Mandatory | Repeatable | Data Type | Authority | Level Available | A/V Only | Public Element |
Yes | No | Variable Character Length (25) | Access Restriction Status List | Series File Unit Item |
No | Yes |
Definition: |
The indication of whether or not there are access restrictions on the archival materials. |
Purpose: | Alerts users if access to the archival materials may be restricted. |
Relationship: | This element is independent, but Specific Access Restriction and Access Restriction Note are dependent on it. In addition, the selection of some terms from the Access Restriction Status Authority List requires the use of Specific Access Restriction or Access Restriction Note as described in the Guidance. |
Guidance: |
Choose an appropriate term from the Access Restriction Status Authority List. Use "Restricted - Fully" if all the archival materials are restricted. Use "Restricted - Partly" if some of the archival materials are restricted. Use "Restricted - Possibly" if the archival materials may be restricted. Use "Undetermined" when it is unknown if the archival materials are restricted. Use "Unrestricted" if there are no access restrictions on the archival materials. If "Restricted - Fully" or "Restricted - Partly" is used, then Specific Access Restriction must also be indicated. If "Restricted - Possibly" is used, explain further in Access Restriction Note. If "Undetermined" is selected, explain it further in Access Restriction Note. Do not use this element to describe restrictions on using or reproducing the archival materials, instead use the use restriction elements. |
Examples: |
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Lifecycle Data Requirements Guide