Contact Information for Federal Agency Records Officers
NARA has oversight authority for the agencies and department level offices listed on these pages. The individuals listed here have authority to certify and submit records schedules to NARA. NARA also has a list of entities not subject to the Federal Records Act.
When agencies need to designate a new Records Officer or update a Records Officer's contact information, they should submit this information to Designation emails or letters may be brief, but should contain name, title, address, phone and email. Designations of new Records Officers should be submitted by the Departmental or agency SAORM and may be submitted either via letter or email from the SAORM (or email from other designated agency staff with attachment of signed letter) to the mailbox. Alternatively, letters may be mailed to: Chief Records Officer, NARA, Room 2100, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740.
Federal Departments
Note: The Federal Agency Records Officer List is arranged alphabetically by Department and thereunder by bureau / component. For example, to find the Department of the Army, go to the Department of Defense and scroll down to the Department of the Army, after the Defense-wide organizations.
- Agriculture
- Commerce
- Defense
- Education
- Energy
- Health and Human Services
- Homeland Security
- Housing and Urban Development
- Interior
- Justice
- Labor
- State
- Transportation
- Treasury
- Veteran's Affairs
Executive Office of the President
- Council on Environmental Quality
- Office of Management and Budget
- Office of the National Cyber Director
- Office of National Drug Control Policy
- Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy
- Office of Science and Technology Policy
- Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
- United States Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator
Judicial Branch
- Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
- Federal Judicial Center
- U.S. Court of Veterans Appeals
- U.S. Sentencing Commission
- U.S. Tax Court
Legislative Branch
- Afghanistan War Commission Act of 2021
- Commission on Reform and Modernization of the Department of State
- Congressional Budget Office
- Congressional Office for International Leadership
- Executive Commission on China
- Government Accountability Office
- Government Publishing & nbsp;Office
- Library of Congress
- Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission
- Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
- National Commission on the Future of the Navy
- National Security Commission on Emerging Biotechnology
- Office of Congressional Workplace Rights
- Stennis Center for Public Service
- United States Capitol Police
- United States Semiquincentennial Commission
Federal Agencies
- Administrative Conference of the United States
- Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
- American Battle Monuments Commission
- AmeriCorps
- Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
- Armed Forces Retirement Home
- Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation
- Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
- Civil Rights Cold Case Records Review Board
- Committee for Purchase From People Who are Blind or Severely Disabled
- Commodity Futures Trading Commission
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- Consumer Product Safety Commission
- Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency
- Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia
- Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
- Denali Commission
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Export-Import Bank of the United States
- Farm Credit Administration
- Federal Communications Commission
- Federal Election Commission
- Federal Housing Finance Agency
- Federal Labor Relations Authority
- Federal Maritime Commission
- Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
- Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
- Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council
- Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
- Federal Trade Commission
- General Services Administration
- Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council
- Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation
- Independent Mexico Labor Exert Board
- Institute of Museum and Library Services
- Inter-American Foundation
- International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico
- James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation
- Japan-U. S. Friendship Commission
- Marine Mammal Commission
- Merit Systems Protection Board
- Millennium Challenge Corporation
- Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- National Archives and Records Administration
- National Capital Planning Commission
- National Council on Disability
- National Credit Union Administration
- National Endowment for the Arts
- National Endowment for the Humanities
- National Indian Gaming Commission
- National Labor Relations Board
- National Mediation Board
- National Science Foundation
- National Transportation Safety Board
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
- Office of Government Ethics
- Office of the Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction
- Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation
- Office of Personnel Management
- Office of the Director of National Intelligence
- Peace Corps
- Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
- Postal Regulatory Commission
- Presidio Trust
- Pretrial Services Agency
- Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board
- Railroad Retirement Board
- Securities and Exchange Commission
- Selective Service System
- Small Business Administration
- Social Security Administration
- Surface Transportation Board
- Tennessee Valley Authority
- U.S. Agency for Global Media
- U.S. Arctic Research Commission
- U.S. Commission of Fine Arts
- U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad
- U.S. Election Assistance Commission
- U.S. Trade and Development Agency
- United States Access Board
- United States African Development Foundation
- United States Agency for International Development
- United States Commission on Civil Rights
- United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
- United States International Development Finance Corporation
- United States International Trade Commission
- United States Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board
- United States Office of Special Counsel
- Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission