Military Agency Records RG 226
Interallied and Interservice Military Agencies Records
Records of the Office of Strategic Services (RG 226)
Records of the Research and Analysis Branch
"Regular" Intelligence Reports (Entry 16)
Formerly Security-Classified Intelligence Reports ("L" Series) 1942-45 (Entry 21)
This series is closely related to the two preceding intelligence series. It is arranged numerically (L1-58,678). The information was obtained directly by the OSS' Secret Intelligence Branch, and it could only be used in a special reading room by approved OSS personnel. The series' contents reflect more sensitive political intelligence matters. Boxes 1-457
The following files are based on a review of the index cards Switzerland; banking and insurance for both Germany and Italy; and "econoic." i.e., economic intelligence, as well as the first A-Z name portion of the index.
L # | File Title or Subject |
37005 | General conditions in Germany, including activities of French, Russian, and Polish workers in Germany. 5 pp. Mar. 1944; see also L 37311 Information on French workers who are being forced to go to work in Germany, etc. 4 pp. Mar.Apr. 1944; L 37315 Notes on a conference held in Paris, France, to discuss the requisitioning of French labor for work in various industries in France and Germany. 6 pp. Apr. 1944; L 37316 Information about French labor requested by Germany. 6 pp. Apr. 1944; L 37317 Translation of German documents relating to the forced labor draft in France. 4 pp. Apr. 1944; L 37318 Report on the number of Frenchmen sent to Germany either through the Todt Organization or forced labor. 4 pp. Apr. 1944; L 37321 Report on a German labor camp at Blanquefort, Girende, France. 1 p. Apr. 1944; L 37325 Economic information from France: German requisitions of industrial installations, various products, and labor. 4 pp. Apr. 1944; 37328 German labor draft of personnel at the Pernot Factory, France, etc. 2 pp. Apr. 1944; L 37524 Opel Factory, Germany, including labor force. 1 p. May 1944; : L 37626 Information on French workers forced to work on defense installations in the department of Aude. 2 pp. Mar. 1944; L 37663 French labor information, including German requisitions for workers for labor in Germany; draft of workers for Todt Organization. 20 pp. Apr. 1944; L 37673 Information on French workers and foreign workers in France being sent to Germany. 3 pp. Mar. 1944; L 37686 Report on the departure of Frenchmen for Germany, under the forced labor draft, and on the census taken of various elements of the French population. 1 p. Mar. 1944; L 37713 Miscellaneous news reports from France: new Franco-German accord regarding German demands for French forced labor, etc. 26 pp. Feb. 1944; L 37722 Report on forced labor service in France, etc. 27 pp. March 1944; L 37726 Report on German draft of French women for forced labor, etc. 2 pp. Mar. 1944; L 38153 Miscellaneous economic information on France, including forced labor, German requisitioning. ca. 125 pp. Mar.-May 1944; L 38261 General news information from France, including forced labor. ca. 100 pp. June 1944; L 38360 Report on the forced labor draft in France. 50 pp. Jan.-Mar. 1944; L 38371 Miscellaneous information on the Germans in France, including methods of occupation, requisitions, and forced labor of Frenchmen sent to Germany. 15 pp. May 1944; L 38372 Report containing miscellaneous items concerning forced labor of Frenchmen for work in Germany, labor draft for the Todt Organization, census of various classes among the French population. 25 pp. Apr. 1944; L 38381 Information regarding various matters in France, including forced labor. 8 pp. Mar. 1944; L 38403 Vichy France propaganda articles attempting to get labor for the Germans. 28 pp. Mar. 1944; L 38629 Report giving information on German requisition of French products, statistics on forced labor in France and Germany, etc. 25 pp. March 1944; L 38635 Report on the census of certain segments of the French population for forced labor; German forced labor requirements, etc. 25 pp. Mar. 1944; L 38645 Information on French forced labor, etc. 3 pp. Mar.-Apr. 1944; L 38659 Information on French labor conscription for German projects. 1 p. Apr.-May 1944: L 38711 Official German summary of economic activity in France during Nov. 1943, including forced labor. 6 pp. Feb. 1944; L 39108 French labor for Germany. 2 pp. May 1944; L 39123 Impressions of a young French worker on leave to Grenoble, France, from Leipzig, Germany, including forced labor. 4 pp. Feb. 1944; L 39144 Labor conditions, including imported labor, under the Germans at St. Mandrier, France. 2 pp. May 1944; L 39723 Official French documents concerning the rule governing forced work for French in Germany. 5 pp. May 1944; L 39799 Statistics on transportation of French workers to Todt Organization workshops and to German industries, Jan.-Apr. 1944, and on the number of French workers and prisoners in Germany. 2 pp. May-June 1944; L 40309 Regulations concerning the requisitioning of French laborers for work in Germany. 2 pp. Apr. 1944; L 41609 Reports including ones on French labor requisitions by Germany, a labor conference in Paris, and population statistics. 18 pp. Feb. 1944; L 41611 Information about various French matters, including pro-Axis individuals, French Gestapo leaders, and German labor requisitions. Mar.-April 1944; L 41615 Repressive measures in the Peugeot factories at Sochaux, France. Includes information about forced labor. 4 pp. Mar. 1944; L 41621 Statistics on foreign workers in French mining areas. 2 pp. December 1943 |
37013 | Von Papen's warning to Turkey that Germany will take strong measures against her if she makes further concessions to the Allies. 1 p. May 1944; see also L 40208 Von Papen's views on the Turkish crisis; L 40210 von Papen warns Turkey not to cooperate with the Allies. 1 p. July 1944 |
37272 | Activities and officials of the Todt Organization in various sections of France. 9 pp. February-April 1944; for additional information on the Todt Organization, particularly in France see L 37318 Report on the number of Frenchmen sent to Germany either through the Todt Organization or forced labor. 4 pp. April 1944; L 37663 French labor information, including German requisitions for workers for labor in Germany; draft of workers for Todt Organization. 20 pp. April 1944; L 38113 Information on various French industries, including a note on the Todt Organization. 10 pp. May 1944; L 38372 Report containing miscellaneous items concerning forced labor of Frenchmen for work in Germany, labor draft for the Todt Organization, census of various classes among the French population. 25 pp. April 1944; L 39784 Information on the Todt Organization in France. 8 pp. May 1944; L 39799 Statistics on transportation of French workers to Todt Organization workshops and to German industries, January-April 1944, and on the number of French workers and prisoners in Germany. 2 pp. May-June 1944; L 40280 Information on various topics, including the Todt Organization in France. 7 pp. May 1944; L 41634 Information regarding students registering in France for the Service du Travail Obligatorie. The population opposes German labor conscription, both for the Todt Organization and for work in Germany. Statistics are given on labor requisitions, police control is mentioned. 13 pp. April 1944; L 42106 Reports on the Todt Organization in France. 3 pp. May 1944; L 44720 France-Todt Organization. 4 pp. July 1944; L 50811 Report on the Todt Organization in France. 2 pp. May 1944; L 50812 Notes on various French factories, listing those which work directly or indirectly for the Todt Organization in the Alpes- Maritimes. 21 pp. April 1944. |
37672 | Report containing information on German penetration in French financial affairs. 2 pp. April 1944 |
37682 | Miscellaneous information from France, including Pierre Laval moving funds out of France. 11 pp. April 1944 |
37727 | Report on Albert Speer's control of German economy. 3 pp. 1943 |
37899 | Route of a shipment of iron ore from Spain through France to Germany. 1 p. May 1944 |
38113 | Information on various French industries, including a note on the Todt Organization. 10 pp. May 1944 |
38383 | Information regarding various matters in France, including German agents purchasing gold in France at extremely high prices and in unlimited quantities. 2 pp. March 1944 |
38618 | Swiss Federal Railways were told by the Nazi Reichsbahn on June 26, 1944, that with the exception of coal for the Italian railroads, no more industrial coal would be permitted to go through Switzerland for Italy. However, on June 29, the Reichsbahn advised that until further notice the shipments of industrial coal were to be continued. 1 p. June 1944 |
38649 | Information on the Service de Travail Obligatorie, and the management of banks. France. 2 pp. April 1944; see also L 41634 Information regarding students registering in France for the Service du Travail Obligatorie. The population opposes German labor conscription, both for the Todt Organization and for work in Germany. Statistics are given on labor requisitions, police control is mentioned. 13 pp. April 1944 |
38801 | German involvement in Hungarian financial affairs, including acquiring control of important Hungarian firms. 2 pp. June 1944 |
38865 | Germans utilizing Danish meat for sale in Switzerland in order to obtain free exchange. 1 p. July 1944 |
39014 | Report on German trade with Hungary and Rumania. 2 pp. June-July 1944 |
39145 | Portugal: Smuggling of wolfram, mica, and other minerals via Spain to Germany. 2 pp. May 1944 |
39155 | Union Quinica del Norte de Espana S.A. Bilbao, Spain, is doing business with I.G. Farben. 1 p. July 1944 |
39169 | Swiss publication Schweizer Illustrierte was banned in Spain. 1 p. July 1944 |
39231 | Information on trade between Germany and Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary; trade between Hungary and Switzerland. 2 pp. July 1944; see also L 44928 Basel, Switzerland-Budapest, Hungary shipments can no longer be insured, and must be covered by credits with Swiss francs. 1 p. Sept. 1944; L 45374 Switzerland is still importing oil from Hungary. 1 p. Sept. 1944; L 45585 Note on machinery being sent from Switzerland to Hungary. 1 p. Sept. 1944; L 46590 Information Hungarian-Swiss trade. Oct. 1944; L 48524 Intercepted Hungarian-Swiss trade messages. 1 p. Nov. 1944; L 48536 Intercepted radio messages about Hungarian-Swiss trade. 2 pp. Nov. 1944; L 48657 Swiss Trade with Hungary. 1 p. Nov. 1944; L 48838 Notes on Hungarian shipments of chemicals, etc., on Hungarian imports of Swiss textiles, and on German seizure of Hungarian goods consigned to Vienna, Austria. 2 pp. Nov. 1944; L 48937 Hungarian trade with Switzerland. 2 pp. Nov.1944; L 49048 Swiss trade with Hungary. 1 p. November 1944. |
39285 | List of German-Portuguese clearing accounts for January 1943 to May 1944. 20 pp.; see also L 40046 Germany has requested the Portuguese Government to extend the clearing agreements between Portugal and Germany. Deposit and money transfers between Portuguese banks and banks of foreign countries. Information on payments made by the Banco Lisboa e Acores, including payments made by order of the Reichsbank. 4 pp. May-June 1944; see also L 41962 On June 8, 1944, the Reichsbank ordered the Banco Lisboa e Acores, Lisbon, Portugal, to buy 1,000,000 Swiss francs, the credit to be arranged in Zurich, Switzerland. 1 p. June 1944; L 42838 Financial transactions through Banco Lisboa e Acores. Relations with Switzerland mostly involved. 3 pp. June 1944 |
39563 | Information from Germany including present condition of the Reichsmark and forced labor for Germans. 8 pp. April 1944 |
39812 | Empresa Nacional Calvo Sotelo, Spain, and its negotiations with I.G. Farben. 1 p. July 1944; see also L 44565 Note on storage of Spanish orders from Germany in Switzerland, on cancellations of Spanish orders from German firms, on use of air parcel post, on replacement of merchandise lost in transit, and on I.G. Farben activity in Spain. 2 pp. Sept. 1944; L 45994 Notes on I.G. Farben activity in Vizcaya, Spain. 2 pp. September 1944 |
39842 | List of credits opened on June 12, 1944, by P. Franz Niemeyer, Bremen, Germany, at the Banco Espirito Santo e Comerical de Lisboa, Portugal, in favor of Carlos Beerstecher, Lisbon, Portugal. 1 p. June 1944 |
39997 | Notes on the places where Pavelic can usually be found in Yugoslavia. 1 p. June 1944; see also L 49813 Information on the Ustashi and Pavelic. 1 p. November 1944; L 56469 Information on Pavelic. 1 p. May 1945 |
41589 | Business relations between Empresa Nacional Calvo Sotelo (ENCASO), Escher Wyss, and Mineral Celbau Gesellschaft. 1 p. July 1944; see also L 42627 Report on collaboration between the Spanish Empresa Nacional Calvo Sotelo and the German Rheinmetall Borsig, on German exports stored in Switzerland. 1 p. August 1944; L 52654 Report on Empresa Nacional Calvo Sotelo, and its trade with German firms. 1 p. January-February 1945 |
41627 | Letter from the regional prefect of Alpes-Maritimes limiting certain areas along the Swiss and Italian frontiers where travel must be restricted. 3 pp. April 1944 |
41648 | Information on Hispano-German industrial projects; on Hispano-German trade; on rail and air freight movements from Spain to Germany; companies engaging in these transactions are named. 2 pp. August 1944; see also L 43136 Hispano-German Trade Relations. 1 p. August 1944 |
41995 | Reports on various factories in France and the Micro factory in Monaco, mostly working for Germany. 7 pp. April-June 1944 |
42013 | Names of French war plants (and the Jaeger plant in France and Switzerland) making V-1 parts. 1 p. July 1944 |
42024 | Notes on France's daily indemnity payment to Germany. 1 p. May 1944 |
42025 | Notes on transfer of machinery from French factories to Germany. 3 pp. May-July 1944 |
42027 | Reports on various French factories and their workers, etc. 9 pp. April 1944 |
42173 | The Spanish legation at Ankara, Turkey was told by the Swiss Bank of Geneva of a German draft for Waldemar Fast and Fritz Twardowski. 1 p. August 1944 |
42380 | Germany permitted Vichy, France to sell some of her products to neutral countries in order to obtain credits. 8 pp. July 1944 |
42507 | Current accounts of German firms at the Banco Borges & Irmao, Porto, Portugal, as of June 29, 1944. 1 p. |
42536 | Philips Company, Netherlands. 1 p. July 1944; see also L 47404 Addresses of German agencies, secured by an examination of the records of the Philips Factory, Eindhoven, Netherlands. 3 pp. October 1944 |
42561 | Various reports primarily relating to France, including a report on a Daimler-Benz plant in south Germany. 17 pp. May-June 1944; see also L 49068 Daimler-Benz, Germany. 1 p. Nov. 1944; L 49344 Daimler-Benz, Germany. 1 p. Oct. 1944; L 52448 Daimler- Benz, Germany. 2 pp. Dec. 1944-Jan. 1945; L 54445 Notes on the dispersal of two Daimler-Benz factories. 1 p. December 1944 |
42625 | List of deposits (Swiss, Argentine, and Swedish) at the Banco Nacional Ultramarino in Portugal. 1 p. July 1944 |
42672 | Rumanian business houses are concerned over the refusal of insurance companies to insure goods against war risks. 1 p. July 1944 |
43049 | German use of French labor. 1 p. July 1944; see also L 43067 Conscription, malnutrition of French labor. 5 pp. June 1944; L 43083 Notes on German arrests, pillage, executions, and atrocities in France, especially to Jews. 2 pp. March-June 1944; L 43100 Suspension of requisitioning workers for Germany. 1 p. June 1944; L 43438 Suspension of conscription of French labor for Germany. 1 p. Aug. 1944; L 43131 German disposition of French labor. 1 p. Sept. 1944; L 43343 German conscription of French labor. 15 pp. July 1944; L 44013 Miscellaneous notes on requisitions and forced labor, France. 5 pp. July 1944; L 44697 Notes on forced labor in Belgium and France. 4 pp. June 1944; L 46037 French forced labor for Germany. 1 p. Aug. 1944; L 48244 Control conditions of foreign workers in Germany. 2 pp. Aug. 1944; L 49954 Report of Germans forcing 400 French to work on defense projects in Soulac, France. 1 p. Nov. 1944; L 52238 French workers, etc. in Germany. 4 pp. Jan. 1945; L 52681 Forced workers, etc., at an underground engine plant near Neckarelz. 1 p. Nov. 1944; L 54441 Interrogation report of a Dutch boy's experience on working conditions at Mauserwerke A.G., including foreign workers, etc. 5 pp. March 1945 |
43023 | Ford Company, France. 1 p. July 1944; see also L 43236 Ford Factory, Netherlands. 1 p. July 1944; L 51232 Ford Company, Rumania. 3 pp. Jan. 1945 |
43244 | Spanish purchasers of German machinery want their purchases removed to Switzerland for safety until transport through France could be arranged. 1 p. August 1944 |
43513 | List of recently paid German credits at the Banco Espirito Santo e Comercial de Lisboa, Portugal, naming German and Portuguese firms. 2 pp. July 1944 |
43551 | German agents in Spain press for funds from home; Spanish orders from Germany are listed, negotiations described. 1 p. August 1944 |
44194 | Notes on the halt in clearing accounts and payments between Spain and Germany. Cancellation of Spanish orders. 2 pp. September 1944 |
44203 | Bulgarian authorities held up a German aircraft carrying gold to the Deutsche Bank in Istanbul, Turkey. 1 p. August 1944 |
44317 | Notes on the transfer of Krupp truck patents to Spain, reopening of Spanish-German clearing account, and the manufacture of trucks in Spain. 1 p. Sept. 1944 |
44398 | List of German credits, including P. Franz Nehmeyer and the Bremer Bank, opened at the Banco Espirito Santo e Comercial de Lisboa. Four of the credits were opened by order of the Sociedade Central de Cervejas of Lisbon, Portugal. 1 p. July 1944 |
44456 | Marshal Ion Antonescu's (Note 36) claims to have saved Jews in Rumania. 2 pp. Aug. 1944 |
44566 | Note on the Spanish Spanish firm of Febricacion Espanola de Fibras Textiles Artificiales S.A. (FEFASA). and the German Phrix and a textile plant at Miranda de Ebro. 1 p. September 1944; see also L 48509 FEFASA-Phrix Deal. FEFASA, Spanish artificial textiles concern. 1 p. October-November 1944 |
44741 | Report by the German information service in Lisbon, Portugal; includes excerpts from Swiss articles about Great Britain. 15 pp. April 1944 |
44803 | Chosen parts of the Hitler Jugend [Youth] and Sicherheitsdienst [SD] are preparing to go underground in case of a German defeat-huge sums are deposited at Swiss banks. 1 p. June 1944 |
44932 | Notes on Swiss-Argentine exchange through Spain, on Spanish-German trade, etc. 2 pp. September 1944 |
45005 | Cipher communications between Switzerland and Rumania. 1 p. September 1944 |
45134 | The Bank of Portugal is trying to liquidate its gold holdings (mostly of German origin) in Switzerland to cover imports from Sweden or Switzerland. 1 p. August 1944 |
45138 | Spanish clients told German manufactures to store their goods in Switzerland. 1 p. Sept. 1944; see also L 46545 List of materials for Spanish naval construction, which were ordered from Germany are being stored in Switzerland. 4 pp. Sept.-Oct. 1944; L 46550 Information on Spanish-ordered machinery from Germany which is being stored in Switzerland. 2 pp. Sept.-Oct. 1944; L 46709 Information on Spanish orders for machinery from Germany which are being held in Switzerland. 1 p. October 1944; L 48653 Storage of German goods in Switzerland in transit to Spain. 2 pp. Nov. 1944; L 48782 Storage of Spanish imports of Skada material in Switzerland. efforts to move Spanish orders from Germany to Switzerland. 3 pp. Nov. 1944; L 48784 Viscosa machinery for Spain shipped to Chiasso by the Schenker Transfer Company for storage in Switzerland. 1 p. Nov. 1944; L 48850 Report that the Germans have tried to divert various kinds of material located in Germany and Italy to storage warehouses in Switzerland in order to remove it from Allied control and to enable the Germans to regain control of it after the war. 1 p. Sept. 1944; L 48866 Negotiations for storage of material in Switzerland in transit from Germany to Spain; protection of German patents in Spain. 2 pp. Nov. 1944; L 49735 Information on the storage in Switzerland of German goods consigned to Spain. 2 pp. Dec. 1944; L 50237 Information on storage in Switzerland of German goods consigned to Spain. 1 p. Dec. 1944: L 52150 Spanish Ministry of Industry and Commerce instructed the Spanish Commercial attache in Berlin, Germany to arrange for transport permits and storage in Switzerland of German goods consigned to Spain. 1 p. Jan. 1945; L 52261 Notes on Spanish trade with Germany, including an application for Swiss storage for goods in transit from Germany to Spain. 2 pp. January 1945 |
45356 | Himmler's postwar plans to keep Nazism alive. 1 p. September 1944; see also L 49087 Report on Himmler's instructions to the German Underground in postwar Germany and on the proposed organization and operation of postwar Nazi intelligence and counterintelligence. 6 pp. October 1944; L 55506 Opinion regarding the Nazis (in particular, Himmler's) intentions to wage a third world war. 5 pp. April 1945 |
45375 | A Schedule showing personnel of various Swiss industrial works. 1 p. August 1944; see also L 47162 List of employment in the most important Swiss works in June 1944. 1 p.; L 52409 Employment figures of the more important industrial works of Swiss industry listed along with the name of the firms. 1 p. December 1944; L 52971 List of important Swiss factories, with number of workers and administrative personnel in each. 1 p. December 1944 |
45493 | Report giving information from German war prisoners about various matters, including political personalities (named and described) including Gestapo and concentration camp officials. 6 pp. September 1944 |
45729 | List of German and suspected firms with balances at the Banco Borges & Irmao in Porto, Portugal. 1 p. August 1944 |
45831 | A German dealer in Lisbon, Portugal, has transferred his wealth to his Portuguese children in order to avoid German taxes. 1 p. August 1944 |
45895 | Notes on the partial mobilization of Swiss troops. 1 p. August 1944 |
45996 | Note on resumption of Swiss-Spanish shipments. 1 p. September 1944 |
45998 | Notes on the Spanish activities of certain German firms. 2 pp. September 1944 |
46035-46036 | Atrocities and requisitions in France. 6 pp. Aug. 1944; see also L 46054 Atrocities in France. 4 pp. Aug. 1944; L 46060 Atrocities at Gevrieu, France. 2 pp. August 1944; L 46064 The massacres of Oradour Sur-Glane. (Note 37) 4pp. August 1944 |
46403 | Note on an order of payment in Lisbon, Portugal from the Banque Cantonal in Switzerland to the Irish Legation in Bern, Switzerland. 1 p. August 1944 |
46408 | Notes on Spanish-Swiss trucking service which was being organized. 1 p. September 1944 |
46423 | Information on Spanish and Portuguese trade with Germany and Switzerland. 1 p. October 1944 |
46598 | Notes on a Swiss armament factory working for Germany and on its negotiations with Spain. 1 p. August 1944 |
47032 | List of financial transactions of the Banco Espirito Santo e Comercial de Lisbon, Portugal with German, Swiss, Swedish, Iranian, and Spanish banks and firms, followed by notes on Adao Poloma and tin smuggling. 5 pp. September 1944 |
47150 | Gold is sent out of Germany to be deposited in the German legations in neutral counties, especially Spain, Portugal, and Switzerland. 1 p. July 1944 |
47172 | Oerlikon Works-Switzerland. 1 p. Sept. 1944; see also L 47460 Activity of the Oerlikon Works. 1 p. Aug. 1944; L 50342 Production has been cut in the Oerlikon Works. One French order has been canceled by the de Gaulle government because the firm is on their Blacklist, and another order placed by Turkey has likewise been rescinded. 1 p. Nov. 1944; L 53947 Data on production and labor at the Oerlikon Works. 1 p. Dec. 1944; L 55109 Notes on production at the Oerlikon Works. 1 p. February 1945 |
47178 | Escher-Wyss of Switzerland is working on a large order for Germany. Flame-throwers are despatched from Switzerland under the name Brennstoffbehaelter. 1 p. Sept. 1944 |
48340 | Report on the political and economic views of Narciso Freire de Andrade, Portuguese delegate to the International Red Cross in Switzerland, and thought to be pro-German. 2 pp. October 1944 |
48434 | Radio intercepts on Spanish trade with Germany. 3 pp. October-November 1944 |
48439 | Radio intercepts on Spanish trade with Germany, stressing storage of goods in Switzerland. 2 pp. Nov. 1944; see also L 48843 Radio intercepts on Swiss storage for German shipments to Spain, on Spanish chemical imports from Germany. 2 pp. Nov. 1944; see also L 49036 Radio intercepts about Spanish trade with Germany and Hungary, and storage of orders in Switzerland. 2 pp. November 1944 |
48507 | Spanish trade with Germany and Hungary. 2 pp. November 1944 |
48520 | Portugal-Art objects offered for sale. Adolphe Weiss is trying to sell the famous series of Beauvais XVIII Century tapestries. 2 pp. July 1944 |
48583 | Intercepted radio messages about interrupted Geneva-Cerbere freight traffic. 1 p. November 1944 |
48584 | Intercepted radio messages about a freight depot in Switzerland for merchandise consigned to Spain. Telefunken's Madrid, Spain branch wants its German office to deliver goods by air freight. 1 p. November 1944 |
48643 | Yugoslavia: Withdrawal of Prison and War and Labor Camps-A Brief Report. 1 p. November 1944 |
48654 | The Madrid, Spain Post Office no longer accepts mail for Switzerland. 1 p. Nov. 1944 |
48656 | The Winterthur Bank of Switzerland informed the Bulgarian Credit Bank that it could not continue transmitting the latter's messages to other foreign organizations. 1 p. November 1944 |
48713 | German Rolling Stock in Switzerland-a brief report. 1 p. October 1944 |
48780 | Transport difficulties continue to cause Spanish cancellation of orders from Germany. Apparently Spain continues to buy chemicals from Germany. 2 pp. November 1944 |
48781 | German companies' trade with Spain; Swiss-Spanish aviation deal; Spanish trade with Swiss firms (including blacklisted ones); Swiss material for Spanish arms factories; and German-Spanish munitions trade. 2 pp. November 1944 |
48838 | Notes on Hungarian shipments of chemicals, etc., on Hungarian imports of Swiss textiles, and on German seizure of Hungarian goods consigned to Vienna, Austria. 2 pp. November 1944 |
48844 | Spain and Portugal and air freight and postal communications with Germany. 1 p. November 1944 |
48857 | Report that a large part of the German capital in Portugal had been brought there through Freiherr von Knigge of the Rheinische Metallwerke and Kurt Seebohm. 1 p. October 1944 |
48900 | Report on smuggling of French currency on the Pyrenees border into Spain, sponsored by Germans in Spain (Dietrich and Vogler). 1 p. September 1944 |
48940 | Bulgarian-Turkey trade and information on the Chemical Industry Society has requested the renewal of Swiss patents in Bulgaria. 1 p. November 1944 |
49035 | Progress in Franco-Spanish trade relations. 1 p. November 1944 |
49039 | German-Spanish insurance interests are being reorganized. 1 p. November 1944 |
49054 | Germany has a bauxite shortage since the loss of France-a Swiss factory may derive some aluminum from its French mines. 1 p. October 1944 |
49105 | Instructions for Disposition of Enemy Assets in French Colonies. 1 p. November 1944 |
49216 | Removal of Japanese Embassy Services from Berlin, Germany to Switzerland. 1 p. November 1944 |
49264 | Purchase of South American currency as a possible transfer of enemy funds. 1 p. October 1944 |
49413 | Hungarians are being mobilized and their children are being evacuated to Switzerland. 2 pp. November 1944 |
49508 | Notes on German and coal and chemical deliveries to Switzerland and on Swiss food and precision instruments delivered to Germany. 1 p. October 1944 |
49541 | German security deposits in banks at Davos, Switzerland.1 p. October 1944 |
49647 | Report on Swiss-German oil relations. 4 pp. October 1944 |
49688 | Survey on Italian occupation methods and requisitions in France, Corsica, and Tunisia since the French armistice, mentioning financial relations, occupation charges, and economic control. 101 pp. February 1944 |
49888 | Deutsche Reichsbahn transported war material without the knowledge of the Swiss. 1 p. November 1944 |
50121 | Report of a standard contract set up between Italian and German firms concerning transfer of machinery into Germany, to be returned to Italy within one year after end of war. 1 p. November 1944 |
50175 | Report of Spanish visas for Tangier authorized for 700 Jews at present in Hungary. 1 p. Dec. 1944; see also L 52331 Jews in Budapest, Hungary. 1 p. Nov.-Dec. 1944; L 54346 Religious matters in Hungary vis a vis the deportation of Jews. 4 pp. March 1945 |
50268 | A report of wartime refugees who have crossed into the Canton of Schaffhausen, Switzerland, since the outbreak of the war. A small portion of these were sent back following their illegal crossing. 2 pp. October 1944 |
50269 | Swiss policy on admitting refugees does not include the admission of criminals. The Swiss will decide later about war criminals. 1 p. October 1944 |
50270 | Confidential statement to the Swiss press by Col. Plancherel of the Press and Radio Section of the Swiss Federal Council about Switzerland's policy in admitting civilian and military refugees. 4 pp. October 1944 |
50316 | Report that properties of the Protectrice and Concord Companies were ordered sequestered by French authorities. These companies are subsidiaries of Assicurazioni Generali Venezia and of Sicurta Adriatics. Allied authorities in Rome, Italy have been requested to intervene. The request was made by the representatives of the companies through Swiss authorities. 1 p. November 1944 |
50339 | Various German purchasing agencies in Switzerland were merged with DIKO (Deutsche Industrie Kommission) at Bern, Switzerland. One reason for the consolidation is the refusal of the Swiss to sell further materials on credit; and other was to release people for the total mobilization 1 p. October 1944 |
50357 | Notes on German coal moving through Switzerland to Italy. 2 pp. November 1944; see also L 53088 Report concerning shipment of merchandise and coal between Germany and Italy, showing merchandise rejected by Swiss railroads. 7 pp. January 1945 |
50544 | Morale of the Germany colony in Geneva, Switzerland is very low. 1 p. October 1944 |
50901 | Swiss Statement of Policy in the Event of an Attack. 2 pp. October 1944 |
51388 | Albert Speer is reported to have stated that after the defeat of the German Army it will be up to German industry to equip and maintain the Nazi Party as an underground force. 2 pp. January 1945 |
51832 | Aussenhandel-Finanzierungsgessellschaft in Berlin, Germany told G. Brucker-Traus Ltds in Lisbon, Portugal, to transfer the property rights of merchandise to them. 1 p. January 1945 |
51850 | Most of the German transit train traffic passes through Switzerland, but these trains are composed only of empty cars, as the Swiss will not allow the transport of war material through their country. Route of loaded trains to and from Italy is also given. 1 p. December 1944 |
51946 | British agents exchange gold pounds in Naples. Procedure and prices are indicated. 1 p. December 1944 |
52113 | German purchasing of Sovereigns in Tangier. 1 p. November 1944 |
52178 | Notes on Swiss francs to be received by Turkish students in Germany through an order drawn to the Turkish Ambsssador at Bern, Switzerland, by Trakseker at Ankara, Turkey. 1 p. January 1945 |
52242 | Report on trade between Spain and Germany during the occupation of France. 2pp. January 1945 |
52392 | Engadiner Kraftwerksprojekte Zurich and Basel, Switzerland, an affiliate of Reinisch- Westfalische. November 1944 |
52432 | Rumanian-Swiss-German trade deal for electrodes. 1 p. December 1944 |
52700 | Anibal Guimaraes of Povoa, Portugal, bought the Elgui factory at Porto, Portugal and other property with funds given by Kurt Dithmer. 1 p. December 1944 |
52702 | Members of the Spanish diplomatic corps in Germany safeguard their private funds by transferring them to official bank accounts. Transfers by the Deutsche Bank are mentioned. 1 p. February 1945 |
52867 | Wehrli & Co. Swiss bankers, have transferred money to Argentina for von Ribbentrop; negotiated a settlement for Fritz Mandl with the Austrian State, and handled affairs for other Germans. ca. 10 pp. February 1945 |
52976 | Sale of enemy assets in Tangier, including the sale of the Paris cinema in Tangier by Madame Bernhardet to some Spanish Jews. 2 pp. January 1945 |
53127 | Information concerning Samuel Nordman, who reportedly engages in large scale currency and securities traffic across the Franco-Swiss border. Nordman is said to work with Jewish traffickers who transfer tangible assets from Germany. 1 p. January 1945 |
53128 | Traffic from Switzerland to Spain. 1 p. January 1945 |
53129 | Franco-Swiss border smuggling. 1 p. January 1945 |
53132 | French currency and securities entering Switzerland illegally. 1 p. January 1945 |
53337 | Excerpts from letters relating to numerous subjects, including Swiss-Turkish relations, the fate of Bulgarian Jews, and German atrocities on the Russian front. 12 pp. Dec. 1944 |
53675 | Mr. Vieli, former Swiss Minister to Rome, Italy, and a member of high financial circles, arranged the transfer of Ciano's capital to Switzerland. 1 p. February 1945 |
53725 | German efforts to take control of Companhis Vidreira Nacional, Lda., Portugal. 1 p. January 1945 |
53795 | Messages from the Madrid, Spain and Lisbon offices of the Otto Wolff Co., to the Berlin, Germany office, concerning goods, money transfer, and a visa. 2 pp. February 1945; see also L 55056 Negotiations between Spain and Germany for entry into Spain of Otto Wolff representatives and transfers of funds. 2 pp. March-April 1945 |
54336 | Italian fascist industrialists in Spain; also cloaking of Italian funds in Spain. 2 pp. February 1945 |
54402 | Germans in Portugal, in order to find new outlets for their money, have turned to the motion picture industry. 1 p. February 1945 |
54448 | Horst Biel, Messerschmitt foreign sales executive, and visit to Switzerland, approved by Swiss Federal Police. 1 p. March 1945 |
54464 | Report regarding credit opened with the Deutsche Uberseeische Bank for shipments of material for Flix installations. Transactions made by Pasch, German commercial agent in Bilbao, Spain, in connection with what appears to be a Spanish river control project at Vilallonga del Campo. 2 pp. February-March 1945 |
54732 | Information on activities of German commercial representative Werner Schlueter in Spain. Names of various German concerns are mentioned. 2 pp. March 1945 |
54854 | Portuguese-German air communications. 1 p. March 1945 |
54875 | Report on the underground channel for enemy accumulation of gold or Swiss banknotes, smuggled across the Swiss-Italian border. 2 pp. March 1945 |
54959 | Information on the personnel of the German Consulate in Tetuan, Spain. 2 pp. Mar. 1945 |
54964 | Radio messages about conditions in the Reich and German-occupied areas, including financial transactions. 7 pp. March-April 1945 |
55005 | Movement of German commands and former Fascist officials to region of Italian-Swiss frontier. 1 p. March 1945 |
55035 | Silver articles stolen from chateaux in the south of France was brought to Tangier and sold by Jacques and Moise Azerrad, who have received other articles in irregular fashion. 1 p. March 1945 |
55059 | List of transfers of funds from Span to Spainish diplomatic representatives in Germany and Vienna, Austria. Hitler Jugend transferred funds to its Madrid, Spain branch. 1 p. April 1945 |
55094 | Lufthansa still flies on the Stuttgart-Italy-Barcelona-Lisbon routes using American and British markings. They export from Germany gold, bonds, and Nazi personalities. 1 p. March 1945 |
55095 | Kurzmantel, manager of the Deutsche Bank, now in Switzerland. Before the blocking of German accounts he transmitted a large sum to Deutsche Ueberseebank in Madrid, Spain. 1 p. March 1945 |
55105 | Notes on production at the Aceros Finos S.A., Barcelona, Spain, a 100% German Rochling firm. 1 p. February 1945 |
55110 | Report on employment figure of various industrial factories in Switzerland. 1 p. Jan. 1945 |
55126 | Intercepted German commercial messages to Italy on transfers of money, etc. 3 pp. April 1945 |
55179 | Report on the financial situation in northern Italy. 1 p. March 1945 |
55267 | Intercepted Swiss radio messages revealing Swiss-German trade relations; including banking transactions. 26 pp. March 23-April 11, 1945 |
55380 | German accounts in Norwegian banks, and military information. 5 pp. April 1945 |
55782 | German firm Transport Abteilung Schweiz was formed in Switzerland to transport goods out of Germany. 1 p. April 1945 |
55783 | Werewolf organization contains many Gestapo members posing as Jews. 1 p. April 1945 |
56106 | Regulations regarding entrance of foreign refugees, military and civilian, into Switzerland- most of them will be refused. 1 p. April 1945 |
56321 | Report on the owners of Ica Portuguese, Lda., in Portugal, and representatives of the firm Continental Caoutchouc-Export A.G., Hamburg, Germany. 1 p. April 1945 |
56327 | Observations by a Brussels, Belgium lawyer on the Belgian financial situation. The Banque d'Emission had been formed after the flight of the Banque Nationale to Paris, France, and was kept on as a camouflage for collaborationist activity. The clearing system between banks is explained. German insurance companies operated in Belgium by seizing Allied companies. The Office des Sequestres is uncovering German holdings in Belgium. 2 pp. April 1945 |
56399 | Notes on German funds in Sweden and methods of transferring them. 1 p. April 1945 |
56640 | Rivalries in the German Security Police (RSHA). 1 p. February 1945 |
57153 | Safehaven report on transfer of funds from the Japanische Marine Mission to various Swiss companies; communications were sent through the Reichsbank, Berlin, Germany. 1 p. May 1945 |
57224 | Bernhard Berghaus, German industrialist is at present in Switzerland, trying to safeguard his many financial interests. He is a brother-in-law of Paul Kurt von Gontard, president of Anheuser Busch in the United States. He deposited $400,000 in New York bank in 1939, either in a joint account or in Gontard's name. 1 p. June 1945 |
57232 | Biographical information regarding Guilherme Pinto Herberts, alias Herculeno Eca, a Portuguese commentator on Radio Berlin, who has lived in Portugal for many years. It is probable that he has now reached Switzerland and is preparing to return to Portugal. 1 p. May 1945 |
57233 | Notes on Karl Ley, a commission agent of German nationality in Portugal, and on the firm of Diego Jose Navarro Sucra, Ltd., Porto, Portugal.. 1 p. May 1945 |
57234 | Report on property purchases by the German group of Porto, Portugal. 1 p. May 1945 |
57236 | Report containing information on the names of individuals and firms in Portugal financed by the German group in Porto, Portugal. 2 pp. May 1945 |
57241 | Information on the Portuguese firm, Sociedade de Anilinas, Lda., Porto, Portugal, which represents I.G. Farben. 1 p. April 1945 |
57244 | Information on German interest in the Belgian electrical appliance firm, Societe Anonyme Allumage-Lumiere; one of the shareholders, a Swedish firm, is only a dummy organization set up to cloak German interests. 2 pp. June 1945 |
57257 | Financial dealings in Portugal undertaken in the event the Portuguese confiscated German assets. 1 p. May 1945 |
57260 | Report that the Companhia Hansiatua, financed by German capital, has closed, but its capital was transferred to A. Macedo Bastos. 1 p. April 1945 |
57263 | Report on the activities of Otto Eckert, a Counselor of the German legation in Lisbon, Portugal, regarding German property in Portugal. 2 pp. May 1945 |
57267 | Transfers of assets by Germans and pro-Germans in Portugal. 1 p. May 1945 |
57284 | German capital in Dutch insurance firm. 1 p. June 1945 |
57500 | Interrogation of Bela Imredy, former Nazi leader in Hungary. 2 pp. |
57603 | The Compania Naviera Bachi of Bilboa, Spain, is run by pro-Germans. 1 p. May 1945 |
57623 | All payments made to UFA for films shown in Sweden, Spain, and Switzerland have remained in the banks of the respective countries and have not been sent back to Germany. 1 p. May 1945 |
57703 | Translated copy of a questionnaire supplied by DGER to an agent in Switzerland asking for information on Swiss banks, their personnel, their relations with Germany and France, certain firms, individuals, and foreign diplomatic officers, and Swiss relations with Monaco, Sweden, and Greece. 3 pp. November 1944 |
57735 | Juan March, Spanish financier, has agents throughout Europe. 1 p. June 1945 |
57738 | Names of important members of Agrex S.L. and of Corporacion Internacional de Comercio S.A. of Barcelona, Spain, new importing and exporting firms. 1 p. June 1945 |
57751 | Activities of Baron Johannes Charles-Safehaven-Monaco; organizer of Bank Charles in Monaco, which was financed by the Reichsbank. 3 pp. 1941-1944 |
57954 | Information about German business-Swiss connections. 5 pp. April 1944-March 1945 |
57968 | Untranslated Dutch documents on business transactions in the Netherlands during the war and German occupation, involving Dutch government bureaux and the German authorities. ca. 100 pp. July 1944 |
58284 | List of Portuguese who have received gratitudes from the Germans. 1 p. July 1945 |
58286 | Stockholders of Keres Ltda (Procliamed List), and of Sociedade de Produtes Exclusives, Lisbon, Portugal. 1 p. July 1945 |
58287 | Manuel Munze's firm Machado and Nunez is a cloak for Marcus and Harting of Lisbon, Portugal, which trades with Germany. 1 p. July 1945 |
58288 | Andersen and Musum of Lisbon, Portugal, and its dealings with the Germans. 1 p. May 1945 |
58289 | Sales by the Companhia Mineira del Norte de Portugal of a truck load of metals, and of 300 rails. 1 p. May 1945 |
58296 | Brief account of Laboratorious Bial (Portela and Cia) of Porto, Portugal. 2 pp. July 1945 |
58298 | List of merchandise bought by Bachelar, Mendez and Concalves Lda from the German- controlled Companhia Mineira de Norte de Portugal. 1 p. June 1945 |
58300 | Olivcira Rodrigues Lda of Porto, Portugal is mostly owned by Fernado Vasconceles Guimaraes whose other firms used to send things to Germany. Antonio Peixete Pachancho, Portuguese industrialist, was put on the Proclaimed List. 1 p. July 1945 |
58305 | Sociedade Imbert Portuguesa Ltda (Sipla), an automobile company, is mostly owned by the Proclaimed-Listed J. P. Weber. 1 p. June 1945 |
58306 | List of director shareholders of the Fabrica de Lachticinios Aquis Lda of Madeira Islands. 1 p. June 1945 |
58309 | List of credit balances of clients of Seusa Cruz and Cia, Portugal. 1 p. June 1945 |
58313 | Hitzemann and Cia is removing funds from Portugues banks. 1 p. May 1945 |
58314 | Amando Halpern, a Polish Jew, deals in precious stones in Lisbon and Porto, Portugal. 1 p. June 1945 |
58315 | List of partners in Services Aeroes Portuguese Ltda, Deutsch Lufthansa's Portuguese agents. 1 p. June 1945 |
58319 | List of owners of Porto, Portugal buildings which are occupied by German or Proclaimed- listed firms. 1 p. June 1945 |
58320 | Information on Alexandre Barros and his firm Barros e Chave, Portugal. 1 p. June 1945 |
58321 | Proclaimed Listed Marques de Aguiar and Cia, Lda. of Porto, Portugal, is declared in liquidation. Some Portuguese property transfers by individuals are listed. 1 p. June 1945 |
58326 | The blacklisted Arnalde Mereira da Rocha Brite of Porto, Portugal, tried to get Angele Paesar to persuade the British to remove his firm from the blacklist. The Companhia Mineira de Norte de Portugal withdrew funds from 2 banks before its assets were frozen. It was warned by the Inspector of Commerce. 1 p. June 1945 |
58330 | Mineira Lisbeneuse S.A.R.L. (Proclaimed List) made a fictitious sale of property. 1 p. June 1945 |
58331 | Hauser and Fernandez, Lda, of Lisbon, Portugal, and its German dealings. 1 p. May 1945 |
58332 | Jose Auguste Pinto de Amaral of Porto, Portugal, is a member of the blacklisted firm of Eduardo Barbesa Lda. He set up two new firms which were also blacklisted. 1 p. June 1945 |
58389 | Portuguese firms and individuals aided by German groups of Lisbon and Porto, Portugal. 4 pp. June-July 1945 |
58492 | Hotel del Escorial in Madrid, Spain, purchased by a German through the Banco Germanico de America del Sur. 1 p. June 1945 |
58554 | Report on the Marta Film Co. of Madrid, Spain, its financial dealings and trade with the Axis. 2 pp. June 1945 |
58561 | Financial statement of the account of Sociedade de Anilinos Lda in Porto, Portugal's Banco Espirito Santo e Comercial de Lisboa. 1 p. August 1945 |
58562 | Names of Portuguese stockholders of the drug firm of Ferraz, Lince, Tavares, Lda, which employs Germans. 1 p. June 1945 |
58596 | Information on German interests in Sweden, noting recent transfers of funds from Germany to Sweden. 1 p. May 1945 |
58605 | Council members of Lipperheide and Guzman S.A. transferred their accounts to the title of Industrias Reunidas Minero-Metalluggicas S.A. and began investing in jewels. 2 pp. May 1945 |
58634 | Luis Rose, a German, has been travelling thru Spain buying valuable paintings and tapestries, which, he said were to be held for German account. In July 1945 he was employed by Eugenio Erhardt of Bilbao, Spain. 1 p. July 1945 |
Records of Divisions
Records of the Economics Division
Security-Classified Correspondence of Emile Despres, Division Chief of the Economics Division 1941-1945 (Entry 27)
Arranged alphabetically by subject. Some of the documents originated in the Office of the Coordinator of Information and others reflect Mr. Despres' assignment as a part-time official of the Department of State. Boxes 1-2
Box# | File Title or Subject |
1 | Cartels Austria General Conditions-Scandinavia Axis Capabilities Germany Liberated Areas Military Government-Germany |
2 | OSS and State-Germany-Foreign Trade Post-War Economic and Financial Problems Outpost Correspondence 1944 State-Germany-Objectives of US Economic Policy, Post Surrender Measures State-Reparations State-Treatment of Germany Sweden OSS-Board of Economic Warfare Objectives and Functions of MG Program |
Security-Classified Correspondence and Reports 1942-1944 (Entry 28)
Arranged by subject
Box 1
Security-Classified Reports Prepared by the Economics Division of the Office of the Coordinator of Information 1941-1942 (Entry 29)
Arranged and numbered in chronological order.
Box 3
Security-Classified Reports Concerning Recovery of Looted Art Treasures in Germany 1940-1945 (Entry 30)
Box 1
Security-Classified Reports Relating to Military Supplies of the Axis Powers 1942-1944 (Entry 33)
Arranged and numbered by date of receipt. Box 1 Security-Classified Reports on Industrial Resources of Axis Powers 1942-1943 (Entry 34)
Arranged and numbered by date of receipt.
Boxes 2-3
Security-Classified Reports Concerning German Trade and Shipping 1942 (Entry 35)
Arranged chronologically.
Box 2
Security-Classified Reports Relating to Economic and Industrial Conditions in Germany 1943-1944 (Entry 36)
Arranged and numbered in chronological order.
Box 2
Records of the Europe-Africa Division
Security-Classified Correspondence of the Division Chief 1942-1945 (Entry 37)
Arranged alphabetically by subject or by name or person or agency. Some unarranged material is at the end of the series. Boxes 1-7
Box# | File Title or Subject |
1 | Joint Intelligence Committee-Estimate of the Enemy Situation in the European
Theater [May 1944] American Foreign Policy Civil Affairs Division (2 folders) Treatment of Germany |
2 | Alien Property Custodian Biographical Records R&A Branch British Intelligence Agencies Civil Affairs Division Civil Affairs (2 folders) Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee Central European Section |
3 | Economic Subdivision Foreign Economic Administration Industry and Trade Section Commerce Department Insurance Intelligence Unit Interdepartmental Committee Europe-Africa Division Monthly Reports Intelligence Directives |
4 | Joint Intelligence Committee-Joint Chiefs of Staff Office of War Information Justice Department Latin America Division Near East Section Political Subdivision POW Interrogations Italian Section |
5 | Intelligence Requirements Securities and Exchange Commission R&A History |
6 | War Department Correspondence War Refugee Board UNRRA Western European Section War Crimes Program |
7 | JANIS Studies Axis Capabilities Teams |
Security-Classified General Correspondence 1941-1945 (Entry 38)
Arranged alphabetically by subject or by name of person or agency. Some unarranged material is at the end of the series. Boxes 1-6
Box# | File Title or Subject |
1 | Economics Division Board of Economic Warfare Commerce Department Central Current Information Division |
2 | Department of Justice Library of Congress |
2-3 | Reading Files September 1941-June 1944 |
4 | War Department |
5-6 | Miscellaneous |
Security-Classified Correspondence Relating to Outposts 1942-1945 (Entry 39)
Arranged alphabetically by subject and thereunder chronologically. Boxes 1-3
Security-Classified Correspondence and Reports Relating to Affairs and Conditions in Europe and Africa 1942-1945 (Entry 40)
Correspondence unarranged; reports arranged numerically.
Boxes 1-2
Security-Classified Cablegrams Received From and Sent To Outposts 1944-1945 (Entry 41)
Arranged according to incoming and outgoing subseries and thereunder chronologically. Box 1
Security-Classified Monthly Progress Reports September 1943-June 1945 (Entry 42)
Arranged chronologically. Box 1
Security-Classified "Civil Affairs Guides" and Correspondence Relating to Conditions and Institutions in Germany and German-Occupied Countries 1944-1945 (Entry 44)
Arranged by name of country and thereunder by subject.
Boxes 1-8
Box# | File Title or Subject |
1 | France (5 folders) Belgium Italy Germany Netherlands |
2 | France Germany |
3 | Guides to the Elimination of Nazis and Pro-Nazis From Positions of Power (7 folders) |
3-4 | Guides to the Elimination of Nazi Political, Cultural and Quasi-Governmental Institutions |
4-6 | Economic Planning Guides |
6 | Guides to Ownership and Control of Property (6 folders) loc: 190/5/4/03 |
7 | Guides to Trade and Financial Institutions (8 folders) |
8 | Austria (9 folders) |
Security-Classified Records Relating to Outpost Activities in France 1944-1945 (Entry 49)
Arranged by type of record and thereunder chronologically. Boxes 1-2
Security-Classified Records Relating to Outposts in Germany 1945 (Entry 50)
Arranged by type of record and thereunder chronologically. Box 1
Security-Classified Records Relating to Outposts in Italy 1943-1945 (Entry 51)
Arranged by type of record and thereunder chronologically. Boxes 1-3
Security-Classified Records Relating to the London Outpost 1944-1945 (Entry 52)
Arranged by type of record and thereunder chronologically. Boxes 1-5
Records of the Latin American Division
Security-Cassified Biweekly Latin American Situation Reports 1944-1945 (Entry 56)l
Arranged chronologically. Boxes 1-2
Records of the Research and Analysis Branch: Latin American Section 1940-1945 (Entry 175)
Boxes 1-2
Box# | Folder # | File Title or Subject |
1 | 1 | German and other nationalities in Brazil
Germans in Blumenau, Brazil Axis investments Nazi organizations Franquist and Falangist organizations |
2 | Latin America-economic problems
Argentine revolt Foreign capital in Brazil Effect of war in Argentina | |
3 | Spanish policy | |
6 | Latin American Economic Newsletters #38-44 | |
2 | 7 | South Germany-Analysis of political and social organization, economic controls, etc. 736pp. September 22, 1944 |
8 | Committee on the Coordination and Analysis of Latin American Information-Analysis reports and minutes of meetings. September 16-December 17, 1941 |
Records of the Interdepartmental Committee for the Acquisition of Foreign Publications
Security-Classified Interrogation Reports of German Prisoners of War Relating to the Condition of German Archives, Libraries, Book Trade, and Publishing Industry 1944-1945(Entry 66)
Arranged numerically. These interrogations were conducted in England by the Interdepartmental Committee.
Box 1
Records of Field Offices
Records of the European Theater of Operations
This field office of the Research and Analysis Branch was called the London Office in 1942. In the spring of 1945 the office was moved from London to Paris.
Security-Classified General Correspondence 1944-1945 (Entry 73)
Arranged by subject and thereunder chronologically. Boxes 1-8
Security-Classified Correspondence of Branch Chiefs Chandler Morse and William Langer 1943-1945 (Entry 74)
Arranged by name of person or place or by subject. Boxes 1-3
Security-Classified Correspondence of Deputy Chief Allan Evans 1942-1945 (Entry 75)
Arranged alphabetically by subject and thereunder chronologically. Boxes 1-4
Security-Classified Correspondence of the Biographical Records Division 1944-1945 (Entry 76)
Arranged by name of place or by subject. Box 1
Security-Classified General Correspondence of the Enemy Objective Unit of the Economic Warfare Division 1943-1945 (Entry 77)
Arranged by name of person or by subject Boxes 1-6
Security-Classified Correspondence of the OSS Mission to Germany 1944-1945 (Entry 81)
Arranged according to an alpha-numeric scheme. Boxes 1-3
Security-Classified Reports of the OSS Mission to France Relating to French Political and Economic Conditions 1945 (Entry 82)
Arranged chronologically. Box 1
Records of the Mediterranean Theater of Operations
Security-Classified Correspondence 1943-1945 (Entry 83)
Arranged alphabetically subject or by name of person and thereunder chronologically. Boxes 1-2
Records Relating to the Research and Analysis Branch Jewish Desk (Entry 191)
These records were accumulated by Irving Dwork and Abraham Druker. (Note 38) Boxes 1-4
Box# | Folder # | File Title or Subject |
1 | 1 | Concentration Camps, Germany. |
4 | Jews in Hungary, Research and Analysis Branch Report #2027 October 19, 1944 | |
6 | Buchenwald 1945 | |
8 | Axis Concentration Camps and Deterntion Centers in Europe-Basic Handbook | |
12 | Conspiracy Against the Jewish People-Poland 1945 | |
14 | Hungary, Jews 1944 | |
15 | Hungarian Jews 1944 | |
16 | War Crimes-from Bern, Switzerland, October 1944 | |
17 | Budapest, Hungary, Jews in, October 1944 | |
2 | 18 | Central Europe |
19 | Allied Military Government and the Jewish Problem-Civil Affairs Guide, April 29, 1944 | |
20 | Anti-Jewish Measures October 15, 1943 | |
22 | The Gestapo August 6, 1945 | |
23 | Anti-Semitic Propaganda of the Nazis in Latin America | |
24 | Conspiracy Against the Jewish People, Germany, 1933-1944 | |
3 | 25 | OSS Report on Rescuse Work [for Jewish refugees] October 25, 1944 |