Holocaust-Era Assets

Civilian Agency Records RG 59

State Department and Foreign Affairs Records

General Records of the Department of State (RG 59)

Central File Records

All correspondence and other records were arranged and filed by subject in one series called the Decimal File (to 1963) and the Subject-Numeric File (1963-1973).

The decimal file, basically a subject file with predetermined subjects designated by a decimal code, has subjects grouped into nine major classes as follows:

  • Class 0 - Miscellaneous
  • Class 1 - Administration of the U.S. Government
  • Class 2 - Extradition
  • Class 3 - Protection of private and national interests
  • Class 4 - Claims
  • Class 5 - International conferences and organizations
  • Class 6 - Commerce, customs, trade
  • Class 7 - Political relations of states
  • Class 8 - Internal affairs of states

As papers accumulated under a specific subject they were assigned consecutive numbers, called enclosure numbers, subordinate to the decimal classification and set off from it by a slash mark (/). The incoming communication and accompanying reply were usually assigned the same enclosure number. The decimal file number and enclosure number are stamped or typed on the first paper in each file.

To illustrate the decimal filing system, a document dated in 1941 in the subject file for financial affairs in Switzerland is 854.51/391. Class 8 is for the internal affairs of states, 54 is the number for Switzerland, 51 is for financial affairs, and the number after the slash mark (/) indicates there were 390 other documents in the file dated from 1910 to 1941. A document dated in 1945 in the subject file for U.S. Claims against Germany is 462.11/3-2345. Class 4 is for claims against Germany(62) by citizens of the United States(11), and the number after the slash mark (/) indicates the date, March 23, 1945. The main subject file for documents relating to World War II is 740.0011. Class 7 is for relations between states, 40 is for Europe, 00 is for the world, and 11 is for war. Within the main file there are hundreds of subfiles each containing thousands of documents. Sometimes letters or words follow the number and are part of the file title. File 740.0016EW is for war crimes in Europe (13 boxes for the 1940-1944 period), file 740.00119EW is for the termination of the war in Europe (15 boxes for the 1940-1944 period), and file 740.00119 Control (Germany) is for the occupation of Germany (134 boxes for the 1945-1949 period).

The decimal file changed in 1950 although most country numbers remained the same:

  • Class 0 - Miscellaneous
  • Class 1 - Administration of the U.S. Government
  • Class 2 - Protection of interests, persons and property [was Class 3]
  • Class 3 - International conferences and organizations [was Class 5]
  • Class 4 - International trade and commerce [was Class 6]
  • Class 5 - International informational and educational relations, cultural affairs
  • Class 6 - International political relations [was in Class 7]
  • [what was in Class 8 was subdivided into Classes 7,8, and 9]
  • Class 7 - Internal political and national defense affairs
  • Class 8 - Internal economic, industrial, and social affairs
  • Class 9 - Other internal affairs--communications, transportation, science

Researchers not familiar with the State Department Central Files, as well as other State Department records, are advised to consult with our subject matter experts in the consultation area in Room 2600. They also should consult the filing manuals for the 1910-1949 and 1950- 1963 periods. There are three basic finding aids for the Decimal File: Name Cards; Purport Lists and Purport Cards; and, Source Card Index.

Name Cards

There is a name card index for each segment of the decimal file, arranged alphabetically, that helps to locate subject files and documents of interest. It is not comprehensive. There is not a card for each person named in every document, but it is useful for locating a document from or about a non-government entity or private individual.

Name Cards 1940-1949

Name Index to the Decimal File 1940-1944 (Entry 199C)

Boxes 1-1360

Box # Subject
32 American Joint Distribution Committee
48 Argentina
54 Art Institute of Chicago
75 Bank of International Settlements
86 Basler Handelsbank
220 Chase National Bank
270 Credit Suisse
304 Deutsche Bank
323 Dresdner Bank
389 Theodor Fischer
421 Walther Funk
441 General Aniline & Film Corporation
441 General Motors
546 Eduard von Der Heydt
589 International Business Machine Corp.
614 Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee
782 Fritz Mandl
821 Metropolitan Museum of Art
870 Museum of Modern Art
870 Museum of Fine Arts
879 National Gallery of Art
916 Adam Opel
916 Fritz von Opel
962 N.V Philips
973 Plus Ultra Insurance Company
980 Portugal
1015 Reichsbank
1031 Riunione Adriatica Di Sicurta S.p.A.
1090 Hjalmar Schacht
1154 Societe Generale de Surveillance
1162 Spain
1170 Standard Oil Company
1185 Stockholms Enskilda Bank
1199 Sweden
1200 Switzerland
1200 Swiss Bank Corporation
1200 Swiss Bankers Association
1200 Swiss National Bank
1224 Fritz Thyssen
1244 Turkey
1249 Union Bank of Switzerland
1299 Johann Wehrli and Company
1304 Manfred Weiss
1307 Hans Wendland
1319 Wildenstein and Company
1338 World Jewish Congre

Name Index to the Decimal File 1945-1949

Boxes 1-511

Box # Subject
8 Allianz A.G. (Insurance Company)
14 American Joint Distribution Committee
22 Argentina
24 Art Institute of Chicago
25 Assicuerazione Generale Reunione Adriatica
32 Bank of International Settlements
82 Banque Charles
35 Basler Handlesbank
82 Chase National Bank
102 Credit Suisse
107 Daimler-Benz
119 Deutsche Bank
150 Theodor Fischer
161 Walther Funk
166 General Aniline & Film Corporation
167 General Motors
480 Eduard von Der Heydt
205 Walter Andreas Hofer
219 Inter-Allied Reparations Agency
221 International Business Machine Corp.
233 Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee
287 Fritz Mandl
309 Alois Miedl
307 Metropolitan Museum of Art
324 Museum of Modern Art
324 Museum of Fine Arts
344 Adam Opel
481 Fritz von Opel
362 N.V. Philips
365 Plus Ultra Insurance Company
368 Portugal
373 Emil Puhl
386 Riunione Adriatica Di Sicurta S.p.A.
406 Hjalmar Schacht
429 Smithsonian Institution (National Gallery of Art)
430 Societe Generale de Surveillance
433 Spain
437 Standard Oil Company
442 Stockholms Enskilda Bank
464 Tripartite Gold Commission
445 Walter Stucki
448 Sweden
448 Switzerland
448 Swiss Bank Corporation
448 Swiss Bankers Association
458 Fritz Thyssen
466 Turkey
469 Union Bank of Switzerland
469 Union Reinusrance Company
488 Johann Wehrli and Company
490 Manfred Weiss
491 Hans Wendland
495 Wildenstein and Company
503 World Jewish Congress

Purport Lists and Purport Cards

Every document in every file is listed on purport lists (1910-1944, NARA Microfilm publication M-973) and purport cards (after July 1, 1944) that indicate date, from, to, file number, and a brief description ("purport") of each document. Purport lists and purport cards are arranged in the same order as the records. Researchers should use them to help locate subject files of interest or eliminate the need to examine other records in other subject files.

List of Documents (Purport Books) 1940-1944 (Entry 202C)

Arranged according to Decimal File classification. Lists of all letters and other documents received and sent by the Department of State that are filed in the Decimal File. Boxes 1-594

Lists of Documents (Purport Cards) July-December 1944 (Entry 203A)

Arranged according to Decimal File classification. Boxes 1-101

Lists of Documents (Purport Cards) 1945-1949 (Entry 203B)

Arranged according to Decimal File classification. Boxes 1-1187

Source Card Index

There is a comprehensive source card index for each segment that lists every document arranged by U.S. foreign service post, foreign embassy or legation, State Department office, or other agency of the U.S. Government, thereunder by "to" and "from" and thereunder chronologically. Source cards, like name cards, are useful primarily for identifying relevant subject file numbers. Source Cards 1940-1944 (Entry 198C)
Boxes 1-1060

Source Cards 1945-1949 (Entry 198D)
Boxes 1-1211

As noted above class 7 of the decimal file is for political relations of States. Each country, continent, or geographical area had assigned a two-digit number; Europe was assigned number 40. When the war began, the State Department decided to index all war-related documents in file 740.0011EW for the European war. The documents relating to the Pacific war, considered an extension of the European war, were filed under 740.0011PW. These records, as well as records filed under decimals 740.00 (General Political Affairs of Europe); 740.0011LCC (London Coordinating Committee); 740.0011Moscow (Three-Power Conference held in Moscow in October 1943); and 740.0011Stettinius Mission (Mission to London headed by Under Secretary of State Edward R. Stettinius in March 1944) have been microfilmed as National Archives Microfilm Publication M982.

Among the important decimal file numbers for both the 1940-1944 and 1945-1949 blocks of the decimal file are:

Decimal # Subjects
652.62 Trade, German Exports to Spain
653.62 Trade, German Exports to Portugal
654.62 Trade, German Exports to Switzerland
658.62 Trade, German Exports to Sweden
662.52 Trade, Spanish Exports to Germany
662.53 Trade, Portuguese Exports to Germany
662.54 Trade, Swiss Exports to Germany
662.58 Trade, Swedish Exports to Germany
662.67 Trade, Turkish Exports to Germany
667.62 Trade, German Exports to Turkey
740.00111 EW Neutrality
740.00112 EW Neutral and Enemy Commerce
740.00113 EW Enemy Property
740.00114 EW Prisoners of War
740.00115 EW Civilian Prisoners and Enemy Non-combatants
740.00116 EW Illegal and Inhuman Warfare
740.00119 EW Termination of the War
800.515 World monetary system; bullion; non-monetary gold
835.515 Argentine Bullion etc.
835.516 Argentine Banks
852.515 Spanish Bullion etc.
852.516 Spanish Banks
853.515 Poruguese Bullion etc.
853.516 Portuguese Banks
854.515 Swiss Bullion etc.
854.516 Swiss Banks
858.515 Swedish Bullion etc.
858.516 Swedish Banks
862.515 German Bullion etc.
862.516 German Banks
863.515 Austrian Bullion etc.
863.516 Austrian Banks
865.515 Italian Bullion etc.
865.516 Italian Banks
867.515 Turkish Bullion etc.
867.516 Turkish Banks

1930-1939 Decimal File

Box #s Decimal #
5888-5892 835.515
5892 835.516
6063 840.48 (note 2)
6063A-6074 840.48 Refugees (note 3)
6468-6470 852.515
6470 852.516
6485 853.515
6485-6486 853.516
6497 854.515
6497-6498 854.516
6553 858.515
6553-6554 858.516
6813-6817 862.515
6817-6820 862.516
6854 863.515
6854-6856 863.516
6889-6891 865.515
6891 865.516
6941 867.515
6941 867.516

1940-1944 Decimal File

Boxes 1-5930

Box #s Decimal #
1054-1055 311.5453 deals with the case U.S. vs. Swiss Bank Corporation. (note 4)
1752 652.62
1752 653.62
1753 654.62
1756 658.62
1760 662.52
1760 662.54
1760 662.58
1760 662.67
1762 667.62
2294-2545 740.00111
2545-2754 740.00112
2755-2773 740.00113
2939-2964 740.00119
3272-3283 800.515
4619-4621 835.515
4621 835.516
4751-4764 840.48
4764-4791 840.48 Refugees
5248-5249 852.515
5249 852.516
5268 853.515
5268 853.516
5283 854.515
5283 854.516
5343-5344 858.515
5344 858.516
5608-5610 862.515
5610 862.516
5635 863.515
5679-5680 865.515
5680 865.516
5698 867.515
5698 867.516

Boxes C1-C373 (Confidential File Boxes)

Box # Decimal #
C1-C2 800.515
C208 852.515
C213 853.515
C213 853.516
C216 854.515
C216 854.516
C223 858.515
C223 858.516
C369-C370 862.515
C370 862.516

1945-1949 Decimal File

Box #s Decimal #s
2846 652.62
2847 653.62
2850-2851 654.62
2866 658.62
2887 662.58
2888 662.67
3489-3517 740.00111
3517-3540 740.00112
3647-3648 740.00119
3648-3639 740.00119 Control (Austria) (note 5)
3662-3795 740.00119 Control (Germany) (note 6)
3797-3806 740.00119 Control (Italy ) (note 7)
3836-3859 740.00119 Council (note 8)
3857-3859 740.00119 EAC (note 9)
3860-3936 740.00119 EW
4080 (note 10) 800.0128/5-1547
4177-4259 (note 11) 800.515
4209 800.515 (Washington Accord File)
5679-5683 840.48
5684-5700 840.48 Refugees
6351 852.515
6352 852.516
6370 853.515
6370 853.516
6383 854.515
6384 854.516
6478 858.515
6478 858.516
6788-6791 862.515
6791 862.516
6862 863.515
6862 863.516
6947-6949 865.515
6950-6952 865.516
6985 867.515
6985 867.516

1950-1963 Decimal File (Note 12)

Among the most import Decimal File numbers for the 1950-1954, 1955-1959, and 1960-1963 time periods are those in class 2--protection of interests, class 3--international organizations, and class 6--international political relations. Important Country Numbers include 00--the world, 11-- United States, 54--Switzerland, and 62--Germany.

1950-1954 Decimal File

Box #s File # Subjects
863-864 200.1141 U.S. war claims, general; War Claims Commission; enemy property in allied and neutral countries.
865-872 200.6241 German war claims, general; looted property; Tripartite Gold Commission
894-897 211.6241 German assets in the United States
975 248.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Poland
983-900 249.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Czechoslovakia
1001-1005 251.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against France
1010 252.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Spain
1011 252.6241 German assets in Spain; the Spanish Accord
1012 253.6241 German assets in Portugal; the Portuguese Accord
1016-1017 254.1141 U.S .assets in Switzerland
1017-1018 254.6241 German assets in Switzerland; the Swiss Accord
1020 255.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Belgium
1024-1026 256.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against the Netherlands
1034-1035 258.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Sweden
1040 261.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against the Soviet Union
1041-1056 262.0041 Reparationsfrom Germany, IARA, Jewish claims against Germany
1061-1064 262.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Germany
1080-1081 263.0041 Reparations from Austria, restitution, Jewish claims against Austria
1084-1088 263.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Austria
1089 263.6241 German assets in Austria
1092-1093 264.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Hungary
1093 265.0041 Reparations from Italy, the "Rome Treasure, disposition of non-monetary gold, Jewish claims
1147-1149 265.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Italy
1151-1152 265.6341 German assets in Italy
1513-1522 398.10 German Debt Commission
1528-1535 398.10 Bank for International Settlements
2720 611.00231 WWI Blacklist; enemy property seized by the United States
2818 611.54231 Safehaven; blocking Swiss funds
2928 611.62231 Safehaven; blocking German funds
2929 654.62231 Safehaven; German funds in Switzerland
2951A-2952 662.00231 Safehaven; German funds in the world
5048-5049 854.14 Banking in Switzerland; bank secrecy

1955-1959 Decimal File

Box # Decimal # Subjects
822-824 200.1141 U.S. war claims, general
825-827 200.6241 German war claims, general; Tripartite Gold Commission
856-993 211.6241 German assets in the United States
992-993 248.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Poland
998-1001 249.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Czechoslovakia
1022-1024 251.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against France
1037 252.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Spain
1037-1038 252.6241 German assets in Spain; the Spanish Accord
1039 253.6241 German assets in Portugal; the Portuguese Accord
1044-1045 254.1141 U.S. assets in Switzerland
1045 254.6241 German assets in Switzerland; the Swiss Accord
1047 255.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Belgium
1049-1051 256.1141 U.S.assets in, claims against the Netherlands
1060 258.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Sweden
1060 258.6241 German assets in Sweden
1067-1068 261.1141 U.S.assets in, claims against the Soviet Union
1070-1074 262.0041 Reparations from Germany, IARA, Jewish claims against Germany
1076-1079 262.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Germany
1098-1099 263.0041 Reparations from Austria, restitution, Jewish claims against Austria
1104-1107 263.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Austria
1108 263.6241 German assets in Austria
1110-1112 264.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Hungary
1115 265.0041 Reparations from Italy, the "Italian Treasure, division of gold, Jewish claims
1133-1146 265.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Italy
1147-1148 265.6341 German assets in Italy
1468-1469 398.10 German Debt Commission
1474-1479 398.10 Bank for International Settlements
2435 611.00231 WWI Blacklist; enemy property seized by the United States
2513 611.54231 Safehaven; blocking Swiss funds
2526-2527 611.62231 Safehaven; blocking German funds
4632 854.14 Banking in Switzerland; bank secrecy

1960-January 1963 Decimal File

Box # Decimal # Subjects
332-833 200.1141 U.S. war claims, general
333 200.6241 German war claims, general
340-341 211.6241 German assets in the United States
387 248.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Poland
388 249.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Czechoslovakia
393-394 251.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against France
398 252.6241 German assets in Spain; the Spanish Accord
399 253.6241 German assets in Portugal; the Portuguese Accord
401 254.6241 German assets in Switzerland; the liquidation of Swiss commitments under the Washington Accords
408 261.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against the Soviet Union
409 262.0041 Reparations from Germany, IARA, Jewish claims against Germany
410-411 262.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Germany
419-420 263.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Austria
421 264.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Hungary
426 265.1141 U.S. assets in, claims against Italy
778 398.10 German Debt Commission
11925 611.00231 WWI Blacklist; enemy assets seized by the United States
1261 611.54231 Safehaven; blocking Swiss funds and assets; the Interhandel case
1271 611.62231 Safehaven; blocking German funds
2952 854.14 Banking in Switzerland; bank secrecy

Subject-Numeric File February
1963-1966 (Note 13)

February 1963-December 1963 Subject-Numeric File

Box # File # Subjects
341 FN 19 Tripartite Gold Commission

1964-1966 Subject-Numeric File

Box # File # Subjects
825-826 FN 19 Tripartite Gold Commission

Decentralized Office or "Lot Files"
