Military Records

War of 1812 Discharge Certificates

Appendix III: List of Soldiers by Name

Updated February 22, 2005

Appendix III: List of Soldiers by Name

Abbey, Edward17951st SublegionCapt. Thomas Martin's Co.
Abbot, Abiel181434th Inf.Capt. Peter Chadwick's Co.
Abbot, Ephraim181534th Inf. 
Abbot, George181545th Inf. 
Abbot/Abot, Enoch18159th Inf.Capt. William L. Foster's Co.
Abbott, Uriah181533rd Inf. 
Abott, John181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Adams, Alanson181411th Inf.2nd Lt. John Varnum Barron's Co.
Adams, Alexander181425th Inf.Capt. Joseph Kinney's Co.
Adams, Benjamin1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Many's Co., 1811)
Adams, Cyrus B. 18151st Lt. DragoonsLt. I. Palmer's Detachment
Adams, Elisha18133rd ArtilleryCapt. Benjamin S. Ogden's Co.
Adams, James Jr.18133rd Artillery Capt. Horace H. Watson's Co.
Adams, Samuel 181334th Inf.Capt. Daniel Crossman's Co.
Adams, Samuel181445th Inf.Capt. Nathan Stanley's Co.
Adams, Silas18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Adams, William18131st Artillery Capt. Addison B. Armistead's Co.
Adkisson, Joseph181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Ainsworth, Andrew181425th Inf.Capt. George Howard's Co.
Akins, James181512th Inf.Capt. James Paxton's Co.
Albee, Ebenezer181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Albright, Elijah1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Albro, Samuel181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Albrough, William181429th Inf.Capt. Elam Lynds's Co.
Aldridge, David1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Aldridge, John181526th Inf.Capt. William Bezeau's Detachment
Alexander, Charles181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Alexander, Joseph181439th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Alger, Leonard18159th Inf.Capt. George Bender's Co.
Allbee, James181433rd Inf.Capt. Benjamin Adams's Co.
Allen, Benjamin181545th Inf. 
Allen/Allin, Hugh181542nd Inf.Capt. George W. Barker's Co.
Allen, Ichabod181415th Inf.Capt. Henry H. Van Dalsem's Co.
Allen, James181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Allen, William181533rd Inf. 
Alley, Thomas181434th Inf.Lt. William A. Springer's Detachment
Allison, John181512th Inf.Capt. James Paxton's Co.
Allison, Thomas181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Allsworth/Alsworth, Philip1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Ambler, Henry181323rd Inf.Capt. Horatio G. Armstrong's Co.
Ames, Eleazer1813Lt. ArtilleryCapt. Benjamin Branch's Co.
Ames, Phineas181521st Inf.Capt. Joseph Treat's Co.
Anderson, Alexander1814Lists of Discharged Men (22nd Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Anderson, William181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Andrews, Samuel18133rd ArtilleryLt. John P. Bartlett's Co.
Andrews, Thomas1814Lists of Discharged Men (Artillery, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Andy, Jacob181542nd Inf.Capt. John J. Robinson's Co.
Annadell, William D.18133rd Inf.Capt. Hays G. White's Co.
Anthony, John H.18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Antrim, Abraham1814Lists of Discharged Men (Artillery, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Arlen, Daniel181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Armstrong, Abner181439th Inf.Capt. John Jones's Co.
Armstrong, Elijah181423rd Inf. 
Arno, Samuel1813Lt. ArtilleryLt. John R. Bell's Co.
Arnold, John1810Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Many's Co., 1810)
Arter, Nicholas181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Ashby, Fushee181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Ashley, John181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Ashmore, James181415th Inf.Capt. White Young's Co.
Atkins, David181545th Inf. 
Atkins, Perum1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Lt. Lawrence's Co., 1811)
Atwater, Simion181411th Inf.Capt. John W. Weeks's Co.
Augh, Lewis181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Austin, John181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Austin, Nathan181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Ayres, Fisher18149th Inf.Capt. Chester Lyman's Co.
Ayres, Joseph1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Bab, Greenberry181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Bache, William18155th Inf. 
Bacheldor, Nathan181421st Inf.Capt. Josiah H. Vose's Co.
Bacon (?), James181434th Inf.Lt. William A. Springer's Detachment
Bacon, Nathan181423rd Inf.Capt. Horatio G. Armstrong's Co.
Bagley, David181434th Inf. 
Bagley, James181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Baidstone, William G.181425th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Watson's Co.
Bailey, Alexander181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Bailey, Benjamin181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Bailey, Enoch181545th Inf. 
Bailey, Piere1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Baker, Benjamin181545th Inf. 
Baker, Ezra1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Baker, Matthias181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Baker, William181445th Inf.Capt. Elijah Hall's Co.
Balch, Hezekiah J.181514th Inf.Capt. William McIlvain's Co.
Balcum, Jonathan18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Ballard, Jonathan M.181321st Inf.Capt. Josiah H. Vose's Co.
Bangs, David181542nd Inf.Capt. John J. Robinson's Co.
Banks, Everhard181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Banks, Joseph181434th Inf.Capt. Robert R. Kendall's Co.
Barker, Isaac1815Artillery CorpsCapt. Richard H. Zantzinger's Detachment
Barnaby, Henry1815Lt. DragoonsCapt. George Haig's Co.
Barnes, Samuel181414th Inf.Capt. Richard Arell's Co.
Barnett, John181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Barnett, Robert181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Barnett, William1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Winston's Co., 1792)
Barnhart, George181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Barr, James181514th Inf.Capt. Thomas Montgomery's Co.
Barre, Richard181322nd Inf.Capt. Robert R. Hall's Co.
Barret, Benjamin181545th Inf. 
Barrows, Thomas181434th Inf.Capt. Sherman Leland's Co.
Barrus, Joel181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Barter, Joseph181434th Inf.Capt. Robert Douglass's Co.
Bartholomew, John1814? 23rd Inf. 
Bartlet, Thomas181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Barton, Winthrop181521st Inf.Capt. Lemuel Bradford's Co.
Basford, Joseph181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Bass, Lewis181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Bass, Rice181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Bateman, James181410th Inf.Capt. Jesse Copeland's Co.
Bates, James181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Bates, Reuben181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Batrong, John181434th Inf.Capt. Sherman Leland's Co.
Bayard, James A. Jr.181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Bayou, Henry1813Lists of Discharged Men (6th Inf., Detachment at Fort Columbus, 1813)
Beach, Job A.1813Lists of Discharged Men (Lt. A. Godwin's Detachment, 1813)
Beard, John18142nd Inf.Capt. John Miller's Co.
Beatty, Abraham181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Beattys, John181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Beck, William181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Becks, James1793Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Winston's Co., 1793)
Bedel, Elisha181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Beebe, John18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Beech [?], Stephen n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Lyon's Co., n.d.)
Beers, Benjamin18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel D. Harris's Troop
Belfield, William1793Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Howell Lewis's Co., 1793)
Bell, William18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Belville, Samuel181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Bender, John1814Lists of Discharged Men (Artillery, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Bennefield, James181539th Inf.Capt. Thomas Stuart's Co.
Bennet, Gabriel [Grabib?]181423rd Inf. 
Bennet, John181325th Inf. 
Bennet, Laban [Loben]18133rd Inf.Capt. William Butler's Co.
Bennet, Parley/Pardy1814Lists of Discharged Men (22nd Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Bennet, Victor18133rd Inf.Capt. John McClelland's Co.
Bennett, John181333rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Bennett, John H.18133rd Artillery 
Bennett, Joseph 181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Bennett, Robert181625th Inf.Capt. Thomas S. Seymour's Co.
Bennett, William18155th Inf.Capt. LeRoy Opie's Co.
Benoit, Anthony181415th Inf.Capt. White Young's Co.
Benson, Charles R. 181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Benson, Ephraim181434th Inf.Capt. Robert Douglas's Co.
Benson, Peter1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Benson, Traverse18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Benton, Robert J. [?]18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Berkley, Phillip1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Berry, Bayne L.181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Berry, James181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Betha, Jesse181539th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Beverlo, John181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Bickford, Enoch181411th Inf.Capt. Valuntine R. Goodrich's Co.
Bickford, Thomas L.181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Bickford, William181411th Inf.Capt. Valuntine R. Goodrich's Co.
Bickmore, John181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Bickmore, John1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Bigelow, Roger S.n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Lyon's Co., n.d.)
Bigley, Patrick181424th Inf. 
Bingham, Thomas181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Bird, Charles181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Bither, Elisha181533rd Inf. 
Blacksford, Isaac181526th Inf. 
Blair, Robert181533rd Inf. 
Blake, John1816Artillery CorpsCapt. Julius F. Heileman's Co.
Blakeslee, James181329th Inf. 
Blanchard, Gates181411th Inf.Capt. John Bliss's Co.
Blanchard, Hermon181545th Inf.Capt. Joshua Danforth's Co.
Bland, John181318th Inf.Capt. John G. Blount's Co.
Blanks, Craddock1793Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Winston's Co., 1793)
Blinco, Thomas181512th Inf.Capt. James Paxton's Co.
Blissard, David18162nd Inf.Capt. Alexander R. Thompson's Co.
Blodget, James181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Blonk, Abraham1813Lists of Discharged Men (6th Inf., Detachment at Fort Columbus, 1813)
Blunt, Henry1793Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Alexander Gibson's Co., 1793)
Blyther, John181534th Inf. 
Boarin, John181539th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Bodwell, Abiather181533rd Inf. 
Boggs, James1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Boin [?], Joseph181318th Inf.Capt. William Taylor's Co.
Bolles, John M. 181539th Inf.Capt. John Jones's Co.
Bolton, Harman181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Bonnell, Caleb181415th Inf.Capt. Zachariah Rossell's Co.
Bonner, Gasper181512th Inf.Capt. James Paxton's Co.
Books, James181542nd Inf.Capt. John J. Robinson's Co.
Borde, James181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Bordley, William18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel D. Harris's Troop
Borkin [?], Ezra1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Borkley, Philip1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Bosswell, George18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Boswell, John18143rd Inf.Capt. James E. Dinkins's Co.
Bosworth, Asa181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Bouhie, John1814Lists of Discharged Men (16th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Bourke, David181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Boutell, Amos18149th Inf.Capt. George Bender's Co.
Boutwell, Amos181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Bowen, Peter181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Bowers, William181415th Inf.Capt. Henry H. Van Dalsem's Co.
Bowman, Jonathan181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Boyan, Benjaminn.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Steele's Co., n.d.)
Boyce, Joseph181534th Inf. 
Boyd, Samuel181414th Inf.Capt. Clement Sullivan's Co.
Boyd, Walter18162nd Inf.Capt. Alexander R. Thompson's Co.
Boyer, Benjamin181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Boyer, Jacob18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Boyington, Richard (B)18154th Inf. 
Boyle, Richard181514th Inf.Capt. William McIlvain's Co.
Braceland, _____1814Lists of Discharged Men (16th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Bradbury, Samuel18162nd Inf.Capt. Alexander R. Thompson's Co.
Bradbury, William181526th Inf.Capt. William Bezeau's Detachment
Braddy, James181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Bradford, Charles181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Bradley, Jamesn.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Caldwell's Co., n.d.)
Brady, William1813?2nd Artillery 
Bragdon, Dennis181434th Inf. 
Braman, Benjamin181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Branch, Matthew18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Brandon, Carter181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Braner, Daniel181317th Inf.Capt. Robert Edwards's Co.
Braswill, James18153rd Inf.Capt. James E. Dinkins's Co.
Brate, Martinus/Mattinus181429th Inf. 
Brazier, Henry181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Breck, John1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Winston's Co., 1792)
Brice, James Jr.18151st Lt. ArtilleryCapt. Luther Leonard's Co.
Bridges, Stephen181533rd Inf. 
Briggs, Thomas 18149th Inf.Capt. Abraham F. Hull's Co.
Briggs, William18149th Inf.Capt. Abraham F. Hull's Co.
Bright, Tobias181425th Inf.Capt. John B. Murdock's Co.
Brimmer, Charles18133rd Inf.Capt. Hays G. White's Co.
Brink, John18132nd Lt. Dragoons 
Brittenham, Nehemiah181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Brittin, John181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Broad, Robert17921st Inf.Capt. Ballard Smith's Co.
Bronson, Lewis181515th Inf.Capt. Joseph L. Barton's Co.
Brown, Amos Jr.1813Lt. ArtilleryCapt. Benjamin Branch's Co.
Brown, George18133rd Inf.Capt. John McClelland's Co.
Brown, George18151st Lt. DragoonsLt. I. Palmer's Detachment
Brown, Henry1815Artillery CorpsCapt. James Green's Co.
Brown, Isaiah181545th Inf. 
Brown, Jacob18149th Inf.Capt. William L. Foster's Co.
Brown, James1805Prisoner of Capt. Whiley's Co., see 2nd Artillery, Capt. James Read's Co., papers for James Robinson
Brown, Jesse181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Brown, Joeln.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Steele's Co., n.d.)
Brown, John181411th Inf.Capt. Valuntine R. Goodrich's Co.
Brown, John18152nd ArtilleryBvt. Maj. Alexander C.W. Fanning's Co.
Brown, Joseph C.181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Brown, Moses181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Brown, Obediah1814Lists of Discharged Men (Artillery, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Brown, Robert181545th Inf. 
Brown, Thomas1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Brown, William W.181318th Inf.Capt. Henry P. Taylor's Co.
Brown, William1813?Unit not stated 
Browne, Samueln.d.6th Inf. 
Brownley, James18155th Inf.Capt. John Jamison's Co.
Brumley, John181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Brunan, John181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Brunson/Brownson, Allen18143rd ArtilleryCapt. William King's Co.
Brush, Josiah181430th Inf.Capt. James Taylor's Co.
Bryant, Asa181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Bryant, Ephraim181434th Inf.Capt. Daniel Crossman's Co.
Buchanan, Joseph 181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Buck [Burk?], Bartholomew1814Lists of Discharged Men (5th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Buckman, Abner181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Buckmore, Henry181421st Inf. 
Bunett, Peter181512th Inf.Capt. James Paxton's Co.
Bunk, Peter18131st Artillery 
Bunnel, Isaac18131st ArtilleryCapt. James S. Swearingen's Co.
Buntin, John18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel G. Hopkins's Troop
Burbanks, Jonathan181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Burges, Ebenezer181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Burk, James181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Burk, Thomas18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Charles Smith's Troop
Burke, Michael1793Pay Lists (1st Sublegion, 1793)
Burkhalter, Michael181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Burns, Francis181425th Inf.Lt./Capt. Thomas M. Read's Co.
Burns, John C.18131st DragoonsCapt. Asa Morgan's Co.
Burroughs, Stiles181325th Inf.Capt. Peter Bradley's Co.
Burton, Isaac181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Burton, James181425th Inf.Capt. Joseph Kinney's Co.
Burton, Joshua C.181325th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Bush, John181512th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
Bush, Thomas181320th Inf.Capt. Torrington's Co.
Buswell, James181545th Inf.Capt. Joshua Danforth's Co.
Butler, Ezraeln.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Steele's Co., n.d.)
Butt, James181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Butterfield, James18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Cain, William181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Calder, Joseph L.1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Call, Zenah181423rd Inf. 
Campbell, Anguish181512th Inf.Capt. James Paxton's Co.
Campbell, Daniel18142nd Inf.Capt. John Miller's Co.
Campbell, Dunham181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Campbell, Rufus181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Campbell, William181415th Inf.Capt. Henry H. Van Dalsem's Co.
Cane, Duncan1814Lists of Discharged Men (42nd Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Cannon, Archibald181439th Inf.Capt. John Jones's Co.
Cannon, Ebenezer18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Cape, John181318th Inf.Capt. William Taylor's Co.
Capon, Eli1813Artillery CorpsCapt. Francis Newman's Co.
Capps, John1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Carbary, John181533rd Inf. 
Carlton, James181533rd Inf. 
Carman, Henry18142nd Artillery 
Carmeain, Andrew18132nd DragoonsCapt. Clinton Wright's Co.
Carmer, James181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Carpenter, Aldredge181323rd Inf. 
Carr, Daniel181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Carr, John181415th Inf.Capt. Zachariah Rossell's Co.
Carr, Richard181545th Inf. 
Carr, Samuel181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Carroll, Joseph17951st SublegionCapt. Thomas Martin's Co.
Carroll, Philip1810Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Newman's Co., 1810)
Carter, John P.18151st RiflemenCapt. Edward Wadsworth's Co.
Carter, Robert18151st RiflemenCapt. Thomas Ramsey's Co.
Carter, Samuel1814Artillery CorpsCapt. Rufus McIntire's Co.
Carter, William181533rd Inf. 
Carter, Willis18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Cartey, Charles18133rd ArtilleryCapt. Thomas Stockton's Co.
Casey, Zachariah181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Caskey, Johnn.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Lyon's Co., n.d.)
Causer, Henry181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Caves, Gabriel181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Center, Barnard181334th Inf.Capt. Peter Chadwick's Co.
Chalton, John1812 1st ArtilleryCapt. Addison B. Armistead's Co.
Chandler, Daniel R.181434th Inf.Capt. Robert Douglas's Co.
Chapman, Jonathan181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Charles, James181525th Inf.Capt. Seth Phelps's Co.
Charleston, James18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Chase, Abner181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Chatterton, John181325th Inf.Capt. Peter Bradley's Co.
Cherrintone/Cherringtone, James18133rd Inf.Capt. Henry Atkins's [sic,Atkinson's] Co.
Cherry, Soloman18155th Inf.Capt. LeRoy Opie's Co.
Chesley, John W.181545th Inf. 
Childress, David181539th Inf. 
Chote, John181545th Inf.Capt. Joshua Danforth's Co.
Chronister, Matthias181539th Inf.Lt. Bernard M. Patterson's Detachment
Church, Thomas181514th Inf.Capt. Thomas Montgomery's Co.
Churchill, James C.181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Bailey's Co.
Clapham, Stephen181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Clark, Aaron181533rd Inf. 
Clark, George181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Clark, Gideon18132nd ArtilleryCapt. William Nicholas's Co.
Clark, James181321st Inf.Lt./Capt. Sullivan Burbank's Co.
Clark/Clarke, John18132nd Inf. [?]
Clark, John181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Clark, Joseph H.181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Clark, Nicholas181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Clark, Samuel1813Lists of Sick Men (Light Artillery, Capt. Thornton's Co., 1813)
Clark, Stephen18149th Inf.Capt. James F. Norris's Co.
Clark, Thomas18143rd Inf.Capt. Henry Chotard's Co.
Clark, Thomas181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Clark, Timothy181534th Inf. 
Clark, William18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Clarke, Samuel1813Lt. ArtilleryCapt. William Bezeau's Co.
Claunch, David181539th Inf.Capt. Henry Henniger's Co.
Clay, Moses M.181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Cleasby, Tilly H.181545th Inf. 
Clement, John M.18131st Lt. Dragoons 
Clements, Ezekial W.1813Lt. ArtilleryCapt. Benjamin Branch's Co.
Clements, John H.181443rd Inf.Capt. John L. Thompson's Co.
Cleveland, Timothy181533rd Inf. 
Cloherty, John 18155th Inf.Capt. Richard H. Bell's Co.
Closson, William n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Lyon's Co., n.d.)
Cloud, Cornelius181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Clough, Ezekiel181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Clowden, John1814Lists of Discharged Men (Artillery, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Clutz [?], Philip n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Steele's Co., n.d.)
Cobb, Ebenezer181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Cobb, John T.181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Cobb, Stephen C.181415th Inf.Capt. White Young's Co.
Coburn, Josiah W.181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Coburn, Josiah W. Jr.181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Coburn, Rufus 181434th Inf. 
Cochran, John181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Cochran, Robert181545th Inf.Capt. Joshua Danforth's Co.
Cockle, John1793Pay Lists (1st Sublegion, 1793)
Cocks, Charles181545th Inf. 
Cocks, Otho181425th Inf.Capt. John B. Murdock's Co.
Coffee, Ichabod181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Coffee, Nathan181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Coffee, Rufus181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Coffin, James181533rd Inf. 
Coggins, Benjamin181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Cohen, William H.181514th Inf.Capt. Thomas Montgomery's Co.
Cohoon, Weasmaon1813Lt. Artillery 
Colbath, Nathaniel181411th Inf.Capt. John Bliss's Co.
Colby, Samuel S.1814Artillery CorpsCapt. Rufus McIntire's Co.
Colby, William181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Colcord, Josiah1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Colcord, Josiah181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Cole, David181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Cole, Henry181433rd Inf. 
Cole, James18141st ArtilleryCapt. Nathaniel Leonard's Co.
Cole, John181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Cole, Nathaniel181433rd Inf.Capt. Rufus K. Goodenow's Co.
Cole, Reuben181434th Inf.Lt. William A. Springer's Detachment
Cole, Thomas181325th Inf.Lt./Capt. Thomas M. Read's Co.
Cole, William181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Coleman, Joseph181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Coles, Walter18153rd Rifle Regt.Capt. Walter Coles's Co.
Collamon, Libbeus181533rd Inf. 
Collins, Daniel 181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Collins, Elijah1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Collins, George n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Lyon's Co., n.d.)
Collins, Joseph181542nd Inf.Capt. John J. Robinson's Co.
Collins, Michael B.18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Colomy, Daniel181545th Inf.Capt. Joshua Danforth's Co.
Colven, John181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Compton, Charles18133rd Inf.Capt. John McClelland's Co.
Con [Com?], Thomas18131st DragoonsCapt. William M. Littlejohn's Co.
Conally, Samuel181512th Inf.Capt. James Paxton's Co.
Conant, Lot181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Conant, Lot1813Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Cone, Mathias181318th Inf.Capt. John G. Blount's Co.
Coney, Joseph18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel G. Hopkins's Troop
Conkleton, David181323rd Inf. 
Conklin, William181516th Inf.Capt. John Machesney's Co.
Conklin, William M.181514th Inf.Capt. Richard Arell's Co.
Conkling, William18133rd Inf.Capt. John McClelland's Co.
Conley, John R.1814Artillery CorpsCapt. Joseph Philips's Co.
Conley, Peter1793Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Henry Bowyer's Troop, 1793)
Conly, Isaac181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Connally/Connelly, William1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Connell, Daniel181323rd Inf. 
Connell/Connel, Stephen P.181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Connelly, John181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Conner, Hosea/Hossea (B)181526th Inf. 
Conner, William18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Connor, George18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Conoway, Patrick1814Lists of Discharged Men (Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Conret/Cornet, Charles1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Conway, John181323rd Inf. 
Cook, Calvin181415th Inf.Capt. White Young's Co.
Cook, Moses1810Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Cocks's Co., 1810)
Cook, Peter181512th Inf.Capt. James Paxton's Co.
Cook, Stephen181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Cooke, John181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Coons, John1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Howell Lewis's Co., 1792)
Cooper, John (B?)181526th Inf.Capt. William Bezeau's Detachment
Cooper, Worcester181325th Inf. 
Corbin, Joshua181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Cordell, John181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Corder, Christian181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Corder, Simeon181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Cordwell, John18149th Inf.Capt. James F. Norris's Co.
Corey, David Jr.181423rd Inf. 
Cornwall, Samuel181223rd Inf. 
Cornwell, Benjamin181423rd Inf. 
Cossen, Samuel181545th Inf. 
Costellow, James181545th Inf. 
Cottrin, Dr. ____18152nd Artillery Capt. Jacob Hindman's Co.
Coveart, James18141st Lt. Dragoons(provided John Miller as substitute)
Cox, Benjamin181412th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Cox, William181439th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Coxe, Joshua181526th Inf.Capt. William Bezeau's Detachment
Craig, John181428th Inf.Capt. George Stockton's Co.
Craigg, Samuel Jr.181545th Inf. 
Cramm, Obediah181533rd Inf. 
Crane, Jabez181323rd Inf. 
Cranmore, Jeremiah181433rd Inf. 
Cranston, Samuel181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Crate, Daniel1814Lists of Discharged Men (16th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Craver, John181512th Inf.Capt. James Paxton's Co.
Crawford, Hugh181522nd Inf.Capt. William Morrow's Co.
Crawford, James181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Crawford, Reuben181520th Inf.Capt. Reuben Crawford
Creasey, Joseph181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Creekman, James181318th Inf.Capt. John G. Blount's Co.
Creeley/Creely, William18121st ArtilleryCapt. Addison B. Armistead's Co.
Cresen, William181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Cressey, Alvin18155th Inf.Capt. John Jamison's Co.
Crocket, Thomas181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Crofford, Henry181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Crofford, John181439th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Cross, Daniel17931st SublegionCapt. Erskurius Beatty's Co.
Cross, William181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Crossley, John18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Crossley, Thomas1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Crossman, Joseph A.181534th Inf. 
Croucher, Elias18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Crowell, Thomas181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Crowl, George181522nd Inf.Capt. William Morrow's Co.
Culbertson, Joseph181514th Inf.Capt. William McIlvain's Co.
Cullin, James M.181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Culp, Martin181542nd Inf.Capt. John J. Robinson's Co.
Cummings, Daniel181325th Inf.Capt. Henry Leavenworth's Co.
Cummings, Henry181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Cummings, William181425th Inf. 
Cunningham, Benjamin1813Lt. DragoonsCapt. George B. Haig's Co.
Cunningham, Benjamin W.181539th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Cunningham, Hugh 181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Cunningham, James1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Arbuckle's Co., 1811)
Cunningham, John181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Cunningham, Michael181415th Inf.Capt. Zachariah Rossell's Co.
Cunningham, Thomas181616th Inf.Capt. Miles Greenwood's Co.
Cunningham, William181545th Inf.Capt. Joshua Danforth's Co.
Curgomes [Coganus?], Daniel181318th Inf.Capt. John G. Blount's Co.
Currel, Bryant181439th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Curry, James18151st Inf.Capt. Thomas Hamilton's Co.
Curry, William1814Lists of Discharged Men (16th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Curtis, James181534th Inf. 
Curtis, John181533rd Inf. 
Curtis, William181415th Inf.Capt. Henry H. Van Dalsem's Co.
Cushing, Charles C.181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Cushing, John181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Cushing, Nicholas C.181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Daily, George1814Lists of Discharged Men (Artillery, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Dairy, Van181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Dalzell, John181423rd Inf.Capt. Azariah W. Odell's Co.
Danley, Hezekiah181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Dapue, Henry1814Lists of Sick Men (6th Inf., 1814)
Dar [Dear?], Jonothon1814?1st Artillery 
Darr, John1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Davis, David181533rd Inf. 
Davis, David181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Davis, Isaac181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Davis, Jabez1815Quartermaster General's Department
Davis, James181313th Inf. 
Davis, John181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Davis, John181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Davis, John18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Davis, John n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Steele's Co., n.d.)
Davis, John1810Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Newman's Co., 1810)
Davis, John1814Lists of Discharged Men (42nd Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Davis, Lathrop181325th Inf.Capt. Seth Phelps's Co.
Davis, Lewis181439th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Davis, Samuel 181533rd Inf. 
Davis, Samuel181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Davis, Shubal181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Davis, Stephen181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Davis, Thomas181542nd Inf.Capt. John J. Robinson's Co.
Dawes, Freeman181533rd Inf. 
Dawkins, William181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Daws/Dawes, Samuel181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Dawson, Jeremiah18133rd Inf.Capt. Hays G. White's Co.
Dawson, Samuel18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel G. Hopkins's Troop
Dawson, Thomas18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Dawson, William1793Pay Lists (1st Sublegion, 1793)
Day, Henry181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Deaker, James181545th Inf. 
Dean, Abel181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Dean, Samuel1814Lists of Discharged Men (6th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Dean, Walter181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Dear, Jonathan18151st ArtilleryCapt. Samuel T. Dyson's Co.
Dearborn, Enoch1813Lt. Artillery 
Dearborn, John18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Dearborn, Samuel18154th Inf.Capt. George Gooding's Co.
Deaver, Phillip181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Deeker, John181545th Inf. 
Deeker, Nicholas n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Steele's Co., n.d.)
Defour, Charlemagn18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Degrote, Abraham1813Lists of Discharged Men (Lt. A. Godwin's Detachment, 1813)
Delamater, Abraham1804Unit not stated 
Demeritz, Jacob B.181434th Inf.Capt. Peter Chadwick's Co.
Dempsey, Isaac1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Dening, Simion181434th Inf.Capt. Peter Chadwick's Co.
Dennis, Arthur181333rd Inf. 
Densmore, Dean181433rd Inf. 
Denton, Abraham181539th Inf.Detachment
Denton, William17951st SublegionCapt. Thomas Martin's Co.
Derrickson, Joseph18132nd ArtilleryCapt. James N. Barker's Co.
Derrickson, William181439th Inf.Capt. John Jones's Co.
Despert, Henry17921st SublegionCapt. Erskurius Beatty's Co.
Devaughan, Edward181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Devaughan, James181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Devenport, Edward181512th Inf.Capt. James Paxton's Co.
Dever, Patrick1793Pay Lists (1st Sublegion, 1793)
Devine, John18142nd Inf.Capt. Alexander Brownlow's Co.
Devinney, Daniel18136th Inf. 
Dexter, William181413th Inf.Capt. Mordecai Myers's Co.
Dickinson, Samuel1814? 23rd Inf. 
Dickson, John181540th Inf.Capt. John Fillebrown's Co.
Dill, George W.1814Lists of Discharged Men (5th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Dillon, Andrew181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Dilsauer [?], John1814Lists of Discharged Men (Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Dinslow, John181545th Inf. 
Dinsmore, John181423rd Inf. 
Diskey, Samuel1814Lists of Discharged Men (5th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Ditzler, John P.18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Divan/Devin, Robert18152nd Inf.Capt. Alexander Brownlow's Co.
Dixey, Francis 181415th Inf.Capt. White Young's Co.
Dixon, Thomas181439th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Dobb/Dopp, James181323rd Inf. 
Dobbs, James181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Doble, Francis18122nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel D. Harris's Troop
Dobson, John181322nd Inf.Lt. Samuel A. Rippey's Co.
Dodge, Joseph181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Dodney, Clayton1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Doe, George181434th Inf.Capt. William Sweet's Co.
Dollaft [?], John P.181434th Inf.Capt. Peter Chadwick's Co.
Donacky, John181542nd Inf.Capt. John J. Robinson's Co.
Donnelly, Edward181533rd Inf. 
Donnelly, Peter1813Miscellaneous Records (16th Inf., Fort George,1813)
Dopp [or Dobb], James181323rd Inf. 
Dorning, Patrick181318th Inf.Capt. Henry P. Taylor's Co.
Doty, Joseph1813Lists of Discharged Men (6th Inf., Detachment at Fort Columbus, 1813)
Doughtery, Edmund18132nd ArtilleryCapt. Jacob Hindman's Co.
Dougherty, Hugh1814Lists of Discharged Men, (16th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Dougherty, Robert1813Lists of Sick Men (Light Artillery, Capt. McIntosh's Co., 1813)
Doughty, John181533rd Inf. 
Douglas, Absalom181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Douglas, Israel181545th Inf. 
Douglass, Elijah18139th Inf. 
Douglass, James18183rd Artillery 
Douglass, James181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Douglass, James1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Douglass, James1814Lists of Discharged Men (16th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Dover, Richard181539th Inf.Capt. John Jones's Co.
Dovons, Joseph n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Caldwell's Co., n.d.)
Downs, William1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Humphrey's Co., 1811)
Drake, Joseph181325th Inf.Lt. Edward White's Co.
Drew, Clement181533rd Inf. 
Driggan, Daniel1816Artillery CorpsCapt. Julius F. Heileman's Co.
Droelly/Dwilly, William181333rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodson's Co.
Drown, Nathaniel181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Drown, Samuel181411th Inf.Capt. Valuntine R. Goodrich's Co.
Dudley, Francis181533rd Inf. 
Dudley, Jonathan18155th Inf.Capt. LeRoy Opie's Co.
Duffel, James181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Duffield, James181539th Inf.Detachment
Duffy, John1814Lists of Sick Men (6th Inf., 1814)
Duke, Nelson N.181318th Inf.Capt. Owen Clinton's Co.
Duly, Elias181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Dunham, Daniel181415th Inf.Capt. Henry H. Van Dalsem's Co.
Dunham, Elijah181515th Inf.Capt. Joseph L. Barton's Co.
Dunlavy, James181439th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Dunn, David J.181433rd Inf.Capt. Benjamin Dunn's Co.
Dunn, David1813Lt. ArtilleryCapt. Benjamin Branch's Co.
Dunn, Enoch181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Dunn, Thomas181415th Inf.Capt. Henry H. Van Dalsem's Co.
Dunnel, Samuel181434th Inf.Lt. William A. Springer's Detachment
Dunnells, John181545th Inf. 
Dunning, David18131st Artillery Capt. Samuel T. Dyson's Co.
Durgan, David181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Durgan, David1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Durgen, Samuel181333rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Durgin, Abraham181421st Inf.Capt. Benjamin Ropes's Co.
Durham, Thomas181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Duskey, Elijah181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Dyal, Amos A.18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Dyer, Andrew18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Dyer, Joseph181533rd Inf. 
Dyer, Wheeler181533rd Inf. 
Earl, Hiram181434th Inf.Lt. William A. Springer's Detachment
Earp, Luke181439th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Easley, Andrew18133rd Inf.Capt. Duncan L. Clinch's Co.
Eastess, Joseph181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Eastman, John P.181333rd Inf. 
Eberline, John181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Edgars/Edgers, Hugh1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Edmunds, Samuel181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Edwards, John181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Eggerton, Daniel18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Egnew, Patrick181514th Inf.Capt. Thomas Montgomery's Co.
Elder, John181434th Inf.Capt. Robert R. Kendall's Co.
Eldridge, Daniel181533rd Inf. 
Elliet, Patrick1815Lists of Discharged Men (11th Inf., Capt. Crawford's Co., 1815)
Elliot, James181534th Inf. 
Elliot, Joseph181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Ellison, James18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Ellsley, Enoch181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Elmoore, John181410th Inf.Capt. Joseph Clay's Co.
Elwell, William181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Elwell, William1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Emery, Robert181433rd Inf. 
Emly, Samuel1813Lists of Discharged Men (Lt. A. Godwin's Detachment, 1813)
Emrick, John181522nd Inf.Capt. William Morrow's Co.
Enochs, Robert H.181439th Inf.Capt. James Davis's Co.
Erskine, Robert181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Erwin, Hugh H.181532nd Inf.Capt. Robert Patterson's Co.
Evans, Cornelius181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Evans, John18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Evans, Robert181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Ewing, William W.18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel G. Hopkins's Troop
Farmer, James1813Lists of Sick Men (Light Artillery, Capt. Thornton's Co., 1813)
Farmer, Tarrence18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Farnsworth, Jonas181545th Inf. 
Farrell, James n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. McEwen's Co., n.d.)
Farwell, Isaac181321st Inf.Capt. Josiah H. Vose's Co.
Fast, Adam181512th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
Faunt, Erwin181318th Inf.Capt. John G. Blount's Co.
Felton/Felten, John D.181425th Inf.Lt./Capt. Thomas M. Read's Co.
Ferguson, Alexander1815Lists of Discharged Men (5th Inf., Capt. Fowle's Co., 1815)
Ferguson, Edmund181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Ferrier, James181542nd Inf.Capt. John J. Robinson's Co.
Ferrill, Enoch181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Field, Samuel Jr.18132nd DragoonsCapt. Charles Smith's Troop
Finch, William18151st Lt. ArtilleryCapt. George W. Melvin's Co.
Finerty/Finnerty, Joseph181526th Inf.Capt. William Bezeau's Detachment
Finn [?], John 18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Fisher, John181321st Inf.Lt./Capt. Sullivan Burbank's Co.
Fisk, Enoch181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Fisk, James D.181539th Inf.Capt. James Davis's Co.
Fitzgerald, Daniel181425th Inf.Capt. John B. Murdock's Co.
Flanagan, Luke181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Fleming, Isaac1793Pay Lists (1st Sublegion, 1793)
Fletcher, Ezekiel18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel D. Harris's Troop
Fletcher, George181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Fletcher, Gwinn1815Lt. Dragoons 
Fletcher, James181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Fletcher, James1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Fluvel, Charles 181413th Inf.Capt. Stephen W. Kearney's Co.
Fogg, Aaron/Aron181333rd Inf. 
Fogg, Seth181334th Inf.Capt. Robert Douglas's Co.
Foot, Elijah18133rd ArtilleryCapt. Jonathan Brooks's Co.
Forbes, George181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Forbes, Michael18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Ford, Robert181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Forguson, Alexander18155th Inf.Capt. John Fowle Jr.'s Detachment (formerly in Capt. Alexander J. Williams's Co.)
Fortine, Zebedee181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Fortney, William181439th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Foster, Abijah181434th Inf. 
Foster, John1814Lt. DragoonsCapt. George Haig's Co.
Foster, Noah181534th Inf.Capt. John Merrill's Detachment
Foster, Thomas181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Fowson, William18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Foxe, Marie see Mease, James (Dr.)   
Foye, Jacob181445th Inf.Capt. Elijah Hall's Co.
Foye, James181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Fraizer, Oliver181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Francis, Robert1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Campbell's Co., 1811)
Franklin, Elisha181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Franklin, Sylvenus1814Unit not stated 
Freeman, Joseph (B)181526th Inf. 
Freeman, Samuel181434th Inf.Capt. Peter Chadwick's Co.
Freeman, Zadoc181439th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
French, Daniel181511th Inf.Capt. William S. Foster's Co.
Friell, William C.18143rd Inf.Capt. Samuel W. Butler's Co.
Frink, Joshua18131st Lt. Dragoons 
Frisbie, Rufus1814Unit not stated 
Frost, Benjamin181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Frost, Phinehas18149th Inf. 
Fry, Simeon181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Fuller, Richard18143rd Inf.Capt. Joseph Woodruff's Co.
Fuller, Sylvester181325th Inf. 
Fullerton, Alexander181532nd Inf.Capt. Robert Patterson's Co.
Furnell, Solomon181545th Inf. 
Gaffney, John1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Newman's Co., 1811)
Gage, Benjamin18151st Lt. DragoonsLt. I. Palmer's Detachment
Gaines, Robert181439th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Galagher/Gallagher, James1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Galaugher [?], Bernard n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. McEwen's Co., n.d.)
Gale, Benjamin181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Gale, John V.181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Gale, Nathaniel18133rd Inf.Capt. Hays G. White's Co.
Gandy, Edmond181439th Inf.Capt. James Davis's Co.
Gardner, Benjamin181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Gardner, David181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Gardner, David1793Pay Lists (1st Sublegion, 1793)
Gardner, John181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Gardner, John1810Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Cocks's Co., 1810)
Gardner/Gardiner, John18132nd Lt. Dragoons 
Gardner, Samuel181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Gardnor, John1814Lists of Discharged Men (26th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Garnsey, Isaac1813Lists of Discharged Men (Lt. A. Godwin's Detachment, 1813)
Garret, William181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Gentry, Jacob181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
George, Charles181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
George, Daniel S.1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Gerry, Benjamin181545th Inf. 
Gerry, Seth181434th Inf.Lt. William A. Springer's Detachment
Gestford, Stephen18133rd Inf.Capt. Hays G. White's Co.
Getchell/Gitchell, James1815Lt. ArtilleryCapt. John N. McIntosh's Co.
Gibbons, John181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Gibbs, James181545th Inf. 
Giffin, Delaplain18156th Inf.Capt. Londus L. Buck's Co.
Gilbert, John181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Giles, John F.181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Gill, Martin181545th Inf. 
Gillis, William181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Gilman, Samuel181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Girrard, William18142nd Inf.Capt. Reuben Chamberlin's Co.
Glassford, James1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Newman's Co., 1811)
Gleason, William18165th Inf.Bvt. Maj. Morrill Marston's Co.
Goard, Peter1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Howell Lewis's Co., 1792)
Goddard, John181514th Inf.Capt. Thomas Montgomery's Co.
Goff, John18132nd ArtilleryCapt. Jacob Hindman's Co.
Goforth, Absolem181539th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Goodnow, Shimwell18131st ArtilleryLt. Samuel Rockwell's Detachment
Goodrich, John 1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Goodrich, William181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Goodson, John W.181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Goold [Gould], John181329th Inf. 
Gordan, John18132nd Artillery 
Gordon, John1813Unit not stated 
Gordon, John181522nd Inf.Capt. Willis Foulk's Co.
Gott, John n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Caldwell's Co., n.d.)
Gould, Levi181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Gould, Levi1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Gowing, Jesse18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Gowing, Phillip18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Grace, Bennet181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Grant, Joseph181533rd Inf. 
Grant, Joshua Jr.181421st Inf.Capt. Josiah H. Vose's Co.
Grant, William181539th Inf.Capt. John Jones's Co.
Grapewine, John n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Steele's Co., n.d.)
Graves, George B. (B)181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Gray, Daniel181329th Inf. 
Gray, Jeremiah181539th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Gray, John181334th Inf.Capt. Daniel Crossman's Co.
Gray, William181545th Inf. 
Gray, William18162nd Inf.Lt. Joshua B. Brant's Detachment of Invalids (or Supernumeraries)
Green, Eleazer E.181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Green [Grein?], George181512th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
Green, James18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Green, Moses18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel D. Harris's Troop
Green, Thaddeus181323rd Inf.Lt. Peter L. Hogoboom's Co.
Green, Thomas181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Green, William181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Green, Zecharah181439th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Greenman, Silas181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Gregory, Luther18159th Inf. 
Greiner, John n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Caldwell's Co., n.d.)
Griffin, James181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Griffith, Ezra B.181429th Inf. 
Grimes, Thomas181542nd Inf.Capt. George W. Barker's Co.
Grimm, Jacob1793Pay Lists (1st Sublegion, 1793)
Grimos, Edward1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Alexander Gibson's Co., 1792)
Groat, Isaac181429th Inf. 
Grossman, John G. 18149th Inf.Capt. George Bender's Co.
Groves, Jacob1815Artillery CorpsBvt. Maj. Ichabod B. Crane's Co.
Groves, John181545th Inf. 
Groves, John Jr.181545th Inf. 
Grumble, Michael 1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Campbell's Co., 1811)
Guignon, Joseph1813Unit not stated 
Guinea, Andrew D.18155th Inf.Capt. LeRoy Opie's Co.
Guinniss, Benjamin1813Lists of Discharged Men (Lt. A. Godwin's Detachment, 1813)
Guions [sic,Guion], Isaac1794Miscellaneous Records (3rd Sublegion)
Gulridge, William181419th Inf.Lt. William MacDonald's Co.
Guptail, Isaac181534th Inf. 
Gurley, Martin181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Guy, Samuel181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Guy, Samuel1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Hacket, John181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Hacket, John1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Hackney, William181432nd Inf.Capt. Robert Patterson's Co.
Haddox, Henry181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Hadley, Joseph18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel D. Harris's Troop
Haily, Daniel181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Halbert, Phineas181415th Inf.Capt. Zachariah Rossell's Co.
Halbert, Phineas see also Holbert, Phillip   
Haley, Jacob1814Lists of Discharged Men (16th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Hall, Asahel (Dr.) 181537th Inf. 
Hall, Calvin18154th Inf.Capt. John Binney's Co.
Hall, John181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Hall, Lot18161st ArtilleryBvt. Maj. Ichabod B. Crane's Co.
Hall, Powell181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Hall, Silas181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Hall, Wildman181415th Inf.Capt. Zachariah Rossell's Co.
Hallowell, Richard181415th Inf. 
Hamblin, William181533rd Inf. 
Hamilton, Richard n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Lyon's Co., n.d.)
Hamm, Noble1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Winston's Co., 1792)
Hammons, William181533rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Hamock, John181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Hanaford, David1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Hanes, David181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Hankins, Richard181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Hanlon, James18121st ArtilleryCapt. Addison B. Armistead's Co.
Hanna, Thomas1814Lists of Discharged Men (5th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Hanson, David 181533rd Inf. 
Hanvy, Patrick181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Hanwork, George1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Alexander Gibson's Co., 1792)
Harbenson, John181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Harden [Harder?], Jacob181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Hardin, William181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Harding, Thomas1812Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., 1812)
Hardy, Reuben181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Hardy, Thomas181434th Inf.Capt. Daniel Crossman's Co.
Harman, Charles181416th Inf.Capt. John Machesney's Co.
Harman, Philip18155th Inf.Capt. John Jamison's Co.
Harmon, Daniel181539th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Harper, Henry181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Harper, Wiley V.181544th Inf.Capt. Isaac L. Baker's Co.
Harrindeen, Welcome181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Harrington, Caleb18155th Inf.Capt. John Jamison's Co.
Harrington, Elisha18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel D. Harris's Troop
Harris, Joseph181545th Inf. 
Harris, Moses181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Harris, Nathan18143rd Inf.Capt. Henry Chotard
Harris, Robert181439th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Harrison, Jeremiah181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Harrison, Robert181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Harrison, William181325th Inf. 
Hart, Henry1814Artillery CorpsCapt. Rufus McIntire's Co.
Hart, Moses181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Hart, Patrick1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Hart, Solomon181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Hartgraves, Francis1814Artillery CorpsCapt. Joseph Philips's Co.
Harvey, Nathan B.18151st Lt. DragoonsLt. I. Palmer's Detachment
Hasard, Thomas1814Lists of Sick Men (6th Inf., 1814)
Haskell, Jonathon181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Hatch, Hawes181434th Inf.Lt. William A. Springer's Detachment
Hathen, David181545th Inf. 
Hathorn, Thomas18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Haughy, William181315th Inf.Capt. Henry H. Van Dalsem's Co.
Haup, Edward1814Lists of Discharged Men (15th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Hawkins, Samuel181423rd Inf. 
Hayes, David K.181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Hayes, Joseph181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Hayes, Joseph1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Hayes/Hays, William181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Haze, William1810Lists of Dead or Absent Men (1810)
Hazelwood, John18132nd ArtilleryCapt. Samuel B. Archer's Co.
Hazelwood, Pleasant18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Joseph Selden's Co.
Hazen, James F.181325th Inf.Lt. James Burbidge's Co.
Headman, Simon M.181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Heath, Noah1794 1st SublegionCapt. Abner Prior's Co.
Heath, William181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Heed, Joseph181515th Inf. 
Heggins, Elijah1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Heggins/Higgins, Elijah181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Heminger, Jeptha18126th Inf.Capt. John T. Arrosmith Co.
Hemphill, Moses181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Henderson, Levin181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Hendrick, James181434th Inf.Lt. William A. Springer's Detachment
Hendrick, John181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Henione, Henry18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Hennesy, William1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Henry, John 181415th Inf.Capt. Henry H. Van Dalsem's Co.
Herbaugh, Abraham181512th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
Herd, Benjamin181539th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Herrick/Herreik, John181411th Inf.Capt. Horace Hale's Co.
Herriden, Andrew181533rd Inf. 
Herrington, James181545th Inf. 
Hewit, William H.181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Hewitt, Thomas181425th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Watson's Co.
Hewlett, John181325th Inf. 
Hibbs, _____1814Lists of Sick Men (6th Inf., 1814)
Hickney [?], Peter see Stickney/Hickney[?], Peter   
Hickson, Enoch181425th Inf.Capt. John B. Murdock's Co.
Hiers, Jacob18152nd Inf.Capt. John Miller's Co.
Higgins, Ezekiel181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Hight, William181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Hiliard/Hillyard, Jacob1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Hill, Alva18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Hill, Arthur18133rd Inf.Capt. James E. Dinkins's Co.
Hill, Ralph181434th Inf.Lt. William A. Springer's Detachment
Hill, Robert181421st Inf.Capt. Charles E. Tobey's Co.
Hilton, Seth181533rd Inf. 
Hilyan, David181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Hines [?], John1813Lists of Sick Men (Light Artillery, Capt. Thornton's Co., 1813)
Hinkle, Ziba181425th Inf.Lt./Capt. Thomas M. Read's Co.
Hinkley, Cornelius T.181545th Inf. 
Hinkley, Samuel181445th Inf.Capt. Smith Elkins's Co.
Hixon, John 18133rd Inf.Capt. John McClelland's Co.
Hobbes, Shelby181314th Inf. 
Hobbs, Christopher181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Hobbs, Rigdon181539th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Hodgdon, James181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Hodges, Samuel Jr.181540th Inf. 
Hodjkins [sic], Samuel1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Hoel, Isaac18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Joseph Selden's Co.
Hoff [?], Jacob see Ross [?], Jacob   
Holbert, Phillip181515th Inf.Capt. Joseph L. Barton's Co.
Holbert, Phillip see also Halbert, Phineas   
Holcomb, Warren181325th Inf. 
Holden, William181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Holiman, Benton181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Holland, Benjamin181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Holmes, Bartlet181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Holmes, Jesse181418th Inf.Capt. Montague G. Waage's Co.
Holmes, John181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Holstone, James181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Holt, Joseph181545th Inf. 
Hooper, Zebah1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Hoover, Philip181512th Inf.Capt. James Paxton's Co.
Hopkins, David1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Henry Bowyer's Troop, 1792)
Hopkins, Ebenezer181533rd Inf. 
Hornby/Holmley, William1814Lists of Discharged Men (42nd Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Hose, Frederick181514th Inf.Capt. Thomas Montgomery's Co.
Hotchkiss, Caleb181514th Inf.Capt. Thomas Montgomery's Co.
Hough, Thomas n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. McEwen's Co., n.d.)
Hough, Thomas1814Lists of Discharged Men (22nd Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Howard, Edward1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Lt. Lawrence's Co., 1811)
Howard, James18151st ArtilleryCapt. Benjamin K. Pierce's Co.
Howard, Nathan G.181545th Inf. 
Howard, Thomas181439th Inf.Capt. John Jones's Co.
Howe, Daniel 1810Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Humphrey's Co., 1810)
Howe, Seymour18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Howell, Isaac18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Joseph Selden's Co.
Howell, Joseph18131st DragoonsCapt. Arthur P. Hayne's Troop
Howland, Daniel181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Hoy, Judson181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Hubbard, Moses18143rd Inf.Capt. James E. Dinkins's Co.
Hubbell, Isaac181325th Inf.Capt. Peter Bradley's Co.
Hubberd, Hugh181514th Inf.Capt. Thomas Montgomery's Co.
Hudgeons/Hudgions, Anthony181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Hudner, William18161st ArtilleryCapt. William Gates's Co.
Hudson, Alexander1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Alexander Gibson's Co., 1792)
Hudson, Drury/Drurry181320th Inf. 
Hudson, Jonothan181512th Inf.Capt. James Paxton's Co.
Hudson, William181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Huff, Samuel181616th Inf.Capt. William Davenport's Co.
Huffman, Jarrard181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Hufman, Jacob181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Huler, John181315th Inf.Capt. Joseph L. Barton's Co.
Hulet, John 18131st ArtilleryCapt. Stephen Conover's Co.
Hull, Ransom 18155th Inf.Capt. Richard H. Bell's Co.
Hull, Seth18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Humm, Daniel18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Humphrey, Levi18133rd Inf.Capt. Hays G. White's Co.
Humphreys, Emery181415th Inf.Capt. Charles Carson's Co.
Hunt, James181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Hunt, John181411th Inf.Capt. Horace Hale's Co.
Hunt, John181511th Inf.Capt. Jonathan Stark's Co.
Hunt, Jonathan J. 181533rd Inf. 
Hunt, Nathaniel n.d.29th Inf. 
Hunter, Elijah181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Hurd, Tyrus [?]1808 Miscellaneous Records (Fort Mifflin, 1808)
Hurst, John1813Unit not stated 
Huse, John18151st Lt. DragoonsLt. I. Palmer's Detachment
Hussey/Hussy, John181334th Inf.Capt. Peter Chadwick's Co.
Hussey, Zachariah181421st Inf.Capt. Joseph Treat's Co.
Hustler, John181313th Inf. 
Huston, David181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Hutchason, Sewall181540th Inf. 
Hutcherson, Andrew181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Hutchings, James181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Hutchins, William181521st Inf.Capt. Ira Drew's Co.
Hutchinson, Robert B.18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Hutchisson, Samuel181539th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Hutton, James1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Campbell's Co., 1811)
Hyatt, Joseph181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Inman, Arnold181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Inman, Morey181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Irvine, Alexander18152nd Inf.Capt. Alexander Brownlow's Co.
Irwin, David D.18144th Rifle Regt. Capt. Benjamin Birdsall's Co.
Irwine, John18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Irwine, Thomas1814Lists of Discharged Men (32nd Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Ivey, James181318th Inf.Capt. Owen Clinton's Co.
Jackson, Alexander S.18131st DragoonsCapt. Selleck Osborn's Troop
Jackson, Benjamin181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Jackson, John181526th Inf.Capt. William Bezeau's Detachment
Jackson, William181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Jackson, William181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Jadwin, Charles18131st ArtilleryCapt. Nathaniel Leonard's Co.
Jadwin, Charles1813Lists of Discharged Men (6th Inf., Detachment at Fort Columbus, 1813)
James, Ebenezer181421st Inf.Capt. Josiah H. Vose's Co.
James, Joshua18133rd Inf.Capt. William Butler's Co.
Jamison, William181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Jaquith, Isaac181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Jarrett, William181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Jellison, Samuel181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Jellison, Samuel Jr.181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Jenkins, Benjamin18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Jenkins, Benjamin1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Jenks, Benjamin181334th Inf.Capt. Daniel Crossman's Co.
Jennings, James n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Steele's Co., n.d.)
Jerread/Jerreaud, Priest18133rd Artillery 
Jerrome, James18133rd Inf.Capt. Hays G. White's Co.
Jewell, Benjamin H. [R.?]18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Johnson, Berton/Burton181414th Inf.Capt. Thomas Montgomery's Co.
Johnson, Daniel1814? 23rd Inf. 
Johnson, Hans181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Johnson, Hugh181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Johnson, James18154th Riflemen 
Johnson, Jasper18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. John A. Burd's Troop
Johnson, Otis18155th Inf.Capt. John Jamison's Co.
Johnson, Thomas181526th Inf.Capt. William Bezeau's Detachment
Johnson, William181514th Inf.Capt. Thomas Montgomery's Co.
Johnson, William181545th Inf. 
Jones, Gilbert181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Jones, H. 1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Jones, Henry181413th Inf.Lt. John Williams's Detachment
Jones, Henry 1826Unit not stated 
Jones, Henry1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Jones, Isaac18143rd Inf.Capt. William Butler's Co.
Jones, Jacob181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Jones, James181533rd Inf. 
Jones, Jenkin181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Jones, John n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. McEwen's Co., n.d.)
Jones, Joseph181425th Inf.Lt./Capt. Thomas M. Read's Co.
Jones, Thomas181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Jones, Thomas181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Jones, William H.181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Jones, Willie18133rd Inf.Capt. William Butler's Co.
Jordan, Dempsey181539th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Jordan, Joel181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Joseph, Michael181545th Inf. 
Journagin, Asa181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Joy, Caleb18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Judd, William181425th Inf.Capt. Joseph Kinney's Co.
Judkins, John B.181334th Inf.Capt. Peter Chadwick's Co.
Judkins, Lorain M.181421st Inf.Capt. Josiah H. Vose's Co.
Jurtison/Juttison, Lawrence1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Karnahan, James181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Kaullough/Kaulough, George1814 Lists of Discharged Men (5th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Kearney, Gilbert1813Lists of Discharged Men (Lt. A. Godwin's Detachment, 1813)
Keegan, John181521st Inf.Capt. Joseph Treat's Co.
Keller, Jacob181512th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
Kelly, Archibald1793Pay Lists (1st Sublegion, 1793)
Kelly, Bartholomew1814Lists of Discharged Men (Militia, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Kelly, Charles1810Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Many's Co., 1810)
Kelly, Patrick18133rd Inf.Capt. James E. Dinkins's Co.
Kelton, Ami18159th Inf. 
Kendall, Ephiam18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Keniston/Kennison, David181333rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Kenny, Abel18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Keppold, John181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Kerney, Edward18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Kerr, Samuel18149th Inf.Capt. George Bender's Co.
Kersey, John1793Pay Lists (1st Sublegion, 1793)
Ketchum, Benjamin1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Key, Samuel181318th Inf. 
Keys, Benjamin181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Keyser, Fleming181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Kidd, Archibald18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Kimball, Caleb181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Kimball, Daniel181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Kimball, David181545th Inf. 
Kincaid, Guy181545th Inf. 
Kincaid, James181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Kincaid, William181545th Inf. 
King, Obadiah18132nd ArtilleryCapt. William Nicholas's Co.
King, Zera181526th Inf. 
Kinion/Kinyon/Kenyon, Alexander Jr.18131st Lt. ArtilleryCapt. Robert H. McPherson's Co.
Kinne, John181545th Inf. 
Kinnett, James181425th Inf.Capt. John B. Murdock's Co.
Kinney, Benjamin18144th Rifle Regt. 
Kinsler, John1814Lists of Discharged Men (Artillery, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Kirkpatric, Ezekiah181539th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Kislar, John181542nd Inf.Capt. John J. Robinson's Co.
Kitcharn [?], Benjamin1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Kitlinger, Andrew181622nd Inf.Capt. Thomas Lawrence's Co.
Kitridge, James181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Kittles, Bartholomew18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Kitts, Michael18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Kizer, Francis181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Kizer, George1814Lists of Discharged Men (Artillery, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Knapp, James181323rd Inf. 
Knedlar, Caspar n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Lyon's Co., n.d.)
Kneedler, Boston181512th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
Kneedler, Jacob181512th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
Knight, Daniel181526th Inf. 
Knight, John181423rd Inf. 
Knight, John181533rd Inf. 
Knight, John181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Knights, Joseph B.181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Knowles, Joseph17951st SublegionCapt. Thomas Martin's Co.
Knox, Ebenezer181533rd Inf. 
Knox, Timothy1813Lt. ArtilleryCapt. Nathan Estabrook's Co.
Knox, Zachariah181433rd Inf.Capt. Elijah Foss's Co.
Koozer, Robert 18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Kreiser/Cryser, Samuel18132nd ArtilleryCapt. James Reed's Co.
Kritzler, John18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Kurtz, Henry1814Lists of Discharged Men (Artillery, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Labrosier, Anthony18143rd Inf.Capt. Samuel C. Mabson's Co.
Laird, James18151st Lt. DragoonsLt. I. Palmer's Detachment
Lamb, James Jr.181421st Inf. 
Lamb, Nicholas18149th Inf.Capt. George Bender's Co.
Lambert, David181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Lamberton, Reuben181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Lampson, James181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Lancaster, Elihu181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Lane, Dennis181334th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Lane, Isachen181333rd Inf.Capt. Francis Drew's Co.
Lane, John181333rd Inf.Capt. Francis Drew's Co.
Lane, Silas N.181533rd Inf. 
Langdale, William181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Langebach, Samuel1814Unit not stated 
Langston, Timothy181543rd Inf.Capt. Henry Garrett's Co.
Lantrip [?], Wyatt181320th Inf.Capt. John McRae Jr.'s Co. (“McCraye”)
Lashley, Alexander181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Laswell, Henry181539th Inf.Capt. James Davis's Co.
Laughlin, Robert1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Lt. Wilkinson's Co., 1811)
Lawless, John1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Henry Bowyer's Troop, 1792)
Lawyer, Francis18155th Inf.Capt. John Jamison's Co.
Lawyer, Michael181433rd Inf.Capt. Elijah Foss's Co.
Leach, Nathaniel181533rd Inf. 
Leaf, Andrew181319th Inf.Capt. John T. Chunn's Co.
Leathers, Enoch Jr.181421st Inf.Capt. Joseph Treat's Co.
Learnerd, Thomas181533rd Inf. 
Ledger, William1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Many's Co., 1811)
Lee, James181512th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
Lee, Philip181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Leeard, William18133rd ArtilleryCapt. Benjamin S. Ogden's Co.
Legg, Otis181534th Inf. 
Leggit, James1814Lists of Discharged Men (16th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Lemmons, John181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Leo, Charles n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Steele's Co., n.d.)
Lester, John 18121st ArtilleryCapt. Addison B. Armistead's Co.
Levey, Levi181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Levy, John181512th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
Lewis, Conklin18143rd Artillery 
Lewis, H. (Capt.) 1794Miscellaneous Records (3rd Sublegion, 1794)
Lewis, James18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Lewis, John (servant) see Mease, James (Dr.)   
Lewis, Larkin P.181539th Inf.Lt. Bernard M. Patterson's Detachment
Lewis, Noah W.1810Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Newman's Co., 1810)
Lewis, Peleg C.181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Lewis, Samuel B. 181318th Inf.Capt. Montague G. Waage's Co.
Lewis, Samuel181323rd Inf. 
Lewis, Samuel181545th Inf. 
Lewis, Thomas (Capt.) 1794 Miscellaneous Records (3rd Sublegion, 1794)
Lewis, Thomas181545th Inf.Capt. Henry Snow's Co.
Lewis, Thomas1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Lewis, William (Capt.)1794Miscellaneous Records (3rd Sublegion, 1794)
Libbey, John181434th Inf.Capt. Robert Douglas's Co.
Libbey, Samuel18149th Inf.Capt. George Bender's Co.
Libby, George181334th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Libby, Job181434th Inf.Lt. William A. Springer's Detachment
Lightell, John181436th Inf.Capt. Thomas Carberry's Co.
Lighthall, William1814Unit not stated 
Lighton, Levi181545th Inf. 
Lincoln, Ezekiel181433rd Inf. 
Lincoln, Gideon18155th Inf.Capt. Eben Childs's Co.
Lincoln, Gideon1815Lists of Discharged Men (5th Inf., Capt. Childs Co., 1815)
Lindemore, Henry181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Linsey, James1814Unit not stated [possibly Light Artillery, Capt. John McIntosh's Co.]
Lippincott, Joseph18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Lisherness, Samuel181545th Inf. 
List, John181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Lister, Jacob181316th Inf. 
Little, William1814Lists of Discharged Men (Rifle, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Littlefield, Jonathan181533rd Inf. 
Lobenstine, Fredrick181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Lobenstine, Jacob181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Lock, Ward18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Loder, John181439th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Long, Felix1792 Pay Lists (1792)
Long, Isaac1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Longley, Abraham181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Longley, Joel181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Longley, Joseph181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Loomis, Abner181545th Inf. 
Loomis, Nathaniel18153rd ArtilleryCapt. Jonathan Brooks's Co.
Lord, James18156th Inf. 
Lord, Simon181533rd Inf. 
Lord, William181433rd Inf.Capt. Rufus K. Goodenow's Co.
Love, James1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Lovering, Philip181526th Inf.Capt. Ira Williams's Co.
Low, George181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Low, Gideon181422nd Inf. 
Low, Henry F.181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Lowd, Joseph F.18162nd Inf.Capt. Alexander R. Thompson's Co.
Lowell, Thomas181445th Inf.Capt. Nathan Stanley's Co.
Lucas, Timothy181513th Inf.Capt. John Sproull's Co.
Ludlam, Daniel1814Lists of Discharged Men (Artillery, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Ludwick, John 181425th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Watson's Co.
Lufkin, Aaron181545th Inf. 
Lufkin, Benjamin181545th Inf. 
Lufkin, Jacob181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Lufkin, Jacob1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Lufkin, John181545th Inf. 
Lufkin, Stephen181545th Inf. 
Lumbard, Hezekiah181533rd Inf. 
Lumbart, Ezra18131st Lt. DragoonsCapt. Selleck Osborn's Troop
Lund, Christian L.181434th Inf. 
Luther, Abner181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Lutz, Joseph181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Lynch, James181539th Inf.Capt. John Jones's Co.
Lynch, John181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Lyon, James B.181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
MacCown, Macomb181439th Inf.Capt. John Jones's Co.
Mace, Adam18156th Inf. 
Mack, George181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Mackey, James18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Maddon, James181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Magher, Michael181415th Inf.Capt. Henry H. Van Dalsem's Co.
Malcom, James Jr. 181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Manley, Samuel181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Mann, George181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Mann, George18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Mann, Robert181521st Inf.Lt. William Bowman's Co.
Mannaka, Jeremiah18131st DragoonsCapt. William M. Littlejohn's Co.
Maple, Benjamin18151st Lt. DragoonsLt. I. Palmer's Detachment
Marker, Benjamin1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Marker, Frederick18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Mars, John 181545th Inf. 
Marsh, William181542nd Inf.Capt. John J. Robinson's Co.
Marshall, Andrew181434th Inf. 
Marshall, John 181533rd Inf. 
Marshall, Robert18146th Inf.Capt. James E.A. Masters's Co.
Marston, Nathaniel1815Lt. ArtilleryCapt. John N. McIntosh's Co.
Martin, David181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Martin, George181539th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Martin, Isaac181334th Inf.Capt. Robert R. Kendall's Co.
Martin, John181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Martin, John181415th Inf.Capt. White Young's Co.
Martin, John J. 181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Martin, Nathaniel181434th Inf.Lt. William A. Springer's Detachment
Martin, Robert181539th Inf.Capt. John Jones's Co.
Martin, Sherod181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Martin, Thomas1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Newman's Co., 1811)
Marvin, William1813Lists of Sick Men (Light Artillery, Capt. McIntosh's Co., 1813)
Marvin, William B. 1813Lt. ArtilleryCapt. John N. McIntosh's Co.
Mason, Henry1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Mason, James181533rd Inf. 
Massey, Alexander181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Matheny, Charles181539th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Matheny, Lewis181539th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Mathias, Charles (B)181526th Inf. 
Matrow, John1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Campbell's Co., 1811)
Maxfield, Henry181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Maxwell, John181417th Inf. 
May, Bernard18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
May, George181539th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Mayhew, William181434th Inf.Capt. Peter Chadwick's Co.
Mayo, Thomas181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
McAlenny, Patrick 18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
McArthur, Abel181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
McArthur, Charles181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
McArthur, John181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
McBlair, Hambleton181514th Inf.Capt. William McIlvain's Co.
McCann, James181415th Inf.Capt. Joseph L. Barton's Co.
McCarrier, Stephen181514th Inf.Capt. Richard Arell's Co.
McCleary, Andrew1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Henry Bowyer's Troop, 1792)
McClellan/McClellen, Samuel181318th Inf.Capt. William Taylor's Co.
McClelland, Preston181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
McCloskey, James181532nd Inf.Capt. Robert Patterson's Co.
McCloud, Daniel1814Lists of Discharged Men (32nd Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
McCloud, Soloman181539th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
McComich, Edward181512th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
McConn, William181514th Inf.Capt. William McIlvain's Co.
McConnell, James Torrence1802 Unit not stated 
McConnell, Ware 18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
McCormick, Barney181514th Inf.Capt. William McIlvain's Co.
McCoy, James1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
McCray, William1814Lists of Discharged Men (Artillery, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
McCrossen, James1815Artillery CorpsCapt. John Ritchie's Co.
McCurry, William181318th Inf.Capt. William Taylor's Co.
McDaniel, John181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
McDanold/McDonald, John18136th Inf. 
McDevitt, John181542nd Inf.Capt. John J. Robinson's Co.
McDevitt, Patrick1814Lists of Discharged Men (26th Inf, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
McDonald, Felix18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
McDonald, Peter18152nd ArtilleryBvt. Maj. Alexander C.W. Fanning's Co.
McDonald, Thomas1810Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Many's Co., 1810)
McDonald, William1793Pay Lists (1st Sublegion, 1793)
McDonough, Patrick181538th Inf.Capt. James H. Hook's Co.
McDow, John1793Pay Lists (1st Sublegion, 1793)
McDowall/McDowell, Isaac181542nd Inf.Capt. John J. Robinson's Co.
McDuffie, Malcolm181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
McElister, John181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
McElister, John1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
McElvoy, John181512th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
McEnelly, Thomas 1790sLegion of U.S.Capt. Alexander Gibson's Co.
McEver, John1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
McFadden, Thomas M. 181545th Inf. 
McFadden, William181545th Inf. 
McFatrick, Hector n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Caldwell's Co., n.d.)
McGahey, William181439th Inf.Capt. John Jones's Co.
McGee, John181539th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
McGee, Thomas n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Steele's Co., n.d.)
McGill, Robert181539th Inf.Capt. John Jones's Co.
McGuigan, Owen1814Lists of Discharged Men (Dragoons, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
McHenry, John 1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
McIntire, James1814Lists of Discharged Men (16th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
McIntire, John181421st Inf.Capt. Joseph Treat's Co.
McIntyre, Hugh181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
McKenny, George181434th Inf.Capt. Sherman Leland's Co.
McKever, John1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
McKiney, John1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
McKinly, Alexander n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Steele's Co., n.d.)
McKinney, William181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
McKinsey [?], Robert1814Unit not stated 
McKnight, David18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
McKnight, Joshua181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
McLauchlan, Peter181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
McLaughlin, Martin181212th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
McLaughlin, N. see M'Laughlin, N.   
McLaughlin, William L. 181513th Inf.Capt. John L. Fink's Co.
McLellen, John H. 18133rd Artillery 
McLewis [McLucas?], Abraham181434th Inf.Capt. William Sweet's Co.
McLucas, James181545th Inf. 
McLucas, Jeremiah181545th Inf. 
McLucas, John181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
McLucas, John1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
McLucas, Robert 181545th Inf. 
McMahon, Jacob181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
McMarowy/McMaromy/McMenomy, Thomas1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
McMillen, Andrew181223rd Inf. 
McMoran, Thomas18121st ArtilleryCapt. Addison B. Armistead's Co.
McMurphey, David18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
McNamar, John181514th Inf.Regimental Staff
McPheters, William181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
McQuin, Luke181329th Inf. 
McQuown, William181322nd Inf.Capt. John Pentland's Co.
Mease, James (Dr.)1814 4th Military District 
Meazel, Henry181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Meder, Moses181534th Inf. 
Meek, Thomas181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Melcher, Stephen181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Melcher, Stephen1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Mercer, John181514th Inf.Capt. Thomas Montgomery's Co.
Merit, Charles Frederick181434th Inf.Capt. Robert R. Kendall's Co.
Merrall, Joseph181434th Inf.Capt. Peter Chadwick's Co.
Merrick, William18149th Inf.Capt. James F. Norris's Co.
Merritt, Samuel P.181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Meserve, John181533rd Inf. 
Mial, Joseph F.18131st Lt. ArtilleryCapt. Robert H. McPherson's Co.
Michaels, Moses181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Michaels, Moses1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Michell/Mitchael, Robert181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Miles, Charles181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Miles, Joseph181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Milikin, Joseph181545th Inf. 
Miller, Andrew181329th Inf.Capt. Lyon's Co.
Miller, Jacob181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Miller, Jacob181325th Inf. 
Miller, John18141st Lt. Dragoons(substitute for James Coveart)
Miller, John18154th Inf.Capt. George Gooding's Co.
Miller, Joseph181539th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Miller, Matthew181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Miller, Philip181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Millikin, Daniel181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Millington, Hiram181415th Inf.Capt. White Young's Co.
Mills, James181321st Inf.Capt. Joseph Treat's Co.
Mills, Robinson T.181533rd Inf. 
Milner, Samuel n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Caldwell's Co., n.d.)
Minar, James1813Unit not stated 
Minton, John18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Mires, Jacob181415th Inf.Capt. White Young's Co.
Mitchall, John181412th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
Mitchel, Jeremiah181434th Inf.Lt. William A. Springer's Detachment
Mitchel, Joseph181434th Inf.Capt. Peter Chadwick's Co.
Mitchell, David181533rd Inf. 
Mitchell, Ezra181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Mitchell, Gardner U.181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Mitchell, James18151st RiflemenCapt. George Gray Jr.'s Co.
Mitchell, John18143rd Inf.Capt. William Butler's Co.
Mitchell, John H.181333rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Mitchell, Matthew ca. 1792 1st Inf.Capt. David Strong's Co.
Mitchell, Milbrey181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Mitchum, John S.181320th Inf.Capt. Henry Branch's Co.
M'Laughlin, N.1813Miscellaneous Records (16th Inf., Fort George, 1813)
Moasley, William181539th Inf.Capt. John Jones's Co.
Montgomery, David18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Montgomery, John181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Moody, Caleb181545th Inf. 
Moody, Enoch181533rd Inf. 
Moody, James R.181329th Inf. 
Moody, John18131st ArtilleryCapt. Samuel T. Dyson's Co.
Mooney, Charles1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Mooney, Daniel181510th Inf.Capt. Phillip Brittain's Co.
Moore, Armstrong18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Moore, John181325th Inf.Lt. Jesse Beach's Co.
Moore, Jonathan181439th Inf.Capt. James Davis's Co.
Moore, Samuel181514th Inf.Capt. William McIlvain's Co.
Moraro, Peter181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Morford, John181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Morgan, Abraham181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Morgan, David1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Morgan, James181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Morgan, John18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Morgan, Joshua W.18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Morgan, Thomas181318th Inf.Capt. Owen Clinton's Co.
Morgan, William181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Mork [?], Jacob1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Morrill, Amariah181545th Inf.Lt Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Morrill, Amariah1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Morris, Daniel1814Lists of Sick Men (6th Inf., 1814)
Morris, Henry181539th Inf.Capt. John Jones's Co.
Morris, Joseph18141st RiflemenCapt. Thomas Ramsey's Co.
Morris, Justus181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Morris, Mayhew18132nd ArtilleryCapt. William Nicholas's Co.
Morris, Richard181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Morris/Moris, Samuel (B)181526th Inf. 
Morris, Thomas181534th Inf. 
Morrison, James181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Morse, Richard181533rd Inf. 
Morton, Jesse L.18132nd ArtilleryCapt. Spotwood Henry's Co.
Mosart, John G.181534th Inf.Capt. Sherman Leland's Co.
Moses, Daniel18121st ArtilleryCapt. Addison B. Armistead's Co.
Moss, John18143rd Inf.Capt. William Butler's Co.
Moulton, John181533rd Inf. 
Mounce, John181318th Inf.Capt. Montague G. Wagge's Co.
Mouton, John181545th Inf. 
Muck, Jacob1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Mucmannimy, George18151st Lt. DragoonsLt. I. Palmer's Detachment
Mudget, Edmund181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Mudget, Nathaniel181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Mulhorn, Ervin181512th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
Mullen, Philip18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Mullen, Richard18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Mulliken, Benjamin181540th Inf.Capt. John Fillebrown Jr.'s Co.
Mullikin, Samuel1815Artillery CorpsCapt. Julius F. Heileman's Co.
Mulloy, William18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Munn, James181425th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Watson's Co.
Munroe, Daniel181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Munson, Philip L.181439th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Murch, William181433rd Inf. 
Murdock, John 18132nd ArtilleryCapt. Thomas J. Biddle's Co.
Murdock, John1814Lists of Discharged Men (16th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Murphey, Dennis181539th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Murphy, Benjamin181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Murphy, James181512th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
Murphy, James181534th Inf. 
Murphy, John 18133rd ArtilleryCapt. Jonathan Brooks's Co.
Murray, Alexander18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Murray, Arthur181439th Inf.Capt. James Davis's Co.
Murray, Thomas181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Murry, James181512th Inf.Capt. James Paxton's Co.
Murtough, William18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Muse, Daniel18133rd Inf.Capt. Hays G. White's Co.
Muse, Walker18133rd Inf.Capt. Hays G. White's Co.
Muson, Henry1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Myers/Mayers, John181532nd Inf.Capt. Robert Patterson's Co.
Myers, Lewis1815Lt. DragoonsLt. George Birch's Co.
Nailor, Benjamin181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Naisan, Francis181415th Inf. 
Nash, John181434th Inf. 
Nash, Zephen181325th Inf.Lt. James Burbridge's Co.
Neal, James18155th Inf.Capt. Richard H. Bell's Co.
Nealy/Nealey, Samuel181542nd Inf.Capt. George W. Barker's Co.
Needles, Nathaniel181512th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
Neff, Jacob18152nd Inf.Capt. Alexander Brownlow's Co.
Neighbours, William181418th Inf.Capt. Edward King's Co.
Nelson, David181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Nelson, Hugh181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Nelson, James18143rd Inf.Capt. John McClelland's Co.
Nelson, John181539th Inf.Detachment
Nelson, Spencer181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Nevers, William181434th Inf. 
Newhall, Thomas181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Newman, Stokely181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Nicholls/Nickolas, Lewis181542nd Inf.Capt. George W. Barker's Co.
Nicholls, William181512th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
Nichols, Isaac181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Nichols, John181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Nicholson, Brazilla18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Nicholson, Seth181323rd Inf. 
Nickerson, Ephraim181533rd Inf. 
Nickerson, Hubbard181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Nieus, George18162nd Inf.Capt. Alexander R. Thompson's Co.
Nock, Eleazer181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Nonamaker, Abraham n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Caldwell's Co., n.d.)
Noris/Norris, Richard181425th Inf.Lt./Capt. Thomas M. Read's Co.
Norman, Daniel181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Norris, James 181410th Inf. 
Norris, Patrick181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Norris, Samuel181318th Inf.Capt. Henry P. Taylor's Co.
North, John181439th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
North, Seth181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Northup, Zebulon181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Norton, Harmon18151st Lt. DragoonsLt. I. Palmer's Detachment
Norton, Zachariah181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Norton, Zachariah1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Nowland, Henry n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. McEwen's Co., n.d.)
Nutting, Abel181545th Inf. 
Nutting, David P. 181329th Inf.Capt. Elam Lynds's Co.
O'Donly, Hugh n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Lyon's Co., n.d.)
O'Harra, Henry1810Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Humphrey's Co., 1810)
Olds, John181545th Inf.Capt. Thomas B. Sylvester's Co.
Olds, Roswell181423rd Inf. 
Olford, Pomenius181542nd Inf.Capt. John J. Robinson's Co.
Olmstead, Lewis1814Lists of Discharged Men (16th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
O'Neal, Charles181539th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Orndorff, Jesse18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Osburn, Isaac S.181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Osgood, Jonathan Jr.181545th Inf.Capt. Henry Snow's Co.
Osgood, Jonathan Jr.1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Osgood, Robert181434th Inf.Capt. Robert Douglas's Co.
Osleium/Osleum, Benjamin181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Osmore, James181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Ostvugh/O'Strugh, William1814Lists of Discharged Men (15th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Oursler, Alexander181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Owen, Joseph181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Owens, John181539th Inf.Detachment
Ozier, William1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Campbell's Co., 1811)
Packard, Abel181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Paddy, James1813Lists of Sick Men (Light Artillery, Capt. McIntosh's Co., 1813)
Padget, Solomon1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Lt. Lawrence's Co., 1811)
Page, Dalel/Daniel181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Page, John1810Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Cocks's Co., 1810)
Page, Robert181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Page, Samuel181545th Inf. 
Pago, John1793Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Howell Lewis's Co., 1793)
Paine, Fordice18154th Inf.Capt. Lewis Peckham's Co.
Paine, Stephen181533rd Inf. 
Palmer, Anthony1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Lt. Chamberlain's Co., 1811)
Palmer, Nathaniel181411th Inf.Capt. Richard Bean's Co.
Palmer, Richard181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Palmer, Smith181545th Inf. 
Pannal, Joseph181433rd Inf.Capt. Benjamin Adams's Co.
Parkans, Archabald181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Parker, Caleb E.181434th Inf.Capt. Robert R. Kendall's Co.
Parker, Dempsey181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Parker, Francis181425th Inf.Capt. Joseph Kinney's Co.
Parker, Isaiah18133rd Artillery 
Parker, Thomas181323rd Inf. 
Parks, John181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Parks, Nicholas181439th Inf.Capt. James Davis's Co.
Parshley, John181545th Inf. 
Parsons, Henry181533rd Inf. 
Paschal, George17951st SublegionCapt. Thomas Martin's Co.
Patrick, William18131st RiflemenCapt. Lodowick Morgan's Co.
Patterson, _____1813Lists of Sick Men (Light Artillery, Capt. McIntosh's Co., 1813)
Patterson, Elisha181545th Inf. 
Patterson, William181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Patton, Alexander18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Peale, Charles L.18142nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel G. Hopkins's Troop
Peck, Lyman181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Pecure, William18152nd ArtilleryBvt. Maj. Alexander C.W. Fanning's Co.
Peirson/Pierson, Samuel1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Pembrook, Jonas181423rd Inf. 
Pendexter, Nathan181433rd Inf. 
Pendleton, Samuel181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Pendock, Samuel18152nd Inf.Capt. John Miller's Co.
Pentinss [?], Jacob181512th Inf.Capt. James Paxton's Co.
Perkins, James181534th Inf.Capt. Sherman Leland's Co.
Perry, Abr'm [Abraham]18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Perry, Hannibal181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Perry, John181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Perry, John181329th Inf. 
Perry, John B.181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Perryman, Peter181439th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Persall [Pearsall?], Henry181323rd Inf. 
Peters, John (B)181526th Inf. 
Peters, Levi1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Peters, William18132nd ArtilleryCapt. Benjamin Lawson's Co.
Peterson, Charles181434th Inf.Capt. Peter Chadwick's Co.
Peterson, William B.181533rd Inf. 
Pettis, Joseph181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Pettis, Stephen181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Phiney, Charles18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Phink, George181439th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Pierce, Barnard1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Howell Lewis's Co., 1792)
Pierce, William18151st Lt. DragoonsLt. I. Palmer's Detachment
Pindexter, Thomas181333rd Inf. 
Pinkham, Isaac181534th Inf.Capt. John Merrill's Detachment
Pioven/Pawin, Richard1814Lists of Discharged Men (Artillery, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Pixley, Ephram1813Lists of Sick Men (Light Artillery, Capt. Thornton's Co., 1813)
Plumb, Elisha181411th Inf.Capt. William S. Foster's Co.
Plumbley, Oliver1810Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Newman's Co., 1810)
Plummer, Dodovah181533rd Inf. 
Plummer, Joseph181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Pollay, Samuel18133rd Artillery 
Pool, Daniel18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel G. Hopkins's Troop
Pool, Thomas181321st Inf.Capt. Joseph Treat's Co.
Pope, Samuel1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Campbell's Co., 1811)
Porter, Perter181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Post, Justus 18153rd Military District
Potte, Joseph181533rd Inf. 
Potter, Hazard181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Potter, Thomas1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Pottle, Joseph181533rd Inf. 
Pottle, Loring18153rd ArtilleryCapt. James McKeon's Co.
Pournel/Pournell, John17951st SublegionCapt. Thomas Martin's Co.
Powers, John1793Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Winston's Co., 1793)
Powers, Richard181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Powley, George181514th Inf.Capt. William McIlvain's Co.
Powley, John 18136th Inf. 
Prager, George18132nd ArtilleryCapt. James N. Barker's Co.
Prager, William C.1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Prescott, Nathan Sanborn18141st ArtilleryCapt. James T.B. Romayne's Co.
Price, Joseph181514th Inf.Capt. William McIlvain's Co.
Price, William n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. McEwen's Co., n.d.)
Proctor, James181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Proctor, Nathan181434th Inf. 
Pruet, Jacob Sr.181318th Inf.Capt. William Taylor's Co.
Pugsley, William18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Pulphrey, George18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Pursel/Pursal, Aaron181526th Inf.Capt. William Bezeau's Detachment
Putney, Benjamin181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Queen, John181439th Inf.Capt. James Davis's Co.
Quick, John 181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Quicksell, John18133rd ArtilleryCapt. Benjamin K. Pierce's Co.
Quillan, Thomas181514th Inf.Capt. William McIlvain's Co.
Quinn, Michael181515th Inf.Squadron on Lake Champlain under command of Capt. White Young
Quint, David181433rd Inf.Capt. Benjamin Adams's Co.
Ralston, John181429th Inf. 
Ramsey, William181539th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Rand, Jonathan181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Randall, Ebenezer18141st Lt. DragoonsCapt. George Haig's Co.
Randall, Seth181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Randle, William181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Rankin, Thomas181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Rankings, Thomas 181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Rasin, Samuel181536th Inf.Capt. Samuel Rasin's Co.
Ray, David181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Raynes, John181421st Inf.Capt. Lemuel Bradford's Co.
Read, Amos181439th Inf.Capt. James Davis's Co.
Redden, Nathaniel181439th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Redding, Thomas1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Redmond, Martin181514th Inf.Capt. Richard Arell's Co.
Reed, Capt. John 1794 Miscellaneous Records (3rd Sublegion, 1794)
Reed, Cornelius18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Reed, John181511th Inf.Capt. Malachi Corning's Co.
Rees, Henry1814Lists of Discharged Men (5th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Rees, Jacob181542nd Inf.Capt. George W. Barker's Co.
Reinhard, Michael1814Lists of Discharged Men (Artillery, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Remick, Joseph181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Reynold, David181434th Inf.Capt. Robert R. Kendall's Co.
Reynolds, Anderson18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Reynolds, John181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Reynolds, Raymond18151st Lt. DragoonsLt. I. Palmer's Detachment
Reynolds, William181539th Inf.Lt. Bernard M. Patterson's Detachment
Rhoden, Lenard181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Rice, Jacob181514th Inf.Capt. William McIlvain's Co.
Rice, John 181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Rice, John181410th Inf. 
Richards, Richard181439th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Richard [Richards?], Samuel181434th Inf. 
Richardson, Amos181334th Inf. 
Richardson, Elijah181439th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Richardson, George1793Pay Lists (1st Sublegion, 1793)
Richardson, William L.18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Richardson, William181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Richardson, Zebulon18129th Inf.Capt. George Bender's Co.
Ricker, Isaac181434th Inf.Capt. William Sweet's Co.
Ricks, Joseph181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Riggs, William181318th Inf.Capt. John G. Blount's Co.
Rimmey, Adam181514th Inf.Capt. William McIlvain's Co.
Ring, Michael18132nd ArtilleryCapt. James Reed's Co.
Rising, John181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Riyal/Royal [?], Jacob181434th Inf.Lt. William A. Springer's Detachment
Roach, Samuel181439th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Roach, William181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Robb, Joseph n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Caldwell's Co., n.d.)
Robbins, James181425th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Watson's Co.
Robert, Stephen18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Roberts, Benjamin181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Roberts/Robberts, James1814Artillery CorpsCapt. Joseph Philips's Co.
Robertson, David181539th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Robertson, Erskin18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel G. Hopkins's Troop
Robertson, John181439th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Robertson, Lodawick181539th Inf.Capt. James Davis's Co.
Robertson, Samuel181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Robinson, George18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Robinson, Hugh181414th Inf.Capt. Thomas Montgomery's Co.
Robinson, James 1806 ArtilleryCapt. James Read's Co.
Robinson, Jeremiah181433rd Inf.Capt. Benjamin Adams's Co.
Robinson, Shadrach181525th Inf.Maj. Daniel Ketchum's Detachment
Robinson, Zadock1814Corps of Engineers
Rochead [?], Andrew18141st ArtilleryCapt. Nathaniel Leonard's Co.
Rodney, Edward1793Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Alexander Gibson's Co., 1793)
Rogers, Harrison G. 18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Rogers, James181318th Inf.Capt. George Butler's Co.
Rogers, Jeremiah F.181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Rogers, Jeremiah18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Rogers, William18156th Inf.Capt. Edward Webb's Co.
Rogues, Jacob1793Pay Lists (1st Sublegion, 1793)
Roper, William W. 18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Ross [?], Jacob18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Ross, David/Daniel181542nd Inf.Capt. George W. Barker's Co.
Ross, John18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Rothrick, Adam181542nd Inf.Capt. John J. Robinson's Co.
Row, Robert181434th Inf.Capt. Daniel Crossman's Co.
Rowley, Sylvester1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Ruddnow [?], Spicer [?]181425th Inf.Capt. George Howard's Co.
Russell, Chandler181434th Inf.Capt. Peter Chadwick's Co.
Russell, James181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Russell, John 181545th Inf. 
Rust, Ewel18133rd Inf.Capt. Hays G. White's Co.
Ryan, Patrick 18149th Inf.Capt. George Bender's Co.
Saffell, Charles181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Sailor, George n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. McEwen's Co., n.d.)
Sailor, John1793Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Winston's Co., 1793)
St. Clair, Leonard181322nd Inf. 
Salisbury, Simeon 181423rd Inf.Capt. Samuel Tappan's Co.
Sampson, George181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Sanboum/Sanboun [?], John181533rd Inf. 
Sanbourn, Newel181434th Inf.Capt. Robert Douglas's Co.
Sandborn, Peter18159th Inf. 
Sanderson, Joseph18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Sandford, Dominick18162nd Inf. Lt. Shubael Butterfield's Detachment of Invalids
Sands, John181439th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Sargeant, James1814Lists of Discharged Men (5th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Satchwell, Nathaniel1813Lt. DragoonsCapt. George Haig's Co.
Saterfield, John1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Sauls, Reuben181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Sawyer, Ezra181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Sawyer, Ezra1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Sawyer, Robert181533rd Inf. 
Schollar, John181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Schoonoven, Henry18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Scott, James D.1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Gaines's Co., 1811)
Scott, Lemuel18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Scott, Perrigan1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Winston's Co., 1792)
Scribner, Josiah181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Scroggins, George181439th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Sea, John Jr.181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Sea, John Sr.181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Sealor, Samuel1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Howell Lewis's Co., 1792)
Seals, Hezekiah181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Sears, James1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Winston's Co., 1792)
Sebree, Elijah181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Secord, William1814Unit not stated 
Seeley, Elizer1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Seese/Seease/Sease, John181542nd Inf.Capt. George W. Barker's Co.
Sefford, Joseph n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Caldwell's Co., n.d.)
Sellick, Nathan181325th Inf. 
Sellick, Nathan181333rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Sennet/Sennel, Samuel181545th Inf. 
Sevier, James181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Sharp, Robert1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Sharp, Thomas18131st Lt. ArtilleryCapt. George W. Melvin's Co.
Shattuck, Henry18151st Lt. DragoonsLt. I. Palmer's Detachment
Shaw, William181318th Inf.Capt. James Hamilton's Co.
Shearly, Ezekiel181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Shearly, James181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Shearman, Sampson1814Lists of Discharged Men (Artillery, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Sheckley, Richard181425th Inf.Lt./Capt. Thomas M. Read's Co.
Shefft [?], Jacob18141st ArtilleryCapt. Nathaniel Leonard's Co.
Sheldon, Anthony181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Sheldon, John181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Shelton, Joel181539th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Shepherd, Henry181415th Inf.Capt. White Young's Co.
Shepherd, James181439th Inf.Capt. James Davis's Co.
Shepherd, Thomas181439th Inf.Capt. John Jones's Co.
Sherland, George181411th Inf.Capt. John W. Weeks's Co.
Sherman, Benjamin18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Sherman, David1813Lt. DragoonsCapt. Noah Lester's Troop
Sherwood, Henry181329th Inf.Capt. Matthew D. Danvers's Co.
Shewel, John1812Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. McEwen's Co., 1812)
Shibles, James181534th Inf. 
Shillingsford, James181316th Inf.Lt. Thomas M. Powers's Co.
Shingleton, Andrew n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. McEwen's Co., n.d.)
Shippey, George1815Lt. DragoonsCapt. George Haig's Co.
Shippey, George1815Lists of Discharged Men (Light Dragoons, Capt. Haig's Co., 1815)
Shivers, Adam181532nd Inf.Capt. Robert Patterson's Co.
Shoop, Martin18151st ArtilleryCapt. William Gates's Co.
Shriner, Bernard181316th Inf. 
Shuler, George181542nd Inf.Capt. John J. Robinson's Co.
Shurbourn, Henry181534th Inf.Capt. Robert Douglas's Co.
Shurburne, Elias181334th Inf.Capt. William Sweet's Co.
Sill, Richard n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. McEwen's Co., n.d.)
Sillman, John 181539th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Simmons, Henry18144th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Simmons, Lamuel181539th Inf.Capt. James Davis's Co.
Simmons, Thomas181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Simonds, Stephen18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Simons, Rodolphus181323rd Inf. 
Simonson, John181415th Inf.Capt. Henry H. Van Dalsem's Co.
Simonton, Henry18149th Inf.Capt. George Bender's Co.
Simpkins, David18132nd ArtilleryCapt. William Nicholas's Co.
Simpson, George181533rd Inf. 
Simpson, Jonathan1814Lists of Discharged Men (42nd Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Simpson, Robert18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Simpson, Thomas181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Simpson, William181545th Inf.Capt. Elijah Hall's Co.
Sinclair, James181533rd Inf. 
Sisterson, William181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Skaat, Jacob1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Skilley, Thomas181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Skiner/Skinner, Joshua1815Artillery CorpsCapt. John W. Gookin's Co.; also Capt. Alexander J. Williams's Co.
Skinner, Daniel181323rd Inf. 
Skinner, Jedidiah18133rd Artillery 
Slater, Nehemiah181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Sloot, Simeon n.d.25th Inf. 
Sloter, Lewis181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Slyears, Lewis1814Lt. DragoonsCapt. George Haig's Co.
Slyears, Louis18141st ArtilleryCapt. James T.B. Romayne's Co.
Small, Lemuel181545th Inf. 
Smith, Abijah181514th Inf.Capt. Richard Arell's Co.
Smith, Abner18141st Artillery 
Smith, Benjamin1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Smith, Bradbury [?]181434th Inf.Capt. Peter Chadwick's Co.
Smith, Charles181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Smith, Daniel1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Howell Lewis's Co., 1792)
Smith, Elexander181334th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Smith, George181533rd Inf. 
Smith, Isaac181334th Inf.Capt. Robert Douglas's Co.
Smith, Jacob181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Smith, James18143rd Inf.Capt. William Butler's Co.
Smith, James T.181434th Inf.Capt. Robert Douglas's Co.
Smith, Jasper181318th Inf.Capt. John G. Blount's Co.
Smith, Jesse181434th Inf.Lt. Jeremiah Ede's Co.
Smith, John 1792 1st Inf.Capt. Ballard Smith's Co.
Smith, John 181220th Inf. 
Smith, John 18156th Inf.Capt. Londus L. Buck's Co.
Smith, John n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. McEwen's Co., n.d.
Smith, Joseph G.181415th Inf.Capt. Zachariah Rossell's Co.
Smith, Justin1814Lists of Discharged Men (Dragoons, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Smith, Lewis181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Smith, Lyman1814Corps of EngineersCo. of Bombardiers
Smith, Lyman1814Lists of Discharged Men (Bombadiers, 1814)
Smith, Nathan181533rd Inf. 
Smith, Nathan181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Smith, Nathan18151st ArtilleryCapt. John B. Walbach's Co.
Smith, Nathan C.181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Smith, Nicholas1793Pay Lists (1st Sublegion, 1793)
Smith, Noah Jr. 181533rd Inf. 
Smith, Peter H. 181318th Inf.Capt. John G. Blount's Co.
Smith, Roswell n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Field & Staff, n.d.)
Smith, Samuel181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Smith, Samuel181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Smith, Thomas P.181323rd Inf. 
Smith, Thomas 1792 Pay Lists (1792)
Smith, Willard181321st Inf. 
Smith, William (B)181526th Inf. 
Smith, William181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Smith, William18133rd ArtilleryCapt. Jonathan Brooks's Co.
Smith, William D.1813Artillery CorpsCapt. Francis Newman's Co.
Smith, William T.181516th Inf.Capt. John Machesney's Co.
Smithe, John18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Snead, Charles181320th Inf. 
Sneed, Tully181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Snow, Henry181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Snow, Paul M.181533rd Inf. 
Soles, James181325th Inf. 
Soule, Zachariah181321st Inf.Lt. Thomas Harrison's Co.
Southwick, Francis181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Southworth, Luther181411th Inf.Capt. John W. Weeks's Co.
Sparkes [sic, Sparks], Capt. Richard1794 Miscellaneous Records (3rd Sublegion, 1794)
Sparks, John181425th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Watson's Co.
Spauldin, Benjamin181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Spear, Ebenezer1814Corps of Engineers Co. of Bombardiers
Spear, Robert181533rd Inf. 
Speck, William181320th Inf.Capt. John A. Thornton's Co.
Spencer, Ichabod181334th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Bailey's Co.
Spencer, John181533rd Inf. 
Spencer, William181323rd Inf. 
Spencer, William181514th Inf.Capt. William McIlvain's Co.
Spencer, William181545th Inf. 
Spicer, William18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. John A. Burd's Troop
Spoor, Ephriam18132nd DragoonsLt. Abel Wheelock's Co.
Sprague, Daniel181434th Inf.Lt. William A. Springer's Detachment
Sprague, Jason181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Springer, Capt. Uriah 1794 Miscellaneous Records (3rd Sublegion, 1794)
Springer, Solomon18133rd Inf.Capt. Hays G. White's Co.
Sprogel, John L.18135th Inf. 
Stacy, John181434th Inf.Capt. Peter Chadwick's Co.
Stafford, Edward181545th Inf. 
Stanley, John 1793Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Winston's Co., 1793)
Stanton, Jonathan1814Lists of Discharged Men (Artillery, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Stanton, Solomon181325th Inf.Capt. Henry Leavenworth's Co.
Staples, Ebenezer181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Staunton, Benjamin181542nd Inf.Capt. John J. Robinson's Co.
Steal, John181439th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Stearns, Ebenezer181321st Inf.Capt. Josiah H. Vose's Co.
Stearns, Nathaniel181434th Inf.Capt. Robert R. Kendall's Co.
Steel, John181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Steller, William181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Stephen, John D.1813Lists of Discharged Men (Lt. A. Godwin's Detachment, 1813)
Stephens, John181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Stevens, Aaron181533rd Inf. 
Stevens, Robert181545th Inf. 
Stevenson, Hugh181415th Inf.Capt. Joseph L. Barton's Co.
Steward, Benjamin181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Steward, Thomas P.181434th Inf.Capt. Joseph C. Addams's Co.
Stewart, Joseph181539th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Stewart, Samuel18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Stickney/Hickney[?], Peter18155th Inf.Capt. LeRoy Opie's Co.
Still, Joseph n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. McEwen's Co., n.d.)
Stiverson, John181325th Inf. 
Stoddard, Obediah181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Stone, Lewis181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Storrs, Thomas181323rd Inf. 
Story, John181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Stott [?], Jacob see Ross [?], Jacob   
Strade, George1814Lists of Discharged Men (Artillery, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Strahan, John181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Stroap, Isaac18155th Inf.Capt. John R. Corboley's Co.
Strother, Robert181439th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Stroud, James1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Strout, Elisha 181433rd Inf.Capt. Elijah Foss's Co.
Stuart, Charles181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Stuart, John181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Stuart, Solomon181433rd Inf. 
Studevant, Henry181439th Inf.Capt. James Davis's Co.
Sturtevant, Solomon 181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Sullivan, Solomon n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Steele's Co., n.d.)
Sumptor [Sumter], William181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Sumter, James181539th Inf.Detachment
Sutton, John181425th Inf.Capt. John B. Murdock's Co.
Sweeney, Andrew18156th Inf.Capt. Ralph B. Cuyler's Co.
Sweeney, James M.1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Winston's Co., 1792)
Sweet, Benjamin18149th Inf.Capt. James F. Norris's Co.
Sweet, James181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Sweet, James1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Swift, Charles181545th Inf.Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment
Swift, Charles1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Swift, Elijah18133rd Artillery 
Switzer, John18132nd Heavy Artillery 
Sykes, Nathaniel181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Talman, James181545th Inf. 
Tanner, Eli18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Tapp, Armsted181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Tarble, William18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Tarr, Benjamin181545th Inf.Capt. Henry Snow's Co.
Tarr, Benjamin1815Lists of Discharged Men (45th Inf., Lt. Samuel Sylvester's Detachment, 1815)
Tarr, William181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Tate, Berrman 1793Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Winston's Co., 1793)
Tate, Berryman1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Henry Bowyer's Troop, 1792)
Tate, William J. 181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Taylor, Bryant181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Taylor, Chayes18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel D. Harris's Troop
Taylor, James18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Taylor, Joseph M. 181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Taylor, Obediah181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Taylor, William1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Tennant, John1793Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Alexander Gibson's Co., 1793)
Terry, William F.18149th Inf.Capt. George Bender's Co.
Thatcher, Jonathan 181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Thayer, James181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Thimsen, Archibald181434th Inf.Capt. William Sweet's Co.
Thomas, Benjamin18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Thomas, David18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Thomas, George18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Thomas, George W. 181434th Inf. 
Thomas, Samuel18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Thomas, Tarleton18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Thombs, Nathan181521st Inf.Capt. Joseph Treat's Co.
Thompson, Ambrose181323rd Inf. 
Thompson, Daniel C.181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Thompson, David181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Thompson, John 1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Thompson, John R.181532nd Inf.Capt. Robert Patterson's Co.
Thompson, Jonathan181323rd Inf.Capt. Peter Mills's Co.
Thompson, Jonathan18155th Inf.Capt. John R. Corboley's Co.
Thompson, Samuel S.181521st Inf.Capt. Lemuel Bradford's Co.
Thompson, Thomas181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Thornell, William181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Thurstin, David181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Tibbets, George18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Tibbets, Samuel 181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Tibbets, Samuel181325th Inf.Capt. Peter Bradley's Co.
Tibbins, Francis181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Tibbs, Richard181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Tiller, Ephram181318th Inf.Capt. Henry P. Taylor's Co.
Tilton, Benjamin18154th Inf.Capt. Lewis Peckham's Co.
Timbrook, Abraham1814? 2nd Inf.Capt. Reuben Chamberlin's Co.
Timpkins, Dickerson181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Tinnant, Oliver181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Tinsley, Capt. Samuel 1794 Miscellaneous Records (3rd Sublegion, 1794)
Titus, Michael n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Caldwell's Co., n.d.)
Todd, Atkin181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Todd, John181545th Inf. 
Todd, Robert181412th Inf.Capt. James Paxton's Co.
Toland, John1814Artillery CorpsCapt. John W. Gookin's Co.
Tolman, Samuel181434th Inf.Lt. Royal D. Simons's Detachment
Tomlinson, Henry n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Lyon's Co., n.d.)
Tompkins, Obadiah1815Lists of Discharged Men (6th Inf., Capt. Master's Co., 1815)
Tompkins, Obediah18156th Inf.Capt. James E.A. Master's Co.
Towne, Moses181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Townley, Rodolphus181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Townsend, Abraham1813Lists of Discharged Men (6th Inf., Detachment at Fort Columbus, 1813)
Towson, William1815Lists of Discharged Men (5th Inf., Capt. Henshaw's Co., 1815)
Trammell, James181439th Inf.Capt. James Davis's Co.
Trask, Gardner181321st Inf.Capt. Joseph Treat's Co.
Trask, Joseph181321st Inf.Capt. Joseph Treat's Co.
Traxler, Christopher1814Lists of Discharged Men (16th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Tremble, James1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Tremper, Peter18142nd Lt. Dragoons 
Trexler, Peter18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Trial, David181320th Inf. 
Tucker, John B.18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Tucker, Samuel n.d.29th Inf.
Tucker, Stephen18133rd Inf.Capt. James E. Dinkins's Co.
Tumbletee, Matthew1810Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Many's Co., 1810)
Turner, Artemos181533rd Inf. 
Turner, Clarkson181545th Inf. 
Turner, Joshua18155th Inf.Capt. Richard H. Bell's Co.
Turner, Luther181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Turner, Thomas181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Turner, Thomas181525th Inf.Maj. Daniel Ketchum's Detachment
Turner, William181318th Inf.Capt. John G. Blount's Co.
Twigg, Daniel181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Tydd, Samuel181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Tyler, Joseph181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Uber, John181315th Inf.Capt. John L. Hoppock's Co.
Upright, William H.181325th Inf. 
Utt, David D.181415th Inf.Capt. Joseph L. Barton's Co.
Van Bibber, Isaac181514th Inf.Capt. Richard Arell's Co.
Van Huvenbergh, John181329th Inf. 
Van Schaick, Samuel18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Vance, Thomas181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Vandegrift, John181318th Inf.Capt. William Taylor's Co.
Vandergrift/Vandigrift, Thomas181542nd Inf.Capt. George W. Barker's Co.
Vandeventer, James1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Varnes, John181514th Inf.Capt. William McIlvain's Co.
Varnum, Samuel M.181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Varty, Robert1813Lists of Discharged Men (6th Inf., Detachment at Fort Columbus, 1813)
Vastbinder, William18152nd Inf.Capt. John Miller's Co.
Veazey, Noble18133rd Inf.Capt. Hays G. White's Co.
Vencant, Cornelius18155th Inf.Capt. William L. Henshaw's Co.
Vingard, Francis181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Vivuan, Stephen181545th Inf. 
Voice, John181514th Inf.Capt. William McIlvain's Co.
Vose, Joseph W.181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Vredenburgh, Isaac1813Lists of Discharged Men (6th Inf., Detachment at Fort Columbus, 1813)
Waddle, John181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Wagner, Andrew F.181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Wagner, Nicholas1814Lists of Discharged Men (Artillery, Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Wakefield, John181333rd Inf. 
Waldron, Ezra181533rd Inf. 
Walker, Arthur18156th Inf.Capt. Londus L. Buck's Co.
Walker, Hugh181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Walker, Seth181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Walker, William 2nd181516th Inf. Capt. John Machesney's Co.
Wallace, Josiah181533rd Inf. 
Walters, Absalom181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Ward, Jonathan181411th Inf.Capt. Horace Hale's Co.
Ward, Samuel S.181318th Inf.Capt. Henry P. Taylor's Co.
Ward, Thomas181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Wardwell, Moses H.181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Wareing/Warring, John18152nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel D. Harris's Troop
Warner, Benjamin181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Warner, Beriah18152nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel D. Harris's Troop
Warner, John1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Warren, Thomas181439th Inf.Capt. James Davis's Co.
Warren/Warrin, Abel181323rd Inf. 
Warring, Samuel1812Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., 1812)
Waterfield, William18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Waterhouse, Joseph H.181533rd Inf. 
Waterman, Samuel181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Waters, Henry1814Lists of Discharged Men (Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Watkins, John 3rd 181323rd Inf.Capt. Derck Van Veghten's Co.
Watson, Joseph18153rd Inf.Capt. William Laval's Co.
Watson, William C. 1815Lt. ArtilleryCapt. Arthur W. Thornton's Co.
Watterman, John1814?23rd Infantry 
Way, Charles181512th Inf.Capt. James Paxton's Co.
Waymer, John H. 181512th Inf.Capt. Lewis B. Willis's Co.
Waymoth, John 181421st Inf.Lt./Capt. Sullivan Burbank's Co.
Weares, Jonathan1813Light ArtilleryLt. John R. Bell's Co.
Weatherford, William181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Weaver, John n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Caldwell's Co., n.d.)
Weaver, William18162nd Inf.Lt. Shubael Butterfield's Detachment of Invalids
Webb, Epenetus F. 181325th Inf. 
Webb, William Jr. 18133rd ArtilleryLt. John P. Bartlett's Co.
Webster, Joseph Jr.181433rd Inf.Capt. Benjamin Dunn's Co.
Webster, Josiah 181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Webster, Samuel 18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Webster, Thomas18141st ArtilleryCapt. James T.B. Romayne's Co.
Weeden, Joseph181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Weeks, James181433rd Inf. 
Weeks, Shubel/Shubael T. 181329th Inf. 
Weightman, William181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Wells, James18162nd Inf.Lt. Joshua B. Brant's Detachment of Invalids (or Supernumeraries)
Wells, Jeremiah1813Unit not stated 
Wells, Jessee181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Wells, Levi18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel D. Harris's Troop
Welpley/Whelpley, Samuel18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Wentworth, Daniel181311th Inf.Capt. Jonathan Stark's Co.
Wentworth, John 181533rd Inf. 
Wentworth, William181315th Inf.Capt. White Young's Co.
West, Hugh S.18151st ArtilleryCapt. William Gates's Co.
West, Isaac1812Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. McEwen's Co., 1812)
West, Stetson181434th Inf.Capt. Robert Douglas's Co.
Wetheril, John181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Weymouth, Ichabod181545th Inf. 
Whalen, Mark 18165th Inf.Capt. William L. Foster's Co.
Whatley, Levi J.181318th Inf.Capt. Owen Clinton's Co.
Wheeler, Henry18121st Lt. ArtilleryCapt. Robert H. McPherson's Co.
Wheeler, Henry181413th Inf.Capt. Samuel Haring's Troop
Wheeler, Henry1815Lists of Discharged Men (Light Artillery, Capt. Macpherson's [McPherson] Co., 1815)
Wheelright, Robert L. 181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Whitaker, John 181439th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
White, Archibald181325th Inf.Ensign John Gifford's Co.
White, Benjamin18151st Riflemen 
White, Ebenezer181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
White, Henry M. 181334th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Bailey's Co.
White, Hezekiah181325th Inf.Capt. William Battey's Co.
White, John L. 18143rd ArtilleryCapt. James McKeon's Co.
White, Patrick181533rd Inf. 
White, Robert1816Artillery CorpsCapt. Julius F. Heileman's Co.
White, William181433rd Inf.Capt. Rufus K. Goodenow's Co.
Whitelock, John181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Whithington, William 1813Unit not stated 
Whitlocke, Josiah18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Whitman, Benjamin181325th Inf.Ensign Alexander T.F. Bill's Co.
Whitney, John181434th Inf. 
Whitney, Joseph181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Whitney, Ransford181325th Inf. 
Whittemore, Nathaniel 181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Whitten, Benjamin181533rd Inf. 
Whitten, Zenas181545th Inf. 
Whittier, Josiah181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Whittore, Caleb181321st Inf.Capt. Josiah H. Vose's Co.
Wiggins, Conrad1793Pay Lists (1st Sublegion, 1793)
Wildt, Jacob181514th Inf.Capt. Reuben Gilder's Co.
Wildy, Thomas1813Lists of Discharged Men (6th Inf., Detachment at Fort Columbus, 1813)
Wiley, William C. 18156th Inf.Capt. Londus L. Buck's Co.
Wilkeson, James181439th Inf.Capt. William Walker's Co.
Wilkins, Daniel L. 181545th Inf.Capt. Daniel Holden's Co.
Wilkins, Thomas1792Pay Lists (1792)
Wilkinson, Samuel181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Wilks, Thomas181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Willard, Alvarius n.d.21st Inf.Lt. Josiah Bartlett's Detachment
Willcox, Charles1814Lists of Discharged Men (16th Inf., Fort Mifflin & Province Island Barracks, 1814)
Williams, Charles1815Paymaster General's Dept.
Williams, Chester18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Williams, Elisha181539th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Williams, Ellis181539th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Williams, Isaac1813Lists of Discharged Men (Lt. A. Godwin's Detachment, 1813)
Williams, John 181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Williams, John181512th Inf.Capt. James Charlton's Co.
Williams, John181539th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Williams, John n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Steele's Co., n.d.)
Williams, John1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Lt. Chamberlain's Co., 1811)
Williams, Joseph 18151st ArtilleryCapt. John B. Walbach's Co.
Williams, Lewis181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Williams, Moses181318th Inf.Capt. Henry P. Taylor's Co.
Williams, Quincy 181533rd Inf. 
Williams, William18136th Inf. 
Williams, William18151st ArtilleryCapt. John B. Walbach's Co.
Williams, William1813Lists of Discharged Men (6th Inf., Detachment at Fort Columbus, 1813)
Williamson, Jacob n.d.Lists of Dead or Absent Men (16th Inf., Capt. Steele's Co., n.d.)
Williamson, Richard S.181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Willis, John18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Willis, Thomas C.181515th Inf. 
Willis, Thomas C.1815Lists of Discharged Men (15th Inf., 1815)
Willson, Joseph L.18154th RiflemenCapt. Joseph Kean's Co.
Wilner, James181325th Inf.Capt. William Battey's Co.
Wilson, Henry18133rd Artillery 
Wilson, James18131st Inf.Capt. Daniel Hughes's Co.
Wilson, James181445th Inf.Capt. Nathan Stanley's Co.
Wilson, James181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Wilson, John181512th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
Wilson, Levi181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Wilson, William181439th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Winegardner, Adam 181542nd Inf.Capt. John J. Robinson's Co.
Winslow, Elisha181545th Inf. 
Wirtman, William181434th Inf.Lt. William A. Springer's Detachment
Wise, John1814Affidavits Relating to Service on Lake Champlain, 1814
Withington, John18132nd Lt. DragoonsCapt. Samuel D. Harris's Troop
Withington, Robert1814Col. McCobb's Volunteer Regiment 
Withington, William1813Lt. Artillery 
Withus, John181321st Inf. 
Wixen, Shuball Jr.181434th Inf.Capt. Benjamin Poland's Co.
Wolverton, Uriah181512th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
Women (two not named) see King, Obadiah   
Wonderly, Joseph181540th Inf.Capt. James Perry's Co.
Wood, Aaron 181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Wood, Elias V.18132nd Inf.Lt. Joshua B. Brant's Detachment of Invalids (or Supernumeries)
Wood, John18154th RiflemenCapt. John Lytle's Co.
Wood, Joseph 181323rd Inf.Capt. Derck Van Veghten's Co.
Wood, Thomas181539th Inf.Capt. John B. Long's Co.
Wood, William18155th Inf.Capt. William S. Henshaw's Co.
Woodall, David181539th Inf.Capt. John Jones's Co.
Woodall, John181539th Inf.Capt. John Jones's Co.
Woodard, James181512th Inf.Capt. Andrew L. Madison's Co.
Woodard, John181512th Inf.Capt. James Paxton's Co.
Woodbury, Israel181533rd Inf. 
Woodliff, Littleberry181318th Inf.Capt. Thomas J. Robeson's Co.
Woodman, Benjamin181434th Inf. 
Woodman, Enock181433rd Inf.Capt. Isaac Hodsdon's Co.
Woods, Acklen 181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Woods, James181539th Inf.Capt. James Davis's Co.
Woods, John1792Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Howell Lewis's Co., 1792)
Woodward, Beniah181545th Inf.Capt. Joshua Danforth's Co.
Woodward, Tilley 18149th Inf.Capt. James F. Norris's Co.
Wooley/Woolley, John1815Artillery CorpsCapt. Richard A. Zantzinger's Detachment
Woolman, Stephen1815Artillery CorpsCapt. George H. Richards's Co.
Worrell, Richard18156th Inf.Capt. Londus L. Buck's Co.
Worthington, John181514th Inf.Capt. Joseph Marechal's Co.
Wright, Ewele E. 1811Lists of Dead or Absent Men (Capt. Humphrey's Co., 1811)
Wright, Thomas181439th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Wright, Wolston181423rd Inf.Lt. Justus Ingersoll's Co.
Wrose, Thomas181512th Inf.Capt. Thomas Post's Co.
Wyatt, Joseph181539th Inf.Capt. John Phagan's Co.
Wyatt, Joseph S.181514th Inf.Capt. William McIlvain's Co.
Wymer, David181540th Inf.Capt. John Leonard's Co.
Yates, Samuel181545th Inf. 
York, Jeremiah181433rd Inf.Capt. Elijah Foss's Co.
York, John181539th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
Young, Isaac181545th Inf. 
Young, James181425th Inf.Capt. John B. Murdock's Co.
Young, John18139th Inf.Capt. James F. Norris's Co.
Young, Labius [Lebius?]181323rd Inf. 
Young, N.18297th Inf.Capt. N. Young's Co.
Young, Richard181533rd Inf. 
Younghart, Charles1793Pay Lists (1st Sublegion, 1793)
Zook, Thomas181439th Inf.Capt. James Gray's Co.
