Holocaust-Era Assets

Military Agency Records RG 331

Theaters of Operations

Records of Allied Operational and Occupation Headquarters, World War II
(RG 331)

Records of Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF)

On February 13, 1944 Headquarters, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces, known also as SHAEF, replaced and absorbed the planning group called the Chief of Staff Supreme Allied Command, or COSSAC, that had been established in April 1943. COSSAC and SHAEF, as as integrated U.S.-British organizations responsible to the Combined Chiefs of Staff, successively had the task of integrating the British forces and the American forces for operations on the Continent. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower was designated as the Supreme Allied Commander, Allied Expeditionary Forces, and on his arrival in England from the North African Theater in January 1944 he became also the commanding general of the European Theater of Operations United States Army (ETOUSA).

The staff organizations of SHAEF and ETOUSA were, however, distinct. Each headquarters as a rule had its own staff sections manned by separate personnel. The staff organization in SHAEF was headed by the Chief of Staff. SHAEF directed the operations of several subordinate interallied headquarters, including separate commands for ground, air, and naval operations.

SHAEF was located at London until August 1944; at Versailles, France, August 1944-May 1945; and at Frankfurt, Germany, May-July 1945. On July 14, 1945, SHAEF was discontinued, and its civil-affairs and military-government functions were assumed by the Allied Group Control Council, in Berlin. Some of its United States components continued in Headquarters United States Forces, European Theater.

During 1944-1945 operated SHAEF Missions that were established in liberated nations to represent the Supreme Allied Commander and to maintain contact with these countries without interfering with military operations. These missions were located in France, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Norway. As combined organizations they were disbanded in July 1945 with the termination of SHAEF, but as national missions some of them continued as late as 1947.

Records of SHAEF General Staff Organizations

Records of the Office of the Chief of Staff

Records of the Secretary, General Staff (SGS)

Decimal Correspondence File May 1943-August 1945 (Entry 1)

Boxes 1-103

Box # Decimal# File Title or Subject
1 000.4 Preservation of Historical Monuments, Art Objects, etc.
000.5 War Crimes, Acts of
000.5/2 War Criminals, Individuals and Groups
88-89   Refugees and Displaced Persons (5 files)

Geographic Correspondence File 1943-July 1945 (Entry 2)

Boxes 104-121

Box # Country Decimal# File Title or Subject
121 Spain 092 Spanish Relations, Vol. I, June 1944-
Sweden 091 Sweden, Vol. I June 8, 1944-
Sweden 092 Swedish Relations, Vol. I September 1944-
Switzerland 091 Swiss Relations, Vol. I September 1944-
Switzerland 091/1 Swiss Observers, Vol. I September 1944-
Switzerland 373.5 Violations of Swiss Neutrality, Vol. I, May 1944

Records of the G-1 Division

Decimal Correspondence File 1944-1945 (Entry 6)

Boxes 1-45

Box # Decimal # File Title or Subject
1 000.4-1 Preservation of Archives
000.4-2 Prohibition of Sale of Export Work of Art in Germany
1-2   War Crimes
4 007 Fine Arts
5 091.112-5 Officials-
11 250/2-1 General
250/2-2 Control of Looting in Germany
250/2-10 Investigation of Alleged Looting by American Soldiers in Vicinity of Nismegens, Holland
383.4 Handling of Allied and Neutral Nationals Who Collaborated
383.4-11 Swiss Nationals
29 383.7 Refugees and Displaced Persons (13 files)
383.7/1 UNRRA (2 files)

Records of the G-2 Division

Executive Sub-Division Decimal File 1944-July 1945 (Entry 11)

Boxes 1-8

Box # Decimal # File Title or Subject
1 000.4 Preservation of Archives
091 Spain
091 Sweden
091.31 Swiss Aid to Germany (1944-1945)
092-3 Political Intelligence

Operational Intelligence Library Publication File 1942-1945 (Entry 13A)

Boxes 50-61

Box # File Title or Subject
53 Foreign Workers in Camp and Hostilities in Germany
59 Directory of Public Personalities in Germany Life-Rhineland and Westphalia-Banking

Records of the G-5 Division

Records of the Secretariat

Numeric File August 1943-July 1945 (Entry 47)

Boxes 1-65

Box # File # File Title or Subject
1 1/13 Financial Branch Folder FINANCIAL - GERMANY- DISCOVERIES OF GOLD AND OTHER VALUABLES contains numerous documents dated April, May, and June, 1945.
4 21/4 Blocking (Freezing) and Property Control
51 Displaced Persons
18-19 751 Public Monuments and Fine Arts
20-21 751/1 Museum, Fine Arts and Archives Operations Reports
21 751/3/1 SHAEF Official Lists
751/3 Museum, Fine Arts and Archives Lists
751/4 MFA&A Archives
751/3/2 Lists-Miscellaneous
751/2/21 Depositories-Germany
30 853 Vichy Officials
856 Enemy Atrocities
858 Protection of Private Property
904/3 Public Safety Planning-Concentration Camps
Legal Branch
35 1802 Claims
1816 War Criminals
Displaced Persons Branch
47   France (2 files)
48   France (3 files)
  Belgium (4 files)
  Netherlands (2 files)
49   Netherlands (2 files)
  Norway (3 files)
  Denmark (2 files)
  Poland (2 files)
  USSR (3 files)
50 2707/6 USSR-PW
  Czechoslovakia (3 files)
  Jugoslavia (2 files)
  Italy (3 files)
  Germany (5 files)
2711/7 Germany-Concentration Camps
2711/7.1 21 AG [Army Group]-Bergen-Belsen
2711/7.2 12 AG [Army Group]-Mauthausen
2711/7.21 Buchenwald
2711/7.3 6 AG [Army Group]-Dachau
51 2711/7.4 SAARF Luxembourg (2 files)
2713 Channel Islands
2715 Greece
2717 Austria
2718 Sweden
2719 Baltic States
51-52   UNRRA (12 files)
56 2840 Persecuted Persons
2843 Foreign Workers in Germany
2847 TODT Organization Workers
2852 Racial and Political Prisoners
58   Field Reports (5 files)
Information Branch
65 4693 Intelligence-G-5 Weekly Journal of Information
4694 Intelligence-G-5 Political Intelligence Newsletter

Subject Files 1944-July 1945 (Entry 48)

Boxes 66-72

Box # File Title
67 Handbooks- Archives - West Germany
72 Weekly Information Bulletin
Weekly Progress Reports
Weekly Summaries
Weekly Field Reports
Weekly CA [Civil Affairs] Summaries

Records of the Economics Branch

Subject File April 1944-July 1945 (Entry 49)

Boxes 73-94

Box # File Title
78 Displaced Persons
82 Handbooks(Germany)-Fianncial and Property Control
87 Misc. MFA&A Personnel Correspondence
91 Refugees and Displaced Persons
93 Supplies—Swiss and Spain

Records of the Information Branch, Historical Section

Subject Index to Entry 54 (Entry 51)

Arranged alphabetically by subject. Boxes 1-15

Numeric-Subject Planning File 1943-July 1945 (Entry 53)

Boxes 95-108

Box # File# File Title
102 15.13 Displaced Persons Section
15.14 Arts,Monuments and Archives
106 23 UNRRA

Numeric-Subject Operations File 1943-July 1945 (Entry 54)

Boxes 109-321

Box # File # File Title or Subject
110 6 UNRRA
165 17.6 Historical Report, dated April 1945, under headings FINANCE and MONUMENTS, FINE ARTS AND ARCHIVES pp. 21-43--deals with recovery of Gold and Art work. (Jacket #10)
195 25 German Documents
198-199 31.06 US Group Control Council-Museum, Fine Arts and Archives Branch
207 51.05 List of Archives-Berlin, Germany
209 51.05 Basic Handbook, Part II, Nazi Europe
218-219 105 G-5 Reports and Summaries of Field Operations
219 105 G-5 Functions in ETOUSA Operations: Merkers- Herringen-Frankfurt Areas in Germany 9 April to 22 April 1945, dated 26 April 1945. This file contains several reports on the discovery and disposition of gold and other valuables discovered in Germany by the U.S. Army in April 1945.
111 Displaced Persons Branch.
220   Displaced Persons (files on Denmark, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and Norway)
221 111.21 Displaced Persons Report
111.21 Displaced Persons Directives and Instructions
224 113.05 Financial Branch-Germany
113.05 Financial Branch-Germany (Special File)
272  130 Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives
130 MFA&A-Italy
130.04 MFA&A-Monuments
130.05 MFA&A-Germany
130.21 MFA&A-Reports
130.22 MFA&A-Directives and Instructions
299-313   European Civil Affairs Division
314-315   War Office Civil Affairs Directorate
315-321   Civil Affairs Groups

Records of the Operations Branch, Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives Section

Subject File August 1943-1945 (Entry 55B)

Boxes 322-336

Box # File Titles or Subjects
322 Administration (4 folders)
Administration-War Diary
Archives (7 folders)
U.S. Army B
323 The Renders Collection-Brussels
Censorship Submissions
Correspondence (2 folders)
Communication Zone U.S. Army (2 folders)
12th Army Group
12th Army Group Correspondence
15th U.S.Army
Art Protection-Miscellaneous
Art Protection-Enemy
324 Correspondence
325 Intelligence-Repositories-Germany (2 folders)
Intelligence-Repositories-Other Countries
Looting-Einsatzstab Rosenberg [ERR]
326 Looting-France Looting-France-Fench Restitution Committee (2 folders)
MFA&A List-Misc.
327 Looting-France-Fench Restitution Committee and D.G.E.R.
MFA&A Intelligence-Official List of Monuments (2 folders)
List of Repositories-France
Looting-Belgium and Netherlands
Looting-Goudstikker Collection
Looting-Schloss Collection
328 Maps
SHAEF Mission-Belgium
SHAEF Mission-France
SHAEF Mission-Luxembourg
SHAEF Mission-Norway
SHAEF Mission-Netherlands
329 MFA&A Official Lists (2 folders)
MFA&A Personnel-Enemy
MFA&A Organization (4 folders)
330 MFA&A Personnel-Enemy
MFA&A Personnel-Miscellaneous
MFA&A Personnel-General
MFA&A Personnel-Officers-British (Personal Histories)
MFA&A Personnel-Officers-British-General
MFA&A Personnel-Officers-U.S.-General
MFA&A Personnel-Officers-U.S. (Personal Histories)
MFA&A Personnel-OR/EM
MFA&A Personnel-French
331-332 Policy and Procedures
332 P/W and Civilian Interrogations
Public Relations-General
Public Relations-Press Clippings
Public Relations-Enemy Releases
Public Monuments, Arts and Archives (2 folders)
333-336 Reports
336 Supplies (4 folders)
Technical Instructions
ETO Office Working File Index (SHAEF)

Records of the Adjutant General's Division

War Diaries (Entry 58)

G-5 Division War Diaries
Boxes 51-60 January-June 1945 contain references to looted gold, etc.

Records of the Executive Section

Decimal File (Entry 56)

Decimal File 1945
Box 190 Decimal 386 Property Rights
