Records Projects
Pennsylvania Heritage Foundation, Harrisburg, PA
$13,495 to support the Pennsylvania State Historical Records Advisory Board annual developmental program for archivists, a Board-run professional development and training program, and Community History Dialogs program. (RC-104833)
Museum of the American Revolution, Philadelphia, PA
$500,000 to support a digital humanities project that will elevate, contextualize, and make accessible a collection of 194 rare documents bearing the names of Black and Native American soldiers who served in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, and create the Patriots of Color Archive. (ED-104821-24)
South Asian American Digital Archive, Philadelphia, PA
$150,000 to support “From Home to History,” a nationwide participatory archiving initiative in which community members will collect, preserve, digitize, transcribe, and share 1,500 archival items online to shed light on the diverse experiences of South Asian Americans. The initiative consists of three components: six archival challenges, calling for contributions built around specific formats or themes; six training workshops on topics such as physical and digital preservation, oral history methods, or metadata creation; and building an online community of practice for community historians. (DP-104804)
QED Multimedia, Pittsburgh, PA
$150,000 to support a project to preserve, digitize, and make accessible approximately 870 hours of video from the television programs “Black Horizons,” “Horizons,” “OnQ,” as well as documentaries and other Black history programs. Once digitized and cataloged, this content will be contributed to the the American Archive of Public Broadcasting; preserved at the Library of Congress; and made freely available online through AAPB’s online database. (RH-103607-23)
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
$149,938 to support a project to digitize the Local History Collection (formerly held by the Philadelphia History Museum as part of the Atwater Kent Collection) which contains an estimated 20,000 individual paper-based items from the late 17th through early 21st centuries, totaling 150 linear feet. The project will catalog 10,000 item-level entries to be searchable online via; digitize 15,000 historical records; and create a new comprehensive descriptive online finding aid. (RH-103591-23)
Villanova University, Villanova, PA
$112,500 to support curriculum development for the Last Seen: Finding Family after Slavery project which aims to identify, digitize, transcribe, and publish ads placed in newspapers across the United States (and beyond) by formerly enslaved people searching for family members and loved ones after emancipation. To date, the project has published 4,000 ads online spanning eight decades drawn from 267 newspapers. The project will host teacher workshops, and create lesson plans and teaching materials for primary and secondary school classroom use, using materials drawn from the Last Seen digital documentary edition. (DP-103404-22)
City of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
$133,934 to support a two-year project to enhance discoverability and access to City of Pittsburgh archival collections, including City Council records, Board of Viewers’ case files, and City Planning Department records. The project will arrange, describe, and rehouse seven collections totaling approximately 750 cubic feet that document the period 1816 to 2006. (RH-103189-21)
Science History Institute, Philadelphia, PA
$132,875 to support Science, War and Exile: Oral Histories of Immigration and Innovation, a project to increase access to 350 hours of oral histories with 70 scientists who immigrated to the United States. Using the Oral History Metadata Synchronizer tool, the Institute will add these interviews to its online digital collections. (RH-103153-21)
Pennsylvania Heritage Foundation, Harrisburg, PA
$13,076 to support the Pennsylvania Historical Records Advisory Board, including the Archives Without Tears workshops, the annual Archives and Records Management Seminar, two Community Archives Initiative events, and Archives Month posters. (RC103113-21)
The Graystone Society, Inc., Coatesville, PA
$15,514 to support a project to digitize the Lukens Steel Company employee publications, 1934-1995, and make them available through the Society's National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum (NISHM), which focuses on broadening the understanding of the iron and steel history. (RH-103012-20)
South Asian American Digital Archives, Philadelphia, PA
$25,000 to develop a Community Archives Collaborative for institutions across the country to collaborate, share skills, training, and best practices, to leverage pooled resources, and provide peer-to-peer mentoring to support long-term sustainability and growth. Collaborating partners include the South Asian Digital Archive in Philadelphia, Densho in Seattle, the Texas After Violence Project in Austin, and the Interference Archive in Brooklyn. (RJ102850-19)
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
$45,839 to support the “Becoming U.S. Teacher Institute,” a week-long summer institute for approximately three dozen K-12 educators to introduce them to archival research and provide them with strategies for using primary source materials for building lesson plans within the curriculum. (DP102756-19)
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
$95,846 to support a project to process and preserve 140 linear feet of manuscript and published materials from the J.B. Lippincott Co. Papers collection. Located in Philadelphia, Lippincott began publishing in 1836, first with religious works, eventually expanding into other genres particularly medicine. In addition to their publishing business, Lippincott operated a printing and bookbinding factory. By the end of the 19th century, Lippincott was one of the largest and best-known publishers in the world. (RH102753-19)
Pennsylvania Heritage Foundation, Harrisburg, PA
$19,567 to support the work of the Pennsylvania State Historical Records Advisory Board, including the annual Archives and Records Management Seminar, the development of six to eight YouTube videos designed to increase public support for and awareness of historical records programs, creating and distributing 10,000 bookmarks advocating for the importance of preserving electronic records, and the Archives Without Tears (AWOT) workshops, which will be offered throughout the state. (RC102709-19)
Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA
$76,249 to support a project to enhance public engagement, discovery, and gather contributions to the Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center. Dickinson College has digitized more than 225,000 pages of records from the Carlisle Indian School (1879-1918), which was designed to assimilate Native children into mainstream Euro-American society. The project will offer a curriculum development workshop for 12 high school teachers to develop lesson plans using the Center’s materials; and workshops in five native communities to share curricular materials, solicit evaluation of the Center, and encourage community members to contribute materials to the Center. (DP100108-17)
Pennsylvania Heritage Society, Harrisburg, PA
$14,796 to support two years of the Pennsylvania Historical Records Advisory Board’s programs, including the development of online self-assessment leaflets and webinars to enhance knowledge about electronic records, essential records/disaster preparedness, and local government records, Archives Without Tears workshops, and an Archives Month poster. (RC100050-17)
Pennsylvania Heritage Society, Harrisburg, PA
$5,004 to support a one-year project to continue several collaborative initiatives in support of the Pennsylvania Historical Records Advisory Board's efforts to preserve the state's documentary heritage, including archival training opportunities and a statewide seminar. (RC10260-16)
Pennsylvania Heritage Society, Harrisburg, PA
$5,004 to support basic funding for the state historical records advisory board, including archival standards and genealogy workshops and an Archives Seminar for sharing information about records issues. (RC10247-15)
Pennsylvania Heritage Society, Harrisburg, PA
$60,456 to support a project to undertake the detailed processing of 11 series of records at the Pennsylvania State Archives from the Office of the Governor, covering the administrations of Milton Shapp (1971-79), Richard Thornburgh (1979-87), and Robert Casey (1987-95). (RH50122-14)
Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, PA
$96,710 to support a two-year project to process 13 collections that document business and industries in western Pennsylvania, 1844-2002. (RH50125-14)
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
$128,956 to support a two-year project to create new tools for annotating digital images so that users can discover and research them more effectively. (DI50012-13)
Pennsylvania Heritage Society, Harrisburg, PA
$16,440 to support basic funding, travel costs for the board, Archives Month posters, workshops related to locating information about Civil War ancestors and participating in National History Day, seminars for archival and records management professionals, and participation in a national archival organization. (RC10153-13)
Pennsylvania Heritage Society, Harrisburg, PA
$59,843 to support, on behalf of the Pennsylvania State Archives, an 18-month project to provide detailed processing for five groups of large-format documents and special media that make up a portion of the records of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, 1937-1990. Records include engineering drawings, photographic negatives, slides, motion picture film, and microfilm. (RH50012-12)
Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, PA
$88,738 to support a two-year project to process and catalog 633 collections drawn from the late 18th century to the present day which document western Pennsylvania's business development, industrial growth, ethnic communities, race relations, arts organizations, religious groups, civic entities, and local politics. (RB50166-11)
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
$100,229 to process and make available records from 14 collections of personal papers and organizational records that document electoral politics, government service, community organizing, and human rights efforts. The collections total 1,376 linear feet and date from the post-Civil War period through the 20th century. (RP50042-10)
Pennsylvania Heritage Society, Harrisburg, PA
$166,298 to expand public access to state government records, through the Pennsylvania State Archives, by creating descriptions for 2,000 series of records totaling 26,000 cubic feet. (RB50098-10)
Pennsylvania Heritage Society, Harrisburg, PA
$68,550 to support basic activities, a series of workshops, and an Itinerant Archivist program that will help five of the Commonwealth's counties identify their unique records needs and provide customized solutions. (RC10079-10)
Pennsylvania Heritage Society, Harrisburg, PA
$ 8,500 to support basic activities of the state historical records advisory board through a State and National Archives Partnership grant. (RC10019-08)
Pennsylvania Heritage Society, Harrisburg, PA
$120,356 to support the Itinerant Archivist Regrant Program. (RC10007-08)
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA
$142,449 to support a three-year project to establish an institution-wide records management program and to process at least 550 cubic feet of special exhibitions records. (RA10035-07
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, PA
$16,400 to provide basic administrative support to the state historical records advisory board. (RS10033-07)
Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
$45,000 to arrange and describe approximately 145 linear feet of institutional financial records from c. 1751 to 1950. (2005-033)
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, PA
$16,700 to provide basic administrative support to the state historical records advisory board. (2005-063)
Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
$63,750 for a processing project, to arrange and describe approximately 250 linear feet of records regarding the Institute of Pennsylvania Hospital. This collection reflects the history and social impact of mental health care at Pennsylvania Hospital, the nation's first hospital. The records document the period c.1841 to 1997. (2004-090)
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
$99,503 to process and develop a records management plan for the combined institutional records of the Society and the Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies, with which it recently merged. (2003-102)
Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
$64,320 for its Photograph Processing Project to arrange, describe, and preserve 9,600 photographs in the hospital's collection that date from the period 1860-1990. (2002-063)
Pennsylvania State Historical Records Advisory Board, Harrisburg, PA
$188,200 ($170,000 matching) for up to three years for its SHRAB Regrant Project to support the Pennsylvania board's new ten-year strategic plan and to preserve and provide access to the Commonwealth's documentary heritage. (2001-030)
The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
$77,873 for a project to arrange, describe, rehouse, and catalog the records of Coxe Mining Company, an independent coal producer that played a key role in the development of anthracite mining in the state. (99-071)
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
$55,675 for a project to arrange, describe, and make available the personal and professional papers of Elizabeth Robbins Pennell, Margaret Naumburg, and Wanda Gág. (98-067)
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (Pennsylvania State Historical Records Advisory Board), Harrisburg, PA
$45,157 to prepare a strategic plan addressing the identification, acquisition, preservation, and access of the state's historically valuable records. (98-004)
City of Philadelphia, Department of Records, Philadelphia, PA
$117,862 to complete the third and final phase of the Philadelphia Electronic Records Project. The overall goal of the project is to develop comprehensive recordkeeping policies and standards for the city's information technology systems. Phase III would extend testing of the functional requirements for electronic recordkeeping developed by the University of Pittsburgh in a related NHPRC-supported project. (97-001)
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
$123,201 to preserve trial records relating to the development of the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC). The ENIAC is generally regarded as the first electronic digital computer. (96-068)
City of Philadelphia, Department of Records, Philadelphia, PA
$17,370 for a four-month bridge grant to continue a Commission-funded project that is developing a program to preserve archival electronic records. (96-089)
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
$27,858 for a two-year project to support an institute to provide senior government archivists and information resource managers with the knowledge and tools to improve their organizations' effectiveness in dealing with information policy issues. (95-109)
Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, PA
$80,885 to document the biomolecular sciences and the biotechnology industry. Project staff will work with 80 to 100 biomolecular scientists to assist them with the placement of their records into suitable repositories. A guide to these records, which will include biographical information, a scope and content note, and other information, will be prepared for researchers. (95-094)
City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
$62,591 for a one-year project for consultation and training in electronic records, to focus on the city's developing information technology systems. (95-031)
City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
$91,231 to survey the records of selected executive branch agencies and records currently stored in the city's records center and to develop new records schedules. (93-080)
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
$29,005 to support the third and final phase of an advanced institute on electronic records and strategic planning for state government records administrators. (93-053)
Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA
$7,364 for its Penn State Electronic Records Appraisal Program. The funds would be used to continue the current project archivist for four additional months. (93-037)
The University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
$359,580 for a three-year study to address the first three questions in the agenda outlined in the Commission-funded report, Research Issues in Electronic Records. The project's three goals are:
- to identify the archival functional requirements for electronic information systems serving widespread business applications and to evaluate alternative approaches to satisfying those requirements;
- to identify attributes in organizations, business applications, and software applications which influence the success of achieving archival control over electronic records systems, in order to assist institutional archival electronic records programs to formulate successful approaches; and
- to suggest criteria to evaluate and indicators to measure the effectiveness of archival policies, methods, and programs in modern organizations.
Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, PA
$101,412 to appraise, arrange, describe, and catalog seven unprocessed manuscript collections (759 linear feet), reflecting recent collecting initiatives, and to upgrade the housing, arrangement, description, and cataloging of 160 manuscript collections (450 linear feet) representing the core of its manuscript holdings. (92-141)
Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies, Philadelphia, PA
$56,555 to inventory all of its minority collections and arrange and describe the four largest and most important of these collections. (92-110)
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
$66,040 to arrange, describe, and publicize to researchers 350 cubic feet of records (1915-1988) of the Philadelphia Art Alliance. (92-106)
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Governor's Office of Administration, Harrisburg, PA
$116,230 to enable the executive branch of state government to develop an electronic records program. (92-063)
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
$65,960 to process and make available approximately 330 linear feet of organizational records and personal papers documenting the nursing profession and nursing-related organizations and institutions. The records are held by the Center for the Study of the History of Nursing of the university's School of Nursing. (91-131)
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
$65,061 to support continuation of an advanced institute on electronic records and strategic planning for chief administrators of state government archives. (91-073)
Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA
$147,876 for a project to contribute approximately 30,000 name authority records to the Library of Congress Name Authority File. The project is being conducted by the Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries. (91-048)
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
$81,658 to appraise and provide access to data sets on magnetic tape created and used by the university's administrative systems. (90-095)
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
$47,888 to survey, appraise, and accession records and manuscript materials relating to the history of nursing in the Middle Atlantic region. The project, undertaken by the Center for the Study of the History of Nursing of the university's School of Nursing, will focus on records of schools of nursing, nurses' associations, health care agencies, and hospitals. (89-058)
Chester County Historical Society, West Chester, PA
$41,594 to arrange and describe the administrative and fiscal records of Chester County, 1699-1945. These and other records form perhaps the most comprehensive documentation of any county government in the nation during the colonial period. (88-114)
County of Schuylkill, Pottsville, PA
$38,274 for development of an archival program for the county's permanently valuable records, which date to the early 19th century. Located in eastern Pennsylvania, the county is a center of the anthracite coal industry. (87-117)
Pennsylvania State Historical Records Advisory Board, Harrisburg, PA
$187,500 for a regrant program directed at the state's colleges and universities. The program will focus on the development of institutional archives for college and university records. (87-040)
Chester County Historical Society, West Chester, PA
$36,700 for a project to arrange, describe, and preserve the records of the Chester County Court of Quarter Sessions, 1681-1969. The records document such subjects as criminal activity, indentured servitude, and road and bridge construction in the county. (86-095)
Pennsylvania State Historical Records Advisory Board, Harrisburg, PA
$5,907 for travel and meeting expenses to allow the state board to carry out its grant review and statewide archival planning missions. (86-067)
National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services (NFAIS), Philadelphia, PA
$8,795 for a cooperative project involving NFAIS and the Temple University Libraries to process historically valuable federation records, deposit them at Temple, and produce a handbook describing a model arrangement between a donor institution and an accessioning repository. (85-131)
Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA
$20,890 to plan for the preservation, management, and cooperation of the archives of The Associated Natural Science Institutions. (85-112)
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, Philadelphia, PA
$1,850 for a consultant to advise on creation of an archives and records management program. Founded in 1821, the institution is the oldest college of pharmacy in the United States. (85-014)
Cheyney University, Cheyney, PA
$2,900 for consultation on the development of a university archives and records management program. Founded in 1837, Cheyney is the nation's oldest African-American public university. (84-138)
National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services, Philadelphia, PA
$1,416 for a consultant to determine which of the organization's records are permanently valuable and to recommend the most feasible approach for their retention, arrangement, and use in an archival setting. (84-127)
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
$36,268 to make preservation copies of cellulose nitrate negatives in the Archives of Industrial Society. The negatives document the urban and industrial history of Pittsburgh in the 1920s and 1930s. (84-126)
University of Pennsylvania, University Museum, Philadelphia, PA
$19,700 to produce a manual for anthropologists and archaeologists on the creation, care, and storage of field records to ensure archival permanence. (84-093)
Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
$1,948 for a consultant to review systems and procedures for the diocesan archives program. (84-057)
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, PA
$213,539 to conduct a statewide county records survey, create a machine-readable data base of the information gathered, and prepare a series of reports, including a report on microfilm generated by county governments. (84-047)
Athenaeum of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
$30,800 to catalogue drawings and textual records in the Athenaeum's architectural archives. (83-080)
Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA
$23,030 to accession, organize, arrange, and describe the college's historical records, 1787-1982. (83-058)
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
$38,955 to survey machine-readable records in public and quasi-public agencies in seven counties of two states, centered at Philadelphia, as part of the university's program to establish a data archives for the area. (83-056)
Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA
$4,650 for consultation services on the establishment of an institutional archives and records management program. (82-026)
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
$43,655 to survey the status of newspaper photograph collections and develop recommendations for their preservation and control generally, and for the Philadelphia Inquirer specifically. (80-140)
Pennsylvania State Historical Records Advisory Board, Harrisburg, PA
$25,000 to analyze the current condition of historical records in the state, identify problems, frame potential solutions, and outline actions that can be taken. (81-128)
University of Pennsylvania, University Museum, Philadelphia, PA
$18,500 to develop an effective archival program for the museum. (81-096)
Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA
$15,526 for the development of its college archives program. (80-078)
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, PA
$56,569 for the second year of a project to microfilm for preservation and research the records of municipal and county governments in Pennsylvania. (80-020)
Wyck Committee, Germantown Historical Society, Philadelphia, PA
$11,000 to arrange, describe, and microfilm the Wyck Papers, representing nine generations (1760-1973) of the Haines family, and documenting 18th- and 19th-century business and trade in the Philadelphia area and 19th-century Quaker reform activities. (79-080)
Old Christ Church, Philadelphia, PA
$15,205 to inventory, arrange, and microfilm (in cooperation with the Historical Society of Pennsylvania) early church archives and to develop an archival program. (79-057)
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, PA
$47,019 to microfilm, for preservation and improved research use, county and municipal government records in Pennsylvania. (78-138)
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
$10,333 for the Archives of Industrial Society to survey and accession district records of the United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America. (78-054)
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, PA
$5,950 to conduct three regional workshops for training in archival techniques for local historical societies. (78-030)
Cumberland County Historical Society, Carlisle, PA
$6,750 to preserve, arrange, describe, and make available for research 18th-, 19th-, and 20th-century records of Cumberland County. (77-095)
Temple University, Urban Archives Center, Philadelphia, PA
$15,650 to survey and accession records relating to urban development of Philadelphia during the past century. (77-092)
Subtotal (Records Projects) $6,040,240
Publications Projects
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
$124,974 to support the Colored Conventions project to collect, catalog, and transcribe scattered records collections of the 79 Colored Conventions held in the Civil War era, the nation's largest movement for Black civil rights during the 19th century. (2024)
Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries, Philadelphia, PA
$119,040 to support planning of a collaborative digital edition to document, interrogate, and illustrate stories of Black Joy and Resilience in the greater Philadelphia area. In collaboration with Princeton University, the Stoutsburg Sourland African American Museum, Historic Germantown, and Temple University Libraries, the Consortium will collect stories from collections held by a dozen or more repositories in and around Philadelphia in three broad areas: play through laughter, amusement, and entertainment; relationship and community building; and growth through achievement and overcoming challenges. (PL-104670-24)
Haverford College, Haverford, PA
$90,000 to support planning of a collaborative digital edition of Colonial Zapotec texts and accompanying resources. Partners are members of the transnational Ticha team of scholars working with indigenous texts for language reclamation and study. Administered at Haverford College, Ticha has worked collaboratively for the ten years and has developed a website and an international network of community, including members of the transnational Zapotec community through a formalized Zapotec Advisory Board and via outreach to others in both California and Oaxaca. (PL-104672-24)
South Asian American Digital Archive, Philadelphia, PA
$120,000 to support planning of a collaborative digital edition project, Built By Us: South Asian American Entrepreneurship and Community Building. Envisioned as an interpretive resource on the history of South Asian American immigrant communities, Built By Us is centered on archival materials from community institutions established after the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which led to a significant increase in immigration from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and other South Asian countries. The project team consists of SAADA staff members, scholar-editors, and an advisory panel. (PL-104686-24)
Villanova University, Villanova, PA
$120,000 to support planning for Taught by Literature: Recentering Early Black Women Intellectuals, a collaborative digital humanities project to make writing by early Black women available for scholars, college and K-12 students, and the broader public. The project centers around an unpublished collection of short stories by Black author Alice Dunbar-Nelson written in the late 1890s and early 1900s. Her work addresses the topics of racism, oppression, family, work, and sexuality. This project is a collaboration with team members from the Center for Black Digital Research at Penn State University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Villanova University supported by additional institutional partnerships with the American Antiquarian Society, the School District of Philadelphia, and the University of Delaware Special Collections and Museums. (PL-104688-24)
Villanova University, Villanova, PA
$527,500 to support Last Seen: Finding Family After Slavery, a collection of “Information Wanted” advertisements taken out by former slaves in African American newspapers from the early years after emancipation in 1865 through the early 20th century. (2020-24)
East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, PA
$680,242 for the Papers of the War Department, 1784-1800. (1994-2004)
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA
$10,513 for the Papers of Joseph Trimble Rothrock, M.D. (1999)
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
$114,461 for the Papers of Martin Van Buren. (1976-89)
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
$5,845 for the Papers of John Dickinson. (1985)
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, PA
$131,240 for the Papers of Henry Bouquet. (1975-85)
Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA
$18,000 for the Papers of the Society of American Indians. (1984)
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
$52,500 for the Tench Coxe Papers. (1974)
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
$218,368 for the Papers of General Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, 1777-1794. (1976-82)
The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, PA
$29,415 for The Franklin Institute and the Making of Industrial America. (1978-79)
Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA
$77,065 for the Papers of M. Carey Thomas in the Bryn Mawr College Archives. (1976-78)
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
$39,000 for the James Buchanan Papers. (1972)
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
$33,544 for the William Penn Papers and Thomas Penn Papers. (1968, 1976-83)
Wyoming County Historical & Genealogical Society, Wilkes-Barre, PA
$49,523 for the Susquehanna Company Papers. (1966-1971)
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, PA
$23,865 for the Minutes and Correspondence of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 1812-1924. (1965-66)
University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, PA
$88,857 for subvention support for the Papers of Mother Jones, the Papers of Robert Morris, and the Papers of Thaddeus Stevens. (through 1997)
University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, PA
$43,407 for subvention support for the Papers of William Penn. (1981-88)
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, PA
$32,000 for subvention support for the Papers of Henry Bouquet. (1977-92)
Subtotal (Publications Projects) $2,658,449
Total $8,698,689
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