Holocaust Records

Art Provenance and Claims Research at NARA: Cultural Property Claims Index: Arranged by Name/Description

Arranged by Name/Description

Note: These claims are found in the Cultural Property Claim Applications, 1946-1948 within the records of the Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives (MFAA) Section of the Office of the Military Government - United States (OMGUS) (Record Group 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters, World War II).

This series is available on NARA Microfilm Publication M1949, Rolls 8-26. Adobe Acrobat PDF


Name/Description Claim Number Country Roll # Microfilm Publication #
Pack, Mme Vve F061 France 12 M1949
painting by W. Rauber ("not Rimber"), "Knight on Horseback" C025 Czechoslovakia 10 M1949
Paintings (Declaration of Dr. Otto Schlosser) N041 Netherlands 20 M1949
Paintings bought by the Dorotheum, Vienna, in Belgium B001 Belgium 10 M1949
Paintings by Beckius L003 Luxembourg 19 M1949
Paintings by S.F. Rasiak and Otto Pippel P026 Poland 20 M1949
Paintings from Venice & Pescocostanzo I032 Italy 19 M1949
Palace of the Malta Knights C095 Czechoslovakia 11 M1949
Panstowe Museum P010 Poland 20 M1949
Papen, von, Franz GER017 Germany 18 M1949
Parish Record Book, Strasbourg F024 France 12 M1949
Pasquier, Jean F162 France 12 M1949
Paul Fleischel-Marksov D002 Denmark 11 M1949
Paulinow Monastary P011 Poland 20 M1949
Pazaurek Glass Collection C058 Czechoslovakia 11 M1949
Pechelbronn S.A.E.M. F016 France 12 M1949
Pelletier, Eduard F163 France 12 M1949
Pellot, Jean, Dr. F164 France 12 M1949
Perls, Hugo US090 United States 23 M1949
Perls, Hugo F246 France 13 M1949
Pessar F400 France 14 M1949
Petschek, Frank GER037 Germany 18 M1949
Petzet, H., Dr. GER032 Germany 18 M1949
Pferrerkorn, Richard US122 United States 23 M1949
Picard, Armand F166 France 12 M1949
Pignatelli d'Aragon F288 France 13 M1949
Pindter, Maria A054 Austria 9 M1949
Piscicelli, Guiseppe I008 Italy 18 M1949
Piscitelli, Salvatore I006 Italy 18 M1949
Planta de Wildenburg F401 France 14 M1949
Police Regionale d'Etat, Strasbourg F158c France 17 M1949
Police regionale d'Etat, Strassbourg F176c France 17 M1949
Polish Archeological Museum P001 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Books at Erlangen University P018 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Government (50 folders- references to Kalkstein, Statute of Pilsudski, Archive of Bohemian Brethren, etc.) P004 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Ministry of Education P044 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland P035 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland P039 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland P047 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland P049 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland P036 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland P054 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland P031 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland P012 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland P059 Poland 21 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland P028 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland P024 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland P030 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland P053 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland P040 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland P046 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland P057 Poland 21 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland P061 Poland 21 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland (cultural objects of Jewish & Polish families in Lodz) P029 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland (painting by G. Wasilevski) P033 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland (painting by Jerzy Kossak, etc.) P032 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland (painting by Szepanik) P050 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland (painting by Wazik) P025 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland (painting of Castle of Krakow by Maliszewska Zakinczeski) P037 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland (paintings by Jaciewski & Wygrzywalski) P045 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland (paintings by Wosziwow, Cyak, Akarpsis, Jerzey Kossack, & Genstochawa) P042 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland (paintings) P055 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland (paintings) P056 Poland 21 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland (Persian rugs) P041 Poland 20 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland (photo maps and sketches of town of Poznan) P058 Poland 21 M1949
Polish Mission for Restitution to Poland (Raczynski Library & University Library, Posen) P022 Poland 20 M1949
Pollack, David F289 France 13 M1949
Pollock A079 Austria 9 M1949
Pomyers, Mme F290 France 13 M1949
Porges, Mme F398 France 14 M1949
Pospisil, Maria I027 Italy 18 M1949
Potocki, Maurice, Comte F296 France 13 M1949
Poucet, Jane F402 France 14 M1949
Primot F399 France 14 M1949
Prince of Savoy A087 Austria 9 M1949
Production Industrielle F215c France 17 M1949
Production Industrielle F099 France 12 M1949
Production Industrielle F113 France 12 M1949
Production Industrielle (books & paintings, including 2 by Dupret and drawings by Rodin) F029a France 14 M1949
Production Industrielle (pearls and gems) F286a France 15 M1949
Production Industrielle (uncancelled postage stamps) F028a France 14 M1949
Property Removed from Bioligical Institute of Rovinj -- Yugoslavia 26 M1949
Property Removed from Bosnia/Herzegovina -- Yugoslavia 26 M1949
Property Removed from Croatia (2 folders) -- Yugoslavia 26 M1949
Property Removed from Dojvodina -- Yugoslavia 25 M1949
Property Removed from Jewish Community (no claim number, marked "Offenbach") -- Yugoslavia 26 M1949
Property Removed from Macedonia -- Yugoslavia 25 M1949
Property Removed from Montenegro -- Yugoslavia 25 M1949
Property Removed from Serbia -- Yugoslavia 25 M1949
Property Removed from Slovenia -- Yugoslavia 26 M1949
Property Removed from Yugoslavian Ministry of Navigation -- Yugoslavia 26 M1949
Property Removed from Yugoslavian War Ministry -- Yugoslavia 26 M1949
R. Popper C022 Czechoslovakia 10 M1949
R.P. Dom Hugues de Soupize F253 France 13 M1949
Raba, Henriquez F322 France 13 M1949
Rabel, Ernst, Professor US044 United States 22 M1949
Raczynski, Sigismond P013 Poland 20 M1949
Raindre, M F171 France 12 M1949
Raine, Mme F172 France 12 M1949
Rall, Hans, Dr. GER018 Germany 18 M1949
Randuits, Mme F308 France 13 M1949
Raphael, Claude F179 France 13 M1949
Rathenau, H.G. F262 France 13 M1949
Raudiere, de la, M F310 France 13 M1949
Raykis F180 France 13 M1949
Rebuffca F172c France 17 M1949
Recht, Achille F107 France 12 M1949
Recht, Achille F139 France 12 M1949
Reichenbach, B F181 France 13 M1949
Reichenbach, H F277 France 13 M1949
Reiger, Heinrich A043 Austria 9 M1949
Rein, Rodolphe F182 France 13 M1949
"Reisegesellschaft," painting by Barent Gael N054 Netherlands 20 M1949
Renard, L F299 France 13 M1949
Renders, Emil B006 Belgium 10 M1949
Reue, Willy N046 Netherlands 20 M1949
Reviers, de, Mme F403 France 14 M1949
Rheims, Mme F183 France 13 M1949
Ribes, comte de F173 France 12 M1949
Richard Erl (Roman coin collection); Provincial Museum of Brno (artifacts & books) C020 Czechoslovakia 10 M1949
Richard, Maurice F301 France 13 M1949
Riche, Evire Martha F167c France 17 M1949
Rigollet, Jean F040 France 12 M1949
Riviere pre d'Auge, de la F404 France 14 M1949
Robech, Princesse de F405 France 14 M1949
Rodocanachi, Mme F174 France 12 M1949
Roger Dropsy (paintings, "Warine Landscapes" and "Vue of Metz" F296a France 15 M1949
Romain, Max F175 France 12 M1949
Roselius collection GER024 Germany 18 M1949
Roselli, Piero I023 Italy 18 M1949
Rosenberg, Paul F184 France 13 M1949
Rosenberg, R F406 France 14 M1949
Rosenthal, Edouard F305 France 13 M1949
Rosenwald, Gabriel Mme F304 France 13 M1949
Rothermere, Lord E008 England 11 M1949
Rothschild Family France F167 France 12 M1949
Rothschild Mme Alexandrine F236 France 13 M1949
Rothschild, Alphonse de A028 Austria 8 M1949
Rothschild, Clarice de E015 England 11 M1949
Rothschild, Edmond de (succ) F241 France 13 M1949
Rothschild, Eduoard F185 France 13 M1949
Rothschild, Guy de F243 France 13 M1949
Rothschild, James Armand F244 France 13 M1949
Rothschild, Louis de US066 United States 22 M1949
Rothschild, Maurice de, Baron F147-F148 France 12 M1949
Rothschild, Philippe F242 France 13 M1949
Rothschild, Robert, Baron de F168 France 12 M1949
Roubal, Franz A032 Austria 9 M1949
Rouliot, Mme Georges (Vve) F186 France 13 M1949
Roumanian Mission for Restitution R1 Roumania 21 M1949
Roussel F407 France 17 M1949
Rouy, A F133 France 12 M1949
Royal Museum, Belgium B002 Belgium 10 M1949
Royer, Rene F219c France 17 M1949
Rubia Vera, Mlle F267 France 13 M1949
Russian Orthodox Church, Prague C098 Czechoslovakia 11 M1949
Ryan (Weidenbusch, Maria) US048 United States 22 M1949
