Federal Records Management

Records Control Schedules

These requests for disposition authority documents are agency requests to NARA submitted since 1973.  Older items may have subsequently been superseded by more recent submissions.  Please see the FAQ for more information. Questions about active disposition authorities should be directed to the agency records officer.

NOTE: NARA’s process for determining which records schedules in the RCS are currently valid is an ongoing work in progress. Records schedules will be marked inactive when all items on the schedule have been superseded. Before implementing disposition using these records schedules, always verify that you are using the most recent and current disposition authority (or item).

Full Text:   
Job No:   

Tip 1: Use Phrases in Quotes

Example:  "audit files"

Without quotation marks, any page containing the words "audit" OR "files" will appear in results.
When surrounded by quotation marks, the words are treated as a phrase and only pages with the exact phrase "audit files" will appear in results. This is the most powerful query refinement technique.

Tip 2: Use a Plus (+) or Minus (-) Sign to Require or Reject Words

Example:  audit files +system -withdrawn

You can require that the word "system" be in any documents in the results list by placing a plus (+) sign before it.
You can reject words with the minus (-) sign.
In the example, no documents with the word "withdrawn" will appear on the results page unless a search engine is programmed to make them appear above the regular results list.

Tip 3: Combine Tips 1, 2

Example:  audit files +"Internal Revenue Service" +system

By combining phrases with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign, and capitalizing where it's appropriate, you can increase the relevance of search results.

Tip 4: Spell Out All Acronyms

Example:  Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Avoid using acronyms for instance: IRS for Internal Revenue Service can be mistaken for another acronym such as IRS-CI and effect search results.

Tip 5: Searching by Job Number

Example:  N1-016-00-001

NOTE: You MUST enter the job number in the correct format. Consult the SF 15 Numbering Key if necessary.


RG-0142: Tennessee Valley Authority

Go up one directory level

Title Number/Filename
Tennessee Valley Authority [Capstone Form] GRS-6-1-0142-2023-0001
Education and Training Records Inactive N1-142-00-001
Key Indicators Files Inactive N1-142-00-002
Records of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) N1-142-00-003
Year 2000 (Y2K) Validation Records Inactive N1-142-00-004
Dam Safety Inspection Reports Inactive N1-142-00-005
Pipeline Records Inactive N1-142-00-006
Recording Instrument Charts Inactive N1-142-00-007
Correspondence File for Office of Minority Resources, 1990-1994 Inactive N1-142-01-001
Power Resources and Operations Planning Records Partially Superseded N1-142-01-002
Medical Evaluation Data and Image Control System (MEDICS) Inactive N1-142-01-003
Surveying Records Inactive N1-142-01-004
Records and Information Management System (RIMS) N1-142-01-005
Analytical Reports, Division of Research, River Systems Operations Inactive N1-142-01-006
Education, Training, and Diversity Records Inactive N1-142-02-001
Fossil Power Group Safety Records Inactive N1-142-02-002
River System Operations and Environment: Maps and Surveys Inactive N1-142-02-003
Generating Plant Daily Operating Records Inactive N1-142-03-002
Design and Construction Drawings Inactive N1-142-03-003
Environmental Records Inactive N1-142-03-004
Pipeline Electric Drive Compression Records N1-142-04-001
Equipment Calibration Records N1-142-04-002
Radiation Protection Program Files Inactive N1-142-04-003
Department of Labor Appeals N1-142-04-004
Fossil Power Group, Heavy Equipment Tool Management Records N1-142-04-005
Regulatory Compliance Workplace Inspections Inactive N1-142-04-006
TVA Today Newsletter Inactive N1-142-04-007
Risk Analysis and Risk Management System N1-142-04-008
Relay Information and Setting Sheets N1-142-04-009
Technical Training Records Inactive N1-142-05-001
Human Resources: Automated Training Information System (ATIS) N1-142-05-002
Nuclear Quality Assurance, Vendor Document, and Recorder Charts Inactive N1-142-05-003
Siting and Environmental Design Records N1-142-06-002
Test Score Database Inactive N1-142-07-001
Board's Events Planning Records Inactive N1-142-07-002
Weld X-ray Film N1-142-07-003
Financial, Performance, Accountability, and Audit Records Partially Superseded N1-142-08-001
General Ledger Transaction Records Inactive N1-142-08-002
MAXIMO/EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) Inactive N1-142-09-004
Comprehensive Records Schedule N1-142-10-001
Division of Property and Services Records Partially Superseded N1-142-86-001
Nuclear Generating Plants Part Procurement Quality Assurance Records N1-142-86-002
Site Planting and Planning Drawings, 1951-75 Inactive N1-142-86-003
North Alabama Coal to Methanol Project Case Files Inactive N1-142-86-004
Records Information Management System (RIMS) Partially Superseded N1-142-86-005
Historic Photographs Promoting Use of Electricity Inactive N1-142-86-006
Support Documents Related to Power Service Shops Operations N1-142-86-007
Materials Handling Equipment Inspection Reports N1-142-86-008
Radwaste Cask Lines Inspection Reports N1-142-86-009
Quality Assurance Training, Qualifications or Certification of Personnel Inactive N1-142-86-010
Inspection Reports for Material and Equipment N1-142-86-011
Nuclear Plant Deferral Disposition Records Inactive N1-142-86-012
Emergency Response Unit Weekly Inspection Sheets Inactive N1-142-86-013
Substation Maintenance Records Inactive N1-142-87-001
Training Program Records Inactive N1-142-87-002
Energy Package Program Records N1-142-87-003
Acquired Utility Property Records Inactive N1-142-87-004
Set-Up (Employee Newsletter) Inactive N1-142-87-005
Analysis Study Reports Inactive N1-142-87-006
Office of Agricultural and Chemical Development (OACD) Still Picture Files Inactive N1-142-87-007
Regional Studies Architectural Records, 1940-48 Inactive N1-142-87-008
Power Function Construction and General Activities Photographs Inactive N1-142-87-009
Division of Energy Use and Distributor Relations Partially Superseded N1-142-87-010
Progress Reports of Land Transactions Inactive N1-142-87-011
Civil Works Administration Project Reports, 1934-35 Inactive N1-142-87-012
Power Program Records N1-142-87-013
Management Training and Development (Fast Track) Program Records Inactive N1-142-88-001
Inventory Control System Inactive N1-142-88-002
Townlift Program Records, 1963-83 Inactive N1-142-88-003
Resource Development Group Data Systems Records Inactive N1-142-88-004
Report of Known or Suspected Occupation-Related Condition Inactive N1-142-88-005
Natural Resource Manager's Correspondence File Inactive N1-142-88-006
Eastern and Western Area Property and Supply Units Procurement Records Inactive N1-142-88-007
Methods of Billing for Transmission Inactive N1-142-88-008
Travel Records Inactive N1-142-88-009
Engineering Laboratory Records Partially Superseded N1-142-88-010
Project Property Records Inactive N1-142-88-011
Commercial and Industrial Energy Survey Records Inactive N1-142-88-012
General Ledgers and Trial Balances Inactive N1-142-88-013
Division of Reservoir Properties (DRP) Correspondence, 1937-79 Inactive N1-142-88-014
Board Meeting Audio and Video Tapes Partially Superseded N1-142-88-015
Psychological Case Records and Employee Assistance Program Files Partially Superseded N1-142-88-018
Recreation Resources Map File, 1933-Present Inactive N1-142-89-001
Washington Office Records Partially Superseded N1-142-89-002
Resource Development Group, Environmental Quality Staff Correspondence Partially Superseded N1-142-89-003
Industrial Development Staff Work Files on Tellico, 1965-84 Inactive N1-142-89-004
Inspector General - Policy Files and Semiannual Report to Congress Files Partially Superseded N1-142-89-005
Educational and Promotional Films Inactive N1-142-89-006
Forestry Photographs, 1930s-1970s Inactive N1-142-89-008
Office of Natural Resources and Economic Development (ONRED) and Division of Land and Economic Development Correspondence Partially Superseded N1-142-89-009
Water Leak Detection and Water Log Database Inactive N1-142-89-010
Workers' Compensation Case Records Inactive N1-142-89-011
Human Resources Official Correspondence Partially Superseded N1-142-89-012
Copy Machine Contract Records Inactive N1-142-89-013
Project Authorizations, Master Budget File Partially Superseded N1-142-89-014
Routine Procurement Files Inactive N1-142-89-015
Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Records Partially Superseded N1-142-89-016
Water Quality and Aquatic Biology Mission Correspondence Inactive N1-142-89-017
Kodak Negative File Inactive N1-142-89-018
Contractor History Record and Contract Information System Inactive N1-142-89-019
Governmental and Public Affairs Correspondence, Citizens Action Line Records N1-142-89-021
Energy Use Publications, Films Slides and Videos Partially Superseded N1-142-89-022
Solar Pond Slides and Photographs Inactive N1-142-89-023
Radiation Safety and Control Records N1-142-90-001
Reservoir Operations Support Files Inactive N1-142-90-002
Power Engineering and Construction Estimating Files Inactive N1-142-90-003
Purchasing Correspondence Files Inactive N1-142-90-004
Pre-ARMS records of the Division of Power System Operations (PSO) Inactive N1-142-90-005
Equal Opportunity Correspondence Files N1-142-90-006
TVA History Timeline and Database Inactive N1-142-90-007
Discharge Monitoring Report Generating System Inactive N1-142-90-008
Cost Allocations for Multipurpose Dams and Reservoirs Inactive N1-142-90-009
Time-Reporting Records Inactive N1-142-90-010
Discrimination Complaint Case Files Inactive N1-142-90-012
Health Risk Appraisals and Live Well Program Records N1-142-90-013
Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Records Partially Superseded N1-142-90-014
Hydrographs of the Daily Flow and Elevations of Water in the TVA Reservoir System Inactive N1-142-90-015
Flood Protection Correspondence, 1933-88 Inactive N1-142-90-016
Land Between the Lakes Records N1-142-90-017
Project Tract and Land Voucher Files Inactive N1-142-90-019
Planning and Budget Correspondence, 1933-88 Inactive N1-142-90-020
Media Release Films and Videotapes Inactive N1-142-90-021
Corporate Services Manager and Vice President Correspondence Inactive N1-142-90-022
Plant Accounting Records Inactive N1-142-91-001
TVA Energy Center Design, Plan, and Fabrication Records Inactive N1-142-91-002
Labor Relations Records Partially Superseded N1-142-91-003
Power Business Operations Records Partially Superseded N1-142-91-004
Office of Agricultural and Chemical Development Records Inactive N1-142-91-005
Bellafonte Nuclear Plant Repowering Task Force Study Inactive N1-142-91-007
Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology Program Records Inactive N1-142-91-008
Public Safety Service Uniform Incident / Offense Report N1-142-91-009
Atmospheric Science Records Inactive N1-142-91-010
Inspector General's Official Correspondence Files and Hotline Calls Database Partially Superseded N1-142-91-011
Geological Data Inactive N1-142-91-012
Employee Information System Inactive N1-142-91-013
Fixed Assets Accounting Records Partially Superseded N1-142-91-014
Retirement Membership Files and Integrated Retirement Information System (IRIS) Inactive N1-142-91-016
Quality Resources Project Files N1-142-91-017
Area Dispatch and Control Center (ADCC) System Alarm Summary Inactive N1-142-92-002
Management Financial and Statistical Reports and Accounting Records Inactive N1-142-92-003
General Counsel Central File Computerized Index Inactive N1-142-92-004
Plant Journal Vouchers Revisions Inactive N1-142-92-005
Medical Case Records Revisions N1-142-92-006
Power Accounting/General Accounting Correspondence File Inactive N1-142-92-007
Plant Depreciation Records Inactive N1-142-92-008
Hourly Water and Uncollectible Loan Records Partially Superseded N1-142-92-009
Reservoir Operations Scheduling Graphs and Procedures Inactive N1-142-92-010
Lake Improvement Plan Records N1-142-92-011
Maps and Surveys Correspondence Files, 1933-88 Inactive N1-142-92-012
Flood Protection Records Partially Superseded N1-142-92-013
Technical Suggestions N1-142-92-014
Technical Reports and Computerized Index for Water Quality and Aquatic Biology Departments Inactive N1-142-92-015
Chemical Facility Design/Build Contract, U.S. Army Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas Inactive N1-142-92-016
Engineering Drawings and Audio Tapes for the Ammonia from Coal Project Inactive N1-142-92-017
Phosphate Development Works Records Inactive N1-142-92-018
Transmission Line Crew Training Films Inactive N1-142-92-019
Compensation Case Records and Live Well Center Orientation Files Partially Superseded N1-142-92-020
Data Systems Technical File Inactive N1-142-92-021
Muscle Shoals Water Plant Operating Records Inactive N1-142-92-022
Talley Sheets related to Maps on Forest Stands Inactive N1-142-93-002
Recording Instruments Charts - Hydro and Fossil Fuel Plants Inactive N1-142-93-003
Diversity Development Program Correspondence File N1-142-93-004
Business Credit Card Support Documents Inactive N1-142-93-005
Transmission Line Profile/Substation Contour Book and Topo Books Inactive N1-142-93-006
Fossil and Hydro Power Miscellaneous Records Inactive N1-142-93-007
Foreign Media Relations Records Inactive N1-142-93-008
Employee Medical X-rays N1-142-93-009
Miscellaneous Nuclear Power Records Partially Superseded N1-142-93-010
News Releases Partially Superseded N1-142-93-011
General Managers' Calendars Inactive N1-142-93-012
Rehabilitation Case Files Inactive N1-142-93-013
Test Farm and Tennessee Farm Records Inactive N1-142-93-014
Records Information Management System (RIMS) Partially Superseded N1-142-93-015
News Video Tapes Inactive N1-142-93-016
Customer Development and Services Records Inactive N1-142-93-017
Drawings, Maps, Sketches, Manufacturers' Prints, Data, and Aperture Cards Inactive N1-142-94-001
Internal Energy Management Records N1-142-94-003
Radiation Exposure Computer Database Inactive N1-142-94-004
Correspondence/Project Files, Air and Water Resources Division Records Inactive N1-142-94-005
Payroll Deduction and Allotment Forms Inactive N1-142-94-006
Employee Opinion Survey Partially Superseded N1-142-94-007
Problem and Change Technical Assessment Meeting Records Inactive N1-142-94-008
Chief Operating Officer Correspondence N1-142-94-009
Power Manager's Records, 1934-78 Inactive N1-142-94-010
Energy Resource Planning and Engineering Correspondence and Quantum Meter Outage Reports Inactive N1-142-95-001
Heavy Equipment Contract Files Inactive N1-142-95-002
Executive Vice President Correspondence and Board Member Photos Partially Superseded N1-142-95-003
Resource Group Correspondence Inactive N1-142-95-004
Marshall Wilson Photo Collection of the Norris Reservoir N1-142-95-005
Resource Group Correspondence Inactive N1-142-95-006
Oscillogram and Transient Recorder Records Inactive N1-142-95-007
Eliminated Land Tracts Inactive N1-142-95-008
Nuclear Plants Design and Construction Drawings Inactive N1-142-95-009
Cemetery Relocation Records Inactive N1-142-95-010
Identification Coverage and Waiver of Claims (TVA Form 13037) Inactive N1-142-95-011
Human Resource Information System Inactive N1-142-95-012
Facilities Services Correspondence Inactive N1-142-95-013
Newsletters, 1934-41 Inactive N1-142-95-014
Telephone Directories, 1933- Partially Superseded N1-142-95-015
Construction Project Reports Inactive N1-142-95-016
Purchasing Correspondence Files Inactive N1-142-95-017
Photographs of TVA Substations and Related Locations Inactive N1-142-95-018
TVA Principles and Practices Inactive N1-142-95-019
Employee History Files Inactive N1-142-96-001
Succession Planning Program Files Inactive N1-142-96-002
Energy and Engineering Project Records; Materials and Procurement Records N1-142-96-003
Wind Energy Files Inactive N1-142-96-004
Building Operating Manuals and Emergency Planning Records Inactive N1-142-96-005
Corporate Identity Job Records Inactive N1-142-96-006
Fiftieth Anniversary Scrapbook Inactive N1-142-96-007
Health Services Correspondence Files Partially Superseded N1-142-96-008
Employee Concern Special Program Records N1-142-97-001
Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Records Inactive N1-142-97-002
Engineering Services Cross Section and Profiles Field Books Inactive N1-142-97-003
Benefit Services Records Inactive N1-142-97-004
Confrontational Situations Database N1-142-97-006
Air/Water Quality Charts Inactive N1-142-97-007
Orientation and Briefing Books Inactive N1-142-97-008
Aircraft Historical Equipment Maintenance Records Inactive N1-142-97-009
Communications Correspondence N1-142-97-010
Board Speeches Inactive N1-142-97-011
Meteorological and Precipitation Data Inactive N1-142-97-012
Software Configuration Management Requests Forms; ADP Publications Inactive N1-142-97-013
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Discharge Monitoring Reports Inactive N1-142-97-014
Board Members' Calendars Inactive N1-142-97-015
Water Management and Environmental Chemistry Data Systems Records N1-142-97-016
Employee Relations Correspondence Inactive N1-142-97-017
Power Manager Files Inactive N1-142-97-018
Corporate Contributions File Inactive N1-142-97-019
Water Temperature Data Inactive N1-142-97-020
U.S. Army Rocky Mountain Arsenal Mehtylphosphonic Dichloride Purification Project Records Inactive N1-142-97-021
Impact (TVA Newsletter), 1978-88 Inactive N1-142-97-022
Waiver of Posting of Management/Specialist Position Request (Form 2446) Inactive N1-142-97-023
Newspaper Clippings about Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Inactive N1-142-97-024
Drawings and Sketches for Laboratory and Pilot Plants N1-142-97-025
Records Management Correspondence Inactive N1-142-97-026
Valley Health Management Records Inactive N1-142-97-027
Board Minutes Inactive N1-142-98-001
Engineering Services Correspondence Inactive N1-142-98-002
Project Maintenance Records Inactive N1-142-98-003
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Inactive N1-142-98-004
Applications for Employment Inactive N1-142-98-005
Policy Study Conference Records N1-142-98-006
Dispatcher Logger Tapes N1-142-98-007
Fossil and Hydro Plant Procedures Records N1-142-98-008
Nuclear Power Security Records Inactive N1-142-98-010
Executives and Upper Level Management Compensation Records Inactive N1-142-98-011
Farm Detail Summary and Individual Farm Record Analysis Records Inactive N1-142-98-012
360 Degree Feedback Files Inactive N1-142-98-013
Chief Engineer's Records Inactive N1-142-98-014
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Trading Agreements Inactive N1-142-98-015
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Police Inactive N1-142-99-001
Board Chairman and Directors Records Inactive N1-142-99-002
E-Mail and Word Processing Records Inactive N1-142-99-003
Inside TVA (Newsletter) Inactive N1-142-99-004
Investigative and Audit Files Inactive N1-142-99-005
Abstracts of Title Records Inactive N1-142-99-006
Procurement Records Partially Superseded N1-142-99-007
Quality Communities CD-ROM and Economic Edge Inactive N1-142-99-008
Nuclear Work Orders Inactive N1-142-99-010
Position Vacancy Announcements Inactive N1-142-99-011
Synterprise Group: Correspondence File Inactive N1-142-99-012
Economic Development - Correspondence File N1-142-99-013
River System Operations: Project Planning, Lab Testing and Development Audio Visual Records Inactive N1-142-99-014
Year 2000 (Y2K) Compliance Records Inactive N1-142-99-015
Electronic Mail and Word Processing Copies of Records Inactive N9-142-99-001
Miscellaneous TVA Forms and Reports: Purchasing, Construction, Power, and Marketing Partially Superseded NC-142-75-001
Construction Project Production Rate Records Inactive NC-142-75-002
Ammonia Plant Operating Records Inactive NC-142-75-003
Engineering Project Histories Partially Superseded NC-142-75-004
Power System Forms Partially Superseded NC-142-75-005
Estimates for Generating Stations Suborder Work Inactive NC-142-76-001
Substation and Communication General Specifications Records Partially Superseded NC-174-000230
Nuclear Safety Review Board Minutes, Structure Analyses, and Quality Assurance Procedures Records Inactive NC1-142-76-02
Transmission Line Right-of-Way Contracts NC1-142-76-03
Division of Engineering Design Computations Inactive NC1-142-76-04
Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant - Certification Drawings Inactive NC1-142-76-05
Coal Inventory Receipts by Contract Records (TVA Form 4199A) NC1-142-76-06
Coal Sample Identification Form TVA 7413 NC1-142-76-08
Recording Instrument Charts - Hydro and Fossil Fuel Plants Inactive NC1-142-76-09
Division of Engineering Design Procurement Document File Inactive NC1-142-76-10
Periodic Inspection and Maintenance Reports of Hydro Plant Generating Units NC1-142-76-13
Construction Services Equipment Records Inactive NC1-142-76-14
Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Cable Schedule Summary Inactive NC1-142-76-15
Hartsville Nuclear Plant Access Railroad Study Inactive NC1-142-76-18
Squad Check Form TVA 10502 Inactive NC1-142-76-19
Division of Engineering Design Concrete Schedules Inactive NC1-142-76-20
Inspection and Testing Records Supporting the Verification of Nuclear Contractual Requirements Inactive NC1-142-76-21
Division of Property and Services Agendas, Meeting Minutes, Formal Applications, and Inquiries Records Partially Superseded NC1-142-76-22
Nuclear Safety Review Board Minutes NC1-142-76-23
Tennessee Valley Authority Act Records and Legal Opinions NC1-142-76-24
Office of Power Union/Management Meeting Records NC1-142-76-27
Division of Environmental Planning Administrative and Management Records Inactive NC1-142-76-28
Radiographs Inactive NC1-142-77-02
Quality Assurance Records on Procurement of Spare Parts for Equipment at Nuclear Generating Plants Inactive NC1-142-77-03
Torch Cutting, Welding, and Open-Flame Work Permits NC1-142-77-04
Concrete Data Sheets, Test Records and Related Documents for Non-Nuclear Projects Partially Superseded NC1-142-77-06
Medical Office and Health Station Field Office Records Inactive NC1-142-77-07
Office of Engineering Design and Construction Records Partially Superseded NC1-142-77-08
Plant Accounting Branch Records Partially Superseded NC1-142-78-01
Air Quality Data and Meteorological Data Inactive NC1-142-78-02
Office of Power Miscellaneous Records Partially Superseded NC1-142-78-03
Office of Power Automated Records Management System (ARMS) System Records Inactive NC1-142-78-06
Administrative Releases and Announcements Inactive NC1-142-78-08
Design Records for Russian Power Plants, 1943-45 Inactive NC1-142-79-01
Disposition of Accountable Items, and Inspection Reports for Acceptance of Completed Construction Inactive NC1-142-79-02
Control Laboratory Analytical Records Inactive NC1-142-79-03
Office of Agricultural and Chemical Development Research Notebooks Inactive NC1-142-79-04
Records of Relocation of Transmission Facilities for State Highway Departments and Other Parties NC1-142-79-05
Subsidiary Ledgers Partially Superseded NC1-142-79-06
Maintenance Branch Equipment History Records Inactive NC1-142-79-07
Released Fertilizer and Fertilizer By-Products Records Inactive NC1-142-79-08
Precipitator Daily Maintenance and Performance Records NC1-142-79-09
Woodland Resource Analysis Program Inactive NC1-142-79-11
Hydroelectric Plant Ancillary Structures Records, 1934-40 Inactive NC1-142-79-12
Reservoir and Stream Survey Data Inactive NC1-142-79-13
Division of Environmental Planning, Central Services Staff, Water Quality and Ecology Branch Miscellaneous Records NC1-142-79-14
Quality Records for the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant (CRBRP) Project Inactive NC1-142-80-01
Power Invoices NC1-142-80-02
Records of the Radiological Hygiene Branch NC1-142-80-03
Fertilizer Distribution Records Inactive NC1-142-80-04
Payroll Time Reports Inactive NC1-142-80-05
Personnel History Records Inactive NC1-142-80-06
David Lilienthal Files, 1943-46 Inactive NC1-142-80-07
Forms Files Inactive NC1-142-80-08
Work Order and Project Final Cost Report Files Inactive NC1-142-80-09
Annual Report of Municipalities and Cooperatives Inactive NC1-142-80-10
Drawings and Sketches for Laboratory and Pilot Plant Apparatus and Equipment Inactive NC1-142-80-11
Procurement Records for Design Branch Inactive NC1-142-80-12
Quality Assurance Reports NC1-142-80-13
Environmental Impact Statement File Inactive NC1-142-80-14
Radiological Hygiene Procedures Manuals NC1-142-80-15
Environmental Impact Statements Records Inactive NC1-142-80-16
Current Occupational External Radiation Exposure Records NC1-142-80-17
Farm Surveys in Vicinty of TVA Nuclear Plants and Proposed Nuclear Plant Sites Inactive NC1-142-81-03
Agricultural Energy Applications Research Source Data Inactive NC1-142-81-04
Employee Suggestion System Records Inactive NC1-142-81-05
Air Quality Program Records Inactive NC1-142-81-06
Knoxville International Visitors Center Records, 1963-68 Inactive NC1-142-81-07
Subsidiary Ledgers Inactive NC1-142-81-08
Coal Mine Quality Performance Records NC1-142-81-09
Contract Procurement Statistical Data NC1-142-81-10
Initial Forced-Outage Records NC1-142-81-11
Shop Order Work Records NC1-142-81-12
Division of Chemical Development Procurement Records NC1-142-81-13
Agricultural Flooding Survey Data on Tributaries of the Tennessee River NC1-142-81-14
Tagged Equipment Accountability Records Inactive NC1-142-81-15
Flood Relief Records Inactive NC1-142-81-16
Petitions from Alabama Residents re Appointment of D.E. Lilienthal to Board of Directors Inactive NC1-142-81-17
Security and Suitability Investigative Files Inactive NC1-142-81-18
Correspondence on Missing United States Savings Bonds NC1-142-81-19
Position Vacancy Announcement Records Inactive NC1-142-81-20
Employee Authorization Records Inactive NC1-142-81-21
Employment Application Records Inactive NC1-142-81-22
Records of the General Manager NC1-142-81-23
Personnel History Records Inactive NC1-142-81-25
Records of the Board of Directors Inactive NC1-142-81-27
Agricultural, Chemical, and Fertilizer Research and Development Technical Reports and Publications Inactive NC1-142-82-01
Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project Quality Records NC1-142-82-02
Water Temperature Data Inactive NC1-142-82-03
Medical Records Inactive NC1-142-82-04
Economic Analysis and Evaluation Data of Various Geographical Areas of the TVA Inactive NC1-142-82-05
Work File of A.D. Spottswood, 1939-45 Inactive NC1-142-82-06
Water Quality Program Correspondence Records NC1-142-82-07
Compensation Case Records Inactive NC1-142-82-08
Water Quality Data Inactive NC1-142-82-09
Quality Assurance Records on Procurement of Spare Parts for Equipment at Nuclear Generating Plants Inactive NC1-142-82-10
Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Determinations NC1-142-82-11
Strip Mine Reclamation Case Files NC1-142-82-12
Automated Records Management System (ARMS) NC1-142-82-13
Transmission Line Inspections Inactive NC1-142-82-14
Unit Status Reports NC1-142-82-15
Home Insulation Program Inactive NC1-142-82-16
U.S. Nitrate Plant No. 2 Nitrate Negatives, 1918-19 Inactive NC1-142-82-18
Training Program Records Inactive NC1-142-82-19
Wilson Dam Construction Progress Negatives NC1-142-82-20
Cycle Dependent Startup Data NC1-142-83-01
Nuclear Plant Document Control System NC1-142-83-02
Nuclear Power Recorder Charts Inactive NC1-142-83-03
Analytical Reports Files Inactive NC1-142-83-04
Personnel Division Machine Readable Records Inactive NC1-142-83-05
Tennessee Electric Power Company (TEPCO) Inactive NC1-142-83-07
Quality Assurance Records Inactive NC1-142-83-08
Procurement Document Records Inactive NC1-142-83-09
Division of Nuclear Power Workplan Records NC1-142-83-10
Labor Relations Records Partially Superseded NC1-142-83-11
TVA Annual Employees' Mortality Cohort Records NC1-142-83-12
Office of Agricultural and Chemical Development, Activity and Progress Reports Partially Superseded NC1-142-83-14
Oral History Records Inactive NC1-142-83-15
Office of Economic and Community Development Records Inactive NC1-142-83-16
Forestry Relations Correspondence Inactive NC1-142-83-17
Quality Assurance Records Inactive NC1-142-83-18
Public Safety Services Records Inactive NC1-142-83-19
Dosimetry Program Records NC1-142-84-01
Materials Management System (MAMS) Automated Data Processing Control Records Inactive NC1-142-84-02
Minority Group Action and Manpower Statistics File NC1-142-84-03
Personal Services and Consultant Contracts Inactive NC1-142-84-04
Occupational Health Branch Work Assignment Files NC1-142-84-05
Environmental Impact Statements from Other Entities Inactive NC1-142-84-06
Project/Tract and Land Voucher Files Inactive NC1-142-84-07
Public Safety Service Records Partially Superseded NC1-142-84-08
Division of Personnel Records Partially Superseded NC1-142-84-09
Supervisory/Administrative Files Inactive NC1-142-84-10
Tornado Missile Penetration Testing Records Inactive NC1-142-85-01
Rehabilitation Casework Records Inactive NC1-142-85-02
Forestry Relations Correspondence File Inactive NC1-142-85-03
Videorecording of Reorganization NC1-142-85-04
Economic and Community Development Program Records Partially Superseded NC1-142-85-05
Electric Sales Statistical Data Inactive NC1-142-85-06
Flood Routing Studies Inactive NC1-142-85-07
Reservoir Flood Information Inactive NC1-142-85-08
Board of Directors and General Manager Records Inactive NC1-142-85-09
Medical Services Records Partially Superseded NC1-142-85-10
Document Control Logs and TVA Item Identification Code Logs NC1-142-85-11
Power Program Function Records Partially Superseded NC1-142-85-12
General Counsel Central File NC1-142-85-13
Division of Management Systems Records Partially Superseded NC1-142-85-14
Division of Purchasing Records Partially Superseded NC1-142-85-15
Division of Occupational Health and Safety Records Partially Superseded NC1-142-85-16
Wildlife Food Production License NN-174-000052