African American Heritage

Congressional Records relating to American Slavery

The records referenced in these pages highlight some of the records pertaining to slavery that are available at the National Archives. Information and records are arranged by government branch and record group. Series, folders, and items are identified with brief descriptions. This page may provide actual documents that have been digitized and are in the National Archives Catalog. Some of the records are microfilmed, and have been noted.

For more information, see Walter B. Hill Jr.'s Prologue article on this topic, and the handout - Federal Records that Help Identify Former Enslaved People and Slave Holders

Return to American Slavery Main Page

More Congressional records are also available at the Center for Legislative Archives.


Congressional Records

RG 360: Records of the Continental and Confederation Congresses and the Constitutional Convention

Annals of Congress

RG 233: Records of the United States House of Representative




RG 360 Records of the Continental and Confederation Congresses and the Constitutional Convention

Publication: Index--Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 Complied by John Butler, 1978
The First Continental Congress met September 5, 1774, in Philadelphia and adjourned October 26, 1774. Representatives from the all of the 13 colonies except Georgia attended. The Congress convened for the purpose of discussing and addressing grievances to the British Crown and Parliament. The Second Continental Congress met May 10, 1776 and finished its work some 6 years later.  The Congress of the Confederation (1781-1789) immediately succeeded it after ratification of the Articles of Confederation and lasted through the end of the War for American Independence.

The Index of the Papers of the Continental Congress, is arranged alphabetically by name and subject. Each entry gives the date of the document, the type of document or a brief abstract, the "Item number", and the volume and page numbers. The Index uses the term "negro" to identify people of African ancestry, and "slaves" to refer to enslaved people. Other relevant subject headings include: slave trade; slavery; slave ships.

Also check State entries for the subjects listed under "1a".

Publication : Microfilm Publication Number M247, Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789, Digitized and available on Fold3.

The Papers of the Continental Congress are official records from the first three representative bodies of the original United Colonies and ultimately the United States of America.

Publication: Microfilm Publication Number M332, Miscellaneous Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789, Digitized and available on Fold3.

These are documents which were misplaced, overlooked, or found in private hands when the Papers of the Continental Congress were first arranged in 1834.

Series: Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 (NAID 1938489)

Arranged in a numerical sequence of 196 series referred to as "item number."


Motion by Alexander Hamilton regarding Black Americans carried away by the British from New York City, May 26, 1783

NAID 152950872


Series: Miscellaneous Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 (NAID 301686)

Arranged according to the primary subject matter, such as foreign or naval affairs, or by type of document, such as credentials or imprints.

Inspection Roll of Negroes, Book No. 1, 1793

Other Title: The Book of Negroes

NAID 17337716

see also: Inspection Roll of Negroes, Book No. 2 

NAID 5890797

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The Annals of the Congress

Available through the Library of Congress. The Annals cover the 1st Congress through the first session of the 18th Congress, from 1789 to 1824. The Annals were not published contemporaneously, but were compiled between 1834 and 1856, using the best records available, primarily newspaper accounts. Speeches are paraphrased rather than presented verbatim. The following are index entries related to slavery or the slave trade.

Session Subject Page Number
House 1st Session Importation of certain persons to the United States 366
  James Madison, slave trade 1185, 1189, 1203
House 2nd Session Page of Virginia, slave trade 1190, 1203
  Parker of Virginia, slave trade 1184
  Philadelphia Quakers petition opposing slave trade 1182, 1197
  Scott of Pennsylvania, slave trade 1199
  Sedgwick of Massachusetts, slave trade 1187
  Smith of Maryland, slave trade 1184, 1188, 1201,1204, 1416, 1453
  Stone of Maryland, slave trade Society 1185, 1190
  Sylvester, New York, slave trade 1201

Tucker, South Carolina 

1190, 1198
  White, Virginia, slave trade 1189, 1451
  Benjamin Franklin, petition from Pennsylvania Abolition 1197
Session Subject Page Number
House 1st Session Petition from Warner Mifflin 728
Session Subject Page Number
Senate 1st Session Quakers, memorial to abolish slave trade 36
  Petition from abolition societies presented 38
  Bill to prohibit trade from the U.S. to foreign countries 64
House 1st Session Memorial from Abolition Societies 319

French Emigrants from St. Domingo, debate on the subject of relief

committee to bring bill for the support

bill reported

bill passed

169, 349




  Remarks of Mr. Madison on proposed relief to French emigrants from St. Domingo 170
  Quakers, memorial relative to slave trade 249
  Slave trade, petition to abolish, referred to committee 349
Session Subject Page Number
House 1st Session Madison, Mr., On the resolution for caring the Treaty with Great Britain into effect 975
  Black people, resolution respecting the kidnapping of, resented, and agreed to 1025
  Northwestern Territory, petitions relative to certain lots, and praying permission to import enslaved people into the Territory, read and referred 1171
  Enslaved people, adverse report on slave importation petition 1349
Senate 2nd Session Fugitives [freedom seekers], a committee appointed to report on the measures necessary respecting fugitives from justice, and persons escaping from service 1528
House 2nd Session Kidnapping black people, consideration of a report made last session on a memorial from Delaware, on the subject of 1730
  Manumitted enslaved persons, petition of certain, praying a redress of grievances 2015
  Refugees, report concerning certain, received, and referred to Committee of the Whole 1601
  Enslaved people, debate on the resolution for laying a tax on 1933
  a petition from sundry freedpeople 2015
  House refuse to receive it 2024
Session Subject Page Number
Senate 2nd Session Quakers, memorial and address from Society of Friends, requesting the attention of the Congress to the oppressed condition of the African race 475
  Lands and dwelling houses, a bill to provide for the valuation of, and for the Numeration of enslaved people in the United States, received 579
House 2nd Session Quakers, a memorial on the condition of the African brethren 656
  Enslaved people, a bill to provide for the enumeration of, reported 1869
  Taxes, a report recommending a direct tax upon houses, lands, and enslaved people 1563
Session Subject Page Number
Senate, 1st Session Motion to revise law prohibiting slave trade 15
House, 1st Session petition of Free Blacks presented 229
  Bill to permit the bringing of enslaved people into MS territory 700
  Bill to amend the act permitting slave trade 668
  Thatcher, Mr., remarks of, on the petition of the free blacks 232, 240, 244
  Randolph, Mr., remarks of, on the petition of free blacks 221
Session Subject Page Number
House, 1st Session Fugitives [freedom seekers], a bill respecting 336
Senate, 2nd Session Importation of certain persons, a bill to prevent the, received and reported 100
Session Subject Page Number
Senate, 1st Session Abolition of slavery. A petition of the American Convention presented and read 238
House, 1st Session Mr. Bedinger, of Kentucky, remarks of, on a resolution in regards to enslaved persons 993, 997
  Mr. Elmer, of New Jersey, on enslaved people 1034
  Mr. Eppes, of Virginia, on enslaved people 1028
  Mr. Findley, of Pennsylvania, on enslaved people 999
  Mr. Holland, of North Carolina, on enslaved people 1007
  Mr. Huger, of South Carolina, on enslaved people 1004, 1016
  Importation of enslaved people, resolution respecting the, 820, 991, 1012, 1020, 1036
  Mr. Jackson, of Virginia, on enslaved people 1031
  Mr. Lowndes, of South Carolina, on a resolution respecting enslaved persons 991, 1024
  Mr. Lucas, of Pennsylvania, remarks of, on a resolution in relation to enslaved people 1008
  Messages, on respecting enslaved people imported into New Orleans 1123
  Mr. Moore, of Tennessee, remarks of, on a resolution respecting the enslaved 1003
  Mr. Rodney, of Delaware, remarks on the importation of enslaved people 1132
  Mr. Stanton, of Rhode Island, on a resolution respecting enslaved persons 1026
Senate, 2nd Session Quakers, a petition from the people called, relating to the African race, received and read by the yeas and nays 39
House, 2nd Session the Enslaved, resolution offered to impose a tax on the importation of 1189
  Letter presented from the Government of Massachusetts relative to the importation of 1222
  a memorial on the subject of importation of 1596
Session Subject Page Number
Senate, 1st Session Mr. Adams, objections of, to the proposition to suspend commercial intercourse with St. Domingo 29
  Craft, Gershom, petition of, praying the abolition of slavery 92
  Mr. Hillhouse, speech of, suspending trade with St. Domingo 35
  Le Clerc, Captain General, proclamation of, to the inhabitants of St. Domingo 122
  Enslaved people, leave ask for a bill to prohibit the importation of, after January 1, 1808 20
  A resolution, to amend the Constitution on the same subject 232
House, 1st Session Abolition Convention, memorial of the American, read 445
  Alston, Mr., remarks of, on the taxing the importation of the enslaved 349, 360
  Bidwell, Mr., remarks on the bill to tax the importation of enslaved people 435
  Bedinger, Mr., on the resolution to tax the importation of enslaved persons 371
  Broom, Mr., speech of, on the taxing the importation of enslaved people 365, 373
  Clark, Mr., remarks on the resolution to tax the importation of enslave persons 347, 358
  Crownshield, Mr., remarks of on the bill to prohibit intercourse with St. Domingo 510
  France, documents showing the complaints made by, against our commerce with St. Domingo 1216
  Jackson, Mr., remarks on the bill to tax the importation of enslaved persons 443
  Nicholson, Mr., on the bill to prohibit intercourse with St. Domingo 510
  St. Domingo, a bill from the Senate to suspend trade with 485
  Enslaved persons, a resolution to tax the importation of, laid on the table 273
Senate, 2nd Session Enslaved people, notice of a bill to prohibit the importation of, after 1st January, 1808 16
House, 2nd Session Alston, Mr., remarks of, on the bill to suspend the non-importation act 118-124
  Randolph, John, against receding from the ninth amendment to the bill to prohibit the importation of enslaved people 528
  Slaves, a bill presented to prohibit the importation of, read twice and committed 151
  Slave Trade, a memorial on the subject of the 992
  Public Act - An Act to prohibit the importation of enslaved people into any port or place within the jurisdiction of the United States, from and after the first day of January, in the year of our Lord 1808 1266
Session Subject Page Number
House, 1st Session District of Columbia, a petition relating to the removal of the enslaved from one country to another in the, was referred to the same committee 1840

Public Act - An Act making an appropriation to supply a deficiency in an appropriation for the support of the Government during the present year, and making an appropriation for defraying the expenses incident to the valuation of homes, lands, and the enumeration of enslaved people within the United States.

House, 2nd Session Clarkson's History of Slavery, presented for deposit in the Library of Congress 1451
  Indiana Territory, a letter from the President of the Legislative Council of, protesting against the admission of slavery in 501
Session Subject Page Number
Senate, 1st & 2nd Session District of Columbia, a bill to authorize the removal of enslaved people from one part to another of the 531
  Free Black people, Mr. Brent gave notice of a bill to prevent the future emigration of, to the District of Columbia 595
  Enslaved people, the importation of, on motion of Mr. Giles a committee was appointed to inquire into the expediency of providing for the remission of penalties, etc., for violation of the act to prohibit 34
House, 1st & 2nd Session District of Columbia, a bill to authorize the removal of the enslaved from one part to another of the 783
  Lindsey, Thomas, the petition of, praying restitution of his vessel, condemned for bringing a French family with their enslaved people from the island of Cuba 322
House, 3rd Session Importation, Mr. Cheves laid before the House two letters suggesting amendments to the act to prohibit the, of enslaved persons, referred to the Committee on Commerce and Manufactures 431
  Slave trade, so much of the President's Message as relates to the laws interdicting the, was referred to the Committee of Commerce and Manufactures 387
Session Subject Page Number
Senate, 2nd session Abolition of Slavery, Mr. Bradley presented the memorial of the Pennsylvania Society for the 87
House, 2nd session Abolition of Slavery, Mr. Milnor presented a memorial of the Pennsylvania Society for the 1074
Session Subject Page Number
Senate, 2nd session

Cuffee, Paul, Mr. Gore presented the petition of

A bill allowing, to depart with vessel and cargo for Sierra Leone



House, 2nd session Cuffee, Paul (a Black man) Mr. Wheaton presented the petition of, which was read, and referred to the Committee of Commerce and Manufactures 861
  Sierra Leone 1150
  Property captured or destroyed, etc., a bill authorizing payment for 806
  Property Impressed, etc., the Committee of Claims were instructed to inquire into the expediency of allowing full value to the owners of 806
Senate, 3rd session Ghent, the President transmitted communications from the Commissioners at 118
  Black people, traffic in, by the enemy, on motion of Mr. Goldsborough, the President of the United States was requested to lay before the Senate the proof, if any, of a, alluded to in the instructions to the Plenipotentiaries 31

Black people Captured, A Message from the President, in relation to the sale of, by the enemy, read and ordered to be printed

House, 3rd session Ghent Commissioners, the President transmitted the last communication received from the 701
Session Subject Page Number
Senate, 1st session

Abolition of Slavery, Mr. Roberts presented the memorial of the American Convention for promoting the

House, 1st session

Abolition of Slavery, Mr. Sergeant presented the American Convention for the

  Kentucky Abolition Society, Mr. Clark presented the petition of the 451
  Loss of property during the War, on motion of Mr. Johnson, of Kentucky, the Committee of Claims were instructed to inquire into the expediency of liquidating the claims of citizens for the 382
  Removal of enslaved people into the District of Columbia, on motion of Mr. Lewis, the Committee on the District of Columbia were instructed to inquire into the expediency of equalizing the laws respecting the, from Virginia and Maryland 736
  Traffic in enslaved persons, in the District of Columbia, on motion of Mr. Randolph a committee was appointed to inquire into the existence of a 1117
Senate, 2nd session Abolition of Slavery, Mr. Roberts presented a petition of the Pennsylvania Society for the 96
  Property lost, etc., a Message from the President, recommending a revision of the act to authorize payments for 20
  Restitution of the enslaved, Mr. Troup submitted a resolution, requesting of the President such information as he may possess touching the execution of so much of the Treaty with Great Britain as relates to 84
  Transportation of Persons of Color, a bill respecting the 87
House, 2nd session

Abolition Society, of Kentucky, a report on the petition of the

Mr. Hopkinson presented the petition of the Pennsylvania



  African Slave Trade, appointment of a select committee on the 234

Calhoun, John C., remarks of, on the motion to suspend the execution of the act authorizing payment for property lost

Speech of, on the bill to amend the act concerning property lost

In reply to Mr. Clay on that subject





Clay, Henry, Speaker, speech of, on the bill to amend the act authorizing payment for property lost

382, 426

Colonization Society, Mr. Randolph presented the petition of the

Mr. Pickering's report on the subject of 




Comstock, Oliver C., of New York, speech of, on the bill to amend the act concerning property lost

424, 440

Deportation of enslaved people, papers transmitted by the President, on the subject of, by the British ships-of-war


Harrison, William Henry, of Ohio, on the motion to suspend the act concerning property lost


Manumission Society of Tennessee, the Speaker presented the petition of the

  Persons of Color, a bill from the Senate concerning the transportation of 996
  Traffic in enslaved Black people, Mr. Pickering presented the petition of the Society of Friends on the subject of 312
Session Subject Page Number
Senate, 1st session African Slave Trade, Mr. Burrill submitted a resolution on the subject of 71
  Introduction of enslaved people, a bill in addition to the act to prohibit the 307
  Enslaved people, Mr. Roberts submitted a resolution respecting the introduction of, into the United States 266
  Smith, Mr., speech of, on the Fugitive Slave bill 231

Traffic in Black people, Mr. Goldsborough presented a memorial of the Society of Friends on the subject of

  Transportation of Persons of Color, a bill respecting the 172
House, 1st session
Abolition Society of Kentucky, Mr. Trimble presented the petition of the

Adams, Mr., of Massachusetts, remarks of, on the Fugitive Slave bill

  African Colonization, Mr. Mercer's report on the subject of 1771
  American Colonization Society, on motion of Mr. Mercer, the committee on the memorial of the, were instructed to inquire into the expediency of more effectual provision for prohibiting the African slave trade 528
  Clay, Henry, remarks of, on the Fugitive Slave bill 828
  Manumission an Colonization Society of North Carolina, Mr. Settle presented the petition of the 533
  Persons of Color, Mr. Mercer presented the petition of a Society of Friends, concerning 488
  Slavery, Mr. Livermore submitted an amendment to the Constitution on the subject of 1675
  Slaves, a bill from the Senate to prohibit the importation of 1715
Senate, 2nd session Abolition of Slavery, Mr. Roberts presented the memorial of the American Convention for the promotion of the 85
  Columbian United Abolition Society, Mr. Noble presented the petition of the 161
  Importation of enslaved people, Mr. Eaton submitted a resolution concerning the 68
  Manumission of enslaved people, Mr. Sanford presented the memorial of New York Society for the 83
  Restitution of enslaved persons, Mr. Fromentin submitted a resolution requesting information of President of the United States, touching the execution of the first article of the treaty with Great Britain, in relation to the 21
  Freedom seekers (Runaways), on motion of Mr. Forsyth, the Committee on the District of Columbia were instructed to inquire into the expediency of annulling the laws regulating the seizure of persons of color suspected to be 208
  Slave Trade, a bill from the House of Representatives in addition to the act to prohibit the 279
  Enslaved people impressed into the public Service, Mr. Macon submitted a resolution concerning 174
  Transportation of persons of color, etc., a bill respecting the 58
House, 2nd session Abolition of Slavery, Mr. Sergeant presented the memorial of the American convention for the 430
  American Colonization Society, the Speaker presented a letter from a committee of the 721
  Colston, Edward, of Virginia, remarks of, on Mr. Linn's resolutions concerning the migration of enslaved people 337
  Freedom seekers (Fugitive Slaves), on motion of Mr. Pindall, a committee was appointed to inquire into the expediency of providing, by law, for the delivering up of 546
  Importation of enslaved people, on motion of Mr. Middleton, the bill of last session supplementary to the act to prohibit the 320
  Enslaved people, appointment of a select committee, on the unlawful introduction of 293
  Slave Trade, two resolutions by Mr. Mercer relative to the 442
  Transportation of Persons of Color, a bill from the Senate respecting the 1393
Session Subject Page Number
Senate, 1st session

Abolition of Slavery, Mr. Roberts presented the memorial of the American Convention for promoting the

  American Colonization Society, Mr. Pinckney presented the memorial of the 360
  Barbour, James, President pro tem., on the amendment restricting slavery 314
  Lowrie, Walter, of Pennsylvania, speech of, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri 201
  Maine and Missouri, Mr. Thomas offered an amendment to the Missouri branch of the bill, prohibiting slavery north of latitude 36' 30'' excepting within the limits of said proposed State 424
  Missouri Territory, Mr. Roberts moved to insert a clause restricting slavery 85
  Slavery, Mr. Dana presented the proceedings and resolution of a town meeting of New Haven, expressing their opinion that Congress have a right to prohibit the introduction of, into any State or Territory hereafter to be formed 69
  Slave Trade, a Message from the President of the United States on the subject of the 30
House, 1st session American Colonization Society, Mr. Randolph presented the memorial of 1047
  Illicit Introduction of enslaved persons, on motion of Mr. Whitman, the Secretary of the Navy was directed to report such information as he may possess in relation to the 845
  Introduction of enslaved people, Mr. Taylor, of New York, submitted a resolution for a committee to inquire into the expediency of prohibiting by law the, into the Territories west of the Mississippi 732
Senate, 2nd session African Slave Trade, a list of vessels that imported slaves into Charleston from 1804 to 1807 73
  Restriction of Slavery, Mr. Sanford presented a resolution of the Legislature of New York concerning the 23
House, 2nd session African Slave Trade, Mr. Mercer submitted a resolution on the subject of the 476
Session Subject Page Number
Senate 1st Session Abolition of Slavery and the Slave Trade, Mr. Lowrie presented the memorial of the Pennsylvania Society for promoting the 137
  American Colonization Society, Mr. Pinckney presented the memorial of the 178
House 1st Session Abolition of Slavery, Mr. Rhea presented a petition for the, in the District of Columbia 709
  American Colonization Society, memorial of the, presented by Mr. Colden  922
  Colden, C., remarks of, on the bill for the rendition of fugitive slaves [freedom seekers] 1379, 1380
  La Pensee, French slave ship 1612
  Slave Trade, so much of the President's annual Message as relates to the 527
  Enslaved people, Mr. Wright presented a resolution of the General Assembly of Maryland, complaining of the protection afforded by citizens of Pennsylvania to absconding 553
House 2nd Session Manumission Society of Tennessee, Mr. Rhea presented the memorial of the 8th convention of the, respecting the situation of colored persons in the United States 642
  Wright, Robert, of Maryland, speech of, on the suppression of the slave trade 1153


Session Subject Page Number
Senate 2nd Session Public Lands, resolution appropriating them as a fund for the emancipation of enslaved people 625
  Act, (British,) for the Suppression of the Slave Trade 18, 19
  Reports of committee of the H. of R. on the Slave Trade 20-21, 73-75
  Slave Trade, convention between the United States and Great Britain for the suppression of the 12-14
  Yeas and Nays in the Senate on the convention for suppressing the Slave Trade 21-22
Session Subject Page Number
Senate 1st Session Black Slavery in South America, call for information on 113
House 1st Session Enslaved people in Florida, debate on call for information on Spanish claims to certain 2008-2009
  Message (annual) of the President U.S. on the suppression of the slave trade 38
Senate 2nd Session Colonization Society, debate on presenting memorial of the 289-296
House 2nd Session Deported enslaved persons, bill reported for adjusting claims for 836
  Free people of color, resolution concerning an appropriation for the transportation of 635
Session Subject Page Number
Senate 1st Session Claims of South Carolina for enslaved persons, the bill supplementary to an act of 1827, for the adjustment of claims of persons entitled to indemnification under the Treaty of Ghent 406
  Enslaved people, deported, a supplementary bill introduced for the adjustment of claims to indemnification, under the treaty of Ghent 406
House 1st Session Captured Africans, a bill from the Senate to authorize the cancelling of a bond therein mentioned 915
  D'Auterive Marigny, amendment proposed providing a compensation for the lost time of the petitioner's enslaved person, and the expenses of medical treatment 900
  Slave Trade, a bill to abolish the U. States agency on the Coast of Africa, and to provide otherwise for suppressing the slave trade 2744
House 2nd Session Slavery in the District of Columbia, preamble and resolutions submitted to take into consideration the laws in relation to, and to provide for the gradual abolition of 167
Session Subject Page Number
Senate 2nd Session Africans, resolution to inquire into the expediency of making further provision for the support of captured 40
House 2nd Session Colonization Society, memorial of inhabitants of Virginia, praying aid from Congress for the 619, 626
Session Subject Page Number
Senate 1st Session Colonization Society. A memorial from citizens of Kentucky was presented 641
House 1st Session Colonization of free Black people, a resolution proposing a committee to inquire into the expediency of making an appropriation for the purpose of removing them to Africa 1537
  Slavery in the District of Columbia, a petition presented, praying for the abolition of 1425
House 2nd Session Slavery in the District of Columbia, a memorial from Pennsylvania for its abolishment therein 1584
Session Subject Page Number
Senate 1st Session Muskingum county (Ohio) memorial, praying for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia 1260
  Slavery in the District of Columbia, petitions presented against it 198, 1260
House 1st Session Slavery in the District of Columbia, memorials from Connecticut on this subject 2539
House 2nd Session Slavery in the District of Columbia, on the reference of sundry petitions on the subject of 1131

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RG 233, Records of the United States House of Representatives

The following lists selected Committee Papers, Reports, Petitions, and Memorials relating to American slavery.

Linked local identifiers will take you to a National Archives Catalog description. For information on researching these records, please contact

6th Congress, 1799-1801

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Select Committee HR6A-F4.2 Fugitive slave laws, including a petition from Absalom Jones of Philadelphia regarding apprehension of freemen under the fugitive slave law

8th Congress, 1803-1805

Committee Local Identifier Subject
refer to caption

Memorial Promoting the Abolition of Slavery (NAID 306668)

Select Committee HR8A-F5.5 Memorial from the American Convention for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, January 29, 1804, arguing against importing enslaved persons into the Louisiana Territory

9th Congress, 1805-1807

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Select Committee HR9A-C5 Northwest Ordinance of 1787, introduction of enslaved people

11th Congress, 1809-1811

Committee Local Identifier Subject

Committee on Commerce and Manufactures

HR11A-F2.2 Claims for remission of penalties for forfeitures incurred for violation of the act prohibiting the importation of enslaved persons into the United States

14th Congress, 1815-1817

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Select Committee HR14A-C17.4 Slave trade in the District of Columbia
Select Committee HR14A-F16.6 Slave trade

15th Congress, 1817-1819

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Select Committee HR15A-G17.1 Protection and colonization of free people of color
Committee of the Whole House HR15A-G18.1 Slave trade

16th Congress, 1819-1821

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Select Committee HR16A-G21.1 Slavery

17th Congress, 1821-1823

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Select Committee HR17A- C27.4 Suppression of the slave trade
Select Committee HR17A- F18.3 Suppression of the slave trade

19th Congress, 1825-1827

  Local Identifier Subject
Select Committee HR19A- D23.11 Suppression of the African slave trade
Committee on the District of Columbia HR19A-D5.3 Imprisonment of free Black people in the District of Columbia and the sale of such persons as unclaimed enslaved people for jail fees and other charges
Petition/Memorial/Resolution HR19A-G22.2 Colonization of free people of color in Africa
Committee on the District of Columbia HR19A-G4.2 Slavery in the District

20th Congress, 1827-1829

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Select Committee HR20A-D25.3 Colonization and related subjects
Committee on the District of Columbia HR20A-G5.1 Slavery in the District
Select Committee HR20A-G22.1 Colonization of free peoples of color in Africa
Committee on the Whole House HR20A-G23.3 Slavery in the District

22nd Congress, 1831-1833

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Committee on the District of Columbia HR22A-G5.2 Slavery in the District of Columbia
Committee on the District of Columbia HR22A-G5.3 Orphan Asylum and Female Free School of Alexandria

23rd Congress, 1833-1835

Committee Local Identifier Subject
  HR23A-G4.3 Slavery
Select Committee HR23A-G21.6 Petition requesting the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia

24th Congress, 1835-1837

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Select Committee HR24A-G22.4 Slavery in the District of Columbia

28th Congress, 1843-1845

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Committee on Judiciary HR28A-G10.2 Abolition of slavery
Committee on Judiciary HR28A-G10.8 Imprisonment of Captain Jonathan Walker in Florida Territory for aiding freedom seekers
Committee on Judiciary HR28A-G10.12 Repeal of Fugitive Slave Act of February 12, 1793

29th Congress, 1845-1847

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Committee on Judiciary HR29A-G8.9 Slavery and the slave trade
Committee on the District of Columbia HR29A-G3.3 Slavery and slave trade in the District
Committee of the Whole House of Representatives HR29A-G24.1 Abolition of slavery

30th Congress, 1847-1849

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Committee on Territories HR30A-G23.1 Slavery
Committee on the District of Columbia HR30A-G5.1 Slavery
Committee of the Judiciary HR30A-G9.2

Petition of the Convention of Colored People of Ohio Praying for the Repeal of the Fugitive Slave Law

Committee of the Judiciary HR30A-G9.2

Petition of Women of America Against Slavery

Committee of the Judiciary HR30A-G9.2

Petition of Citizens of Philadelphia Praying for the Passage of a Law Prohibiting the International Slave Trade

31st Congress, 1849-1851

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Committee of the Judiciary HR31A-G9.5 Slavery, including a petition from Seneca Falls, New York, May 8, 1950, praying for the right of a jury trial for fugitives, signed by Thomas James and others
Committee on the District of Columbia HR31A-G4.1 Slavery, including a petition signed by Thomas James and others from Seneca Falls, New York, praying for the repeal of slave laws in the District of Columbia

32nd Congress, 1851-1853

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Committee on Ways and Means HR32A-G24.6 Colonization of free Black Americans in Liberia
Committee of the Judiciary HR32A- G10.3 Abolition of slavery
Committee of the Judiciary HR32A-G10.6 Repeal of the fugitive slave law
Committee on Ways and Means HR32A-G24.6 Colonization of free Black Americans in Liberia

33rd Congress, 1853-1855

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Committee of the Judiciary HR33A- G10.1 Abolition of the interstate slave trade
Committee of the Judiciary HR33A-G10.8 Protection of free Black Americans within the jurisdiction of the several slave states
Committee of the Judiciary HR33A-G10.10 Repeal of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
Committee of the Judiciary HR33A-G10.11 Sale of an enslaved person for debts due to the United States
Committee on the Territories HR33A-G24.1 Exclusion of slavery and the slave trade from the Territories and from the District of Columbia
Committee on the Territories HR33A-G24.2 Opposition to the Kansas-Nebraska bill
Committee on the Territories HR33A-G24.4 Opposition to repeal of the Missouri Compromise and the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
Committee on the Territories HR33A-G24.5 Advocacy of repeal of the Missouri Compromise and the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
Committee on the Whole House HR33A-G26.1 Exclusion of slavery and the slave trade from the Territories and from the District of Columbia
Committee on the Whole House HR33A-G26.2 Opposition to passage of the Kansas-Nebraska bill
Committee on the Whole House HR33A-G26.4 Advocacy of repeal of the fugitive slave law
Committee on the Whole House HR33A-G26.5 Opposition to repeal of the Missouri Compromise
Committee on the District of Columbia HR33A-G5.1 Abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia

34th Congress, 1855-1857

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Committee on the Judiciary HR34A-G9.8 Slavery
Committee on the Judiciary HR34A-G9.2 Expulsion of Preston Brooks and the Anson Burlingame from the House of Representatives
Committee on the Territories HR34A-G21.2 Slavery in the territories
Committee on the District of Columbia HR34A-G4.5 Slavery in the District

36th Congress, 1859-1861

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Committee of the Judiciary HR36A-D13.9 Slavery in the Territory of New Mexico
Committee on Foreign Affairs HR36A-G7.2 Slave trade
Committee of the Judiciary HR36A-G10.3 Crittenden Compromise
Committee of the Judiciary HR36A-G10.4 Freedom seeker [fugitive slave] laws
Committee of the Judiciary HR36A-G10.5 Abolition of slavery
Committee of the Judiciary HR36A-G10.6 Abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia
Committee of the Judiciary HR36A-G10.7 Freeing by purchase of enslaved people
Committee of the Judiciary HR36A-G10.8 Slave trade

37th Congress, 1861-1863

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Committee on Military Affairs HR37A-E10.4 Formerly enslaved persons employed as servants in the Army of Kentucky
Committee on Ways and Means HR37A-E20.17 Suppression of the African slave trade
Committee on the Judiciary HR37A-G7.1 Abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia
Committee on the Judiciary HR37A-G7.2 Abolition of slavery in the United States, including a petition from citizens of Iowa for emancipation
Committee on the Judiciary HR37A-G7.3 Advice to Congress "to drop the Negro question and attend to the business of the country"
Committee on the Judiciary HR37A-G7.8 Crittenden Compromise
Committee on the Judiciary HR37A-G7.11 Repeal of the fugitive slave law
Committee on the Judiciary HR37A-G7.13 Confiscation of the property and liberation of the enslaved of persons supporting the rebellion
Committee on the Judiciary HR37A-G7.14 Passage of a law calling upon all citizens, both bond and free, to aid the Government in suppressing the rebellion
Committee on the Judiciary HR37A-G7.15 Reduction of the states of South Carolina and Georgia, together with a part of Florida, into a territorial condition to be colonized by Black Americans freed by force of arms or by acts of Congress
Committee on Military Affairs HR37A-G8.12 Enactment of a law calling upon all persons, both bond and free, to aid the Government in suppressing the rebellion
Committee on Military Affairs HR37A-G8.13 Abolition of slavery
Committee on Ways and Means HR37A-G20.1 Advice to Congress "to drop the Negro question and attend to the business of the country"
Select Committee HR37A-G21.4 Select Committee on Emancipation

38th Congress, 1863-1865

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Committee on Ways and Means HR38A-E23.2 Select Committee on Emancipation
refer to caption

Memorial to assist with the care and education of the freedmen (NAID 306645)

Committee on the Judiciary HR38A-G10.5

Memorial written by Josephine Griffing asking that women be commissioned to assist with the care and education of the freedmen

Committee on the Judiciary HR38A-G10.1 An amendment of the Constitution to abolish slavery
Committee on the Judiciary HR38A-G10.4 Slavery
Committee on Military Affairs HR38A-G12.6 Colored Troops
Select Committee HR38A-G25.1

Women's Petition to the Senate and House of Representatives Praying for an Act Emancipating All Persons of African Descent


39th Congress, 1865-1867

Committee Local Identifier Subject
Committee on Freedmen's Affairs HR39A-F10.2 Funds received by the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands
Committee on Freedmen's Affairs HR39A-F10.3 Scarcity of food in South Carolina
Committee on Freedmen's Affairs HR39A-H11.1 Various subjects

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