The National Declassification Center Releases Records Relating to Human Rights Abuses in Argentina

A Presidential Tasking from the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council (NSC) on June 13, 2016, directed various Executive branch departments and agencies, including the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), to search for records relating to human rights abuses committed in Argentina between January 1, 1975, and December 31, 1984, and to review responsive records for public access. In response, NARA assembled staff, including archivists from the National Declassification Center (NDC), the Presidential Libraries, and the Center for Legislative Archives to conduct this search and review. Responsive Presidential records were made available in previous releases and all identified Legislative records were already publicly available. This release represents responsive Executive Branch agency records that have been accessioned into the National Archives and have not been previously released. The NDC coordinated review of the records and prepared them for public release. Records that were released in full or in part may be accessed by using the search form below. Questions may be directed to


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Found 990 records.
Case IDRecord GroupDOCIDHMS REIDHMS EentryFromTo Document TypePagesSubject
570675933065427HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Terence A. Todman The Deputy Secretayr of StateMemorandum5 PDFArgentine Politicians' Request for Appointment
529688432734675HS1-187628901UD-14D17RondonThe FilesReport5 PDFCongressman Drinan on Argentina
570675933065493HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Cranston, Kennedy, SarbanesThe PresidentLetter5 PDFArgentine Relations and Human Rights
5685721833059354543659UD 08D 1MuskieThe PresidentMemorandum2 PDFU.S. Policy Toward Argentina
570675933065311HS1-413915044UD-18D 5William P. Steadman, Patricia M. Derian,The SecretaryMemorandum5 PDFDecision on Sale of Helicopters to Argentina
570675933065269HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Terence A. TodmanThe SecretaryMemorandum7 PDFThe President's Interest in Argentine Human Rights Improvements
540885932451961HS1-76850586UD-10D 1Terence A. Todman, Patricia M. Derian, LThe SecretaryMemorandum8 PDFRestriction of Arms Sales to Argentina in the light of Human Rights Situation
570505933064238HS1-76935930UD 10D 7BowdlerThe SecretaryMemorandum5 PDFArgentine Initiative to Host OASGA
570675933065308HS1-413915044UD-18D 5William P. Steadman, Patricia M. Derian,The SecretaryMemorandum6 PDFDecision on Sale of Helicopters to Argentina
570675933065277HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Robert E. WhiteThe SecretaryMemorandum3 PDFStrengthening the Inter-American Human Rights Commission
570675933065365HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Patricia M. DerianThe Secretary of StateMemorandum3 PDFYour Trip to Argentina
570675933065341HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Lucy Wilson BensonThe Secretary of StateMemorandum3 PDFArgentine Arms Transfers
570675933069175HS1-413915044UD-18D 5ARA-William G. BowdlerThe Secretary of StateMemorandum7 PDFArgentina-Continuing the Dialogue Through 1980
570675933069245HS1-413915044UD-18D 5PM-Reginald BartholomewThe Secretary of StateMemorandum5 PDFYour Luncheon Meeting with Secretary Brown and Dr. Brzezinski, Wednwesay, June 11th
570675933067509HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Viron P. VakyThe Secretary of StateBriefing Paper3 PDFIAHRC Visit to Argentina
570675933065556HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Reginald BartholomewThe Secretary of StateMemorandum4 PDFYour Meeting with Secretary Brown and Dr. Brzezinski, October 30, 1980
570675933065459HS1-413915044UD-18D 5David D. NewsonThe Secretary of StateMemorandum2 PDFDr. Kissinger and Argentina
570675933065371HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Patricia M. DerianThe Secretary of StateMemorandum4 PDFSecretary's Trip to Argentina and Brazil and Human Rights
570675933065358HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Terence A. TodmanThe Secretary of StateMemorandum11 PDFInclusion of Argentina in Your October Trip to Brazil
570675933069311HS1-413915044UD-18D 5PM-Reginald BartholomewThe Secretary of StateMemorandum10 PDFYour Luncheon with Secretary Brown and Dr. Brzezinski, November 19
570675933069310HS1-413915044UD-18D 5NSC StaffThe Secretary of StateMemorandum4 PDFMBB ITEM Sanctions Policy Towards Cuba
570675933069306HS1-413915044UD-18D 5PM-Reginald BartholomewThe Secretary of StateMemorandum4 PDFYour Meeting with Secretary Brown and Dr. Brzezinski, October 30, 1980
570675933069269HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Todman, Derian, amd GelbThe Secretary of StateMemorandum11 PDFRestriction of Arms Sales to Argentina for Human Rights Reasons
570675933065339HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Patricia DerianThe Secretary of StateMemorandum5 PDFArms Transfer to Argentina (Fall List)
570675933069287HS1-413915044UD-18D 5PM-Reginald BartholomewThe Secretary of StateMemorandum3 PDFSeptember 19 MMB--Annotated Agenda
570675933069275HS1-413915044UD-18D 5ARA-John A. BushnellThe Secretary of StateMemorandum5 PDFAmbassador Bowdler's Visit to Argentina. Should He Postpone?
570675933067470HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Patricia M. DerianThe Secretary of StateBriefing Paper8 PDFAmbassador Aja Espil's Appeal for More TIme to Documents Argentine Human Rights Improvements
570675933065430HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Lucy Wilson BensonThe Secretary of StateMemorandum2 PDFLetter from Congressional Group That Recently Visited Latin America
570675933069132HS1-413915044UD-18D 5ARA-John A. BushnellThe Secretary of StateReport19 PDFARGENTINA-Compaison of Drafts
570675933069131HS1-413915044UD-18D 5ARA-John A. BushnellThe Secretary of StateMemorandum5 PDFYour Meeting with General Andrew J. Goodpaster, USA, January 22, 1980, at 3:00 P.M.
570675933069123HS1-413915044UD-18D 5President Jorge Rafael VidelaThe Secretary of StateMemorandum9 PDFINVASION OF AFGHANISTAN
570675933065384HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Terence A. TodmanThe Secretary of StateMemorandum2 PDFArgentina: The Timerman Case
570675933069314HS1-413915044UD-18D 5William G. Bowdler and Patricia DerianThe Secretary of StateMemorandum8 PDFRequest for Mwwting by the Secretary with Nobel Peace Prize Winner Perez Esquivel
570675933069312HS1-413915044UD-18D 5PM-Reginald BartholomewThe Secretary of StateMemorandum3 PDFYour Luncheon with Secretary Brown and Dr. Brzezinski, November 19
570675933069246HS1-413915044UD-18D 5PM-Reginald BartholomewThe Secretary of StateMemorandum5 PDFYour Luncheon Meeting with Secretary Brown and Dr. Brzezinski, Wednwesay, June 11th
570675933069221HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Patricia M. DerianThe Secretary of StateMemorandum3 PDFHigh Priority Items
570675933065338HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Patricia DerianThe Secretary of StateMeeting5 PDFArms Transfer to Argentina (Fall List)
570675933069309HS1-413915044UD-18D 5PM-Reginald BartholomewThe Secretary of StateMemorandum5 PDFYour Luncheon with Secretary Brown and Dr. Brzezinski, November 19
570675933069248HS1-413915044UD-18D 5HA-Patricia M. DerianThe Secretary of StateMemorandum3 PDFVisit of the U.S. Secretary of the Navy to Argentina
570675933067529HS1-413915044UD-18D 5William G. BowdlerThe Secretary of StateMemorandum4 PDFARGENTINA UNVEILS ITS POLITICAL PLAN
570675933065340HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Lucy Wilson BensonThe Secretary of StateMemorandum4 PDFArgentine Arms Transfers
570675933065409HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Johm A. BushnellThe eputy Secretary of StateMemorandum8 PDFThe Sale of Military Training to Argentina
528325932732649593170UD-07D 107MinetaToddmanLetter12 PDFRecommendations Concerning Military Assistance
570675933065372HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Cyrus VanceTom HarkinLetter6 PDFMeeting with New Representatives; Political Prisoners
547396532987581HS1-282347794UD 16D 15- -USSSMessage34 PDF109-HQ-12-201
547396532987583HS1-282347794UD 16D 15- -USSSMessage9 PDF109-HQ-12-201
570675933069174HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Christine DodsonVP, SECSTATE, SECDEF, SECAG, SECCOM, SECMemorandum13 PDFAgenda and Discussion Paper for PRC Meeting
570675933069192HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Christine DodsonVP, SECSTATE, SECDEF, SECAG, SECDOE, ACDMemorandum11 PDFPRC on Argentina
570675933069233HS1-413915044UD-18D 5Christine DodsonVP, SECSTATE, SECDEF, SECAG, SECDOE, ACDMemorandum34 PDFPRC on Argentina,