Chief FOIA Officers Council (CFOC) Technology Committee FOIAXpress Working Group Charter
Last Updated: January 24, 2021
Members: Gorka Garcia-Malene, Co-Chair
Virginia Burke, Co-Chair
Barbara Swailes
Objective: The FOIAXpress Working Group will analyze and review the capabilities of FOIAXpress which provides services to many federal agencies processing FOIA requests. This group will work to create a community of interest to leverage diverse user experiences to highlight best practices, compile frequently asked questions and answers, user guides, and identify recommendations to improve FOIAXpress to better support FOIA processing throughout federal agencies using this tool.
Proposed Deliverables and Target Deadlines:
- Compile and make available Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) beyond those already published on the FOIAXpress site and make recommendations to the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) vendor FOIAXpress to expand the FAQs already in existence to reflect working group input. Develop a “Top 10” FOIAXpress paper related to the implementation and utilization of FOIAXpress. - Target Deadline: February 28, 2021
This is a research deliverable. Actions to be taken include the following: review existing FOIAXpress documents and reports, discussion with FOIA professionals who are open to sharing their experiences with FOIAXpress and other research approaches.
- Building off the work product above, host an event for FOIA professionals who have used or are currently using FOIAXpress to discuss best practices and challenges on any of the topics covered in #2 above. - Target Deadline: March 2021 (Specific Date TBD)
- FOIAXpress Best Practices – Publish best practices and/or lessons learned focused on tactics, techniques, and procedures of effective utilization of FOIAXpress to process FOIA cases resulting from #1 and #2 above. - Target Deadline: April 30, 2021
- Participate in the Vendor Day held by the Technology Committee/Office of Information Policy (OIP)/Office of Government Information Services (OGIS).