Military Agency Records RG 226
Interallied and Interservice Military Agencies Records
Records of the Office of Strategic Services (RG 226)
Records of the Research and Analysis Branch
"Regular" Intelligence Reports (Entry 16)
XL # | File Title or Subject |
8789 | Information on M.A.H. Diesel Iberica S.A. (Proclaimed List) of Madrid, Spain, and its German connections. 2 pp. May 1945 |
8792 | Safehaven report concerning the business connections of Ismail Oktay and Ali Nuri Oktay and the Semperit Rubber Co., Wiener Neustadt, Austria. 3 pp. April 1945 |
8860 | Detailed interrogation report on Ostpreussische Gesellschaft in Poland. 3 pp. May 1945 |
8861 | Physical description and biographical notes on 15 economic personalities in Germany. Some are directors of companies. 6 pp. May 1945 |
8882 | Summary of German Industrial and Miscellaneous Personalities, including nearly 200 individuals. 43 pp. April 1945 |
8892 | Germans are said to be buying Portuguese real estate. 1 p. April 1945 |
8893 | Report on the United States protests to the Spanish Government regarding Transportes Marion (Proclaimed List). 12 pp. April 1945; see also XL 9744 Text of British Aide Memoire and reply of Spanish Government taking action to cut off supply of petrol and sealing trucks of Transportes Marion in response to Embassy Notes Verbale. 3 pp. May 1945; XL 10215 Safehaven report on transfers and removal of trucks and other property of Transportes Marion S.A. by Italians who wished to conceal these assets from Allied control. 7 pp. May 1945; XL 10225 Safehaven report consisting of communications from the British and United States embassies in Madrid, Spain, to the Spanish Government protesting against transfers and removals of private Axis assets in Spain, failure to seal Axis public and semi-public buildings, and removals of treasure from the German Embassy in anticipation of closure. Removal of Transportes Marion's property is especially cited. 15 pp. May 1945; XL 10919 Safehaven report on the Cia General de Lanas of Madrid, a Sofindus subsidiary with German staff, financed by the Banco Aleman Transtlantico. 1 p. June 1945; XL 11410 Capital shares of Sofindus, deposited in the German Embassy in Madrid, are now selling clandestinely in the Spanish market. 1 p. June 1945; XL 11526 Safehaven report on Sofindus's contact with Banco de Lisboa, etc. 6 pp. June 1945; XL 11740 Safehaven report on further developments about Transportes Marion in Spain. 14 pp. June 1945; XL 11905 Safehaven report on Transportes Marion and Sofindus. 2 pp. June 1945; XL 12096 Safehaven report on Sofindus; its nature, subsidiaries, and relationships with the German state; trade between Spain, France, and Portugal was controlled by this concern. Marion S.A. is its chief affiliate. 4 pp. June 1945; XL 12178 Safehaven report on the transfers of German assets in Spain, estimating Sofindus assets in Spain. 1 p. June 1945; XL 12226 Safehaven report on companies associated with Sofindus in Spain. 13 pp. June 1945; XL12309 Safehaven report on Transportes Marion S.A. 5 pp. June 1945; XL 12310 Safehaven report on answering questions about Sofindus's share capital. 1 p. July 1945; XL 12312 Safehaven report on Sofindus, its affiliates and subsidiaries, and their capitalization, reserves, stocks, and inter-relations. 10 pp. July 1945; XL 12396 Safehaven report on Transportes Marion S.A. 10 pp. July 1945 XL 12425 Safehaven report on Transportes Marion S.A. 1 p. June 1945; XL 12757 Safehaven report on Sofindus, with diagram of Goering's 4-year plan, indicating relationship of other companies to Sofindus. 4 pp. and 1 chart. July 1945; XL 13448 Safehaven report on Fluoruros S.A. and its relationship with Sofindus. 3 pp. July 1945; XL 13523 Safehaven report on the British-American Sofindus Committee meeting of July 11, 1945. 3 pp. July 1945; XL 13691 Report on Rowak Handels Gesellschaft GmbH of Berlin, Germany, the German owner of Sofindus in Portugal and Spain which controls its foreign assets. 13 pp. July 1945; XL 13696 Safehaven report on Sofindus, including its relations with Rowak. 12 pp. July 1945; XL 13897 Safehaven report on certain Spanish and German companies whose connections with Sofindus are not clear. 2 pp. Aug. 1945; XL 13899 Safehaven report on German (Sofindus) mines in Spain. 5 pp. Aug. 1945; XL 14376 Safehaven report on funds credited to the British and United States Embassy joint account in the Anglo-South American Bank in Spain, including Sofindus shares and Portuguese banknotes. 2 pp. Aug. 1945; XL 14833 List of Spanish firms associated with Sofindus. 8 pp. May 1945; XL 15933 Information concerning Sofindus documents. 19 pp. Aug. 1945; XL 20392 Suspected foreign assets held by Hermann Goering. Mention of the Sofindus holdings and large holding companies which were in contact with Goering in Portugal, Spain, and Sweden. 6 pp. Sept. 1945; XL 22048 Safehaven report on the meeting of the Joint British-American Committee. Disposition of funds recovered from German sources; Sofindus affairs; Transportes Marion; mining companies; official buildings. 19 pp. Sept. 1945; XL 23130 Copy of a letter enclosing memorandum of interview with Anton Paukner concerning Sofindus and affiliates in Spain. 8 pp. Oct. 1945; XL 23133 Safehaven report on Sofindus and affiliates. 2 pp. Oct. 1945; XL 24237 Cover sheet for further information on the political origins and effects of Sofindus and affiliates. 1 p. Oct. 1945; XL 24238 Information on board members of Sofindus. 6 pp. Oct. 1945; XL 24945 Request to Spanish Government for unblocking and unsealing assets of eight Sofindus affiliates. Oct. 1945; XL 25737 Investigation of Sofindus by Allied authorities in Spain. 4 pp. Sept. 1945; XL 27012 Further information concerning the Spanish connections of Sofindus. 4 pp. Nov. 1945; XL 33876 Safehaven information regarding Sofindus, Transportes Marion, and Argo, Spain. 50 pp. Nov. 1945; XL 34032 Safehaven report regarding Sofindus and affiliates. Spain. 9 pp. Dec. 1945; XL 34393 Safehaven report about Sofindus affiliates. 7 pp. Dec. 1945; XL 38602 A number of Espana Libre, published in French, in Geneva, Switzerland, with report on various matters, including Sofindus making bombs. 4 pp. December 1945 |
8895 | Pieter Broughel's "Blind Leading the Blind" which was carried away from Naples, Italy, is said to have reached Sweden. 1 p. April 1945 |
8896 | Safehaven report on the assets (in neutral countries) of Deutsche Hydrierwrke A.G., Lingnerwerke A.G., Guntermann and Co., Deutsche Kalisyndicat, Pablo Foerschler, I.G. Farben, and Wilhelm Horske Siegel, mentioning patents, and subsidiary or controlled firms, some of which are in England. 3 pp. April 1945 |
8898 | Investigation of a Matisse painting now in the possession of Andre Martin (Note 1) of Zurich, Switzerland. It was in the inventory of the Rosenberg collection seized by the Germans at Libourne in 1941. It was brought to Switzerland by Max Stocklin. (Note 2) 3 pp. May 1945; see also 26856 Safehaven report on interrogation of Stocklin in Paris, France, regarding the Matisse painting "The Open Window," now in Zurich, Switzerland. 1 p. August 1945 |
8899 | Rubens' "St Rochus" is said to be in Sweden. 1 p. May 1945 |
8906 | Possible escape organization for Nazis being set up in Spain. 1 p. April 1945 |
8907 | Summaries of 50 Safehaven cases concerning relating to the concealment of German assets in Sweden. 51 pp. April 1945 |
8926 | Report on machine tools for German research in Turkey. 3 pp. April 1945 |
8928 | Safehaven report on Reschowski or Redschowski, alleged German Gestapo agent, is said to have arrived in Switzerland; was a notorious Jew-baiter in Hungary. 1 p. April 1945 |
8929 | Information regarding the newly organized company Explotaciones Potasicas S.A., financial arrangements, etc. 1 p. April 1945 |
8930 | Report on the storage of German and Austrian art objects in Austria and list in French of the art objects not yet recovered by the reigning Prince of Liechtenstein. 1 p. May |
8931 | Safehaven report that Costa has resources in Switzerland. 1 p. May 1945 |
8936 | Conversations with Luis Fiore, chairman of the Argentine control committee for Axis firms, listing 15 Axis firms which have been intervened. 7 pp. Nov. 1944; see also XL 8937 Conversations with Fiore. 5 pp. Dec. 1944; XL 8938 Fiore is still fighting a proposed decree to form a national re-insurance society backed by capital of German insurance firms. 3 pp. Dec. 1944; XL 9031 Conversation with Fiore regarding control of Axis firms. 5 pp. Dec. 1944; XL 10212 Plan of Fiore for control of Axis funds. 4 pp. Mar. 1945; XL 10585 Memorandum of a conversation with Fiore, dealing with Thyssen-Lametal. 2 pp. December 1944 |
8943 | Safehaven report on Munzen and Medaillen A.G. of Basel, Switzerland, dealers in coins, which deals with Germany. 1 p. May 1945 |
8946 | Information on Spanish insurance companies, and the reinsurance treaties of La Union y El Fenix Espanol, and its affiliate, Compania Espanola de Reaseguros, S.A., Madrid, Spain. 14 pp. April 1945 |
8947 | Translated regulations and blank forms for the Swedish census of foreign assets as of the close of 1944. 25 pp. April 1945 |
8965 | Safehaven letter of inquiry about Emil Hans Eltz, President of the Reichsegruppe Industrie, who has funds in Portugal. 1 p. June 1945; see also XL 11127 Safehaven report about the British in Lisbon, Portugal, being unable to trace Eltze, who was forbidden to leave Germany. Deutsche Technik at Market Schwaben near Munich, Germany. It contains lists of German factories of the Reichsgruppe Industrie, etc. 15 pp. Aug. 1945; XL 29728 Report on Reichsgruppe Industrie. 4 pp. October 1945 |
8984 | Safehaven query about Gruf AB Stark of Sweden and Krupp and two other German firms. 1 p. April 1945 |
8996 | A German trademark, registered in Uruguay, in 1938 transferred to the Netherlands. 1 p. April 1945 |
8999 | Information on recent withdrawals of funds from Spanish interests by German nationals and German political offices in Spain. 3 pp. April 1945 |
9000 | Information on the Swiss firms Vosgeli and Wirs and Diamants-Outil S.A., including financial status, production for export, and connection with German firms. 1 p. August 1944 |
9008 | Possible cloaking of German assets in Spain. 2 pp. April 1945 |
9009 | Copy (in Spanish, from a newspaper) of the balance sheet of the German insurance company Wurtemburguesa & Badense, Companieas Reunidas de Seguros S.A. 1 p. April 1945 |
9015 | Safehaven report on transactions in foreign banknotes in Switzerland; the position of the United States, Britain and France. Text (in French) of a Swiss Aide-Memoire reviewing their position. 6 pp. April 1945 |
9016 | Safehaven interim report on Henkel & Co's transfers of trademarks and patents to Dutch firms. 12 pp. Apr. 1945; see also XL 11746 Safehaven report on Henkel & Cie GmbH, including subsidiaries in Sweden, Switzerland, Poland, Norway, Denmark, and the Low Countries. 9 pp. June 1945; XL 14336 Safehaven interim report on Henkel & Cie. A.G. Konsortial Fonds of Basel, Switzerland, listing its securities. 4 pp. Aug. 1945; XL 19157 Safehaven report regarding Henkel & Cia GmbH, Dusseldorf, Germany, and a subsidiary. 1 p. September 1945; XL 19888 Safehaven report that the Swedish company, Henkel Kemiskt Teknist AB, Stockholm, Sweden. 1 p. Sept. 1945; XL 20810 Financial connection two Swedish firms, Uma A.G. Switzerland, and Henkel & Cie of Dusseldorf and Basel. 1 p. Sept. 1945; XL 20812 List of Swedish subsidiaries of Henkel & Cie.; participations owned by these. Participation directly owned by Henkel in Switzerland, by Uma A.G. Holding Co. 1 p. Sept. 1945; XL 22049 Interim report concerning Henkel & Cie, A.G. Konsortial-Fonds, Basel. 6 pp. Sept. 1945; XL 22171 Henkel & Cie A.G. interests in Switzerland. 3 pp. Oct. 1945; XL 24352 Information on Henkel & Cie regarding company's relations to Dutch firms. 12 pp. Sept. 1945; XL 28480-28482 Information on German assets in Sweden, including firms in Stockholm in which Henkel & Cie., GmbH, Dusseldorf, has an interest. 8 pp. Nov. 1945; XL 29738 Henkel & Cie. A.G.-Swiss connections. 6 pp. Nov. 1945; XL 30241 Names of commission agents of Henkel & Cie GmbH in Sweden. 1 p. Nov. 1945; XL 30473 Patents held by Henkel & Cie. GmbH. 2 pp. Nov. 1945; XL 30475 Report on R. Masso y Cia., which shows its camouflage of German interests (Henkel & Cie). 1 p. Nov. 1945; XL 35144 Assets and agents in Portugal of Henkel & Cie. GmbH, Dusseldorf. 1 p. December 1945 |
9018 | Safehaven report on antique furniture held in Spain for a German, Rittmeister Paul Lindpainter of Berlin, Germany. 1 p. April 1945; see also XL 19026 Information concerning Erich von Kreibig, Alexander von Frey and Lindpaintner, reported to be connected with looted art traffic. Lindpaintner has office space in Lucerne, Switzerland 1 p. September 1945 |
9019 | Safehaven report on Elaboracion Plexiglas Espanol S.A. (Epesa). 2 pp. April 1945 |
9186 | Report on purchase by the Central Bank of Argentina of French francs from the French embassy to pay for Red Cross goods for French war prisoners. 1 p. October 1942 |
9190 | Report on Sedalana S.A. of Argentina. 3 pp. September 1942-January 1943 |
9280 | Correspondence about Dr. Kimche and his activities as administrator of the property of Mrs. M. Raab of Geneva, Switzerland, owner of the Export and Transit Handels A.G.. 5 pp. May 1945 |
9293 | Safehaven report on Heindrick Bos, in Geneva, Switzerland, who may have German funds for safekeeping. 2 pp. April 1945; see also XL 9412 Safehaven report on Heindricks Bos, wanted by Dutch authorities. 1 p. April 1945 |
9294 | Safehaven report on remittance of funds from Portugal to Sweden by Deutsche Kohlen Depot of Hamburg, Germany, for the account of Werner Groese of Stockholm, Sweden. 1 p. May 1945 |
9295 | Safehaven report quoting Ministry of Economic Warfare inquiries about Zurich, Switzerland, banks transactions involving financial transfers from German to Portuguese firms. 1 p. May 1945 |
9297 | Safehaven report on transfer of the account of Otto Schroeder of Lisbon, Portugal, from Switzerland to Portugal. 1 p. May 1945 |
9310 | Untranslated German dossier on the recruitment of French labor, February 19, 1943-June 27, 1944, including letters, weekly reports, orders, Vichy proclamations, German directives, etc. ca. 200 pp. |
9329 | Safehaven report on the Swiss Chemische Fabrik Pilot A.G.'s trademarks in Uruguay. 1 p. April 1945 |
9345 | Safehaven report on Tristat A.G. of Zurich, Switzerland, with assets belonging to a German. 2 pp. April 1945 |
9414 | Information on two Portuguese firms owned by Lohmann and Co., of Bremen, Germany. May 1945 |
9415 | Safehaven report on transfer of the controlling interest in Grafos S.A., Barcelona, Spain, to Jose Marin Gomerz Ribera by Alfred Zantop, a German Pedro Bergweller. 2 pp. April 1945 |
9417 | Safehaven report on funds of Balkan nationals (listed), held in Switzerland by the Societe General de Surveillance S.A. (SGS) 5 pp. April 1945; see also XL12551 Safehaven supplementary report on funds held by SGS of Geneva, Switzerland, for firms and residents (listed), of Rumania, France, Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, Moravia, Slovakia, the Netherlands, and Denmark, giving sums held for each. 9 pp. July 1945; XL 12918 Tobacco in bond in Basel, Switzerland, owned by Redi Staerker, German national tobacco magnate in Greece and Turkey. Swiss authorities want the tobacco sold immediately so Staerker can pay a debt of 600,000 Swiss francs to SGS. 2 pp. July 1945 |
9418 | Safehaven report concerning Otto Wolff of Cologne, Germany, owns the Sovite de Gestion Rodopia of Switzerland. 1 p. April 1945 |
9419 | Hubert Menten, in Germany, thought to own several paintings now in the A.G. Meier Transporte warehouse in Baden. Walter Andreas Hofer, carried off a Rembrandt from Mentens store. 1 p. April 1945; see also XL 9965 Safehaven report on investigation of Galeries Schmidlin of Zurich, Switzerland, involving Hofer and art brought from Germany to Switzerland. 3 pp. May 1945 |
9437 | Safehaven report on the technique employed in transferring German funds from Istanbul, Turkey, to Swiss banks. 1 p. April 1945 |
9616 | Safehaven report on Feliu y Fernandez S.A., Irun, Spain. 1 p. May 1945 |
9618 | Frau Marguerite Wyler and her Galerie Epoques, Zurich, Switzerland, and probable connection to the disposal of looted works of art. 1 p. May 1945; see also XL 14360 Safehaven report concerning Wyler, Montreaux, Switzerland, art dealer in Zurich. 1 p. August 1945; XL 26857 Information on Wyler and possible stolen art objects. 4 pp. August 1945 |
9642 | Notes on the exchange of funds between the Berlin, Germany firm of Max Wiesinger and the firm of Stichana-Roth in Lisbon, Portugal. 1 p. May 1945 |
9701 | German oil industry as a factor in reparations. The German synthetic oil industry is mostly German-owned, but the crude-oil and refining industry represents Allied investments. Rights outside the United States and Germany were transferred to a Liechtenstein company. Standard Oil rights were revoked by the United States. United States companies are named and their investments listed. German seizure and transfer of equipment of Allied-owned companies. Transfer of patents. 24 pp. April 1945; see also XL 28495 Contract between I.G. Farben and Standard Oil Development Co. (Delaware). October 1945 |
9702 | Supplementary list of Germans in Switzerland connected with Axis firms, and list of German-owned or controlled firms recommended for the Black List. 6 pp. May 1945 |
9703 | Safehaven report on the firm of Angel El Saldista, of San Sebastian, Spain. 1 p. May 1945 |
9704 | Safehaven report on two German nationals in Uruguay recommended for the Proclaimed List. 1 p. May 1945 |
9718 | Safehaven report regarding the receipt by Hans Wendland (Lausanne, Switzerland) of a wagonload of works of art from Paris 1 p. May 1945; see also XL 12515 Wendland of Geneva, Switzerland, received art works from Paris, France, in 1942 1 p. July 1945 |
9721 | Societe Commerciale et Industrielle S.C.I. of Geneva, Switzerland, a holding company for SIMCA/Fiat patents. 1 p. May 1945 |
9740 | Trademark registered in Uruguay by La United Incandescent Lamp and Electrical Co., Ltd., Hungary. 1 p. April 1945 |
9741 | Safehaven report regarding reported new activities in Barcelona, Spain of Tetzlaff & Wenzel. 1 p. May 1945 |
9742 | Ministry of Economic Warfare memo of I.G. Farben's principal assets in neutral countries, subsidiary companies, stockholders, officials, finances, etc. 18 pp. May 1945; see also XL 11926 Interrogation report on industrialization projects in South America by I.G. Farben, naming South American firms with which it had dealings. 6 pp. June 1945; XL 11943 Memorandum concerning I.G. Farben dealings in Spain, Sweden, and France. 5 pp. June 1945; XL 12210 I.G. Farben and camouflaging efforts in Latin America. 10 pp. May 1945; XL 12212 I.G. Farben and camouflaging of German interests in foreign countries. 10 pp. June 1945; XL 12735 Memorandum on connection between the Nazi Party and I.G. Farben's Latin American firms, naming individuals in Latin America, and enclosing copies of many letters. 14 pp. June 1945; XL 12741 Preliminary report on concealment of ownership of some I.G. Farben selling companies especially in Latin America. 177 pp. June 1945; 13816 Interrogation report on I.G. Farben, giving a who's who of personalities, and a list of subsidiaries and agencies in foreign countries. 41 pp. and 2 charts. July 1945; XL 19274 Safehaven report relating to I.G. Farben foreign connections. 4 pp. Sept. 1945; XL 22343 Safehaven report on I.G. Farben: list of contracts between I.G. Farben and other companies in Germany and throughout the world. Several United States firms are named. 15 pp. August 1945 |
9743 | Joaquin A. Grosse Jenquel has sold his business to Auto Repuestos S.A., a company organized on February 22, 1945, in an obvious attempt to avoid the implications of Safehaven policy. 1 p. May 1945 |
9815 | Supplementary information concerning I.G. Farben's activities in the Barcelona area of Spain. List of Spanish and German businessmen operating in Spain. 6 pp. April 1945; see also XL 10351 Report that Benguerrel Hermanos, S.A. of Madrid, Spain are undertaking to cloak for I.G. Farben. 1 p. May 1945; XL 13978 Safehaven report on Ferdinand Birk, I.G. Farben representative for Spain. 2 pp. Aug. 1945; XL 14050 Safehaven report on the Socieded Electro-Quimica de Flix and Unicolor S.A., Spain, and information about other Spanish chemical companies, and connections to I.G. Farben. 27 pp. Aug. 1945; XL 32644 I.G. Farben interests in Unicolor S.A. and Fabricacion Nacional de Colorantes y Explosivos, Spain. 1 p. Dec. 1945; XL 19029 I.G. Farben interests in Spain. 28 pp. Sept 1945; XL 22021 Information on Nitratos de Castilla, Sa., Bilbao, Spain, and connection with I.G. Farben. 25 pp. Sept. 1945; XL 22808 Information on I.G. Farben interests in Spain. 5 pp. Oct. 1945; XL 26230 Report on I.G. Farben interests in Spain. 6 pp. November 1945 |
9841 | Trademark transferred by Jose Luis Ouenca of Montevideo, Uruguay to P. Nakasheff, Bulgaria. 1 p. April 1945 |
9842 | Registration of Austrian trademark in Uruguay. 1 p. April 1945 |
9848 | Safehaven report concerning a Ministry of Economic Warfare inquiry about Carlos Jahn (German agent in Lugano, Switzerland for art objects looted in Italy) 1 p. April 1945; see also XL 21815 Safehaven report on activities of Carlo Jahn, a German national, who was reported to be engaged in hiding looted pictures. 1 p. October 1945 |
9895 | Safehaven report on transfer of credit from Skandinaviska Banken of Stockholm, Sweden, to the Shokin Bank of Tokyo, Japan, through Svenska Handelsbanken and the Banco Exterior de Espana of Madrid, Spain. 1 p. May 1945 |
9896 | Safehaven report about Enrique Arp of Barcelona, Spain, and German business dealings. May 1945 |
9897 | Safehaven report listing important German insurance companies with branches in neutral countries. 3 pp. May 1945 |
9898 | Safehaven report on transfer of credit from Svenska Handelsbanken, Stockholm, Sweden, to Stockholm Enskilda Bank for the account of Banco Nacional Ultramarine of Lisbon, Portugal, representing Schwarz and Co.'s account. 1 p. May 1945 |
9899 | Safehaven report on Anselm Feuerback's painting "Iphigenie," formerly exhibited in Munich, Germany, which was then in Geneva, Switzerland. 1 p. April 1945; see also XL 14047 The painting of "Iphigenie" now located in Geneva, is identified as one formerly in the Grand Ducal Museum at Darmstadt. 1 p. August 1945; XL 26092 Report on Gertrude Keutel, of Geneva, Switzerland, and a painting "Iphigenie." 3 pp. November 1945 |
9900 | Safehaven report on German communications with the Banco Aleman Transatlantico of Barcelona, Spain, about unblocking funds. 2 pp. May 1945 |
9907 | Report on Safehaven operations in Spain. 19 pp. May 1945 |
9908 | Safehaven report on electrical equipment warehouse in Switzerland for the account of Electra de Vieago S.A. of Santander who bought it from AEG of Berlin, Germany. 2 pp. May 1945; see also XL 10320 Safehaven report on the projected production of radio valves by Siemens' AEG Zurich, Switzerland, plant. 3 pp. May 1945; XL 12512 Safehaven report on Iberica de Electricidad S.A., a Spanish company owned by AEG of Berlin. 5 pp. July 1945; XL 16539 Safehaven report regarding the Iberica de Electricidad, A.L.G., 3 pp. August 1945; XL 18996 Safehaven report concerning the Iberica de Electricidad S.A. 1 p. Sept. 1945; XL 19279 Safehaven report concerning AEG. 11 pp. September 1945; XL 22037 Safehaven report on AEG in Spain. 5 pp. Sept. 1945; XL 34394 Safehaven report regarding AEG Iberica de Electricidad S.A. 7 pp. December 1945 |
9909 | List of articles in Uruguayan newspapers (not enclosed) about the State Department's announcement concerning post-war Safehaven plans. 2 pp. May 1945 |
9910 | Safehaven report on the Kauders family who fled to Uruguay from Austria, who knows about the transfer of Nazi funds to the United States through Fehringer. 3 pp. May 1945 |
9911 | Photostatic prints of 9 paintings now in Sweden, suspected of having been brought from Germany as loot; also notation of their dimensions and some indication of the artist. 9 pp. April 1945 |
9912 | Safehaven report on the investigation of the purchase of Agricola del Lukus by Jose Gomendio and the Banco Espanol de Credito from the Rothchilds. 25 pp. May 1945 |
9924 | Safehaven report on alleged secretion of German assets in Argentina via Turkish banks. 4 pp. May 1945 |
9925 | Safehaven report on the Deutsch Atlantische Telegraphengesellschaft of Horta in the Azores. 2 pp. April 1945 |
9927 | Safehaven report on a Rubens painting, supposedly looted from Paris, France, and now ostensibly the property of Juan Buxo Gottsleben of Palma de Mallorca. 1 p. May 1945 |
9929 | Safehaven report on John Larsson's alleged attempt to dispose of (in Portugal) certain ships in which there is German interest. 1 p. May 1945; see also XL 20844 British Analysis of certain evidence in case concerning sale of German ships to Portuguese Government. 3 pp. September 1945; XL 34497-34498 Safehaven repots regarding blocked funds arising from Portuguese purchase of German ships. 11 pp. Dec. 1945 |
9930 | Safehaven report on Rudolph Buescheweyh, suspected German cloak in Switzerland for Buehrle. (Note 3) 2 pp. May 1945; see also 9954 Safehaven report about Charles Montag, a Swiss, who knew about Buerhle, and who is said to have been involved with Bignou and Adolf Wuester (Note 4) of the German embassy trying to sell in Switzerland the Paris art firm of Bernheim Jeune. (Note 5) 1 p. May 1945 |
9931 | Safehaven report on reported dissolution of Ocimex Madrid, Spain, which aroused a German protest, implying possible German interest. 1 p. May 1945; see also XL 10991 Safehaven report on Ocimex. 1 p. June 1945 |
9944 | Safehaven report on transactions and remittances between Germany and Swiss banks. Note on the Hotel A.G. Davos, Switzerland, a German sanatorium. 1 p. May 1945 |
9945 | Safehaven report on J. Mayer and Sohn Lederfabrik A.G. Offenbach, Germany, which wants their funds in a Swedish bank concerted into Swiss francs by the Swiss Bank Corporation of Basel, Switzerland. 1 p. May 1945 |
9946 | Safehaven report on a meeting of Allied representatives in Lisbon, Portugal to draw up notes for presentation to the Portuguese and other nations about Safehaven objectives. 8 pp. May 1945 |
9952 | Safehaven report on formation of a company in Spain by German interests. 2 pp. May 1945 |
9953 | Safehaven list of persons believed to be German cloaks in Switzerland. 2 pp. May 1945 |
9955 | Safehaven report on Swiss banking transactions involving Eugen Haeder, Frau Julis Mader of Rothenturm, Winkler of Lisbon, Max Joss and Henry Mueller of Tokyo, Hans Schultes, and Willy Thesson of Porto, Portugal. 1 p. May 1945 |
9957 | Safehaven report concerning Johann Wehrli of Zurich, Switzerland. 1 p. May 1945; also on Wehrli and bank see XL 11313 Safehaven interim report on Johann Wehrli & Co. mentioning credits to Fritz Mandl, Heri Bos, Hermann Metzler, Michael Olian, and Eugen Lang. 5 pp. June 1945; XL 12578 Safehaven report on I.M.C.S.A.R. and Agrapetrol S.A.H., German-controlled Hungarian firms, of which the former used to be managed by Max Bundorff, Jewish refugee in Istanbul, Turkey, who had remitted funds to Switzerland for Metzler of Budapest, Hungary, to Johann Wehrli & Co. 2 pp. July 1945; XL 12759 Safehaven report on Johann Wehrli & Co., noting the possible transfer of German assets held by the bank to Argentina and the United States. 4 pp. July 1945; XL 13250 Safehaven interim report No. 4 on Johann Wehrli & Co., listing the sums liquidated at this bank, as well as transfers of money to Baron Knigge of Lisbon, Portugal, Sofindus, and the Banco Germanics of Argentina. 2 pp. July 1945; XL 33901 Safehaven report on Johann Wehrli & Cie., and transactions with Reichs KreditGesellschaft. 8 pp. December 1945 |
9958 | Safehaven report on Franz Faber of Zurich, Switzerland, who was believed to have bought pictures for Nazi leaders and who stored in Switzerland works of art belonging to Hitler and Goering. 1 p. May 1945 |
9959 | Safehaven report on the Ministry of Economic Warfare inquiry about a Spanish orange shipping company, in which German interest is suspected. 1 p. May 1945 |
9960 | Safehaven information on Walter Husmann and the firm Fabrica de Productos Alimenticios, and German connections. 3 pp. May 1945 |
9962 | Safehaven report on the internment of a German plane which reached Spain on May 1, 1945, with German military personnel. 15 pp. May 1945 |
9963 | A list of foreigners' accounts with the Controller of Foreign Property in Bagdad, Iraq, listing owners and amounts. 22 pp. May 1945; see also XL 12954 Safehaven report on British-United States cooperation on economic warfare in Iraq. 2 pp. July 1945 |
9964 | Safehaven report on the sale of modern paintings received by Allgmeine Treuhand Gesellschaft in Switzerland from Germany. 1 p. May 1945 |
9966 | Safehaven report on transfer of German capital to Portugal; German capital may try to escape to Brazil to avoid seizure by Portugal. 2 pp. May 1945; see also XL 10782 Safehaven report that Jacques Perroy of Brazil is handling funds for parties in Europe. 1 p. May 1945; XL 11855 Report on reorganization of the Banco America de Sul in Brazil. 5 pp. June 1945; XL 11856 Safehaven report on Nicolau Biermann of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and his firm Biermann and Cia (Proclaimed List). 4 pp. June 1945; XL 12224 Report on the consulate at Recife, Brazil, on the interned employees of Companhia de Tecidos Paulista. A descriptive list of these German employees is included. 11 pp. July 1945; XL 12572 Safehaven report on Organizacao Paulista de Controle, and Scalamandre in Brazil, in partnership with Bruno Bobberke. 8 pp. July 1945; XL 13209 Report on the political undesirability of certain Brazilian nationals now resident in Germany. 2 pp. July 1945; XL 13261 Safehaven report regarding the enemy character of Sociedade Geco Ltds (Proclaimed List), Brazil, including notes on Germans and Brazilians and German firms affiliated with subject firm. 9 pp. July 1945; XL 15890 Instructions by the Brazilian Minister of Finance for execution of the Decree-law lifting economic restrictions on Italian nationals resident in Brazil. 9 pp. Aug. 1945; XL 16014 Report on Cavalcanti & Filhos Ltds, of Brazil-openly pro- German. 4 pp. Aug. 1945; XL 19270 Supplemental Safehaven report on Cavalcanti & Filhes Ltda, of Fortalez, Ceara, Brazil. 3 pp. Sept. 1945; XL 22998 Investigation of German assets in Brazil. 2 pp. Oct. 1945; XL 29595 Report on Germans located in Amazon Valley of Brazil, government internment measures, their possible compromise in Safehaven activities, and a list of interned Germans. 20 pp. Nov. 1945; XL 29712 Possible cloaking of patents in Brazil. 1 p. Nov. 1945; XL 34354 Kurt Boettcher and the possible flight of funds from Switzerland to Brazil. 2 pp. January 1946; XL 35391 Safehaven report on Henri Jean-Jacques Perroy and the Group Suissam, Brazil; Georges Capitaine, Societe Mandataire. 6 pp. Jan. 1946; XL 42630 Information on Harold Fehrmann, now in Germany, whose brother, a resident of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, engaged in Safehaven activities in Latin America. 2 pp. Feb. 1946; XL 43270 Recent Brazil Decree laws affecting status of German firm, Hermann Stoltz e Cia and Cia Federal de Fundicao. 20 pp. February 1946 |
9967 | Safehaven report on purchase of cinemas and other property in Portugal by the Germans. 4pp. May 1945 |
9981 | I.G. Farben activities. 70 pp. 1935-1938 |
9991 | I.G. Farben correspondence between Riga, Latvia and Frankfurt, Germany (in German) 1940-1941 |
9994 | I.G. Farben business correspondence (in German), primarily dealing with Estonia. 1935- 1941 |
9996 | Correspondence (in German) pertaining to I.G. Farben barter transactions. 1936-1937 |
10032 | Report on smuggling across the Franco-Spanish border with reference to Blas Marin, alleged to be smuggling on behalf of Germans and collaborationists. 1 p. May 1945 |
10049 | Further information on turning over of German assets in Spain to the United States Embassy. 5 pp. May 1945 |
10051-10055 | Safehaven reports on various individuals in Costa Rica, including German nationals and those on the Proclaimed List. 6 pp. May 1945; see also XL 10338 Safehaven report on Henry Hoepker, and his wife now in Costa Rica. 10 pp. May 1945; XL 11228 Safehaven report on money and valuable goods delivered by Pablo Speerl (German, deported from Costa Rica) to Father Kesselheim of the German Paulist seminary at San Jose, Costa Rica; appears that the seminary conceals enemy assets. 2 pp. June 1945; XL 11530 Safehaven report on funds in Costa Rica. 2 pp. June 1945; XL 12760 Safehaven report regarding assets in Costa Rica of Gerardo Steinvorth (Proclaimed List) 1 p. July 1945; XL 13236 Safehaven report regarding the sale of property by Franz Amrheim (Proclaimed List) in Costa Rica. 1 p. July 1945; XL 13879 Safehaven report on German and Italian funds in Costa Rica. 1 p. August 1945; XL 17125 Safehaven report on Emilio Dorsam, a deported German from Costa Rica. 2 pp. Sept. 1945; XL 17227 Safehaven report on Frank Marshall (alias Frank Steinvorth), Costa Rica. 2 pp. Sept. 1945; XL 24147 Information concerning land transactions in Costa Rica. 1 p. Oct. 1945; XL 26962 Safehaven report on the properties of the Reimers family (German), and their financial dealings in Costa Rica. 2 pp. Nov. 1945; XL 27203 Antonio Lehmann, a German national deported from Costa Rica, has a considerable amount of British and Swiss securities on deposit with the Banque Populaire Suisse of Freiburg, Switzerland. 1 p. November 1945 |
10066 | Safehaven report on Anselm Gluecksmann, a German Jew who came to Nicaragua via Switzerland, Italy, and Honduras. 2 pp. May 1945 |
10067 | Safehaven report on the deposit of a large sum of pesetas with the American Embassy in Spain by the Deutsche Lufthansa, S.A. in Spain. 2 pp. May 1945; see also XL 10167 Safehaven report on offer of director of Lufthansa in Spain, to transfer assets to United States. Embassy. 3 pp. May 1945 |
10068 | Text of a letter from the British Embassy, Madrid, Spain, to the Ministry of Economic Warfare regarding the firm of Peliu y Fernandez S.A., which is informing them regarding goods despatched to the free port of Bilbao, Spain. 1 p. May 1945 |
10069 | Translated text of Swedish Royal Decree entitled "Amending Royal Decree of August 28, 1934, governing the fulfillment of certain payments to Germany," with a memo from the Swedish Foreign Office explaining the general scope of the decree. 4 pp. May 1945 |
10070 | Ernest Torres, Groza's godchild, is interned in Appenzell, Switzerland, after his flight from Budapest, Hungary. He was in touch with the Gestapo, and made money by selling permits to escaping Jews. 1 p. May 1945 |
10073 | Background information on Ing. Guglielmo Persichetti, Italian film magnate, and notes on the transfer of funds out of Italy to Spain and France. 2 pp. May 1945 |
10079 | Safehaven report on "Malura" who is probably Armando D. Malveira, a film employee in Portugal. 1 p. May 1945 |
10095 | Safehaven report regarding intercepted evidence showing that Colas Bewoid, Barcelona, Spain, is in communication with Bewoid, Rheinsbergnark and Berlin, Germany concerning sulphite lye. 1 p. May 1945 |
10096 | Safehaven report on M. Bericze, in Lausanne, Switzerland, alleged to be a German purchasing agent and having cloaked accounts in Switzerland. 2 pp. May 1945 |
10098 | Safehaven report on German insurance companies and insurancemen in Spain. 4 pp. May 1945; see also XL 10163 List of Italian and German insurance companies which have not complied with the new Spanish laws. 2 pp. May 1945 |
10099 | List of goods which were enroute to Germany when the Germans evacuated France, and which were returned to Spain or warehouse in Bilbao, Spain. 9 pp. May 1945 |
10104 | 1943 annual business report (in German) of an I.G. Farben branch in Poland. |
10106 | Personal correspondence of Hermann Schwab, of I.G. Farben (In German). 1944 |
10121 | Untranslated German correspondence to and from Hermann Schwab and others associated with I.G. Farben. Relates primarily to I.G. Farben activities in Poland. 117 pp. 1939- 1944 |
10127 | Safehaven report on H. and O. Wilmer (Proclaimed List) successors to H. Toennies, commission agents, Madrid, Spain, and Tetuan. 2 pp. May 1945 |
10162 | Safehaven report concerning Compania Europea de Seguros de Mercancias y Equipajes S.A. and reinsurance. 2 pp. May 1945 |
10164 | Report on Vorquimica, S.L., which is reported to have been formed by Carlos A. Vorkauf (Proclaimed List) to carry on the business he had done under the name of Carlos A. Vorkauf. 1 p. May 1945; see also XL 11483 Supplementary information about Verquimica S.L., a new company in Spain, chiefly owned by Vorkauf and his cloaks. 2 pp. June 1945; XL 12919 Information on Vorkauf, a German who has been busy disposing of his business interests to Spanish firms to protect them from Allied control. 1 p. July 1945 |
10165 | Safehaven report on Minas Reunidas, S.A., Madrid, Spain. 1 p. May 1945; see also XL 27007 Information on personnel of Minas Reunidas S.A.1 p. July 1945; XL 27009 Information on Minas Reunidas S.A. 6 pp. November 1945 |
10169 | Safehaven report on the deposit of secret German funds with the United States Embassy in Spain, by Hans Amberg, an employee of the German Embassy. 1 p. May 1945 |
10170 | Original text and translations of a Spanish ministerial order about Safehaven legislation in Spain. 5 pp. May 1945 |
10171 | Safehaven report on a meeting between Allied representatives and officers of the Bank of Portugal in Lisbon on May 11, 1945, about a decree law about to be promulgated by Salazar concerning freezing of Axis assets. 2 pp. May 1945; see also XL 10211 Safehaven report on the Portuguese Safehaven Decree of May 14, 1945, freezing Axis assets. 13 pp. May 1945; XL 10213 Safehaven report on Inter-Allied discussion of the Portuguese Safehaven Decree-Law, naming members of the Inter-Allied committee which is to negotiate with Portugal on this subject. 2 pp. May 1945 |
10173-10174 | Reports on the concealment of German assets in Turkey, including 500 gold pieces. Also the dismissal of Jewish employees in 1938 and 1939 at the suggestion of several German firms. 2 p. May 1945 |
10206 | Safehaven report that Hispana Marrequi (German-subsidized) of Spanish Morocco has been operating in Spain. 1 p. May 1945 |
10208 | Information concerning possible disposal of German loot in port-au-Prince, Haiti. 3 pp. May 1945 |
10209 | Safehaven report on Ernesto Heinrich Bracker, who transfers his business to Ulramar, S.L. of Barcelona, Spain. 1 p. May 1945 |
10210 | Safehaven report on Eduardo Gruner whose business is said to have been bought by Comercial Fotografica S.A., in which Gruner himself will continue. 1 p. May 1945 |
10220 | Prisoner interrogation report on German purchases of gold, foreign currency and securities in the black market of France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, through the Otto Wolff concern. 10 pp. May 1945 |
10225 | Safehaven report consisting of communications from the British and United States embassies in Madrid, Spain, to the Spanish Government protesting against transfers and removals of private Axis assets in Spain, failure to seal Axis public and semi-public buildings, and removals of treasure from the German Embassy in anticipation of closure. Removal of Transportes Marion's property is especially cited. 15 pp. May 1945; see also XL 10355 United States Embassy protest to Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning failure to seal, and transfers and removals of assets from certain German official property, and reply of Spanish Foreign Minister thereto. 2 pp. May 1945; XL 10356 Report on disposition of German official and quasi-official buildings in Spain. 3 pp. May 1945; XL 10554 Safehaven report listing German public and semi-public buildings in Madrid, and the possibility that Germans secretly removed valuabales and that the archives are probably destroyed. 4 pp. May 1945; XL 10560 Safehaven report enclosing the United States Embassy's aides-memoire about items of value removed from the German Embassy and other German buildings in Spain by German nationals. 4 pp. May 1945; XL 11571 Safehaven report on removal of treasure from the German Embassy and its annexes in Madrid, Spain. 6 pp. June 1945; XL 11573 Safehaven report on treasure removed from German embassy in Madrid. 2pp. June 1945; XL 11996 Safehaven report on treasure removals from the German embassy in Madrid. Two German agents confessed to deliveries of German funds to the Spanish Foreign Office. 3 pp. June 1945; XL 12201 Conversation with the Spanish Foreign Minister about United States protests over property removed from the German Embassy and Allied request to visit the German properties and to remove archives. 4 pp. May 1945; XL 12308 Safehaven report enclosing the United States Embassy, Madrid, protest to Spain over inadequate steps taken in the closure, administration, and delivery of German official and quasi-official assets in Madrid and the provinces. 14 pp. July 1945; XL 13037 Safehaven report on German treasure in Spain, enclosing memoranda showing that the sums taken by Spain from the German Embassy do not always tally with the amounts which Spain announced. 11 pp. July 1945; XL 13519 Safehaven report on the German Embassy treasure in Spain. 6 pp. July 1945; XL 23764 Safehaven report on German Embassy treasure. 14 pp. October 1945 |
10305 | Provision to be incorporated into the Allied-Swedish Tripartite Interim Trade Agreement and Tripartite Post-Hostilities Supply Agreement, listing Swedish steps in freezing Axis assets and looted assets, in making a census of the assets, and in informing the Alllies about the acitivities of Axis nationals in Sweden. 11 pp. May 1945 |
10313 | Safehaven report on Rudolph Engelhorn of Mannheim, Germany, owner of Dynamidon Werk Englehorn and Co. GmbH and Perutz and Co. Includes information on his subsidiaries in Switzerland and Great Britain. 1 p. May 1945 |
10314 | Ford Werke A.G., Germany. 1 p. May 1945; see also XL 10358 Copies of two documents taken from the files of the Ford Werke A.G., Cologne, Germany. One shows German preparation for keeping control over a plant after the expulsion of the Germans from Hungary. Leading industrialists appear to be trying to save their assets by installing neutrals to act as cloaks for them. 5 pp. May 1945; XL 10475 Safehaven report on Willy Lange of Madrid, Spain, whose letter to von Guzzmann of Ford Werke A.G. is quoted. 1 p. May 1945; XL 48231 Ford Romana Company, Rumania. 13 pp. March 1946 |
10315 | Safehaven report on the participation of Roehm & Hass A.G. of Darmstadt, Germany, in AB Kemiska Fabriken Texotan, Gothenburg, Sweden. 2 pp. May 1945 |
10316 | Juan Brendle Merkel (Proclaimed List), Barcelona, Spain, has transferred his business to a new fim, Suministros Vitri-Ceramicos S.L. 1 p. May 1945 |
10317 | Information on Gutehoffnungshutte Oberhausen A.G., Oberhausen participation in Landsverk AB Landskrona, Sweden, armament manufacturers. 1 p. May 1945 |
10318 | Safehaven report on Casa Masfarne S.A. of Barcelona, Spain, touching on its connections with German firms. 1 p. May 1945 |
10319 | Francisco Lipperheide (Proclaimed List) sells his business to Distribuidora de Metales y Productos Quimicos, S.A. 1 p. May 1945; see also XL 10485 Safehaven report on the business interests of Federico, Jose, and Francisco Lipperheide, German residents in Spain, naming companies in which they are interested. 4 pp. May 1945 |
10321 | Excerpt from intercepted letter from Kellerman, Paris, France, to Dr. Ladislas Segy, New York, referring to paintings stolen by the Gestapo from women in France, who were deported in sealed box cars. 1 p. May 1945 |
10322 | Excerpt from intercepted letter concerning tracing of stolen pictures, written by Graham Harding to A.J. Campbell, London. 1 p. May 1945 |
10353 | Information on Rodolfo Kegel and his real estate holdings in Camino Ariel and Libres. 2 pp. May 1945 |
10357 | Report on German economic activity in Spain. Data on deposits of currency at German Embassy, Madrid, Spain; names of firms said to be hiding German funds; withdrawal of German funds in Bilbao banks as result of rumors that German assets may be frozen; transfer of funds from the German Embassy in Madrid to the German Consulate at Tetuan; credit opened by German school in Madrid; possibility of credits being arranged between the Bayer-Quinica Parmaceutica of Madrid and Banco Aleman Transatlantico; German technical material for Spain; Germans said to hold most of the shares of the firm Minas Irun-Lesaga; sale of German-owned factory; names of German ships at present in Spanish ports; installation of new plants by named Spanish firms and their connections with I.G. Farben and an Italian firm. 6 pp. May 1945 |
10361 | Safehaven report on possible attempt to transfer funds from Spain to Chile. 2 pp. May 1945; see also XL 18674 Safehaven report regarding Osvaldo Koch Kraft, Santiago, Chile. 13 pp. Sept. 1945; XL 23348 Memorandum concerning the Comite de Socorros para Alemania, in Santiago. 3 pp. November 1945; XL 24752 Safehaven report on an investigation of German firms and enemy trading in Chile; Chilean measures to control German firms, etc. 14 pp. Oct. 1945; XL 29709 Report on German firm, Gebruder Oberpaur, of Ludwigsburg and Kempten and its connections with Ricardo Oberpaur in Chile. 2 pp. Nov. 1945; XL 36510 Safehaven report on M. Cabeszon of Madrid, Spain, Director of Fabril Commerciale in Spain, who carried large sums to Chile in November 1944, possibly German flight capital. 3 pp. December 1945 |
10405 | Money transactions of Reichminister Arthur Seyess-Inquart. (Note 6) 2 pp. May 1945; see also XL 13035 Interview with Arthur Seyss-Inquart. Includes information on the Nazis in the Netherlands and Austria. 12 pp. June 1945 |
10463 | Safehaven report regarding Dr. Koessler, an Austrian in Belgium who consorted with undesirable Germans and founded a company named Sociedade de Prouctos Exclusivos in Portugal, which bought some of his patents. 1 p. May 1945 |
10470 | Safehaven report on Werner Schleuter a German travelling in Spain and Portugal. 1 p. May 1945 |
10471 | Safehaven report on Motores a Oleos Pasados Lda of Lisbon, Portugal, said to be agents for Kloeckner-Humboldt Deutz A.G., of Cologne, Germany. 1 p. May 1945; see also XL 11121Safehaven report on Christensen of Stockholm, Sweden, a firm which with the Theodor Kapp firm, and Rudolf Linberg and Ragnor Ahlstron of Stockholm are all said to represent Klockner Humboldt Deutz . 1 p. June 1945; XL 14335 Klockner Hamboldt-Deutz A.G. branch in Sweden. 1 p. August 1945; XL 16738 Safehaven report on the Cia. Espanola de Notores Deutz Otto Legitimo S.A., Madrid, Spain, and its connection with the Kloeckner-Humboldt-Deutz A.G. 3 pp. August 1945 |
10472 | Safehaven report on Fadutub A.G. of Zurich, Switzerland, who sold patents to the British. 3 pp. May 1945; see also XL 15217 Safehaven report on Fadutub A.G. 3 pp. August 1945. |
10473 | Safehaven report on Rodrigo Rodriguez Alvares, Spanish soap dealer, who may have disposed of looted German goods. 1 p. April 1945 |
10474 | Safehaven report on the Union Quimica del Norte de Espana and the Banco de Vizcaya which financed ore exports to Germany. 2 pp. May 1945; see also XL 26581 Information concerning the Union Quimica del Norte de Espana, S.A., whose German shareholders have been shielded by Spanish interests. 1 p. November 1945 |
10475 | Safehaven report on Willy Lange of Madrid, Spain, whose letter to von Guzzmann of Ford Werke A.G. is quoted. 1 p. May 1945 |
10477 | Safehaven report on E. Merck of Darmstadt and a Swiss holding firm (Holding A.G. fur Merck) for his foreign assets including the Quimico Pharmaceutica Lda of Lisbon, Portugal. 1 p. May 1945; see also XL 15756 Safehaven report on Productos Quimicos Farmaceuticos (Merck). 12 pp. August 1945; XL 21423 Report on Produtos Quimicos-Farmaceuticos (Merck) of Barcelona, Spain. 19 pp. Aug. 1944; XL 30650 Investigation of E. Merck, German industrialist. Information on his Swiss connections. 3 pp. Nov. 1945; XL 43579 Merck plant is to be returned to Hermann Werner as Axis property returned. Werner is a prominent Nazi, has I.G. Farben and Gestapo connections. 1 p. Feb. 1946; XL 43764 Safehaven report concerning the failure to receive declaration by E. Merck, Darmstadt, in Spain. 3 pp. February 1946 |
10478 | Review of Houndran freezing control and Proclaimed List developments, April 15-May 15, 1945. 4 pp. May 1945 |
10479 | Safehaven report on Osram GmbH of Berlin, Germany, was trustee for Osa Industrielle Beteiligungen A.G. of Switzerland until 1941. 1 p. May 1945 |
10480 | Safehaven report on interests of a Viennese bank and a Turkish company in Limor S.A. of Zurich, Switzerland. 1 p. May 1945 |
10481 | Safehaven report that Compania Italiana per gli Scambi Internazionali of Milan, Italy (CISI) sent funds to its Swiss agents. 1 p. May 1945 |
10482 | Safehaven report that Martin Hilti of Liechtenstein is a cloak for Nazi funds. 1 p. May 1945; see also XL 13939 Safehaven report on Hilti, cloak for Nazi activities in Switzerland. 1 p. July 1945 |
10483 | Safehaven report that Eduardo Retienne, Argentina drug firm, has 5 German partners. 1 p. May 1945 |
10484 | Safehaven report on Hans Walter Frustel, German forwarding agent in Istanbul, Turkey, mentioning his bank deposits in Zurich, Switzerland. 1 p. May 1945 |
10487 | Safehaven report on Wilhelm Otto Behr, who organized the Cardimex firm in Argentina. 2 pp. May 1945 |
10552 | Safehaven report on transit Transportgesellschaft mbH. of Singen which has stored 68,000 kilograms of Pernod at Basel, Switzerland, shipped by the German OKW, (Note 7) which probably looted it. 1 p. May 1945 |
10553 | Safehaven report on balances owed to German exporters by Iranian firms, mentioning Russian seizure of Siemens equipment and a German-bound wool shipment. The Iranians are the Germans' creditors. 1 p. May 1945; see also XL 43765 Safehaven report concerning the Safehaven situation in Iran. 3 pp. February 1946 |
10555 | Safehaven report that Ernesto Kroeger has removed his merchandise from Barcelona, Spain, to hide his resources. 1 p. May 1945 |
10557 | Safehaven report that Vinicola of Hamburg, Germany told Vinicola Iberica S.A. of Taragona to send warehouse certificates. 1 p. May 1945 |
10561 | Safehaven report quoting the British Legation's reply to Ministry of Economic Warfare about getting an inventory of German goods in Swedish free ports. 2 pp. May 1945 |
10563 | Danish-Swiss trade pact and other Danish-related activities. 10 pp. May 1945 |
10566-10567 | Photostats of balance sheets showing Portuguese transactions with Swiss, German, and other banks. ca. 200 pp. July-December 1943 |
10578 | Kael Rysank was in charge of Bata interests in Norway and Sweden. 2 pp. April 1945 |
10579 | List of outstanding German industrialists and bankers; giving in some instances their foreign business connections. 9 pp. June 1945 |
10585 | Memo concerning Thyssen-Lametal of Argentina. 2 pp. Dec. 1944; see also XL 10668 Translation of Argentine executive decrees concerning Thyssen Lametal S.A. Ind. y Mercantil. 3 pp. December 1944; XL 19019 Report from the Vereinigte Stahlwerke to Devisenstelle of Germany on the camouflaging of their Argentine assets in the Thyssen Lametal (Thyla). 5 pp. September 1945. |
10587 | Interrogation of a Czech Jewish dentist about a labor camp at Boulogne, France, naming various brutal Germans responsible for ill-treatment of the prisoners. 2 pp. May 1945 |
10630, 10634, 10637 | Fiat's Dealings with Japan. 8 pp. 1942, 1944 |
10647 | Safehaven report on Reinhard Albert Mey of Valencia, Spain, said to be in charge of concealing German funds. He used to ship metals to Germany via Switzerland. 2 pp. May 1945 |
10662 | Report on the German Foreign Office under the Nazi regime. 10 pp. June 1945; see also XL 11219 Interrogation report by US 3rd Army on the Foreign Office, describing its organization, personalities, evacuation, records, relations with the Nazi Party, disposal of special funds (especially by Otto Abeta in France), and biographical details on SS personalities. 24 pp. May 1945; XL 11500 Interrogation of Ministerial Director Hans Schroder on the Foreign Office, its departments, archives, personnel, and finances. 16 pp. June 1945; XL 20140 Organization of the Foreign Office during the last year of the war. 15 pp. September 1945 |
10665 | Safehaven report on the elimination of Axis economic penetration into Syria and Lebanon. 5 pp. May 1945 |
10666 | Safehaven report on Laboratorieis Kudi in Portugal, formed from the laboratories of the defunct Cia. Mineira del Norte de Portugal. 6 pp. May 1945 |
10667 | Transmittal of report on United States discovery of the Hungarian gold reserve in an Austrian monastery, together with works of art. The bank president and Gestapo tried to seize the treasure but were foiled. Also a report on German looting of Russian works of art from Leningrad suburbs, Also a report on discovery of Belgian art works in a Salzburg salt mine and in Goering's hoard at Berchtesgaden. A special committee in Prague, Czechoslovakia will search for German looted art. Nazi leaders stored hoards of wealth in Bavaria-Schwarz, Nazi Party treasurer doled it out to those who fled the country. 7 pp. May 1945 |
10670 | Broderna Johnssons Agenturer buys factories in the Gotenborg, Sweden, area with German funds. 1 p. April 1945 |
10671 | The Holger Andreasen AB chemical firm of Sweden may be an I.G. Farben subsidiary. 1 p. April 1945 |
10672 | Bornemann AB, Herman of Malmo is closely connected with the German photographic company called Mimosa-may be a cloak for German funds. 1 p. April 1945 |
10673 | Olof Nilsen is Swedish agent for the pro-Nazi Danish firm of M.P. Pedersen. 1 p. April 1945 |
10677 | Safehaven report on Svenska Industricentralen of Gotenborg, Sweden. 1 p. April 1945 |
10678 | Safehaven report on Skandinaviska Banken AB of Stockhom, Sweden, in whose vaults are 6 valuable paintings said to belong to Bendix (a Danish refugee), but perhaps in reality items of German loot. 1 p. April 1945 |
10679 | Adrian Florman, manager of Forsakring AB Securitas may have been involved in a German-Rumanian transaction. 1 p. April 1945 |
10683 | Svenska Ackumulator AB Jungermer of Stockhom, Sweden and its possible German business transactions. 2 pp. April 1945 |
10684 | Dr. Heinrich Riensberg may be placing German capital in Sweden. 1 p. April 1945 |
10685 | AB Tekno-Montan has 2 German-born Finnish officials. 1 p. April 1945 |
10687 | Dr. L. Janssen, German lawyer in Stockholm, Sweden, is a Nazi who collects debts for German firms and may hold funds for them. 1 p. April 1945 |
10688 | Ackumulator-Fabriks AB Tudor purchased an electric battery factory, supposedly with German funds through Skandinavisks Bank. 1 p. April 1945; see also XL 13262 Safehaven report on Ackumulator Fabriks AB Tuder of Stockholm, Sweden, and cloaking. 2 pp. July 1945 |
10690 | AB Gustav Carlsson and Co. of Stockholm, Sweden, may be concealing German assets in Sweden. 1 p. April 1945 |
10691 | Safehaven report on Haksbergsnya, Gruf AB, a German-owned mine in Sweden. 1 p. April 1945 |
10692 | Safehaven report on Erils Persson AB, a Swedish agent for a German firm. 1 p. Apr. 1945 |
10710 | Safehaven report on Boehringer and Sohne GmbH of Mannheim, Germany, its managers, and its connections with Spanish and Swiss firms. 1 p. May 1945 |
10713 | Report on the regional customs and excise administration in Germany. 22 pp. June 1945 |
10759 | Notes on the administration of enemy property in Germany, and of personalities at the office of the Reichskommissar fur die behandlung Feindlichen Vermoegnes, mentioning absence of reports to the Reichsbank. 4 pp. March 1945 |
10761 | Prisoner interrogation report on the German Office of the Public prosecutor; includes information on the treatment of offences against foreign currency regulations. 25 pp. November 1944 |
10766 | Prisoner interrogation report on aspects of German banking and insurance, describing the organization of the Brunswick State Bank, the Brunswick Savings Bank, insurance companies, and their methods, and leading personalities. 28 pp. February 1945 |
10767 | Prisoner interrogation on the financing of German museums, the control authority for Prussian museums, and a list of castles used for the evacuation of German art treasures. Leading personalities are described. Notes on looting of a Norman chateau, and on the collection of art objects by the Germans in Diedenhofen. 6 pp. March 1945 |
10769 | The Spanish refuse to divulge any information about their investigation of Kurt Meyer's observation post at Ceuta, Spanish Morocco, etc. 3 pp. May 1945 |
10775 | Safehaven report that Aluminum Werke GmbH Bitterfeld hold some of the capital in Alliance Aluminum Company, Basel, Switzerland.1 p. May 1945 |
10776 | Safehaven report on shareholders of the firm Fundaglarag, Glarus, Switzerland are unnamed Germans, who before the war assigned their small stocks of securities to this company in order to avoid liability of having to deliver them to the Nazis. 1 p. May 1945 |
10780 | Safehaven report that there was a large quantity of German gold, brought over from Switzerland by diplomatic bag in 1944 and buried in the cellars of the estate of Baron von der Heydt at Ascona, Switzerland. 1 p. June 1945 |
10781 | Safehaven report on an interview with Paul Kamm, general agent in Switzerland for Koch and Sterzol, Dresden, Germany. 2 pp. June 1945 |
10783 | Safehaven report on the participation of Dornier Werke Friedrichshafen in Swiss Companies. 1 p. May 1945 |
10784 | Safehaven report that shareholders of Telektrag, Glarus, Switzerland, are unnamed Germans, who before the war assigned their small stocks of securities to this company, in order to avoid liability of having to deliver them to the Nazis. 1 p. May 1945 |
10785 | Safehaven report that shareholders of Luorumag, Glarus, Switzerland, are unnamed Germans, who before the war assigned their small stocks of securities to this company, in order to avoid liability of having to deliver them to the Nazis. 1 p. May 1945 |
10786 | Safehaven report concerning A. Bechers of Solingen was shareholder in the firm of Betag, Glarus, Switzerland. 1 p. May 1945 |
10789 | The Turkiye Is Bankasi of Istanbul, Turkey, tries to deblock funds held by the Central Bank of Turkey for Adria Export and Import S.A. of Switzerland. 2 pp. May 1945 |
10840 | Report on the Rheinische Girozentrale und Provinzialbank of Dusseldorf, Germany. 27 pp. December 1944 |
10854 | Report on Office of Strategic Service plans for regional coordination of Safehaven operations in the Middle East. 3 pp. June 1945 |
10877 | Safehaven report on Svenska Industricentralen of Gotenborg, Sweden. 1 p. April 1945 |
10884 | Biographical information on higher officials in the Reich Finance Ministry. 19 pp. June 1945; see also XL 11019 Interrogation report on the provincial finance department of the Reich Finance Ministry. 5 pp. May 1945; XL 13032 Report on the Reich Ministry of Finance and financial administration in the Reich. 17 pp. June 1945 |
10886 | Safehaven report on a German thought to be Martin Bormann's agent for smuggling valuables to Sweden for sale. He deals in stamps for Harry Wennburg AB. 1 p. April 1945 |
10905 | Safehaven supplementary report on Viuda de Carlos J. Brenner, a firm in Barcelona, Spain, managed by the Nazi Jose Mana Reichardt. 1 p. June 1945 |
10908 | Information on Lassen and Co., Gerhard and Hey and Intercomtinentale A.G.; together are the second largest forwarding agents in Germany. 2 pp. June 1945 |
10918 | Safehaven report on various individuals and firms in Spain. 1 p. June 1945 |
10935 | Evaluation and dissemination report on the history and evolution of the German police. 300 pp. April 1945 |
10956 | Interrogation of Walter Funk of the Reichwirtschanftsministerium, its evacuation, German financial policy, Speer and other personalities, evacuation of other government offices, etc. 4 pp. June 1945 |
10968 | Photostats of balance sheets showing Portuguese transactions with Swiss, German, and other banks. ca. 150 pp. January-June 1943 |
10975 | Information on two friends of Hermann Goering who may be secreting his stolen funds or those of other Nazis. 3 pp. June 1945 |
10989 | Report and minutes of an Anglo-United States Safehaven meeting in London on May 23, 1945. The British complain that they receive little Safehaven information from Washington. The United States Embassy gets insufficient British information about enemy persons. Cooperation is suggested in preparing repatriation lists. A British report is included. 7 pp. June 1945 |
10990 | Safehaven report on Otto Steerle Traub of Madrid, Spain. 1 p. June 1945 |
10992 | Safehaven report on Rudolf Schaefer Erbtz of Barcelona, Spain, believed to be a Gestapo agent employed by the German Embassy. He transferred his funds to various Spaniards. 1 p. June 1945 |
10994 | Safehaven report on the contents of a safe at the Banque de Bruxelles at Antwerp, Belgium, transferred by the Germans to Verwalter Bauer of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 1 p. June 1945 |
10995 | Safehaven report on 8 German and Italian residents of Lisbon and Porto, Portugal, mentioning their business connections and their counterespionage efforts. 2 pp. June 1945 |
11080 | Interrogation of Karl Haushofer, German professor, briefly interned at Dachau. Includes information concerning financial backers of the Nazis, including Swiss and French sources. 3 pp. June 1945 |
11098 | Report on Robert Bosch GmbH of Stuttgart-Feruerbach, Germany. 3 pp. May 1945; see also XL 12736 Reports on German economic interests abroad, focusing on I.G. Farben and Robert Bosch GmbH. 29 pp. May-June 1945; XL 12897 Safehaven report on the Dutch, Belgian, and Swedish affiliations of Robert Bosch GmbH. 2 pp. July 1945; 16358 Safehaven report on the foreign interests of Robert Bosch, GmbH, Stuttgart. 2 pp. August 1945 |
11107 | Safehaven report on Ruy Alfred d'Andrade (dealing in diamonds in Lisbon, Portugal for German account), Margarida Eisen (his associate), Roberts Wieheler Tesdhendorff of Grao de Valencia (listing his business interests), and I.G. Farben assets in Portugal. 1 p. June 1945 |
11112 | Interrogation of Alfred Krupp about German economic control, the Speer Ministry, the Krupp Works of Essen, dispersal of plants, ineffectiveness of foreign workers, etc. 4 pp. May 1945 |
11114 | Statement regarding AB Astra, Sodertalje, Sweden. 2 pp. May 1945 |
11115 | Safehaven report on the storage of I.G. Farben chemicals in Switzerland by Basler Lagerhausgesellschaft. 1 p. June 1945 |
11116 | Safehaven report on several individuals in Switzerland and Italy, who are concerned with Portuguese textile firms. 2 pp. June 1945 |
11117 | Safehaven report on Internationale Industrie und Handels A.G. of Liechtenstein, a holding company for Fritz and Karl Westen, German residents of Vienna, Austria. 1 p. June 1945 |
11119 | Safehaven report on "Bafinag" (Bau-Finanzirungs A.G.) of Ohur, Switzerland, a holding company for Sepp Gruber a German. 1 p. June 1945; see also XL 19024 Bau- Finanzierungs A.G., Glarus, Switzerland, and its assets in Austria. 1 p. Sept. 1945 |
11123 | Safehaven report on Theodore Dimenow (or Diminoff), listing correspondence about his transfers of funds between Swiss, Portuguese, and Spanish banks. He is a Bulgarian in Spain, and is trying to import tin from Portugal. 4 pp. June 1945; see also XL 23706 Safehaven report on Dimanow and his purchases of Bulgarian tin. 2 pp. October 1945. |
11149 | Report on interrogation of Heinrich Lammers, Chief of Reich Chancellery. Includes description of his dealings with Hitler, and notes on Hitler, Bormann, and von Ribbentrop. 4 pp. May 1945 |
11223 | Interrogation report on the Devisen-Schutkzkommando controlling international currency traffic in the German-held areas to discover gold by any means. Spies were used in France, and witnesses were tortured, German and Austrian officials are named, mentioning their atrocities. Also a report on the Werbestellen (Labor Procurement) in Paris, France. 9 pp. May 1945 |
11225 | Safehaven report on Productos Agricolas S.A. of Madrid, Spain. 1 p. June 1945; see also XL 33879 Safehaven report regarding Productos Agricolas S.A. 4 pp. Dec. 1945 |
11226 | Safehaven report on jewels entering Portugal with the help of the Gestapo. 1 p. June 1945 |
11229 | Safehaven report on Distribuidora Iberica S.A., a new Spanish export-import company for chemicals, with German ties. 2 pp. June 1945 |
11270 | Safehaven report on Hellberg and Schieja of Stockholm, Sweden. 1 p. May 1945 |
11271 | Safehaven report that Rosholm of Gotenborg, Sweden, was once connected with the Gestapo. 1 p. May 1945 |
11272 | Safehaven reports on Axis assets in Sweden-Erwin Neumann. 1 p. May 1945; XL 11273 Ake Wettergen. 1 p. May 1945; XL 11274 The Allhem Forlog Co. 2 pp.May 1945; XL 11275 Axel Victor Zachrisson. 1 p. May 1945; XL 11276 Mr. and Mrs. Bosta Martin, Mr. and Mrs Sam Borg, C.B.W. Dahquist, and Ingrid Schlack. 1 p. May 1945; XL 11277 Dagnes Bokker firm. 1 p. May 1945; XL 11278 AB Glasurit. 1 p. May 1945; XL 11279 Frick and Frick (insurance). 1 p. May 1945; XL 11280 Industri Traktor of Stockholm. 1 p. May 1945 |
11281 | Felix Kersten, a Finnish masseur lives in great luxury, amid art objects, after treating Heinrich Himmler. 1 p. May 1945; also XL 11568Himmler's masseur, Kersten, resident in Sweden, claimed to have helped Jews, prisoners, and internees. He may have obtained looted paintings from Himmler. 4 pp. June 1945 |
11282 | Skandia Transport AB is controlled by Gustaf Smith Eftr which managed by the pro-Nazi Nils Flycht. 1 p. May 1945 |
11285 | Safehaven report on AB Harold Lindstrand, Sweden. 1 p. May 1945 |
11286 | Safehaven report on AB Nordiska Armatur Fabrikerna, Sweden, and possible concealment of German assets. 1 p. May 1945 |
11287 | Safehaven report on goods of German origin stored in the free port of Barcelona, Spain. 1 p. June 1945 |
11295 | Safehaven report concerning two German suspects in Portugal. 1 p. June 1945 |
11297 | Safehaven report on Kurt Dithmer and his financial dealings in Portugal. 5 pp. June 1945; see also XL 13681 Safehaven report on the funds of Kurt Dithmer and other Portuguese firms. 2 pp. August 1945 |
11298 | Safehaven report on Albert Wallden AB, Sweden. 2 pp. May 1945 |
11299 | Safehaven report on Otto Herbert Horn, a Danish refugee in Sweden, interested in illegal exchange. 1 p. May 1945 |
11300 | Safehaven report on Algot Nyander AB, Sweden. 1 p. May 1945 |
11301 | Count Carl Gustav von Rosen, related to Hermann Goering, is said to have transferred German funds to Sweden. 1 p. May 1945 |
11303 | Otto Kinch AB represents German and Swiss textile firms. 1 p. April 1945 |
11305 | Safehaven report on Guillermo Pelisaeuz of the Intercambio Comerical Iberico, Spain. 1 p. June 1945 |
11351 | Report on control of Swedish exports to Argentina. 12 pp. April 1944 |
11352 | Memo on the investigation of Proclaimed List firms and activities in northern Argentina, containing some recommendations for further inclusions on the Proclaimed List. 26 pp. October 1943 |
11359 | Notes on the transfer of enemy assets in France to the Treuhandstelle of the German Military commander. The Aero-Bank in Paris, enemy claims and assets. Notes on personalities connected with the Treuhandstelle. 7 pp. April 1945 |
11361 | Safehaven report on George Manasse, a German Jew, who fled to Sweden with part of his money, and engaged in various enterprises (still run by his secretary who has Nazi connections) before going to the United States. 3 pp. April 1945 |
11366 | Looted Art in Occupied Territories, Neutral Countries and Latin America. Foreign Economic Administration publication. 40 pp. May 1945. Includes information about Germany policy about art in occupied territories; methods of looting; official acts; state supported acts; role of the Task Force Rosenberg; individual agents and buyers; looting in Belgium and France; agents for the Germans; Eastern Europe; Italy; Alois Miedl and the Goudstikker collection; Spain; Switzerland and Nazi agents; and Latin America. |
11405 | Notes on the Elektro Geraetbau Grosekopp & Co. 1 p. June 1945 |
11406 | Names of shareholders in Globag A.G., Schaffhausen, Switzerland, and atttempted liquidation. 1 p. June 1945 |
11407 | Reported transfer of the holdings of Federice Pielhoff to his son-in-law, Juan Marco de la Iglesia. 1 p. June 1945 |
11408 | Safehaven report on Werner Schleuter, German diplomatic courier in Spain and Portugal. 1 p. June 1945 |
11409 | Safehaven report on the assets of Daimler-Benz Motoren GmbH in Switzerland. 1 p. June 1945; see also XL 14346 Safehaven report concerning assets of Daimler-Benz Motoren GmbH in Switzerland 1 p. August 1945; |
11411 | Safehaven report on Lepori, Barcelona, Spain. 1 p. June 1945 |
11412 | Safehaven report on Emil Koster and Co. of Berlin, Germany, and Reinsch and Held of Vienna, Austria and their susbidiaries and branches throughout Europe. 9 pp. June 1945 |
11413 | Safehaven report on German investments in four Spanish firms. 1 p. June 1945 |
11432 | Safehaven report on Skag Steurungen and Kupplungen A.G.Zurich, Switzerland, making automobile parts, and mostly owned by Schuler, a German of Coppengen, Denmark. 1 p. June 1945 |
11441 | Safehaven report on Carl Morits Bunge (or Moriz Carl Bunge), a German in Switzerland with large funds and valuables. 2 pp. June 1945 |
11444 | Banking situation in Leipzig, Germany. 2 pp. May 1945 |
11484 | Safehaven report on the liquidation in Portugal of confiscated bonds seized by the Germans in Belgium, Holland, and France. Josef Gellweiler is thought to be the channel for the sale, which mostly took place at the Banco Espirito Santo by Portuguese individuals (named) 2 pp. June 1945; see also XL 18992 Report that Gellweiler has been receiving at the German Legation, Lisbon, Portugal, large quantities of bonds, including Portuguese Government issues, probably stolen from the Netherlands. 2 pp. September 1945 |
11485 | Safehaven report on German firms which have closed accounts with Banco Lisbon, Portugal, transfer of German funds to Banco Nacional Ultramarine for Sociedade Zickermann, transfer of funds to Japanese attache in Lisbon. Swiss sums received by Walter Heyen, gold hoarding by Sociedade Zickermann, Rolf Kehl's safe deposit box, and German funds deposited with S.M. Perianes Palma Ltda. 3 pp. June 1945; see also XL 14725 The German firm Zickermann and Co., closely associated with German intelligence in Portugal is resuming its activities. 2 pp. Aug. 1945; XL 18993 Notes on the connection between Sociedade Comercial Zickermann S.A.R.L., Lisbon and the Metallgesellschaft A.G., Frankfurt, Germany. 1 p. Sept. 1945; XL 24200 Report that Gustav Zickermann S.A.R.L., Portugal owes Gustav Zickermann of Hamburg, Germany, over 1.5 million RM in respect of commission, insurance premiums, freights, etc. 1 p. October 1945 |
11491 | Safehaven report giving supplementary information on German electrical equipment manufacturers in Spain. 5 pp. June 1945 |
11493 | Safehaven report enclosing Allied memoranda to the Spanish Foreign Ministry on the exemptions of firms and individuals from the blocking decree of May 5, 1945. 17 pp. June 1945; see also XL 11522 Safehaven report on the exemption to Italian nationals under the Spanish decree blocking Axis funds, enclosing an Allied memorandum of approval. 2 pp. June 1945; XL 11525 Safehaven report enclosing a joint memorandum from United States and British embassies to the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the subject of exemptions to the Spanish decree law of May 5, 1945, naming the foreigners whose exemptions are approved or held in abeyance. 9 pp. June 1945 |
11501 | Safehaven report on the liquidated firm of Gebruder C.H.F. Haff A.G. of Zurich, Switzerland, owned by 3 Germans. 1 p. June 1945 |
11504 | Safehaven report on the Ungarische Eskompte und Wechsel Bank of Budapest, Hungary, and its subsidiary Pragma A.G. of Glarus, Switzerland, naming Hungarian and Swiss owners 1 pp. June 1945 |
11521 | Safehaven report on German assets found in a box bearing the name of Dieckhoff (German ambassador) and deposited in the embassy safe. 1 p. June 1945 |
11523 | Safehaven report listing companies in Spain which have had their assets blocked. 2 pp. June 1945 |
11524 | Safehaven report on the purchase of a German Heinkel airplane by the Spanish Ministry of Air, enclosing an Allied memorandum requesting the blocking of payments. 2 pp. June 1945 |
11526 | Safehaven report on Germans sending pesetas to Spain; Himmler's check on Goering's transfer of assets to Spain; Nazi Party funds in Spain and Portugal; Sofindus's contact with Banco de Lisboa, Kurzmeyer's transfer of funds from Switzerland to the Banco Aleman of Barcelona; sums withdrawn from Barcelona, Spain, banks by Germans; German government funds camouflaged as private property in Spain; transmission of funds to and from Renschausen (German consul in Larache); Dr. von Nouber in Spain; Embarck el Jedidi's smuggling for Germany in Spanish Morocco; concealment of Banco Aleman's secret books; Spain's drug imports from Germany; embargo of German employees' salaries in Spain; German employees of the Kesinera Espanola; Candela's assets; sale of Sociedad Vasco-Africano's property; and sale of German's houses in Spain. 6 pp. June 1945 |
11529 | Safehaven report on Soitione d'Art Albert Skira S.A. of Geneva, Switzerland. Albert Skira (Note 8) bought pictures in Paris, France, and brought them to Switzerland. A list of pictures is added specifying the places they have been sold. 11 pp. June 1945; see also XL 30240 Activities of Editions d'Art Albert Skira S.A., Geneva-list of pictures bought by the firm and correspondence concerning the sales. 7 pp. November 1945 |
11531 | Safehaven report on German patents in Spain. 22 pp. June 1945; see also XL 11995 Safehaven report on German patents in Spain. 8 pp. June 1945; XL 30218 Safehaven report concerning German patents in Spain. 48 pp. Nov. 1945; XL 31703 German firms has patent in Spain. 2 pp. Oct. 1945; XL 31708 German registers new patents in Spain and renews existing ones. April 1945; XL 31721 Germans have patents in Spain. 1 p. April 1945 |
11532 | Safehaven report on the sale of French francs in Spain. 1 p. June 1945 |
11533 | Safehaven repport on projected formation of a German-controlled company to market chemical products in Spain. 2 pp. June 1945 |
11534 | Safehaven report on a Spanish motor company and German connections. 3 pp. June 1945 |
11535 | Safehaven report on Syndicat Mobilier S.A. of Laussane, Switzerland. 2 pp. June 1945 |
11572 | Safehaven report on Antonio Jose Michel Schaefer who is transferring his business to Amilon S.A. in Spain. 1 p. June 1945 |
11574 | Joint memorandum from British and United States embassies to the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs protesting against alleged Spanish intention to confiscate whale oil now detained at Irun, and shown to be of German ownership. nother memorandum calls for a census of German assets and an examination of German nationals' transactions in Spain. Spain is also urged to block the dividend declared by Siemens Industria Electrica S.A. 6 pp. June 1945; see also XL 13258 Miscellaneous information on German agencies and individuals in Spain: board of directors of Siemens Industria Electrica S.A. etc. 5 pp. July 1945. XL 14333 Safehaven report on an interview with Victor Buez, manager of Siemens Industria Electrica. 2 pp. August 1945; XL 13900 Safehaven report on Siemens Industria Electrica. 4 pp. August 1945; XL 20536 Siemens Industria Electrica S.A. has declared a stock dividend, as of June 1945. Allies requested that its assets be effectively blocked. 1 p. June 1945; XL 24943 Interview with Buez, of Siemens Indutria Electrica S.A. 7 pp. October 1945 |
11578-11580 | Safehaven reports on Germans in Uruguay. 3 pp. June 1945; see also XL 11629 Safehaven report on Wilhelm Baumbach (Proclaimed List) of Montevideo, Uruguay, who is a German of recognized Nazi affiliations. 1 p. June 1945 XL 11849 Safehaven report regarding the status, real estate, insurance, interest in commercial firm, automobile and investments of Hermann Stahl (Proclaimed List), a German of Montevideo, Uruguay. 1 p. June 1945; 11850 Safehaven report on Heinrich Schott (Proclaimed List) of Montevideo, a German. 1 p. June 1945; XL 11858 Safehaven report on Gunther Oltman von Runner, of Montevideo, Uruguay, a German member of several Nazi organizations and an employee of Banco Aleman Transatlantico (Proclaimed List). 1 p. June 1945; XL 11945 Safehaven report on the German Willy Haiber of Montevideo, Uruguay, and his investments. 1 p. June 1945; XL 12062- 12063, 12065-12069 Safehaven reports on Germans in Uruguay. 8 pp. June-July 1945 |
11615 | Safehaven report on Dr. Werner Kuhn, Swiss scientist at Basel, who has taught in Germany, but is opposed to the Nazis. 3 pp. June 1945 |
11627 | Report on the Deutsche Gold und Silber Scheide-anstalt vormals Roessler, including a Swiss subsidiary, Leukon A.G. 11 pp. June 1945; see also XL 20480 Reports on Soc. Leukon A.G. of Zurich, Switzerland, connected to Degussa, Herr Brantl, Nazi industrialists in Switzerland, and Konrad Wespi, of Zurich, who may have been a possible cloak for the interests of Hermann Goering in Switzerland. 6 pp. Sept. 1945; XL 20960 Report that Deutsche Gold und Silber Scheideanstalt, Frankfurt, Germany, has interests in A.G. fur Waldwertung, Lucerne, Switzerland and Leukon, A.G. 1 p. Oct. 1945; XL 26528 List of Degussa subsidiaries abroad and its assets. 1 p. October 1945 |
11628 | Safehaven report on Hermann Grundel of Montevideo, Uruguay. 1 p. June 1945 |
11632 | Safehaven report on the minutes of a regular meeting of I.G. Chemie A.G. at Basel, Switzerland, discussing payment of dividends by General Aniline and Film Corp. Relations with I.G. Farben are explained. 8 pp. June 1945; see also XL 12216 Photostatic documents on a contract between the German and Swiss stock exchanges; a vast correspondence between the General Aniline and Film Corporation of the United States, I.G. Farben, the International Company for Chemical Enterprises of Switzerland; an agreement between Continental Dyestuff Cartel and the Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. of London; and other agreements between chemical concerns. ca. 1,000 pp covering period from about 1928 to 1942; XL 13255 Safehaven report on I.G. Farben and I.G. Chemie, and their transactions with German and Swiss firms. 2 pp. July 1945: XL 25739 Information on I.G. Chemi. 2 pp. October 1945; XL 37554 Safehaven report concerning proposed reorganization of I.G. Chemie and the questions of its interests in the United States. 2 pp. January 1946 |
11736 | Safehaven report giving supplementary information on two Turks and their Austrian connections. 2 pp. June 1945 |
11737 | Safehaven report on organization of the Turkish branch of Semperit Gummi Werke of Wiener Neustadt, Austria. 2 pp. June 1945 |
11739 | Safehaven report on possible German interests in S.A. Allumage et Lumiere, and electrical appliance firm in Belgium. The chief owner is Planten Akitiebologet, a Swedish company which may be a German cloak. 2 pp. June 1945; see also XL 19001 Report on Allumage-Lumiere S.A. Brussels, Belgium-100 percent owned by Robert Bosch. 1 p. September 1945 |
11741 | Safehaven report on the property of persons and firms sequestered in Italy. 19 pp. June 1945 |
11742 | Safehaven report on the purchases and sales of investments of Alfredo and Julio H. Goller (Proclaimed List) through the firm of Fritz A. Rabe (Proclaimed List), Montevideo, Uruguay. 1 p. June 1945 |
11743 | Safehaven report on Imprenta Germano Uruguays (Haiber and Cia) of Montevideo, Uruguay, listing recent purchases and sales of securities. 1 p. June 1945 |
11765 | Safehaven report on F. Mettler-Mueller A.G. of St. Gallen, Switzerland. 1 p. June 1945 |
11766 | Safehaven report on Otto Kernen of Zurich, Switzerland, and his assets in Germany. 3 pp. June 1945 |
11782 | Information on Hungarian foreign affairs. 5 pp. September 1944; see also XL 17614 Interrogation of Admiral Micholas De Nagybanya de Horthy (Note 9) concerning Hungarian foreign policy. 9 pp. (page 6 missing). September 1945 |
11786 | Paper on organization of Germnay industry. November 1944 |
11837 | Biographies of Twenty Swiss Labor Leaders. 50 pp. (OSS R & A Report 2955) June 1945 |
11857 | Safehaven report on Rodolfo Juptner of Montevideo, Uruguay. 1 p. June 1945 |
11859 | Safehaven report on Federico Pappe of Montevideo, who is an Austrian employed by the Banco Transatlantico (Prolcaimed List). 1 p. June 1945 |
11860 | Safehaven report on real estate in Uruguay owned by Circulo A Leman (Proclaimed List), the majority of whose members are listed or are known Nazi sympathizers. 1 p. July 1945 |
11861 | Safehaven report on Carcellor of Spanish Ministry of Industry and Commerce. 2 pp. June 1945 |
11904 | Safehaven report on Carl Gerd Bungard, Eugen Lang, and other Germans and patents and other issues. 3 pp. June 1945; for other information on Lang see XL 19020 Report on Lang, prominent member of Nazi party in Switzerland. 1 p. September 1945 |
11916 | Report on taxation and confiscation of church property in Germany by Oberfinanzamt Koeln, whose activities are described. List of institutions whose property was confiscated. Biographical sketches of government officials. 9 pp. June 1945 |
11924 | Interrogation report on organization and activities of Staatliche Kreditanstalt Oldenburg- Bremen and Bremer Landesbank, Germany, describing government supervision, municipal loans, mortages, etc., and giving many biographical sketches of personalities. 67 pp. and 1 organization chart. June 1945 |
11944 | Safehaven report on Hans Lichtenberger, a Nazi formerly of Uruguay but now in Germany, who owns a life insurance policy in Uruguay. 1 p. June 1945 |
11950 | Safehaven report on Eduard von Waldkirch of Switzerland dealing with trademarks. 4 pp. June 1945 |
11967 | Safehaven report on Alfred E. Radeke, Valencia, Spain. 4 pp. June 1945 |
11979 | Safehaven report on Fritz Zellweger and Co. of Zurich, Switzerland, Swiss agent for German and United States Sewing machine companies. 3 pp. June 1945 |
11991 | Safehaven report on the paper stocks of the German Embassy in Spain. 3 pp. June 1945 |
11993 | Safehaven report on the census of German assets in Spain. 2 pp. June 1945 |
11994 | Safehaven report on German assets supposedly transferred from Madrid, Spain to the Fscorial. 2 pp. June 1945 |
11997 | Safehaven report on German mining properties in Spain. 9 pp. June 1945 |
11999 | Extract from Will Bley's affidavit on Schenker and Co.'s secret operations in France for traffic with Japan by cargo boats and submarines. 2 pp. November 1944 |