Office of Government Information Services (OGIS)

Public Comments Submitted by Robert Hammond on February 2, 2023


Please post the attached public comment to both the FOIA Advisory Committee and the Chief FOIA Officers Council websites, “Centrally Funded FOIA Portal and Case Managements Platform for all Federal Agencies.” I am providing this in MS Word, PDF, and HTML

I fear that the federal government may be going down the path of numerous FOIA portals/case management platforms with disjointed procurement, costing we taxpayers unnecessary premiums for systems that will still have to program to the draft API.

Herein, I put forth my idea for a centrally funded FOIA portal and case management platform for all federal agencies, along with my suggestion for an agency with the expertise to develop such an application. Others may have
different approaches.

Thank you.

With my deep respect,

Robert (Bob) Hammond
