Office of the Federal Register (OFR)

App. B - Glossary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Terms in This Handbook

ACFR stands for the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register – the body that issues regulations for the FR/CFR system

ACUS stands for the Administrative Conference of the United States.

Agency-produced material refers to a publication produced by the same agency that is seeking its approval.

Alpha-numeric order (or alpha-numerically) means to organize first by alphabetical order then by the full remaining number, not by the individual digits; for example, F1075 comes after F786.

ANPRM stands for advance notice of proposed rulemaking.

Centralized IBR section refers to a section that operates as an index for approved IBR material, containing the required approval and availability language, the full legal description of the approved material, and the location(s) within the CFR unit for which the material is approved.

CFR stands for the Code of Federal Regulations.

Currently-approved IBR material (or currently-approved IBR publication) refers to material or a publication that has already been approved for that specific version into the section you are adding or amending (this does not include sections that you are redesignating).

Existing IBR material (or existing IBR publication) refers to material or a publication that has already been approved for that specific version but not for the section you are adding or amending (this includes sections that you are redesignating).

Designation refers to the publication’s unique identifier, usually an alpha-numeric number like F1234-12, assigned by the SDO.

FOIA stands for the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552(a)).

FR/CFR system refers to the publication system for Federal Register documents and the CFR.

ftp stands for file transfer protocol (we use the secure nsftp version).

IBR stands for incorporation by reference.

Material refers to publications generally or to a collection of publications.

New IBR material (or new IBR publication) refers to material or a publication not approved for the section you are adding or amending.

NPRM stands for notice of proposed rulemaking.

NTTAA stands for the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-113).

OFR stands for Office of the Federal Register.

OMB stands for Office of Management and Budget.

Regulation refers to rules of general applicability and legal effect published in the CFR (it can also be used interchangeably with rule, see 1 CFR 1.1).

Rule refers to the Federal Register document that publishes in the Rules and regulations section (it can also be used interchangeably with regulation, see 1 CFR 1.1).

SDO stands for standards development organization, e.g. ASTM, ASME, ISO, NFPA.

Pub. L. stands for Public Law.

Publication refers to a specific, unique publication, regardless of type. Common types of publications include standards, test methods, service material, and technical manuals. It can also include agency-produced material.  We don’t distinguish between consensus and non-consensus standards. (See also voluntary consensus standard.)

U.S.C. stands for United States Code.

Voluntary consensus standard (also known as VCS) is a standard that is developed through a process that is open to participation by representatives of all interested parties, transparent, consensus-based, and subject to due process.

We (our, us) refers to OFR’s Legal Affairs and Policy Division.

You (your) refers to a Federal agency interested in or required to incorporate material by reference, the agency’s Federal Register liaison officers, and the agency’s regulatory drafters, as determined by context.


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