Guide to Federal Records

Federal Records Guide: Alphabetical Index - C

Note: This alphabetical index to the Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States is based on a paper version with the same title compiled in 1995. The index does not reflect updates to the Guide. The updated web version of the Guide can be searched with the Search the Guide feature.

See also:

A   B   C    D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M  
N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

C-2 (airship) photographs 181.18
C-4 Troopship Exchange Program 357.2.2
C Division (National Resources Planning Board) 187.4.3
C Group (German Army) 242.7.2
Cabana Barracks, Cuba 395.11.5
Cabinet Committee on Education 220.15.8
Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for Spanish-Speaking
    People 220.15.6
Cabinet Committee on World Food Problems 16.10.3
Cabinet, Confederate 365.2.3
Cabinet members
    inaugural activities, 1969 274.8
    portraits 318.3
Cabinet Series (radio broadcasts) 44.4.1
Cabinet Task Force on Oil Import Control 220.15.1
Cable Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.6.7
Cable Censor's Handbook 182.8.1
Cable Committee (War Communications Board) 259.2
Cable Division (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.4.1
Cable Division (Censorship Office) 216.2.3
cable ships 342.10
cable telegraph communications
    Federal Communications Commission 173.3, 173.5
    federal operations 28.2.5
    international conferences 43.2.11
    Niagara letter books 313.9.3
    Signal Corps maps 111.8
    World War I censorship 38.4.4, 182.8.1
    World War II control 216.2, 259
Cable-Wireless Division (OWI) 208.5.2
Cache Creek Mission 75.19.50
cadastral surveys 49.8, 49.12, 49.14.2
Cadastral Surveys, Branch of (Land Management Bureau) 49.13.3
Cadet Activities Division (Military Academy) 404.4.5
Cadet Chapel Board (Military Academy) 404.12.2
"Cadet Glee Club" (video recording) 404.3.1
Cadet Hospital (Military Academy) 404.13
Cadet Mess Division (Military Academy) 404.9.4
Cadet Nurse Corps, U.S. 90.6.2, 215.5
Cadet Quartermaster Department (Military Academy) 404.9.3
Cadet Services Division (Military Academy) 404.9.3
Cadet Subsistence Department (Military Academy) 404.9.4
    Coast Guard Academy 26.7
    Lifesaving Service 26.4.4
    medical cadets 94.12.4
    Military Academy 94.2.6, 404, 407.4.3
        photographs 404.8.1
    Naval Academy 405
    Revenue Cutter Service 26.3.4
Cadiz, KY 393.4, 393.9, 393.12
Caemmerer, Hans Paul 66.2.1
Caggiano, Anthony F. 472.7.7
Cahaba, AL, land office 49.9.1
Cahawba, AL, Division (District Court) 21.2.7
Cahill, Holder 69.5.2
Cahill, Hope L. 69.6.3
Caibarien, Cuba 395.5.3
Caibarien, Cuba, Barracks 395.11.5
Cairo Conference, Second 43.3.6
Cairo, Egypt
    OSS base 226.17.5
Cairo, GA, agriculture experiment station 54.3.20
Cairo, IL
    Army commands 393.7
    housing discrimination (sound recording) 453.2.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Cairo, IL, district (Treasury Civil War Special Agency) 366.3
Cairo, IL, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
caisson construction 71.2.4
Calais, France
    AEF supply base 120.8.1
Calais, ME 41.5
Calamba, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Calapan, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Calcagieu, LA, Coast Guard Radio Station 26.6.6
calcium carbide 70.9
Calcutta, India, base (OSS) 226.18
Caldwell, David D. 60.4.6
Caledonia, MN, project office
     (Soil Conservation Service) 114.14.5
Calendar of Events (National Archives) 64.2.4
Calexico, CA
    customs collection 36.3.1
Calexico, CA, office
     (Immigration and Naturalization Service) 85.5.11
Calexico, CA, U.S Troops 393.11.2
Calhoun, John C. 75.2, 77.1
Calhoun, John C., Jr. 48.3.7, 49.5
Calhoun, KY, District (Territorial Court) 21.18.1
Caliente, NV, area office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.13
S.S. California 41.6.1
    American Protective League field offices 65.5
    boundary survey 77.5.2
    building plans 48.13
    civilian defense 171.5.4, 171.5.9
    farm, home plans 96.4.9
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.10
        attorneys, U.S. 118.6
        district courts 21.6
        marshals, U.S. 118.47.3
    fisheries 22.4.4, 22.14.3
    floods 114.4.4
    food administration 4.3
    forest, range fire reports 49.15.2
    health survey 29.5.3
    insects 7.5.9
    International Women's Year workshops 220.16.2
    land claims 60.2.2
    maps and charts
        agricultural economics 83.6.2
        airway routes 26.2.2
        beach, harbor surveys 77.10.55
        Farmers Home Administration 96.4.9
        Fish and Wildlife Service 22.5
        flood control 77.10.25
        forests, national forests 95.5.3, 95.9.4, 95.10.5
        irrigation 114.4.7
        Japanese American distribution 83.6.5
        mining claims 49.3.2, 49.3.14
        naval petroleum reserves 49.3.6
        population, income, employment 83.6.1
        ports 313.3.1
        private land claims 49.3.4
        property surveys 31.2.2
        railroads 48.6
        soils 114.4.8
        township plats 49.13.3
        vegetation types 95.10.5
        water resources, use 83.6.5, 90.12
        watersheds 114.10.12
        Wilkes Expedition charts 370.11
    Mexican War volunteers 217.7.7
    migrant workers 47.4.2
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.3, 163.4.1, 163.4.2
    mining 70.3.3
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.8
    National Youth Administration advisory committees 119.6.2
    naval petroleum reserves 80.5.1, 143.2.2
    oil field labor disputes 174.5.2
        American Guide 69.5.5
        forests 75.16.9, 95.13
        General Land Office 49.17
        geological formations 57.2.2
        harbors, coastal areas 37.4.1
        missions 79.17
        National Guard 168.5
        naval shipbuilding 80.11
        parks 54.7
        rural communities 83.10
        survey expeditions 77.5.2, 77.5.3, 79.17
    price controls 295.3
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    public lands
        Land Management Bureau 49.13.3, 49.14.2
        land offices 49.9.5
        special agents 49.3.17
        state selections 49.3.17
        surveys 49.7.4, 49.8.3
    "rancho" period 49.3.4
    rent control 252.4.8
    rural rehabilitation 96.4.9, 96.5
    school districts 12.2.10
    Soil Conservation Service offices 114.11.2, 114.13.1
    state education plan 12.6.2
    surplus real property disposal 121.4.1
        internal revenue collection districts 58.5.4
        railroad lands 49.2.3
    underground water storage 8.5
    weather reports 27.2, 27.6.3
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.12
        manpower 211.23.13
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1, 69.6.3
California and Arizona, Assistant Supervisor for Surveys for 49.8.2
California Assayer 104.7
California Circuit Court 21.6.3
California Claims Board (Quartermaster General) 92.12.2
California, Column from 393.4
California Debris Commission 77.8.2
California, Department of (Army) 393.2, 393.4
California, District of (Army) 393.2, 393.4, 393.5
California Education Information System 12.2.10
California Indian Agency 75.19.4
California Indians
    agency records 75.19.60
    census supplement 75.19.95
    enrollment 75.7.5
    judgment records 75.16.10
California Institute of Technology 227.5.3
California Land Claims Commissioners, Board of 49.3.4
California, Middle District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
California National Guard 391.8
California-Nevada region (Agriculture Department) 16.10.3
California, Northern District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
California Pacific International Exposition 56.15.4
California Railroad 95.5.3
California Representative, Office of the
   (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.1
California Roadless Area Review and Evaluation II 233.15
California Shipbuilding Co. 228.4.1
California, Special Circuit Court for the District of 21.6.3
California State Bureau of Mining 70.10.2
California State Defense Council 171.5.5
California State Headquarters (Selective Service) 147.3.3
California State Office (Land Management Bureau) 49.13.3
California State Prison 60.5.3
California State Superintendent of Indian Education 75.20.40
California State War Council 171.5.5
California, Surveyor General of 49.3.4, 49.7.4
California, U.S. Attorney for the Central District of 118.6.2
California, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of 118.6.1
California, U.S. Circuit Court for the Central District of 21.6.8
California, U.S. Circuit Court for the Northern District of
California, U.S. Circuit Court for the Southern District of
California, U.S. District Court for 21.6.1
California, U.S. District Court for the Central District of
California, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of
California, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of
    21.6.1, 21.6.2
California, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of
California, U.S. Marshals for the Northern District of 118.47.3
California Volunteers 393.4
California War Board 145.6.1
California WPA 69.6.3
Caliver, Ambrose 12.2.3
Call Field, TX 18.9.1
Calleguas Creek, CA 114.13.1
Calley, William C., Jr. 153.2.3, 319.20.4, 335.2
Caloocan, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Caloosahatchie, FL, Troops on the 393.4, 393.11.2
Calumet Harbor 77.10.9
Calumet River 77.9.8, 77.10.9
calutron equipment 326.5.7
Calvin, Melvin 434.4.2
Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam 26.6.11
Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, Army Depot 472.7.5
Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, Army Support Command 472.7.5
    U.S. Army activities (photographs) 111.10
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.2, 84.4
    U.S. Military Assistance Advisory Group 334.5.2
Cambodia Military Equipment Delivery Team 472.10
Cambodian Friendly Units File 330.10
Cambodian Incidents File 330.10
Cambodian refugees 220.17.9, 220.17.10
Cambridge, MA
    Army hospital 393.4, 393.13.9
Cambridge, MA, field office (National Defense Research Committee)
Cambridge, MD 77.10.4
Camden County, GA 90.13
Camden, ME 41.5
Camden, NC 36.3.1
Camden, NJ
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Camden, NJ, District Office (Price Administration) 188.12.3,
Camden, NJ, internal revenue collection district 58.5.30
Camden, NJ, Office (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Camden, NJ, public health hospital 90.4.7
camera obscura 156.10.1
cameras 64.6
Cameron, Brewster 60.5.3
Cameron, Dale 418.3.4
Cameron, LA, Coast Guard Radio Station 26.6.6
Cammerer, Arno B. 79.3.2, 79.6
    civilian defense 171.5.4, 171.5.8
    naval ships 19.3.2, 38.4.16, 181.2.13
    posters 156.16
Camouflage, Bridging, and Mining Section (Army Engineer School)
Camouflage Division (Yards and Docks Bureau) 71.3.6
Camouflage Division, Optics and
   (National Defense Research Committee) 227.5.3
Camouflage Section (Ships Bureau) 19.3.2
camouflage schools 171.5.10
Camouflage Unit (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.7
Camp Adair, OR 103.7.10
Camp Albert G. Forse, AL 395.2.2
Camp Alfred Vail, NJ 111.8
Camp Anchorage, AK 394.4
Camp Ancona, France 120.8.1
Camp Anderson, DC 393.13.4, 393.13.7, 393.14
Camp Arrowwood, ND 22.15.3
Camp Arthur, NY 393.7
Camp Bailey, MD 393.7, 393.13.7
Camp Banks, VA 393.4, 393.9, 393.13.5, 393.13.7
Camp Barry, DC 393.7, 393.13.1, 393.13.7
Camp Bergwald, NY 131.3.2
Camp Birney, MD 393.7
Camp Bowie, TX 92.7.1
Camp Bradford, MD 393.7
Camp Briggs, VA 393.4, 393.9, 393.13.12
Camp Buchanan, PR 395.15.3
Camp Buford, DC 393.13.7
Camp Buford, DC, Cavalry Depot 393.13.8
Camp Burnside, KY 393.4, 393.7
Camp Cadwalader, PA 393.4, 393.7
Camp Cady, CA 393.7
Camp Camaguey, Cuba 395.5.3
Camp Carlisle, VA 393.4, 393.7
Camp Carrington, IN 393.4, 393.7
Camp Casey, VA 393.4, 393.7, 393.13.7
Camp Century, Greenland 77.14.2
Camp Chase, OH 249.2.2, 249.5.2, 393.4, 393.7
Camp Chattanooga, NC 393.7
Camp Coetquidan, France 120.8.1
Camp Columbia, Cuba 395.5.3
Camp Cornell, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Camp Creek 114.10.2
Camp Crowder, MO 270.3.6
Camp Curtin, PA 393.4, 393.7
Camp Custer, MI 92.7.1
Camp d'Ail, France 120.8.1
Camp Davis, DC 393.4, 393.7
Camp de Meucon, France 120.8.1
Camp de Souge, France 120.8.1
Camp Dennison, OH 92.17, 393.4, 393.7
Camp Des Lacs, ND 22.15.3
Camp Discharge, PA 393.7
Camp Dix, NJ 394.4
Camp Douglas, IL 393.4, 393.7
Camp Eldorado, AZ 393.7
Camp E.V. Sumner, MA 393.4
Camp Fremont, CA 92.7.1
Camp Fry, NH 393.4, 393.7
Camp Furlong, NM 394.4
Camp Gaillard, Panama 395.13.2
Camp George H. Thomas, TN 395.2.2
Camp Gordon Johnston, FL 337.7.2
Camp Gregg, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Camp Grottoes, VA, Civilian Public Service camp 114.8.2
Camp Hale, CO 337.12
Camp Halleck, ME 393.4, 393.7
Camp Hamilton, VA 393.4, 393.7, 393.9, 393.12
Camp Hancock, GA 156.14
Camp Harry J. Jones, AZ 394.4
Camp Hayt, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Camp Hill, Harper's Ferry, WV 92.17
Camp Hood, TX 77.10.18
Camp Hunt 120.5.2
Camp Jackson, SC (photographs) 393.7
Camp Jefferson Davis, MS 393.7
Camp Joe Holt, IN 393.4, 393.7
Camp John Hay, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Camp Jossman, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Camp Keithley, Philippine Islands 395.14.2, 395.14.4
Camp Kendrick, NJ 175.4.7
Camp Kilmer, NJ 220.9.9
Camp Lacey, DC 393.4, 393.7
Camp Lacreek, SD 22.15.3
Camp Lake Andes, SD 22.15.3
Camp Las Casas, PR 395.15.3
Camp Lejeune, NC 127.12
Camp Lincoln, CA 393.7
Camp Ludington-Pere, MI 35.3.2
Camp Maceo, Cuba 395.11.5
Camp McGarry, NV 393.7
Camp McGrath, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Camp Merrill, MO 393.4, 393.7
Camp Mimbres, NM 393.4, 393.7
Camp Morton, IN 393.4, 393.7
Camp Mud Lake, MN 22.15.3
Camp Muldraugh Hill, KY 393.7
Camp Necedah, WI 22.15.3
Camp Nelson, KY 393.4, 393.7, 393.12
Camp Nevin, KY 393.7
Camp Niobrara, NE 22.15.3
Camp of Distribution, Alexandria, VA 393.4, 393.13.3
Camp of Distribution, Mobile, AL 393.13.3
Camp of Distribution, Richmond, VA 393.4, 393.9, 393.13.3
Camp of Stragglers, Alexandria, VA 393.4, 393.13.6
Camp Ohio, DC 393.7, 393.13.7
Camp Okobiji, IA 22.15.3
Camp Overton, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Camp Parapet, LA 393.4, 393.7
Camp Parole, MD 249.2.2, 249.5.4, 393.9, 393.13.5
Camp Parole, PA 393.4, 393.13.5
Camp Pena Colorado, TX 393.7
Camp Pendleton, CA 71.3.1
Camp Perkins, CT 393.4, 393.13.8
Camp Plummer, NM 393.4, 393.7
Camp Pontaezen, France 120.8.1
Camp Poplar River, MT 393.7
Camp President Lincoln, France 120.8.1
Camp Reilly 395.4.2
Camp Reno, WI 393.4, 393.7
Camp Rice Lake, MN 22.15.3
Camp Ripley, MD 393.4, 393.7, 393.13.7
Camp Ritchie, MD 165.4.14
Camp Roosevelt, MD 79.15
Camp R.S. McKenzie, Cuba 395.11.5
Camp San Juan Island, WA 393.7
Camp Sand Lake, SD 22.15.3
Camp Seney, MI 22.15.3
Camp Shelby, MS, Army Reserve Depot 92.7.1
Camp Sheridan, AL 407.13
Camp Sheridan, NE 393.7
Camp Sherman, OH 391.6.2
Camp Sibert Chemical Center 175.4.3
Camp Smith, TN, Cavalry Depot 393.13.8
Camp Souris, ND 22.15.3
Camp Squaw Creek, MO 22.15.3
Camp Stambaugh, WY 393.7
Camp Stephen F. Austin, TX 394.4
Camp Stoneman, DC 393.7, 393.13.7
Camp Swan Lake, MO 22.15.3
Camp Tamarac, 22.15.3
Camp Taylor, VA 393.4, 393.7
Camp Terry, AL 393.7
Camp Thief Lake, MN 22.15.3
Camp Thomas and Fort Apache, AZ, U.S. Troops
   (Battalion Repairing Road) Between 393.11.2
Camp Tomas Claudio, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Camp Totten, MO 393.4, 393.7
Camp Totu, Greenland 77.14.2
Camp Travis, TX 394.4
Camp Trempealeau, MN 22.15.3
Camp Upton, NY, internment camp 85.4.2
Camp Valentine, NE 22.15.3
Camp Victor Hugo, France 120.8.1
Camp Walbach, WY 393.7
Camp Wallace, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Camp Ward Cheney, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Camp Warner, OR 393.7
Camp Washington, NJ 393.7
Camp Wikoff, NY 395.2.2
Camp Wilhelm, Philippine Islands 395.14.1, 395.14.4
Camp Willey, VA 393.4, 393.7
Camp Williams, UT 389.5
Camp Winder, VA, General Hospital 109.8.4
Camp Winfield Scott, VA 393.4, 393.7, 393.13.7
Camp Wright, CA 393.7
Camp Young, CA 337.7.1
Campaign Contributions Task Force
   (Watergate investigations) 460.7
Campaign Expenditures, Committees to Investigate
    (Senate) 46.22.2
Campaign Expenditures, Select Committee to Investigate
    (House of Representatives) 233.22.2
Campaign Manager for Production (Fuel Administration) 67.3.6
Campaigns Branch (Price Administration) 188.7.2
Campaigns, Bureau of (OWI) 208.3.2
Campanella, Roy 220.7.7
Campbell (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.10
Campbell, Alan K. 220.18.18
Campbell, Donald 460.4.1
Campbell Hospital, DC 393.4, 393.9, 393.13.19
camphor trees 54.3.11
Campo Indian Agency 75.19.5
Campus Unrest 220.15.17
Can Tho, Vietnam, Civilian Personnel Office
    (Army Vietnam) 472.5.11
Can Tho, Vietnam, Civilian War Casualty Hospital 472.4.8
Can Tho, Vietnam, regional team
   (Four Party Commission) 472.11.2 Canada
    141st meridian survey 36.2.4
    Chinese immigrant smuggling 85.2.4
    claims 76.4
    fisheries 22.3.4
        isogonic maps 95.12
        lumber production, consumption 95.7.3
        U.S. Army Engineers
        oil resources 77.10.15
        river basins 77.9.4
    nuclear research 227.3.1
    oat varieties 54.3.7
    oil resources 77.10.15
    photographs 165.21
    "proclaimed list" 353.4
    radar lab ceremony 130.6
    Russian consulates 261.3
    scenic views 79.17
    U.S. citizens draft status 163.2.4
    U.S. offices, representatives
        Army commands 338.2.2
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        joint defense board 333.5
        Office of Emergency Preparedness 396.3.2
    U.S. relations
        Alaska rail, road commission 220.9.7
        Continental, Confederation Congress reports 360.2.2
        joint civil defense planning 397.2.4
        joint maneuvers 319.9.2
    U.S. trade 26.6.10, 489.7
        agreement, 1935 20.3.4
    USIA reports 306.5.2
    World War II
        ABC planning 165.9.1
        economic cooperation committee 43.11.16
        lend-lease 169.3.3
        Mediterranean Theater civilian supplies 331.22.2
        Quebec Conference 43.3.2
Canada and Newfoundland Section
   (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.9.3
Canada, India, South Africa and British Colonies Branch
    (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.3.3
Canada-U.S. border SEE ALSO Trail, BC, smelter fumes
    Alaska 59.4.4
    boundary waters pollution 76.2.7, 412.4.2
    inspection stations 36.2.3
    international boundary commissions 43.11.4, 76.2.1-76.2.9
    maps 77.12.2
Canadian Expeditionary Forces 163.2.4
Canadian National Research Council 97.3.7
Canadian Oil Line Project 77.10.15
Canadian Red Cross 59.7
Canadian refugees
    claims 360.2.3
    land patents 49.3.2
Canadian Relations Division (Food Administration) 4.2.3
Canadian River 75.19.10, 187.5.5, 412.5.3
Canadian River, OK, Cantonment on North Fork 393.7
Canadian Section (International Programs Bureau
    [Commerce]) 489.5.1
Canadian Section (OWI) 208.3.7
Canadian-U.S. Military Cooperation Committee 341.10.4
Canadienne/Yantic claims 76.6
Canal and Ditch Companies Right of Way Act (1891) 49.3.7
canal locks SEE locks
Canal Towage Company 79.12.2
Canal Zone SEE Panama Canal Zone
    Army Engineers records 77.9.12, 77.9.17, 77.10.35
        engineering plans 77.2.3
        maps and charts 77.2.3, 77.10.33, 77.10.44
        Nicaragua survey 77.5.3
    construction 56.15.3
    Flathead irrigation project (photographs) 75.21.5
    French photographs 185.2
    isthmian canal commissions 59.5.1
        Fort Yuma Indian Reservation 75.19.37
        General Land Office 49.3.7
        interocean canals 77.6.6
        national forests 95.12
        Senate 46.23
        Uinta reservation survey 57.8
        Washington, DC 42.14
    public land grants 49.3.7
    reclamation projects 115.4.1
    taxes 58.3.3
Canals, Committee on Railways and
    (House of Representatives) 233.19
Canals, Committee on Roads and (House of Representatives) 233.19
Canals, Committee on Roads and (Senate) 46.18
Canary Islands
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Canaveral District (Army Engineers) 77.10.7
Canby Claims Commission 107.11
Canby, Edward R.S. 107.11
Cancellation Board 125.3.16
Cancellations, Claims, and Contracts Board
    (Shipping Board) 32.3.4
Cancer Council, National Advisory 443.4
cancer research (motion picture) 90.13
Cancer Subcommittee (Heart Disease Commission) 220.14.3
candy 29.6.4, 88.10
Canned Foods Division (Food Administration) 4.2.2, 4.2.3
Cannelton Pool Reach, KY-IN 77.10.26
cannery strike (motion picture) 46.16
Cannes, France
    AEF supply base 120.8.1
Cannon Sections (Ordnance Department) 156.6.5, 156.6.9
Canol Project 77.10.15, 160.3.3
Canon Diablo, AZ 75.17.3
canteens 156.15
Canton Asylum for Insane Indians 75.21.3
Canton Island 37.3, 237.3
Canton, OH, land office 49.9.21
Cantonment Agency and School 75.20.2
Cantonment on North Fork, Canadian River, OK 393.7
cantonments (plans) 92.7.1
Cantor, Eddie 47.4.2
Cantwell, AK 49.13.1
Canyon City Road Expedition 393.10
Cape Ann, MA 26.2.2
Cape Atholl, Greenland, LORAN Station 26.6.1
Cape Carter (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.9
Cape Charles City, VA 41.5
Cape Cod, MA (photographs) 77.22
Cape Cod Pilgrim Memorial 77.10.5
Cape Cod Ship Canal 23.2.2, 77.9.4
Cape Coral (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.12
Cape Corwin (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.11
Cape Cross (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Cape Current (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.5
Cape Decision, AK, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.12
Cape Disappointment, WA, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Cape Erelson, Antarctica 126.8
Cape Fairweather (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Cape Fear, NC, Coast Defenses of 392.3
Cape Fear, NC, District (District Court) 21.35.1
Cape Fear, NC, Division (Confederate District Court) 21.35.6
Cape Fear River 77.10.66
Cape George (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Cape Girardeau, MO
    Army commands 393.7
    flood control 77.10.52
Cape Girardeau, MO, Division (Circuit Court) 21.27.2
Cape Girardeau, MO, Division (District Court) 21.27.1
Cape Girardeau, MO, internal revenue collection district 58.5.25
Cape Girardeau, MO, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.4, 393.6
Cape Hatteras, NC, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Cape Hedge (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.8
Cape Henlopen (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.12
Cape Henlopen, DE, submarine mine site 77.10.44
Cape Henry, VA 77.10.38
Cape Higgon (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Cape Horn (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Cape Knox (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.5
Cape May, NJ, Air Station 71.2.5
Cape May, NJ, Coast Artillery Battery 77.10.44
Cape May, NJ, Coast Guard Training Center 26.6.3
Cape May, NJ, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Cape Morgan (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.5
Cape Newegan (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.10
Cape Profession 37.4.1
Cape Resolute (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.10
Cape Romain (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.12
Cape San Blas, FL, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.5
Cape San Isidore 37.4.1
Cape San Juan (Fajardo), PR, Coast Guard LORAN Station 26.6.3
Cape Shoalwater (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.5
Cape Small (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.11
Cape Srichet, AK, Coast Guard LORAN Station 26.6.12
Cape St. Elias, AK, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.12
Cape St. Vincent 37.4.1
Cape Strait (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3
Cape Upright 26.6.4
Cape Verde Islands
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Cape Wash (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.9
capital cities
    fiscal relations with governments 51.10.1
Capital Issues Committee, Records of the (RG 158)
    administrative history 158.1
    field offices 158.3
    Washington office 158.2
Capital Military Assistance Command (Army Vietnam) 472.7.1
capital punishment
    executed war criminals 338.7.2
        photographs 319.29
    military justice 153.4
capital, U.S.
    commissioners to locate 42.2.2, 53.2.2
    location debate 360.2.1
Capitan Grande Reservation 75.19.60
Capitol Police (photographs) 42.3.4
Capitol Square 42.2.5
Capitol, U.S.
    canal improvements 42.14
    extension construction 42.2.5, 48.4.5
    inaugural activities 274.3, 274.8, 274.11
    photographs 48.16
Capitulations Conference 43.2.33
Capiz, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Capstan (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.4
captured and confiscated property SEE ALSO captured documents;
      privateers and prize ships; seized industries
    Civil War era
        Confederate district court records 365.13.1, 365.13.2
        cotton 56.6, 365.11, 366.4
        gold from Richmond banks 365.9.3
        Freedmen's Bureau administration 105.3.5, 105.5
        personal property of Confederate prisoners 365.15
        Quartermaster, by Confederates 217.8.4
        Treasury administration 56.2.1, 56.6, 56.16
            maps 56.5
            special agencies 366.2, 366.4, 366.7, 366.8
        Virginia district court cases 21.49.1
    customs law violations 36.2.2, 36.3.1
    food, drug regulation 88.2-88.4
        photographs 88.10
    Secret Service contraband 87.2.2
    ship seizures
        Coast Guard 26.5.9
        Navigation Bureau 41.4.2
        prohibition cases 60.15.4
        rumrunners (photographs) 26.5.2
    World War I
        Alien Property Custodian 39.4, 131.2
        commandeered houses 3.4.5, 3.7.3
    World War II
        Alien Property Office 131.3, 131.4
        art 239.2, 239.4, 260.4.9
        enemy military equipment 92.4.5
        Hawaii internees 338.5.2
        Italy 331.30.1
        Japan 331.41.1, 331.51.2
        Japanese American farm machinery 145.6.1
        Philippine safekeeping program 126.7.2
        prisoners of war 389.4.8
        recovered Nazi loot 153.13.1, 260.4.9
        Supreme Commander Allied Powers 331.37.6, 331.51.2
captured documents
    Confederate records 109, 365
    German organizations 131.3.2
    German records
        American Expeditionary Forces 120.3.2
        Army Military History Center 319.20.8
        CIA name index 263.4
        World War II 242.1-242.22, 242.25-242.28
    Grenada action, 1983 242.24
        index 373.2
        Soviet films 306.5.1
    Japanese businesses 131-3.3, 131.3.4
    Korean War 242.23
    motion pictures
        naval operations 428.2.2
        World War II 107.10.2
    naval aviation 72.4.1
    naval intelligence 38.4.8
    Strategic Bombing Survey 243.3.1
    Vietnam War 472.3.4
    World War II Pacific 127.2.4
Captured Enemy Materials Branch (Allied Force HQ) 331.30.2
Captured Personnel and Materiel Branch
    (Military Intelligence Service) 165.4.7, 319.12.3
Captured Property, Claims, and Lands, Division of 56.2.1, 56.5
Car Pooling Section
    (Federal Coordinator of Transportation) 133.3.5
The Caravan (motion picture) 179.6
Carberry, Thomas 48.4.12
Carbon Black, Committee on 250.3.11
Carbon County, MT 29.8.3
Carbon County, UT 96.4.9
Cardenas, Cuba 395.5.3
Cardozo, Benjamin N. 60.4.3
CARE 260.4.4
Career Management Group (Army Staff) 319.8
Career Management Group (War Department General Staff) 165.3.2
Career Research Data Bank 419.2
Carelton, M.A. 54.3.22
Carey, Archibald J., Jr. 220.9.5
Cargo Requirements, Division of (War Shipping Administration)
Cargoes, Inc. 169.11
Caribbean area
    British colonies 169.7.2
    Chinese immigrant smuggling 85.2.4
        Marine Corps 127.9
        National Resources Planning Board 187.5.11
        World War II submarine attacks 173.11
        agricultural practices 166.7
        U.S. official visitors 306.11
    wartime community services 215.3.3
    West Indian Conference 126.6.1
Caribbean Area Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.22
Caribbean Branch (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.3.3
Caribbean Command 349.7
Caribbean Commission 43.11.32
Caribbean Defense Command 165.6.6, 338.2.1, 349.7.1
Caribbean Region (National Resources Planning Board) 187.5.11
Caribbean Sea Frontier (Naval Forces) 313.7
Caribbean Squadron (Naval Forces) 313.2.4, 313.9.2
Caribbean, U.S. Army 338.6.2
Carl Mackley Homes 196.2
Carlisle Barracks, PA
    Medical Field Service School 112.5.7
    military police school 389.5
    records 393.7
    School of Government of Occupied Areas 389.3
Carlisle Indian Industrial School 75.19.50, 75.20.3
    photographs 75.29
Carlsbad Caverns National Park, NM 79.7.3
Carlstrom Field, FL 18.9.1
Carmel, ME, internal revenue collection district 58.5.19
Carmichael, William 360.2.2, 360.3.1
Carmody, John M. 162.2.1, 162.2.5, 178.2.2, 221.2.2
Carnegie Commission on Higher Education 220.15.30
Carnegie Institute of Technology 18.9.2
Carolina Beach, NC, Coast Guard LORAN Station 26.6.4
Carolinas, Department of the (Army) 393.2, 393.4
Caroline Islands
    economic intelligence (maps) 169.8.2
    photographs 22.3.3, 38.4.16
    U.S. naval operations 38.3.2, 313.6.6
    U.S. trust administration 126.6.4
Carondelet Street Prison, New Orleans 393.4, 393.13.11
Carpenter, Donald F. 330.13.2
Carpenter, F.R. 49.6.1
Carpenter Steel Works 156.13
Carriage Division (Ordnance Department) 156.6.1
carriage taxes 58.2.2
Carrier Air Group 13 181.11.5
Carrier Division 19 (Naval Forces) 313.5.8
Carrizal, Mexico 395.7.1
Carroll Prison, DC 393.4, 393.9, 393.13.7, 393.13.11
Carrollsburgh, DC 42.2.2, 42.14
Carrollton, District of (Army) 393.5
Carruthers Field, TX 18.9.1
cars SEE automobiles and automobile industry; railroad cars
Cars Cooperative Committee 62.10.1
Carson, Christopher (Kit) 75.15.9
Carson City, NV, District Office
     (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.5
Carson City, NV, Division Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Carson City, NV, internal revenue collection district 58.5.28
Carson City, NV, land office 49.9.18
Carson City, NV, Mint and Assay Office 104.5.2
Carson Indian Agency 75.19.6
Carson/Stewart Indian School 75.20.4
Cartagena, Colombia 229.6.4
Carte Nouvelle de France 111.8
cartels 122.2, 122.3, 169.6.4
Carter, Albert M. 240.2.2
Carter, Billy 46.15, 60.10.1
Carter Coal Co. 245.6
Carter Gas Station 60.10.1
Carter, Jimmy
    1977 Inaugural Committee 274.10
    administration commissions 220.16.4, 220.18, 220.25, 220.27-220.30
    Canal Zone visit 185.8
        Economic Development Administration 378.7
        Management and Budget Office 51.14
        trade representative 364.3
    public works legislation 378.6
    speeches (recordings)
        family conference 220.29
        small business conference 220.30
        Transportation Department 398.5
Carter, Rosalynn 220.18.1, 398.5
Carter Seminary 75.19.26, 75.20.5
Carter, Una Franklin 250.3.6
Carter Warehouse 60.10.1
Cartersville, GA, CCC camp 114.8.1
Carthage, MO
    flood control (map) 77.10.61
Carthage, MO, internal revenue collection district 58.5.25
Cartographic and Drafting Division
   (Soil Conservation Service) 114.10.8
Cartographic Branch (National Archives) 64.13
Cartographic Committee (CENTO) 333.8.3
Cartographic Committee (SEATO) 333.7
Cartographic Division (Soil Conservation Service) 114.6
Cartographic Section (Economic Warfare Office) 169.8.1
Cartographic Section (OSS) 226.6.4
    Army Engineers correspondence 77.2.1
        shade, perspective studies 77.10.56
    Army Map Service records 77.12.3
    cartographic conferences 77.12.3
    federal mapping activities 51.8.7, 64.13
    Hydrographic Office publications 37.3
    map standardization committee 59.3.10
    topographic rendering techniques 37.4.3
Cartography, Commission on 57.9
Cartography, Division of (Army Map Service) 77.12.3
cartoons (animated motion pictures)
    food conservation 4.2.3
cartoons (drawings)
    FBI records 65.8
    National Archives exhibit 64.7, 64.8
    OWI records 208.3.5, 208.5.2
    TVA controversies 142.3.1
Carver Barracks, DC 393.4, 393.7, 393.13.7
Cary, Austin 95.6.3
Casa Grande Valley, AZ 83.6.5
U.S.S. Casablanca 80.11
Casablanca, Morocco, base (OSS) 226.18
Casad, IN, depot (Army Engineers) 77.16.2
Cascades Canal 77.10.46
Case Analysis and Program Appraisal Division
   (Wage Stabilization Board) 202.4.3
Case, Chester N. 365.13.2
Case, James H., Jr. 220.10.10
Case Statistics Section
   (National Labor Relations Board) 25.6.3
Case-Wheeler reports 114.7.1
Caserta, Italy, base (OSS) 226.17.6
Casey, Thomas Lincoln 42.6.1, 42.13.2
Cash Division (Treasurer) 50.3
Cashier's Department (Grain Corporation) 5.2.3
casing-head gas
    plants (maps) 75.19.71
    price controls 188.8.8
Casiquiare River 77.5.3
Casper, WY, area office
   (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.26
Casper, WY, Office
   (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Cass County, NE 114.10.9
Cass Lake, MN 49.3.10
Cass, Millard 174.3.3, 174.3.7, 432.3.2
"Cassi case" 140.3.6
Cassidy Lake, MI, resident work project 119.4.4
Cassville, MO 393.4, 393.7
Cassville, WV 393.7
Castillo, Martin G. 220.15.6
Castine, ME
    customs collection (Penobscot) 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Castings Section (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Castle Hill, RI, Coast Guard Station 26.6.1
Castle Island, MA 98.2.5
Castle Thunder Prison, Richmond 249.3, 393.13.11
Castle William, NY 393.4, 393.7
castles (photographs) 260.4.9, 338.7.2
castor beans 54.3.11
Casual Companies (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.4.5,
     120.5.1, 120.7.4
Casual Depot (American Forces in Germany) 120.11.3
Casual Detachment (Army Air Forces) 18.4.3
Casual Detachment (Army of Cuban Pacification) 395.5.3
Casualty Information and Check Section
    (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.41
Casualty Review Branch (Coast Guard) 26.5.11
Casualty Section (Marine Inspection and Navigation Bureau) 41.6.3
Casualty Section (OWI) 208.3.5
Cataloging Division (National Archives) 64.6
catamarans 169.11
catapults 72.4.2
Catawba Indians 75.19.7
Catbalogan, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Catlettsburg, KY, Division (Circuit Court) 21.19.2
Catlettsburg, KY, Division (District Court) 21.19.1
Catlettsburg, KY, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.65
Catoctin Recreation Demonstration Project, MD 79.4.5
Catonsville, MD, area office
   (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.9
cattle SEE livestock and ranching
Cattle Board (Blackfeet Indian Agency) 75.19.3
cattle brands 75.19.3, 75.19.73, 75.19.124
"cattle claims" 75.19.3
Caucasus 38.4.9
    photographs 42.3.4, 391.8
    Spanish-American War 395.2.1
    training exercises (maps) 391.7
    unit records 391.1
    Vietnam War 472.7.6
Cavalry Board 156.4.1
Cavalry Brigade (Philippine Insurrection) 395.3.2
Cavalry Bureau 108.4
Cavalry Camp of Instruction 393.4, 393.13.1
Cavalry Center/School 338.2.3
Cavalry, Chief of 108.4.1, 177.4
Cavalry Corps (German Army) 242.7.5
cavalry depots 393.13.8
cavalry equipment (engineering drawings) 156.15
Cavalry School 177.4
cave fortifications 337.5.8
Cavite, Philippine Islands 80.2.1
Cawker City, KS, land office 49.9.12
Cayuga Indians 76.6
CBS SEE Columbia Broadcasting System
CCC SEE Civilian Conservation Corps
Cecil Field, FL 181.11.5
Cedar City, UT, District Office
   (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.7
Cedar County, IA 49.7.14
Cedar Creek, NJ, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Cedar Creek, UT, area office
   (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.24
Cedar Keys, FL
    Army commands 393.12
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Cedar Point, MD 36.3.1
Cedar Rapids, IA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.17.2
Cedar Rapids, IA, Division (District Court) 21.17.1
Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the
   Birth of John Marshall, Commission for 79.13.1
Celebrezze, Anthony J. 235.3.1
celebrities SEE entertainers and celebrities
Celilo Fish Committee 75.19.115
Celilo, OR 75.16.9
cement 75.19.35
Cement, Committee on
   (American Society of Testing Materials) 167.3.5
cement industry
    Price Administration survey 188.6.2
cement mill companies 120.7.8
cemeteries SEE ALSO burials; military cemeteries; national
    American, in Europe 66.2.2, 66.4
    relocation 77.10.61
    St. Elizabeths Hospital 418.2.2
Cemetery Branch (Army Support Services) 410.3
    Maritime Commission 178.2.3
    military training 334.21
    naval intelligence 38.4.4, 38.6.2, 38.6.3
    Naval Reserve programs 181.2.2
    press 216.2.3
    War Department General, Special Staffs 165.4.3
    World War I
        American Expeditionary Forces 120.3.2, 120.7.8
        communications 182.8.1
        Public Information Committee 63.1, 63.2.3
    World War II
        Allied Force Headquarters 331.21.3
        communciations 169.4.2, 173.11, 216, 331.17.4
        Pacific Theaters 338.5.5, 338.5.10
        press instructions 331.9.3
Censorship and Documents Branch (OSS) 226.10, 226.18
Censorship and Press Division
   (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.2
Censorship Board (Post Office Department) 28.2.2
"Censorship in Counter-Espionage Operations of World War II" 216.2.2
Censorship Policy Board (OWI) 208.2.1
Censorship, Records of the Office of (RG 216)
    administrative history 216.1
    records 216.2
    sound recordings 216.3
    still pictures 216.4
Censorship Section (Naval Intelligence) 38.4.14
Censorship Sub-Division (SHAEF) 331.3.4
Census, 1st (1790)
    population schedules 29.8.1
Census, 2d (1800)
    population schedules 29.8.1
Census, 3d (1810)
    population schedules 29.8.1
Census, 4th (1820)
    administrative records 29.2.1
    population schedules 29.8.1
Census, 5th (1830)
    administrative records 29.2.1
    population schedules 29.8.1
Census, 6th (1840)
    administrative records 29.2.1
    population schedules 29.8.1
    White House records 130.2.1
Census, 7th (1850)
    administrative records 29.2.1
    Interior Secretary correspondence 48.4.4
    population schedules 29.8.1
    slave schedules 29.8.1
Census, 8th (1860)
    administrative records 29.2.1
    Interior Secretary correspondence 48.4.4
    population schedules 29.8.1
    White House records 130.2.1
Census, 9th (1870)
    administrative records 29.2.1
    Interior Secretary correspondence 48.4.4
    population schedules 29.8.1
Census, 10th (1880)
    administrative records 29.2.2
    Fish Commission disbursements 22.3.2
    Interior Secretary correspondence 48.4.4
    population schedules 29.8.1
Census, 11th (1890)
    administrative records 29.2.3
    Interior Secretary correspondence 48.4.4
    population schedules 29.8.1
Census, 12th (1900)
    administrative records 29.2.4
    population schedules 29.8.1
Census, 13th (1910)
    population schedules 29.8.1
Census, 14th (1920)
    administrative records 29.3.3
    population schedules 29.8.1
Census, 15th (1930)
    administrative records 29.3.3
    demographic tabulations 29.5.2
    population schedules 29.8.1
    statistical records 29.4.3
    territorial census 29.5.4
Census, 16th (1940)
    administrative records 29.3.3
    motion picture, sound recording 29.3.4
    population schedules 29.8.1
    statistical records 29.4.3
    territorial census 29.5.4
Census, 17th (1950)
    motion picture 29.7
    planning records 29.5.2
    population reference card files 29.3.6
    population schedules 29.8.1
    statistical records 29.4.3
    territorial census 29.5.4
    urban population map 310.2.1
Census, 18th (1960)
    photographs 29.7
    statistical records 29.4.3
    television series 29.4.3
Census, 19th (1970)
    planning records 29.5.2
    socioeconomic compilations 381.3.4
    statistical records 29.4.3
Census, 20th (1980)
    photographs 29.7
Census Advisory Committee 29.3.2
Census, Assistant Director of the
    (Military Government of Cuba) 140.3.6
Census Atlas of Latin America project 29.3.6
Census, Bureau of the
    foreign trade transport survey 77.21
    Social Security link 47.5.1
    Suitland, MD, facility (aerial photo) 328.3
Census, Committee on the (House of Representatives) 233.18
Census, Committee on the (Senate) 46.17
census data
    agriculture 114.4.1, 354.4
    American-owned assets abroad 265.2.1, 265.2.2
    American Samoa 284.3.2
    Chinese in Idaho, Montana 85.2.4
    Civil Rights Commission studies 453.3
    Civil War maps 57.8
    congested production areas 212.2.2
    National Resources Planning Board maps 187.5.11
    Studies in Demography and Ecology Center 307.6
    Union veterans (1890) 15.2.1
    Vermont population 21.48.1
census enumeration districts 29.2.2-29.2.4, 29.3.6
    maps 29.3.6
census enumerators 29.2.2-29.2.4
    training films 29.3.5, 29.4.3
Census of the Americas project 29.3.6
Census Office 29.2
Census, Records of the Bureau of the (RG 29)
    administrative history 29.1
    administrative records, Census Bureau 29.3
    administrative records, Census Office 29.2
    cartographic records 29.9
    census schedules 29.8
    Demographic Fields, Assistant Director for 29.5
    Economic Fields, Assistant Director for 29.6
    machine-readable records 29.12
    motion pictures 29.10
    Public Information Director 29.7
    sound recordings 29.11
    Statistical Standards, Assistant Director for 29.4
    still pictures 29.13
census tabulating machines 29.3.3, 29.3.4
    photographs 29.7
censuses SEE ALSO Indian censuses
    joint Congressional committees 128.2
    population schedules 29.8
    State Department records 59.4.5
Centennial International Exhibition (Philadelphia, 1876)
    Indian Affairs Finance Division 75.12.5
    Interior Department records 48.4.10
    Ordnance Department contingent 156.9.9
    photographs 418.4.2
    Treasury records 56.15.4, 217.3.10
    Tunis letters 43.13.2
Centennial International Exposition (New South Wales) 43.12.7
Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Center for Environmental Health and Injury Control 442.2.4
Center for International Women's Year, U.S. 220.16.1
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology
    (University of Washington) 307.6
Center Group (German Army) 242.7.2
Center Market, Washington, DC 16.8.5, 83.3.4
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Records of the
        (RG 442)
    administrative history 442.1
    records 442.2
CENTO 333.8
Central Administrative Services, Division of
    (Emergency Management Office) 214.3
Central Air Defense Region (Army) 338.2.1
Central America
        photographs 166.7
        rubber, hemp substitutes 54.3.18
        rubber survey 54.3.1
        Tobacco Seed Expedition 54.3.17
    airport development 165.9.2
    census records 29.3.6
    claims 76.4
    German intelligence activities 38.4.4
    Inter-American Affairs Office photographs 229.14
    isthmian canal commission 59.5.1
    maps and charts
        air navigation 313.4.5
        American Commission to Negotiate Peace 256.4
        Marine Corps 127.9
        military intelligence 165.4.1
        Tariff Commission 81.5
    railroads 43.11.2
    U.S. naval intelligence 38.4.12
    U.S. official visitors
        photographs 306.11
        sound recordings 306.9
Central America, National Commission on 220.19
Central American Affairs, Conference on 43.2.14
Central American and West Indies Division
    (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.10.1
Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad 193.2
Central Bureau of Planning and Statistics 51.4
Central Canada, U.S. Army Forces 338.2.2
Central City, CO, District (Territorial Court) 21.7.1
Central City, CO, land office 49.9.6
Central Control Division (General Services Administration) 269.6
Central Control Division (OWI) 208.5.1
Central Defense Command 338.2.1
Central Department (Army) 393.4, 394.2.6
Central District (War Department Employment Section) 168.8.2
Central Division (Army) 393.2;
    (Army Engineers) 77.9.11;
    (Naval Operations) 38.2.2, 38.3.2
Central Europe
    World War II Army operations (maps) 165.4.1
Central Europe Division (Foreign Operations Administration) 469.6
Central European Affairs, Division of (State Department) 59.3.4
Central European Branch (Military Intelligence Service) 165.4.9
Central European Section (Naval Intelligence) 38.4.10
Central Files and Indexing Section (Naval Intelligence) 38.4.15
Central Great Plains Region
    (Soil Conservation Service) 114.10.7, 114.12.7
Central Group of Armies (SHAEF) 331.9
Central Guard House, DC 393.4, 393.9, 393.13.7, 393.13.11
Central Housing Committee 29.4.2, 44.4.1, 195.2.1, 207.3
Central Imagery Processing and Reference Division
    (Defense Intelligence Agency) 373.3
Central Immigration Agency (Nazi Germany) 242.3.2
Central Intelligence Agency
    geographic names board 324.2
    OSS files accretions 226.2.4
    Watergate investigations 460.3.1
The Central Intelligence Agency: An Instrument of
    Government 263.2.2
Central Intelligence Agency, Records of the (RG 263)
    administrative history 263.1
    cartographic records 263.5
    Foreign Broadcast Information Service 263.3
    Foreign Documents Division 263.4
    general records 263.2
    motion pictures 263.6
Central Intelligence Group
    OSS files accretions 226.2.4, 226.9
    State Department committees 353.5.11
Central Kentucky, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Central Laboratory, Arsenal, and Armory, Confederate 109.7.5
Central Map Reproduction Plant (Army Engineers) 77.12.1
Central [Milling] Division (Food Administration) 4.4.2
Central Missouri, 2d Subdistrict of (Army) 393.4
Central Missouri, 4th Subdistrict of (Army) 393.4
Central Missouri, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Central Motor Repair Divisions and Shops (CCC) 35.3.6
Central Office (Confederate Treasury Department) 365.2
Central Pacific Base Command (Army) 338.5.3
Central Pacific Railroad 50.5, 53.4.2, 193.3
Central Pacification and Development Council Control Center
    Liaison Group (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.10
Central Patent Section (Judge Advocate General, Army) 153.9.1
Central Patent Section (War Department) 153.9.2
Central Plains Experimental Range, CO 95.10.8
Central Powers (World War I)
    combatant graves location 92.9.1
    map 407.10
    peace negotiation 256.2
    U.S. claims 76.9
Central Pricing Section (Price Administration) 188.8.6
Central Project Integrating Committee
    (Ordnance Department) 156.7.3
Central Radio Propagation Laboratory 167.6
Central Records Office (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.4.1
Central Region (Animal, Plant Health Inspection Service) 463.2.2;
    (Federal Aviation Administration) 237.5.2;
    (Geological Survey) 57.10.2
Central Regional Office (Weather Bureau) 27.6.2, 370.3.3
Central Secretariat
    (Special Representative in Europe) 469.2.2, 469.3.2
Central Secretariat (State Department) 353.5.1
Central Security Service 457
central states (maps) 411.3
Central States Forest Experiment Station 95.10.2
Central Statistical Board 29.4.2, 51.7, 83.4.10
Central Statistical Board (Works Progress
     Administration Coordinating Committee) 51.7
Central Statistical Branch (War Department General Staff) 165.3.1
Central Statistical Office (Poland) 242.20
Central Statistical Section (Allied Force HQ) 331.21.3
Central Superintendency (Indian Affairs) 75.15.2
Central Training Institute (Army Vietnam) 472.5.11
Central Utah Project 22.15.5
Central Utah Relocation Center (Topaz) 210.3.4, 210.7
Central Valley, CA
    migrant labor camps 96.4.9
    reservoir sedimentation maps 114.4.4
Central Valley Project 49.14.2, 75.19.95, 83.6.1
Centralia Coal Co. explosion 245.6
Centralia Coal Mine #5, Subcommittee to Investigate the
     Explosion at (Senate) 46.14
Century Boulevard Gardens (Los Angeles, CA) 96.4.9
"Century of the Atom" (sound recording) 326.8
Cereal and Forage Insects, Division of
    (Entomology and Plant Quarantine) 7.5.2
Cereal Crops and Diseases, Division of
    (Plant Industry Bureau) 54.3.7
Cereal Department (Grain Corporation) 5.2.3
Cereal Division (Food Administration) 4.2.3
cereals SEE corn; grain; wheat
Cereals, Feeds, and Agricultural Chemicals Price Branch 188.8.7
Ceredo, WV 393.7
Certificate Branch (Freedmen's Bureau) 105.3.7
Certificate of Merit 130.3.6
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
    World War II (motion pictures) 226.3.11
Chadron, NE, Division (Circuit Court) 21.29.3
Chadron, NE, Division (District Court) 21.29.2
Chadron, NE, land office 49.9.17
Chadwick, NJ, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Chaffee, Roger B. 255.7.2
Chain Bridge 42.3.2, 42.3.4
chain saws 424.2.2
Chalkey, Lyman 220.7.1
"Challenge of Change" 174.6
The Challenge of Crime in a Free Society 220.14.8
A Challenge to Democracy (motion picture) 210.5
Challenger accident 255.7.3
Challenger Accident, Presidential Commission on the
     Space Shuttle 220.19
Chalmers, David L. 220.11.2
Chalmers, James R. 109.9.3, 109.13.2
Chalmette, LA 77.10.35
Chamberlain, F.M. 22.3.3
Chamberlain, OK, Indian School 75.20.6
Chamberlain, SD
    manganese plant 70.12.3
Chamberlain, SD, land office 49.9.23
Chamberlain-Segre research group 326.5.7
Chamberlin, Clarence 178.12
chambers of commerce 9.5.5
Chambers, W.H. 19.4.1
Chambers, William L. 13.4.1
Chambersburg, PA
    Army commands 338.11.1, 393.4, 393.7, 393.11.1
Chamizal Tract 76.3
Champagnolle, AR, land office 49.9.4
Champlain, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Champlain, NY 36.3.1
Champlain, VT, Arsenal 156.9.5
Chance Voight Co. 313.4.3
Chancellorsville Homestead Community, GA 114.10.2
chancery cases
    district courts 21
Chandler, Douglas 60.3.4, 262.4
Chandler Field, PA 18.9.1
Chang Chun 338.4.5
Channing, TX, project office
    (Soil Conservation Service) 114.14.13
Chanute Field, IL 18.9.1
Chapel Point, MD 393.4, 393.7
Chapin, Dwight L. 460.8
Chaplain (India-Burma Theater) 338.4.4
Chaplain (Military Academy) 404.12.2
Chaplain, Office of the (Army Vietnam) 472.5.10
Chaplain, Office of the (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.16
Chaplain, Office of the Command (Naval Academy) 405.5.3
Chaplain, Office of the Staff (MAC Thailand) 472.8
    Air Force 341.9
    American Expeditionary Forces 120.4.4
    Army 247
        medical reports 94.12.5
    Navy 24.6.1
    Presidential commission 220.7.9
Chaplains Division (Navigation Bureau) 24.6.1
Chaplains, Records of the Office of the Chief of (RG 247)
    administrative history 247.1
    records 247.2
Chaplin, Roy D. 40.2
Chapman, Alfred 123.8
Chapman Field, FL 18.9.1
Chapman, Oscar L. 48.2
charcoal 188.10
    District of Columbia 351.6
    Immigration and Naturalization Service reports 85.5.3
    Price Administration 188.7.5
    tax status 308.1
    war relief 220.5.6
Charities, Board of (DC Government) 351.6
Chariton, IA, land office 49.9.11
Charity Isle, MI, fish hatchery 22.14.1
Charles H. Burke School 75.17.3
Charleston (gunboat) 395.14.5
Charleston Industrial Corp. 60.15.2
Charleston, Military District of 393.5
Charleston, SC
    Army commands 393.7
    Civil War
        cotton trade 366.9
        engineer officer's journal 77.2.8
        housing 366.9
    cloud photographs 27.9
    earthquake damage 57.2.2
        defenses, surveys (maps) 77.10.8
        drydocks 71.6
        lighthouses (plans) 77.10.66
        customs collection 36.3.1
        longshore labor 317.3.2
        passenger arrival records 85.3.1
        steamboat inspection 41.3.3
        vessel crew lists 85.3.3
        vessel documentation files 41.5
    Revolutionary War army accounts 93.5.1
Charleston, SC, Animal Embarkation Depot 92.15.4
Charleston, SC, Army Port of Embarkation 336.3.1
Charleston, SC, Assistant Treasurer at 39.5
Charleston, SC, Coast Defenses of 392.3
Charleston, SC, customhouse
    cotton shipping 366.9
    liquidated Treasury bonds 53.3.12
Charleston, SC, Daily Courier 365.7.4
Charleston, SC, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.8
Charleston, SC, district office (Navigation Bureau) 24.2.3
Charleston, SC, District Office (Shipping Board) 32.5.12
Charleston, SC, federal depository 39.5
Charleston, SC, field office
    (Confederate Treasury) 365.7.1, 365.7.2
Charleston, SC, General Ordnance Depot 156.11
Charleston, SC, Group (Atlantic Reserve Fleet) 181.15.1
Charleston, SC, internal revenue collection district 58.5.40
Charleston, SC, Lighthouse District 26.2.5
Charleston, SC, Marine Inspection Office (Coast Guard) 26.6.5
Charleston, SC, military prison 249.2.2
Charleston, SC, Minecraft Base 181.4.1
Charleston, SC, Naval Ammunition Depot 181.15.8
Charleston, SC, Naval Base 181.4.1
Charleston, SC, Naval District 181.2.5
Charleston, SC, Navy Yard 181.3.2
Charleston, SC, public health hospital 90.4.8
Charleston, SC, War Price and Rationing Board 188.14.2, 188.14.7
Charleston, WV
    Army commands 393.4, 393.12
    photographs 156.6.8
Charleston, WV, District Office
    (Price Administration) 188.13.2,
188.13.3, 188.13.5
Charleston, WV, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.4, 77.10.11
Charlestown, MA
    customs collection (Boston) 36.3.1
Charlestown, MA, District of Boston and
    (Steamboat Inspection Service) 41.3.2
Charlestown, MA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.21
Charlestown, MA, Marine Barracks 127.6.2
Charlestown, MA, Navy Yard 45.6
Charlestown, MA, public health hospital 90.4.9
Charlevoix, MI, Coast Guard Lifeboat Station 26.6.7
Charlevoix, MI, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Charlevoix, MI, National Fish Hatchery 22.15.3
Charlotte Amalie, VI 126.2
Charlotte, NC
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.14
    Confederate hospitals 109.8.4
Charlotte, NC, District Office
    (Price Administration) 188.14.3, 188.14.7
Charlotte, NC, Division (Circuit Court) 21.35.5
Charlotte, NC, Division (District Court) 21.35.4
Charlotte, NC, Mint and Assay Office 104.5.3
Charlotte, NC, Office
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Charlotte, NC, Quartermaster Depot 92.15.4
Charlotte, NC, zone office
     (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.7.1
Charlotte, NY, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Charlottesville, VA
    Military Government School 389.3
Charlottesville, VA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.49.5
Charlottesville, VA, Division (District Court) 21.49.4
Chart Construction, Division of (Hydrographic Office) 37.4.3
Chartering Committee (Shipping Board) 32.5.1
Charts and Instruments, Depot of 37.2
Charts Division (Coast and Geodetic Survey) 23.2.2, 23.3.6
charwomen 56.3.6
Chase (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Chase, Francis S. 220.10.10
Chase, Salmon P. 366.6
Chase, William Henry 77.2.8
Chateau du Loir, France 120.8.2
Chateauroux, France 120.8.2
Chatham, MA
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Chatham, MA, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.1
Chatillon-sur-Seine, France 120.3.5
Chattahoochie, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Chattanooga, TN
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.12
Chattanooga, TN, Division (Circuit Court) 21.45.2
Chattanooga, TN, Division (District Court) 21.45.1
Chattanooga, TN, Inspection Office (Post Office Department) 28.8
Chattanooga, TN, internal revenue collection district 58.5.42
Chattanooga, TN, National Cemetery 92.8.1
Chattanooga, TN, Office 77.10.33
Chattanooga, TN, Post Quartermaster 92.8.1
chattel mortgages 69.3.1
Chaumont, France
    AEF units 120.3.5, 120.7.6, 120.8.3
Cheat Mountain District (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Cheboygan, WI
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Chelen (Coast Guard cutter) 26.5.7
Chelsea, MA, public health hospital 90.4.10
Chemawa Indian School 75.19.26, 75.20.7
Chemehuevi Indians 75.19.15
Chemical and Non-Ferrous Metals Section
   (Special Representative in Europe) 469.3.2
Chemical and Technological Research Branch
   (Chemistry and Soils) 97.3.2
Chemical Biodynamics Laboratory 434.4.2
Chemical-Biological Division (Army Staff) 319.17.3
chemical companies
    history (lecture slides) 97.2
    oil import task force 220.15.1
Chemical Corps 335.11.3
Chemical Corps Biological Department 175.4.8
Chemical Development, Division of
    (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.6.6
Chemical Development, Office of Agricultural and
    (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.6
Chemical Division (Fixed Nitrogen Laboratory) 54.5.2;
    (National Bureau of Standards) 167.5.2;
    (National Recovery Administration) 9.4.3;
    (War Industries Board) 61.3.15
Chemical Engineering Division
    (National Defense Research Committee) 227.5.3
Chemical Engineering Research Division
     (Chemistry and Soils) 97.3.3
chemical laboratories
    Chemistry and Soils Bureau 97.3
    engineering plans 70.2.2
Chemical Laboratory (Harvard) 227.10.2
Chemical Operations Division (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.5
Chemical Plant No. 4, U.S. 156.6.2, 175.4.7
chemical plants
    nitrate plant plans 74.6
    photographs 156.9.7
Chemical Regiments (Army) 391.6.3
Chemical, Rubber, and Forest Products Bureau
    (National Production Authority) 277.3.1
Chemical School, Edgewood Arsenal 175.4.1
Chemical School, Fort McClellan 175.4.8
Chemical Section (1st Army) 338.9.1;
    (Army Ground Forces) 337.6.2;
    (Pacific Theaters) 338.5.8
chemical warfare
    Air Force Headquarters 341.10.6
    Army Engineers 77.9.7
    Army technical service 175
    civilian defense films 171.4.6, 171.4.8
    defenses 392.2.6
        instruction charts 407.13
    military intelligence 338.9.1, 373.2
    naval medicine (photographs) 52.7
    Ordnance Department files 156.6.5
    research 70.9
    Vietnam War units 472.7.6
Chemical Warfare Officer (I Corps) 394.2.2
Chemical Warfare Officer (VI Corps) 394.2.6
Chemical Warfare Officer (Air Staff, SHAEF) 331.13.2
Chemical Warfare Review Commission 220.19
Chemical Warfare School, Edgewood Arsenal 175.4.1
Chemical Warfare School, Lakehurst Proving Ground 175.4.7
Chemical Warfare Section (7th Army) 338.9.7;
    (India-Burma Theater) 338.4.4;
    (War Department Claims Board) 191.4.3
Chemical Warfare Service
    American Expeditionary Forces 120.9.1
    Mines Bureau photographs 70.17
    ordnance research, development 156.7.18
Chemical Warfare Service, Records of the (RG 175)
    administrative history 175.1
    cartographic records 175.5
    Chief Army Chemical Officer 175.2
    field offices 175.4
    office divisions 175.3
Chemical Warfare Training Camp 175.4.7
    agricultural research 97
    aircraft production 18.4.4
    Food and Drug Administration records 88.2, 88.10
    War Production Board 179.2.6
Chemicals and Drugs Accounting Section
    (Price Administration) 188.5.5
Chemicals and Drugs Price Branch (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Chemicals and Rubber Accounting Branch
    (Price Administration) 188.5.5
Chemicals Division, Health Supplies and
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.2
Chemist, Chief (Plant Industry Bureau) 54.3.8
Chemistry and Soils, Bureau of
    general records 54.4, 97.3, 97.4
    operating units 54.5
Chemistry, Associate Director for
    (National Bureau of Standards) 167.3.2, 167.11
Chemistry, Bureau of
    food, drug regulation 88.2-88.4
    poultry marketing (photographs) 136.2.1
Chemistry Department (Military Academy) 404.3.3
Chemistry Division (National Defense Research Committee) 227.5.3
chemistry education 12.5.8
Chemistry Section (Aircraft Production Bureau) 18.4.4
    Chemistry and Soils Bureau 54.5.1, 97.3.5
    Geological Survey water quality branch 57.6.8
    photographs 97.2
    Plant Industry Bureau 54.3.8
Chena (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.6
Chenango Experimental Forest, NY 95.10.3
Cherbourg, France
    AEF supply base 120.8.1
    photographs 19.3.1
Cherchel, Algeria, Advanced Amphibious Training Base 181.5.2
Cherokee (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3, 26.6.4
Cherokee Agency 75.15.12
Cherokee Area Office (Indian Arts and Crafts Board) 435.3
Cherokee Auditor 75.19.26
Cherokee Commissioners, Boards of 75.6
Cherokee Factory 75.3
Cherokee Indian Agency, East 75.19.8
Cherokee Indian Agency, NC 75.19.7
Cherokee Indian Agency, West 75.19.9
Cherokee Indians
    agency records 75.19.26
    artists (photographs) 435.2
    enrollment 75.7.5, 75.23.3
    freedmen 75.7.5, 75.12.3, 75.23.3
        allotment 75.23.3
        debt certificates 53.4.2
        intruders 75.7.3
        map 217.7.7
        sales 75.7.3
    maps 106.3
    motion picture 378.4
    removal 75.6
        Volunteer Army muster rolls 94.2.2
    schools 75.10.1
    tribal, individual claims, payments 75.12.1, 75.12.3, 123.8
Cherokee Nation, Special Agent for the 75.15.12
Cherokee National Council 75.19.26
Cherokee Strip, OK (photographs) 49.17
Cherry Lake Farms, FL 69.3.9
Cherry Point Refinery 412.5.6
Cherryfield, ME 41.5
Cherrystone, VA
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal 42.9, 77.6.1
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co. 56.15.3, 79.12.2
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Fund, Joint Committee on the 351.3
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Parkway 79.6.6
Chesapeake and Ohio Transportation Company 79.12.2
Chesapeake Bay
    defense commands 338.2.1
    maps and charts
        Army Engineers 77.10.4
        drainage basins 187.5.2
        area geological formations 57.2.2
        fisheries 22.4.4
    research stations 22.4.3
    siltation studies 114.4.4
Chesapeake Bay, Coast Defenses of the 392.3
Chesapeake Division (Army Engineers) 77.9.3
Chester, MD 41.5
Chester, PA
    customs collection 36.3.1
    slum conditions (photographs) 3.5
Chester River 77.10.4
Chester, SC 393.4, 393.7, 393.12
Chetoo, China
    German consulate 242.4.2
Cheyenne (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.2
Cheyenne and Arapaho Indian Agency 75.19.10
Cheyenne and Arapaho School 75.19.26
Cheyenne Indians
    photographs 75.19.10, 75.29
Cheyenne River Indian Agency 75.19.11
Cheyenne River Sioux Indians 75.16.1
Cheyenne Wells, CO, conservation experiment station 114.4.2
Cheyenne Wells, CO, project office
    (Soil Conservation Service) 114.14.1
Cheyenne, WY
    rent control 252.4.7, 252.4.8
Cheyenne, WY, District Office
    (Price Administration) 188.17.3, 188.17.6, 188.17.7
Cheyenne, WY, Division Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Cheyenne, WY, internal revenue collection district 58.5.50
Cheyenne, WY, land office 49.9.27
Cheyenne, WY, office (Price Stabilization) 295.3
Cheyenne, WY, seat (District, Circuit Courts) 21.53.2
Chiang Kai-shek 338.4.5
U.S.S. Chicago 19.3.3, 74.2.2, 80.7.3
Chicago Factory (Indian trade) 75.3
Chicago, IL
    Army commands 338.2.2, 338.11.8, 393.4, 393.7
    civil disorders 220.13.2
        sound recordings 220.11.1
    federal employment practices 453.2.1
    grain futures market 180.2
    Indian land claim 75.7.4
    labor unrest (motion picture) 46.16
    Neighborhoods Commission hearings 220.18.12
    photographs 75.29
    rent control 252.4.6
    Russian consulate 261.3
        customs collection 36.3.1
        harbor construction 77.4.3
        steamboat inspection 41.3.8
        vessel documentation files 41.5
    subway construction 162.2.3
Chicago, IL, Agricultural Loan Agency 154.3.3
Chicago, IL, Army Medical Examining Board 112.4
Chicago, IL, Aviation Examining Board 18.9.3
Chicago, IL, Chemical Procurement District 175.4.6
Chicago, IL, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.7
Chicago, IL, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.9;
    (Fuel Administration) 67.5.7;
    (Immigration and Naturalization Service) 85.5.5;
    (Lifesaving Service) 26.4.2;
    (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.7.2
Chicago, IL, District Office
    (Federal Board of Vocational Education) 15.5.2;
    (Plant Protection Section) 165.4.2;
    (Price Administration) 188.16.2, 188.16.3, 188.16.6, 188.16.7;
    (Small Business Administration) 309.6.1
Chicago, IL, division (Army Engineers) 77.9.8, 77.9.10;
    (Circuit Court) 21.15.2;
    (District Court) 21.15.1
Chicago, IL, Field Employment Assistance Office
    (Indian Affairs) 75.13
Chicago, IL, field office
    (Air Force Information Services) 340.3.2;
    (Capital Issues Committee) 158.3;
    (Defense Transportation Office) 219.6.1;
    (Wage and Hour Division) 155.4.5
Chicago, IL, Finance Center (Army Comptroller) 319.7.6
Chicago, IL, Inspection Office (Post Office Department) 28.8
Chicago, IL, internal revenue collection district 58.5.13
Chicago, IL, land office 49.9.9
Chicago, IL, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Chicago, IL, Lighthouse District 26.2.5
Chicago, IL, Loan Agency
     (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) 234.2.1
Chicago, IL, Market Center System
    (Quartermaster General) 92.15.4
Chicago, IL, Motor Transport Depot
    (Quartermaster General) 92.15.4
Chicago, IL, office (Army Procurement Agency) 338.11.3;
    (Commodity Futures Exchange Administration) 180.2;
    (Public Debt Bureau) 53.7;
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6;
    (War Relocation Authority) 210.3.3
Chicago, IL, Operations Office (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.4.2
Chicago, IL, Quartermaster Depot 92.15.4
Chicago, IL, Quartermaster Food and Container Institute 92.15.4
Chicago, IL, Regional Board (Wage Stabilization Board) 202.5.6
Chicago, IL, Regional Office (ACTION) 362.2;
    (American Revolution Bicentennial Administration) 452.4.3;
    (Civil Service Commission) 146.5.5;
    (Employment and Training Administration) 369.3.3;
    (Fair Employment Practice Committee) 228.5.6;
    (Office of Economic Opportunity) 381.4.1;
    (Post Office Department) 28.9.2;
    (Price Administration) 188.16;
    (War Assets Administration) 270.3.4
Chicago Institute of Psychoanalysis 418.3.3
Chicago River 77.10.9
Chicago Terminal Study 133.5.3
Chicago-Wisconsin [Milling] Division (Food Administration) 4.4.2
Chicago World's Fair Centennial Celebration 43.13.15, 56.15.4
Chicago World's Fair Centennial Commission 43.13.15
Chickaloon, AK, mine 80.8.3
Chickaloon and Bering River coal fields 126.2
Chickamauga-Chattanooga National Military Park 92.10.1
Chickamauga Dam 142.5.4
Chickamauga Reservoir 142.5.4
Chickasaw Bluffs Factory 75.3
Chickasaw Indian Agency 75.19.12
Chickasaw Indians
    agency records 75.19.26
    enrollment 75.23.3
        allotments 75.23.3
        ceded lands 49.9.15
        coal, asphalt lands 75.19.26
        mining case files 57.10.2
        reservations 49.9.15
        sales, trust fund 56.2.1, 56.2.2, 75.7.3, 75.12.4
        townsites 75.23.3
    removal 75.6
    schools 75.10.1
    Treasury accounts 217.4.7, 217.7.7
Chickasaw National Recreation Area, OK 79.9.2
chickens SEE poultry
Chico (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.9
chief SEE ALSO other part of title
Chief Clerk (Agriculture Department) 16.8.3;
    (Confederate Treasury Department) 109.10.2;
    (Indian Affairs) 75.5.2;
    (Internal Revenue) 58.3.2;
    (Justice Department) 60.5.1;
    (Labor Department) 174.3.5;
    (Navy Department) 80.2.3, 80.3.4;
    (Post Office Department) 28.2.2, 28.10;
    (State Department) 59.3.2;
    (Treasury Department) 56.2.1;
    (War Department) 107.2.11, 107.8.1
Chief Clerk's (A) Division (General Land Office) 49.3.1
Chief Counsel (Coast Guard) 26.5.4;
    (Federal Aviation Administration) 237.6.1;
    (Federal Highway Administration) 406.2.3;
    (Fuel Administration) 67.2;
    (National Park Service) 79.4.6;
    (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.3.5;
    (Territories) 126.2;
    (Three Mile Island Commission) 220.18.16
Chief of Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality, Office
     of the U.S. 238.3, 238.4.3, 260.5.4
Chief of Counsel for War Crimes (Military Government for Germany)
    238.4, 238.5.1, 260.5.1
Chief of Counsel, Office of the
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.40
Chief of Naval Operations SEE Naval Operations, Chief of
Chief of Ordnance--Detroit, Office of the 156.7.19, 156.7.20
Chief of Staff
    (5th Army) 338.9.5;
    (6th Army) 338.9.6;
    (Army Ground Forces) 337.2;
    (Executive Headquarters [China]) 338.4.5;
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.3.1
Chief of Staff, Office of the
    (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.1
Chief of Staff, Office of the Deputy (MAC Thailand) 472.8
Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander 331.2.1
Chief of Transportation (Army) 338.11.9
Chiefs of Arms, Records of the (RG 177)
    administrative history 177.1
    Artillery Chief 177.2
    cartographic records 177.6
    Cavalry Chief 177.4
    Coast Artillery Chief 177.2
    Field Artillery Chief 177.3
    Infantry Chief 177.5
    still pictures 177.7
Chieu Hoi Directorate (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.10
child abuse
    pornography commission 60.17.10
Child and Human Development, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.16
child care
    federal relief projects 69.3.5
    school impact aid 12.5.9
child care centers
    Lanham Act construction 196.4
child development
    dietary effects 443.10
    neurological disease study 443.8
Child Development, Office of (HEW) 235.3.2
Child Health and Protection, White House Conference on 176.3,
child health and safety
    Children's Bureau filmstrips 102.4
    civilian defense 171.4.3, 171.4.8
    Crow Creek Indian agency exams 75.19.20
child labor
    Children's Bureau 102.2.1
    NRA codes 9.8.5
    photographs 102.3, 155.3.2
    unratified constitutional amendments 11.2
Child Labor Branch (Labor Standards Bureau) 100.2
Child Labor, Branch of (Wage and Hour Division) 155.3.2
child nutrition
    milk consumption survey 145.3
Child Nutrition (motion picture) 16.7.2
Child Support, U.S. Commission on Interstate 220.19
child welfare
    circulars 62.5.4, 62.5.7
Child Welfare Department (Women's Defense Work) 62.5.4
    neurological disease study 443.8
Childe, Cyril E. 198.3
    Children's Bureau 102
    DC school population 51.10.1
    displaced persons 466.3.2
    Indian enrollment, censuses 75.7.5, 75.19.22, 75.19.26,
        75.19.35, 75.19.54, 75.19.73, 75.19.74
    International Year of the Child Commission 220.18.10
    Social Security photographs 47.4.2
    strength study (motion picture) 167.10
    war orphans 278.2.3
Children, 1970 White House Conference on 220.23.3
Children and Youth, 1970 White House Conference on 220.23
Children and Youth, Golden Anniversary White House
    Conference on 220.22
Children and Youth, Midcentury White House Conference on 220.21
Children and Youth, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.16
Children, Family, Drugs, and Alcoholism, Subcommittee on
     (Senate) 46.16
Children in a Democracy, White House Conference on 220.22.1
Children, National Commission on 220.19
Children's Activities Division (White House Conference on
        Children and Youth) 220.23.3
Children's Bureau
    photographs 47.3.2
    Sugarman files 235.3.2
Children's Bureau, Records of the (RG 102)
    administrative history 102.1
    motion pictures 102.3
    records 102.2
    still pictures 102.4
children's camps 145.2
Children's Fund (American Relief Administration) 167.7
Children's Guardians, Board of (DC Government) 351.6
Children's Theater 69.5.4
Childs Glacier 22.4.1
    agriculture (photographs) 83.10
    Argentina boundary arbitration 76.5
    claims 76.4
    livestock, crop distribution (maps) 83.4.10
    Spanish armistice 76.5
    telephone, telegraph communications 259.3
    U.S. Army mission 334.3
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
Chilkoot Barracks, AK 394.4
Chillicothe, MO, Division (Circuit Court) 21.27.4
Chillicothe, MO, Division (District Court) 21.27.3
Chillicothe, OH, internal revenue collection district 58.5.35
Chillicothe, OH, land office 49.9.21
Chilocco Creek, Indian Territory, U.S. Troops on 393.11.2
Chilocco Indian School 75.19.26, 75.20.8
Chilula (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.4
Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, VA 109.8.4
Chimborazo Hospitals 1-5, Richmond, VA 109.8.4
china (dinnerware)
    naval equipment 24.5
    White House 42.3.3
    air force aid 341.12.5
    businesses 85.5.14
    claims 76.4
    food relief 103.3.2
    German diplomatic, consular records 242.4.2
    industrialization 40.3.3
    Japan relations 43.11.13
    Korean War
        brainwashing 112.7
        motion pictures 242.26
        Army Philippines command 395.14.1
        military operations 94.14, 242.25
        military radio systems 111.8
        Russo-Japanese War 38.43, 77.12.2
        shipwreck charts 37.4.3
    military officer training 165.6.6
    narcotics law enforcement 170.3
        agriculture 54.7
        Boxer Rebellion 165.21
        Insular Affairs Bureau 350.2
        land use 114.4.1
        urban, topographical views 226.22
    revolution, 1911-12 45.5.1
    shipbuilding 32.4.13
    State Department committees 353.5.6, 353.5.7
    U.S. intelligence 319.12.3, 319.19
    U.S. Marine Corps activities 127.2.4, 127.7.3
        photographs 127.9, 127.12
    U.S. offices, representatives
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        Marshall mission 59.5.1
        military aid units 334.5.3
        military missions 160.4.1, 338.4.1
        naval intelligence 38.4.8, 45.5.1
        official visitors (photographs) 38.4.9, 306.11
        Quartermaster Corps construction 92.7.1
        Wedemeyer mission 59.5.1
    U.S. postwar economic aid 469.2.3
    Vienna Exposition 43.12.3
    World War II
        army activities in India 332.3.4
        cultural resource protection 239.3
            photographs 239.4
        historical evaluations (sound recordings) 319.20.3
        maps 332.3.1
        military supply, training 338.4.3
        OSS intelligence activities 226.3.11, 226.6.5, 226.22
        petroleum lend-lease 169.7.3
        production capacity 220.5.12
        strategic maps 165.4.1
        supply 38.7.3
        war crimes 153.13.1, 331.39.5
China asters 54.2
China-Burma-India Theaters of Operations 338.4
China-Burma-India, U.S. Army Forces 338.4.2
China Division (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.10.2
China Lake, CA, Naval Weapons Center 181.15.27
China Relief Expedition
    Army operations 395.4.1
    artworks 111.10
    photographs 77.2.5
China Theater, Headquarters U.S. Forces 332.3.3
China Theater, U.S. Army Forces 338.4.3
China, U.S. Court for 118.46, 118.47.10
China, U.S. Military Mission to 338.4.1
China, U.S. Naval Group 38.2.4, 38.4.15
Chinese Affairs, Division of (State Department) 59.3.6
Chinese American Services of Supply 338.4.3
Chinese Americans
    census maps 29.3.6
Chinese Combat Command (Provisional) 338.4.3
Chinese Communist Party 338.4.5
Chinese Division
   (Immigration and Naturalization Service) 85.2.4, 85.5.5
Chinese Division (OWI) 208.6.2
Chinese Eastern Railway 43.11.10
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) 60.3.2, 85.2
Chinese immigrants
    Immigration and Naturalization Service records 85.2.4, 85.5.2-85.5.14
    Indiana marshals cases 118.47.5
    Missouri district courts 21.27.1
    women at San Francisco 36.2.2
    workers in French factory (photographs) 3.5
Chinese language
    America Today 306.2
    captured records 242.22
    Roosevelt memorial service 208.5.5
    U.N. charter 208.5.2
Chinese Nationalist Government 338.4.5
    armed forces 334.5.3
Chinese People's Volunteers 333.6.3
Chinese Petroleum Committee 253.2.5
Chinese Training Center, Kunming (Army) 332.3.3
Chinese War Production Board 220.5.12
Chinle, AZ, Field Office (Indian Affairs) 75.18.1
Chinle Boarding School 75.20.9
Chinle Subagency 75.19.62
Chinook (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.4
Chippewa (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.2
Chippewa Commission 75.19.126
Chippewa General Council 75.29
Chippewa Half-Breed Scrip Acts (1854, 1863, 1864) 49.3.2
Chippewa Indians
    agency records 75.19.17, 75.19.53, 75.19.89
    census rolls 75.20.18
    depredation claims 75.14.3
    lands 75.7.3
        Bad River Reservation survey 75.7.2
        logging on ceded lands 49.3.10
        White Earth cases 118.22.2
    Minneapolis area office reports 75.16.6
Chippewa of the Mississippi 75.14.3
Chippewa River 77.10.53
Chippewa Tribal Council 75.19.126
Chiricahua Indians, U.S. Troops Operating Against the 393.11.2
    chemical warfare (photographs) 171.4.6
Chocchuma, MS, land office 49.9.15
Chock (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.4
chocolate 29.6.4
Choctaw-Chickasaw Citizenship Court 75.23.3
Choctaw City, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Choctaw Commissioners 75.6
Choctaw Factory 75.3
Choctaw Indian Agency, East 75.19.13
Choctaw Indians
    agency records 75.19.26, 75.19.116
    constitution, laws 75.23.3
    enrollment 75.23.3
    freedmen 75.7.5
    lands 75.7.3
        allotments 75.23.3
        coal, asphalt lands 75.19.26
        timber sales 75.9
        townsites 75.23.3
        mining case files 57.10.2
    removal 75.6
    schools 75.10.1
Choctaw Land Office 75.23.3
Choctaw National Council 75.19.26
Choctaw Net Proceeds Case 75.7.4
Choctaw Scrip Acts (1842, 1845) 49.3.2
Choctaw Supreme Court 75.19.26
Choctaw Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek 75.7.4
Chokeberry (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.4
cholera 94.12.5
Chopawansic Recreation Demonstration Project, VA 79.4.5
Choptank River 77.10.4
Chou En-lai 338.4.5
Christ Protestant Episcopal Church, Washington, DC 42.2.5
Christian Commission, U.S. 94.11
Christiana River 77.10.44
Christie tanks 156.3.4
Christmas Island 326.5.1
Christmas, John K. 156.7.19
Christmas mail (Army Vietnam) 472.6.7
Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Jubilee Commission 220.19
chromite 57.4.2
Chronic Diseases, Division of (Public Health Service) 90.9.1
chronographs 78.2
Chugach National Forest 95.9.8
Chugoku, Japan, region (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.41.4
Chugoku-Kure-Hokkaido, Japan, regional office 331.45.6
Chumash Indians
    song, language sound recordings 106.5
Chungking, China, base (OSS) 226.18
Church Committee 46.22.2
Church World Services 278.3.4
    Army chaplains chapel registers 247.2.1
    Military Academy chapel 404.12.2
    Navy religious facilities 24.6.1
    photographs 66.4, 221.6
        Indian lands 75.10.2, 75.29
    war memorial chapels 117.3.2
    World War II looting, damage 260.4.9
Churchill, Winston S.
    Bermuda Conference 43.2.48
    messages transmissions 165.4.1
    motion picture 80.2.5
    Munitions Assignment Board 333.2
    postwar Italy administration 331.30
    speeches (sound recordings) 56.19
    Truman Talks, 1952 43.10.16
    wartime conferences
        Cairo 43.3.6
        Potsdam 43.4.3
        Teheran 43.3.5
        Yalta 43.4.1
    Washington visit, 1954 43.10.25
CI-1 (Military Security) Subsection
    (Allied Force HQ) 331.17.2
CI-2 (Civil Security) Subsection (Allied Force HQ) 331.17.2
CI-3 (Ports and Frontiers) Subsection
    (Allied Force HQ) 331.17.2
CI-4 (Sabotage and Special Counter Intelligence)
    Subsection (Allied Force HQ) 331.17.2
CI-Balkans Subsection (Allied Force HQ) 331.17.2
CI-Plans (Austria) Subsection (Allied Force HQ) 331.17.2
CIA SEE Central Intelligence Agency
Ciano, Galeazzo 242.17.1, 242.27
Cibolletta, NM, Army Subsistence Agent 75.15.9
Ciego de Avila, Cuba 395.5.3, 395.11.5
Cienfuegos, Cuba
    U.S. Army posts 395.5.3, 395.11.5
Cienfuegos, Cuba, quarantine station 90.3.4, 90.5.1
U.S.S. Cimarron 313.4.5
Cimarron (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.2
Cimarron and Abiquiu (Jicarilla) Agency 75.19.14, 75.19.83
Cimarron Indian Agency 75.15.9
Cimarron River 187.5.5
cinchona 234.5.6
     photographs 169.6.7
Cincinnati, OH
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
    customs collection 36.3.1
    housing projects 31.2.1
    Indian relocation 75.13
    rent control 252.4.3
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Cincinnati, OH, Army Medical Examining Board 112.4
Cincinnati, OH, Aviation Examining Board 18.9.4
Cincinnati, OH, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.10, 77.10.11
Cincinnati, OH, District Office
    (Federal Board of Vocational Education) 15.5.2;
    (Plant Protection Section) 165.4.2;
    (Price Administration) 188.13.2, 188.13.3, 188.13.5
Cincinnati, OH, division (Army Engineers) 77.9.11, 77.9.12;
    (Circuit Court) 21.37.4; (District Court) 21.37.3
Cincinnati, OH, Inspection Office (Post Office Department) 28.8
Cincinnati, OH, internal revenue collection district 58.5.35
Cincinnati, OH, land office 49.9.21
Cincinnati, OH, office
    (Fair Employment Practice Committee) 228.5.5;
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.5;
    (Topographical Bureau) 77.4.3
Cincinnati, OH, Ordnance District 156.12
Cincinnati, OH, public health hospital 90.4.11
Cincinnati, OH, Regional Office
    (Civil Service Commission) 146.5.6;
    (Farm Security Administration) 96.2.1;
    (War Assets Administration) 270.3.3
Cincinnati, OH, Supervising District
    (Steamboat Inspection Service) 41.3.7
ciphers SEE codes
Circle City, AK, land office 49.9.2
circuit courts SEE courts of appeals
cities and towns SEE ALSO rural communities; urban areas
    agricultural marketing 83.2
    American Revolution Bicentennial programs 452.3.7,
   452.4.2,         452.4.4, 452.4.7, 452.4.9
    civil disorders, 1967-68 220.11, 220.13
        city plans (maps) 77.12.3
        photographs 220.13.2
    Cuba 395.5.2
         historical research data 207.2
        low-income neighborhoods 381.3.4
         neighborhood contrasts (maps) 195.3
         photographs 54.7
         rental areas (maps) 331.3
    industrial areas (maps) 234.2.5
        Foreign Service post reports 59.4.5
        Interior Secretary 48.4.1
         naval intelligence 38.4.3
    municipal indebtedness 53.2.4
        California communities 49.17
        eastern Europe 242.28
        Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau 151.13
        Germany 131.3.2, 242.28
        National Park Service 79.17
        panoramas 78.6
        Reclamation Bureau project towns 115.3, 115.4.1
        territorial towns 48.16
    planned communities 3.5, 195.5.9, 207.7.8
    post routes (maps) 28.6.2
    railroads (maps) 133.2, 234.2.5
        preemptions 49.3.8
        surveys, plats 49.3.6
        trustee boards 49.3.10, 49.10
    World War I
        strategic targets (aerial photographs) 120.3.2
        town maps 120.9.1, 120.9.2
    World War II aerial photographs 331.2.3
Cities Service refinery 253.6.3
Citizen Advisory Commission on the Medical Care of Dependents of
        Military Personnel 330.5.1
Citizen Potawatomi 75.7.2, 75.12.3, 75.19.98
Citizens' Advisory Committee on Environmental Quality 429.3
Citizens' Advisory Committee on Recreation and Natural Beauty
Citizens' Advisory Committee on the Status of Women 220.10.11
Citizens and Shareholders Rights and Remedies, Subcommittee on
        (Senate) 46.15
Citizens Commission on NATO, U.S. 59.5.1
Citizens Federal Committee on Education 12.2.1
Citizen's Food Committee 16.10.3
Citizens Military Training Camps 394.2.3, 394.2.7, 394.4, 407.13
Citizens Service Corps 171.4.8
citizenship SEE ALSO Indian enrollment; naturalization
    broadcasting employees' status 259.2
    derivative citizenship 85.9
    renunciation cases 60.3.4
    Selective Service status 163.2.4
citizenship education
    immigrants 85.2.2, 85.2.3, 85.5.2
    Indian student composition 75.20.29
    World War I Americanization 62.5.3
Citizenship Education Program 85.2.2
Citizenship Training, Division of
    (Immigration and Naturalization Service) 85.2.2
Citrus (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.12
The City (motion picture) 44.4.5
City Assembly of Greater Berlin 260.7.5
City Council (DC Government) 351.2.6
City Delivery Service, Division of
   (Post Office Department) 28.3.4
city planning (maps) 187.5.5
City Planning and Zoning, Committee on
    (Home Building Conference) 167.7
City Point, VA
    Army commands 393.7
    customs collection 36.3.1
Civil Administration and Political Affairs Branch
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.5
Civil Administration Division
   (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.5, 260.7.1, 260.7.2, 260.7.4
Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, U.S. 260.12
Civil Aeronautics Act (1938) 197.1, 197.2.2, 197.2.3, 237.3,
Civil Aeronautics Administration 40.3.1, 237.3, 237.5
Civil Aeronautics Authority 197.2.2
Civil Aeronautics Board
    Civil Aeronautics Administration correspondence 237.3
Civil Aeronautics Board, Records of the (RG 197)
    administrative history 197.1
    Federal Aviation Commission 197.4
    machine-readable records 197.5
    predecessors 197.2
    records 197.3
Civil Aeronautics Board Sunset Act (1984) 197.1
Civil Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for 340.6
Civil Affairs Branch (Allied Force HQ) 331.30.1,
     331.30.2, 331.31.2
Civil Affairs Division (European Command) 260.4.11
Civil Affairs Group (War Department Special Staff) 165.11
Civil Affairs Holding and Staging Area
   (Presidio of Monterey, CA) 165.11.5
Civil Affairs in Occupied and Liberated Territory
    (weekly reports) 319.4.3
Civil Affairs, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff
    (1st Army) 338.9.1
Civil Affairs, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff
     (3d Army) 338.9.3
Civil Affairs, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for
     (Army Vietnam) 472.5.3
Civil Affairs, Office of the Chief of (Army Staff) 319.5
civil affairs officers
    American Expeditionary Forces 120.9.1
     American Forces in Germany 120.11.3
Civil Affairs Section (3d Army) 338.9.3;
    (China Theater) 338.4.3;
    (European Theater) 338.3.1;
    (Judge Advocate General, Army) 153.6.1;
    (Pacific Theaters) 338.5.10;
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.41
Civil Air Patrol 171.4.1, 171.4.8
Civil and Defense Mobilization, Records of the Office of (RG 304)
    administrative history 304.1
    Defense and Civilian Mobilization Office 304.6
    Defense Mobilization Offices 304.4
    Defense Production Administration 304.3
    Federal Civil Defense Administration 304.5
    motion pictures 304.7
    National Security Resources Board 304.2
    records 304.6
    still pictures 304.8
Civil and Foreign Affairs Division
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.37.2
Civil and Mechanical Engineering (Military Academy) 404.3.3
Civil Archives, Office of (National Archives) 64.6
civil aviation SEE aviation
Civil Aviation Branch (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.12
Civil Aviation Regulatory Reform Task Force and
    Steering Committee 197.3.10
Civil Censorship Detachment
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.47
Civil Communications Section
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.43
civil defense
    Civil and Defense Mobilization 304
    Civilian Defense Office 171
    Defense Civil Preparedness Agency 387
    Defense Secretary's Office 330.5.4
    emergency hospital management 512.4.1
    engineering plans 397.2.8
    FSA/HEW activities 235.5
    German air plans 242.9.1
    joint Congressional committees 128.4
    motion pictures 304.7, 311.2
        German films 243.3.2
    photographs 35.3.2, 69.10, 304.6.2, 397.2.5
    posters 397.2.2
    Senate committees 46.5
    study commission 220.15.13
    zone maps 397.2.5
Civil Defense Act 234.2.6
Civil Defense Branch (War Department General Staff) 165.5.2
Civil Defense, Office of (Defense Department) 69.10, 397.2
Civil Defense Office Staff College 397.2.10
Civil Defense Program (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.5.4
Civil Defense Section, Passive Air Defense and
    (Allied Force HQ) 331.21.3
civil disorders SEE riots
Civil Disorders, National Advisory Commission on 220.11
Civil Division (Justice Department) 60.7
Civil Engineer (Naval Districts) 181.2.2, 181.2.7
Civil Engineer (Navy Yards) 181.3.1, 181.3.10
Civil Engineering Branch (Defense Attache Saigon) 472.9.8
Civil Engineering Laboratory (Navy) 181.15.3
Civil Historical Section (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.44
Civil Information and Education Section
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.45
Civil Information, Office of (Army Forces Korea) 332.4
Civil Intelligence Section
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.47
civil law
    procedures committees 267.4.1
Civil Law, Director of (Air Judge Advocate) 341.5.1
Civil Liaison Division (Army Staff) 319.4.5
Civil Liberties and Democratization Branch
     (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.5
Civil Military Operations Division (Army Vietnam) 472.5.3
Civil Operations for Rural Development Support
    Historical Working Group (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.10
Civil Operations for Rural Development Support Information Center
    (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.10
Civil Operations for Rural Development Support, Office of
    (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.10, 472.4.4
Civil Posts Branch (Allied Force HQ) 331.28.1
"Civil Procedures, Decisions on Federal Rules of" 60.4.2
Civil Property Custodian (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.51
Civil Relief Section (War Risk Insurance Bureau) 15.4.4
civil rights
    Agenda for the '80s Commission (sound recordings) 220.18.20
    aliens, immigrants (sound recordings) 85.2.1
    education 12.2.1
    FBI files 65.2.2
    Office of Economic Opportunity programs 381.3.1
Civil Rights Act (1875) 60.3.2
Civil Rights Act (1957) 453.2
Civil Rights Act (1964)
    education effects (motion picture) 12.2.1
    Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 403.1
    posters 403.7
    school surveys 441.4
Civil Rights, Assistant Secretary of Education for 441.4
Civil Rights Division (Justice Department) 60.8
Civil Rights, Office of
    (Health, Education, and Welfare Department) 441.4
civil rights organizations 228.5.12
Civil Rights, President's Committee on 220.7.2
Civil Rights, Records of the Commission on (RG 453)
    administrative history 453.1
    general records 453.2
    machine-readable records 453.5
    Research Office 453.3
    sound recordings 453.4
Civil Rights, Special Assistant to the Director for
    (Office of Economic Opportunity) 381.3.1
Civil Rights, Subcommittee on (House of Representatives) 233.16
Civil Security Section (SHAEF) 331.3.4
Civil Service Act (1883) 146.1, 478.2
Civil Service and Retrenchment, Committee on (Senate) 46.17
Civil Service Boards of Examiners
    arsenals 156.9.2, 156.9.19
    local, regional records 146.3.1, 146.5.1-146.5.10
Civil Service Commission, Records of the U.S. (RG 146)
    administrative history 146.1
    Federal Personnel Council 146.4
    Grant Civil Service Commission 146.2
    headquarters records 146.3
    machine-readable records 146.8
    motion pictures 146.6
    regional offices 146.5
    sound recordings 146.7
Civil Service Commission, U.S.
    appeals 479.2
    building plans 48.13
    Federal Security Agency personnel 235.2.1, 235.2.3
    Occupational Deferment Committee 211.7.1
    records 146, 478.2
    Treasury personnel 56.3.7
Civil Service, Committee on Reform in the
    (House of Representatives) 233.18
Civil Service, Committee on the (House of Representatives) 233.18
Civil Service, Committee on the (Senate) 46.17
Civil Service Group (Bipartite Control Office) 260.9.4
Civil Service Improvement, President's Committee on 220.5.4
Civil Service Laws and Classification Act of 1923, Special
    Committee to Investigate the Administration and Operation
    of the (Senate) 46.22.2
Civil Service Reform Act (1978) 146.1, 317.1, 478.1, 479.1
Civil Service Retirement Act, Joint Committee on the 128.3
Civil Service Retirement Association 56.3.7
Civil Service System and Postal Service, Subcommittee on the
    Administration of the (Senate) 46.17
Civil Transportation Section
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.48
Civil War SEE ALSO military personnel (Civil War);
       prisoners of war (Civil War)
    Adjutant General's Office 94.2.5, 94.12, 94.13
        battle lists 94.12.5
        muster rolls, returns 94.2.2
        unit histories 94.2.4, 94.12.1
    Army commands 393
        Corps 393.9
        miscellaneous installations 393.13
        Provost Marshal field organizations 393.12
    artworks 15.2.1, 165.21
    claims 6.4, 123.5
        Great Britain 76.8
        Indians 75.14.2, 75.19.98
        naval ships 19.3.4
        quartermaster boards 92.12.2
        Treasury accounts 217.8.5
    commercial trade 56.5, 56.16, 366
    Confederate records 109
    direct tax collection 217.10.3
    joint Congressional committees 128.2
    loyalty issues 107.2.12
        campaigns, fortifications 77.2.3, 109.15
        census data 57.8
        Coast and Geodetic Survey 23.6
        Michler compilation 77.18
        Yorktown earthworks 177.2.2
    military parks, memorials 92.10.2-92.10.6
    Mississippi River defenses 77.10.28
    Official Records 94.13, 109.13.3
        battlefields 79.17
        Brady collection 111.10
        fortifications 77.2.5, 94.16, 111.10
        National Archives 64.6
        persons 94.16
        public health 90.15
        transport ships 111.10
        War Department General, Special Staffs 165.21
    railroads 92.5.2, 92.6.1
    St. Elizabeths Hospital cemetery 418.2.2
    State Department papers 59.5.2
Civil War Centennial Commission 23.6, 79.13.5
Civil War Special Agencies of the Treasury Department,
       Records of (RG 366)
    administrative history 366.1
    Eighth Special Agency 366.9
    Fifth Special Agency 366.6
    First Special Agency 366.2
    Fourth Special Agency 366.5
    Ninth Special Agency 366.10
    Purchasing Agents, U.S. 366.11
    Second Special Agency 366.3
    Seventh Special Agency 366.8
    Sixth Special Agency 366.7
    Third Special Agency 366.4
Civil Works Administration
    experiment station projects 164.2.2
    Indian agency records 75.19.27
    Indian schools 75.20.8, 75.20.28
    investigative files 64.4.6
    records 69.2
    Virgin Islands 55.3.2, 55.4
    wildlife reservation projects 22.8.5
    WPA records 69.4.2, 69.4.3, 69.4.7
Civil Works Administration, Special Advisory Committee on
       Statistical Projects of the 51.7
Civil Works, Assistant Secretary of the Army for 335.10
Civil Works Map File (Army Engineers) 77.2.3
Civiletti, Benjamin R. 449.2, 449.3
Civilian Advisory Committee (Navy Department) 80.7.1
Civilian Aide to the Secretary of War, Office of the 107.2.8
Civilian Awards, War Department Board on 107.12
Civilian Components, Committee on
    (Air Force Headquarters) 341.10.2
Civilian Components, Committee on (Army Secretary) 335.11.10
Civilian Components, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force
     for 340.5
Civilian Components Division (Army Ground Forces) 337.5.4
Civilian Conservation Corps
    Army III Corps correspondence 394.2.3
    Army Engineers records 77.3.1
    Army support 407.7
    art projects 121.3
    camp directories 16.11, 35.2
        maps 16.11, 77.3.5, 95.8, 95.9.7
    education program 12.5.1
    Fish and Wildlife Service projects 22.15.3
    Forest Service activities 95.8, 95.9.1, 95.9.2, 95.9.7,
            95.9.8, 95.11.19
        photographs 95.13
    Grazing Service projects 49.6.3, 49.6.4
    Indian projects 75.14.12, 75.16.8, 75.16.11
        agency records 75.19.6, 75.19.7, 75.19.10, 75.19.11,
            75.19.15, 75.19.18, 75.19.20, 75.19.27,
            75.19.29-75.19.31, 75.19.36, 75.19.39,
            75.19.45, 75.19.47, 75.19.49,
            75.19.53, 75.19.60, 75.19.67, 75.19.71,
            75.19.73, 75.19.74, 75.19.81, 75.19.82, 75.19.88,
            75.19.89, 75.19.95, 75.19.98, 75.19.107, 75.19.108,
            75.19.113, 75.19.115, 75.19.122, 75.19.124,
            75.19.128, 75.19.129
        photographs 75.20.29
        schools 75.20.8, 75.20.14, 75.20.28, 75.20.29
        motion pictures 69.4.3, 235.6
    National Park Service activities 79.4.5, 79.6.2, 79.7.1
        photographs 79.6.3, 79.6.6
    Reclamation Bureau oversight 115.2
        photographs 115.2
    soil conservation camps, projects 114.5.3, 114.8.1, 114.10.7,
        114.10.9, 114.12.1, 114.12.5, 114.14.7
        inspection reports 114.10.8
        photographs 114.16
    state, local parks projects 79.4.5
    theater entertainment 69.5.4
    TVA photographs 142.18
    veterans' contingent 15.6.1
    Virgin Islands 55.3.4
        photographs 55.4
    wildlife reservation projects 22.8.5
Civilian Conservation Corps Activities, Office of
    (Agriculture Department) 16.11
The Civilian Conservation Corps at Work: Erosion Control
    (motion picture) 35.6
Civilian Conservation Corps, Records of the (RG 35)
    administrative history 35.1
    cartographic records 35.5
    divisions 35.3
    general records 35.2
    liquidation unit 35.4
    motion pictures 35.6
    still pictures 35.7
Civilian Cooperation in Combating Venereal Diseases,
    Committee for 62.4.2
Civilian Defense, Records of the Office of (RG 171)
    administrative history 171.1
    cartographic records 171.6
    Central Office operating units 171.4
    general records 171.3
    motion pictures 171.7
    Region IX 171.5
    sound recordings 171.8
    State and Local Cooperation Division 171.2
    still pictures 171.9
Civilian Food Requirements Branch
   (Distribution Office) 136.8.2
Civilian Food Reserve 126.5.3
Civilian Food Reserve Section 126.3.2
Civilian Internee Information Center (Army) 338.11.6
Civilian Marksmanship, Director for (Army Secretary) 335.11.1
Civilian Mobilization Office
    (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.3
Civilian Personnel Branch (OSS) 226.3.8
Civilian Personnel, Director of (Air Force Headquarters) 341.9
Civilian Personnel Division (1st Army) 338.9.1;
    (MAC Thailand) 472.8;
    (Ordnance Department) 156.7.15;
    (War Secretary) 107.8, 107.8.3
Civilian Personnel Office (Army Vietnam) 472.5.11
Civilian Personnel, Office of (Army Secretary) 335.8
Civilian Personnel Policy Division
    (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.5.6
Civilian Personnel Section (Ordnance Department) 156.6.3
Civilian Production Administration
    housing 252.2, 252.3.2
    War Production Board 179.2.1-179.2.4
Civilian Protection Schools 175.3.3
Civilian Public Service camps 79.4.5, 114.8.2
Civilian Reactor Division (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.4.1
Civilian Requirements Division
   (National Production Authority) 277.3.3
Civilian Requirements Policy Committee 253.2.5
Civilian Supply Branch (Army Service Forces) 160.4.1
Civilian Supply Division (Allied Commission for Austria) 260.11.2
Civilian War Casualty Hospital (MAC Vietnam) 472.4.8
Civilian War Services Branch (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.3
Civilian War Services Division (Civilian Defense Office) 171.5.4
Civilization Division (Indian Affairs) 75.14.2
Clabberl, Peter 75.19.88
Claiborne, Harry E. 46.19
Claiborne, John 75.6
Claims Board (State Department) 353.11.2
Claims Branch (Quartermaster General) 92.12.2
Claims Commission (Shipping Board) 32.3.4
Claims, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.8
Claims, Committee on (Senate) 46.8
Claims Convention (1839) 76.7
Claims, Department (Division) of (Shipping Board) 32.3.4, 32.5.8
Claims Division (Freedmen's Bureau) 105.3.6-105.3.8;
    (Internal Revenue) 58.3.2;
    (Justice Department) 60.9;
    (Third Auditor) 217.8.5
Claims Review Committee
    (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) 234.2.4
Claims Section (Alien Property Custodian) 131.2.4
Claims Section (India-Burma Theater) 338.4.4
Claims, Subcommittee on (House of Representatives) 233.8
Clamecy, France 120.3.5
Clamp (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.6
Clanton, AL
    special census 29.8.3
Clanton, AL, CCC camp 114.8.1
Clapp, Gordon R. 142.3.1
Clarenbach, Kathryn F. 220.16.2
Clarence Strait, AK 48.13
Clark County, NV 163.4.1
Clark County, WA 83.6.5
Clark, George Rogers 148.3
Clark, John Davidson 459.1
Clark, Kenneth 296.2
Clark, Mark W. 260.11
Clark, Ramsey 129.2.2
Clarke County, GA 114.2.1
Clarke, Hans 227.6
Clarkesville, TX, U.S. Forces 393.11.1
Clarks Hill Lake 77.10.56
Clark's Point, MA 393.4, 393.7
Clarksburg, WV
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
Clarksburg, WV, District of (Army) 393.5
Clarksburg, WV, Division (Circuit Court) 21.51.2
Clarksburg, WV, Division (District Court) 21.51.1
Clarksburg, WV, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.5, 393.6
Clarksdale, MS, Division (District Court) 21.26.1
Clarksville, AR, land office 49.9.4
Clarksville, TN
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.11.1
Clarksville, TN, internal revenue collection district 58.5.42
Classification and Codes Section (Census Bureau) 29.6.2
Classification of Personnel, Committee on
    (Adjutant General's Office) 407.5.2
Classification Section (War Production Board) 179.2.6
Classification Standards, Committee on (National Archives) 64.12
Classified Inventions Branch
    (Judge Advocate General, Army) 153.10.2
Clatsop, OR, spruce production district 18.4.3
Clausen, Henry C. 80.5.4, 128.3
Clausen Investigation 80.5.4
Clausen, Peter (Danish Virgin Islands) 55.2.1
Clawson, Marion 207.7.5
Clay, Clement C. 109.13.3
Clay County, AR 103.6.3
Clay County, NC 16.5.1
Clay, Henry 59.3.1
Clay, Lucius M. 260.2, 260.3, 466.2
Claysville, AL
    Army commands 393.12
Claysville, AL, District of (Army) 393.4
Clayton, NM, land office 49.9.19
Clayton, NY 36.3.1
Cle Elum River, WA 57.10.3
Clean Air Act Amendments (1977) 220.18.5
Clean Skies, Clean Air (motion picture) 269.13
Clearance Committee (Civilian Production Administration) 179.2.2
Clearance Office (Joint Army and Navy Munitions Board) 225.3;
    (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.5;
    (War Industries Board) 61.3.8
Clearing Office for Foreign Transactions
    (Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau) 151.8.2
Clearing Office for Foreign Transactions and Reports
    (Commerce Department) 40.3.5
Clearwater, District of (Army) 393.5
Cleat (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3
Clematis (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.6
    Fort Leavenworth applications 153.2.2
    war crimes 153.13.1, 238.5.3, 238.6, 260.5.2, 331.39.5,
       331.39.7, 338.7.2
Clemency and Parole Board for War Criminals 220.7.20
Clemency for War Criminals, Advisory Board on 238.6
Clement, Robert N. 142.3.2
Cleo, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Clerk (Supreme Court) 267.4
Clerk of the House, Office of the
      (House of Representatives) 233.2
clerks and clerical workers
    Adjutant General's Office 94.2.7
    Army detachment 404.17
    Army Headquarters 108.2.2
    Army Surgeon General 112.2.3
    Post Office Department 28.4.3
    Quartermaster General 92.11.1
    secretarial training recordings 179.7
    Treasury Department 56.3.2
    War Department
        Confederate archives 109.14.3
        promotion board 107.8.1
Clermont-Ferrand, France 120.5.2, 120.8.2
Cleveland, Grover
    Pacific Railway Commission 193.3
    Panama Canal 185.4
    photographs 121.8
    Strike Commission 13.2
Cleveland, Harlan 469.6
Cleveland National Forest 95.9.4
Cleveland, OH
    airport weather maps 27.6.2
    civil disorders (photographs) 220.13.2
    customs collection 36.3.1
    elderly welfare study 411.4
    housing discrimination (sound recording) 453.2.1
    Indian relocation 75.13
        photographs 75.29
    Neighborhoods Commission hearings 220.18.2
    rent control 252.4.3
    steamboat inspection 41.3.9
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Cleveland, OH, Aviation Examining Board 18.9.4
Cleveland, OH, District (Army Engineers) 77.9.8;
    (Coast Guard) 26.6.7;
    (Lifesaving Service) 26.4.2
Cleveland, OH, District Office (Price Administration) 188.13.2,
    188.13.3, 188.13.5, 188.13.6
Cleveland, OH, Division (Circuit Court) 21.37.2
Cleveland, OH, Division (District Court) 21.37.1
Cleveland, OH, Field Employment Assistance Office
    (Indian Affairs) 75.13
Cleveland, OH, field office (Wage and Hour Division) 155.4.5
Cleveland, OH, internal revenue collection district 58.5.35
Cleveland, OH, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Cleveland, OH, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.6;
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6;
    (War Relocation Authority) 210.3.3
Cleveland, OH, Ordnance District 156.12
Cleveland, OH, public health hospital 90.4.12
Cleveland, OH, Regional Board (Wage Stabilization Board) 202.5.5
Cleveland, OH, Regional Office
    (Fair Employment Practice Committee) 228.5.5;
    (Price Administration) 188.13;
    (Wage Stabilization Board) 293.3.6
Cleveland, OH, Special Agent (Shipping Board) 32.5.12
Cleven, O. Louis 29.3.2
Clichy, France 120.8.4
Cliffburn Barracks, DC 393.13.7
Cliffburn Barracks, DC, Veteran Reserve Corps Depot Camp 393.13.8
Clifford, Clark M. 273.1
Clifton, AZ 174.5.2
Clignancourt Barracks, France 120.8.4
climate SEE weather
Climate and Crop Bulletin maps 27.5.3
Climatic and Physiographic Studies Division (Section)
    (Soil Conservation Service) 114.4.5
Climatology Division (Weather Bureau) 27.5.3
Cline, Ray S. 319.20.3
Clinical Center (National Institutes of Health) 443.3.4
Clinical Director (National Institutes of Health) 443.3.4
Clinical Research Centers, Committee on
    (National Institutes of Health) 443.3.1
Clinical Research Committee
    (National Institutes of Health) 443.3.4
Clinical Sciences, Laboratory of 511.2.1
Clinical Trials Committee (National Cancer Institute) 443.4
    Army convalescent camps 393.13.2
    Confederate organizations
        hospitals 109.8.1
        Medical Purveyor 109.8.3
        mobile units 109.9.4
        Quartermaster 109.7.3
        Treasury claims 365.2.3
    consumer costs study 176.4.2
    Indian schools 75.20.14
    Indians 75.29
    Marine Corps 127.6.1, 127.6.2
    military procurement 334.22
        climate maps 92.4.5
        militia 168.2
        Quartermaster General 92.4.3, 92.4.4
    Naval Asylum 71.2.3
    prison reports 209.2
    World War II
        price controls 188.6.7, 188.8.6
        production 179.2.8
clothing and bath units
    American Expeditionary Forces 120.9.4
    Regular Army 391.6.3
Clothing and Equipage Branch (Quartermaster General) 92.4.3
Clothing and Textile Material Division
    (Quartermaster General) 92.4.6
Clothing Department 360.2.4
Clothing, Equipage, and Subsistence, Office of
    (Munitions Board) 330.13.3
Clothing Establishment (Quartermaster General) 92.15.3
clothing industry
    garment workers (motion picture) 86.3
    Price Administration 188.5.4
    wage rates 155.3.2
Cloture Rule 46.19
cloud chambers 326.5.7
cloud formations (photographs) 37.4.1
Clover (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.12
Clover Mountain, NV, Unit (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.5
Clovis, NM, area office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.15
Coal and Coke Statistics Division (Bureau of Mines) 70.4.2
Coal Commission, Records of the United States (RG 68)
    administrative history 68.1
    cartographic records 68.4
    divisions 68.3
    general records 68.2
Coal Creek, AK, Mine 80.8.3
Coal Division (Bureau of Mines) 70.4.1
Coal for Victory (motion picture) 223.3
coal gasification 70.2.2, 70.6
coal industry
    abandoned mines 70.7
    Alaska fields 95.2.1
        maps 126.2
        Navy commission 80.2.1, 80.8.3
    Bituminous Coal Consumers' Counsel 223
    Bituminous Coal Division 222
    census records 29.2.3
    coal resources
        Cunningham claims 57.8
        distribution 70.4.1
        land classification 57.7.1, 57.7.4
        maps 49.13.1, 49.16, 57.4.1, 57.7.1, 77.10.15, 150.4,
           187.5.2, 222.9
    defense plants 234.5.2
    engineering 70.4.1
    Fuel Administration 67.2, 67.3.7, 67.4
    ICC investigation 134.2
    Indian lands 75.7.3, 75.16.4, 75.19.26, 75.19.35
    labor relations 70.4.1, 150.3
        strikes 48.10, 68.3.1, 70.4.2, 89.2, 89.3
        Great Lakes shipments 219.8
        railroads 133.2
        transportation facilities 142.6.5
    mine safety
        accident schedules 70.2.2, 70.4.2
        fatalities 70.4.2
        inspection 70.13, 245.4.1
    mineral land entries 49.9.6, 49.9.27
    National Bituminous Coal Commission 150
    photographs 19.4.1, 67.7, 220.18.15, 245.6
    price controls 188.8.8
    production 68.3.2, 70.4.1, 70.11.3
        maps 70.2.2, 70.4.1, 222.9
    research (motion picture) 434.5
    Ruhr conference 43.10.6
    seizures 245.2, 245.5
    Solid Fuels Administration for War 245
    supply and marketing 68.3.3, 70.4.1, 89.2, 89.3
    transportation 67.3.7, 245.3.4
    war reconversion 250.4.2
Coal Industry Decontrol Agreements 432.2.2
Coal Industry, President's Commission on the 220.18.15
coal miners
    employment 70.2.2, 70.4.2
    interviews 220.18.15
    photographs 220.18.5
    safety 70.2.2, 70.4.2
    strikes 67.6
    travel time committee 220.5.10
    wages 68.3.1
Coal Mines Administration--Navy 245.2, 245.6
Coal Mines Administrations 245.4.2, 245.4.4, 245.5
Coal Mines Operations unit
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.2
coal-mining communities
    Coal Commission (maps) 68.2.1, 68.2.2, 68.3.1
    living conditions investigation 68.3.1
    photographs 67.7, 220.18.15
        health survey 245.6
    Presidential commission 220.18.15
Coal Production, Committee on
     (Council for National Defense) 62.10.5
Coal Rationing Branch (Price Administration) 188.9.6
Coal Section (National Recovery Administration) 9.4.2
Coal Section (Special Representative in Europe) 469.2.2, 469.3.2
Coal Shortages, Subcommittee on Oil and (Senate) 46.9
Coal Surveys, U.S. 49.13.1
Coal Tar Section, Heavy Chemicals and
    (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Coal Zone License Section (Fuel Administration) 67.4.1
coaling operations (photographs) 19.4.1
coaling stations 19.5, 38.4.3, 71.6, 80.7.3
Coalton, WV 67.7
Coard, Bernard 242.24
Coarse Grains Department (Grain Corporation) 5.2.3
Coarse Grains Division (Food Administration) 4.2.2
Coast and Geodetic Survey
    Commerce Department pesonnel records 40.3.7
    DC maps 351.4
    Hydrographic Office correspondence 37.3
    meteorological observations 27.3
    northwest boundary 76.2.3
Coast and Geodetic Survey, Records of the (RG 23)
    administrative history 23.1
    cartographic records 23.6
    central office organizations 23.3
    field activities 23.5
    general records 23.2
    Library and Archives, Technical Services Division 23.4
    still pictures 23.7
Coast Artillery Board 177.2.3
Coast Artillery, Chief of 177.2
Coast Artillery Corps 156.10.1, 391.2.5
Coast Artillery Corps Section (Army Ground Forces) 337.6.2
Coast Artillery School 177.2.2, 338.2.3
Coast Artillery Training Center 177.2.2
Coast Artillery units 391.2.3, 391.2.5
Coast Artillery War Instruction 177.2.5
Coast Defense Command 391.2.5
Coast Defenses, Committee on (Senate) 46.5
Coast Division (Army) 393.8
Coast Guard Academy, U.S. 26.7, 26.10
Coast Guard Auxiliary 26.6.8
Coast Guard, Records of the United States (RG 26)
    administrative history 26.1
    cartographic records 26.8
    Coast Guard Academy 26.7
    Coast Guard districts 26.6
    Lifesaving Service 26.4
    Lighthouses Bureau 26.2
    motion pictures 26.9
    records 26.5
    Revenue Cutter Service 26.3
    sound recordings 26.10
    still pictures 26.11
Coast Guard, U.S.
    District of Columbia maps 42.2.3
    equal employment opportunity 220.7.8
    Marine Inspection and Navigation Bureau functions 41.6.1
    motion pictures 178.12
        training films 18.11
    officers (photographs) 38.8
    recruiting posters 24.12
Coast Signal Service 24.2.4
Coast Survey (Treasury Department) 23.2.1, 23.2.2
Coast Survey, Board on the Reorganization of the 23.2.2
coastal areas SEE ALSO beaches
    Alaska shore space reserves 49.2.2
    Hassler survey report 167.2.2
    intracoastal navigation 77.10.22
    maps and charts
        Alaska 76.2.9
        Army Engineers 77.10.4, 77.10.55, 77.10.66
        Coast and Geodetic Survey 23.3.6
        Coast Guard charts 26.6.3
        Defense Mapping Agency 456.2
        hydrographic charts 37.4.3
        Louisiana 49.16
        National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 370.11
        naval intelligence reports 38.4.3
        naval operating forces 313.4.4
        World War II
            German targets 242.9.4
            shipwrecks 23.6
    photographs 37.4.1
    piers, jetties 77.2.3, 77.10.23
    salt marsh study (motion picture) 40.7.4
coastal defenses
    Army districts 392
    Army Engineers districts 77.10.8, 77.10.22, 77.10.34,
         77.10.37, 77.10.47
        architectural, engineering plans 77.10.56
    Coast Artillery School 177.2.2
    Columbia River, Puget Sound 394.2.9
    Great Britain 178.12
    maps 77.2.5
    photographs 38.4.16, 77.2.5, 77.3.1, 77.22, 92.7.1
    seacoast armament 156.9.2
    War Department General Staff 165.6.5
Coastal Information Section (Naval Intelligence) 38.4.6
Coastal Plains Regional Commission 40.7.4, 414.8
Coated Fabrics Section (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Coates, Clarence N. 167.3.2
coats of arms
    National Guard 168.5
Cobb, Collier 57.4.1
Coblenz, Germany
    AEF units 120.9.1, 120.11.3, 120.11.4
    flood damaged Army vehicles (photographs) 92.17
cocaine use
    Jordan, Kraft investigations 449.3
Cochiti Lake, NM 77.10.2
Cochiti pueblo 106.6
cocoa beans 182.5.2
COCOM 489.2.3, 489.6.3
Coconimo National Forest Advisory Board 95.11.1
Coconimo National Forest, AZ 95.11.1
Cocopah Indians 75.19.15
Code Administration Section
    (National Recovery Administration) 9.5.6, 9.5.7
Code and Price Division
    (National Bituminous Coal Commission) 150.2.5
Code Authorities (National Recovery Administration) 9.9
Code Authorities Accounts Section
     (National Recovery Administration) 9.5.6
Code Authorities Unit (National Recovery Administration) 9.3.4
Code Membership, Committee on Effective Dates of
    (Bituminous Coal Division) 222.8
Code Membership Section
     (National Bituminous Coal Commission) 150.2.2
Code Record Unit (National Recovery Administration) 9.2.3
    American Expeditionary Forces 120.3.2
    Army Air Forces 18.6.3
    Defense Secretary's Office 330.2.2
    NSA cryptology 457.3
    ship logs 24.2.2
    Signal Corps 111.2.1, 111.2.4
Codification of International Law, Conference for 43.2.23
codling moth 7.7
Cody, WY 435.2.1
Coe, Charles E. 75.19.27
Coe, Conway P. 227.5.1
Coetquidan, France 120.5.2, 120.8.1
Coeur d'Alene, ID, District Office
     (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.3
Coeur d'Alene, ID, Division (District Court) 21.14.2
Coeur d'Alene, ID, land office 49.9.8
coffee 6.1, 103.4.1
Coffee County Farms, AL 96.2.11, 96.4.5
Coffee Prices, Subcommittee to Investigate (Senate) 46.6
Coffey, E.R. 90.14
Cohen, Benjamin 43.6.5
Cohen, David 453.2.2
Cohen, Wilbur J. 220.18.9, 235.3.1
Coinage Act (1873) 104.3, 104.4, 104.6
Coinage, Weights, and Measures, Committee on
    (House of Representatives) 233.6
    mint operations 104
Coke Distribution Section
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.3.5
coke production 70.4.2, 70.12.1, 169.8.2, 245.3.2
Coke Section (Fuel Administration) 67.3.4, 67.4.1
Colby, Elbridge 319.20.3
Colby, KS, land office 49.9.12
Colby, O.T. 40.3.3
Colby, WI 310.5.12
Cold Bay, AK, Naval Air Facility 181.12.5
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory 77.14.2,
Cold Spring, NY, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Cold Springs, KY 77.10.10
Coleccion de Ordenes Ejecutivas y Reglamentos Administrativos
    (Military Government of Santo Domingo) 38.3.2
Coleman, Joseph G. 490.3.2
Coleman Study 12.2.10
Coleman, William 406.6
Mr. Coleman's Division (Treasury Department) 56.7
Colfax County, NE 114.10.9
Colfax, WA, land office 49.9.25
Coll y Toste, Cayetano 186.1
Collaborative Perinatal Project 443.8
Collateral and Finance Department
    (Grain Stabilization Corporation) 103.4.1
Collateral Commodities Division 4.2.3
Collating Section (Naval Intelligence) 38.4.15
Collection and Dissemination, Deputy Director for
    (Air Force Headquarters) 341.11.2
Collection and Dissemination Section (Naval Intelligence) 38.4.7
Collection Operations Division (Air Force Headquarters) 341.10.2
Collections and Dissemination Division (Army Staff) 319.12.3,
Collector of Customs, Office of
    (Military Government of Cuba) 140.3.3
College Division, School and 4.2.3
College Entrance Examination Board 220.15.30
College Green Barracks, MD 249.5.3
College Park, MD, office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.12.3
College Station, TX, office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.12.12
College Student Aid Program 69.3.8
college students
    African scholarships 286.4.2
    civil disorders 220.15.17
     draft commission 220.14.14
    financial resources 220.15.30
colleges and universities
    admissions-test coaching study 122.8
    civil administration training 389.3
    District of Columbia 220.10.10
    facilities survey 12.5.11
    federal research support 12.5.3
    Job Corps records 381.3.5
    Materials Policy Commission 220.15.23
    Military Academy 404
    military research 18.7.7
        naval aviation 72.4.1
    National Defense Educational programs 12.5.13
    National Youth Administration programs 119.4.2
    Naval Academy 405.4, 405.7-405.10
    ordnance officers 156.3.3
        Ryukyu Islands 260.12.9
        Southeast River Basins Study Commission 414.2
        veterans rehabilitation 15.5.1
    postsecondary education financing commission 220.15.30
    Price Administration programs 188.7.5
    standards 12.2.2
    venereal disease education 90.3.5
Collegiate Balloon School 18.9.2
Collet, John C. 250.4.2
Collier, John 75.5.1
Collins, J. Lawton 165.2
Collins, Michael 255.13
Collinsville, TN 393.7
Collisson, Norman Harvey 48.2
    wood research 95.7.8
Collyer, Arthur J. 23.5.1
Colm, Gerhard 459.1
"Colm Report" 151.8.2
Colombey-les-Belles, France 120.5.1
    claims 76.4
        Italian claims arbitration 76.5
        interocean canal studies 77.6.6, 220.14.6
        rubber production 234.5.9
        transportation routes 151.11
        railroad survey 43.11.2
        river surveys 77.5.3
        rubber production 234.5.9
    reciprocity treaties advisory committee 353.11.3
    telephone, telegraph communications 259.3
    U.S. offices, representatives
        Army mission 334.3
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        Inter-American Affairs programs 229.6.4
Colon, Hernandez 220.15.37
Colonel Albert Todd (mine planter) 391.2.6
Colonel Garland N. Whistler (mine planter) 391.2.6
Colonial and Overseas Exposition 43.12.15
Colonial National Historical Park, VA 79.11.1
colonial period
    admiralty courts 21.34.1, 21.43.1
    Army land records 153.5
    post offices 28.2.2
    former Italian colonies in Africa 43.8.2, 43.11.28
"Color & Quickfire" 165.8.1
Color and Farm Waste Division (Chemistry and Soils) 97.3.4
Color Laboratory (Chemistry and Soils) 97.3.4
color television 173.10.2
U.S.S. Colorado 313.4.2
    aerial photographs 77.10.61
    Agricultural Economics representative 83.5
    archeological sites (motion picture) 106.4
    Arkansas River sedimentation studies 114.4.4
    CCC projects 35.3.2, 95.9.2, 114.8.1
    census schedules 29.8.2
    civilian defense 171.5.5
        evaluation team 369.2.1
        manpower planning 369.3.6
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.11
        attorneys, U.S. 118.7
        district courts 21.7
    food administration 4.3
    forest, range fire reports 49.15.2
    gambling vote abstract, 1948 220.15.21
    International Women's Year workshops 220.16.2
    land use planning 95.9.2
        Fish and Wildlife Service 22.15.5
        grazing districts 49.6.1
        mineral surveys 49.7.5
        mining claims, patents 49.3.2, 49.3.14
        national forests 95.5.3
        private land claims 49.3.4
        property surveys 31.2.2
         public lands withdrawals 49.3.6
        territorial prisons 48.13
        township surveys 49.7.5
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.4.1, 163.4.2
    mining projects 70.11.2
    national forests 95.9.2
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.7
    naval petroleum reserves 80.5.1
        American Guide 69.5.5
        CCC work 35.3.2
        federal buildings 121.4.3
        forest reserves 95.13
        Geological Survey 57.12
        highway construction 30.5
        survey expeditions 77.5.2, 77.5.3, 79.17
    price controls 295.3
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    public lands
         Land Management Bureau 49.13.4
        land offices 49.9.6
         private claims 49.3.4
        surveys 49.7.5
    public works 207.8.1
    rent control 252.4.5, 252.4.6
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
     Soil Conservation Service offices 114.11.4, 114.12.1, 114.14.1
    surplus property disposal 103.7.8, 270.3.7
        direct taxes 58.3.1
        internal revenue collection district 58.5.5
    territorial papers 48.4.7
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.11
        manpower 211.23.12
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
Colorado, Department of (Army) 393.2, 393.4
Colorado, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Colorado Division (Public Roads) 30.5
Colorado Expedition 393.4, 393.10
Colorado-Kansas-Arkansas River Compact Commission 57.6.2
Colorado River
    aerial photographs 115.2
    commission reports 115.3
        flood control 114.10.4
        Geological Survey 57.6.6
        Interior Secretary 48.13
        water use 114.4.7
        Geological Survey 57.6.6
        Powell Survey 57.2.2
        Stanton Survey 57.12
    sedimentation studies 114.4.4
    water projects 48.12.2, 75.21.7
    water quality 412.5.3
    water rights litigation 434.3.3
Colorado River Basin
    maps 95.5.3, 115.2
    Texas Study Commission 414.5
Colorado River Basin Recreational Survey 79.14
Colorado River Expeditions 57.5
Colorado River Indian Agency 75.16.8, 75.19.15
Colorado River War Relocation Center 210.3.4, 75.21.7
    photographs 210.3.4
Colorado Springs, CO
    meteorological observations 27.4.3
Colorado Springs, CO, Civilian Public Service camp 114.8.2
Colorado Springs, CO, project office
    (Soil Conservation Service) 114.14.1
Colorado Springs, CO, Remount Area 92.15.4
Colorado State Office (Land Management Bureau) 49.13.4
Colorado, Surveyor General of (General Land Office) 49.7.5
Colorado Territory, Troops in the Field 393.11.2
Colorado, U.S. Attorney for 118.7
Colorado, U.S. Circuit Court for 21.7.3
Colorado, U.S. District Court for 21.7.2
Colorado, U.S. Territorial Court for 21.7.1
Colored Recruiting Rendezvous 393.4, 393.13.12
Colored Troops Division (Adjutant General's Office) 94.7
Colored Troops, U.S.
    claims 94.9.1
    deaths, discharges 94.12.5
    Treasury accounts 217.4.8, 217.7.3, 217.7.4
Colquitt, Oscar B. 13.6
The Columbia (motion picture) 305.3, 305.4
Columbia Barracks, Cuba 395.11.5
Columbia Basin Interagency Committee 57.10.3
Columbia Basin/Pacific Northwest Interagency Committee 315.2.3
Columbia Basin Study 187.5.9
Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
    Haig confirmation hearings 64.15
     Hoover interview 264.2.1
    migrant workers program 174.6
    Vietnam program 64.14
    Westmoreland suit 472.1
    World War II broadcast monitoring 216.2.3
Columbia, Coast Defenses of the 392.3
Columbia, Department of the (Army) 393.2, 393.4
Columbia Gorge Conservation Study 187.5.9
Columbia Hospital for Women 48.4.6
Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb 48.4.6, 48.16
Columbia Iron Works 156.2.2
Columbia Island, DC 79.6.6
Columbia, KY, U.S. Forces 393.5, 393.11.1
Columbia, MO
    Army commands 393.4, 393.12
Columbia, MO, office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.12.5
Columbia River
    defenses 77.10.46, 392.3, 394.2.9
    documentary films 115.8, 305.3
    fisheries 22.15.6
    Indian fishing rights 75.19.115
    Indians on public lands 75.19.129
    maps and charts 76.4, 77.10.46
    photographs 77.10.46
Columbia River Basin
        Forest Service 95.5.3
        industrial survey 48.13
        irrigation 83.6.1
        Reclamation Bureau 115.2
    park development 79.6.5
Columbia River Basin Project 115.2, 115.4.2
Columbia River Board 77.10.46
Columbia River Development Program 22.13.1
Columbia River District (Army) 393.5
Columbia River Engineering Board 115.4.3
Columbia River Group (Pacific Reserve Fleet) 181.15.31
Columbia River Treaty 305.1
Columbia, SC
    Army commands 393.7
Columbia, SC, area office
    (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.20
Columbia, SC, Board of Civil Service Examiners 146.5.4
Columbia, SC, District Office (Price Administration) 188.14.1,
    188.14.3, 188.14.6, 188.14.7
Columbia, SC, Division Office
    (Federal Highway Administration) 406.3
Columbia, SC, Division Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Columbia, SC, internal revenue collection district 58.5.40
Columbia, SC, office (Price Stabilization) 295.3
Columbia, SD 22.15.3
Columbia, TN
    Army commands 393.4, 393.11.1
Columbia, TN, Arsenal 156.9.6
Columbia, TN, Division (District Court) 21.45.3
Columbia University
    Atomic Energy Commission contracts 326.5.2
    aviation schools 18.9.2
    judicial procedure studies 220.9.12
    underwater laboratory 227.5.3
    Venereal Disease Project (sound recordings) 90.3.5
Columbian Exposition SEE World's Columbian Exposition
Columbian Museum (Chicago) 43.13.4
Columbus, District of (Army) 393.5
Columbus, GA
    Army commands 393.7
    Confederate hospitals 109.8.4
    map 177.5
Columbus, GA, District of (Army) 393.4
Columbus, GA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.12.2
Columbus, GA, Division (District Court) 21.12.1, 21.12.5
Columbus, GA, field office (Confederate Treasury) 365.4.3
Columbus, IN, internal revenue collection district 58.5.14
Columbus, KY
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
    Civil War defenses 77.10.28
Columbus Machine Co. 156.13
Columbus Memorial Commission 42.12
Columbus, MS, Confederate ordnance depot 109.7.5
Columbus, MS, Confederate Treasury depository 109.10.10
Columbus, MS, land office 49.9.15
Columbus, NM 395.7.2
Columbus, OH
    Army commands 338.2.2, 393.4, 393.7
Columbus, OH, Army Reserve Depot 92.15.4
Columbus, OH, Army Transportation Zone 336.3.2
Columbus, OH, District Office
    (Price Administration) 188.13.2, 188.13.3
Columbus, OH, District Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Columbus, OH, Division (Circuit Court) 21.37.4
Columbus, OH, Division (District Court) 21.37.3
Columbus, OH, internal revenue collection district 58.5.35
Columbus Quincentenary Commission 220.19
Colville Indian Agency 75.19.16
Colville Indian Reservation 75.9
Comanche (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.9
Comanche County, KS, maps 49.9.12
Comanche Indians
    ceded lands settlement 49.10.2
    photographs 75.29
"Combat Area Casualties File" 330.4.4
Combat Arms Advisory Group (Army Ground Forces) 337.6.2
Combat Arms Branch (Army Ground Forces) 337.5.5
Combat Arms Branch (Army Staff) 319.17.4
Combat Arms Training and Organization Division
    (MAAG Vietnam) 472.2
Combat Correspondent's Bulletin 127.2.2
Combat Materiel Division (Army Staff) 319.17.4
Combat Operations Losses and Expenditures Data 338.15
Combat Photography Section (Navy Department) 80.5.5
Combat Scientists 227.9
Combat TOW Firings (motion picture) 472.7.7
Combat Vehicle Section (Ordnance Department) 156.7.16
combat vehicles (motion pictures) 227.12
Combined Administrative Liquidating Agency 331.15.1
Combined Arms Directorate (MAC Vietnam) 472.4.1
Combined Chiefs of Staff
    conferences 165.2
    intelligence units 165.4.10
    occupied Germany 260.2.1, 260.3.4
    War Secretary 107.2.12
    wartime conferences 43.3.1, 43.3.9
Combined Civil Affairs Committee 160.4.1, 165.11.1, 179.4,
Combined Civil Affairs Liquidating Agency 331.15.2
Combined Command for Reconnaissance Activities, Korea 349.3.3
Combined Communication Board 165.9.1
Combined Deputy Military Governors (Germany) 260.2.1
Combined Document Exploitation Center (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.4
Combined European and South Atlantic Squadron 313.9.2
Combined Food Board 16.10.2
Combined French Area Committee 353.5.5
Combined Intelligence Committee 165.4.10, 331.3.4
Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee 165.4.10, 227.7.2,
Combined Liberated Area Committee 353.5.5
Combined Military Interrogation Center (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.4
Combined Military Planning Staff (CENTO) 333.8.1
Combined Policy Committee on French Empire Economic Affairs
Combined Production and Resources Board 179.4, 253.2.5
Combined Raw Materials Board 179.3
Combined Repatriation Executive
    (Allied Control Authority) 260.8.4
Combined Service Forces Advisory Division (Joint Military
     Advisory Group, China) 334.5.3
Combined Services and Economic Directorate
    (Allied Control Authority) 260.8.8
Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center
    (Allied Force HQ) 331.32.2
Combined Services Directorate (Allied Control Authority) 260.8.4
Combined Services Division (Army Advisory Group, China) 334.5.3
Combined Shipping Adjustment Board 169.3.5, 248.3.1
Combined Signal Board 331.24
Combs, H.E. 41.6.1
Combs, Linda M. 419.1
comets 37.4.2
"Coming of Age: Towards a National Retirement Income System"
Comite International Technique d'Experts Juridiques Aeriens
Command and Control Division (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.5
Command and General Staff School 165.5.1
Command and General Staff School (Army Forces, China) 332.3.3
Command Center Element (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.4
Command Historian (Army Intelligence Center) 319.2.1;
    (Army Vietnam) 472.5.12;
    (Defense Attache Saigon) 472.9.1;
    (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.17
Command Information Division (Army Staff) 319.4.5;
    (Army Vietnam) 472.5.14;
    (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.18
Command Installation Branch (Army Service Forces) 160.3.2
"Command Performances" (radio program) 330.7.4
Command Surgeon, Office of the (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.21
Commandant, Corps of Cadets (Military Academy) 404.4
Commandant of Midshipmen (Naval Academy) 405.3
Commandant, Office of the (Marine Corps) 127.2
commandants (Marine Corps)
    portraits 127.12
Commander 1st Carrier Task Force 313.5.3
Commander 2d Carrier Task Force 313.5.2
Commander 2d Fleet 313.5.4
Commander 7th Fleet 313.5.5
Commander 11th Amphibious Force 313.5.2
Commander Aircraft, Base Force 313.4.5
Commander Aircraft, Battle Force 313.4.3
Commander Aircraft, Scouting Force 313.4.4
Commander Aircraft Squadron, Asiatic Fleet 313.4.6
Commander All Forces, Aruba, Curacao 313.5.8
Commander Amphibious Bases United Kingdom 313.5.6
Commander Amphibious Force, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Commander Amphibious Force, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Commander Amphibious Forces Southern Pacific 313.5.3
Commander Amphibious Squadron 10 313.5.2
Commander Amphibious Training Command, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Commander Amphibious Training Command, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Commander Antisubmarine Defense Force, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Commander Base Force (Naval Forces) 313.4.5
Commander Battle Force (Naval Forces) 313.4.2
Commander Battleship Cruiser Force, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Commander Battleship Cruiser Force, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Commander Battleship Division 1 313.5.3
Commander Battleship Division 2 313.5.2
Commander Battleship Squadron 1 313.5.8
Commander Battleships, Battle Force 313.4.2
Commander Blimp Headquarters Squadron 2 313.5.8
Commander Blockading and Escort Force, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Commander Carrier Division 2 313.4.3
Commander Communication Mobile Target Division One 313.4.2
Commander Cruiser and Transport Force 313.3.1
Commander Cruiser Destroyer Force, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Commander Cruiser Destroyer Force, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Commander Cruiser Division 313.5.8
Commander Cruiser Force, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Commander Cruisers, Battle Force 313.4.2
Commander Cruisers, Scouting Force 313.4.4
Commander Destroyer Flotilla West Flotilla 313.5.3
Commander Destroyer Force, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Commander Destroyer Force, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Commander Destroyers, Battle Force 313.4.2
Commander Escort Carrier Force Pacific 313.5.3
Commander Escort Minesweeping Group 313.5.2
Commander Fleet Air Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean 313.5.2
Commander Fleet Air Hawaii 313.5.3
Commander Fleet Air Japan 313.5.3
Commander Fleet Air Norfolk, VA 313.5.2
Commander Fleet Air Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Commander Fleet Air Quonset Point, RI 313.5.2
Commander Fleet Air West Coast 313.5.7
Commander Fleet Air Wing 4 313.5.7
Commander Fleet Air Wing 5 313.5.7
Commander Fleet Air Wing 7 313.5.2
Commander Fleet Air Wing 12 313.5.2
Commander Fleet Air Wing 14 313.5.7
Commander Fleet Aircraft Southern Pacific 313.5.3
Commander Fleet Training Group Western Pacific 313.5.8
Commander Formosa Patrol Force 313.5.3
Commander in Chief (Allied Force HQ) 331.2.1;
    (Allied Naval Expeditionary Force) 331.3.5;
    (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.2.1
Commander in Chief, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Commander in Chief Mediterranean (Allied Force HQ) 331.27
Commander in Chief, Naval Forces on North Atlantic
     Station 313.2.4
Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Commander in Chief Pacific Ocean Areas 313.5.3
Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet 38.2.3, 313.4.1, 313.5.1
Commander in Chief, U.S. Naval Forces Europe 313.5.6
Commander Islands 22.3.3
Commander Marshalls/Gilberts Area (Naval Forces) 313.6.9
Commander Mideast Force 313.5.2
Commander Mine Division 3 313.5.3
Commander Mine Division 11 313.5.3
Commander Mine Division 50 313.5.2
Commander Mine Division 82 313.5.2
Commander Mine Force, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Commander Mine Force, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Commander Mine Squadron 2 313.5.8
Commander Mine Squadron 3 313.5.3
Commander Mine Squadron 8 313.5.2
Commander Mine Squadron 20 313.5.2
Commander Minecraft, Battle Force 313.4.2
Commander Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron 1 313.5.3
Commander Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron, 7th Fleet 313.5.5
Commander Motor Torpedo Boat Squadrons, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Commander Naval Air Force, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Commander Naval Air Force, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Commander Naval Air Transport Service Command Ferry Wing 313.5.2
Commander Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean 313.5.2
Commander Naval Forces Europe 38.2.4, 313.5.6
Commander Naval Forces Far East 313.5.3
Commander Naval Forces Germany 313.5.6
Commander Naval Forces Japan 313.5.3
Commander Naval Forces Kyushu 313.5.3
Commander Naval Forces Marianas 313.5.3
Commander Naval Forces Mediterranean 313.5.2
Commander Naval Forces Northwest African Waters 38.2.4, 313.5.2
Commander Naval Forces Philippines 313.5.3
Commander Naval Forces Ryukyu Islands 313.5.3
Commander Operational Development Force, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Commander Patrol Wing (Naval Forces) 313.4.3
Commander Scouting Force 313.4.4
Commander Scouting Squadron 6 (Naval Forces) 313.4.4
Commander Service Force, 7th Fleet 313.5.5
Commander Service Force, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Commander Service Force, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Commander Service Squadron 1 313.5.3
Commander Service Squadron Southern Pacific 313.5.3
Commander Southeast Pacific (Naval Forces) 313.5.8
Commander Southwest Pacific (Naval Forces) 313.5.3
Commander Submarine Division 61 313.5.2
Commander Submarine Flotilla 1 313.5.3
Commander Submarine Force, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Commander Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Commander Submarine Squadron 3 313.5.8
Commander Submarine Squadron 6 313.5.2
Commander Submarine Squadron 7 313.5.3
Commander Submarine Squadron 10 313.5.2
Commander Submarines, Scouting Force 313.4.4
Commander Submarines Southwest Pacific 313.5.3
Commander Taiwan Patrol Force 313.5.3
Commander Task Force 24 313.5.8
Commander Task Force 71 313.5.3
Commander Task Force 127 313.5.6
Commander Task Group 80.1, 313.5.2
Commander Torpedo Flotilla 313.3.1
Commander Training Command, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Commander Training Command, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Commander Transport Squadron 12 313.5.8
Commander U.S. Ports and Bases Germany 313.5.6
Commanding General (Army) 108.2.1, 159.3;
    (Army Air Forces) 18.6.1, 18.7;
    (Headquarters Army Service Forces) 160.2, 160.3;
    (Mediterranean Theater) 338.3.2
Commanding General 1st Marine Air Wing 313.5.3
Commanding General 1st Marine Division 313.5.3
Commanding General Air Fleet Marine Force Pacific 313.5.3
Commanding General Fleet Marine Force Pacific 313.5.3
commemorative coins and medals 104.3.4
Commencement (motion picture) 220.10.2
commerce SEE business and commerce
Commerce and Industry Association of New York 171.4.8
Commerce and Industry Group
    (Bipartite Control Office) 260.9.4
Commerce and Labor, Department of
    administrative history 40.2
    general records 174.2
Commerce and Labor, Secretary of
    Steamboat Inspection Service correspondence 41.2.1
Commerce and Manufactures, Committee on
    (House of Representatives) 233.9
Commerce and Manufactures, Committee on (Senate) 46.9
Commerce Branch (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.13
Commerce Clearing House, Inc. 100.2
Commerce, Committee of
    (Continental, Confederation Congresses) 360.2.3
Commerce, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.9
Commerce, Committee on (Senate) 32.4.1, 46.9
Commerce Court, Records of the United States (RG 172)
    administrative history 172.1
    court records 172.2
Commerce Court, U.S.
    appointments 60.16.2
Commerce Department (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.6.5
Commerce Department Act (1903) 167.3
Commerce, Department of
    accounts 39.2.1
    Federal Employment Stabilization Office 187.2
    foreign trade functions 489.7
    Grain Corporation archives 5.2.1
    Industrial Economics Division 9.7
    inland water transportation 91.2
    Reciprocity Information Committee 151.10.4
    Sesquicentennial Exposition exhibits 43.13.14
    Small Business Office 240.5
Commerce, Department of (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.4
Commerce, General Records of the Department of (RG 40)
    administrative history 40.1
    Business and Defense Services Administration 40.4
    cartographic records 40.8
    commissions, councils, and boards 40.7
    general records 40.2
    Industrial Cooperation Service 40.6
    motion pictures 40.9
    officials and operating units 40.3
    sound recordings 40.10
    still pictures 40.11
    Waste-Reclamation Service 40.5
Commerce, Justice, and State,
   [Appropriations] Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.4
Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Committee on (Senate) 46.9
Commerce, Secretary of
    Census Bureau statisticians reports 29.4.1
    Labor-Management Policy Committee 220.10.1
    Liquidation Division 188.10
    Reconstruction Finance Corporation 234.4
Commercial Affairs, Division of (State Department) 59.3.7
Commercial and Financial Division
   (Inter-American Affairs Office) 229.4.2
Commercial and Financial Policy, Office of
    (International Commerce Bureau) 489.6.3
commercial attaches 65.2.2, 151.3
commercial aviation SEE aviation
Commercial Bulletin 79.13.5
Commercial Company, U.S. 234.5.6, 234.7.2
Commercial Economy Board (Council for National Defense) 62.10.2
Commercial Exhibits Division
    (International Commerce Bureau) 489.6.2
Commerical Fisheries, Bureau of 22.12, 22.13, 22.16
Commercial Insurance Section
    (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.4
Commercial Intelligence Division
    (Foreign Commerce Bureau) 489.2.2
Commercial Policy, Executive Committee on (State) 353.5.7
Commercial Traffic Section (Naval Communications) 38.3.1
Commercy, France 120.8.3
Commissary Branch (Army Support Services) 410.4.2
Commissary, Chief (Army of Cuban Pacification) 395.5.2
Commissary Department 360.2.4
Commissary General of Military Stores 93.4.1, 93.4.2
Commissary General of Prisoners, Records of the (RG 249)
    administrative history 249.1
    Commisssioner for the Exchange of Prisoners 249.4
    Federal Parole Camps 249.5
    Federal Prisoner-of-War Military Prisons and Prison Camps 249.6
    Prisoner of War Division, Adjutant General's Office 249.3
    records 249.2
Commissary General of Purchases, Office of the 92.2
Commissary General of Subsistence
    Indian removal 75.6
Commissary General of Subsistence, Records of the Office of the
         (RG 192)
    administrative history 192.1
    records 192.2
Commission Permanente Internationale des Continents 182.9.3
Commission to Texas, U.S. 76.7
Commission, U.S. and Mexico 76.7
Commissioned Officers, Division of (Public Health Service) 90.6.3
Commissioned Personnel Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.6.3
Commissioned Personnel Branch
    (War Department General Staff) 165.5.2
Commissioner for the Exchange of Prisoners 249.4
Commissioners, Board of (California land claims) 60.2.2
Commissioners, U.S. and Mexico, Board of 76.7
Committee SEE other part of name
Committee Coordinating Board 353.5.4
Committee Management Secretariat
    (General Services Administration) 220.18.9, 269.5
Committee Operations Division
    (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.2
committees of safety 360.2.6
commodities SEE ALSO strategic materials
        fallout effects 88.9
        Foreign Economic Administration 169.7.4
        Grain Corporation 5.2.3
        marketing 136.1
        price controls 251.1
        production, distribution 4.2.1, 145.2, 145.4
        surplus 16.12, 75.19.60, 75.19.73, 124, 145.4
    Commerce Department controls 40.2, 40.3.3, 40.3.6
    Connecticut Valley shipments 77.10.47
    Customs Service 36.2.1
    defense procurement 234.5.3
        single-service management 92.3.5
    District of Columbia price controls 60.11.2
    European postwar recovery 469.2.2, 469.3.2
    export allocations 330.6.5
    export policy committee 489.6.4
    Foreign and Domestic Commerce divisions 151.5
    Korean War allocations 277.2.1, 277.2.2
    Materials Policy Commission 220.7.14
    movement survey 151.6
        Food and Drug Administration 88.10
        Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau 151.13
    President's foreign trade adviser 20.2.2, 20.3.1, 20.3.2
    production financing 96.3
    shipping "conference agreements" 178.3
    Tariff Commission investigations 81.5
    trade statistics reports 166.2
    traffic maps 187.5.2
    war reconversion 250.4.2
    World War I
        Allied purchasing 113.2
        production 61.1, 61.2.1, 61.2.3, 61.3.4
        trade 182.1, 182.4.2, 182.5.2, 182.10
    World War II
        Foreign Economic Administration 169.7.2, 169.9.1, 169.9.3,
              169.9.6, 169.10.1
            resources maps 169.8.1
        inter-American shipping 229.5.1
        lend-lease 169.3.4
         price controls, rationing 188
        shipping studies 248.3.2
        War Production Board 179.2, 179.3
Commodities Committee (War Industries Board) 77.3.2
Commodities Distribution Section
    (Marketing and Marketing Agreements) 124.3
Commodities Division (Joint Army and Navy Munitions Board) 225.3
Commodities Division (War Secretary) 107.6.2
Commodities Exchange Act (1936) 180.2
Commodities Purchase Section
    (Federal Surplus Commodity Corporation) 124.2.4
Commodities Purchase Section
     (Marketing and Marketing Agreements) 124.3
Commodities Purchases and Distribution, Committee on 124.4.3
Commodity Arrangements Staff
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.6.4
Commodity Credit Corporation
    administrative records 145.5.2
    Agricultural Adjustment Administration reference file 145.2
    food purchases 136.8.1
    Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans 234.2.1
Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act (1948) 161.1
Commodity Credit Corporation, Records of the (RG 161)
    administrative history 161.1
    records 161.2
commodity diversion program 16.12
Commodity Exchange Administration 180.2
Commodity Exchange Authority 180.3
Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act (1974) 180.1
Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Records of the (RG 180)
    administrative history 180.1
    Commodity Exchange Administration 180.2
    Commodity Exchange Authority 180.3
    sound recordings 180.4
Commodity Operations, Assistant Administrator for
    (Commodity Stabilization Service) 145.5.2
Commodity Stabilization Service 145.5
Commodity Studies Section (Materials Policy Commission) 220.7.14
Commodity Transactions, Select Committee to Investigate
     (House of Representatives) 233.22.2
Common Carrier Bureau (Federal Communications Commission) 173.9
Common Carrier Section (Price Administration) 188.8.11
common carriers
    Federal Communications Commission 173.1, 173.7, 173.9
    Interstate Commerce Commission 134.3, 134.6, 134.7
    war reconversion 250.3.9
Common Metals Division (Bureau of Mines) 70.4.4
Communicable Disease Center 442.2.1
communicable disease control SEE ALSO quarantine
    international notification 43.2.3
    postwar Japan 331.50.2
    Provisional Government of Cuba 199.2
    research, treatment
        motion pictures 90.13
        photographs 90.15
    Ryukyu Islands 260.12.5
Communication Division (Olympic Sports Commission) 220.17.12
Communication Mobile Target Division (Naval Forces) 313.4.2
communications SEE ALSO military communications; radio
        communications; television
    defense preparedness 304.3.2
    German high-frequency research 242.5.5
    pension, welfare benefit plans 317.3.4
    Ryukyu Islands 260.12.11
    State Department committees 353.5.14
Communications Act (1934) 173.1, 173.5
Communications and Electronics Division
    (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.5
Communications and Public Affairs Division
    (American Revolution Bicentennial Administration) 452.3.5
Communications and Records, Division of (State Department) 59.3.9
Communications Branch (OSS) 226.3.4, 226.17.3, 226.17.6,
    226.17.8, 226.18
Communications Censorship Division (Allied Force HQ) 331.17.4
Communications Control, Office of (OWI) 208.4.3
Communications Division (1989 Inaugural Committee) 274.13;
    (Allied Commission for Austria) 260.11.2;
    (Caribbean Command) 349.7.2;
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.6.5;
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.5;
    (Naval Operations Chief) 45.5.3
Communications-Electronic Division (Army Staff) 319.17.4
Communications--Electronic, Office of the Assistant Chief of
    Staff for (Army Vietnam) 472.5.7
Communications--Electronic, Office of the Assistant Chief of
    Staff for (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.8
Communications Electronics Committee (SEATO) 333.7
Communications-Electronics, Director of
    (Air Force Headquarters) 341.10.4
Communications-Electronics Division
     (Civil Defense Office) 397.2.7
communications equipment (photographs) 319.29
Communications Facilities Bureau (OWI) 208.4.4
Communications Group (Bipartite Control Office) 260.9.4
Communications Group (Executive Headquarters [China]) 338.4.5
Communications, Ministry of (Poland) 242.20
Communications Office (Northwestern Sea Frontier) 181.2.12
Communications Office (San Diego Naval District) 181.2.10
Communications, Office of
   (White House Conference on Children and Youth) 220.23.6
Communications, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for
    (MAC Thailand) 472.8
Communications Officers (Naval Forces) 313.4.3
Communications Policy, President's Task Force on 220.14.20
Communications Section (I Concentration Command) 18.9.5
communications security 338.9.2
Communications Service, Transportation and 352.2
Communications Subcommission (Allied Force HQ) 331.30.2
Communications Subcommittee (Heart Disease Commission) 220.14.3
Communications, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.9
Communications Subsection (Allied Force HQ) 331.26.3
Communications Zone European Theater of Operations U.S. Army
communism and communists
    CIA historical collection 263.2.2
    German Bolsheviks 59.5.2, 120.3.2, 130.2.6
    McCarthy charges 335.3.2
    motion pictures 233.25.2
    Senate investigations 46.13
    Smolensk region 242.18.1
    Subversive Activities Control Board 220.6
    U.S. activity (maps) 77.12.1
Communist Aggression Against Poland and Hungary, Select Committee
    to Investigate (House of Representatives) 233.22.2
Communist Aggression, Select Committee on
    (House of Representatives) 233.22.2
Communist countries SEE ALSO specific nations
    Asian railroads (map) 338.9.8
    scientific information exchange 40.3.3
Communist Party (Grenada) 242.24
Communist Party, USA
    seized Secretariat records 38.4.4
    Subversive Activities Control Board case 220.6.2
communities SEE ALSO Alaska Native communities;
       coal-mining communities; rural communities
        Indian villages 106.6
        Pacific islands 22.3.3
        public lands 49.17
Community Action Advisory Service (Housing Expediter) 252.3.2,
community action agencies
    Economic Opportunity Office 381.3.4
    unemployment relief 73.3.2
Community Action Program 381.3.6-381.3.8, 381.4.3, 381.6.1,
Community Activities, Director of (Virgin Islands) 55.3.3
Community Affairs Management Division, Human and
    (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.8
Community Affairs, Office of (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.3.2
Community and Cooperative Services Section
     (Farm Security Administration) 96.4.4
Community and Family Activities, Directorate of
    (Military Academy) 404.7
Community Antenna Television 173.10.2
Community Development Directorate (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.10
Community Education Branch
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.11
Community Exchange 129.2.2
Community Facilities Administration 207.6.5
Community Facilities and Operations, Division of 207.6.5
Community Facilities, Bureau of 162.2.4, 162.4
community facilities planning 187.5.4
Community Facilities Service 269.11.5
Community for Creative Non-Violence 207.7.10
community health
    federal-state programs 90.8
    National Institute of Mental Health state plans 511.2.1
Community Health Divisions 90.9
Community Health Practice, Division of 90.9.2
Community Health Services and Facilities Legislation, Ad Hoc
    Advisory Group on 90.9.2
Community Improvement Appraisal Survey, U.S. 69.4.3
Community Organizations, Division of
    (National Youth Administration) 119.4.5
Community Planning and Development, Office of the Assistant
    Secretary for (HUD) 207.7.5
Community Planning Division (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.10.4
"Community Profiles" 381.3.8
community relations
    Army commands 319.4.2
Community Relations Division (Army Staff) 319.4.5
Community Responsibility to Our Peacetime Servicemen and Women
Community Service Division (Price Administration) 188.7.5
community service programs
    Price Administration 188.7.3, 188.14.5, 188.15.5, 188.16.5,
        188.17.5, 188.18.5
Community Services Administration, Records of the (RG 381)
    administrative history 381.1
    cartographic records 381.7
    Economic Opportunity, Office of
        headquarters 381.3
        regional offices 381.4
    headquarters records 381.5
    machine-readable records 381.11
    motion pictures 381.8
    President's Task Force on the War Against Poverty 381.2
    regional offices 381.6
    sound recordings 381.9
    still pictures 381.12
    video recordings 381.10
Community Services, Assistant Area Director for
    (Indian Affairs) 75.16.9
Community Stability and Instability Survey 83.10
Community War Services, Office of 235.5
Community War Services, Records of the Office of (RG 215)
    administrative history 215.1
    cartographic records 215.4
    field records 215.3
    headquarters records 215.2
    sound recordings 215.5
    still pictures 215.6
Compagnie Nouvelle du Canal de Panama 185.3, 185.5.3
Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interoceanique 185.3
company unions 133.3.3
compass roses 37.4.3
compasses 37.4.1
Compensation and Contracts, Committee on
    (Railroad Administration) 14.4
Compensation Board (Navy Department) 80.6
Compensation Claims Board
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.2
Compensation Division (General Services Administration) 269.8
Compensatory Education Study 419.2
    agricultural economics research 354.1
    agriculture codes 16.5.1
    FTC studies 122.5
    petroleum industry codes 232.1, 232.5, 232.6
compiled military service records 93.3, 94.12.2, 109.14.1
Complaint Branch (Freedmen's Bureau) 105.3.8
Compliance and Enforcement, Director of
    (National Recovery Administration) 9.3.5
Compliance, Assistant Commissioner for
   (Internal Revenue Service) 58.6.4
Compliance Branch ([Food] Distribution Office) 136.8.3
Compliance Branch (War Production Board) 179.2.8
Compliance Coordinator (Bituminous Coal Division) 222.4
Compliance Division
     (Community Facilities Administration) 207.6.8;
    (Food Safety and Quality Service) 462.3;
    (Housing Expediter) 252.3.2;
    (National Production Authority) 277.2.1;
    (National Recovery Administration) 9.3;
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.3.2
Compliance Policy, Committee on
    (Economic Stabilization Agency) 296.3
Compliance Section (Bituminous Coal Division) 222.4
Components Section (Ordnance Department) 156.7.16
composers 69.5.3
Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment,
    and Rehabilitation Act (1970) 511.3, 511.3.1; (1974
    amendments) 511.3, 511.4
Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act (1970)
    220.15.24, 511.4
Comprehensive Employment Training Act (1973) 369.2, 369.2.3;
    (1978 amendments) 369.2; (programs) 146.5.4, 369.2.3
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability
    Act (1980) 449.7
Comprehensive Older Americans Act Amendments (1978) 220.25
Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program (HUD) 207.7.5
compromise offers 39.6, 58.3.3, 60.3.3
Compton, Karl T. 220.5.7, 220.7.3, 227.5.1
Comptroller SEE First Comptroller; Second Comptroller
Comptroller (Allied Military Government) 331.33.4;
    (Civil Defense Office) 397.2.2;
    (Confederate Treasury) 365.2.3;
    (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.4;
    (Deputy Chief of Air Staff) 341.8;
    (General Services Administration) 269.11.4;
    (Smaller War Plants Corporation) 240.3.6;
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.37.4
Comptroller, Confederate 109.10.5, 109.10.6
Comptroller Department (Ryukyu Islands Administration) 260.12.3
Comptroller Directorate (MAC Vietnam) 472.4.2
Comptroller Division (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.46.4
Comptroller General
    Army Finance Chief reports 203.2
    office records 411.2
Comptroller General (Provisional Government of Cuba) 199.2
Comptroller of International Accounts
    (President's foreign trade adviser) 20.3.2
Comptroller of the Army 156.7.3, 156.7.4, 319.7
Comptroller of the Currency, Records of the Office of the
        (RG 101)
    administrative history 101.1
    Examining Division 101.4
    Federal Reserve Issue and Redemption Division 101.6
    Insolvent National Banks, Division of 101.5
    Issue, Division of 101.3
    Organization Division 101.2
Comptroller of the Treasury
    Continental, Confederation Congresses 360.2.3
    Judge Advocate General (Navy) 125.2.5
    public debt correspondence 53.2.4, 53.4.1
Comptroller, Office of the (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.15
Comptroller, Office of the (Railroad Administration) 14.7
Comptroller, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff
     (Army Vietnam) 472.5.5
comptrollers 56.2.2
Comptroller's Office
    (Agricultural Adjustment Administration) 136.5.2
    Army tabulating machine use 160.3.3
    data processing machines (photographs) 64.17
    federal data processing systems development 352.2, 352.3
    National Bureau of Standards records 167.5.11
Computing Branch, Scientific and (Ships) 19.3.2
Computing Center (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.8
Computing Division (Coast and Geodetic Survey) 23.3.1, 23.3.5
Computing Services Branch (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.8
Comstock, C.B. 108.3
Comstock Lode 57.3.1, 104.3.9
"COMZ" lines (maps) 111.8
Con Son, Vietnam, LORAN Station 26.6.11
Conant, James Bryant 220.5.7, 227.2.1, 227.3.1
concentration camps
    Mauthausen death books 238.3.3
    motion pictures 18.11, 238.3.4, 338.7.2
    photographs 153.13.1, 338.7.2
    postwar Army commands 338.7.2
    prisoner transfers 242.4.8
    SS economic enterprises 242.3.2
Concentration of Production, Committee on
    (War Production Board) 211.10
A Concert of Effort (motion picture) 378.4
Concessions Committee (1969 Inaugural Committee) 274.8
Conchas Dam, NM 77.10.2
Concho Demonstration School 75.20.10
Concho School 75.20.10
Concho, TX 27.4.1
Conciliation Service, U.S. 174.2, 174.4.1, 280.2
Concord, CA, Naval Weapons Station 181.15.28
Concord, NH
    Army commands 393.4
Concord, NH, District Office
    (Price Administration) 188.11.3, 188.11.6, 188.11.7
Concord, NH, District Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Concord, NH, Division Office
    (Federal Highway Administration) 406.3
Concord, NH, Draft Rendezvous (Army) 393.13.12
Concord, NH, Office (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Concordia, KS, land office 49.9.12
Concordia, KS, prisoner of war camp 389.4.9
    Army Engineers reports 77.6.7
    photographs 75.29
Concrete Ship Section (Shipping Board) 32.4.2
Conditions Interfering with Interstate Commerce between Illinois
    and Missouri, Select Committee to Investigate (House of
    Representatives) 233.22.2
Condon, James B. 75.15.11
Coney Island, NY, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
confectionery industry 29.6.4
Confederate Army Department 365.2.3
Confederate auditors 109.10.4, 109.10.5, 365.2.4-365.2.6
Confederate Cabinet 365.2.3
Confederate citizens
    mail interception 107.2.12
    Treasury information 365.15
    "Union Provost Marshal Citizens File" 109.14.4
    War Department papers collection 109.13.3
Confederate Commissioner of Taxes 109.10.8, 365.2.8
Confederate Comptroller 109.10.5, 109.10.6
Confederate Congress 109.4, 365.2.1, 365.2.4
Confederate constitution 109.3
Confederate constitutional convention 109.3
Confederate courts
    Alabama 21.2.6, 21.2.9
    Florida 21.11.3
    Georgia 21.12.4, 21.12.9
    Louisiana 21.20.5
    Mississippi 21.26.2
    North Carolina 21.35.6
    South Carolina 109.5
    Tennessee 21.45.5
    Texas 21.46.7, 21.46.10
    Virginia 21.49.6
Confederate currency 39.2.3
Confederate customs service
    Confederate Treasury 365.2.3, 365.4.5, 365.7.2
    Treasury Department special agencies 366.2, 366.7
    War Department records 109.10.1, 109.10.11
Confederate district courts 365.2.1, 365.13
Confederate Engineer Department 109.7.2
Confederate House of Representatives 109.4
Confederate Justice Department 365.2.1
Confederate land office 49.9.15
Confederate Marine Corps
    accounts 109.10.4
    service records 109.14.1
Confederate military service
    compiled records 109.14.1
    deserters 393.13.3
    federal prisoners of war 249.2.2, 249.3.2
    graves 92.8.5, 92.10.2
Confederate Navy
    accounts 45.8.6, 109.10.4
    civilian personnel 45.8.6
    laws 109.3, 109.6
    miscellaneous records 109.12
    Naval Records and Library files 45.9
    ordnance 74.6
    service records 109.14.1
    vessel account books 45.8.6
Confederate Navy Department
    records 109.10.1, 109.12
    Treasury records 365.2.3
Confederate nominations and appointments 109.4
Confederate Ordnance Department 109.7.5
Confederate Post Office Department
    accounts 365.2.6, 365.5.1
    records 109.11
Confederate prisoners of war
    AGO records 109.14.2
    Commissary General of Prisoners 249.6
    Confederate Secretary of War 109.6
    grave markers 92.10.2
    Navy, Marine Corps service records 109.14.1
    personal property 365.15
Confederate privateers 45.8.6
Confederate Provost Marshal 109.6
Confederate Quartermaster Department 109.7.3
Confederate records
    Treasury Department collection 365
    War Department records 109
Confederate Senate 109.4
Confederate state constitutions 109.13.1
Confederate State Department 365.2.1
Confederate States Army
    Adjutant and Inspector General 109.7.1
    commands, mobile units 109.9.1-109.9.5, 109.14.3
    laws 109.3, 109.6
    maps 77.2.3
    medical records 109.8
    officers' papers 109.13.2
    Official Records 94.13
    pay, accounts 109.7.3, 109.10.5, 109.10.6
    prisoner enlistments 249.2.2
    service records 109.14.1
    Topographical Bureau Chief's diary 77.2.8
    uniform description 109.7.3
Confederate States of America
    Coast Survey notes 23.2.2
    Indian affairs 75.15.12
    Naval Records Collection 45.8.6
    seized Quartermaster property 217.8.4
Confederate Surgeon General's Office 109.8.1
Confederate sympathizers 107.2.12, 109.13.3
Confederate Topographical Bureau 77.2.8
Confederate Treasury Department 109.10, 365.2-365.11
Confederate veterans homes 15.2.1
Confederate War Department
    civilian employees 109.7.3
    Confederate Treasury records 365.2.1-365.2.3
    Medical Department 109.8
    requisitions 109.10.1
    Secretary's records 109.6
    staff departments 109.7
Confederation Congress
    accounting functions 39.2
    Constitutional Convention 360.4
    records 360.2, 360.3
Confederation period
    appeals court in capture cases 267.2
    artworks 148.6
Conference Committee (War Trade Board) 182.5.1
Conference Coordinator
   (International Women's Year Commission) 220.16.3
Conference of Ambassadors 256.3
Conference on Fiscal and Monetary Policy 220.10.1
Conference on Training Youth 165.5.2
Conference on Unification of Engineering Standards 179.4
Conference with the Commander in Chief at Cambridge, Committee of
Conference with the Commander in Chief at Valley Forge,
        Committee of 360.2.4
Conferences on Inter-American Relations 353.3
Confidence (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.12
Confidential Office (Naval Forces) 313.4.5
confidentiality SEE privacy
Confinement Branch (Provost Marshal General) 389.7
confiscated property SEE captured and confiscated property
Conflict Control Group (Executive Headquarters [China]) 338.4.5
conflict of interest
    Science and Technology Office 359.3
Congested Production Areas, Committee for
    National Resources Planning Board cooperation 187.3.4
Congested Production Areas, Records of the Committee for (RG 212)
    administrative history 212.1
    records 212.2
    U.S. Army mission 334.3
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Congress, Confederate 109.4, 365.2.1, 365.2.4
Congress, Members of
    Army briefings 335.3.2
        Air Force Headquarters 341.2
        Air Force Secretary 340.3.3
        American Revolution Bicentennial Administration 452.3.3
        Arms Control and Disarmament Agency 383.2
        Army Air Forces 18.7.1
        Army claims payment 153.6.1
        Atomic Energy Commission chairman 326.2.3
        census personnel 29.2.2
        Coal Mines Administration 245.5
        Export-Import Bank 275.2
        Federal Aviation Administration 237.5.7
        Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation 124.2.1
        Home Owners' Loan Corp. 195.3
        Indian schools 75.20.29
        International Women's Year Commission 220.16.4
        Interstate Commerce Commission 134.3
        Labor Department 174.3.3
        Justice Department 60.3.2, 60.3.3
        mint operations 104.7
        National Recovery Administration 9.2.4
        Naval Personnel Bureau 24.2.1
        OWI Director 208.2.1
        Post Office Department 28.2.2
        Price Administration 188.3.3, 188.3.5, 188.6.5
        State Department 59.2.3
        Treasury 53.4.1, 56.2.1, 56.2.2, 56.14.7
        Wage and Hour and Public Contracts Divisions 155.3.1
        War Manpower Commission chairman 211.3
        White House Conference on Aging 220.24
        White House Office 130.1, 130.2.2
        World War I draft 163.2.1
    Foreign Policy Commission interviews 220.15.31
    photographs 75.29
    speeches (sound recordings)
        House records 233.25.2
        rent control 252.6
    voting lists 69.5.6
Congress, U.S. SEE ALSO Confederation Congress; Continental
        Congresses; House of Representatives; legislation files;
    agency relations, reports
        Atomic Energy Commission 326.2.3
        Children's Bureau 102.2.2
        Displaced Persons Commission 278.3.3
        Price Administration 188.6.3, 188.8.2
        Reconstruction Finance Corporation 234.2.1, 234.2.3
        records disposal 64.9
        Smaller War Plants Corporation 240.3.4
        War Secretary 107.2.3
        Washington Monument Society 42.13.1
    claims jurisdiction 205.3.2
    claims reports 56.5
    DC representation 11.2
    Presidential inaugurals 274.8, 274.10, 274.13
    Presidential messages, reports 130.2.2, 130.3.1
Congressional Activities, Special Assistant for
    (War Secretary) 107.3.2
Congressional Affairs Division (1989 Inaugural Committee) 274.13
Congressional Affairs, Office of (Cost of Living Council) 432.2.4
Congressional Affairs, Office of
     (General Services Administration) 269.3
Congressional and Legislative Affairs, Office of (Indian Affairs) 75.14.16
Congressional Cemetery 42.2.5
Congressional committees SEE ALSO specific committees
        Army Staff 319.3.3
        Biomedical Research Panel 220.15.40
        International Women's Year Commission 220.16.4
        Saline Water Directors 380.2
        Treasury 56.2.1
    General Services Administration liaison 269.3
    joint committees 128
Congressional Correspondence Section
    (Price Administration) 188.3.3
Congressional districts
    apportionment 29.4.4
    housing programs 207.6.1
    maps 28.6.2, 29.3.6, 69.5.6
        split cities 48.4.1
Congressional elections
    military balloting, 1944 107.2.9
Congressional hearings
    ammunition shortages 335.4
    Army oversight 335.3.2
    Army surveillance of civil demonstrations 319.25.3
    Brussels World's Fair 43.12.16
    continuing education committee 220.14.11
    cost of living 432.2.9
    Council of Economic Advisers 459.2
    Cuban, Haitian refugees 220.18.24
    Defense Manpower Commission 220.15.38
    foreign military aid 330.6.1
    lend-lease photographs 169.3.8
    military security 330.5.7
    National Council on Marine Resources and Engineering 303
    Navy personnel, requirements 80.5.2
    nurse training 90.9.4
    oil 253.3.1
    price controls, food rationing 188.3.3, 188.9.5
    rubber 220.5.7
    Senate records 46
    Three Mile Island accident 220.18.16
    Transportation Department officials (sound recordings) 398.6
    uranium mining and electric power 412.2.2
    Watergate investigations 460.3.2
    Weather Bureau files 27.6.2
Congressional Information, Office of
      (Price Administration) 188.3.3
Congressional investigations
    American Samoa 284.2
    carbon black 250.3.11
    Federal Communications Commission 173.11
    Ordnance Department 156.7.3, 156.7.6
    Shipping Board 32.2.9, 32.4.1
    War Department activities 165.12.1
    World War I housing 3.3.1
Congressional Investigations Division (Army Staff) 319.3.2
Congressional Liaison, Office of
     (American Revolution Bicentennial Administration) 452.3.3
Congressional Liaison, Office of
     (White House Conference on Children and Youth) 220.23.5
Congressional Liaison Officer
     (General Services Administration) 269.3, 269.4
Congressional Operations, Joint Committee on 128.3
Congressional Relations, Director of
      (Civil Disorders Commission) 220.11.2
Congressional Seed Distribution, Office of
     (Plant Industry Bureau) 54.3.9
Conifer (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.4
Conn, Stetson 319.20.1
Connally Act Compliance, Branch of (Geological Survey) 57.7.5,
Connally "Hot Oil" Act (1935) 57.7.5, 232.1
Connantre, France 120.3.4
    Army Advisory Group 338.11.2
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.3
        attorneys, U.S. 118.8
        district courts 21.8
    food administration 4.3
    International Women's Year workshops 220.16.2
        Agriculture Secretary 16.7.1
        property surveys 31.2.2
        reservoirs 77.10.47
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.3, 163.4.1
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.1
        American Guide 69.5.5
        CCC work 35.3.2
        fisheries 22.4.4
        housing 207.14
        hurricane, flood damage 69.10
        naval shipbuilding 80.11
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    rent control 252.4.1
    river, harbor projects 77.10.37
    surplus real property disposal 121.4.1
        internal revenue collection district 58.5.6
    territorial claims 360.2.6
    wage and hour standards enforcement 155.2.1, 155.3.1
    Western lands cession 360.3.4
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.1
        manpower 211.23.2
        price controls 188.11.2
    WPA field records 69.6.1
Connecticut, District of Rhode Island and (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Connecticut River
    flood control 77.9.4
Connecticut River Basin (maps) 315.2.3
Connecticut State Headquarters (Selective Service) 147.3.4
Connecticut State Loan Office (Treasury Department) 53.3.4
Connecticut, U.S. Attorney for 118.8
Connecticut, U.S. Circuit Court for 21.8.2
Connecticut, U.S. District Court for 21.8.1
Connecticut Valley
    commodity shipments 77.10.47
Connersville, IN, internal revenue collection district 58.5.14
Connor, Edward Hanson 77.10.49
Connor, Oscar L. 319.20.4
Connor, Robert D.W. 64.2.1, 64.2.4
Conot, Robert 220.11.2
Conquering the Paper Mountain (motion picture) 64.14
Conrail 464.1
conscientious objectors 147.2.2, 429.10
conscription SEE draft
conservation SEE ALSO energy conservation; soil conservation;
        water conservation; wildlife conservation
    Agricultural Economics 83.4.7
    Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service 145.1
    Army Engineers records 77.9.18, 77.10.22, 77.10.33, 77.10.56,
        77.10.62, 77.10.66
    CCC work 35
    fisheries 43.2.44
    Forest Service activities 95.1, 95.2.3, 95.6.2
    Interior Secretary motion pictures 48.14
    Land Management Bureau projects 49.14.2-49.14.7
    National Park Service maps 79.14
    photographs 77.10.56, 306.11
    Reclamation Bureau planning 115.3
    recreational resources 368
    rubber 220.5.7, 234.5.9
    Soil Conservation Service 114
    Texas study commission 115.4.3
    TVA 142.1
    World War I
        food 62.10.2
        posters 120.16
    World War II
        civilian defense photographs 171.4.8
        posters 208.3.2, 208.5.2
        Price Administration motion pictures 188.7.4
        War Production Board 179.2.3
    WPA projects 69.9, 69.10
Conservation and Administration of the Public Domain, Committee
        on the 220.4.2
Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act (1936) 145.2
conservation areas (maps) 77.9.16
Conservation, Bureau of (Fuel Administration) 67.3.5
Conservation Committee of California Oil Producers 253.7.5
conservation districts 114.2.1
Conservation Division (Defense Production Administration)
        304.3.3; (Geological Survey) 57.7, 57.10.1, 57.10.2;
        (Interior Secretary) 48.3.3; (War Industries Board) 61.3.4
conservation education 12.2.2
Conservation Engineer, Chief (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.9.1
Conservation Experiment Stations Division (Soil Conservation
    Service) 114.4.2
Conservation in Construction, Committee on
    (War Production Board) 179.2.2
Conservation of Cultural Resources, Committee on 187.3.4
Conservation of Natural Resources, Committee on (Senate) 46.14
Conservation of Wildlife Resources, Select Committee on
     (House of Representatives) 233.22.2
Conservation Surveys Division (Soil Conservation Service) 114.6
Conservator Division (Comptroller of Currency) 101.5.1
Consolidated Aircraft Corp. 72.8
Consolidated Chippewa/Minnesota Indian Agency 75.19.17
Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd. 54.3.8,
Consolidated Steel Corp. 228.4.1
Consolidated Ute Indian Agency 75.19.18
Conspectus of Special War Activities of Executive Departments and
    Independent Establishments 51.4
Constancia, Cuba 395.5.3
Constant, Maurice 38.8
Constantine, MI, internal revenue collection district 58.5.22
Constantinople, Turkey
    shipping 32.5.13
U.S.S. Constellation 19.8.5, 74.6
U.S.S. Constitution
    logs 24.2.2, 45.8.4
Constitution Hall 274.8
Constitution Sesquicentennial Commission, U.S. 148.6
Constitution, Subcommittee on the (Senate) 46.15
Constitution, U.S.
    amendments 11.2
        Equal Rights Amendment 220.10.11
        wartime property seizure 107.6.4
    document history
        bicentennial commission 220.19
        custody transfer 64.14, 64.16
        engrossed copy 11.2
        facsimile exhibit posters 64.8
        preservation (motion picture) 167.10
        signers' portraits 148.6
        Washington's draft 360.4
    judicial interpretation 267.1, 267.3.2
        district courts 21.1
        District of Columbia 351.2
        House of Representatives 233.1
        public lands 49.2
        Senate 46.1
Constitutional and Legal Reform Committee
     (Far Eastern Commission) 43.11.23
Constitutional Convention, 1787
    Constitution (engrossed copy) 11.2
    delegates' portraits 148.6
    records 360.4
Constitutional Rights, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.15, 319.25.3
constitutions SEE Confederate constitution; Confederate state
     constitutions; Indian tribal constitutions
Construction and CCC Operations, Division of 22.8.5, 22.15.3
Construction and Equipment, Bureau of (Navy) 37.2
Construction and Forestry, Division of
    (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.8 Construction and Maintenance Division
    (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.6
Construction and Major Alterations Section (Public Buildings
    and Public Parks of the National Capital) 42.7
Construction and Materials Industries, Office of (Business and
    Defense Services Administration) 489.4.1
Construction and Materials, Office of (Business and Defense
    Services Administration) 40.4
Construction and Mining Machinery Division (National Security
    Resources Board) 304.2.5
Construction and Related Equipment Section
    (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Construction and Repair, Bureau of (Navy Department) 19.3,
    45.4.4, 72.2.3, 313.4.3
Construction and Repair, Department of (Navy Yards) 181.3.3,
    181.3.5, 181.3.7, 181.3.13
Construction and Repairs, Division of
    (Revenue Cutter Service) 26.3.5
Construction Battalion Training Center 71.3.1
Construction Battalions (Seabees) 71.3.1, 71.6
    recruiting posters 24.12
Construction, Board on (Navy Department) 80.7.3
Construction Branch (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.3.3
Construction Bureau (War Production Board) 179.2.7
Construction Claims Board (Shipping Board) 32.3.4
Construction Department (Yards and Docks Bureau) 71.3.1
Construction Directorate (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.11
Construction Division (Army VIII Corps) 394.2.8;
    (Army IX Corps) 394.2.9;
    (Army Engineers) 77.3.1, 77.10.26, 77.10.45;
    (Defense Production Administration) 304.3.2;
    (Housing Corporation) 3.4.12;
    (Indian Affairs) 75.14.11, 75.16.8, 75.16.9, 75.19.71;
    (Maritime Commission) 178.6;
    (National Recovery Administration) 9.4.4;
    (Ordnance Department) 156.5;
    (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.4.3, 253.7.3, 253.7.5;
    (Quartermaster General) 92.7;
    (War Mobilization and Reconversion) 250.3.5
Construction Engineering Section (Maritime Commission) 178.8
Construction, Equipment, and Repairs, Bureau of
    (Navy Department) 19.2, 45.4.3
Construction Expediting Branch
    (Defense Electric Power Administration) 327.3.2
construction industry
    black employment 196.5.6
    Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau photographs 151.13
    housing 3.3.6
        contracts 207.2
        photographs 207.14
        Resettlement Administration 96.2.9, 96.4.5
        scarce materials allocation 207.6.1, 207.6.2, 207.6.4
    motion pictures 31.4
    National Bureau of Standards studies 167.5.3
    pension, welfare benefit plans 317.3.4
    Reclamation Bureau projects 115.2, 115.4.1, 115.4.2
        photographs 115.3, 115.4.1
    wage stabilization 236
    war reconversion 250.3.2, 250.3.5, 250.3.9
    wartime materials production 252.2
Construction Industry Stabilization Commission
    (Wage, Salary Stabilization Boards) 293.2
Construction Management Division
     (Economic Development Administration) 378.3.1
Construction Management Division
    (Public Buildings Service) 121.4.3
Construction, Office of (Veterans Administration) 15.6.3
Construction, Officer in Charge of
    (State, War and Navy Building) 42.6.1
Construction Organization, Fleet Corporation 32.4
Construction Projects Section
    (National Youth Administration) 119.4.4
Construction Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.3;
(War Department Claims Board) 191.4.3;
     (War Secretary) 107.3.3
Construction, Special Assistant for (War Secretary) 107.3.2
Consular Bureau (State Department) 59.4.1
consular courts
    California case records 21.6.5
    extraterritorial jurisdictions 59.4.5
    foreign posts 84.3
consular service
        botany correspondence 54.3.6
        food, drug inspection 88.4
        reports 166.2, 166.3
        seed imports 16.2, 136.3.2
        tobacco 54.3.21
    American Commission to Negotiate Peace reports 120.14.7
        alien registrations 85.2.5
        status of draft registrants 163.2.4
    consular registrations 59.3.2
    Continental, Confederation Congresses 360.2.2
    Far East reports 38.4.8
    foreign consuls 59.4.5
        German posts 242.4.1, 242.4.2
        Russian consulates in U.S., Canada 261.3
    foreign posts 84.3, 84.4
        buildings acquisition 353.2
        inspection reports 59.4.5
    monetary system inquiries 104.3.6, 104.7
    photographs 59.3.9
    Secret Service records 87.2.1
    St. Thomas, Danish Virgin Islands 55.2.1
    State Department correspondence 59.2.2
    surety bonds 59.4.2
    trade reports 20.2.2, 59.3.7
    Treasury accounts 217.3.4, 217.10.2
        customs 217.5.2
    Treasury correspondence 56.2.2
    water supply reports 57.6.9
    Smaller War Plants Corporation 240.3.1
    War Secretary 107.2.7
Consultants Group (Air Surgeon) 341.6
Consultative Group on United States-Japan Economic Relations
Consulting Experts, Committee of 83.4.1
Consumer Advisory Council 220.10.7
Consumer Advisory National Committee 188.3.7
consumer affairs
    census surveys of spending 29.5.3
    education 16.7.3, 145.3
    Price Administration 188.3.7, 188.14.1, 188.16.5
    publications 145.3
    small business customer relations (motion pictures) 309.5
    trading areas (maps) 151.11
    War Production Board research 179.2.6
Consumer Affairs, Office of Information and
   (Labor Standards Bureau) 100.2
Consumer Affairs, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.6
Consumer and Food Economics Division
   (Food and Nutrition Service) 469.2.2
Consumer and Marketing Service 136.12
Consumer Credit in the United States 220.15.4
Consumer Credit Protection Act (1968) 220.15.4
Consumer Division (Council of National Defense) 188.3.11
Consumer Division (Price Administration) 188.7.5
Consumer Durable Goods Price Branch
   (Price Administration) 188.8.6
Consumer Expenditure Survey Program 247.4
Consumer Finance, National Commission on 220.15.4
Consumer Goods Enforcement Division, Food and
   (Price Administration) 188.6.10
Consumer Goods Price Division (Price Administration) 188.8.6
Consumer Interests, President's Committee on 220.10.7
Consumer Leader Conference (1945) 188.3.7
Consumer Materials Section (Price Administration) 188.15.6
Consumer Needs Section (Price Administration) 188.9.7
Consumer Product Safety Act (1972) 424.1
Consumer Product Safety Commission, Records of the (RG 424)
    administrative history 424.1
    Dallas Field Office 424.3
    headquarters records 424.2
    sound recordings 424.4
Consumer Products Accounting Division
   (Price Administration) 188.5.4
consumer protection
    FDA announcements (motion pictures) 88.9
    Presidential commission 220.14.23
Consumer Protection, Bureau of 122.8
Consumer Purchases Study 176.4.1
Consumer Relation and Education Section
   (Bituminous Coal Consumers' Counsel) 223.2
Consumer Relations Adviser (Price Administration) 188.3.7
Consumer, Subcommittee on the (Senate) 46.9
"Consumer Time" (radio program) 16.7.3
Consumer Use Research Division, Nutrition and
    (Agricultural Research Service) 310.4.3
Consumers' Advisory Board
    (National Recovery Administration) 9.8.2
Consumers' Counsel Division
    (Agricultural Adjustment Administration) 145.3
Consumers' Counsel, Office of the Bituminous Coal 223
Consumer's Division (Government Reports) 44.3.5
Consumers' Guide 145.2
Consumers' Interests, Division of Labor and
    (Food Administration) 4.2.3
Consumers' Research, Inc. 88.2
Containers and Packaging Division
    (National Production Authority) 277.3.1
Containers and Packaging Division
    (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.5
"Contemporary Indian and Eskimo Crafts of the United States"
    (slide lecture) 435.4
"Contemporary Sioux Painting" (slide lecture) 435.4
Contests Division (General Land Office) 49.3.9
Continental Air Defense Command 342.9, 349.2
Continental and Confederation Congresses and the
      Constitutional Convention, Records of the (RG 360)
    administrative history 360.1
    cartographic records 360.5
    Constitutional Convention 360.4
    Continental and Confederation Congresses
        miscellaneous records (unnumbered series) 360.3
        numbered series 360.2
Continental Army 93.3, 360.2.4
Continental Bank Note Company 318.2.2
Continental Congress
    accounting functions 39.2
    bounty land warrant act 49.3.2
    photographs 59.3.9
    Post Office Department 28.2.2
    prize cases 267.2
    records 360.2, 360.3
Continental Oil Company 460.7
Continental Trading Company of Canada 60.17.5
Continental U.S. Forces (Spanish-American War) 395.2.2
Continuing Education, National Advisory Commission on 220.14.11
Contra Costa County, CA 171.5.4
Contra La Fiebre Aftosa (motion picture) 16.7.2
Contraband Committee (War Trade Board) 182.3.2, 182.4.3
Contract Administration, Assistant Administrator for
     (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.1
Contract Adjustment, Board of (War Department) 156.4.2, 191.3
Contract and Commodity Claims Committee
     (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) 234.2.8
Contract and Purchase Branch (Procurement Division) 137.4.2
Contract Appeals, Board of (Interior Secretary) 48.3.5
Contract Carrier Section (Price Administration) 188.8.11
Contract Division (Shipping Board) 32.4.7, 32.5.5
contract labor 85.5.3, 85.5.14
Contract Procurement, Director of
    (Small Defense Plants Administration) 309.2
Contract Review, Board of (Chief Signal Officer) 111.3.5
Contract Settlement Act (1944) 246.1, 246.3.2
Contract Settlement Advisory Board 246.4
Contract Settlement Appeal Board 246.5
Contract Settlement Committee
    (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) 234.2.8
Contract Settlement Division
    (Smaller War Plants Corporation) 240.3.5
Contract Settlement, Records of the Office of (RG 246)
    administrative history 246.1
    Contract Settlement Advisory Board 246.4
    Contract Settlement Appeal Board 246.5
    Joint Contract Termination Board 246.2
    records 246.3
Contract Termination Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.6
Contracting Division (Smaller War Plants Corporation) 240.4.2
Contracts and Adjustments, Board of
    (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.8
Contracts and Expenditures Made by the War Department During the
    War, Select Committee to Investigate (House of
    Representatives) 233.22.2
Contracts and Facilities Division (War Secretary) 107.3.5
Contracts and Procurement Branch
    (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.4.1
Contracts, Subcommittee on (House of Representatives) 233.14
Contribution Investigation, Select Committee for (Senate) 46.22.2
Contributions Section (National Recovery Administration) 9.3.2
Contributory Division (War Secretary) 107.6.2
Control and Communications Section
    (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.7
Control Board (Industrial College of the Armed Forces) 334.15.1
Control Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.10
Control Council (Allied Control Authority) 43.11.22,
    260.2, 260.3.5, 260.8.1, 260.8.2
Control Division (Army Ground Forces) 337.5.1
Control Division (Army Service Forces) 160.3.3
Control, Division of (State Department) 151.9.1
Control Investigations, Division of
     (Entomology and Plant Quarantine) 7.5.3
Control of Rock Creek Park, Board of 42.5
Control Office (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.9.1;
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.3.5;
    (Ordnance Department) 156.7.11
Control, Office of (OWI) 208.5.1, 208.6.1
Control Operations Division
    (National Production Authority) 277.3.3
Control Section (Ordnance Department) 156.6.9
controlled materials SEE strategic materials
Controlled Materials Branch (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.3.4
Controlled Materials Branch (Navy Supplies and Accounts) 143.3
Controlled Materials Plan 48.10, 179.2.3
Controller, Office of the
    (Economic Cooperation Administration) 469.2.1;
    (Office of Economic Opportunity) 381.3.7;
    (Rubber Reserve) 234.5.8
    (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) 234.2.3, 234.6.4
Controller's Office (Special Representative in Europe) 469.2.2
Controller's Office (Technical Cooperation Administration) 469.4
Controls, Office of (State Department) 59.3.2
convalescent camps (Army) 393.4, 393.9, 393.13.1, 393.13.7
Convention of Committees (Continental Congress) 360.2.1
Convoy Routing Office (Naval Districts) 181.2.10, 181.2.12
Conway, Granville 248.3.1
Cook County, IL
    naturalization records of courts 85.5.5
    rent control 252.4.6
Cook, Herman J. 56.2.3
Cook Islands 22.3.3
Cook, James 220.18.28
Cook, Marlow M. 220.15.37
Cook, Richard W. 255.3, 326.2.3, 326.3.1
Cooke, Morris L. 220.5.10, 220.7.12, 221.2.2
Cookeville, TN, Division (Circuit Court) 21.45.4
Cookeville, TN, Division (District Court) 21.45.3
    AEF companies 120.7.8
    Braille recipes 176.4.3
    fish 22.3.4
    photographs 4.2.3, 176.6
    Army Surgeon General 112.2.3
Cook's Inlet 22.3.3
Cooksey, Donald 326.5.7
Cooley, Sam 165.21
Coolidge, Calvin
    administration temporary organizations 220.3
    motion pictures 130.5
    photographs 16.7.1, 75.29, 237.3.3
    Wood Utilization Committee 151.10.1
Coolidge Dam, AZ 115.2
Coolidge, T.J. 56.2.3
Cooper Committee 330.4.4, 330.12.4
Cooper, Dexter P. 77.9.4
Cooper, Evelyn N. 48.2
Cooperation in the Fields of Science and Technology,
    Soviet-U.S. Agreement on 307.8.3
Cooperation with National Groups and Associations, Committee on
(President's Organization on Unemployment Relief) 73.4
Cooperation with the American Republics,
    Interdepartmental Committee on 353.3
Cooperation with the States, Section on
      (Council for National Defense) 62.6
Cooperativa Azucarera Los Canos 323.3.3
Cooperative Area Manpower Planning System 369.3.6, 369.3.8
Cooperative Demonstration Work, Special Agent in charge of 33.4.1
Cooperative Division
    (Farm Credit Administration) 96.2.3, 103.6.6;
    (Farm Security Administration) 96.2.3;
    (Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration) 323.3.3
Cooperative Education Section
    (Rural Electrification Administration) 221.3.7
Cooperative Enterprise in Europe, Inquiry on 220.5.3
Cooperative Extension, Division of
     (Fish and Wildlife Service) 22.5
Cooperative Field Relations, Division of
     (Entomology and Plant Quarantine) 7.5.12
Cooperative Forest Fire Protection ("Smokey Bear") Program 95.4.2
Cooperative Forest Management, Division of 95.6.3
Cooperative Forest Protection, Division of 95.6.2
cooperative housing
    rent control 252.4.2
Cooperative Lafayette 323.3.3
Cooperative Marketing Act (1926) 314.2
Cooperative Research Act (1954) 12.5.12
Cooperative Research and Experiment Branch
     (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.6.3
Cooperative Research and Service Division
     (Farm Credit Administration) 314.2
Cooperative Research Program 12.5.12
Cooperative State Research Service, Records of the (RG 164)
    administrative history 164.1
    cartographic records 164.4
    experiment stations 164.3
    headquarters records 164.2
Cooperative Western Range Survey 83.3.4
Cooperative Wool 103.9
cooperative work
    Agricultural Research Service 310.3, 310.4.1, 310.5.2, 310.5.5
    animal pest control 22.8.3, 22.11.2
    Economic Research Service 354.2
    Geological Survey projects 57.6.2
    Grazing Service 49.6.1
    Land Management Bureau 49.14.2
    military and civilian medical groups 330.12.4
    Soil Conservation Service 114.7.2, 114.10.1, 114.10.6,
         114.12.5, 114.12.11, 306.11
    wildlife conservation project 22.5
cooperatives SEE ALSO agricultural cooperatives;
       electric cooperatives
    European study 220.5.3
    federal relief programs 69.3.1, 69.3.2, 69.4.1
    Indian crafts 435.2.1
    industrial cooperatives 3.5, 96.2.9
Cooperstown, NY, Forest Unit 95.10.3
Coordinating Branch (National Recovery Administration) 9.3.3
Coordinating Committee [COCOM] 489.2.3, 489.6.3
Coordinating Committee
    (Allied Control Authority) 260.8.1, 260.8.3;
    (National Capital Park and Planning Commission) 328.2;
    (Radiation Laboratory) 227.10.1;
     (War Communications Board) 259.2
Coordinating Special Committee
     (Council of Foreign Ministers) 43.6.4
Coordination and Review, Office of (State Department) 59.3.2
Coordination and Special Actions, Special Assistant for
    (MEDT Cambodia) 472.10.2
Coordination Branch (Provost Marshal General) 389.7
Coordination Committee (Interior Secretary) 48.7
Coordination of Purchases Division
    (Food Administration) 4.2.2, 4.2.3
Coordination Section (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.4
Coordinator of Government Films, Office of 44.4.5
Coordinator of Information 226.2.1
Coordinator of Research and Development, Office of
    (Navy Department) 80.4.4
Coos Bay, OR
    customs collection 36.3.1
    merchant vessel logbooks 26.6.10
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Coos Bay, OR, District Office (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.6
Coos Bay, OR, spruce production district 18.4.3
Coosa River 114.10.2, 187.5.3
Coosawatchie, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.6
Copeland Report 95.7.1
Copenhagen, Denmark
    shipping 32.5.13
Copenhagen, Denmark, office
    (Grain Corporation, American Relief Administration) 5.4.2
Copolymer Development Branch
    (Rubber Reserve Company) 234.5.7
    coins 104.2.2
    mine labor disputes 174.5.2
    mineral lands 49.5
    production reports 70.11.3
         maps 70.4.4
    resources 57.4.2
Copper Basin Experiment Area, NC 95.10.6
Copper River 22.8.1, 94.16
Copper River Railroad 126.11
copra prices 284.4
Copy Section (Fuel Administration) 67.3.6
    DC court records 21.10.2
    World War I licenses 122.3
Copyrights, Subcommittee on Patents, Trademarks, and
    (Senate) 46.15
Coralville Reservoir 77.10.49
Corbeil-Essonnes, France 120.8.4
Corcoran Gallery of Art 274.9
Cordova, AK
    customs collection 36.3.1
    townsite tract books 49.13.1
    vessel documentation 26.6.12
Cordova, AK, term (Territorial Court) 21.3.4
Cordova, AK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.1
Corey, Stevenson 370.8.2
Corinth, MS
    Army commands 393.7
Corinth, MS, Confederate ordnance depot 109.7.5
Corinth, MS, District of (Army) 393.5, 393.8, 393.9
Corinth, MS, Division of (Army) 393.9
    Food Administration (maps) 4.2.3
    photographs 7.9, 54.3.7
    research 54.3.7
    weather observations 27.5.3
corn borer 33.4.2
Corn Investigations, Office of (Plant Industry Bureau) 54.3.7
Cornell University 18.9.2, 43.12.10
Cornhusker Ordnance Works, NE 270.3.6
Cornish, NH, internal revenue collection district 58.5.29
Corona, CA, Naval Weapons Annex 181.15.26
Coronado Exposition Committee, U.S. 48.8
Corondelet Reef 37.3
coroner's inquest reports
    Alaska Territorial Court 21.3.2
Corozal, Panama 395.13.2
Corporate Regulation Division
     (Securities and Exchange Commission) 266.4
Corporate Sourcebook 58.6.1
Corporation Counsel, Office of the (DC Government) 351.2.4
Corporation Finance Division
    (Securities and Exchange Commission) 266.2
Corporation for Entertainment and Learning 220.18.10
Corporation for Older Americans 220.25
Corporation for Public Broadcasting 429.4
Corporations, Bureau of 40.2, 122.2
Corps Feldt 242.7.5
Corps Headquarters Lombardia 242.7.5
Corps Headquarters Schneckenburger 242.7.5
Corps of Artillery 98.3.1
Corps of Cadets 404.4
Corps of Engineers SEE headings beginning with Engineer
Corps of Military Police 389.5
Corps Scheele 242.7.5
Corps Support Division/Treasurer (Military Academy) 404.9.1
Corpus Christi-Port Aransas Waterway 77.10.18
Corpus Christi, TX
    Army commands 393.7
    customs collection 36.3.1
    photographs 77.2.8
    urban planning maps 187.5.5
Corpus Christi, TX, Coast Guard Air Station 26.6.6
Corpus Christi, TX, Coast Guard Depot 26.6.6
Corpus Christi, TX, Division (Attorneys, U.S.) 118.39.2
Corpus Christi, TX, Division (District Court) 21.46.5
Corpus Christi, TX, internal revenue collection district 58.5.43
Corpus Christi, TX, Marine Inspection Office (Coast Guard) 26.6.6
Corpus Christi, TX, Marine Safety Office (Coast Guard) 26.6.6
Corpus Christi, TX, Naval Air Training Command 181.13.1, 181.13.2
Corpus Christi, TX, Vessel Documentation Branch
     (Coast Guard) 26.6.6
Correction Division (Adjutant General's Office) 389.8
Correction Division (Provost Marshal General) 389.8
Correction of Naval Records, Board for 80.3.3
correctional institutions SEE prisons
Corrective Action, Division of
      (Consumer Product Safety Commission) 424.2.2
    defenses (map) 395.14.1
    surrender (sound recording) 226.21
Correlating Committee (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.6.4
Correspondence and Examining Division
     (Adjutant General's Office) 94.10.5
Correspondence and Examining Division (Ordnance Department) 156.5
Correspondence Division (Adjutant General's Office) 94.10.5
Correspondence Panels Section (OWI) 44.5.4
"Corrodibility of Boiler Tubes" 19.4.1
corruption SEE fraud, waste, and abuse in government programs
    cultural resource protection 239.3
    economic intelligence (maps) 169.8.2
Corvus (motion picture) 72.7
Cosby, Spencer 42.3.1
Coskata, ME, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Cosmetics and Toiletries Section (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Cosmos (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.5
Cosne, France 120.8.2
Cossingham, James H. 381.5.5
Cost Accounting Section (Ordnance Department) 156.6.3
Cost and Price Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.1
Cost Control in the Federal Government, Executive Committee of
    the Private Sector Survey on 220.19
Cost Inspection Board (Navy Department) 80.8.2
Cost of Living and Retail Price Section (Coal Commission) 68.3.1
Cost of Living Council 432.2, 432.5.1, 432.5.2, 432.6, 432.10
cost-of-living studies 13.5.2, 122.3, 257.4
Cost of Production Division (Foreign and Domestic Commerce) 81.4
Cost of Production, Investments and Profits Section
    (Coal Commission) 68.3.2
Cost of Production, Transportation, and Distribution Section
    (Coal Commission) 68.3.3
Cost of Wholesaling and Retailing Section
     (Coal Commission) 68.3.2
Cost-Reports Engineering Branch
    (Housing Corporation) 3.4.12
Costa Rica
    boundary arbitrations 76.5
    claims 76.4
    Nicaragua-based rebels 349.7.1
        Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau 151.13
        public health 90.15
        railroad survey 43.11.2
    U.S. offices, representatives
        Army mission 334.3
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        Inter-American Affairs programs 229.6.4
Coston, Dean W. 235.3.1
Cotabato, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
    agricultural estimates 83.4.1
    captured, abandoned property 56.6
    Civil War
        Army court of inquiry 159.4
        Confederate Treasury records 365.3.1-365.14.2
            export duties 365.2.3
        Mississippi bonds 205.2
        Treasury Civil War Special Agencies 366
    claims cases 205.3.1
        Treasury accounts 217.7.7
    gin fires 97.3.3
    industry census scrapbooks 29.6.4
    irrigation research 54.3.23
    marketing cooperatives 83.2
        loans 96.2.3
    photographs 145.2, 145.4
    price stabilization 103.5
    processing tax 40.2
    production maps 83.4.10
    production structures 96.4.5
    Spanish imports 182.9.2
    surplus commodities marketing 124.4.4
    tax records 58.4.5, 58.4.6, 58.5.43
    transportation facilities map 142.6.5
    U.K.-U.S. trade agreement 161.2
    World War II
        manpower, production 211.19.3
        price controls 188.8.6
Cotton Agency, U.S. 366.11.2
Cotton and Truck Disease and Sugar Plant Investigations, Office
    of (Plant Industry Bureau) 54.3.15
Cotton Belt
    soil regions map 54.5.4
    weather observations 27.5.3
Cotton Bureau (Confederate Trans-Mississippi Department)
     365.12.1, 365.12.2
Cotton Distribution, Committee on 83.2
Cotton Field Station (Agricultural Research Service) 310.2.2
Cotton Insect Investigations, Division of 7.5.12
cotton-linters claims 205.3.8
Cotton, Rubber, and Other Tropical Plants, Division of
    (Plant Industry Bureau) 54.3.10
Cotton Section (Price Administration) 188.8.6
Cotton Stabilization Corporation 103.5
Cotton Standardization, Committee on 54.3.2
Cotton States and International Exposition 33.5, 43.13.5, 56.15.4
Cotton Textile National Industrial Relations Board 9.8.10
    industry census 29.6.4
    price controls 251.1
    Treasury claims accounts 217.7.7
Cottonseed Division (Food Administration) 4.2.3
Cottonwood Springs, KS 393.11.2
Council Bluffs, IA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.17.4
Council Bluffs, IA, Division (District Court) 21.17.3
Council Bluffs, IA, land office 49.9.11
Council of Economic Advisers, Records of the (RG 459)
    administrative history 459.1
    council members 459.3
    Greenspan files 459.2
    staff members 459.4
Council of Europe 43.7.11
Council of Foreign Ministers 43.6.1-43.6.7, 43.7.2-43.7.5,
    43.7.10, 43.8
Council of National Defense SEE ALSO Advisory Commission to the
        Council of National Defense
    Consumer Division 188.3.11
    Navy Research and Inventions 80.4
Council of National Defense, Records of the (RG 62)
    administrative history 62.1
    advisory commission 62.2
    Field Division 62.7
    general records 62.3
    Labor Committee 62.9
    Medicine and Sanitation Committee 62.4
    other operating units 62.10
    Reconstruction Research Division 62.8
    State Councils Section 62.6
    War Department records 62.11
    Women's Defense Work Committee 62.5
Council of National Organizations for Children and Youth 220.22.2
Council of States (Military Government for Germany) 260.3.4
Council on International Economic Policy 429.5
Council on Wage and Price Stability 429.9
Council on Wage and Price Stability Act (1974) 429.9
Counselor (State Department) 59.3.2
Counter Subversion Office (SEATO) 333.8.3
Counterespionage Section (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.2
Counterfeit Prevention Act (1806) 87.2
    Geneva conference 87.2.1
    Price Administration letters 188.6.5
    Secret Service records 87.2.2
    Treasury records 53.2.6
    Armed Forces Special Weapons Project 374.3.7
    army organizations 319.21
    FBI files 65.2.2
    War Department General Staff 165.4.10
    World War II 263.2.1, 331.17.2
Counter Intelligence Branch (Naval Intelligence) 38.4.14
Counterintelligence Corps (Army) 319.21
Counterintelligence Corps Center (Army) 319.21
Counter Intelligence Division (Allied Force HQ) 331.17.2
Counter Intelligence Section (Pacific Theaters) 338.5.5
Counter-Intelligence Subcommittee (SHAEF) 331.5
Counter-Intelligence Sub-Division (SHAEF) 331.3.4
    aerial photographs 145.8
    agriculture census data 354.4
    crop estimates 355.3
    federal agency outlays 381.5.4
    highway management 30.3
        Agriculture Department 16.7.1
        census 29.3.6
        erosion survey 114.6
        federal lands 49.16
        highways 30.7, 406.4
        post routes 28.6.2
        topography 57.5
    poverty statistics 381.3.4
    soil surveys 54.5.4
    wartime food production 145.6
Counting the Jobless (motion picture) 29.5.5
Counting the Labor Force 220.18.4
Country Desk Section (Special Representative in Europe) 469.2.2
"Country Music Time" (sound recordings) 342.14
Country Program Branch (Economic Warfare Office) 169.4.2
county agricultural agents 33.1, 33.2.1 county agricultural planning 83.4.9
county courts
    naturalization 85.5.5, 85.5.9
Cour Cheverny, France 120.8.2
Courageous (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.5
couriers SEE messengers
Court Archives Section (war crimes tribunals secretariat) 238.5.1
Court for China, U.S. 118.46, 118.47.10
Court of Appeals (Continental Congress, Confederation) 267.2
Court of Appeals (High Commissioner for Germany) 466.7
Court of Claims, Records of the United States (RG 123)
    administrative history 123.1
    cartographic records 123.9
    Congressional jurisdiction cases 123.5
    departmental jurisdiction cases 123.4
    District of Columbia cases 123.3
    Eastern Cherokee claims 123.8
    French spoliation cases 123.6
    general jurisdiction cases 123.2
    Indian depredation cases 123.7
Court of Claims Section (Justice), Records of the (RG 205)
    administrative history 205.1
    case records 205.3
    general records 205.2
Court of Claims, Solicitor of the 60.2.3
Court of Claims, U.S.
    appointments 60.16.2
    Judge Advocate General (Army) 153.6.1, 153.6.2
        patent case files 153.9.1
    Menominee Indians case 75.16.6
    naval vessel claims 19.3.4
    records 123
    Treasury correspondence 56.4, 56.5
    U.S. representation in litigation 205
Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims 76.8, 217.10.2
Court of Indian Offenses 75.19.106, 75.19.107, 75.19.111,
Court of Military Appeals, U.S. 153.2.3
Court of Private Land Claims, U.S. 49.7.2, 49.7.8, 60.16.2
court stenographers 267.4.1
    architectural plans 121.6
    descriptions 56.8
courts SEE ALSO Confederate courts; consular courts; courts of
        appeals; district courts; Supreme Court
    American Samoa 284.3.1
    Danish Virgin Islands 55.2.3
    judicial districts (maps) 126.2
    postwar Germany 466.7
    private land claims 49.3.4
    state Revolutionary War records 93.2.2
    3d Army 338.9.3
    American Expeditionary Forces 120.4.1, 120.4.3
    Army Civil War commands 393.13.2, 393.13.7
    Army of Cuban Pacification 395.5.2
    Army Secretary 335.2
    Coast Guard 26.5.4
    Confederate adjutant and inspector general 109.7.1
    Hawaii Department (Army) 395.12.1
    infantry units 391.5.1
    Judge Advocate General (Army) 153.2.2, 153.2.3, 153.3, 153.4
        Army manual, regulations 153.2.6
    Judge Advocate General (Navy) 125.2.2, 125.3.6
    Korean War defectors 319.12.2
    Marine Corps 127.3.2, 127.6.1, 127.6.2
    Military Government for Germany 260.6
    military prisons 407.4.4
    Naval Records Collection 45.2.4
    Navy Secretary 80.2.1
    Philippine Insurrection 395.3.1
    Presidential actions 130.2.6, 153.2.3
    San Francisco Naval District 181.2.11
    sentence register 217.9.5
    SHAEF organizations 331.8.2, 331.9.3
    Signal Corps 111.2.3, 111.4
    Vietnam War 319.20.4, 472.3.22
courts of appeals
    appointments 60.16.2
        circuit court clerks 130.2.5
    circuit allotments 267.4.1
    District of Columbia Circuit 267.12
        Rent Commission cases 132.2
    Emergency Court of Appeals 188.3.12, 252.4.2
    insular cases 153.8
    Justice Department records 60.3.3, 60.4.1
    revision commission 220.15.33
Courts of Appeals, Records of the U.S. (RG 276)
    administrative history 276.1
    Eighth Circuit 276.9
    Fifth Circuit 276.6
    First Circuit 276.2
    Fourth Circuit 276.5
    Ninth Circuit 276.10
    Second Circuit 276.3
    Seventh Circuit 276.8
    Sixth Circuit 276.7
    Tenth Circuit 276.11
    Third Circuit 276.4
Courts, Special Committee to Study Reorganization of (Senate)
Courts, Subcommittee on the (Senate) 46.15
Coutras, France 120.8.1
Covelo Indian Market 435.2.2
Covent Garden 54.7
Coverage Information Branch (Defense Intelligence Agency) 373.3
covert operations
    Army Staff 319.9.2
    Far East Command 349.3.4
Coville, F.V. 54.5.6
Covington, KY
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
Covington, KY, Division (Circuit Court) 21.19.2
Covington, KY, Division (District Court) 21.19.1
Covington, KY, internal revenue collection district 58.5.17
cow pox vaccination 112.8
Cowan, TN 393.7
cowboy music 69.5.3
Cowen, Wilson 16.4
Cowgill, H.B. 54.3.20
Cowles, L.R. 253.6.4
Cowling, Herford T. 29.5.5
Cowslip (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Cox, Archibald 460.12
"Coxe and Irvine Papers" 92.2.1
Coxe, Tench 58.2.1
Coy, Wayne 235.2.1
CP-5 nuclear reactor 326.4.2
crab fishing 22.4.4
Cracow, Poland
    German labor institute 242.13
crafts SEE arts and crafts
Craig, AK
    townsite tract books 49.13.1
Craig, AK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.1
Craig Brook, ME, National Fish Hatchery 22.4.2
Craig, Robert B. 221.2.2
Craigie, L.C. 341.15
Crampton, W.D. 253.5.3
Cranberry Island, ME, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
cranes (engineering plans) 77.10.52
crankshaft plant survey 240.4.2
Crater Lake National Park, OR 79.7.4
Crater National Forest 95.9.5
Cravath, Paul D. 56.2.3
Crawford (revenue cutter) 26.3.6
Crawford, NE, National Fish Hatchery 22.15.3
Crawford, Thomas 75.6
Crawford, William H. 49.5
Crawfordsville, IN, land office 49.9.10
Creary retirement case 153.2.7
Creasey, Robert T. 174.3.4
Creative Act (1891) SEE Forest Reserve Act (1891)
    Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau 151.6
    Price Administration 188.3.8
Credit, Branch of (Indian Affairs) 75.16.9, 75.19.74
credit card fraud (motion picture) 309.5
Credit Committee (Indian Affairs) 75.19.3
Credit Mobilier scandal 60.3.2
Credit Policy Adviser (Price Administration) 188.3.8
Credit Policy Office (Price Administration) 188.3.5
Credit Union Committee (FDIC) 34.2.2
credit unions
    District of Columbia 101.2
    Indian associations 75.16.3, 75.19.26, 75.19.98
Creek Commissioners 75.6
Creek Factory 75.3
Creek Indian Agency 75.19.19
Creek Indians
    agency records 75.19.19, 75.19.26, 75.19.116
    allotments 75.23.3
    enrollment 75.23.1, 75.23.3
    removal 75.6
    reservations 49.9.1
    song, language recordings 106.5
    townsites 75.23.3
Creek Land Office 75.23.3
Creek Nation
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.9
Creek War
    Volunteer Army muster rolls 94.2.2
Creel, George 63.1, 63.2.1
Creelsburg, ND, land office 49.9.20
Creil, France 120.3.4
Creitz, Walter 220.18.16
Creole music 69.5.3
Creston, IA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.17.4
Creston, IA, Division (District Court) 21.17.3
Crestwood, IL 29.8.3
Cret, P.P. 148.5
    World War II 331.19.2
Crete District (Allied Force HQ) 331.28.2
Creusot, France 74.7
crew lists
    Coast Guard district records 26.6.3, 26.6.8
    customs district records 36.3.1
    Immigration and Naturalization Service 85.3.3
    Maritime Commission 178.10
    Navigation Bureau 41.5
Crew Support Division (NASA) 255.4.7
Crew Systems Branch Project Gemini (NASA) 255.4.7
Crew War Risk Insurance (World War II and After) 248.5
cribs (engineering plans) 77.10.49
crime SEE ALSO war crimes
    American Samoan court records 284.3.1
    Army investigations 389.6
    attorneys and marshals, U.S. 118
    DC police blotters 351.5
    FBI investigations 65.2.2, 65.3
    federal court records 21
    Indian agency records 75.19.60, 75.19.127
    Justice Department records 60.1, 60.3.1
        committees, conferences 60.4.2, 60.17.2, 60.17.9
    mail robbery, offenses 28.2.2, 28.8
    pornography as cause 60.17.10
    postwar Germany 466.6, 466.7
    postwar Japan 331.50.1
    Presidential commissions 220.14.8, 220.14.17
Crime and Criminal Practice, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.9
Crime in the District of Columbia, Subcommittee on the
    Investigation of (Senate) 46.10
Crime, President's Task Force on the Victims of 220.19
crime prevention
    interdepartmental coordination 220.5.1
    photographs, posters 65.10
    small business theft protection (motion picture) 309.5
Crime Records Division (Federal Bureau of Investigation) 65.2.3
Crime Resistance Section (Federal Bureau of Investigation) 65.10
criminal anthropology 418.2.2
Criminal Division (Justice Department) 60.10
Criminal Investigation, Bureau of (Justice Department) 65.3
Criminal Investigation Division
    (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.1
Criminal Investigation, Division of
    (American Forces in Germany) 120.11.4
Criminal Investigation Division Team (Army Vietnam) 472.5.4
Criminal Justice Division
    (Justice Department) Watergate investigations 460.4.2
Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, National Advisory
    Commission on 423.4
criminal law
    procedures committees 267.4.1
Criminal Laws and Procedures, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.15
Criminal Rules, Advisory Committee on 116.2
Criminal Section (Justice Department, Civil Rights Division) 60.8
criminals SEE ALSO extradition
    deportation 85.5.8
    identification 65.3, 65.4
    Indian case files 75.19.80, 75.19.82
    photographs 65.4, 87.2.2
    Secret Service investigations 87.2.2
Crippled Children Services, Technical Committee on 220.5.1
Crisfield, MD
    customs collection 36.3.1
    harbor charts 77.10.4
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Crisfield, MD, Light Attendant Station 26.6.4
Crisp Point, MI, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Crissy Field, CA 18.9.1, 18.10
Cristian, John 220.15.25
Cristobal, Canal Zone, Coast Defenses of 392.3
Cristobal, Canal Zone, Naval District 181.2.14
Cristy, Arthur H. 449.2
critical defense housing areas 212.1, 252.4.1, 304.4, 330.9
critical materials SEE strategic materials
Croatian-language captured records 242.22
Crop and Livestock Division
     (Agricultural Marketing Service) 136.11.2
Crop and Livestock Estimates, Division of
    (Agricultural Economics) 83.4.1
crop dusting (photographs) 7.9
Crop Estimates, Bureau of 83.4.1
Crop Experts, Offices of the (Grain Corporation) 5.2.3
crop insurance 83.4.2, 220.19, 258
crops SEE agricultural products and crops
"Cross Country, U.S.A." (radio series) 306.4.1
Cross Island, ME, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Cross Florida Barge Canal 22.11.8
Cross Lake School District, MN 75.19.89
Crossland, J.R.A. 15.5.1
Crossroads SEE Operation Crossroads
Crow Creek Agency 75.19.20, 75.19.80
Crow Creek diversion 412.5.4
Crow Creek Indian Reservation 75.7.4
Crow Indian Agency 75.19.21
    maps 75.19.35
Crow Indian Reservation
    maps 75.19.35
    oil, gas leases 75.16.4
Crow Wing River 77.10.53
Crowder, Enoch H. 163.2
Crowell, Benedict 191.4.1
Crowley, Leo T. 34.2.1
Crownpoint Oil 75.19.23
Crowther, Harold E. 22.12.6
Croxton, Fred C. 73.2.2
Cruiser and Transport Force 313.3.1
Cruiser Destroyer Force, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Cruiser Destroyer Force, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Cruiser Division (Naval Forces) 313.2.4
Cruiser Division 3 313.5.8
Cruiser Force, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
cruisers 313.4.2-313.4.4
Crumple Island, ME, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Crystal Cave, SD 48.16
Crystal City, TX, internment camp 85.4.2
Cub (Advance Base) 38.7.3
    American student visitors 233.25.2
    Caribbean Command message investigation 349.7.2
    census records 29.3.6
    claims 76.4
        Army Engineers 77.12.1
        Army of Cuban Pacification 395.5.1
        harbor charts 80.7.2
        military operations 94.14
        radio stations 173.12
        railroads 234.2.5
        Spanish-American War 24.9, 38.4.3, 77.12.2
        telegraph communications 111.8
    naval intelligence 45.5.1
    nickel processing film 291.4
    photographs 350.2
        harbors, coastal areas 37.4.1
    postal service 28.4.5, 28.5.5
    Spanish-American War
        claims 60.4.4
        photographs 94.16
    special commissioner 56.15.3
    U.S. administration
        Interior Secretary 48.4.7
        military government 140, 350.2
        provisional government 199, 350.1, 350.2, 350.4
    U.S. Army activities
        accounts 217.7.3
        Army of Cuban Pacification 395.5
        commands, 1895-1903 395.11
            photographs 168.5
        Field Headquarters 108.3
        mission 334.3
        photographs 165.21
        Quartermaster General installations
            cemeteries 92.8.4
                construction 92.7.1
            photographs 92.17
U.S. citizens draft status 163.2.4
U.S. Marine Corps activities 127.7.3
        photographs 127.9
U.S. offices, representatives
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        Inter-American Affairs programs 229.6.4
        naval attaches, missions 38.6.1
U.S. trade
        Export-Import Bank 275.2
Cuba, Department of (Army) 140.3.6, 395.11.1
Cuba, Division of (Army) 140.3.6, 395.11.1
Cuban Export Committee 6.2
Cuban-Haitian Task Force 220.18.24
Cuban insurrection 60.4.4
Cuban missile crisis
    Agricultural Marketing Service response 136.11.1
    Air Force motion pictures 342.12
Cuban Refugee Program 47.8
Cuban refugees
    Coast Guard photographs 26.5.2
    temporary commission 220.18.24
The Cuckolds, ME, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.1
Cukor, George 47.4.2
Culbertson, MT, project office 114.14.6
Culebra Island 181.8.1, 313.3.1
Culebra, PR, Naval Station 80.2.1, 181.8.1
U.S.S. Culgoa 313.9.3
Cullum, George W. 77.2.8
Cullum Memorial Hall 404.15
cultural affairs and organizations
    Germany 242.4.4, 242.4.6, 242.13
        photographs 242.28, 260.4.9
    postwar Japan 331.42
    Ryukyu Islands 260.12.9
    Soviet Union 242.18.3
    USIA photographs 306.5.3
Cultural Affairs Branch
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.11
Cultural Affairs, Bureau of Educational and
    (State Department) 59.3.9
Cultural Affairs Division
    (Ryukyu Islands Administration) 260.12.9
cultural exchange programs SEE educational and cultural exchange
Cultural Information, Advisory Committee on
     (Information Agency, U.S.) 306.3.3
Cultural Programs and Funding, Advisor for
    (International Women's Year Commission) 220.16.4
Cultural Relations, General Advisory Committee of the Division of
Cultural Relations, Information, Education, and Science,
    Subcommittee on (State Department) 353.5.2
Culver City, CA 338.11.1
Culver, O.H. 56.3
Cumberland, Army of the 393.8
Cumberland, Department of the (Army) 153.3, 393.2, 393.4, 393.9
Cumberland Farms Cooperative Association 96.2.11
Cumberland, MD
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
Cumberland, MD, Division (Circuit Court) 21.22.2
Cumberland, MD, Division (District Court) 21.22.1
Cumberland, MD, internal revenue collection district 58.5.20
Cumberland, MD, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.5, 393.6
Cumberland River drainage basin 77.10.33, 187.5.3
Cummings, Richard O. 176.5
Cunningham coal land claims 57.8
Cunningham Collection 127.12
Cunningham, Glen 220.7.7
Cunningham, John B. 101.4
Cunningham, W.S. 208.6.5
Curacao Cumene Plant 253.6.3
Curran, Joseph 41.6.1
    1777 note (photograph) 37.3
    auditors 53.2.4
    Comptroller's issue ledgers 101.3
    Confederate issuances 365.11
        scrapbook 39.2.3
    Engraving and Printing 318
    Federal Reserve issues 101.6
    foreign countries 104.3.6
    international conferences 43.2.26, 43.10.9
    safekeeping in World War II Philippines 126.7.2
    Treasury records 50.1, 50.3, 50.6, 50.7, 53.2.4
        foreign coinage values 217.3.4
Currency, Division of (Treasury Department) 53.5
Current Information, Division of (State Department) 59.3.9
Current Operations Branch (SHAEF) 331.3.7
Current Procurement Branch (War Secretary) 107.4.2
Current Section (Executive Headquarters [China]) 338.4.5
Current Supply Branch (War Department General Staff) 165.6.3
Currier, Louis W. 57.4.1
Currituck Beach, NC 26.2.2
Curtice, Harlow H. 220.9.3
Curtis Bay, MD, General Ordnance Depot 156.11
Curtis Bay, MD, Storage Activity (Army) 338.11.1
Curtis, Eleazer 93.6
Curtis, Frank S. 80.3.4
Curtis, Harry A. 142.3.1
Curtis, Thomas 304.4
Curtis, William E. 43.2.7
Curtiss aircraft 313.4.3
Curtiss, Glenn H. 18.13
Cushing, Thomas 98.2.1
Cushman, Allerton S. 30.3
Cushman, Robert E. 460.12
Cushman School 75.19.86
Custer Flat Experiment Station, MT 95.10.8
Custodian of Salvaged Properties 3.4.19
custodians (buildings) 56.3.6
Customhouse Secretary (Military Government of Veracruz) 141.3
    Adjutant General's Office 94.2.5
    construction 121.2.1
        architectural plans 36.2.3, 121.6
    Customs Service 36.3
    foreign cities (maps) 59.4.5
    Treasury Customs Division descriptions 56.8
    Treasury Secretary correspondence 56.2.2
Customs Administrative Act (1890) 321.2
Customs, Administrator of
    (Military Government of Veracruz) 141.3
Customs and Patent Appeals, U.S. Court of 60.16.2
Customs Appeals, U.S. Court of 60.16.2
Customs, Bureau of 36.2, 41.6.1, 206.5
customs collectors and officers
    Alaska sealing 22.2
    appointment, personnel records 56.3.4, 217.3.2
        Customs Commissioner 36.2.1
        Revenue Cutter Service 26.3.1
        Treasury Register 53.4.1
        Treasury Secretary 56.2.1, 56.2.2
        Treasury Solicitor 206.5
    privateers commissions 45.8.3
    World War I trade 182.7, 182.11
Customs, Commissioner of 36.2.1, 56.2.2, 217.5
Customs Cooperation Council 36.2.4
Customs Court Act (1926) 321.3; (1980) 321.1
Customs Court, U.S. 60.16.2, 321.3
customs districts
    maps 36.4, 41.8
    records 36.3.1
        lighthouses 26.2.6
        revenue cutters 26.3.6
        vessel documentation, seamen 26.6.1, 26.6.3, 26.6.10, 26.6.12
    Treasury Secretary correspondence 56.2.2
Customs Division (Customs Commissioner) 217.5;
    (First Auditor) 217.6.2;
    (First Comptroller) 217.3.2;
    (Internal Revenue) 58.3.2
Customs, Division of (Treasury Department) 36.2.1, 56.2.1, 56.8
Customs Examining Board 146.5.1
Customs Group, U.S.
   (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.2, 260.9.4
customs law enforcement
    appraisals, protests 321.2, 321.3
    Coast Guard records 26.5.9
    Customs Commissioner case files 36.2.1
    federal court cases
        Massachusetts 21.23.1
        New York 21.34.7
        Pennsylvania 21.40.1
    General Accounting Office reports 411.2.2
    Justice Department suits 60.3.2
    Treasury special agents 36.2.2
    Treasury suits 206.2, 206.5
customs service SEE ALSO Confederate customs service
    Alaska 36.2.2
    Danish West Indies 55.2.1
    Dominican receivership 139
    insular possessions 350.2
    international agreements 36.2.4
    Ryukyu Islands 260.12.3
Customs Service (Military Government of Cuba) 140.3.2
Customs Service, Records of the United States (RG 36)
    administrative history 36.1
    cartographic records 36.4
    customhouses 36.3
    Customs Bureau and predecessors 36.2
    still pictures 36.5
Customs Service, U.S.
    drug abuse commission briefings 220.15.24
    drug enforcement 170.4
    Treasury records 56.3.4, 56.8
        accounts 39.2.1, 217.5, 217.6.2
        Confederate records collection 365.2.3, 365.7.2, 365.8.1
Cut Foot Sioux Experimental Forest 95.10.2
Cutaneous Diseases Commission
    (Armed Forces Epidemiological Board) 334.11
Cutler, O.N. 366.11.1
Cutler, Robert 107.2.9, 273.1
Cutsinger Elevator Co. 258.2
U.S.S. Cuttlefish 313.4.4
Cuttyhunk, MA 26.2.2
Cuyahoga (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3
CVA-14 (photographs) 181.18
CVA-60 (photographs) 181.18
Cyclades District (Allied Force HQ) 331.28.2
cyclotrons 326.5.7, 434.4.2
Cypress Creek 412.5.3
Cypress Creek Drainage District, AR 8.2.2
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Cyrus W. Field (mine planter) 391.2.6
Czech-language captured records 242.22
    cultural resource protection 239.3
    economic conditions 151.9.3
    Hungarian frontier (maps) 43.6.7
    Soviet machinery purchases 242.18.2
    State Department committees 353.5.6
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4



