Title | Number/Filename |
Tennessee Valley Authority [Capstone Form] |
GRS-6-1-0142-2023-0001 |
Education and Training Records Inactive |
N1-142-00-001 |
Key Indicators Files Inactive |
N1-142-00-002 |
Records of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) |
N1-142-00-003 |
Year 2000 (Y2K) Validation Records Inactive |
N1-142-00-004 |
Dam Safety Inspection Reports Inactive |
N1-142-00-005 |
Pipeline Records Inactive |
N1-142-00-006 |
Recording Instrument Charts Inactive |
N1-142-00-007 |
Correspondence File for Office of Minority Resources, 1990-1994 Inactive |
N1-142-01-001 |
Power Resources and Operations Planning Records Partially Superseded |
N1-142-01-002 |
Medical Evaluation Data and Image Control System (MEDICS) Inactive |
N1-142-01-003 |
Surveying Records Inactive |
N1-142-01-004 |
Records and Information Management System (RIMS) |
N1-142-01-005 |
Analytical Reports, Division of Research, River Systems Operations Inactive |
N1-142-01-006 |
Education, Training, and Diversity Records Inactive |
N1-142-02-001 |
Fossil Power Group Safety Records Inactive |
N1-142-02-002 |
River System Operations and Environment: Maps and Surveys Inactive |
N1-142-02-003 |
Generating Plant Daily Operating Records Inactive |
N1-142-03-002 |
Design and Construction Drawings Inactive |
N1-142-03-003 |
Environmental Records Inactive |
N1-142-03-004 |
Pipeline Electric Drive Compression Records |
N1-142-04-001 |
Equipment Calibration Records |
N1-142-04-002 |
Radiation Protection Program Files Inactive |
N1-142-04-003 |
Department of Labor Appeals |
N1-142-04-004 |
Fossil Power Group, Heavy Equipment Tool Management Records |
N1-142-04-005 |
Regulatory Compliance Workplace Inspections Inactive |
N1-142-04-006 |
TVA Today Newsletter Inactive |
N1-142-04-007 |
Risk Analysis and Risk Management System |
N1-142-04-008 |
Relay Information and Setting Sheets |
N1-142-04-009 |
Technical Training Records Inactive |
N1-142-05-001 |
Human Resources: Automated Training Information System (ATIS) |
N1-142-05-002 |
Nuclear Quality Assurance, Vendor Document, and Recorder Charts Inactive |
N1-142-05-003 |
Siting and Environmental Design Records |
N1-142-06-002 |
Test Score Database Inactive |
N1-142-07-001 |
Board's Events Planning Records Inactive |
N1-142-07-002 |
Weld X-ray Film |
N1-142-07-003 |
Financial, Performance, Accountability, and Audit Records Partially Superseded |
N1-142-08-001 |
General Ledger Transaction Records Inactive |
N1-142-08-002 |
MAXIMO/EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) Inactive |
N1-142-09-004 |
Comprehensive Records Schedule |
N1-142-10-001 |
Division of Property and Services Records Partially Superseded |
N1-142-86-001 |
Nuclear Generating Plants Part Procurement Quality Assurance Records |
N1-142-86-002 |
Site Planting and Planning Drawings, 1951-75 Inactive |
N1-142-86-003 |
North Alabama Coal to Methanol Project Case Files Inactive |
N1-142-86-004 |
Records Information Management System (RIMS) Partially Superseded |
N1-142-86-005 |
Historic Photographs Promoting Use of Electricity Inactive |
N1-142-86-006 |
Support Documents Related to Power Service Shops Operations |
N1-142-86-007 |
Materials Handling Equipment Inspection Reports |
N1-142-86-008 |
Radwaste Cask Lines Inspection Reports |
N1-142-86-009 |
Quality Assurance Training, Qualifications or Certification of Personnel Inactive |
N1-142-86-010 |
Inspection Reports for Material and Equipment |
N1-142-86-011 |
Nuclear Plant Deferral Disposition Records Inactive |
N1-142-86-012 |
Emergency Response Unit Weekly Inspection Sheets Inactive |
N1-142-86-013 |
Substation Maintenance Records Inactive |
N1-142-87-001 |
Training Program Records Inactive |
N1-142-87-002 |
Energy Package Program Records |
N1-142-87-003 |
Acquired Utility Property Records Inactive |
N1-142-87-004 |
Set-Up (Employee Newsletter) Inactive |
N1-142-87-005 |
Analysis Study Reports Inactive |
N1-142-87-006 |
Office of Agricultural and Chemical Development (OACD) Still Picture Files Inactive |
N1-142-87-007 |
Regional Studies Architectural Records, 1940-48 Inactive |
N1-142-87-008 |
Power Function Construction and General Activities Photographs Inactive |
N1-142-87-009 |
Division of Energy Use and Distributor Relations Partially Superseded |
N1-142-87-010 |
Progress Reports of Land Transactions Inactive |
N1-142-87-011 |
Civil Works Administration Project Reports, 1934-35 Inactive |
N1-142-87-012 |
Power Program Records |
N1-142-87-013 |
Management Training and Development (Fast Track) Program Records Inactive |
N1-142-88-001 |
Inventory Control System Inactive |
N1-142-88-002 |
Townlift Program Records, 1963-83 Inactive |
N1-142-88-003 |
Resource Development Group Data Systems Records Inactive |
N1-142-88-004 |
Report of Known or Suspected Occupation-Related Condition Inactive |
N1-142-88-005 |
Natural Resource Manager's Correspondence File Inactive |
N1-142-88-006 |
Eastern and Western Area Property and Supply Units Procurement Records Inactive |
N1-142-88-007 |
Methods of Billing for Transmission Inactive |
N1-142-88-008 |
Travel Records Inactive |
N1-142-88-009 |
Engineering Laboratory Records Partially Superseded |
N1-142-88-010 |
Project Property Records Inactive |
N1-142-88-011 |
Commercial and Industrial Energy Survey Records Inactive |
N1-142-88-012 |
General Ledgers and Trial Balances Inactive |
N1-142-88-013 |
Division of Reservoir Properties (DRP) Correspondence, 1937-79 Inactive |
N1-142-88-014 |
Board Meeting Audio and Video Tapes Partially Superseded |
N1-142-88-015 |
Psychological Case Records and Employee Assistance Program Files Partially Superseded |
N1-142-88-018 |
Recreation Resources Map File, 1933-Present Inactive |
N1-142-89-001 |
Washington Office Records Partially Superseded |
N1-142-89-002 |
Resource Development Group, Environmental Quality Staff Correspondence Partially Superseded |
N1-142-89-003 |
Industrial Development Staff Work Files on Tellico, 1965-84 Inactive |
N1-142-89-004 |
Inspector General - Policy Files and Semiannual Report to Congress Files Partially Superseded |
N1-142-89-005 |
Educational and Promotional Films Inactive |
N1-142-89-006 |
Forestry Photographs, 1930s-1970s Inactive |
N1-142-89-008 |
Office of Natural Resources and Economic Development (ONRED) and Division of Land and Economic Development Correspondence Partially Superseded |
N1-142-89-009 |
Water Leak Detection and Water Log Database Inactive |
N1-142-89-010 |
Workers' Compensation Case Records Inactive |
N1-142-89-011 |
Human Resources Official Correspondence Partially Superseded |
N1-142-89-012 |
Copy Machine Contract Records Inactive |
N1-142-89-013 |
Project Authorizations, Master Budget File Partially Superseded |
N1-142-89-014 |
Routine Procurement Files Inactive |
N1-142-89-015 |
Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Records Partially Superseded |
N1-142-89-016 |
Water Quality and Aquatic Biology Mission Correspondence Inactive |
N1-142-89-017 |
Kodak Negative File Inactive |
N1-142-89-018 |
Contractor History Record and Contract Information System Inactive |
N1-142-89-019 |
Governmental and Public Affairs Correspondence, Citizens Action Line Records |
N1-142-89-021 |
Energy Use Publications, Films Slides and Videos Partially Superseded |
N1-142-89-022 |
Solar Pond Slides and Photographs Inactive |
N1-142-89-023 |
Radiation Safety and Control Records |
N1-142-90-001 |
Reservoir Operations Support Files Inactive |
N1-142-90-002 |
Power Engineering and Construction Estimating Files Inactive |
N1-142-90-003 |
Purchasing Correspondence Files Inactive |
N1-142-90-004 |
Pre-ARMS records of the Division of Power System Operations (PSO) Inactive |
N1-142-90-005 |
Equal Opportunity Correspondence Files |
N1-142-90-006 |
TVA History Timeline and Database Inactive |
N1-142-90-007 |
Discharge Monitoring Report Generating System Inactive |
N1-142-90-008 |
Cost Allocations for Multipurpose Dams and Reservoirs Inactive |
N1-142-90-009 |
Time-Reporting Records Inactive |
N1-142-90-010 |
Discrimination Complaint Case Files Inactive |
N1-142-90-012 |
Health Risk Appraisals and Live Well Program Records |
N1-142-90-013 |
Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Records Partially Superseded |
N1-142-90-014 |
Hydrographs of the Daily Flow and Elevations of Water in the TVA Reservoir System Inactive |
N1-142-90-015 |
Flood Protection Correspondence, 1933-88 Inactive |
N1-142-90-016 |
Land Between the Lakes Records |
N1-142-90-017 |
Project Tract and Land Voucher Files Inactive |
N1-142-90-019 |
Planning and Budget Correspondence, 1933-88 Inactive |
N1-142-90-020 |
Media Release Films and Videotapes Inactive |
N1-142-90-021 |
Corporate Services Manager and Vice President Correspondence Inactive |
N1-142-90-022 |
Plant Accounting Records Inactive |
N1-142-91-001 |
TVA Energy Center Design, Plan, and Fabrication Records Inactive |
N1-142-91-002 |
Labor Relations Records Partially Superseded |
N1-142-91-003 |
Power Business Operations Records Partially Superseded |
N1-142-91-004 |
Office of Agricultural and Chemical Development Records Inactive |
N1-142-91-005 |
Bellafonte Nuclear Plant Repowering Task Force Study Inactive |
N1-142-91-007 |
Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology Program Records Inactive |
N1-142-91-008 |
Public Safety Service Uniform Incident / Offense Report |
N1-142-91-009 |
Atmospheric Science Records Inactive |
N1-142-91-010 |
Inspector General's Official Correspondence Files and Hotline Calls Database Partially Superseded |
N1-142-91-011 |
Geological Data Inactive |
N1-142-91-012 |
Employee Information System Inactive |
N1-142-91-013 |
Fixed Assets Accounting Records Partially Superseded |
N1-142-91-014 |
Retirement Membership Files and Integrated Retirement Information System (IRIS) Inactive |
N1-142-91-016 |
Quality Resources Project Files |
N1-142-91-017 |
Area Dispatch and Control Center (ADCC) System Alarm Summary Inactive |
N1-142-92-002 |
Management Financial and Statistical Reports and Accounting Records Inactive |
N1-142-92-003 |
General Counsel Central File Computerized Index Inactive |
N1-142-92-004 |
Plant Journal Vouchers Revisions Inactive |
N1-142-92-005 |
Medical Case Records Revisions |
N1-142-92-006 |
Power Accounting/General Accounting Correspondence File Inactive |
N1-142-92-007 |
Plant Depreciation Records Inactive |
N1-142-92-008 |
Hourly Water and Uncollectible Loan Records Partially Superseded |
N1-142-92-009 |
Reservoir Operations Scheduling Graphs and Procedures Inactive |
N1-142-92-010 |
Lake Improvement Plan Records |
N1-142-92-011 |
Maps and Surveys Correspondence Files, 1933-88 Inactive |
N1-142-92-012 |
Flood Protection Records Partially Superseded |
N1-142-92-013 |
Technical Suggestions |
N1-142-92-014 |
Technical Reports and Computerized Index for Water Quality and Aquatic Biology Departments Inactive |
N1-142-92-015 |
Chemical Facility Design/Build Contract, U.S. Army Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas Inactive |
N1-142-92-016 |
Engineering Drawings and Audio Tapes for the Ammonia from Coal Project Inactive |
N1-142-92-017 |
Phosphate Development Works Records Inactive |
N1-142-92-018 |
Transmission Line Crew Training Films Inactive |
N1-142-92-019 |
Compensation Case Records and Live Well Center Orientation Files Partially Superseded |
N1-142-92-020 |
Data Systems Technical File Inactive |
N1-142-92-021 |
Muscle Shoals Water Plant Operating Records Inactive |
N1-142-92-022 |
Talley Sheets related to Maps on Forest Stands Inactive |
N1-142-93-002 |
Recording Instruments Charts - Hydro and Fossil Fuel Plants Inactive |
N1-142-93-003 |
Diversity Development Program Correspondence File |
N1-142-93-004 |
Business Credit Card Support Documents Inactive |
N1-142-93-005 |
Transmission Line Profile/Substation Contour Book and Topo Books Inactive |
N1-142-93-006 |
Fossil and Hydro Power Miscellaneous Records Inactive |
N1-142-93-007 |
Foreign Media Relations Records Inactive |
N1-142-93-008 |
Employee Medical X-rays |
N1-142-93-009 |
Miscellaneous Nuclear Power Records Partially Superseded |
N1-142-93-010 |
News Releases Partially Superseded |
N1-142-93-011 |
General Managers' Calendars Inactive |
N1-142-93-012 |
Rehabilitation Case Files Inactive |
N1-142-93-013 |
Test Farm and Tennessee Farm Records Inactive |
N1-142-93-014 |
Records Information Management System (RIMS) Partially Superseded |
N1-142-93-015 |
News Video Tapes Inactive |
N1-142-93-016 |
Customer Development and Services Records Inactive |
N1-142-93-017 |
Drawings, Maps, Sketches, Manufacturers' Prints, Data, and Aperture Cards Inactive |
N1-142-94-001 |
Internal Energy Management Records |
N1-142-94-003 |
Radiation Exposure Computer Database Inactive |
N1-142-94-004 |
Correspondence/Project Files, Air and Water Resources Division Records Inactive |
N1-142-94-005 |
Payroll Deduction and Allotment Forms Inactive |
N1-142-94-006 |
Employee Opinion Survey Partially Superseded |
N1-142-94-007 |
Problem and Change Technical Assessment Meeting Records Inactive |
N1-142-94-008 |
Chief Operating Officer Correspondence |
N1-142-94-009 |
Power Manager's Records, 1934-78 Inactive |
N1-142-94-010 |
Energy Resource Planning and Engineering Correspondence and Quantum Meter Outage Reports Inactive |
N1-142-95-001 |
Heavy Equipment Contract Files Inactive |
N1-142-95-002 |
Executive Vice President Correspondence and Board Member Photos Partially Superseded |
N1-142-95-003 |
Resource Group Correspondence Inactive |
N1-142-95-004 |
Marshall Wilson Photo Collection of the Norris Reservoir |
N1-142-95-005 |
Resource Group Correspondence Inactive |
N1-142-95-006 |
Oscillogram and Transient Recorder Records Inactive |
N1-142-95-007 |
Eliminated Land Tracts Inactive |
N1-142-95-008 |
Nuclear Plants Design and Construction Drawings Inactive |
N1-142-95-009 |
Cemetery Relocation Records Inactive |
N1-142-95-010 |
Identification Coverage and Waiver of Claims (TVA Form 13037) Inactive |
N1-142-95-011 |
Human Resource Information System Inactive |
N1-142-95-012 |
Facilities Services Correspondence Inactive |
N1-142-95-013 |
Newsletters, 1934-41 Inactive |
N1-142-95-014 |
Telephone Directories, 1933- Partially Superseded |
N1-142-95-015 |
Construction Project Reports Inactive |
N1-142-95-016 |
Purchasing Correspondence Files Inactive |
N1-142-95-017 |
Photographs of TVA Substations and Related Locations Inactive |
N1-142-95-018 |
TVA Principles and Practices Inactive |
N1-142-95-019 |
Employee History Files Inactive |
N1-142-96-001 |
Succession Planning Program Files Inactive |
N1-142-96-002 |
Energy and Engineering Project Records; Materials and Procurement Records |
N1-142-96-003 |
Wind Energy Files Inactive |
N1-142-96-004 |
Building Operating Manuals and Emergency Planning Records Inactive |
N1-142-96-005 |
Corporate Identity Job Records Inactive |
N1-142-96-006 |
Fiftieth Anniversary Scrapbook Inactive |
N1-142-96-007 |
Health Services Correspondence Files Partially Superseded |
N1-142-96-008 |
Employee Concern Special Program Records |
N1-142-97-001 |
Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Records Inactive |
N1-142-97-002 |
Engineering Services Cross Section and Profiles Field Books Inactive |
N1-142-97-003 |
Benefit Services Records Inactive |
N1-142-97-004 |
Confrontational Situations Database |
N1-142-97-006 |
Air/Water Quality Charts Inactive |
N1-142-97-007 |
Orientation and Briefing Books Inactive |
N1-142-97-008 |
Aircraft Historical Equipment Maintenance Records Inactive |
N1-142-97-009 |
Communications Correspondence |
N1-142-97-010 |
Board Speeches Inactive |
N1-142-97-011 |
Meteorological and Precipitation Data Inactive |
N1-142-97-012 |
Software Configuration Management Requests Forms; ADP Publications Inactive |
N1-142-97-013 |
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Discharge Monitoring Reports Inactive |
N1-142-97-014 |
Board Members' Calendars Inactive |
N1-142-97-015 |
Water Management and Environmental Chemistry Data Systems Records |
N1-142-97-016 |
Employee Relations Correspondence Inactive |
N1-142-97-017 |
Power Manager Files Inactive |
N1-142-97-018 |
Corporate Contributions File Inactive |
N1-142-97-019 |
Water Temperature Data Inactive |
N1-142-97-020 |
U.S. Army Rocky Mountain Arsenal Mehtylphosphonic Dichloride Purification Project Records Inactive |
N1-142-97-021 |
Impact (TVA Newsletter), 1978-88 Inactive |
N1-142-97-022 |
Waiver of Posting of Management/Specialist Position Request (Form 2446) Inactive |
N1-142-97-023 |
Newspaper Clippings about Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Inactive |
N1-142-97-024 |
Drawings and Sketches for Laboratory and Pilot Plants |
N1-142-97-025 |
Records Management Correspondence Inactive |
N1-142-97-026 |
Valley Health Management Records Inactive |
N1-142-97-027 |
Board Minutes Inactive |
N1-142-98-001 |
Engineering Services Correspondence Inactive |
N1-142-98-002 |
Project Maintenance Records Inactive |
N1-142-98-003 |
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Inactive |
N1-142-98-004 |
Applications for Employment Inactive |
N1-142-98-005 |
Policy Study Conference Records |
N1-142-98-006 |
Dispatcher Logger Tapes |
N1-142-98-007 |
Fossil and Hydro Plant Procedures Records |
N1-142-98-008 |
Nuclear Power Security Records Inactive |
N1-142-98-010 |
Executives and Upper Level Management Compensation Records Inactive |
N1-142-98-011 |
Farm Detail Summary and Individual Farm Record Analysis Records Inactive |
N1-142-98-012 |
360 Degree Feedback Files Inactive |
N1-142-98-013 |
Chief Engineer's Records Inactive |
N1-142-98-014 |
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Trading Agreements Inactive |
N1-142-98-015 |
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Police Inactive |
N1-142-99-001 |
Board Chairman and Directors Records Inactive |
N1-142-99-002 |
E-Mail and Word Processing Records Inactive |
N1-142-99-003 |
Inside TVA (Newsletter) Inactive |
N1-142-99-004 |
Investigative and Audit Files Inactive |
N1-142-99-005 |
Abstracts of Title Records Inactive |
N1-142-99-006 |
Procurement Records Partially Superseded |
N1-142-99-007 |
Quality Communities CD-ROM and Economic Edge Inactive |
N1-142-99-008 |
Nuclear Work Orders Inactive |
N1-142-99-010 |
Position Vacancy Announcements Inactive |
N1-142-99-011 |
Synterprise Group: Correspondence File Inactive |
N1-142-99-012 |
Economic Development - Correspondence File |
N1-142-99-013 |
River System Operations: Project Planning, Lab Testing and Development Audio Visual Records Inactive |
N1-142-99-014 |
Year 2000 (Y2K) Compliance Records Inactive |
N1-142-99-015 |
Electronic Mail and Word Processing Copies of Records Inactive |
N9-142-99-001 |
Miscellaneous TVA Forms and Reports: Purchasing, Construction, Power, and Marketing Partially Superseded |
NC-142-75-001 |
Construction Project Production Rate Records Inactive |
NC-142-75-002 |
Ammonia Plant Operating Records Inactive |
NC-142-75-003 |
Engineering Project Histories Partially Superseded |
NC-142-75-004 |
Power System Forms Partially Superseded |
NC-142-75-005 |
Estimates for Generating Stations Suborder Work Inactive |
NC-142-76-001 |
Substation and Communication General Specifications Records Partially Superseded |
NC-174-000230 |
Nuclear Safety Review Board Minutes, Structure Analyses, and Quality Assurance Procedures Records Inactive |
NC1-142-76-02 |
Transmission Line Right-of-Way Contracts |
NC1-142-76-03 |
Division of Engineering Design Computations Inactive |
NC1-142-76-04 |
Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant - Certification Drawings Inactive |
NC1-142-76-05 |
Coal Inventory Receipts by Contract Records (TVA Form 4199A) |
NC1-142-76-06 |
Coal Sample Identification Form TVA 7413 |
NC1-142-76-08 |
Recording Instrument Charts - Hydro and Fossil Fuel Plants Inactive |
NC1-142-76-09 |
Division of Engineering Design Procurement Document File Inactive |
NC1-142-76-10 |
Periodic Inspection and Maintenance Reports of Hydro Plant Generating Units |
NC1-142-76-13 |
Construction Services Equipment Records Inactive |
NC1-142-76-14 |
Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Cable Schedule Summary Inactive |
NC1-142-76-15 |
Hartsville Nuclear Plant Access Railroad Study Inactive |
NC1-142-76-18 |
Squad Check Form TVA 10502 Inactive |
NC1-142-76-19 |
Division of Engineering Design Concrete Schedules Inactive |
NC1-142-76-20 |
Inspection and Testing Records Supporting the Verification of Nuclear Contractual Requirements Inactive |
NC1-142-76-21 |
Division of Property and Services Agendas, Meeting Minutes, Formal Applications, and Inquiries Records Partially Superseded |
NC1-142-76-22 |
Nuclear Safety Review Board Minutes |
NC1-142-76-23 |
Tennessee Valley Authority Act Records and Legal Opinions |
NC1-142-76-24 |
Office of Power Union/Management Meeting Records |
NC1-142-76-27 |
Division of Environmental Planning Administrative and Management Records Inactive |
NC1-142-76-28 |
Radiographs Inactive |
NC1-142-77-02 |
Quality Assurance Records on Procurement of Spare Parts for Equipment at Nuclear Generating Plants Inactive |
NC1-142-77-03 |
Torch Cutting, Welding, and Open-Flame Work Permits |
NC1-142-77-04 |
Concrete Data Sheets, Test Records and Related Documents for Non-Nuclear Projects Partially Superseded |
NC1-142-77-06 |
Medical Office and Health Station Field Office Records Inactive |
NC1-142-77-07 |
Office of Engineering Design and Construction Records Partially Superseded |
NC1-142-77-08 |
Plant Accounting Branch Records Partially Superseded |
NC1-142-78-01 |
Air Quality Data and Meteorological Data Inactive |
NC1-142-78-02 |
Office of Power Miscellaneous Records Partially Superseded |
NC1-142-78-03 |
Office of Power Automated Records Management System (ARMS) System Records Inactive |
NC1-142-78-06 |
Administrative Releases and Announcements Inactive |
NC1-142-78-08 |
Design Records for Russian Power Plants, 1943-45 Inactive |
NC1-142-79-01 |
Disposition of Accountable Items, and Inspection Reports for Acceptance of Completed Construction Inactive |
NC1-142-79-02 |
Control Laboratory Analytical Records Inactive |
NC1-142-79-03 |
Office of Agricultural and Chemical Development Research Notebooks Inactive |
NC1-142-79-04 |
Records of Relocation of Transmission Facilities for State Highway Departments and Other Parties |
NC1-142-79-05 |
Subsidiary Ledgers Partially Superseded |
NC1-142-79-06 |
Maintenance Branch Equipment History Records Inactive |
NC1-142-79-07 |
Released Fertilizer and Fertilizer By-Products Records Inactive |
NC1-142-79-08 |
Precipitator Daily Maintenance and Performance Records |
NC1-142-79-09 |
Woodland Resource Analysis Program Inactive |
NC1-142-79-11 |
Hydroelectric Plant Ancillary Structures Records, 1934-40 Inactive |
NC1-142-79-12 |
Reservoir and Stream Survey Data Inactive |
NC1-142-79-13 |
Division of Environmental Planning, Central Services Staff, Water Quality and Ecology Branch Miscellaneous Records |
NC1-142-79-14 |
Quality Records for the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant (CRBRP) Project Inactive |
NC1-142-80-01 |
Power Invoices |
NC1-142-80-02 |
Records of the Radiological Hygiene Branch |
NC1-142-80-03 |
Fertilizer Distribution Records Inactive |
NC1-142-80-04 |
Payroll Time Reports Inactive |
NC1-142-80-05 |
Personnel History Records Inactive |
NC1-142-80-06 |
David Lilienthal Files, 1943-46 Inactive |
NC1-142-80-07 |
Forms Files Inactive |
NC1-142-80-08 |
Work Order and Project Final Cost Report Files Inactive |
NC1-142-80-09 |
Annual Report of Municipalities and Cooperatives Inactive |
NC1-142-80-10 |
Drawings and Sketches for Laboratory and Pilot Plant Apparatus and Equipment Inactive |
NC1-142-80-11 |
Procurement Records for Design Branch Inactive |
NC1-142-80-12 |
Quality Assurance Reports |
NC1-142-80-13 |
Environmental Impact Statement File Inactive |
NC1-142-80-14 |
Radiological Hygiene Procedures Manuals |
NC1-142-80-15 |
Environmental Impact Statements Records Inactive |
NC1-142-80-16 |
Current Occupational External Radiation Exposure Records |
NC1-142-80-17 |
Farm Surveys in Vicinty of TVA Nuclear Plants and Proposed Nuclear Plant Sites Inactive |
NC1-142-81-03 |
Agricultural Energy Applications Research Source Data Inactive |
NC1-142-81-04 |
Employee Suggestion System Records Inactive |
NC1-142-81-05 |
Air Quality Program Records Inactive |
NC1-142-81-06 |
Knoxville International Visitors Center Records, 1963-68 Inactive |
NC1-142-81-07 |
Subsidiary Ledgers Inactive |
NC1-142-81-08 |
Coal Mine Quality Performance Records |
NC1-142-81-09 |
Contract Procurement Statistical Data |
NC1-142-81-10 |
Initial Forced-Outage Records |
NC1-142-81-11 |
Shop Order Work Records |
NC1-142-81-12 |
Division of Chemical Development Procurement Records |
NC1-142-81-13 |
Agricultural Flooding Survey Data on Tributaries of the Tennessee River |
NC1-142-81-14 |
Tagged Equipment Accountability Records Inactive |
NC1-142-81-15 |
Flood Relief Records Inactive |
NC1-142-81-16 |
Petitions from Alabama Residents re Appointment of D.E. Lilienthal to Board of Directors Inactive |
NC1-142-81-17 |
Security and Suitability Investigative Files Inactive |
NC1-142-81-18 |
Correspondence on Missing United States Savings Bonds |
NC1-142-81-19 |
Position Vacancy Announcement Records Inactive |
NC1-142-81-20 |
Employee Authorization Records Inactive |
NC1-142-81-21 |
Employment Application Records Inactive |
NC1-142-81-22 |
Records of the General Manager |
NC1-142-81-23 |
Personnel History Records Inactive |
NC1-142-81-25 |
Records of the Board of Directors Inactive |
NC1-142-81-27 |
Agricultural, Chemical, and Fertilizer Research and Development Technical Reports and Publications Inactive |
NC1-142-82-01 |
Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project Quality Records |
NC1-142-82-02 |
Water Temperature Data Inactive |
NC1-142-82-03 |
Medical Records Inactive |
NC1-142-82-04 |
Economic Analysis and Evaluation Data of Various Geographical Areas of the TVA Inactive |
NC1-142-82-05 |
Work File of A.D. Spottswood, 1939-45 Inactive |
NC1-142-82-06 |
Water Quality Program Correspondence Records |
NC1-142-82-07 |
Compensation Case Records Inactive |
NC1-142-82-08 |
Water Quality Data Inactive |
NC1-142-82-09 |
Quality Assurance Records on Procurement of Spare Parts for Equipment at Nuclear Generating Plants Inactive |
NC1-142-82-10 |
Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Determinations |
NC1-142-82-11 |
Strip Mine Reclamation Case Files |
NC1-142-82-12 |
Automated Records Management System (ARMS) |
NC1-142-82-13 |
Transmission Line Inspections Inactive |
NC1-142-82-14 |
Unit Status Reports |
NC1-142-82-15 |
Home Insulation Program Inactive |
NC1-142-82-16 |
U.S. Nitrate Plant No. 2 Nitrate Negatives, 1918-19 Inactive |
NC1-142-82-18 |
Training Program Records Inactive |
NC1-142-82-19 |
Wilson Dam Construction Progress Negatives |
NC1-142-82-20 |
Cycle Dependent Startup Data |
NC1-142-83-01 |
Nuclear Plant Document Control System |
NC1-142-83-02 |
Nuclear Power Recorder Charts Inactive |
NC1-142-83-03 |
Analytical Reports Files Inactive |
NC1-142-83-04 |
Personnel Division Machine Readable Records Inactive |
NC1-142-83-05 |
Tennessee Electric Power Company (TEPCO) Inactive |
NC1-142-83-07 |
Quality Assurance Records Inactive |
NC1-142-83-08 |
Procurement Document Records Inactive |
NC1-142-83-09 |
Division of Nuclear Power Workplan Records |
NC1-142-83-10 |
Labor Relations Records Partially Superseded |
NC1-142-83-11 |
TVA Annual Employees' Mortality Cohort Records |
NC1-142-83-12 |
Office of Agricultural and Chemical Development, Activity and Progress Reports Partially Superseded |
NC1-142-83-14 |
Oral History Records Inactive |
NC1-142-83-15 |
Office of Economic and Community Development Records Inactive |
NC1-142-83-16 |
Forestry Relations Correspondence Inactive |
NC1-142-83-17 |
Quality Assurance Records Inactive |
NC1-142-83-18 |
Public Safety Services Records Inactive |
NC1-142-83-19 |
Dosimetry Program Records |
NC1-142-84-01 |
Materials Management System (MAMS) Automated Data Processing Control Records Inactive |
NC1-142-84-02 |
Minority Group Action and Manpower Statistics File |
NC1-142-84-03 |
Personal Services and Consultant Contracts Inactive |
NC1-142-84-04 |
Occupational Health Branch Work Assignment Files |
NC1-142-84-05 |
Environmental Impact Statements from Other Entities Inactive |
NC1-142-84-06 |
Project/Tract and Land Voucher Files Inactive |
NC1-142-84-07 |
Public Safety Service Records Partially Superseded |
NC1-142-84-08 |
Division of Personnel Records Partially Superseded |
NC1-142-84-09 |
Supervisory/Administrative Files Inactive |
NC1-142-84-10 |
Tornado Missile Penetration Testing Records Inactive |
NC1-142-85-01 |
Rehabilitation Casework Records Inactive |
NC1-142-85-02 |
Forestry Relations Correspondence File Inactive |
NC1-142-85-03 |
Videorecording of Reorganization |
NC1-142-85-04 |
Economic and Community Development Program Records Partially Superseded |
NC1-142-85-05 |
Electric Sales Statistical Data Inactive |
NC1-142-85-06 |
Flood Routing Studies Inactive |
NC1-142-85-07 |
Reservoir Flood Information Inactive |
NC1-142-85-08 |
Board of Directors and General Manager Records Inactive |
NC1-142-85-09 |
Medical Services Records Partially Superseded |
NC1-142-85-10 |
Document Control Logs and TVA Item Identification Code Logs |
NC1-142-85-11 |
Power Program Function Records Partially Superseded |
NC1-142-85-12 |
General Counsel Central File |
NC1-142-85-13 |
Division of Management Systems Records Partially Superseded |
NC1-142-85-14 |
Division of Purchasing Records Partially Superseded |
NC1-142-85-15 |
Division of Occupational Health and Safety Records Partially Superseded |
NC1-142-85-16 |
Wildlife Food Production License |
NN-174-000052 |