Federal Records Management

Records Control Schedules

These requests for disposition authority documents are agency requests to NARA submitted since 1973.  Older items may have subsequently been superseded by more recent submissions.  Please see the FAQ for more information. Questions about active disposition authorities should be directed to the agency records officer.

NOTE: NARA’s process for determining which records schedules in the RCS are currently valid is an ongoing work in progress. Records schedules will be marked inactive when all items on the schedule have been superseded. Before implementing disposition using these records schedules, always verify that you are using the most recent and current disposition authority (or item).

Full Text:   
Job No:   

Tip 1: Use Phrases in Quotes

Example:  "audit files"

Without quotation marks, any page containing the words "audit" OR "files" will appear in results.
When surrounded by quotation marks, the words are treated as a phrase and only pages with the exact phrase "audit files" will appear in results. This is the most powerful query refinement technique.

Tip 2: Use a Plus (+) or Minus (-) Sign to Require or Reject Words

Example:  audit files +system -withdrawn

You can require that the word "system" be in any documents in the results list by placing a plus (+) sign before it.
You can reject words with the minus (-) sign.
In the example, no documents with the word "withdrawn" will appear on the results page unless a search engine is programmed to make them appear above the regular results list.

Tip 3: Combine Tips 1, 2

Example:  audit files +"Internal Revenue Service" +system

By combining phrases with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign, and capitalizing where it's appropriate, you can increase the relevance of search results.

Tip 4: Spell Out All Acronyms

Example:  Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Avoid using acronyms for instance: IRS for Internal Revenue Service can be mistaken for another acronym such as IRS-CI and effect search results.

Tip 5: Searching by Job Number

Example:  N1-016-00-001

NOTE: You MUST enter the job number in the correct format. Consult the SF 15 Numbering Key if necessary.


RG-0173: Federal Communications Commission

Go up one directory level

Title Number/Filename
AT&T Special Investigation Files - 1934-1939 Inactive DAA-0173-2014-0001
Enforcement Bureau Activity Tracking System (EBATS) DAA-0173-2014-0002
Social Media DAA-0173-2015-0001
Slamming Complaint Reporting DAA-0173-2015-0003
Depreciation Rates Filing DAA-0173-2015-0004
Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) DAA-0173-2015-0006
Urban Rates Survey Inactive DAA-0173-2015-0007
Annual Certifications for Geographic Rate Integration DAA-0173-2015-0008
Section 43.62 -Annual International Reporting Requirements DAA-0173-2015-0009
COSER - Canadian Co-Channel Serial Coordination System DAA-0173-2015-0010
Part 68 Terminal Equipment Certification/Registration DAA-0173-2016-0002
Experimental Licensing System (ELS) DAA-0173-2016-0003
Study Area Boundary Data Collection System Inactive DAA-0173-2016-0005
Traffic Studies for Form 499-Q Inactive DAA-0173-2016-0006
Part 59 Infrastructure Sharing Agreement DAA-0173-2016-0007
Electronic Tariff Filing System (ETFS) DAA-0173-2016-0009
Overseas Telecommunications Traffic Data DAA-0173-2016-0010
Industry Analysis and Technology Division Data and Reports DAA-0173-2016-0011
International Telecommunications Union (ITU) DAA-0173-2016-0012
Universal Service DAA-0173-2017-0001
Office of Engineering and Technology -Laboratory Division Records DAA-0173-2019-0001
Informal Complaints Electronic System DAA-0173-2019-0002
EEO Audits DAA-0173-2020-0003
Transaction Documents-Mergers DAA-0173-2020-0005
Connected Care Pilot Program/COVID-19 Telehealth Program DAA-0173-2020-0006
Protection Zones DAA-0173-2020-0008
Diversity and Inclusion Programs DAA-0173-2020-0012
Emergency Alert System (EAS) DAA-0173-2021-0001
Deployment of Text-to-911 DAA-0173-2021-0002
Enhanced 911 DAA-0173-2021-0003
Records for the Office of Administrative Law Judges DAA-0173-2021-0013
Robocall Mitigation Database DAA-0173-2021-0020
Public Safety Operations Mobile Device Tracking by USCG DAA-0173-2021-0021
Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBB Program)/Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) DAA-0173-2021-0022
Emergency Connectivity Fund Program DAA-0173-2021-0024
Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) DAA-0173-2021-0025
Common Carrier Annual Employment Report DAA-0173-2021-0026
President-Elect Transition Team Materials DAA-0173-2021-0028
Automated Reporting Management Information System (ARMIS) DAA-0173-2021-0030
Cable Price Survey DAA-0173-2021-0031
Urban Rate Survey DAA-0173-2021-0032
Study Area Boundary Data Collection DAA-0173-2021-0034
Communications Supply Chain (Supply Chain) DAA-0173-2022-0001
Federal Communications Commission [Capstone Form] GRS-6-1-0173-2023-0001
Commission Registration System (CORES) N1-173-00-001
Department of Commerce Broadcast History Cards, 1920-33 Inactive N1-173-03-001
Congressional Correspondence Files N1-173-03-002
Consumer and Government Affairs Bureau (CGB) Inactive N1-173-07-001
Office of Inspector General (OIG) - Investigative Files N1-173-07-002
Universal Licensing System N1-173-08-001
Experimental Licensing System Inactive N1-173-08-002
Laboratory Technical Reports System Inactive N1-173-08-003
Office of Engineering and Technology Knowledgebase System Inactive N1-173-08-004
Laboratory Sample Tracking System Inactive N1-173-08-005
Laboratory Violations Database Inactive N1-173-08-006
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement (CALEA) Miscellaneous Records N1-173-08-007
Cable Price Survey Data and Databases Inactive N1-173-08-008
Cable Operations and Licensing System (COALS) N1-173-08-009
Webpage Content and Administrative Records N1-173-09-001
43-05 Automated Reporting and Management Information System (ARMIS) Service Quality Report Inactive N1-173-09-002
43-06 Automated Reporting and Management Information System (ARMIS) Customer Satisfaction Report Inactive N1-173-09-003
43-07 Automated Reporting and Management Information System (ARMIS) Infrastructure Report Inactive N1-173-09-004
43-08 Automated Reporting and Management Information System (ARMIS) Operating Data Report Inactive N1-173-09-005
Network Outage Reporting System (NORS) N1-173-10-001
Disaster Information Reporting System (DIRS) N1-173-10-002
Over the Air Reception Devices (OTARD)- Informal OTARD Cases N1-173-10-003
Local Telephone Competition and Broadband Reporting (FCC Form 477) N1-173-11-001
Certification of Franchising Authority to Regulate Basic Cable Service Rates and Initial Finding of Lack of Effective Competition (FCC Form 328) N1-173-11-002
Children's Television Programming Report (FCC Form 398) N1-173-11-003
Appeal of Local Rate Orders N1-173-11-004
Certification for Open Video Systems (FCC Form 1275) N1-173-11-005
Section 43.82 Circuit Share Reports N1-173-11-006
International Bureau Filing System (IBFS) N1-173-11-007
Mass Media Bureau Records N1-173-86-002
Accounting and Audits Division Records N1-173-86-003
Budget Estimates and Justifications N1-173-87-002
Field Operations Bureau Miscellaneous Records Inactive N1-173-87-003
Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) Records N1-173-87-004
Common Carrier Bureau Records N1-173-87-005
Recordings of Open Meetings and Associated Finding Aids N1-173-87-006
Extra Copies of Commission Meeting Material and Minutes N1-173-87-007
Information Releases N1-173-88-001
Records of Chairman Mark Fowler, 1981-87 N1-173-88-002
Common Carrier Bureau Spectrum Study Magnetic Tape Files Inactive N1-173-88-003
Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) Miscellaneous Records Inactive N1-173-88-004
Television Network Study Files, 1956; Political Broadcasting Surveys/Reports, 1966 and 1972 Inactive N1-173-88-005
Broadcast Station History Cards, 1920-81 N1-173-89-001
Cellular Radio Service Applications N1-173-89-002
Records of the Common Carrier Bureau N1-173-90-001
Unscheduled Records at the Washington National Records Center, 1912-55 Inactive N1-173-90-002
Minute Folder Files, 1927-August 1971 Inactive N1-173-90-003
Formal Hearing Dockets and Rulemaking Proceedings N1-173-90-004
Civilian Defense, Control of Electromagnetic Radiation (CONELRAD) Inactive N1-173-90-005
General Counsel Records N1-173-91-001
Office of the Secretary and its Branches Records N1-173-91-002
Unscheduled Telephone Company Records at the Washington National Records Center, 1900-60 Inactive N1-173-91-003
Unarranged Still Pictures, 1978-86 Inactive N1-173-91-004
Survey of Horse Racing Results Broadcasts, 1962-66; Political Broadcast Surveys, 1960-68 Inactive N1-173-91-005
Experimental Station License Files Inactive N1-173-92-001
Office of Legislative Affairs Records N1-173-92-002
Network Study Committee Records, 1953-62 Inactive N1-173-92-003
Unscheduled Records at the Washington National Records Center, 1927-52 Inactive N1-173-93-001
Equipment Certification, Type Acceptance, and Type Approval Records Inactive N1-173-94-001
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau - Licensing Division Records N1-173-94-002
Informal Complaint and Inquiry Files Inactive N1-173-95-001
Air Space Panel Files, 1947-57 Inactive N1-173-95-002
Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Records N1-173-96-001
Automated Reporting and Management Information System (ARMIS) Inactive N1-173-97-001
Deleted Broadcast Station Files N1-173-98-002
Dismissed Broadcast Applications N1-173-98-003
Returned Broadcast Applications N1-173-98-004
Carrier Cost Allocation Manuals N1-173-98-005
Antenna Structure Registration Files N1-173-98-006
Call Center Control and Tracking System Files Inactive N1-173-98-007
Chairman and Commissioners Records N1-173-98-008
Unscheduled Records at the Washington National Records Center, 1883-1971 Inactive N1-173-98-009
AM Radio Station Location Maps, 1940s-1990s Inactive N1-173-99-001
Cable Operator Rate Filings and Consumer Complaint Case Files N1-173-99-002
Electronic Mail and Word Processing Copies of the Office of Engineering and Technology Records Inactive N9-173-00-001
Electronic Mail and Word Processing Copies of the Mass Media Bureau Records Inactive N9-173-00-002
Electronic Mail and Word Processing Copies of the Common Carrier Bureau Records Inactive N9-173-00-003
Electronic Mail and Word Processing Copies of the Wireless Bureau Records Inactive N9-173-00-004
Electronic Mail and Word Processing Copies of the Compliance and Information Bureau Records Inactive N9-173-00-005
Electronic Mail and Word Processing Copies of the Office of Managing Director Records Inactive N9-173-00-006
Electronic Mail and Word Processing Copies of the Office of Public Affairs Records Inactive N9-173-00-007
Electronic Mail and Word Processing Copies of the Office of General Council Records Inactive N9-173-00-008
Electronic Mail and Word Processing Copies of the Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Records Inactive N9-173-00-009
Electronic Mail and Word Processing Copies of the Office of Plans and Policy Records Inactive N9-173-00-010
Electronic Mail and Word Processing Copies of the Office of Administrative Law Judges Record Inactive N9-173-00-011
Cable Television Bureau Records NC-173-75-001
Letters of Protest and Endorsement Regarding Standards for Licensing Educational Stations NC-173-76-001
Cable Television Bureau Records NC-174-000154
Applications for Class C or D Station Licenses in the Citizens Radio Services (FCC Form 505) NC1-173-77-01
Safety and Special Radio Services Bureau Records NC1-173-78-02
Field Operations Bureau Records NC1-173-78-03
Applications for Canadian CB Operators (FCC Form 410B) NC1-173-79-01
General Counsel Records NC1-173-79-02
Broadcast Bureau Records NC1-173-79-03
Administrative Law Judges Records Inactive NC1-173-80-01
Common Carrier Bureau Records NC1-173-80-02
Field Operations Bureau Records Inactive NC1-173-80-03
Plans and Policy Records NC1-173-80-04
International Training, 1951-80 NC1-173-81-01
Network Inquiry Special Staff Records, 1978-80 NC1-173-81-02
Hearing Dockets NC1-173-81-03
Public Affairs Records NC1-173-81-04
Records of Commissioner Robert E. Lee, 1954-81 Inactive NC1-173-81-05
Records of Commissioner Tyrone Brown, 1975-81 Inactive NC1-173-81-06
Recordings of Open and Closed Meetings With Associated Finding Aids NC1-173-82-02
Certification of Electrical Equipment and Type Acceptance Files Inactive NC1-173-82-03
Central Files of the Federal Radio Commission and the Federal Communications Commission, 1927-1971 Inactive NC1-173-82-04
Records of the Conglomerate Study Task Force of the Broadcast Bureau from 1969-1972 NC1-173-82-05
Commission Minutes NC1-173-82-06
Statements re Importation of Radio Frequency Devices (FCC Form 740) Inactive NC1-173-82-07
Task Force Investigation of American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1974-76 Inactive NC1-173-82-08
Rulemaking Records and Published Reports NC1-173-83-01
Certification of Electrical Equipment (Type Approval) Files Inactive NC1-173-83-02
Working Files on Docket Cases NC1-173-83-03
Field Operations Bureau Records NC1-173-83-04
Common Carrier Bureau Central Files and Case Files, 1934-71 Inactive NC1-173-83-05
Dockets Branch Hearings and Motions Calendars, 1939-81 Inactive NC1-173-83-06
Common Carrier Bureau Equipment Registration Files Inactive NC1-173-83-07
Cellular Radio Service Applications Inactive NC1-173-84-01
Records of Commissioner Abbott Washburn, 1974-82 Inactive NC1-173-84-02
Forfeiture, Miscellaneous Enforcement, Revocation, and Cease and Desist Case Files NC1-173-84-03
Private Radio Bureau, Licensing Division Records NC1-173-84-04
General Counsel Records NC1-173-84-05
Equipment Registration Files NC1-173-85-01
Radio Operator Services Records NC1-173-85-03
Network Affiliation Agreements NC1-173-85-05
Certification Forms and VHS Cassette Tapes NC1-173-85-06