
Linked Open Data for Textual and Word Processing Formats

Textual and word processing records are created through the use of a word processing or text processing tool. Examples include but are not limited to: Minutes of meetings, organizational charts, diaries, calendars, correspondence, reports, briefing books, legal opinions, and directives.

The significant properties of textual and word processing records are documented in a Textual and Word Processing Preservation Plan, which can be used as test criteria for tools and processes used in format transformations.

NARA makes its Linked Open Data available in the Resource Description Framework Terse RDF Triple Language, or RDF Turtle (.ttl files). These files can be opened in any text editor. The Digital Preservation Framework as Linked Open Data includes the same elements as are available in the version of the Preservation Plans on GitHub.

These Plans are not exhaustive nor universally applicable proposed actions and recommended or endorsed tools: these represent file formats and variant versions in NARA holdings, the current NARA risk assessment, processing capabilities, and tools in use at NARA.


Format NameFile Extension(s)Digital Preservation Framework Category/CategoriesNARA Format IDNARA Linked Open Data TTL
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) 7-bit Texttxt|asc|csv|tabTextual and Word ProcessingNF00113
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) 8-bit Texttxt|asc|csv|tabTextual and Word ProcessingNF00114
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) unspecified versionascTextual and Word ProcessingNF00846
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), Extended, Variable-width encoding Unicode (Universal Coded Character Set) Transformation Format (UTF)txt|utf|utf8|utf16Textual and Word ProcessingNF00429
Digital Equipment Corp (DEC) WPS Plusdx|wplTextual and Word ProcessingNF00156
EndNote Import Fileenw|enrTextual and Word ProcessingNF00172
Extensible Forms Description Language (XFDL)xfdlWeb Records|Software and Code|Structured Data|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00686
eXtensible Markup Language 1.0xmlWeb Records|Software and Code|Structured Data|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00187
eXtensible Markup Language 1.1xmlWeb Records|Software and Code|Structured Data|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00561
eXtensible Markup Language Document Type DefinitiondtdWeb Records|Software and Code|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00162
eXtensible Markup Language SchemaxsdWeb Records|Software and Code|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00188
eXtensible Markup Language unspecified versionxmlWeb Records|Software and Code|Structured Data|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00654
eXtensible Style Language 1.0xsl|xsltWeb Records|Software and Code|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00190
eXtensible Style Language 2.0xsl|xsltWeb Records|Software and Code|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00562
eXtensible Style Language 3.0xsl|xsltWeb Records|Software and Code|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00563
eXtensible Style Language unspecified versionxsl|xsltWeb Records|Software and Code|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00850
LetterltrTextual and Word ProcessingNF00714
Microsoft Office AutoCorrect ListaclTextual and Word ProcessingNF00791
Microsoft Office Theme (Windows 2007-onwards)thmxTextual and Word ProcessingNF00839
Microsoft Word Auto-save Document FormatasdTextual and Word ProcessingNF00706
Microsoft Word Backup File, version 97-onwardswbkTextual and Word ProcessingNF00304
Microsoft Word for Macintosh 5.0doc|mcwTextual and Word ProcessingNF00305
Microsoft Word for Macintosh 5.1docTextual and Word ProcessingNF00587
Microsoft Word for Macintosh 6.0docTextual and Word ProcessingNF00306
Microsoft Word for Macintosh v.XdocTextual and Word ProcessingNF00307
Microsoft Word for MS-DOS 1-4docTextual and Word ProcessingNF00309
Microsoft Word for MS-DOS 5docTextual and Word ProcessingNF00591
Microsoft Word for MS-DOS 5.5docTextual and Word ProcessingNF00592
Microsoft Word for Windows 2.0docTextual and Word ProcessingNF00310
Microsoft Word for Windows 2007-onwards (OOXML)docxTextual and Word ProcessingNF00311
Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0-95doc|dotTextual and Word ProcessingNF00302
Microsoft Word for Windows 97-2003doc|dotTextual and Word ProcessingNF00303
Microsoft Word for Windows 97-2003 TemplatedotTextual and Word ProcessingNF00588
Microsoft Word for Windows Macro 2007-onwards (OOXML)docmTextual and Word ProcessingNF00312
Microsoft Word Macro-enabled Document TemplatedotmTextual and Word ProcessingNF00589
Microsoft Word Open Office XML TemplatedotxTextual and Word ProcessingNF00590
Microsoft Word unspecified versiondocTextual and Word ProcessingNF00659
OmniPage Pro Document 5-9metTextual and Word ProcessingNF00344
OpenDocument Text 1.0odt|fodt|ottTextual and Word ProcessingNF00345
OpenDocument Text 1.1odt|fodt|ottTextual and Word ProcessingNF00507
OpenDocument Text 1.2odt|fodt|ottTextual and Word ProcessingNF00508
OpenDocument Text 1.3odt|fodt|ottTextual and Word ProcessingNF00801
Plain TextPlain_Text|txt|text|asc|rteTextual and Word ProcessingNF00360
Portable Document Format (PDF) unspecified versionpdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00361
Portable Document Format (PDF) version 1.0pdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00362
Portable Document Format (PDF) version 1.1pdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00363
Portable Document Format (PDF) version 1.2pdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00364
Portable Document Format (PDF) version 1.3pdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00365
Portable Document Format (PDF) version 1.4pdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00366
Portable Document Format (PDF) version 1.5pdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00367
Portable Document Format (PDF) version 1.6pdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00368
Portable Document Format (PDF) version 1.7pdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00369
Portable Document Format (PDF) version 2.0pdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00662
Portable Document Format/Archiving (PDF/A-1a) accessiblepdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00371
Portable Document Format/Archiving (PDF/A-1b) basicpdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00372
Portable Document Format/Archiving (PDF/A-2a) accessiblepdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00602
Portable Document Format/Archiving (PDF/A-2b) basicpdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00634
Portable Document Format/Archiving (PDF/A-2u) unicodepdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00642
Portable Document Format/Archiving (PDF/A-3a) accessiblepdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00643
Portable Document Format/Archiving (PDF/A-3b) basicpdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00644
Portable Document Format/Archiving (PDF/A-3u) unicodepdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00645
Portable Document Format/Archiving (PDF/A-4)pdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00646
Portable Document Format/Archiving (PDF/A) unspecified versionpdfPresentation and Publishing|Textual and Word ProcessingNF00370
Rich Text Format 1.0rtfTextual and Word ProcessingNF00398
Rich Text Format 1.1rtfTextual and Word ProcessingNF00606
Rich Text Format 1.2rtfTextual and Word ProcessingNF00607
Rich Text Format 1.3rtfTextual and Word ProcessingNF00608
Rich Text Format 1.4rtfTextual and Word ProcessingNF00609
Rich Text Format 1.5rtfTextual and Word ProcessingNF00610
Rich Text Format 1.6rtfTextual and Word ProcessingNF00611
Rich Text Format 1.7rtfTextual and Word ProcessingNF00612
Rich Text Format 1.8rtfTextual and Word ProcessingNF00613
Rich Text Format 1.9rtfTextual and Word ProcessingNF00614
Rich Text Format unspecified versionrtfTextual and Word ProcessingNF00660
WordPerfect 4 for DOSwpd|wp4Textual and Word ProcessingNF00633
WordPerfect 5.0 for DOSwpd|wp5|wp|w50|docTextual and Word ProcessingNF00455
WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS/Windowswpd|wp5|wp|w51|docTextual and Word ProcessingNF00453
WordPerfect 5.2 for Windowswpd|wp5|wp|w52Textual and Word ProcessingNF00454
WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS/Windowswpd|wp6|wp|w60|w61|w62|docTextual and Word ProcessingNF00533
WordPerfect 6.x-onwards for Windowswpd|wp6|wp|w60|docTextual and Word ProcessingNF00452
WordPerfect for DOS unspecified versionwpd|wpTextual and Word ProcessingNF00838
WordPerfect Macrowcm|wpmTextual and Word ProcessingNF00729
WordPerfect Secondary File 5.1/5.2wpdTextual and Word ProcessingNF00456
WordPerfect TemplatewptTextual and Word ProcessingNF00789
WordPerfect unspecified versionwpd|wpTextual and Word ProcessingNF00767
Write for Windows 3.0wriTextual and Word ProcessingNF00457