The National Archives Catalog

Specific Records Type Thesaurus

The Specific Records Type Thesaurus provides data values for the Specific Records Type element.

The complete Specific Records Type Thesaurus is available in DAS.

The Specific Records Type Thesaurus was created from terms in DE 800 and NAIL and from two hierarchies in the J. Paul Getty Trust's Art and Architecture Thesaurus© (AAT). The two hierarchies are "Visual Works" and "Information Forms". These hierarchies can be browsed by visiting the Getty web site at

Not every term from the two hierarchies was used in the Specific Records Type Thesaurus. The purely physical terms, such as "wet collodion negatives" were removed. Instead, these terms are contained in the authority lists that describe the physical nature and media types of the archival materials, such as Media Type Authority List, Base Authority List, Process Authority List, and Format Authority List.
