Office of the Federal Register (OFR)

Codification of Presidential Proclamations and Executive Orders


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Data Buoy Development Project, National--EO 11564
Data processing. See Computer technology
Debarment and suspension, Interagency Committee on--EO 12549
Debarment and suspension of Federal contractors--EO 12549
Decorations, medals, awards
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal--EO 10977; EO 11231
Armed Forces members, interdepartmental cash awards--EO 11438
Armed Forces Reserve Medal--EO 10163
Atomic energy research, cash awards--EO 11477
Bronze Star Medal--EO 11046
Coast and Geodetic Survey ribbons--EO 9590
Defense Distinguished Service Medal--EO 11545
Defense Meritorious Service Award--EO 12019
Defense Superior Service Medal--EO 11904
Distinguished Flying Cross--EO 4601
Good Conduct Medal--EO 8809
Humanitarian Service Medal--EO 11965
Korean Service Medal--EO 10179
Legion of Merit--EO 9260
Medal for Humane Action--EO 10325
Medal for Merit--EO 9637
Meritorious Service Medal--EO 11448
Multilateral organizations' service medals and ribbons--EO 11446
National Defense Service Medal--EO 10448
National Medal of Science--EO 10910; EO 11287
National Security Medal--EO 10431
Presidential citations, military--EO 10694
Presidential Citizens Medal--EO 11494
Presidential Medal of Freedom--EO 9586
Presidential Scholars Medallion--EO 11155
Presidential Service Badge and Presidential Service Certificate--EO 10879
President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service--EO 10717
President's ``E'' Award and Certificate of Service--EO 10978
President's Volunteer Action Award--EO 12594
Purple Heart--EO 11016
United Nations Medal and Service Ribbon--EO 11139
Vice Presidential Service Badge--EO 11926
Vietnam Service Medal--EO 11231
Defense, Department of
See also specific services
Armed Forces, U.S., pay and allowances--EO 11157
Arms control and disarmament policy--EO 11044
Aviation--EO 11161
Chemical herbicides and riot control agents--EO 11850
Civilian employees stationed in Alaska and Hawaii--EO 10895
Death benefits for survivors of military personnel--EO 12436
Decorations, medals, awards. See Decorations, medals, awards
Educational assistance for U.S. Armed Forces personnel--EO 11079
Emergency preparedness functions--EO 10480; EO 12656
Employment of U.S. citizens by treaty organizations, security clearance procedures--EO 11633
Equal employment opportunity--EO 12086
Executive schedule position--EO 12154
Functions transfers to National Aeronautics and Space Administration--EO 10783; EO 10793
Hydroclimatic network program--EO 11564
John F. Kennedy Space Center, designation--EO 11129
Labor management relations--EO 12171; EO 12391
National defense contracts--EO 10789
National Oceanographic Data Center--EO 11564
National Oceanographic Instrumentation Center--EO 11564
Nuclear energy, restrictions on data--EO 10841; EO 11057
Ocean Station Vessel Meteorological Program--EO 11564
Off-road vehicles, use on public lands--EO 11644
Panama Canal Zone, quarters allowances to Defense Department employees--EO 12520
Presidential authority, delegations--EO 10104; EO 10271; EO 10554; EO 10621; EO 10661; EO 10762; EO 10776; EO 10841; EO 11047; EO 11137; EO 11190; EO 11339; EO 11366; EO 11390; EO 11485; EO 11498; EO 11609; EO 11687; EO 11918; EO 11958; EO 12105; EO 12163; EO 12215; EO 12261; EO 12396; EO 12520; EO 12556; EO 12568; EO 12598; EO 12605; EO 12626; EO 12642; EO 12661
Secretary, order of succession--EO 12514
Trust Territories Upper Air Observation Program--EO 11564
United Nations, military support--EO 10206
Defense, national
See also Armed Forces, U.S.; Security, national
Arms export controls--EO 11958
Contracts--EO 10789
Emergency preparedness--EO 10480
National Defense Executive Reserve--EO 11179
Defense Distinguished Service Medal--EO 11545
Defense Executive Reserve, National--EO 11179
Defense mobilization program--EO 10480
Defense Production Act
Classification of positions essential for administration--EO 10647
Wage and salary controls, suspension--EO 10434
Defense Service Medal, National--EO 10448
Defense Stockpile, National--EO 12626
Defense Superior Service Medal--EO 11904
Deferrals of budget authority--EO 11845
Delegations of Presidential authority. See Presidential authority, delegations
Department. See other part of title.
Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal--EO 12656
Developing countries
Food assistance--EO 12583
Investments by private enterprise--EO 11579
Trade preferences--EO 11846
Development, Agency for International
Labor management relations--EO 11491; EO 12171
Overseas Private Investment Corporation, functions transfer--EO 11579
United States International Development Cooperation Agency, continuation under--EO 12163
Development Cooperation Agency, U.S. International
See also Development, Agency for International; Overseas Private Investment Corporation
Establishment and functions--EO 12163
Presidential authority, delegations--EO 12163; EO 12220; EO 12583
Development Coordination Committee, establishment--EO 12163
Development Loan Committee, establishment--EO 12163
Diplomatic privileges and immunities--EO 9698--EO 11689; EO 11931; EO 12651
Disabilities, President's Committee on Employment of People With--EO 12640
Disabled. See Handicapped
Disaster assistance
See also Emergency preparedness
Federal Emergency Management Agency, functions--EO 12127; EO 12148
Floodplain management--EO 11988
Food coupons--EO 11795
Livestock feed for Indian tribes--EO 11336
Nuclear facility accidents--EO 12241
Telecommunications functions, assignment--EO 12472
Wetlands protection--EO 11990
Discrimination. See Civil rights
Diseases. See Health care
Displays, Federal, historic preservation--EO 11440
Distinguished Civilian Service Awards Board--EO 10717
Distinguished Federal Civilian Service, President's Award for--EO 10717
Distinguished Flying Cross--EO 4601
District of Columbia
Equal employment opportunity--EO 11478
Mayor, delegation of Presidential authority--EO 12105
National Capital Service Area--EO 11815
National Guard--EO 11485
Taxes, income or employment, withholding by Federal employees--EO 11997
Washington Monument, display of U.S. flag--Proc. 4064
Domestic Council
Abolition and transfer of functions--EO 12045
Environmental affairs--EO 11472; EO 11541
Functions--EO 11541
Intergovernmental relations--EO 11690
Draft evaders, Vietnam era--Proc. 4483; EO 11967
Draft registration--Proc. 4771
Drug Abuse Law Enforcement, Office for--EO 11727
Drug Abuse Policy, Office of--EO 12045; EO 12368
Drug Enforcement Administration, criminal investigators, competitive status--EO 12230
Drug Free America, White House Conference for a--EO 12595
Drug Policy Board, National--EO 12368; EO 12590
Drugs and drug abuse
Federal employees, drug-free workplace--EO 12595
Law enforcement activities, coordination--EO 11727
Policy--EO 12368
Taxes on narcotic drugs in Panama Canal Zone--EO 10289
Dulles International Airport, designation--EO 10828
