Office of Government Information Services (OGIS)

Public Comments Submitted by Robert Hammond on August 25, 2021 - Violations of the ADA in FOIA Redactions, Simple Solution

from: Robert Hammond
cc: Robert Hammond
date: Aug 25, 2021, 6:01 AM
subject: RE: Public Comments. FOIA Advisory Committee. Violations of the ADA in FOIA Redactions, Simple Solution.

Greetings, NARA OGIS and DOJ OIP.

Please post and address as a topic for the next FOIA Advisory Committee meeting  the attached presentation.

I am including both PowerPoint and PDF.

Given the recurring nature of this problem and the urgency for resolution, I will greatly appreciate an opportunity to present the PowerPoint slides. In any case, I will appreciate having the topic added to the agenda and addressed during the meeting and in the meeting minutes.

As usual, I devoted a fair amount of time and effort researching this matter and organizing the persuasion.  I will greatly appreciate your thoughtful consideration of my request to include the topic in the meeting.


With my respect,

Robert Hammond

2 Attachments

Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) Note:  The two files submitted as attachments on August 25, 2021 contained duplicate content in different formats. We originally posted the PDF file submitted on August 25, 2021. On September 4, 2021, the submitter sent OGIS a corrected version of the PDF file and requested that we take the August 25, 2021 version of the file down. We posted the corrected version of the PDF to this webpage on September 14, 2021.
