63. Gilbert, Martin. Auschwitz and the Allies. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1981. 368 pages, [8] leaves of plates.
    D 810 J4 G5

  64. Glaser, Hermann. The rubble years: the cultural roots of postwar Germany. New York: Paragon House, 1986- volumes <1.
    DD 259.25 G5713 1986

  65. Goda, Norman J. W. Tales from Spandau: Nazi criminals and the Cold War. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. xiii, 390 pages.
    DD 244 G63 2007

  66. Gun, Nerin E. The day of the Americans. New York, Fleet Pub. Corp. [1966] 317 pages.
    D 805 G3 G8626

  67. Gun, Nerin E. Les secrets des archives americaines. Paris: A. Michel, 1979- volumes <1-2.
    D 752 G86

  68. Havenaar, R. De NSB tussen nationalisme en 'volkse' solidariteit: de vooroorlogse ideologie van de Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging in Nederland. 's-Gravenhage: Staatsuitgeverij, 1983. 160 pages.
    JN 5985 N3 H38 1983

  69. Herzstein, Robert Edwin. Roosevelt & Hitler: prelude to war. New York: Paragon House, 1989. xxi, 500 pages, [48] pages of plates.
    E 806 H48 1989

  70. Herzstein, Robert Edwin. The war that Hitler won: Goebbels and the Nazi media campaign. New York: Paragon House Publishers, 1987, 1978. 491 pages.
    D 810 P7 G338 1987

  71. Herzstein, Robert Edwin. When Nazi dreams come true: the Third Reich's internal struggle over the future of Europe after a German victory: a look at the Nazi mentality, 1939-45. London: Abacus, 1982. xi, 301 pages, [8] pages of plates.
    DD 256.5 H3748 1982

  72. Heydecker, Joe Julius. Bilanz der tausend Jahre: die Geschichte des 3. Reiches im Spiegel d. Nurnberger Prozesses. Munchen: Heyne, 1975. 569 pages.
    JX 5437.8 H49x 1975

  73. Hilberg, Raul. Die Vernichtung der europaischen Juden: die Gesamtgeschichte des Holocaust. Berlin: Olle & Wolter, c1961, c1982. 840 pages.
    D 810 J4 H5 1982

  74. Institut fur Zeitgeschichte (Munich, Germany). Gutachten des Instituts fur Zeitgeschichte. Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt [1966]- volumes.
    DD 256.5 I54 1966

  75. Irving, David John Cawdell. Breach of security: the German secret intelligence file on events leading to the Second World War. London, W. Kimber, 1968. 216 pages.
    D 810 S7 I7

  76. Irving, David John Cawdell. The destruction of Convoy PQ. 17. London: Panther, 1986, 1980. 415 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates.
    D 771 I76 1968

  77. Irving, David John Cawdell. Die Geheimwaffen des dritten Reiches. [Gutersloh] S. Mohn [1964] 370 pages.
    D 787 I784 1964

  78. Ismay, Hastings Lionel Ismay, Baron. The memoirs of General Lord Ismay. New York: Viking Press, 1960. 488 p.
    DA 69.3 I8 A3

  79. Kahlenberg, Friedrich P. Starting toward freedom: the German experience 1945-1950: a retrospective with documentary films from the Federal Republic of Germany. Munich: Goethe-Institut, 1987. 40 pages.
    PN 1993.5 G3 K34 1987

  80. Kampmann, Wanda. Deutsche und Juden: Studien zur Geschichte des deutschen Judentums. Heidelberg, L. Schneider, 1963. 449 pages.
    DS 135 G3 K25

  81. Kempner, Robert M. W. SS im KreuzverhoIr. Munchen: Rutten + Loening, 1964. 304 pages.
    DD 256.5 K35x

  82. Kleinfeld, Gerald R. Hitler's Spanish Legion: the Blue Division in Russia. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1979. xii, 434 pages, [6] leaves of plates.
    D 764 K525

  83. Kogon, Eugen. Der SS-Staat. Stockholm, Bermann-Fischer Verlag, 1947. 434 pages.
    DD 256.5 K6

  84. Koop, Allen V. Stark decency: German prisoners of war in a New England village. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1988. xii, 136 pages.
    D 805 U6 K57 1988

  85. Korman, Gerd. Hunter and hunted: human history of the Holocaust. New York, Viking Press [1973] 320 pages.
    D 810 J4 K683

  86. Kosary, Domokos G. The press during the Hungarian Revolution of 1848-1849. Boulder, CO: Social Science Monographs; Highland Lakes, NJ: Atlantic Research & Publications; [New York] : Distributed by Columbia University Press, 1986. x, 374 pages.
    UA 646.8 W36 vol. 27

  87. Kranzler, David. Japanese, Nazis & Jews: the Jewish refugee community of Shanghai, 1938-1945. New York: Yeshiva University Press: Distributed by Sifria Distributors, 1976. 644 pages, [14] leaves of plates.
    DS 135 C5 K7 1976

  88. Kubota, Hiroji. From sea to shining sea: a portrait of America. New York: W.W. Norton., 1992. 227 pages.
    E 169 Z82 K83 1992

  89. Lambach, Frank. Our men in Washington: from the first Prussian Minister resident to the Ambassadors of the Federal Republic of Germany. [Place of publication not identified]: [publisher not identified], [1976] (Koln: R. Muller) 128 pages.
    DD 205 A2 L35

  90. Lancour, Harold. A bibliography of ship passenger lists, 1538-1825: being a guide to published lists of early immigrants to North America. New York, New York Public Library, 1963. ix, 137 p.
    Z 7164 I3 L2 1963

  91. Leber, Annedore. The conscience in revolt: portraits of the German resistance 1933-1945. Mainz: Hase & Koehler, 1994. xiii, 458 pages.
    DD 256.3 L413 1994b

  92. Levine, Herbert S. Hitler's free city: a history of the Nazi Party in Danzig, 1925-39. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, [1973] xii, 223 pages.
    DD 253.4 D36 L48

  93. Lewy, Guenter. The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1964. xv, 416 pages.
    BX 1536 L4

  94. Lorant, Stefan. Sieg Heil! (Hail to victory): An illustrated history of Germany from Bismarck to Hitler. New York, Norton [1974] 352 p.
    DD 232 L6

  95. Lowe, Herbert S. United Nations action in Korea:--a test case in the development of international security ... [1952] 1 preliminary leaf, ii, 130 leaves.
    JX 1977.2 K6 L69 1952

  96. Manchester, William. The arms of Krupp, 1587-1968: the rise and fall of the industrial dynasty that armed Germany at war. Boston: Back Bay Books, 2003. xvi, 976 pages.
    HD 9523.9 K7 M35 2003

  97. Manvell, Roger. Hermann Goring. London, New English Library, 1968. 283 pages.
    DD 247 G67 M32 1968

  98. McGovern, James. Martin Bormann. New York: Morrow, 1968. viii, 237 pages.
    DD 247 B65 M3

  99. Meier, John Alexander. Geflustertes: die Hitlerei im Volksmund; Vox populi. Heidelberg, Freiheit-Verlag, 1946. 149 pages.
    PN 6195 M35

  100. Mendelsohn, John. Trial by document: the use of seized records in the United States proceedings at Nuernberg [i.e. Nuremberg]. 1974. 224 l.
    D 804 G425 M4

  101. Merritt, Anna J. Public opinion in occupied Germany: the OMGUS surveys, 1945-1949. Urbana, University of Illinois Press [1970] xxii, 328 pages.
    HM 261 M48

  102. Meyer, Winfried. Unternehmen Sieben: eine Rettungsaktion fur vom Holocaust Bedrohte aus dem Amt Ausland/Abwehr im Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. Frankfurt am Main: Hain, 1993. xii, 623 pages.
    D 810 J4 M4585 1993

  103. Mocsy, Istvan I. The effects of World War I: the uprooted: Hungarian refugees and their impact on Hungary's domestic politics, 1918-1921. New York: Social Science Monographs--Brooklyn College Press: Distributed by Columbia University Press, 1983. xiii, 252 pages, [2] pages of plates.
    UA 646.8 W36 vol. 12

  104. Moulton, Harold G. The control of Germany and Japan. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1944. .
    HC 286.4 M6

  105. Nicolson, Harold. Peacemaking, 1919. New York, Grosset & Dunlap [1965] vii, 378 pages.
    D 644 N36 1965

  106. Niethammer, Lutz. Entnazifizierung in Bayern: SaIuberung und Rehabilitierung unter amerikanischer Besatzung. [Frankfurt am Main] S. Fischer [1972] 710 pages.
    DD 801 B423 N54 1972

  107. Norden, Albert. Kriegs- und Nazi-Verbrecher in der Bundesrepublik. Berlin: Staatsverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1965. 339 pages.
    D 804 G4 N6x

  108. Orlow, Dietrich. The Nazis in the Balkans: a case study of totalitarian politics. [Pittsburgh] University of Pittsburgh Press [1968] viii, 235 pages.
    HC 286.4 O7

  109. Pabst, Martin. Willy Messerschmitt: Zwolf Jahre Flugzeugbau im Fuhrerstaat. 136 pp.
    TL 540 M395

  110. Parssinen, Terry M. The Oster conspiracy of 1938: the unknown story of the military plot to kill Hitler and avert World War II. New York: HarperCollins, 2003. xxii, 232 pages, [8] pages of plates.
    DD 247 O85 P37 2003

  111. Paston, David George. Superior orders,: as affecting responsibility for war crimes. New York, H.G. Publishing Co., 1946. 31, [1] pages.
    JX 6731 W3 P3

  112. Platonov, S. F. The time of troubles: a historical study of the internal crises and social struggle in sixteenth- and seventeenth-Century Muscovy. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas [1970] xvii, 197 pages.
    DK 111 P5813

  113. Presser, J. The destruction of the Dutch Jews. New York, Dutton, 1969 [1968] xiv, 556 pages.
    DS 135 N4 P673 1969

  114. Rabl, Kurt. From the U.S. Constitution to the basic law of the Federal Republic of Germany: a survey with 241 documents, illustrations, and plates = Von der amerikanischen Verfassung zum Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: eine Zusammenschau mit 241 Dokumenten und Abbildungen im Text und auf Tafeln. Grafelfing vor Munchen: Moos, 1988. 198 pages.
    JK 295 R33 1988

  115. Reichmann, Eva G. Hostages of civilisation: the social sources of national socialist anti-semitism. Boston: Beacon Press, 1951. 281 pages.
    DS 145 R45 1951

  116. Robinson, Jacob. Guide to unpublished materials of the holocaust period. Jerusalem, Hebrew University, Institute of Contemporary Jewry, 1970- v.
    CD 2291 I8 R5

  117. Rohwer, Jurgen. Der Krieg zur See 1939-1945. Grafelfing vor Munchen: Urbes, 1992. 192 pages.
    D 770 R595 1992

  118. Sachar, Abram Leon. The redemption of the unwanted: from the liberation of the death camps to the founding of Israel. New York: St. Martin's/Marek, c1983. xxvii, 334 p.
    DS 126.4 S32 1983

  119. Schramm, Percy Ernst. Hitler: the man and the military leader. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1971. viii, 214 pages.
    DD 247 H5 S34 1971

  120. Sereny, Gitta. Into that darkness: an examination of conscience. New York: Vintage Books, 1983, 1974. 379 pages, [8] pages of plates.
    D 805 G3 S456 1983

  121. Seth, Ronald. Secret servants: a history of Japanese espionage. New York, Farrar, Straus and Cudahy [1957] 278 pages.
    UB 271 J3 S4

  122. Speidel, Hans. Invasion 1944: ein Beitrag zu Rommels und des Reiches Schicksal. Tubingen, Wunderlich [1949] 202 pages.
    D 757 S77

  123. Stache, Christa. Das Evangelische Zentralarchiv in Berlin und seine BestaInde. Berlin: Alektor-Verlag, 1992. 250 pages.
    CD 1377 B394 S73 1992

  124. Stern, Fritz. Germany 1933: fifty years later. New York: Leo Baeck Institute, [1983], 1984. 34 pages.
    DD 256.5 S85

  125. Streit, Christian. Keine Kameraden: d. Wehrmacht u. d. sowjet. Kriegsgefangenen 1941-1945. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1978. 445 pages.
    D 805 G3 S798 1978

  126. Sydnor, Charles W. Soldiers of destruction: the SS Death's Head Division, 1933-1945. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1977. xvi, 371 pages.
    D 757.85 S95

  127. Szajkowski, Zosa. Analytical Franco-Jewish gazetteer, 1939-1945. New York, 1966. 349 pages.
    D 810 J4 S93

  128. Thompson, R. W. The battle for the Rhineland. London, Hutchinson [1958] xiv, 241 pages.
    D 757.9 R5 T5 1958

  129. Tirpitz, Alfred von. Der Aufbau der deutschen Weltmacht. Stuttgart: J.C. Cotta, 1924. viii, 460 pages.
    DD 106 T47 1924

  130. Toland, John. The last 100 days. New York: Random House, [1966] xii, 622 p.
    D 755.7 T6

  131. Tompkins, Peter. Italy betrayed. New York, Simon and Schuster [1966] 352 pages.
    D 763 I8 T58

  132. Trumpp, Thomas. Archivbestande zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte der Weimarer Republik: Ubersicht uber Quellen in Archiven d. Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Boppard am Rhein: Boldt, 1979. 380 pages.
    Z 7165 G3 T78

  133. Veld, N. K. C. A. in 't. De zuivering van artsen en advocaten: een bijdrage tot de geschiedschrijving van de zuivering van het vrije beroep. 's-Gravenhage: Staatsuitgeverij, 1983. 134 pages.
    KKM 1600 V45 1983

  134. Veld, N. K. C. A. in't. De ereraden voor de kunst en de zuivering van de kunstenaars: een bijdrage tot de geschiedschrijving van de zuivering van het vrije beroep. 's-Gravenhage: Staatsuitgeverij, 1981. 120 pages.
    NX 750 N4 V44 1981

  135. Vogel, Walter. Westdeutschland 1945-1950: der Aufbau von Verfassungsund Verwaltungseinrichtungen uber den Landern der drei westlichen Besatzungszonen. [Koblenz], [1956-1983] 3 volumes.
    JN 3971 A2 V6

  136. Wasserstein, Bernard. Britain and the Jews of Europe, 1939-1945. London: Institute of Jewish Affairs; New York: Oxford University Press, 1979. viii, 389 pages.
    D 810 J4 W372

  137. Weingartner, James J. Hitler's guard: the story of the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, 1933-1945. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press [1974] .
    DD 253.65 W44 1974

  138. Weinkauff, Hermann. Die deutsch Justiz und der Nationalsozialismus ein Uberblick. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1968. 382 pages.
    KKC 2 D4893 v.1

  139. Weizsacker, Richard, Freiherr von. Zum 40 Jahrestag der Beendigung des Krieges in Europa und der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft. Ansprache am 8 Mai 1985 in der Gedenkstunde im Plenarsaal des Deutschen Bundestages. Bonn: Bundeszentrale fuer Politische Bildung, 1985. 16 pages.
    DD 259.4 W45

  140. Wheeler-Bennett, John Wheeler, Sir. Munich: prologue to tragedy. London, Macmillan, 1966. xv, 507 pages.
    DB 215 W45 1966

  141. Whiting, Charles. The hunt for Martin Bormann. New York, Ballantine Books [1973] xvi, 240 pages.
    DD 247 B65 W53

  142. Woodward, Bob. Maestro: Greenspan's Fed and the American boom. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000. 270 pages, [16] pages of plates.
    HG 2565 W654 2000